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Discover 191 research papers published on
1st March, 2013 starting with "Y"

Yield gap analysis with local to global relevance—A review
Youth as partners, participants or passive recipients: a review of children and adolescents in community-based participatory research (CBPR).
Yogic meditation reverses NF-κB and IRF-related transcriptome dynamics in leukocytes of family dementia caregivers in a randomized controlled trial.
Your Life Chances Affect Where You Live: A Critique of the ‘Cottage Industry’ of Neighbourhood Effects Research
Y2O3:Yb,Tm and Y2O3:Yb,Ho powders for low-temperature thermometry based on up-conversion fluorescence
'You need to let your voice be heard': research participants' views on research
Yield gap analysis—Rationale, methods and applications—Introduction to the Special Issue
Y chromosome loss in male patients with primary biliary cirrhosis
Young children's interest in live animals.
Young Mania Rating Scale: how to interpret the numbers? Determination of a severity threshold and of the minimal clinically significant difference in the EMBLEM cohort
Your "What" Is My "How": Iteration and Hierarchy in System Design
Yeast Adapts to a Changing Stressful Environment by Evolving Cross-Protection and Anticipatory Gene Regulation
Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of concrete at high temperatures: Experimental investigations
Year-round vitamin D deficiency among Saudi female out-patients
Year‐round distribution suggests spatial segregation of two small petrel species in the South Atlantic
'Yellow card, but no foul' : the role of the national parliaments under the subsidiarity protocol and the Commission proposal for an EU regulation on the right to strike
Youth Viewing Sexually Explicit Material Online: Addressing the Elephant on the Screen
Yeast RNA polymerase III transcription factors and effectors.
Young People and Social Networks: Motivations and Preferred Uses
Young children's understanding of “more” and discrimination of number and surface area.
Young Lives Working Paper 95. Female Labour-Force Participation and Child Education in India: The Effect of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
Yoga Reduces Performance Anxiety in Adolescent Musicians
Young and old adults prioritize dynamic stability control following gait perturbations when performing a concurrent cognitive task.
Yanai waves in the western equatorial Indian Ocean
‘You monitor performance at every hour’: labour and the management of performance in the supermarket supply chain
Young women's perceptions of the benefits of childbearing: associations with contraceptive use and pregnancy.
Young Children's Response Tendencies Toward Yes–No Questions Concerning Actions
Yersinia enterocolitica in Diagnostic Fecal Samples from European Dogs and Cats: Identification by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization–Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
Young children's understanding of cultural common ground
Yes, intravenous thrombolysis should be administered in pregnancy when other clinical and imaging factors are favorable.
You Want Me to Do What? Evaluators and the Pressure to Misrepresent Findings
Young Professionals as Ambivalent Change Agents in New Orleans after the 2005 Hurricanes
Yield and nitrogen management of irrigated switchgrass systems in diverse ecoregions
YM-155 Potentiates the Effect of ABT-737 in Malignant Human Glioma Cells via Survivin and Mcl-1 Downregulation in an EGFR-Dependent Context
‘You say rape, I say hospitals. But whose voice is louder?’ Health, aid and decision-making in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Yeast protein phosphatase 2A-Cdc55 regulates the transcriptional response to hyperosmolarity stress by regulating Msn2 and Msn4 chromatin recruitment.
Yeast response to LA virus indicates coadapted global gene expression during mycoviral infection.
Yeast Extract Mannitol medium and its constituents promote synthesis of Au nanoparticles
Youth Participation in Local and National Development in Ghana: 1620-2013
"Yes, I have sometimes stolen bikes": blindness for norm-violating behaviors and implications for suspect interrogations
Yolk sac tumor with a prominent polyvesicular vitelline pattern: a report of three cases.
Y-39983 downregulates RhoA/Rho-associated kinase expression during its promotion of axonal regeneration
You can't step into the same river twice, but you can stub your toes on the same rock: psychotherapy outcome from a 50-year perspective.
You are where you live: parasitic nematode mitochondrial genome size is associated with the thermal environment generated by hosts.
"You Can't Vote--You're Mentally Incompetent": Denying Democracy to People with Severe Disabilities.
Y-branch coupled DFB-lasers based on high-order Bragg gratings for wavelength stabilization
Youngest survivor of naegleria meningitis.
