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Discover 112 research papers published on
1st July, 2017 starting with "Y"

YouTube-BoundingBoxes: A Large High-Precision Human-Annotated Data Set for Object Detection in Video
Yield, phosphorus use efficiency and balance response to substituting long-term chemical fertilizer use with organic manure in a wheat-maize system
Young people’s online and face-to-face experiences of interpersonal violence and abuse and their subjective impact across five European countries.
Yogurt and Diabetes: Overview of Recent Observational Studies
You see but you do not observe: A review of bystander intervention and sexual assault on university campuses
Yukawa enhancement of Z -mediated new physics in ∆ S = 2 and ∆ B = 2 processes
Yield gap analyses to estimate attainable bovine milk yields and evaluate options to increase production in Ethiopia and India
Your evidence or mine? Systematic evaluation of reviews of marine protected area effectiveness
Yeast-derived β-1,3/1,6 glucan, upper respiratory tract infection and innate immunity in older adults
You get what you pay for: the link between price and food safety in Kenya
Young people’s acceptance of bioenergy and the influence of attitude strength on information provision
Youth engagement in developing an implementation science research agenda on adolescent HIV testing and care linkages in sub-Saharan Africa.
Yogurt Consumption as a Signature of a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle.
You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to be entrepreneurial: The unique role of imaginativeness in new venture ideation
Yield, growth and grain nitrogen response to elevated CO2 in six lentil (Lens culinaris) cultivars grown under Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) in a semi-arid environment
Youth use of electronic vapor products and blunts for administering cannabis.
Young children mostly keep, and expect others to keep, their promises.
Youth-oriented Active Labour Market Policies: Explaining Policy Effort in the Nordic and the Baltic States
Yap1p, the central regulator of the S. cerevisiae oxidative stress response, is activated by allicin, a natural oxidant and defence substance of garlic
Young lunar volcanic features: Thermophysical properties and formation
Y Chromosome Microdeletions in Infertile Men with Non-obstructive Azoospermia and Severe Oligozoospermia.
You are what you own: Reviewing the link between possessions, emotional attachment, and the self-concept in hoarding disorder
Young children protest and correct pretense that contradicts their general knowledge
Yorkie regulates epidermal wound healing in Drosophila larvae independently of cell proliferation and apoptosis
Yield and Dry Matter Simulation Using the Saltmed Model for Five Quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa) Accessions Under Deficit Irrigation in South Morocco
You’re either with us or against us! Moral conviction determines how the politicized distinguish friend from foe
Yield loss assessment of rice (Oryza Sativa L.) due to different biotic stresses under system of rice intensification (SRI)
Yoga Practice Improves the Body Mass Index and Blood Pressure: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Yogurt Is a Low–Glycemic Index Food
Your position in society matters for how happy you are
Yesterday's giants and invisible colleges of today. A study on the `knowledge transfer' scientific domain
Yield and Water Quality Impacts of Field-Scale Integration of Willow into a Continuous Corn Rotation System.
Yes-associated protein and WW-containing transcription regulator 1 regulate the expression of sex-determining genes in Sertoli cells, but their inactivation does not cause sex reversal.
Yellow nail syndrome: a case report and review of treatment options
Yield, thermal denaturation, and microstructure of proteins isolated from pale, soft, exudative chicken breast meat by using isoelectric solubilization/precipitation
Yield Curve Premia
Youth’s Perceptions of Parental Support and Parental Knowledge as Moderators of the Association Between Youth–Probation Officer Relationship and Probation Non-compliance
You are what you eat: An empirical investigation of the relationship between spicy food and aggressive cognition
Yorkie CA overexpression in the posterior silk gland improves silk yield in Bombyx mori.
Yellow-meadow ant (Lasius flavus) mound development determines soil properties and growth responses of different plant functional types
Yellow Fever importation to China - a failure of pre- and post-travel control systems?
Y418 in 410s loop is required for high transglucosylation activity and large-ring cyclodextrin production of amylomaltase from Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Yb3+:LuAlO3 crystal as a gain medium for efficient broadband chirped pulse regenerative amplification.
Yttrium nitrate catalyzed synthesis, photophysical study, and TD‐DFT calculation of 2,3‐dihydroquinazolin‐4(1H)‐ones
Young people transitioning from Juvenile justice to the community: Transition planning and interagency collaboration
Young worker injury deaths : a historical summary of surveillance and investigative findings
Young Australians’ Alcohol Reporting System (YAARS): National report 2016/17
'You can't use this, and you mustn't do that': A qualitative study of non-consumption practices among Danish pregnant women and new mothers
Yield-per-recruit modeling of two piscivores in a Midwestern reservoir: A Bayesian approach
Yaw moment Lyapunov based control for In-Wheel-Motor-Drive Electric Vehicle
Young children in divorce and separation: pilot study of a mediation-based co-parenting intervention
Your Mouse Reveals Your Next Activity: Towards Predicting User Intention from Mouse Interaction
Yield of Cytology Surveillance After High-Grade Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia or Cancer.
