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Discover 476 research papers published on
1st January, 2013 starting with "7"

7 Aerobic Methylotrophic Prokaryotes
7 – Pulp therapy for primary and immature permanent teeth
7 GHz MMIC GaN Doherty Power Amplifier With 47% Efficiency at 7 dB Output Back-Off
708-km Combined WDM/SDM Transmission over Few-Mode Fiber Supporting 12 Spatial and Polarization Modes
7 de octubre
7 – Frugal innovation
‘‘70th Birthday Professor Riederer’’ Induction of glial cell line-derived and brain-derived neurotrophic factors by rasagiline and (−)deprenyl: a way to a disease-modifying therapy?
7.2 Huronian-Age Glaciation
70th Anniversary Conference on 'From plough through practice to policy' Symposium 3: Obesity-related cancers The gut microbial metabolome: modulation of cancer risk in obese individuals
7.11 Rill and Gully Development Processes
7. The Logical Basis of Linguistic Theory
7,8-dihydro-8-oxoadenine, a highly mutagenic adduct, is repaired by Escherichia coli and human mismatch-specific uracil/thymine-DNA glycosylases
7-Transfer and Uptake of Dioxins and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) into Sheep: a Case Study. Persistent Organic Pollutants and Toxic Metals in Foods
7.17 Processes, Transport, Deposition, and Landforms: Rockfall
7 Tesla MRI demonstrates vascular pathology in Balo's concentric sclerosis.
7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
7.25 Lateral Spreading
70 – Immunization in developing countries
7 From Body to Knowledge: Perception and Cognition in Khwe-||Ani and Ts'ixa
7. Ease and persuasion: Multiple processes, meanings, and effects
7 – The Processing of Pitch Combinations
7 Pelagic Oxygen Minimum Zone Microbial Communities
73 – Regulation and testing of vaccines‡
76 – Vaccine safety
7.13 – Carbon
7 – Fat and fatty acids
71 – Community immunity
7.7 The Earliest Phosphorites: Radical Change in the Phosphorus Cycle During the Palaeoproterozoic
7.32 Hillslope Processes in Temperate Environments
7 – Diagnostic Cytopathology in Clinical Oncology
7 – Effects of resin and reinforcement variations on fatigue resistance of wind turbine blades
7.31 Hillslope Processes in Cold Environments: An Illustration of High-Latitude Mountain and Hillslope Processes and Forms
7. The Low Countries, 1000–1750
7 th Congress of International Society of Systemic Auto-Inflammatory Diseases (ISSAID)
7.22 Mass-Movement Causes: Glacier Thinning
764: Effect of increased caesarean section rate due to term breech presentation on maternal and fetal outcome in subsequent pregnancies
7. The Promises of Shared Motherhood and the Perils of Detachment: A Comparison of Local and Transnational Child Fostering in Cape Verde
7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
7.5 Abundant Marine Calcium Sulphates: Radical Change of Seawater Sulphate Reservoir and Sulphur Cycle
7.06 – Monolayer Systems
70th Birthday symposium of Prof. Dr. Riederer: autologous adult stem cells in ischemic and traumatic CNS disorders.
7.30 Hillslope Processes and Climate Change
7. Fair Dealing Practices in the Post-Secondary Education Sector after the Pentalogy
7 Diversity and Biotechnological Applications of Prokaryotic Enzymes
7 – Passive immunization
70 – Clinical Features of Rheumatoid Arthritis
7.18 Long-Runout Landslides
7 – Bioluminescence in the sea
7-Ketocholesteryl-9-carboxynonanoate enhances the expression of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 via CD36.
