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Proceedings ArticleDOI

Cognitive systems in intelligent vehicles - a new frontier for autonomous driving

TL;DR: This position paper introduces the concept of “artificial co-pilot” (that is, a driver model), with a focus on driver's oriented cognitive cars, in order to illustrate a new approach for future intelligent vehicles, which overcomes the limitations of nowadays models.
Abstract: This position paper introduces the concept of “artificial co-pilot” (that is, a driver model), with a focus on driver's oriented cognitive cars, in order to illustrate a new approach for future intelligent vehicles, which overcomes the limitations of nowadays models. The core consists in adopting the human cognitive framework for vehicles, following an artificial intelligent approach to take decisions. This paper illustrates in details these concepts, as they are under development in the EU co-funded project HOLIDES.

Summary (1 min read)


  • Unlike the ACT-R architecture, CASCaS model allows parallelism between autonomous and associative layer simulating the human ability to manage two tasks simultaneously.
  • For the implementation of the co-pilot in the HOLIDES vehicle demonstrator, the authors have adopted the CASCaS architecture as a basis, reproducing the autonomous behaviour and the associative behaviour into the co-pilot architecture (the cognitive layer can be foreseen as a further step of model development).
  • The adopted probabilistic approach is described in the following sections.

3.1 Markov Decision Processes

  • The authors propose to exploit the high level formalism, called Markov Decision Petri Net (MDPN) as starting point for the generative model.
  • A MDPN models a system in terms of its events, while for an MDP the system evolution has to be expressed by explicitly describing all possible states, actions and probabilistic transitions.
  • The high level description of the MDPN can ease the modeller task and can reduce the risk of introducing errors.


  • In addition, another important achievement is represented by the full exploitation of the CASCaS framework, in particular for the cognitive behaviour.
  • The integration of driver's state classifier inside the co-pilot (driver state becomes an input in this case) is a crucial point for deciding the level of automation.

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Cognitive Systems in Intelligent Vehicles
A new Frontier for Autonomous Driving
Elvio Amparore
, Marco Beccuti
, Simona Collina
Flavia De Simone
, Susanna Donatelli
, Fabio Tango
Department of Computer Science, Università di Torino, Svizzera 187, Torino, Italy
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli, Italy
Centro Ricerche FIAT (CRF), Via Principe Amedeo, 12, Torino, Italy
{amparore, beccuti, susi},,,
Keywords: Partial Autonomous Driver Assistance Systems (PADAS) and Advanced Driving Assistance systems
(ADAS), Intelligent Vehicles, Autonomous Driving, Human-automation Interaction, Artificial Cognitive
Systems, Markovian Decision Process (MDP), Petri Nets (PN).
Abstract: This position paper introduces the concept of “artificial co-pilot(that is, a driver model), with a focus on
driver’s oriented cognitive cars, in order to illustrate a new approach for future intelligent vehicles, which
overcomes the limitations of nowadays models. The core consists in adopting the human cognitive frame-
work for vehicles, following an artificial intelligent approach to take decisions. This paper illustrates in de-
tails these concepts, as they are under development in the EU co-funded project HOLIDES.
Nowadays, automation systems to support, or
even to replace, human drivers have become a trend
in the current Intelligent Transportation Systems
research. They are called Advanced Driver Assis-
tance Systems (ADAS) or Partially Autonomous
Driving Assistance Systems (PADAS), depending
on the level of automation considered; anyway, their
goal is to strengthen driver’s sensing ability, to warn
/ inform in case of errors and to reduce the control
efforts of the vehicle itself. In fact, drivers are lim-
ited in recognizing, interpreting, understanding and
operating in critical situations; moreover, they are
prone to errors and to get tired (many accidents are
due to human wrong behaviour, drowsiness, or inat-
tention in general (Tango, 2013)). Therefore, these
ADAS/PADAS can effectively avoid some acci-
dents, by cooperating with the driver and assuring
the mutual understanding between the human-agents
and the machine-agents, in order to reduce or avoid
conflicts. This principle of smart collaboration be-
tween humans and machines have been the focus of
a number of theoretical studies, such as (Inagaki,
2008), (Flemisch, 2003), (Heide and Henning,
2006), (Li, 2012), in which full automation can be
regarded as one extreme point of interaction spec-
In particular, for Li and colleagues, the concept
of a “cognitive vehicle” was proposed and defined
as cognitive driving assistance systems, which
utilizing the findings of multidisciplinary engineer-
ing and cognition science is able to monitor and
detect the errors of human drivers and correctly
respond / intervene to avoid accidents. As mentioned
by Da Lio and colleagues, depending on its applica-
tion context, a system capable to determine how a
human expert should drive, can be regarded as an
artificial co-driver, which is considered a symbiotic
system, that is, it is described using the rider-horse
metaphor (or H-metaphor), in which an animal can
“read” human intentions and, reciprocally, the rider
can “read” the animal’s intentions.
The goal of this position paper is to illustrate a
new approach for the implementation of this virtual
driver (hereafter, co-pilot), which adopts a human
cognitive framework as basis and follows an artifi-
cial intelligence approach. This activity is carrying
out inside the European co-funded project
HOLIDES, whose main goal is to design adaptive
cooperative systems, focussing on the optimization
of the distribution of workloads between humans

