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Choosability of P5-Free Graphs

20 Aug 2009-Vol. 5734, pp 382-391
TL;DR: It is proved that the problem is fixed parameter tractable on P 5-free graphs when parameterized by k, which contains the well known and widely studied class of cographs.
Abstract: A graph is k-choosable if it admits a proper coloring of its vertices for every assignment of k (possibly different) allowed colors to choose from for each vertex. It is NP-hard to decide whether a given graph is k-choosable for k ? 3, and this problem is considered strictly harder than the k-coloring problem. Only few positive results are known on input graphs with a given structure. Here, we prove that the problem is fixed parameter tractable on P 5-free graphs when parameterized by k. This graph class contains the well known and widely studied class of cographs. Our result is surprising since the parameterized complexity of k-coloring is still open on P 5-free graphs. To give a complete picture, we show that the problem remains NP-hard on P 5-free graphs when k is a part of the input.

Summary (2 min read)


  • Cuando existe baja reputación fiscal e institucionalidad débil, las reglas no solamente pueden resultar ineficaces en materia fiscal, sino que su incumplimiento puede deteriorar más el frágil contexto institucional que dificulta su eficacia.
  • Po l í t i ca f i sca l Admin is t rac ión f i sca l Hac ienda púb l ica Leyes y reg lamentos.
  • Ins t i tuc iones f inanc ieras in ternac iona les Estud ios de casos Eva luac ión Argent ina.

1. La ley de “convertibilidad fiscal”

  • En 1998 comenzó a discutirse en el Congreso lo que luego se convertiría en la primera ley de responsabilidad fiscal en Argentina, la ley 25.152.
  • El crecimiento del gasto público quedó supeditado al crecimiento del producto interno bruto (pib), obligando a no aumentar el gasto primario corriente en el caso de caídas de la actividad económica.
  • El proyecto original de la ley incluía también un artículo especial dedicado a las sanciones para quienes violasen sus disposiciones.
  • Como se mencionó en la sección anterior, las reglas fiscales suelen incluir cláusulas de escape que permitan evitar —o al menos amortiguar— el efecto procíclico que una regla rígida podría tener sobre la política fiscal, especialmente durante una recesión.
  • A mediados de 1999, las características del régimen de convertibilidad y la dificultad para conseguir financiamiento público hacían imposible pensar que Argentina pudiera ampliar su déficit fiscal como respuesta anticíclica a la recesión que afectaba a su economía.

2. La ley de “déficit cero”

  • En la segunda mitad del 2001, pocos meses antes del desenlace de la crisis política y económica que derivó 13 En realidad, con la perspectiva de un cambio presidencial previsto para fines de 1999, el ajuste fiscal comprometido recaía en el gobierno siguiente, un detalle no menor para explicar el momento elegido para la votación.
  • Tiempo después, habiendo caído el régimen de convertibilidad, la ley de déficit cero sería declarada inconstitucional por la Corte Suprema de Justicia.18.
  • Los contenidos de esta ley atendieron a varios objetivos.
  • En lo que hace a reglas numéricas, la ley 25.917 fijó el crecimiento del pib como límite a la expansión del gasto primario y prescribió la ejecución equilibrada del presupuesto una vez descontados ciertos gastos.
  • Se creó el Consejo Federal de Responsabilidad Fiscal, un organismo destinado a fiscalizar la aplicación de esta ley, integrado por representantes de la Nación y las provincias, y facultado para imponer sanciones por incumplimiento que iban desde la divulgación pública de los desvíos hasta la limitación de transferencias presupuestarias de origen nacional (excluida la coparticipación).