7.08 – Heteropoly Compounds
7.10 Chemical Characteristics of Sediments and Seawater
7.23 Mass-Movement Causes: Earthquakes
7.1 The End of Mass-Independent Fractionation of Sulphur Isotopes
75 – Regulation of vaccines in developing countries
7 Degrees of Freedom Passive Exoskeleton for Human Gait Analysis: Human Joint Motion Sensing and Torque Estimation During Walking
7G’s Environmental Initiative through the Lens of the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) Framework
7 – Steam sterilisation
7. ‘Disorganisation’ as Social Movement Tactic: Reappropriating Politics during the Crisis of Neoliberal Capitalism
7. On Finding the Lukan Community: A Cautious Cautionary Essay
7-Tesla-MRT in der Neuroradiologie
703 – Methylphenidate abuse among icelandic i.v. substance abusers
76 – Reactive Arthritis and Undifferentiated Spondyloarthritis
7. ve 8. sinif öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n sayi hi̇ssi̇ i̇le matemati̇k öz yeterli̇kleri̇ arasindaki̇ i̇li̇şki̇ni̇n i̇ncelenmesi̇
7. Original Methods Originalism
7.26 Mass-Movement Hazards and Risks
7.9 Analysis of Flash-Flood Runoff Response, with Examples from Major European Events
74 – Immunologic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
7 – The Arterial System
7 A Survey of Swarm Algorithms Applied to Discrete Optimization
7.4 An Apparent Oxidation of the Upper Mantle versus Regional Deep Oxidation of Terrestrial Surfaces in the Fennoscandian Shield
73: Intramniotic inflammation may be more important than the presence of microbes as a determinant of perinatal outcome in preterm labor
7: The Twin Birth Study: a multicenter RCT of planned cesarean section (CS) and planned vaginal birth (VB) for twin pregnancies 320 to 386/7 weeks
7. Palermo in the 12th Century: Transformations in forma urbis
7 Rescaling security strategies State tactics and citizen responses to violence in Mexico City
7 étapes pour un business model solide : Réinventer la création de valeur avec méthode Ed. 2
7 Pelagic Oxygen Minimum Zone Microbial
75 – Ankylosing Spondylitis
76 – Preexcitation, Atrioventricular Reentry, and Variants
767: Immediate skin-to-skin contact after caesarean delivery to improve neonatal pain tolerance Pseudomonas aeruginosa Suppression of Pythium-Induced Damping-Off Involvement of Pyochelin and Pyoverdin in
78-Impact of Export Horticulture Farming on Food Security of Smallholder Farmers in Mbooni and Kirinyaga counties, Kenya
75 – Atrial Fibrillation: Paroxysmal, Persistent, and Permanent
7 – Thermal Stability
78: Uterine electrical activity during administration of tractocile (atosiban) in preterm labor
7AM2-A-6 Development of puncture Jig for preventing from buckling of microneedle imitating labium of mosquito
7 retos para la educación social: reinventarse como profesional de lo social, nuevos desafíos para la empleabilidad
7.3 Stress, Deformation, Conservation, and Rheology: A Survey of Key Concepts in Continuum Mechanics
7.27 Avoidance and Protection Measures
793 – Dual diagnosis of personality disorder and substance abuse: the need for awareness
7.1 Mountain and Hillslope Geomorphology: An Introduction
7-DOF Haptic device and interface design
7 – Polyamides Nylons
7.1.9 Quantum wells and superlattices containing diluted magnetic semiconductors in barrier and/or well
79: Does the laborist model improve obstetric outcomes?
7.1.3 Quantum wells and superlattices based on CdSe and its alloys
7. ve 8. sinif ögrencilerinin sayi hissi ile matematik öz yeterlikleri arasindak
7 Beyond ‘Cultural Constraint’: Gender, Security and Participation in the Pacific Islands
735 – Adherence to the baltic sea diet is associated with lower prevalence of elevated depressive symptoms
793: Predictors of hospital VBAC policies
7 Incorporation, Social Exclusion, and Chronic Poverty 1
7. built environments: green spaces as a silent teacher
7. „Spanische Heiraten“. Dynastische Endogamie im Kontext konsanguiner Ehestrategien
7. Dams on Euphrates and Tigris: Impact and Regulation Through International Law
7. River regulation, land use, property and rural society in Hungary from the eighteenth century to 1914
75 lat temu na Ukrainie... O represjach stalinizmu wobec Polaków w latach 30. XX wieku
7 – DSC applications: macromolecules
7 – Climate change
76 – Principles of tumor immunology
7.29 Changing Hillslopes: Evolution and Inheritance; Inheritance and Evolution of Slopes
7 – Regulation of Potassium Balance
753: Independent validation of a fetal heart rate pattern recognition software
7. From the Watchers to the Flood: Story and Exegesis in the Early Columns of the Genesis Apocryphon
7.2.9 Quantum wires and nano rods of diluted magnetic semiconductors
7.3.4 Quantum dots and nano crystals based on CdS and its alloys
7 – Sexually Transmitted Infections
7th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications
7.8 Low Emittance Generation
784: Failure rate and delivery-related maternal morbidity in vacuum delivery, forceps delivery, or a combination of both
7.10 Conceptualization in Catchment Modeling
722 – Effect of regular aerobic exercise on depression in postmenopausal women
706 – 110 years after first report of obsessive compulsive disorder in childhood - where do we stand?