Yang-Baxter representations of the infinite symmetric group
Yield Response of Tolerant and Susceptible Soybean to the Soybean Aphid
Yarkovsky effect and solar radiation pressure on the orbital dynamics of the asteroid (101955) Bennu
Yield of 48-hour Holter monitoring in children with unexplained palpitations and significance of associated symptoms.
Yuva: An e-health model for dealing with psychological issues of adolescents
ʎ BC-Open Sets And Topological Properties
You can run but you cannot hide from memory: Extracting IM evidence of Android apps
Yoga Treatment for Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain (2017).
Yielding and Content of Selected Microelements in Maize Fertilized With Various Organic Materials
Yuheng Zhang Effect: Strain-Induced Electric Effect in Metals
Youth and moral values in a changing society
Yodurias y consumo de lácteos en preescolares del Área Suroccidental de Asturias
Yiqi Huoxue prescription can prevent and treat post-MI myocardial remodeling through promoting the expression of AMPK signal pathway
Youthful Familicidal Offenders: Targeted Victims, Planned Attacks
Yield of Endoscopy in Pediatric Gastroparesis
“You are contagious”: The Role of the Facilitator in Fostering Self-Efficacy in Learners
Yaratıcı Dramanın Öfke Denetimi Becerilerine Etkisi
Yogurt Feeding Induced the Prolongation of Fully Major Histocompatibility Complex-Mismatched Murine Cardiac Graft Survival by Induction of CD4 + Foxp3 + Cells.
Yoga and meditation: Integral correlation is a bit of mystery
YOREH MITWA: An Electrochemical Rain Sensing Wiper
‘you need to learn to see yourself through the Fathers’ eyes’: feminism, representation, and the dystopian space of Bitch Planet
Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films via MOCVD for Thermal Barrier and Protective Applications in Injection Molding
Yield and fruit quality of several wild and domestic tomato cultivars grown in an environmentally controlled agricultural facility (plant factory).
Young children's knowledge about the links between writing and language
Yapısal Kırılmalar Altında Türkiye'de Enerji Tüketiminin Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkileri
Yaw response control method for the in-wheel motor electric vehicle
YANG Module Classification
Youth Justice, Restorative Justice and Gendered Violence — Oh My! The Rise and Rise of Offender ‘Accountability’ in Contemporary Penality
Your Wish, My Command - Speeding up Projects in the Transportation Industry Using Ontologies
Yield stress based on natural strain theory under cyclic tensile-compressive loading after large uniaxial tension
Yea, Nay, and Everything in Between: Disparities within the Academic Ombuds Field
Yugoslavya Sosyalist Federal Cumhuriyeti İçindeki Kosova Özerk Bölgesi Sorunu (1980-1989)
Young Woman With Abdominal Pain and Distention.
Y-Chromosome Microdeletion Analysis in Infertile Men from Upper Egypt
Yoga for Sleep, Pain, Mood, and Executive Functioning in Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury
ʎ bC - Connected Spaces and ʎ bC -Components
Yam Peels as Adsorbent for the Removal of Copper (Cu) and Manganese (Mn) in Waste Water
Yoga an effective, alternative and cost effective approach towards management of dysmenorrhea.
Young Adults' Music Preferences and Its Relation to Their Attitude towards Women and Sexuality
You Can’t Always Get What You Want: Using “Broken Lotteries” to Check the Validity of Charter School Evaluations using Matching Designs
Yo no tiro las faltas como Leo Messi, porque no rechazar la hipótesis nula no es aceptarla
Yeast Cells Immobilized in Ionic Crosslinked Hydrogel Particles Based on Gellan and Gellan/Carboxymethyl Cellulose—Comparative Study
Yapı elemanlarında kullanılan atık lastiklerin ısıl performansının incelenmesi
Yoga for better health
“You’re Not a Real Contemporary Dancer.” Discrepancy and Appropriation of the Artists’ Status by Dancers from a Working Class Background
Yield of chicory ‘Folha larga’ and ‘Pão de açúcar’ according to planting density
Yield curve responses to market sentiments and monetary policy
英米法研究(第77回)三権分立の下での司法と立法・行政との境界 : Bank Markazi v. Peterson, 136 S. Ct. 1310 (2016)
Yet Another Multidimensional Model for XML Documents
Yaşam boyu öğrenmede televi̇zyonun rolü bağlaminda bi̇r gündüz kuşaği programi: “gülben”
You’ve got a friend in me: can social engagement mediate the relationship between mood and mci?
義肢·装具の審査·承認制度と臨床研究 : 臨床研究の登録制度と国内外の現況
Yonder: Loneliness, breast cancer, medically unexplained symptoms, and delivering babies.
Yukarı-Aşağı imleç hareketlerine ilişkin EEG kayıtlarında en etkin kanalın belirlenmesi
Yes-associated protein and immunosuppressive microenvironment in pancreatic cancer development: a new strategy to improve immunotherapy efficacy?
YaPSI: a new database of evolutionary tracks and isochrones
Young man with persistent calf pain
Young and thriving is okay; young and not thriving is not
Ynformacion que va para el Real consejo de las Yndias etc. Sobre la antigua costubre de tirar los presidentes y oidores naranjas en las carnestolendas y del contento quel pueblo e honrra en ello a rrecibido [1578]