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Discover 162 research papers published on
1st September, 2013 starting with "Y"

Yield-scaled global warming potential of annual nitrous oxide and methane emissions from continuously flooded rice in response to nitrogen input
Young adult weight trajectories through midlife by body mass category
You Can't Make Me Do It: State Implementation of Insurance Exchanges under the Affordable Care Act
Young Children’s Dialogical Actions: The Beginnings of Purposeful Intersubjectivity
Yield and proliferation rate of adipose-derived stromal cells as a function of age, body mass index and harvest site—increasing the yield by use of adherent and supernatant fractions?
Young adult ischaemic stroke related acute symptomatic and late seizures: risk factors
Young-Onset Dementia
Yielding and shear banding of metallic glasses
‘You're certainly relatively competent’: assessor bias due to recent experiences
Youth belonging and cognitive engagement in organized activities: A large-scale field study
Young adult daughters of BRCA1/2 positive mothers: What do they know about hereditary cancer and how much do they worry?†
YSO accretion shocks: magnetic, chromospheric or stochastic flow effects can suppress fluctuations of X-ray emission
You Can Take a Horse to Water But You Can’t Make it Drink’: Exploring Children’s Engagement and Resistance in Family Therapy
Young's Modulus of Elasticity of Carbon-Bonded Alumina Materials up to 1450°C
Yard template planning in transshipment hubs under uncertain berthing time and position
Young children's knowledge and skills related to sexual abuse prevention: A pilot study in Beijing, China
Young children's recognition of quantitative relations in mathematically unspecified settings
Young stellar clusters in the Rosette molecular cloud Arguments against triggered star formation
Young, intact and nested retrotransposons are abundant in the onion and asparagus genomes.
Youth psychotherapy change trajectories and early warning system accuracy in a managed care setting.
Yeast Mnn9 is both a priming glycosyltransferase and an allosteric activator of mannan biosynthesis.
Youth bullying: a review of the science and call to action.
You Can’t Get There from Here: A Social Process Theory of Racism and Race:
Yellow fever vaccination: Is one dose always enough?
Y's Girl: increasing body satisfaction among primary school girls.
Year-based h-type indicators
Youth suicide prevention in primary care: A model program and its impact on psychiatric emergency referrals.
Y‐chromosome evidence supports asymmetric dog introgression into eastern coyotes
'You've got m@il: fluoxetine coming soon!': accessibility and quality of a prescription drug sold on the web.
Youth aging out of residential care in Israel: Readiness for independent living and need for help
Young children's voices about their local communities
Yield changes of Bt-MH63 with cry1C * or cry2A * genes compared with MH63 (Oryza sativa) under different nitrogen levels
“You Can Help Yourself/but Don’t Take Too Much” African American Motherhood on The Wire
Y, Lu, and Gd complexes of NCO/NCS pincer ligands: synthesis, characterization, and catalysis in the cis-1,4-selective polymerization of isoprene.
Yield and nutritive value of irrigated tall fescue compared with orchardgrass: In monocultures or mixed with alfalfa
Yield mapping of arabic coffee and their relationship with plant nutritional status
Yellow–colored mesoporous pure titania and its high stability in visible light photocatalysis
Yaw wind effect on flutter instability of four typical bridge decks
Youth advisory structures: Listening to young people to support quality youth services
Younger and Older Adults’ Attitudes Toward Robot Faces Effects of Task and Humanoid Appearance
여중생의 월경곤란증 시 대처방법과 영향요인
Your body is a battleground: Art therapy with women
Youth with Serious Mental Health Disorders: Wraparound as a Promising Intervention in New Zealand
Year 3 of Implementing the Common Core State Standards: State Education Agencies' Views on Postsecondary Involvement.
Yaşlı İstismarı ve İhmali
Yeti̇şki̇n okuma moti̇vasyonu ölçeği̇'ni̇n türkçe uyarlamasi
Young People's Use and Perceptions of Emergency Contraceptives in Sub‐Saharan Africa: Existing Insights and Knowledge Gaps
Yarn periodical errors determination using three signal processing approaches
Yield and nutritive value of irrigated tall fescue compared with orchardgrass: In monocultures or mixed with alfalfa
“You Gotta Appease the People Who Run This Place” Corporate Ownership and Its Influence on Sports Television Production
Y-shaped design in two dimensional photonic crystal structure for applications in integrated photonic circuits
"You’re in the boxing ring and it’s just the two of you and it’s sort of survival" - The quest for excitement in professional female Muay Thai boxing
Yarn hairiness versus quality of cotton fibres
유도 결합 플라즈마-스퍼터 승화법을 이용한 고분자 전해질 연료전지 분리판용 CrN 박막의 내식성연구
Young People And Popular Music Culture: The Impact Of Popular Music Within The Everyday Lives Of Children Aged 10 – 16
You can observe a lot (about medical products) by watching (those who use them).