7.2 Regolith and Soils of Mountains and Slopes
7.24 Mass-Movement Style, Activity State, and Distribution
7 – use of radioactive iodine in the diagnosis, study and treatment of diseases of the thyroid
7.35 Hillslope Processes in Tropical Environments
7.28 Numerical Modeling of Flows and Falls
(−7402 T/G and -4729G/A) condition susceptibility to pediatric severe malarial anemia but not circulating IL-13 levels
7. Acoso psicológico en el trabajo
7. Heaven as a Standard
757: Interdisciplinary obstetric simulation training improves team performance
7. Una sociología de la historia de la inmigración. Inmigrantes y ciudadanos. De las migraciones masivas a la Europa fortaleza. S. SASSEN. Siglo XXI.
7. Pentecostal Bible Reading: Toward a Model of Reading for the Formation of the Affections
79 – Etiology and Pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
7 What does cultural diff erence require of human rights
7.6 Rates of Denudation
7 – Ärztliche Vorsorgeuntersuchung im Sport – Sporttauglichkeitsuntersuchung
792 – Dual diagnosis of mood disorder and substance abuse: the need for awareness
7 Imperatives for Success in Research, Ulrich D. Holzbaur, Laetus O.K. Lategan, Karyn Dyason, Desere Kokt : book review
(–)-7-O-Acetylgoniodiol as Cancer Chemopreventive Agent from Goniothalamus Griffithii
710 – Risperidone-associated deep venous thrombosis: case report and review
7 Vrouwen en hart- en vaatziekten: de overgang
7 retos para la educación social. Reinventarse como profesional de lo social. Nuevos desafíos para la empleabilidad
7.2.2 Quantum wires and nano rods based on CdTe and its alloys
70: Altered fetal brain programming in a preeclampsia-like mouse model and its prevention by prenatal treatment with pravastatin
7 Li+ 11 B反応に対する現象論的光学模型ポテンシャルのエネルギー依存性
73 – Sjögren's Syndrome
728: Should unwanted pregnancy be considered a high-risk perinatal condition?
71 – Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
7700 Years of Holocene Climatic Variability in Sermilik Valley, Southeast Greenland Inferred From Lake Sediments
7. Cognitive-Communication Treatments Post Acquired Brain Injury
791 – Dual diagnosis of schizophrenia and substance abuse: the need for awareness
7 – Molecular dynamics for nano-contact simulation
703: Association between psychosocial disorder during pregnancy and childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by gestational age and race/ethnicity
756: Compared mortality and morbidity of preterm low birthweight infants born between 1995-2010: a population based study
7.1.1 Quantum wells and superlattices containing Hg
790 – Dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance abuse: an egyptian study
77 – Superficial Mycoses
7 Li+ 144,152 Sm反応における完全核融合
746: Does the neonatal impact of chorioamnionitis in the setting of PPROM vary depending on degree of prematurity?
75W, Single Output DC-DC Converter
7. Censo 2010: antigas questões e novos desafios interpretativos à Sociologia da Religião
725 – Cultural issues in anxiety disorders: some particularities of iranian culture
7. sinif öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n sosyal bi̇lgi̇ler dersleri̇nde kullandiklari öğrenme strateji̇leri̇
7. The Demands of Modernity: Filching the Building-Blocks of the Ancient World
7 – Biomarker discovery
774: A randomized controlled trial of interventions to encourage trainees to speak up when witnessing surgical errors
7th National Congress on Forests: Forests - Knowledge and innovation, Portugal, 2013.
