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Discover 101 research papers published on
1st November, 2013 starting with "Z"

Zoonotic potential of Giardia.
Zonotopic guaranteed state estimation for uncertain systems
Zambia's input subsidy programs
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: Recent advances and controversies
Zinc as a marker of affective disorders
Zingiber officinale Rosc.
Zebrafish as a Novel Vertebrate Model To Dissect Enterococcal Pathogenesis
ZEB2 Represses the Epithelial Phenotype and Facilitates Metastasis in Ewing Sarcoma
Zintl phase compounds AM2Sb2 (A=Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu, Yb; M=Zn, Cd) and their substitution variants: a class of potential thermoelectric materials
Zfp819, a novel KRAB-zinc finger protein, interacts with KAP1 and functions in genomic integrity maintenance of mouse embryonic stem cells
ZnO nanorod ultraviolet photodetector on porous silicon substrate
ZnO–Zn/CNT hybrid film as light-free nanocatalyst for degradation reaction
ZnO/ZnAl2O4 prepared by calcination of ZnAl layered double hydroxides for ethanol sensing
Zinc as a nutritional approach to bone loss prevention in an ovariectomized rat model.
Zoned Out: “NIMBYism”, addiction services and municipal governance in British Columbia
Ziv-aflibercept: A novel angiogenesis inhibitor for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer
Zn Subcellular Distribution in Liver of Goldfish (Carassius Auratus) with Exposure to Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Mechanism of Hepatic Detoxification
Zinc finger protein (ZFP) in plants-a review
Z-box binding transcription factors (ZBFs): a new class of transcription factors in Arabidopsis seedling development.
Zn3 and Ga3 Triangles as Building Units in Sr2Au6Zn3 and Sr2Au6Ga3
Zinc in traumatic brain injury: from neuroprotection to neurotoxicity.
Zebrafish embryos/larvae for rapid determination of effects on hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) and hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis: mRNA expression.
Zebrafish Tbx16 regulates intermediate mesoderm cell fate by attenuating Fgf activity.
Zones of Transformation? Informal Construction and Independent Zoning Plans in East Jerusalem:
Zygomatic implant placement in conjunction with sinus bone grafting: the "extended sinus elevation technique." a case-cohort study.
Zeff first measurements in EAST with a multi-channel visible bremsstrahlung new system
Zero-Degree algorithm for Internet GateWay placement in backbone wireless mesh networks
Zonisamide: a review of the clinical and experimental evidence for its use in Parkinson's disease.
Zircon-bearing, crystallized melt inclusions in peritectic garnet from the western Adirondack Mountains, New York State, USA
Zinc regulation of transcriptional activity during retinoic acid-induced neuronal differentiation.
Z-sinapinic acid: the change of the stereochemistry of cinnamic acids as rational synthesis of a new matrix for carbohydrate MALDI-MS analysis.
Zeppelin - A third generation data center network virtualization technology based on SDN and MPLS
Zur Produktivität des »Reproduktiven«. Fürsorgliche Praxis als Element einer Ökonomie der Vorsorge
Zambia at 50: The Rediscovery of Liberalism
Zero density for automorphic L-functions
Z-type and G-type models for time-varying inverse square root (TVISR) solving
Zero Sidelobe Aperiodic Codes via Additive-Multiplicative Mismatched Filtering
ZnIr2O4: An efficient photocatalyst with Rashba splitting
ZnO Nanoparticles: Cytological Effect on Chick Fibroblast Cells and Antimicrobial Activities Towards Escherichia Coli and Bacillus Subtilis
Zero-voltage switching current-fed flyback converter for power factor correction application
Zonisamide in the treatment of bulimia nervosa: an open-label, pilot, prospective study.
Zygotic Porcn Paternal Allele Deletion in Mice to Model Human Focal Dermal Hypoplasia
Zero tracking error nearest level modulation for modular multilevel converters
症例 大腸癌手術時に同時に切除した小腸gastrointestinal stromal tumorの2例
Zygomatic Bone Metastasis as an Initial Presentation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Zosteriform palisaded encapsulated neuroma: an unusual presentation.
ZnS-Based ZnSTe:N/n-ZnS Light-Emitting Diodes
Zinc monotherapy and a low-copper diet are beneficial in patients with Wilson disease after liver transplantation.