Young Adult Smoking in Peer Groups: An Experimental Observational Study
Yb3+ doped Lu2O3 transparent ceramics by spark plasma sintering
유전체장벽 방전구조의 비접촉식 저온 대기압 면방전 플라즈마를 이용한 빵곰팡이의 살균효과
You Only Click Twice: FinFisher’s Global Proliferation
YB-1 suppression induces STAT3 proteolysis and sensitizes renal cancer to interferon-α
Young adult offending: intersectionality of gender and race
Youth genetic vulnerability to maternal depressive symptoms: 5-HTTLPR as moderator of intergenerational transmission effects in a multiwave prospective study.
Y-STR diversity and sex-biased gene flow among Caribbean populations.
'You don't need a body to feel a body': phantom limb syndrome and corporeal transgression.
Yoga - an ancient solution to a modern epidemic. Ready for prime time?
Young’s modulus estimation based on high symmetry 3-D finite element model for metal matrix composites
Yield stress anomaly controlled by the phase stability in NbSi2 single crystals
융합디자인을 위한 창의성 교육 프로그램 개발
“… You are Not Particularly Helpful as a Helper When You are Helpless” A Qualitative Study of Public Health Nurses and Their Professional Competence Related to Suicidal Adolescents
유수실 상부 덮개가 있는 케이슨 방파제의 유공률에 따른 전면벽 작용 파압 비교
‘You cannot make a camel drink water’: Capital, geo-history and contestations in the Zambian Copperbelt
Yarn breakage detector for spinning machine
Yves Clot, Le Travail à cœur. Pour en finir avec les risques psychosociaux
Yes, We're Fishing-In Rough Waters for Hard-to-Find Fish
Yaw analysis of a micro-scale horizontal-axis wind turbine operating in turbulent wind conditions
Young Children's Living and Learning Experiences under the Biliterate and Trilingual Education Policy in Hong Kong
Your Place and Mine
Yasa, pi̇yasa ve örgüt ti̇pleri̇nde çeşi̇tli̇li̇k: 1981 sonrasinda türki̇ye’de üni̇versi̇teler
亜急性のパーキンソニズムを呈しMRI上両側大脳基底核病変をみとめた糖尿病性尿毒症症候群(diabetic uremic syndrome)の1例
Youth vulnerability in Europe during the Great Recession
Young Learners: Defining Literacy in the Early Years—a Contested Space:
Yoga and Neuro-Psychoanalysis
Youth development practitioners and their relationships in schools and after-school programs.
"Yo! This is no lie, if you smoke, you die": a content analysis of anti-smoking posters created by adolescents.
Young people’s creative online practices in the context of school community
Yoga for the New Woman and the New Man: The Role of Pierre Bernard and Blanche DeVries in the Creation of Modern Postural Yoga
Young Lives Working Paper 94. Shocks, Borrowing Constraints and Schooling in Rural Vietnam
Young Adults Expect More from Free News Tabloids
Youth’s Negative Self-Statements as Related to Social Self-Efficacy Among Differing Relationships
Youth culture and discipline at a school in the Western Cape
Yeast mutator phenotype enforced by Arabidopsis PMS1 expression
Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Bilgisayar Kullanımına İlişkin Öğretim Elemanlarının Görüşleri
Yüke maruz ince daneli zeminlerin donma-çözülme davranışı
Y chromosome phylogeny for cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) subspecies is generally concordant with those of other markers.
Yolky eggs prepare for metabolic acceleration.
Yoshizawa's cross-helicity effect and its quenching
여성 결혼이민자 남편의 스트레스, 자존감 및 무력감
Yield Response of Black Gram to Inoculation by Different Rhizobium Strains using Various Types of Adhesives
Young Titan: The Making of Winston Churchill
You’ve got sp@m: a textual analysis of unsolicited Japanese dating invitation mails
You Turn up the First Day and they Expect You to Come Back! Gifted Students' Perspectives on School and Being Smart
Yellow light gone wild: a tale of permanent laser hair removal with a 595-nm pulsed-dye laser.
YAP and p73: A Matter of Mutual Specificity in Tumor Suppression
Your neighbors define your value: a study of spatial bias in number comparison.
Youth Courts and Their Educational Value: An Examination of Youth Courts in Chester, Pennsylvania.
Young-onset peri-anorectal leiomyomatosis: report of a case.