and machines, to compensate losses of capacities for
instance in stress situations (
Theories of cognition can be divided in two sepa-
rate classes according to the role that context plays
in cognitive processes. The implication for the artifi-
cial systems lays at the core of the debate among
these different perspectives. The new embodied
view, aiming at reducing the relationship between
the individual and the environment in the cycle per-
ception-action, suggests that information needed to
act on the environment are given by the context,
without any intervention of high cognitive processes
(as in (Da Lio, 2013)). On the contrary, classic
views of cognition divide between low and high
cognitive processes being the high level of pro-
cessing abstract and independent from the sensor
modality through which information is acquired.
Active Control of Thought Reflexive (hereafter
ACT-R) is a computational model aimed to simulate
the behaviour of a driver (Salvucci, 2006) following
the second perspective. ACT-R emphasizes the ef-
fort to integrate different sources as the task that a
person is going to perform, the artefact necessary to
perform the task and the cognition through which a
person perceives, reasons and acts. ACT-R is an
example of how cognitive processes are inserted into
computational models to simulate driving behaviour.
However, it reflects also the limits and the gaps
between research on cognition and their implemen-
tations. The cognitive module is embodied in nature
but inserted in a modular architecture and without a
clear explanation about how the different processes
interact each other.
Starting from ACT-R, but with the specific aim
to improve safety control and to reduce the number
and the impact of human errors in human-machine
interaction, the Cognitive Architecture for Safety
Critical Task Simulation (hereafter CASCaS) archi-
tecture has been developed. As described by Lüdtke,
Weber, Osterloh and Wortelen (2009), the CASCaS
model is a three layers architecture, which distin-
guishes the human behaviour on the base of different
intentional demands:
1) autonomous behaviour: the level of acting
without thinking”; it is the level of the manual con-
trol which controls everyday low level actions;
2) associative behaviour: the level of actions
based on plans elaborated in familiar contexts;
3) cognitive behaviour: the level of elaboration
of new plans in new contexts.
In short, the functioning of the model is based on
rules stored at the associative level in a memory
component. Each rule has an “if…then” structure
which relies an action on a goal, a series of sub-
goals and conditions imposed by the context.
Unlike the ACT-R architecture, CASCaS model
allows parallelism between autonomous and associa-
tive layer simulating the human ability to manage
two tasks simultaneously.
Figure 1: the cognitive architecture CASCaS.
For the implementation of the co-pilot in the
HOLIDES vehicle demonstrator, we have adopted
the CASCaS architecture as a basis, reproducing the
autonomous behaviour and the associative behaviour
into the co-pilot architecture (the cognitive layer can
be foreseen as a further step of model development).
The adopted probabilistic approach is described in
the following sections.
The new artificial driver solution we propose ex-
ploits probabilistic techniques, in particular Markov
Decision Process (MDP) (Howard, 1960; Bellman,
1957) which we briefly recall in the following to
pave the way to the explanation of how MDPs are
been applied inside the CASCaS architecture, for the
case under study.
3.1 Markov Decision Processes
MDP is a mathematical formalism introduced in
the 1950s by Bellman and Howard (Howard, 1960;
Bellman, 1957) in the context of operations research
and dynamic programming. It has been used in a
wide area of disciplines including economics, manu-