Young drivers who obtained their licence after an intensive driving course report more incidents than drivers with a traditional driver education
Yeni̇lenebi̇li̇r enerji̇ kaynaklari yatirim projeleri̇ni̇n anali̇ti̇k hi̇yerarşi̇ süreci̇ yöntemi̇ i̇le değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇
You'll Never Be Better than Your Teachers: The Garden Grove Approach to Human Capital Development.
Young Sowetans and tourism participation : identifying opportunities to develop further engagement with South African national parks
Yasemin Yildiz, Beyond the mother tongue: The postmonolingual condition . New York: Fordham University Press, 2012. Pp. xi, 306. Hb. $50.05.
“You Just Can’t Keep the Music Unless You Move with It”: The Great Migration and the Black Cultural Politics of Jazz in New Orleans and Chicago
You Can't Put a Price Tag on A Survey Participant's Enjoyment: The Latest Findings from The ARF's “Foundations of Quality” Research
YouTube as an Information Source for Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy and Ear Tube Surgery
Yield, Quality, and Other Characteristics of Selected Lines of Crested Wheatgrass
Yöneticilerin Örgüt Kültürü ve Örgütlerarası Vatandaşlık Davranışları Algılamaları
以Triketohydrindene hydrate 方法檢測燕窩真偽之分析
Young’s modulus and poisson’s ratio of monolayer graphyne
Yellow Ribbons: The Militarization of National Identity in Canada
영아 마사지가 교사-영아의 상호작용 및 어린이집 적응에 미치는 효과
Yeast hydrolysate protects cartilage via stimulation of type II collagen synthesis and suppression of MMP-13 production
Yildiz basketbol mi̇lli̇ takiminda yer alan kiz sporcularin kuvvet profi̇lleri̇ni̇n beli̇rlenmesi̇ ve i̇li̇şki̇lendi̇ri̇lmesi̇
"You Think It's Possible to Fix Broken Things?": Terror in the South African Crime Fiction of Margie Orford and Jassy Mackenzie
‘You don't exist’: I Am Love as political melodrama
Yaşam Kalitesi Kavramının Antik Dönemdeki Öncülleri
Yaw Stability Analysis for UiTM's BWB Baseline-II UAV E-4
Yanık hastalarının acil servis başvuruları
Yes, Something Can Be Done: A "Purple" Solution to Intermarriage
‘You could, couldn’t you?’: a preliminary investigation of older people’s interaction with a bespoke virtual environment using a gesture interface
Yearly progression of low lung attenuation area in low dose CT scan for aymptomatic current smokers with normal lung function or GOLD stage I COPD
Yaşam doyumu, i̇ş doyumu ve mesleki̇ tükenmi̇şli̇k kavramlarina yöneli̇k akademi̇syenler üzeri̇nde bi̇r araştirma
Young professional women and elective oocyte cryopreservation: knowledge and desire
Yes, but how do I know what I don't know? Moving towards conscious competence in end-of-life care.
Yet Another Many-Objective Clustering (YAMO-Pack) for FPGA CAD
Youth Bullying: Implications for Primary Care Providers
YAP1 in the hippo pathway influences the risk of asthma
예비교사 교육실습 강화를 위한 스마트러닝 활용 방안 : 『SMART Teacher Lab』사례 연구
Yurtta Kalan Kız Öğrencilerde Beslenme Alışkanlıkları ile Vücut İmajı, Duygusal Durum ve Akademik Başarı İlişkisi
Yaşlıya bakım veren aile bireylerinin bakım verme yükü ve bakım verenin iyilik hali
Yerel yöneti̇mlerde kadin temsi̇li̇ni̇n yetersi̇zli̇ği̇: sakarya i̇li̇nde yapilan bi̇r araştirma
Yield, raisin recovery and biochemical characters of fresh and dried grapes (raisin) of Thompson Seedless grapes (Vitisvinifera L.)
Yanal Yüklü Kısa Kazıkların Davranışının Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi
Young People Making It Work: Continuity and Change in Rural Places, by Hernan Cuervo and Johanna Wyn, Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Publishing, 2012. 208 pages, $29.50 (paper). ISBN: 9780522860979.
Yellow Upconversion Luminescence in Ho3+/Yb3+ Co-Doped La2(WO4)3 Phosphor
영양지식 확신도가 건강관련행동의도에 끼치는 영향력 검증
Yüksek yapıların taşıyıcı sistemleri ve mimari tasarımla olan etkileşimi
Yes we can, but do we?
Yin and Qi — Breast Cancer
Youth and goals for the future: a critical bibliographic review
여성 보디빌더들의 직업정체성 갈등에 관한 근거이론적 접근
Yang-Mills Gravity Based on Flat Space-time and Effective Curved Space-Time for Motions of Classical Objects
요양보호사의 감정노동이 이직의도에 미치는 영향과 감정부조화, 직무만족의 매개효과
液体窒素凍結療法にて治癒したCircumscribed Palmar or Plantar Hypokeratosisの1例 (特集 角化症・炎症性角化症)
Y a-t-il intérêt à doser les métabolites de l’azathioprine chez les malades ayant une maladie inflammatoire chronique de l’intestin?