7. Empirische Untersuchungsergebnisse über die Intention betriebswirtschaftlicher Hochschullehrer zur Beeinflussung von Werten
7.2 'Cuerpos rebeldes' contra la escalada del acoso y el asalto sexual en las calles de Egipto tras la revolución de 2011
734: Prior acute exposure to ureaplasma parvum Down-regulates LPS-induced chorioamnionitis in sheep
723: Future consequences of one prior cesarean: a cost-effectiveness analysis of trial of labor
79 a combination of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol is superior to individual cryoprotectants for the vitrification of immature porcine oocytes
7. Hammeh and Sickle: A Microwear Analysis of Retouched Flint Blades and Bladelets
77 – Psoriatic Arthritis
7.20 Mass-Movement Causes: Water
72: Cytokine and proteomic profiles of amniotic fluid in women with asymptomatic short cervix in the midtrimester
76 the effect of glycerol concentrations in egg-yolk citrate extender on the quality of cryopreserved nguni bull semen
7.4 Influence of Physical Weathering on Hillslope Forms
7 - Husserl entre Tran Duc Thao et Derrida
7 – Transportation Safety and Security
738 – What are the spiritual needs of iranian female adolescents: a qualitative study
7 Behandelstrategieën in methodisch en didactisch perspectief; A Functieniveau
78 – Atrial Tachyarrhythmias in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease
7 – laboratory degradation studies
7 Behandelstrategieën in methodisch en didactisch perspectief
727: Prenatal maternal stress associated with potentially life threatening situations and preterm birth and low birthweight
74 – Pathogenesis of Ankylosing Spondylitis and Reactive Arthritis
7. What Future for the Regions? 40
7 Osteochondrodysplasien – Osteonekrosen des Ellenbogens und Handgelenks
7 Steps to financial competence - a municipal debt collections focus
70'ler: Siyasetin odağındaki kent, kentin odağındaki siyaset
7.胸腔鏡下肺生検にて Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease が疑われた肺高血圧症の 1 例
7 Psychosomatische Medizin und psychosomatische Störungen
71: Effect of timing of influenza vaccination in pregnancy on maternal and cord blood antibody titers
7 rättegångar som skakat världen
7. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Fraktallara İlişkin İnformel Anlamalarının Belirlenmesi
741 – Re-audit: are inpatients routinely assessed for venous thromboembolism on admission. oxford, uk, 2012
7. Calvin’s Concept of Penal Substitution: Acknowledgement and Challenge
7 – stripping reactions
7 – La internacionalización del orden interno en clave del derecho constitucional transnacional
7.2 Einführung in das Risikomanagement
720 – Urban insecurity and fear of crime. a study among patients with anxiety and depressive disorders
736: Cesarean section for HIV-infected women in the era of antiretroviral therapy: clinical practice and mother-to-child transmission in France, 2005-2010
7.15 Processes, Transport, Deposition, and Landforms: Flow
762: Improving outcomes with delayed admission to labor and delivery
7 – the diagnostic significance of pregnandiol excretion
742 – Internet addiction and related addictive behaviors in a sample of medical school students
7 infantes 7. La leyenda a la luz del simbolismo tradicional
72 Effect of Single-Layer Centrifugation With Equipure? On Motility Kinematics of Frozen - Thawed Donkey Sperm
7kh/derxuriwkh)hplqlqhlq 0huohdx3rqw\∑v3klorvrsk\ri1dwxuh
7.4.5 Other II-VI heterosystems
7 Targeting neuropilin-1 in non-small cell lung cancer
74 germ cells and testicular somatic cells have different sensitivity to cryopreservation
7th NOVO Symposium: A Nordic Model for Sustainable Systems in the Health Care Sector - Helsinki 25 - 26 November, 2013
7 – Ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) for neural applications
7AM2-C-3 Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Micro-particles using Rail-Type Electrodes
766: Dissemination of an obstetrical quality improvement (QI) initiative using birth certificates
731 – Antipsychotic prescribing pattern in arab patients with schizophrenia
701: Pregnancy complications in women aged 50 years and older
7. La constitucionalidad del matrimonio entre homosexuales y la lucha por los conceptos jurídicos
7. Popular Readings and Wartime Historical Writings in Modern China
783: Morbidities associated with a disproportionately high risk of amniotic fluid embolism: a contemporary population-based study