facturing, robotics, automated control and communi-
cation systems. More precisely, it is a stochastic
control process, where, at each time step, the process
is in some state 𝑠 𝑆, and a decision maker may
choose any action 𝑎 𝐴 that is available in s. Then,
the process responds by randomly moving into a
new state s’ according to a specified transition prob-
ability, and giving to the decision maker the corre-
sponding reward (cost) R
(s,s’) (depending by the
chosen action and by the source and destination
A key notion for MDPs is the strategy, which de-
fines the choice of action to be taken after any pos-
sible time step of the MDP. Analysis methods for
MDPs are based on the identification of the strate-
gies that maximize (or minimize) a target function
based on the MDP’s rewards (or costs).
It has been proved that the maximal (or minimal)
reward and its associated optimal strategy for an
MDP can be computed in polynomial time using
linear programming techniques. However this is not
practical for large MDPs, and alternative solution
techniques based on iterative methods have been
proposed, such as value iteration and policy itera-
tion. Roughly speaking, value iteration (Bellman,
1957) consists in the successive approximation of
the required values. At every iteration, a new value
for a state is obtained by taking the maximum (or
minimum) of the values associated with the state’s
outgoing actions. A value of an action is derived as a
weighted sum over the values, computed during the
previous iteration, of the possible next states, and
where the weights are obtained from the probability
distribution associated with the actions. Each itera-
tion can be performed in time O( 𝑆
𝐴 ), where S
is the state space set and A the set of all the possible
actions. Instead the policy iteration algorithm (How-
ard, 1960) alternates between a value determination
phase, in which the current policy is evaluated, and a
policy improvement phase, in which an attempt is
made to improve the currently computed policy. The
policy improvement step can be performed in
O( 𝑆
𝐴 ), while the value determination phase in
O( 𝑆
) by solving a system of linear equations. In
this regard, a critical issue for the application of
MDPs to realistic complex problems is scalability
with respect to the MDP size: for MDPs with very
large or infinite state space, these algorithms may be
inapplicable, and approximate solution techniques
are the only viable approach.
In this paper we focus on sparse sampling tech-
niques (Kearns et al., 1999), which do not need a
complete description of the MDP, but that only
require access to a generative model that can be
queried to generate, from an initial state, a smaller
MDP that is still sufficient to compute a near-
optimal strategy. Hence, the complexity of these
approaches does not have dependence on the global
MDP size, but it is exponential in the solution hori-
zon time (which depends on the desired degree of
approximation of the optimal policy).
Obviously a crucial aspect of this technique is
the definition of the generative model which, taking
in input a state-action pair 𝑠, 𝑡 , must be able to
randomly generate a next state s’ according to a
transition probability P
In this paper, we propose to exploit the high level
formalism, called Markov Decision Petri Net
(MDPN) as starting point for the generative model.
A MDPN models a system in terms of its events,
while for an MDP the system evolution has to be
expressed by explicitly describing all possible states,
actions and probabilistic transitions. The high level
description of the MDPN can ease the modeller task
and can reduce the risk of introducing errors.
3.2 Markov Decision Petri Nets
The MDPN formalism provides a graphical de-
scription of the system, where a complex non-
deterministic or probabilistic behaviour is described
as a composition of simpler nondeterministic or
probabilistic steps in which the probabilistic behav-
iour is clearly distinct from the non-deterministic
one. In details, a MDPN model is composed by two
Petri nets: the probabilistic subnet N
(enriched with
a transition weight function) and the non-
deterministic subnet N
. These subnets represent the
probabilistic and non-deterministic behaviours of the
underlying MDP, respectively.
Figure 2 shows a simple probabilistic sub-net
modelling the vehicle speed. According to PN
notation the places, graphically represented as cir-
cles, correspond to the state variables of the system
(i.e. Low, Normal and High), while the transitions
(graphically represented as boxes) correspond to the
events that can induce a state change (i.e. Decreas-
, IncreaseS
, and StableS
). The arcs connecting
places to transitions and vice versa express the rela-
tion between states and event occurrences. Each
Vehicle speed
Figure 2: sub-net for the vehicle speed.