Youth, Capitivity and Virtue in the Eighteenth-Century Kindertruppen
“You Cannot Serve God and Mammon”: Economic Relations and Human Flourishing in Luke
Yerel özerkli̇k açisindan 5393 sayili beledi̇ye kanunu’nun genel bi̇r değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇
Yükseköğreti̇m kurumlari kali̇te yeterli̇li̇kleri̇ni̇n öğrenci̇ memnuni̇yeti̇ ve sürdürülebi̇li̇rli̇k açisindan i̇ncelenmesi̇: i̇nönü üni̇versi̇tesi̇ malatya myo uygulamasi
영화 로 재현된 한국엘리트스포츠의 현실고찰
Your profession needs you (lessons in medical leadership).
Yetter–Drinfeld categories associated with a weak braided Hopf algebra
Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretiminde Ders Malzemelerinin Önemi ve İşlevsel Ders Malzemelerinin Nitelikleri The Importance Of Teaching Materials In Turkish Language Teaching And The Required Qualifications Of These Materials
"You can see some eagles. And hear the trumpets":the literary and political hinterland of T.S. Eliot's 'Coriolan'
Yale University Library Research Guides: Choosing a Journal for Publication of an Article: List of Suspicious Journals and Publishers
융복합 교육 실증연구의 체계적 메타 문헌분석
Yenilenebilir Biyoplastik Üretiminde Alglerin Kullanımı
약물 소개 : oncept
영상센서의 비균일 응답특성 보정을 위한 흑체 설계 및 성능검증과 보정오차 분석
요양보호사의 직무스트레스, 자아탄력성, 감성지능이 직무만족에 미치는 영향
Young people's evaluation of a nurse-led bladder training service: working towards developing a patient reported experience and outcome measure
以學生評鑑教師教學量表決定教師的開課或去留可行嗎?混合IRT分析取向 Is Using a SRI to Determine the Fate of Teachers or Commencement of Work Suitable? A Mixture IRT Analysis
의미론적 관점에서 본 한·중 외심적 합성명사의 생성 기제
Yazma eği̇ti̇mi̇nde en son uygulamalar üzeri̇ne bi̇r model i̇ncelemesi̇: avustralya ana di̇li̇ öğreti̇m programi portfolyosu
研究・実務に役立つ!リーガル・リサーチ入門 第6回 判例とは
Yes, There Is a Problem: What Is to Be Done about the Climate for Women in Philosophy?
Y and Z: A Salutary Farewell to the Core/Margin Reasoning in Claims of Persecution
Yurtdışına Gitmiş Eğitimcilerin Küreselleşmeye İlişkin Görüşleri
Yalın Üretim Ortamına Uygun Maliyet Sistemi Seçimi
Young doctors' problem solving strategies on call may be improved.
연판정 Reed-Solomon 리스트 디코딩을 위한 저복잡도 Interpolation 구조
여행경험과 심리치유 간의 관계
양산용 80 kW급 RF Plasma Torch System 개발 및 Si 나노분말 제조 공정 연구
Yield of training exchanges between Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa
영어영문학 관련 학회장 인사말 내용분석
Yabancı Yatırımların İşgücü Piyasalarını Uyarma Süreci Kapsamında Dış Ticaretin İçselleştirilmesi
Yetenek Kavramının Otel İşletmelerinde Operasyonel Personel Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi
Youth f(r)iction. A multi-method research on the use, representation and consumption of youth's contemporary screen culture
Young Man With Fever and Cough
You'll never regret time spent helping others.
Yield of switchgrass on reclaimed surface mines 1
Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. Focus: nursing. Introduction.
영어 시제와 상
양궁선수들을 위한 심리기술훈련 프로그램 적용과 효과
의과대학 우수 강의자의 특성에 관한 연구
양측 리듬청각자극을 이용한 트레드밀 보행이 뇌졸중 환자의 보행에 미치는 효과
湧水湿地におけるヌマガヤ群落刈取り後の種組成および種多様性の変化 (平成25年度日本造園学会全国大会研究発表論文集(31))
Yakkha complex predicates and the grammar/lexicon distinction
영상 검색을 위한 점진적 블록 크기 기반의 효율적인 손실 좌표 압축 기술
영국 치매노인 가족수발자의 시설이용의향 결정요인에 관한 연구: 스코틀랜드 에딘버러시를 중심으로
Yenidoğanın geçici takipnesinde epiteliyal sodyum kanalı alfa alt biriminin sentezinden sorumlu SCNN1A geninin değerlendirilmesi
You promised me ten thousand people
Young people's motivations and preferences for sports tourism.