7.7 Myelomniere
7.sinif fen bi̇lgi̇si̇ dersi̇nde güneş si̇stemi̇ ve ötesi̇ üni̇tesi̇nde kullanilan kavramlarin meti̇nlerde kullanilma sikliklari
72 – Early Synovitis and Early Undifferentiated Arthritis
7. Achievement and Social Adjustment of Elementary School Children in Relation to Working Pattern of their Mother
75 lat „Inżynierii i Budownictwa” w służbie środowiska budowlanego
7 – Exit Strategies
75 – Relapsing Fever and Borrelioses
7th International Conference on Sewer Processes and Networks
7. A focus on colostrum: an overview
7th Congress of the International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics (ISNN). October 5-8, 2013, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
7.14 Processes, Transport, Deposition, and Landforms: Slides
7. The legal contours of sovereign debt restructuring under the UNCTAD principles: Antagonism and convergence between standards of domestic insolvency law and international investment protection law
7. Joseph Besson, French Nationalism and Possessing the Holy Land: In Defense of the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise in Greater Syria, 1625–1660
78 – Enteropathic Arthritis
704: Association between perinatal ischemic-hypoxic conditions and autism spectrum disorder
7 – Risk Analysis, Security Surveys and Insurance
7th International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD 2013), 16-19 Oct 2013, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
7 Speciële psychiatrie
7. Celebrating a Trojan Horse. Memories of the Dutch Revolt in Breda, 1590–1650
7 – Insect Protection
7 Bodin in the Netherlands
7HUULWRULDOLGDG\UHLYLQGLFDFLyQVRFLDO5H¡H(LRQHV en torno al barrio de La Prosperitat/Barcelona desde la perspectiva del adulto mayor
76: Prophylactic maternal N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) prevents maternal inflammation-induced offspring cerebral injury evident by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control 2013 : Tokyo, Japan 4-7 September 2013
756 – Fear and discomfort as possible response to a distress test in smokers under nicotine withdrawal conditions
7. An alternative fatty acid alkyl esters production method: In situ transesterification
7 zuspitzung und einordnung der ergebnisse
70 Years of Fashion in the Chinese Dress—Exploring Sociocultural influences on Chinese Qipao’s Hemline Height and Waistline Fit in 1920s-1980s
739: Duration of intrapartum antibiotics for Group B streptococcus on the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis
752 The steel-rod breaking excitation method for analysis of dynamic stability of Tainter gate and its practical application
7 – Deep dry needling of the shoulder muscles
7 – Floor finishes
727 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H11O3P
7 – the treatment of diabetic acidosis with potassium salts
7KH6KRUWDQG/RQJWHUP(IIHFWVRI(VWURJHQ'HøFLHQF\RQ$SRS - tosis in Musculoskeletal Tissues: An Experimental Animal Model Study
721 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 11 N 4 OP
798 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 16 FO 5 P
784 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H15O4P
7.2 effects of ion irradiation on bam-11 bulk metallic glass ⱥჸ
78 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C2H8NO3P
781 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 O 3 P
73. Prise en charge locorégionale du cancer du sein chez les femmes porteuses de prothèses mammaires
797 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 16 Cl 2 N 5 P
799 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 16 FO 5 P
738 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 12 F 5 O 4 P
778 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 O 2 P
726 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H11O3P
733 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 12 ClNO 6 P 2
7 Spy Satellites and Military Communications
730 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H11O5P
7.3.9 Quantum dots and nano crystals of diluted magnetic semiconductors
790 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H15O7P
735 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H12ClO2P
7.7 Focusing at Interaction Point
(7- nitroindazole), a specific neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor and ecs-induced reterograde amnesia