place can contain tokens, drawn as black dots. The
number of tokens in each place defines the state,
called “marking”. The evolution of the system is
given by the firing of an enabled transition
, which
removes a fixed number of tokens from its input
places and adds a fixed number of tokens into its
output places (according to the cardinality of its
input/output arcs).
Figure 3 shows a non-deterministic subnet N
which the automatic driver can choose among three
possible actions: break, do no action, or send a
Observe that N
and N
can share places (as
shown in Figure 3, where the places L
to a probabilistic sub-model describing the level of
driver's attention), but they cannot share transitions.
Moreover, an MDPN model must have an asso-
ciated reward function defined in terms of its places'
markings and of transition firings; such reward func-
tion is used to compute the corresponding MDP
reward to be optimized.
The generation of the MDP corresponding to a
given MDPN has been described in details in (Bec-
cuti et al., 2007): it consists of (1) a composition
step, merging the two subnets in a single net, (2) the
generation of the RG of the composed net, (3) two
reduction steps transforming each PR and ND se-
quence in the RG into a single MDP transition.
A transition is enabled if each input place contains a
number of tokens greater or equal than a given thresh-
old, and each inhibitor place contains a number of to-
kens strictly smaller than a given threshold.
3.3 The MDPN Model
The MDPN model that we use to derive the
MDP of our co-driver requires defining first a multi-
interval discretization of all the continuous-valued
measures collected by the sensors (i.e. frontal Long
Range Radar, Lane Recognition Camera and rear
Short Range Radar for the blind-spot areas). Obvi-
ously a higher number of intervals increase the qual-
ity of the solution, but it makes the model more
complex. Therefore, the most appropriate trade-off
is an important part of our planned investigation
during the HoliDes project.
The second step is a careful selection of which
system's components have to be modelled. Our ini-
tial proposal is to consider the following system's
A vehicle component describing the vehicle
dynamic status (according to the infor-
mation available on CAN bus);
A driver component describing the driver
status as reported in section 2;
An obstacle component describing the ob-
stacle status in terms of its relative speed
and position (longitudinal and lateral) w.r.t.
our vehicle;
An action component describing the possi-
ble actions (e.g. to break, to do no action, to
send a warning) that the artificial driver can
It naturally follows that the first three compo-
nents will be used to generate the corresponding N
net, while the last one the N
Moreover, the reward function for this MDPN
model can be defined by combining the following
transition reward:
if action Break is selected then it returns
else if action SendWarning is selected then
it returns Cost
else it returns 0;
with the following marking reward:
if place Collision is marked then it returns
else it returns 0;
with Cost
This obtained reward function is hence able to
assure that the system goal is to avoid collision min-
imizing the total number of actions Break and
SendWarning. Obviously, more complex reward
functions could be also investigated during the pro-
Figure 3: sub-net for the co-pilot’s actions.
Driver StatusPossible actions

3.4 Integration in the vehicle
Vehicle integration is shown in Figure 4, where
the On-line Sparse Sampling Algorithm (OSSA)
uses the MDP derived automatically by MDPN
model as generative model. Practically, data collect-
ed by the vehicle's sensors are discretized to map
them on a specific MDP state s.
Then, such MDP state is passed as input to the
OSSA, which will return a small sub-MDP” to be
solved to derive a near-optimal strategy.
In details, starting from state s the OSSA will
query the generative model N times on each possible
pair 𝑠, 𝑎
. Then, this step is recursively applied on
any generated states up to a selected time horizon H.
This essentially generates a sub-MDP with a tree
structure (as shown in Figure 4) where the number
of children for each node s is N·|A
|, assuming A
be the set of all the available actions in s. Moreover
H gives the tree depth.
Finally this generated sub-MDP is solved (using
policy or value iteration algorithms) to derive a near-
optimal strategy, which is used to suggest the next
action to the current driver.
Researchers have widely investigated the possi-
bility to reduce or eliminate the accidents due to
driver’s errors or inappropriate behaviors, by using
specific ADAS/PADAS applications that warn the
driver or even by using automated systems that can
replace the human user, by taking control of the
vehicle in a proper time. In this position paper, we
have selected an appropriate cognitive model and
related architecture (CASCaS) of the driver and
implemented an artificial co-pilot starting from it
and reproducing the autonomous and associative
layers. To achieve that, we follow a probabilistic
approach, described in terms of Markov Decision
Petri Net formalism. In Figure 5, the architectural
scheme of the co-pilot is shown. Under normal con-
dition, the driver (the human-agent) perceives the
environment, evaluating the possible risks (using the
information from the co-pilot as a support). Based
on these results, the driver formulates an intention
and plans the next action (a trajectory in the future),
which are implemented by acting on the pedals and
on the steering. In the meanwhile, if a co-pilot is
present, it analyzes the environment as well, and
predicts the possibility to have a crash or a potential-
ly critical situation. Thus, the co-pilot assesses risks
creating its own driving plan, comparing this ma-
neuver with the one that the driver is actually per-
forming and taking into consideration the intention
of the driver. This determines how dangerous a giv-
en situation can be, and thereby the level of automa-
tion which is necessary (e.g. by displaying a warning
signal or some information to the human-agent, or
whether an automatic intervention is needed).
With respect to the current state of the art, we
consider the works of Da Lio and colleagues, of Wu
and colleagues and also of Li and colleagues. In (Da
Lio, 2006) the perception-action framework is con-
sidered (embodied view); in this paper, we regard
the “classical” view of cognition as the most appro-
priate, because we can reproduce the different levels
of cognition in a hierarchical way which can be
reproduced in a system architecture and implement-
ed by a computational point of view. In this context,
our choice of using CASCaS is motivated by its
goal-oriented model, for which its predictions are
easier to be generalized respects to a task-oriented
model (e.g. it can be applied to automotive domain
or to aeronautics domain, indifferently), by using a
probabilistic approach, such as the one described.
In this sense, we follow the line indicated by Li
and colleagues, with their concept of “cognitive
car”, where our co-pilot can be regarded as an in-
stantiation. Another contribution of our work is
about the understanding of which functions can be
sampling number N
state s
horizon H
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Pubblicatoil: Nov.12,2013
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Online sparse
sampling algorithm
generated sub-MDP
MDP Solver
Policy iteration
Value iteration
Policy and value iteration
a2a1 a2a1 a2a1 a1 a2
a1 a2
a1 a1 a2a2
a1 a2
... ...
Figure 4: schema of vehicle integration.
Figure 5: co-pilot scheme in HoliDes.