1. El fondo Monetario Internacional, las provincias

  • El tema Nación-provincias impregnó los contenidos de la lrf, pero no parece haber sido determinante del momento en que se aprobó la nueva legislación.
  • La vigencia de la ley de responsabilidad fiscal (lrf) del 2004 Alesina, A. y R. Perotti (1996): Fiscal discipline and the budget process, American Economic Review, vol. 86, nº 2, Nashville, Tennessee, American Economic Association, mayo.
  • Gadano, N. (2003): Rompiendo las reglas: Argentina y la Ley de Responsabilidad Fiscal, Desarrollo económico, nº 170, Buenos Aires, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social (ides), julio-septiembre.

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Choosability of P
-free graphs
Petr A. Golovach
Pinar Heggernes
A graph is k-choosable if it admits a proper coloring of its vertices
for every assignment of k (possibly different) allowed colors to choose
from for each vertex. It is NP-hard to decide whether a given graph is
k-choosable for k 3, and this pr oblem is co nsidered strictly harder
than the k-coloring problem. Only few positive results are known on
input graphs with a given structure . Here, we prove that the problem
is fixed para meter tractable on P
-free graphs when parameterized by
k. This graph class contains the well known and widely studied class of
cographs. Our result is s urprising since the pa rameterized complexity
of k-coloring is still open on P
-free graphs. To give a complete picture,
we show that the pr oblem remains NP-hard on P
-free graphs when k
is a part of the input.
1 Introduction
Graph coloring is one of the most well known and intensively studied prob-
lems in graph theory. The k-Coloring problem asks whether the vertices
of an input graph G can be colored with k colors such that no pair of ad-
jacent vertices receive the same color (such coloring is also called a proper
coloring). This problem is known to be NP-complete even when k 3 is
not a part of the input but a fixed constant.
Vizing [19] and Erd˝os et al. [6] introduced a version of graph coloring
called list coloring. In list coloring, a set L(v) of allowed colors is given for
each vertex v of the input graph, and we want to decide whether a proper col-
oring of the graph exists such that each vertex v receives a color from L(v).
If G has a list coloring for every assignment of lists of cardinality k to its ver-
tices, then G is said to be k-choosable. Hence the k-Choosability problem
This work is supported by the Research Council of Norway.
Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, N-5020 Bergen, Norway. Emails:

asks whether an input graph G is k-choosable. List coloring has received
increasing attention since the beginning of 90’s, and there are very good sur-
veys [1, 17] and books [11] on the subject. It is proved to be a very difficult
problem; Gutner and Tarsi [9] proved that k-Choosability is Π
for bipartite graphs for any fixed k 3, w hereas 2-Choosability can be
solved in polynomial time [6]. The 3-Choosability and 4-Choosability
problems remain Π
-complete for planar graphs, whereas any planar graph
is 5-choosable [16]. Due to these hardness results, upto the assumption that
NP is not equal to co-NP, Choosa bility is strictly harder than Coloring
on general graphs [1].
Despite being a difficult problem to deal with, Choosability has app li-
cations in a large variety of areas, like various kinds of scheduling problems,
VLSI design, and frequen cy assignments [1]. Consequently, any attempt to
solve this problem is of interest, and we attack it using structural inf ormation
on the input and parameterized algorithms. A problem is fixed parameter
tractable (FPT) if its input can be partitioned into a main part (typically
the input graph) of size n and a p arameter (typically an integer) k so that
there is an algorithm that solves the problem in time O(n
· f(k)), w here
f is a computable function dependent only on k, and c is a fixed constant
independent of input [5]. In this case, we say that the problem is FPT w hen
parameterized by k. The field of parameterized algorithms and fixed pa-
rameter complexity/tractability has been flourishing during the last decade,
with many new results appearing every year in high level conferences and
journals, and it has been enriched by several new books [7, 14].
In this paper, we show that k-Choosability is xed parameter tractable
on P
-free graphs. These are graphs containing no induced copy of a simple
path on 5 vertices, and this graph class contains the class of cographs that
has been subject to extensive theoretical study [3]. An interesting point
to mention is that the fixed parameter tractability of k-Coloring on P
free graphs is still open [10]. As mentioned above, Choosability is more
difficult than Coloring on general graphs. Our result indicates that the
opposite might be true for the class of P
-free graphs. In last year’s MFCS,
Ho`ang et al. showed that k-Coloring can be solved in polynomial time for
any xed k on P
-free graph s [10], but in their running time k contributes
to the degree of th e polynomial. Furtherm ore, k-Coloring is NP-complete
on P
-free graphs when k is a part of input [12]. To give a complete picture,
here we show that k-Choosability is NP-hard on P
-free graphs when k is
a part of input. Thus xed parameter tractability is the best we can expect
to achieve for k-Choosability on this graph class.
To mention other existing results on th e coloring problem on graphs