7 – Bone Marrow Aplasia
7 Pijn gedurende de orthodontische behandeling: een onderschat probleem?
7.12 Land Use and Sediment Yield
7120.rpoC1 gene of Anabaena sp. strain PCC from cyanobacteria, and chloroplasts: evidence Evolutionary relationships among eubacteria,
7 超高感度heed-harp撮像板とその応用
7 through Discussion
7.6 Wakefields and Emittance Preservation
7 – Fibromyalgie-Syndrom
706 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H10NO5P
792 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H15O7PS
728 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H11O3P
7.34 Hillslope Processes in Arid Environments
710 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 10 Na 2 O 8 P 2
718 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 11 N 2 O 3 PS
73 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C2H7O3P
772 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 NO 6 PS
71 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C2H7O3P
7 – Transkulturelle Aspekte
741 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H12NO3P
789 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 O 5 PS
71 Year Old Man with Dry Skin
70 Update on Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Early GI Tumours
7 – Non-neoplastic lesions of the oral cavity and oropharynx
734 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H12ClO2P
7.3 Trabajo Decente para las trabajadoras domésticas. La movilización transnacional de las empleadas del hogar
79 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C2H8O5P2
709 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 10 NaO 5 P
7.2 The Only Linear Collider Built so Far: the SLC
748 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H13N2O3P
769 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 14 N 7 P
7 – Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering
7th Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science, 7th APCATS 2013 Study of Wheel Activated Gyroscopic-Like Motion in Spacecraft Rotational Dynamics
71 The Gears Keep Turning: Current Progress in Platelet Function Testing
70 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C2H7O3P
754: Post-cesarean maternal complications in patients with extreme obesity
700 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 9 O 6 P
70 Year Old Patient with Plaques
7 mul tivariate time series modeling of the number of applicants for conditional cash transfer program in turkey
719 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 11 N 2 O 3 PS
751 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H13N2O5P
70's "Miscegenation" and Blaxploitation: Fran Ross's Interracial Oreo, and the Super Bad Blaxploitation Hero
716 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 11 F 3 KO 5 P
77 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C2H8NO2PS
7 – the treatment of cryptorchidism
7Hybrid Factories in Brazil
7 – Processos discretos
7.2.1 Quantum wires containing Hg
7.4.2 CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots
71 Year Old Woman with Itchy Rash on Breast
78 Year Old Man with Severe Pruritus
7 – Local Loads
715 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 11 Cl 2 O 3 P
796 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H16ClO4P
7 Physiology of Movement
7β-Hydroxy-23-deoxojessic Acid
7.4.1 Self-assembled quantum dots: Introduction
7 – Thyroïde traitée
756 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H13O6P
786 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 O 4 PS
7 – Anomalous Innervations
7.4 clic & ilc
754 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H13N4PS3
76 Year Old with a Shallow Ulcer
737 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 12 F 2 IO 3 P
794 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 16 ClN 4 P
783 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H15O4P
71 – An Grenzen der Existenz: Was hält und trägt?
7 運動イメージと機能的MRI (fMRI)
7 – Gestão de efluentes
785 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H15O4P
775 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 N 2 O 6 PS
74 – Regulation of vaccines in Europe
771 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 14 O 8 P 2
725 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H11O3P
7. Emitting More Light than Heat: Lessons from Risk Assessment Controversies for the “Job- Killing Regulations” Debate
7 – the diagnosis and treatment of addison's disease
793 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H16BrO4P
782 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H15O4P
7: The Reality of Everyone?
7120.stress in Anabaena sp. strain PCC ferredoxin and flavodoxin under iron and Transcriptional and translational analysis of
770 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 14 O 7 P 2
789 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H15O5PS
743 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 12 O 6 P 2
760 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 14 Cl 3 O 3 P
750 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H13N2O4PS
7β,16β-Dihydroxy-1,23-dideoxyjessic Acid
753 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H13N4O2PS3
795 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 16 ClO 4 P
72. Incision en « V » axillaire dans la prise en charge des tumeurs du quadrant supéro-externe et du prolongement axillaire du sein
7 – Immediate and significant Tongue changes as a direct result of Gua sha*
701 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 9 O 6 P
764 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H14NO2PS
724 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H11O2PS
7. Effective Information & The Praxiological Architecture of Learning 8. The Pluralism of Phenomena & The Integrative Epistemology of Information. I. T he P raxiological K ind & S pecies of I nformation
720 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H11N2O5P
744 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H12O6P2
79papillaire du sein : étude rétrospective à propos de 62 cas
707 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 10 NaO 2 P