"Your notes are lies mate": Jack Maggs and the Rewriting of a Canonical Text
幼兒教育階段核心素養之研究A Study of the Key Competencies of Early Childhood Education
Yetiştirici Koşullarında Kıl, Saanen x Kıl ve Alpin x Kıl Melezi Oğlaklarda Büyüme-Gelişme ve Yaşama Gücü Özellikleri
육계 사료 내 Bacteriophage의 첨가가 생산성, 영양소 소화율, 혈액 특성, 도체 특성 및 분내 미생물 조성에 미치는 영향
Yerel Yönetimlerde Değişim ve Yerel Yönetim Hizmetlerinde ‘Müşteri Odaklı Pazarlama’ Yaklaşımı
Young People and Agri-food: Aspirations, Opportunities and Challenges
Y a-t-il un centre du langage ?
양보 행동 동기가 감정에 미치는 영향에 대한 한국 성인과 학령 전기 아동의 이해
Yet Another Way the Medically Ill Will Be Misdiagnosed as Mentally Disordered
用温度植被干旱指数( tvdi )识别隐伏断层:以云南羊拉铜矿区为例
Yield of spring wheat and field pea seeded into standing and cultivated canola stubble on the semiarid Canadian prairie
Yes to cardiac devices. But at what cost
영어의 부정과 초점
芸術表現の捉え方についての一考察 : 「芸術の認知科学」特集号の序に代えて
양성돌발체위현훈에서 안진의 병태생리
Young Man Presented with Acute Chest Pain
Young Lewis Fry Richardson in Yorkshire
Your journal needs YOU! A call to interaction
由以y 2 o 3 稳定化的氧化锆制成的陶瓷烧结成型体和由以y 2 o 3 稳定化的氧化锆制成的陶瓷烧结成型体的制造方法
Yenidoğan döneminde kalpteki kitleler nedeniyle tanı alan tüberoskleroz olguları
Yield Surface Applied to Dynamic Elastoplastic Analysis of Frame Structures with Flexibility Method
Young Shaw’s Socio-Political Problems and Criticism of Vulgar Marxism in An Unsocial Socialist
『医薬品研究開発の生産性向上へのチャレンジ』 トランスレーショナルリサーチにおけるファーマコゲノミクス(ゲノム薬理学)の役割
Youjigo dalam komik akachan to boku volume 1 dan 2 karya ragawa morimo (sebuah tinjauan fonetik)
여대생의 베이커리제품에 대한 중요도와 선호도에 관한 연구
Youth, Science, and the Future
Yeasts and other culturable microorganisms associated with the nickel hyperaccumulator Berkheya coddii and its insect herbivore, Chrysolina clathrata
Yade kara'nin "selam berli̇n" adli romani örneği̇nde türkçe ve almancadaki̇ di̇lsel küreselleşme
Yeni̇sey kirgizlari i̇le cengi̇z oğullarinin si̇yasi̇ münasebetleri̇ (xiii. yüzyil)
Yaşam eğrilerini karşilaştirmak için kullanilan skor ve ağirlikli testler: Sayisal örnekler
Yang-Mills connections of cohomogeneity one on SO(n)-bundles over Euclidean spheres
열 수송관로 되메움재의 마찰 특성에 관한 연구
영상에서 효율적인 객체 추출을 위한 조명 영향 최소화 기법
영유아보육이 아동의 정신건강에 미치는 영향
Yield curve investing: optimizing risk- adjusted returns
연결강도 변화에 의한 Soilbag 보강토 옹벽 연결부의 안정성 평가
Yes You Can! Personal Experience of Writing for "School Science Review".
Yield of spring wheat and field pea seeded into standing and cultivated canola stubble on the semiarid Canadian prairie
Y chromosome aberration in a patient with cloacal-bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex: an unusual finding
영유아보육이 아동의 정신건강에 미치는 영향 :국내 영유아보육 정책의 실태와 전망
의미간의 유사도 연구의 패러다임 변화의 필요성-인지 의미론적 관점에서의 고찰