that do not contain long induced paths, 3-Coloring has a polynomial-
time solution on P
-free graphs [15], 5-Coloring is NP-complete for P
graphs, and 4-Coloring is NP-complete for P
-free graphs [20].
2 Definitions and preliminaries
We consider finite undirected graphs without loop s or multiple edges. A
graph is denoted by G = (V, E), wh ere V = V (G) is the set of vertices and
E = E(G) is the set of edges. For a vertex v V , the set of vertices that
are adjacent to v is called the neighborhood of v an d den oted by N
(v) (we
may omit index if the graph under consideration is clear from the context).
The degree of a vertex v is deg(v) = |N(v)|. The average degree of G is
d(G) =
|V |
deg(v). For a vertex subset U V the subgraph of G
induced by U is denoted by G[U]. A set U V is a clique if all vertices
in U are pairwise adjacent in G. A set of vertices U is a dominating set if
for each vertex v V , either v U or there is a vertex u U such that
v N(u). We also say that a subgraph H of G is dominating if V (H) is a
dominating set. We denote by G U the graph G[V \ U ], and by G u the
graph G[V \ {u}] for u V .
A vertex coloring of a graph G = (V, E) is an assignment c: V N of
a positive integer (color) to each vertex of G. The coloring c is proper if
adjacent vertices receive distinct colors. Assume that each vertex v V is
assigned a color list L(v) N, which is the set of admissible colors for v. A
mapping c: V N is a list coloring of G if c is a proper vertex coloring and
c(v) L(v) for every v V . For a positive integer k, G is k-choosable if G
has a list coloring for every assignment of color lists L(v) with |L(v)| = k
for all v V . The choice number (also called list chromatic number) of G,
denoted ch(G), is the minimum integer k such that G is k-choosable. The
k-Choosability problem asks for a given graph G and a positive integer k,
whether G is k-choosable. It is known that dense graphs have large choice
number [1], as indicated by the following result.
Proposition 1 ([1]). Let G be a graph and s be an integer. If
d(G) > 4
then ch(G) > s.
By P
we denote the graph on vertex set {v
, v
, . . . , v
} and edge set
, v
, . . . , v
}. A graph is P
-free if it does not contain P