양방향 필터 기반 Mean-Shift 기법을 이용한 강인한 얼굴추적
Yield decline in vegetatively propagated tea (camellia sinensis (l.) o. kuntze) under continuous mechanical harvesting
Yenidoğanda Bilateral Meme Absesi
양극산화와 석회화 전처리된 Ti-27Nb-10Ta-3.5Zr 합금의 생체활성도
의미의 선명화를 위한 영상언어로서 잉여성 활용
연직강우레이더와 광학우적계 관측자료를 이용한 2012년 여름철 남해안 강우사례 분석
유비쿼터스 환경 하의 실시간 심전도 신호 모니터링
Young, Julian. Friedrich Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography
여성의 경제활동참가가 출산의 시기 및 수준에 영향을 미쳤는가?: 국가 간 실증분석
유자녀 보육교사의 일-가족 양립 경험에 관한 연구
연구자 네트워크의 중심성과 연구성과의 연관성 분석
융합적 스마트시대의 소셜 미디어 기반 e-포트폴리오 활용 방안
영동과 영서 호우의 특성 비교
Young Felix Dzerzhinsky and the Origins of Stalinism
Yehova Şahidi Olan Hastada Vasküler Cerrahi Sonrası Beklenmedik Bir Şekilde Gelişen Ciddi Anemi: Tedavideki Zorluklar ve İkilemler
여성의 알코올 의존에 이르게 되는 과정에 관한 현상학적 사례연구
예비 유아교사의 교직 적·인성과 핵심 역량 비교 분석 연구
Y a-t-il une place pour la cryopréservation ovocytaire après le traitement du cancer ?
Young men are increasingly abusing 2 new designer drugs
Youth Justice in Context: Community, Compliance and Young People by M. Seymour. Abingdon: Routledge (2013) 210pp. £85.00hb ISBN 978041‐66792‐0
Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2010–2011, K. Sauvant (Ed.). Oxford University Press (2012)
Yellow Organic Light-Emitting Devices Based on Alq Doped DPIHQZn
영역기반 가중치 맵을 이용한 멀티스팩트럼 플래시 영상 획득
Youth, Captivity and Virtue in the Eighteenth-Century Kindertruppen – ERRATUM
유즈케이스 시나리오에서 유즈케이스 패턴을 이용한 요구사항 대체 흐름 추천 기법
요추 추간판 탈출증 환자의 침치료와 평형침법 병행치료에 대한 비교 연구
여성의 경제활동참가가 출산의 시기 및 수준에 영향을 미쳤는가
Yenidoğanda Nadir Bir Solunum Sıkıntısı Nedeni: Konjenital Kistik Adenoid Malformasyon
양전자 소멸 측정을 이용한 발광 박막 구조 결함 특성
Y a-t-il nécessité à créer un pôle bloc opératoire ?
예비특수교사의 뇌선호도에 따른 학습유형 분석
Yanık yaralarından izole edilen patojenler ve antibiyotik direnç durumları
"You speak all your part at once, cues and all": Reading Shakespeare with Alzheimer's Disease
Yeni Gerçekçilik Bağlamında Yves Klein ve Fernandez Arman’ın Boşluk ve Doluluk Sergileri
유량변화에 따른 아이스하버식 어도의 수리학적 이동효율 분석
유비쿼터스 환경에서 led를 이용한 근거리 무선전송 기술에 관한 연구
“You Can Choose… Or We Would Go to ‘Turkeys’ or to Houses” – Verbal Interactions of Five-Year-Old Children During Story Creation
Young men with bilateral pain in the lower part of patella
Yağış Eşiği Bazlı Heyelan Erken Uyarı Sistem Önerisi: Trabzon İli Örneği
역해석을 이용한 콘크리트라이닝 지반 이완하중 산정방법 연구
腰椎破裂骨折に対するS4 Spinal System FRI を用いた最小侵襲手術
양안 황반부 모세혈관 확장증과 연관된 양안 황반 원공 1예
腰椎手術後にmrsa 硬膜内膿瘍を生じた1 例
유량 제어 밸브 방식이 dme 고압 연료 펌프의 성능에 미치는 영향
영상의 국부적 특성을 고려한 색수차 보정 방법
Yenidoğan Döneminde Tanı Alan ve Hiperpireksi ile Seyreden Freeman-Sheldon Sendromu
유아의 성별 및 사려성-충동성 인지양식에 따른 주의력의 차이
열선절단방식 구속분리장치를 적용한 큐브위성의 구조설계
Yael Zofi. A Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams. New York, NY: AMACOM, 2011, 264 pages, $27.95 hardcover.
Yang-Mills Gauge Invariant Theory for Space Curved Electromagnetic Field
양성돌발두위현훈에 대한 국내 이과 전문의들의 진단 및 치료 행태에 대한 다기관 연구
여고생의 신발 착용실태에 관한 연구
右下腿コンパートメント症候群から診断に至ったaids 関連悪性リンパ腫の1 例
Young Psychiatrists at the 15th Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists Scientific Meeting: towards a better harmony
유용한 흡착제로의 활용을 위해 실리카에 고정화한 미세조류의 특성분석 및 흡착효율에 관한 연구