732 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 12 Br 2 NP
704 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H10Cl4N3P
766 – The occurrence of neurological symptoms in currently abstinent misusers of alcohol
776C>G, not 775G>C The transcobalamin codon 259 polymorphism should be designated
747 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H13NO6P2
72 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C2H7O3P
766 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H14NO6PS
757 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H14ClNO6P2
7.3 High Luminosity Issues and Beam-Beam Effects
7 – Punción seca profunda de los músculos del hombro
7 Age of Organisationalism
7 Abnormale genitale afscheiding
736 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H12Cl2NP
7 – Other Metals
777 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 O 2 P
74 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C2H7O4P
765 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 14 NO 5 PS 2
7.3.1 Quantum dots and nano crystals containing Hg
7.16 Processes, Transport, Deposition, and Landforms: Topple
776 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 O 2 P
70 lat trolejbusów w Gdyni
791 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H15O7PS
752 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H13N4OPS3
722 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 11 OP
742 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 12 O 5 P 2
7120Anabaena sp. Strain PCC Heterocyst Development in the ppGpp Metabolism Is Involved in
749 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 13 N 2 O 3 PS 2
73110.Plectonema boryanum PCC nonheterocystous, nitrogen-fixing 2(4Fe-4S) ferredoxin from the encoding an fdxH-type ferredoxin and a new Characterization of the genome region
76 Year Old Man with Chronic Rash
755 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H13O4P
75 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C2H8NO2P
717 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 11 NNaO 2 P
779 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 O 2 P
740 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H12NO3P
767 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 14 N 3 O 3 P
7 – Male Infertility
746 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 13 BN 5 O 3 P
703 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 10 ClO 4 P
7. Teunissen S,Berg van den J.P.,Velthuis M, Beuken van de M, Lindeman. Verhoging van de vitaliteit in de palliatieve fase. Pallium jaargang nr. 3; juni 2012 pg. 18-20. 8. Beaton R,Pagdin-Friesen W,Robertson C,Vigar C,Watson H,Harris S.R.Effects of Exercise Intervention on Persons with Metastatic Cancer: A Systematic Review.Physiothery Can.2009; 61:141-153.
72 Year Old Male with Diffuse Rash
763 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H14NO2PS
713 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 11 BrClO 3 P
76 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C2H8NO2PS
77 – Legal issues
704 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 10 Cl 4 N 3 P
7 – Drooling and sialorrhoea
78locorégional et oncoplastie
723 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H11O2P
7 Examples for the growth of nano-structures based on IIB-VI compounds
750kv Transmission Line parameter and line Efficiency calculation and the performance of High Voltage alternating current Transmission system using MATLAB program
7. factors leading to job satisfaction among public sector employees
712 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 10 Na 2 O 9 P 2
711 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 10 Na 2 O 8 P 2
714 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 11 ClNOPS
739 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H12NO3P
7 - Dados fim a fim
7kh(iihfwri(ohfwulfdo$jhlqjrq(ohfwulfdo 3urshuwlhvri3dop)dww\$flg(vwhu3)$(dqg )5dv'lhohfwulf0dwhuldov
761 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 14 F 5 O 4 P
§ 7 Eigen- und Fremdkapital im Steuer- und Gesellschaftsrecht Frankreichs
774 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 N 2 O 3 P
758 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 14 ClOP
7 and Realities of the
7 Fallstudie Transportlogistik im ÖPV: Netzwerkbasierte Modellierung und Optimierung
7 – Reflexões sobre os poderes do juiz a partir do Projeto do Novo Código de Processo Civil
7 – Que faire en présence d'anticorps antinucléaires chez l'adulte ?
7. sinif öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n hazirliksiz konuşma beceri̇leri̇
714 Quantitative Evaluation of the Rotational Motion in the Joints of the Lower Limb during the Unrestrained Human Gait
729 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 11 O 4 P
7.5 Accelerating Structures Design and Efficiency
705 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H10NO4P
71 Year Old with Dry, Scaly Arms and Legs
780 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 O 3 P
749 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H13N2O3PS2
7 – Revenge Kidnapping
767 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H14N3O3P
7.36 Extraterrestrial Hillslope Processes
7.9 Recirculating Linacs and Power Recovery
7.4.3 CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots
7 – methods of testing in odor analysis
773 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 15 N 2 O 3 P
708 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 10 NaO 4 P
731 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H11O6P
745 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H12O6P2
759 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 14 ClO 2 P
70-Year Old Man with Oval Macules
7 Disease Management of Phoma Infections
768 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C 8 H 14 N 5 OP
788 Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for C8H15O5P
7.1 General Introduction on Linear Accelerators
70. Application de colle synthétique en chirurgie du cancer du sein pour prévenir les lymphocèles : y a-t-il un intérêt ? Étude multicentrique randomisée