an induced subgraph. Cographs are the class of P
-free graphs, and they
are contained in th e class of P
-free graphs. These graph classes can be
recognized in polynomial time. The f ollowing stru ctural property of P
graphs was proved by Bacs´o and Tuza [2].
Proposition 2 ([2]). Every connected P
-free graph has either a dominating
clique or a dominating P
It follows from the results of [2] that such a clique or path can be con-
structed in polynomial time.
Finally, we distinguish between the parameterized and the non-
parameterized versions of our problem. In the Choosability problem, G
and k are input. We den ote by k-Choosab ility the version of the problem
parameterized by k.
3 k-Choosability is FPT on P
-free graphs
In this section we prove that k-Choosab ility is fixed parameter tractable
on P
-free graphs.
Theorem 1. The k-Choosability problem is FPT on P
-free graphs.
Proof. We give a constructive proof of this theorem by describing a recurs ive
algorithm based on Propositions 1 and 2 that checks whether ch(G) k.
We assume th at k 3, since for k 2, k-Choosability can be solved in
polynomial time for general graphs [6]. If G is disconnected, then ch(G) is
equal to the maximum choice number of the connected components of G.
Thus we also assume that G is connected.
Our algorithm uses as its main tool a procedure called Color, given
in Algorithm 1. This procedure takes as input a connected P
-free graph
G and a set W = {w
, . . . , w
} V (G) with a sequence of color lists L =
), . . . , L(w
)), each of size k. For the notation in this procedure, we let
L = L(w
)∪· · ·∪L(w
), and we denote l = max{max L(w
), . . . , max L(w
Let also L = L(w
)×· · ·×L(w
) and X = 2
. We say that vertices w
, . . . , w
are colored by c = (c
, . . . , c
) L if each w
is colored by c
. Set H = GW .
Procedure Color produces an output which either contains a list of different
sets X = (X
, . . . , X
), X
X, such that for any assignment of color lists
of size k to vertices of H, there is a set X
with the property that any
c X
can be used for coloring of W with respect to adjacencies between
vertices in W and vertices in V (H), or the outp ut contains ”NO” if there is
a list assignment for vertices of H such that no list coloring exists. Denote

Procedure Color(G, W , L)
Find a dominating set U = {u
, . . . , u
} of H = G W , such that U is
a clique or U induces a P
Let X = ;
if p > k then Return(NO), Halt;
if d(G[W U]) > d then Return(NO), Halt;
forall Color lists L(u
), . . . , L(u
) {1 , . . . , l, l + 1, . . . , l + kp}, s.t.
)| = k do
if U = V (H) then
Let X = ;
forall List colorings s of H do
Let X := X {c L : c(w
) 6= s(u
) if w
if X 6= then Add(X , X); else Return(NO), Halt;
if U 6= V (H) then
Let H
, . . . , H
be the connected components of H U, and
let F
= G[W U V (H
)] for i {1, . . . , q};
Let L
= (L(u
), . . . , L(u
)), L
= L × L(u
) × · · · × L(u
for i = 1 to q do
, W U, L L
if the output is NO then
Return(NO), Halt;
Let X
be the output;
Let Y = X
for i = 2 to q do
Let Z = ;
forall X X
and Y Y do
if X Y 6= then Add(Z, X X
else Return(NO), Halt;
Let Y = Z;
forall Z Z do
Let X = {(c(w
), . . . , c(w
)): c Z, c(w
) 6= c(u
) if w
E(G) and c(u
) 6= c(u
) if u
if X 6= then Add(X , X);
else Return(NO), Halt;
if X = then Return(NO), Halt; else Return(X ).
Algorithm 1: Pseudo code for th e procedure Color

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors survey known results on the computational complexity of k-coloring and k-COLORING for graph classes that are characterized by one or two forbidden induced subgraphs, and also consider a number of variants: for example, where the problem is to extend a partial coloring, or where lists of permissible colors are given for each vertex.
Abstract: For a positive integer k, a k-coloring of a graph inline image is a mapping inline image such that inline image whenever inline image. The COLORING problem is to decide, for a given G and k, whether a k-coloring of G exists. If k is fixed (i.e., it is not part of the input), we have the decision problem k-COLORING instead. We survey known results on the computational complexity of COLORING and k-COLORING for graph classes that are characterized by one or two forbidden induced subgraphs. We also consider a number of variants: for example, where the problem is to extend a partial coloring, or where lists of permissible colors are given for each vertex.