Zero-offset vertical seismic profiling survey and estimation of gas hydrate concentration from borehole data from the Ulleung Basin, Korea
Zeolite membrane regeneration method
Z-dependence and collective analysis of M x-ray production cross sections for a wide range of elements (60≤Z≤90) by proton impact
Z curve theory-based analysis of the dynamic nature of nucleosome positioning in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Z-shaped monopole antenna for wideband circularly polarized radiation
Zombies and the Post-colonial Italian Unconscious
Zusammenfassende Darstellung der Schweinepestbekämpfung beim Schwarzwild in Deutschland seit dem Jahr 2005
Zygomatic air cell defect: a panoramic radiographic study of a North Indian population.
Zeta regularization of infinite products
Zr-Al-Ni-Cu glass forming alloys with low fragility parameters
ZERO network-impact buildings and smart storage systems in micro-grids
Zostavax® for the prevention of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralagia. Pilot assessment using the draft HTA Core Model for Rapid Relative Effectiveness Assessment. Pilot-ID: WP-SA-1
Zur Expositions-Respons-Beziehung zwischen kumulierter Exposition gegenüber alveolengängigen Stäuben aus Siliziumdioxid und dem Lungenkrebsrisiko
Zero-valent iron/biotic treatment system for perchlorate-contaminated water: Lab-scale performance, modeling, and full-scale implications
Zero-Totality in Action-Reaction Space:. A Generalization of Newton's Third Law?
Zn(II)-Doping Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Cu 2 O Nanocrystals
Zero waste: an innovation for less polluting emission processes, resource management practices and policies
Zur Auswirkung hochfeiner inerter Zusatzstoffe auf die Hydratationskinetik und die Mikrostruktur von Zementstein
Zoogeographical subdivision of the pelagic zone of the western Bering Sea based on nekton species ranges
Zato—Agile ESB, SOA, REST and Cloud integrations in Python
Заболеваемость населения болезнями кожи и подкожной клетчатки как медико-социальная проблема
ZigBee-based LED intelligent lighting control system
'zahdi' dates skin as a source of proanthocyanidin
Zero-delay switch technique in optical coherence tomography for duo enhanced vitreoretinal and choroidoscleral imaging in highly myopic eyes.
Zachodnia cywilizacja, czyli kim jesteśmy i dokąd zmierzamy: Niall Ferguson. Cywilizacja. Zachód i reszta świata
重症筋無力症(MG)患者のhealth-related quality of life(QOL)の現状と治療への提言
Zur Rolle der Raumordnung beim Hochwasserschutz und Hochwasserrisikomanagement@@@Regional Planning and High Water Risk Management@@@О роли регионального планирования в вопросах противопаводковой защиты и управлении паводковыми рисками
Zentrifugen des Wissens – Zur Enzyklopädik des Barockromans
Zmiana odpowiedzi ucha wewnętrznego obserwowana po operacjach na uchu środkowym
Zelma Palestrant-A Remembrance
Zur Begründung des Öffentlichkeitsgrundsatzes im Strafverfahren
Zur Zieldiskussion des Hochwasserrisikomanagements im Einzugsgebiet des Rheins@@@Discussion about the Objectives of the Flood Risk Management in the Catchment of the River Rhine@@@О целевой дискуссии по вопросам управления паводковыми рисками в водном бассейне Рейна
ZigBee mobility management for Multipurpose Patient Monitoring system
Zertifizierung von Kopf-Hals-Tumor-Zentren durch die Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft: Ein Überblick
Zigbee energy algorithm based on fusing path optimization and cluster heads rotation
Zoom system for measurement of coherent backscattering of light in micro- and nanomaterials
Zunehmende Inzidenz von Denguefieber weltweit — auch in Deutschland
Zero current detector for a power supplier and method thereof
Zulassungspflicht unter Reach
Zero Tolerance: A Training Curriculum for Direct Care Providers to Identify, Report, and Prevent Abuse Against Persons with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
Zukünftige Osteoporosemedikamente: Vielversprechende neue Substanzgruppen und Therapiekonzepte
Zawartość wapnia w diecie kobiet karmiących stosujących dietę bezmleczną
転移性骨腫瘍が疑われたmtx 関連リンパ増殖性疾患の1 例
Zero Poisson’s Ratio Honeycomb Structures-An FEA Study
肘関節後内側回旋不安定症(posteromedial rotatory instability)の治療成績
Zonisamid – lek nie tylko przeciwpadaczkowy
Zusätzliche ambulante psychiatrische Leistungen wirken!: Modellprojekte
Zakażenia grzybami Candida – wyzwanie medycyny XXI wieku
Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie 1983-2012: Dreißig Jahre Redaktionsarbeit, vorwiegend dargestellt am Leitfaden derVorworte.