128 citations

Posted Content
TL;DR: In this article, the authors survey known results on the computational complexity of coloring and coloring for graph classes that are characterized by one or two forbidden induced subgraphs, and also consider a number of variants: for example, where the problem is to extend a partial colouring, or where lists of permissible colours are given for each vertex.
Abstract: For a positive integer $k$, a $k$-colouring of a graph $G=(V,E)$ is a mapping $c: V\rightarrow\{1,2,...,k\}$ such that $c(u) eq c(v)$ whenever $uv\in E$. The Colouring problem is to decide, for a given $G$ and $k$, whether a $k$-colouring of $G$ exists. If $k$ is fixed (that is, it is not part of the input), we have the decision problem $k$-Colouring instead. We survey known results on the computational complexity of Colouring and $k$-Colouring for graph classes that are characterized by one or two forbidden induced subgraphs. We also consider a number of variants: for example, where the problem is to extend a partial colouring, or where lists of permissible colours are given for each vertex.

109 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors survey results related to this concept and particularly explain how these graphs are used to decompose and construct more complex graphs and structures, and survey some of the properties and applications of low tree-depth decomposition of graphs.
Abstract: The theory of sparse structures usually uses tree like structures as building blocks. In the context of sparse/dense dichotomy this role is played by graphs with bounded tree-depth. In this paper we survey results related to this concept and particularly explain how these graphs are used to decompose and construct more complex graphs and structures. In more technical terms we survey some of the properties and applications of low tree-depth decomposition of graphs.

45 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is proved that it is NP-complete if H contains a claw or cycle, and it is shown that it remains polynomial-time solvable for $$P_4$$P4-free graphs, and the complexity of Independent Feedback Vertex Set for H- free graphs is compared with those of 3-Colouring, Independent Odd Cycle Transversal and other related problems.
Abstract: The NP-complete problem Feedback Vertex Set is that of deciding whether or not it is possible, for a given integer $$k\ge 0$$ , to delete at most k vertices from a given graph so that what remains is a forest. The variant in which the deleted vertices must form an independent set is called Independent Feedback Vertex Set and is also NP-complete. In fact, even deciding if an independent feedback vertex set exists is NP-complete and this problem is closely related to the 3-Colouring problem, or equivalently, to the problem of deciding whether or not a graph has an independent odd cycle transversal, that is, an independent set of vertices whose deletion makes the graph bipartite. We initiate a systematic study of the complexity of Independent Feedback Vertex Set for H-free graphs. We prove that it is NP-complete if H contains a claw or cycle. Tamura, Ito and Zhou proved that it is polynomial-time solvable for $$P_4$$ -free graphs. We show that it remains polynomial-time solvable for $$P_5$$ -free graphs. We prove analogous results for the Independent Odd Cycle Transversal problem, which asks whether or not a graph has an independent odd cycle transversal of size at most k for a given integer $$k\ge 0$$ . Finally, in line with our underlying research aim, we compare the complexity of Independent Feedback Vertex Set for H-free graphs with the complexity of 3-Colouring, Independent Odd Cycle Transversal and other related problems.

29 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This work completely characterize the complexity of List Coloring for ( H 1, H 2 ) -free graphs.

26 citations

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06 Nov 1998
TL;DR: An approach to complexity theory which offers a means of analysing algorithms in terms of their tractability, and introduces readers to new classes of algorithms which may be analysed more precisely than was the case until now.
Abstract: An approach to complexity theory which offers a means of analysing algorithms in terms of their tractability. The authors consider the problem in terms of parameterized languages and taking "k-slices" of the language, thus introducing readers to new classes of algorithms which may be analysed more precisely than was the case until now. The book is as self-contained as possible and includes a great deal of background material. As a result, computer scientists, mathematicians, and graduate students interested in the design and analysis of algorithms will find much of interest.

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01 Jan 2010
TL;DR: Fixed-Parameter Tractability.
Abstract: Fixed-Parameter Tractability.- Reductions and Parameterized Intractability.- The Class W[P].- Logic and Complexity.- Two Fundamental Hierarchies.- The First Level of the Hierarchies.- The W-Hierarchy.- The A- Hierarchy.- Kernelization and Linear Programming Techniques.- The Automata-Theoretic Approach.- Tree Width.- Planarity and Bounded Local Tree Width.- Homomorphisms and Embeddings.- Parameterized Counting Problems.- Bounded Fixed-Parameter Tractability.- Subexponential Fixed-Parameter Tractability.- Appendix, Background from Complexity Theory.- References.- Notation.- Index.

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01 Jan 1987
TL;DR: The Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture as discussed by the authors is based on the strong perfect graph conjecture, which is a generalization of the concept of generalized perfection, generalized perfection and related concepts.
Abstract: Preface 1. Basic Concepts 2. Perfection, Generalized Perfection, and Related Concepts 3. Cycles, Chords and Bridges 4. Models and Interactions 5. Vertex and Edge Orderings 6. Posets 7. Forbidden Subgraphs 8. Hypergraphs and Graphs 9. Matrices and Polyhedra 10. Distance Properties 11. Algebraic Compositions and Recursive Definitions 12. Decompositions and Cutsets 13. Threshold Graphs and Related Concepts 14. The Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture Appendix A. Recognition Appendix B. Containment Relationships Bibliography Index.

1,958 citations

"Choosability of P5-Free Graphs" refers background in this paper

  • ...These are graphs containing no induced copy of a simple path on 5 vertices, and this graph class contains the class of cographs that has been subject to extensive theoretical study [ 3 ]....


  • ...[ 3 ]) that any cographs can be constructed from from isolated vertices by disjoint union and join operations, and such decomposition of any cograph can be constructed in linear time [4]? Instead of the presence of a dominating clique or a dominating P3 we can use the property [13] that ch(Kr,rr) > r. Unfortunately this algorithm is still double exponential in k. Is it possible to construct a better algorithm?...


01 Jan 2006
TL;DR: This paper discusses Fixed-Parameter Algorithms, Parameterized Complexity Theory, and Selected Case Studies, and some of the techniques used in this work.
Abstract: PART I: FOUNDATIONS 1. Introduction to Fixed-Parameter Algorithms 2. Preliminaries and Agreements 3. Parameterized Complexity Theory - A Primer 4. Vertex Cover - An Illustrative Example 5. The Art of Problem Parameterization 6. Summary and Concluding Remarks PART II: ALGORITHMIC METHODS 7. Data Reduction and Problem Kernels 8. Depth-Bounded Search Trees 9. Dynamic Programming 10. Tree Decompositions of Graphs 11. Further Advanced Techniques 12. Summary and Concluding Remarks PART III: SOME THEORY, SOME CASE STUDIES 13. Parameterized Complexity Theory 14. Connections to Approximation Algorithms 15. Selected Case Studies 16. Zukunftsmusik References Index

1,730 citations

"Choosability of P5-Free Graphs" refers background in this paper

  • ...In this case, we say that the problem is FPT when parameterized by k. The field of parameterized algorithms and fixed parameter complexity/tractability has been flourishing during the last decade, with many new results appearing every year in high level conferences and journals, and it has been enriched by several new books [7, 14 ]....


17 Dec 1994
TL;DR: In this article, the Conjectures of Hadwiger and Hajos are used to define graph types, such as planar graph, graph on higher surfaces, and critical graph.
Abstract: Planar Graphs. Graphs on Higher Surfaces. Degrees. Critical Graphs. The Conjectures of Hadwiger and Hajos. Sparse Graphs. Perfect Graphs. Geometric and Combinatorial Graphs. Algorithms. Constructions. Edge Colorings. Orientations and Flows. Chromatic Polynomials. Hypergraphs. Infinite Chromatic Graphs. Miscellaneous Problems. Indexes.

1,380 citations

Frequently Asked Questions (17)
Q1. What are the contributions in this paper?

Here, the authors prove that the problem is fixed parameter tractable on P5-free graphs when parameterized by k. This graph class contains the well known and widely studied class of cographs. To give a complete picture, the authors show that the problem remains NP-hard on P5-free graphs when k is a part of the input. 

Another interesting question is whether it is possible to extend their result for Pr-free graphs for some r ≥ Finally, what can be said about P4-free graphs or cographs ? It is possible to construct a more efficient algorithm using same ideas as in the proof of Theorem 1 and the well known fact ( see e. g. [ 3 ] ) that any cographs can be constructed from from isolated vertices by disjoint union and join operations, and such decomposition of any cograph can be constructed in linear time [ 4 ] ? Instead of the presence of a dominating clique or a dominating P3 the authors can use the property [ 13 ] that ch ( Kr, rr ) > r. 

Since the depth of the recursion tree is at most kd + 1 and each set U contains at most k elements (if the algorithm does not stop), the size of W is at most k(kd+1). 

A problem is fixed parameter tractable (FPT) if its input can be partitioned into a main part (typically the input graph) of size n and a parameter (typically an integer) k so that there is an algorithm that solves the problem in time O(nc · f(k)), where f is a computable function dependent only on k, and c is a fixed constant independent of input [5]. 

Procedure Color produces an output which either contains a list of different sets X = (X1, . . . ,Xs), Xi ∈ X, such that for any assignment of color lists of size k to vertices of H, there is a set Xi with the property that any c ∈ 

Cj with literals xp, xq, xr, at least one literal has value true since at least one color from the list {2p, 2q, 2r} is used for coloring vertex C (2) j , and at least one literal has value false, since at least one color from the list {2p − 1, 2q − 1, 2r − 1} is used for coloring vertex C (1) j . 

Then any two vertices C (1) j and C (2) j , which correspond to the clause Cj with literals xp, xq, xr, can be properly colored, since at least one color from each of lists {2p−1, 2q−1, 2r−1} and {2p, 2q, 2r} is not used for coloring of vertices x1, . . . , xn. 

For a given set of Boolean variables X = {x1, . . . , xn}, and a set C = {C1, . . . , Cm} of three-literal clauses over X in which all literals are positive, this problem asks whether there is a truth assignment for X such that each clause contains at least one true literal and at least one false literal. 

Since |U | = k − 2n = n + 4nm − 4m − 2n = n(2m − 1) + 2m(n − 2), the color list L(v) contains at least 2n colors which are not used for coloring the vertices of U . 

Taking into account the total number of calls of the procedure the authors can bound the the running time of their algorithm as 2O(k 8·2k 4 ) · ns for some positive constant s.4 Choosability is NP-hard on P5-free graphs 

To mention other existing results on the coloring problem on graphsthat do not contain long induced paths, 3-Coloring has a polynomialtime solution on P6-free graphs [15], 5-Coloring is NP-complete for P8-free graphs, and 4-Coloring is NP-complete for P12-free graphs [20]. 

for each w ∈ W , all these 2n colors are included in L(w), due to the way the authors colored the vertices of U and since w was not deleted by Rules 2 or 3. 

Due to these hardness results, upto the assumption that NP is not equal to co-NP, Choosability is strictly harder than Coloring on general graphs [1]. 

It is based on the property that any induced subgraph of a P5-free graph has a dominating set of bounded (by some function of k) size. 

This coloring of U can be constructed due the property that for each v ∈ U , |L(v)| = k and |U | = k − 2n < k. Rule 2 is correct since degG(xi) = k + 2m − 2, and therefore if at least 2m − 1 colors that are not included in L(xi) are used for coloring U , then any extension of the coloring of U to the coloring of G−xi can be further extended to the coloring of G, since there is at least one color in L(xi) which is not used for the coloring of neighborhood of this vertex. 

Using these bounds and the observation that q ≤ n, the authors can conclude that the number of operations for each call of Color is 2O(k 8·2k 4) ·nc for some positive constant c. 

1. It can be easily noted that the number of leaves in the recursion tree is at most n = |V (G)|, and the number of calls of Color is at most (4k ( k4k) log(2 ( k4k))+1)n = O(k5 · 2k 4·n).