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The major components of this cognitively inspired architecture are described and the results of the 2018 WIDC are discussed, confirming that the Mengshi intelligent vehicle is reliable and robust in challenging environments.
Abstract: This paper introduces the functional system architecture of the Mengshi intelligent vehicle, winner of the 2018 World Intelligent Driving Challenge (WIDC). Different from traditional smart vehicles, a cognitive module is introduced in the system architecture to realise the transition from perception to decision-making. This is shown to enhance the practical utility of the smart vehicle, enabling safe and robust driving in different scenes. The collaborative work of hardware and software systems is achieved through multi-sensor fusion and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, including novel use of deep machine learning and context-aware scene analysis to select optimal driving strategies. Experimental results using both robustness tests and road tests confirm that the Mengshi intelligent vehicle is reliable and robust in challenging environments. This paper describes the major components of this cognitively inspired architecture and discusses the results of the 2018 WIDC.

26 citations

Cites background from "Cognitive systems in intelligent ve..."

  • ...The scene perception algorithm can be treated as the “eye” of autonomous vehicles, while scene recognition technology can be considered the “brain” [7]....


Journal ArticleDOI
26 Aug 2021
TL;DR: The article gives an overview of the advances in AI technologies and applications to realize intelligent functions and optimize vehicle performance, control, and decision-making for future ECAS vehicles to support the acceleration of deployment in various mobility scenarios.
Abstract: The automotive sector digitalization accelerates the technology convergence of perception, computing processing, connectivity, propulsion, and data fusion for electric connected autonomous and shared (ECAS) vehicles, bringing new computing paradigms at the edge with embedded cognitive capabilities into the vehicle domains and data infrastructure to provide holistic intrinsic and extrinsic intelligence for new mobility applications. Innovation occurs predominantly in ECAS vehicles' architectures, intelligent functions, operations, and automotive digital infrastructure. Artificial Intelligence (AI), cellular/wireless connectivity, edge computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Intelligent Things, digital twins (DTs), virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR) and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) converge to facilitate vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication and automation. Expanding automotive intelligence at the vehicle and mobility system level allows the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and Internet of Energy (IoE) to become the key enabling technologies to realize future autonomous driving scenarios that embed cognition and autonomous functions. Vehicles become intelligent connected edge micro-servers on wheels, powered by software, smart virtual functions and integrated into the digital infrastructure. Electrification, automation, connectivity, digitalization, decarbonization, decentralization, and standardization are the main drivers that unlock intelligent vehicles' potential for sustainable green mobility applications. ECAS vehicles act as autonomous agents using swarm intelligence to communicate and exchange information either directly or indirectly with each other and the infrastructure, accessing independent services such as energy, high-definition maps, routs, infrastructure information, traffic lights, tolls, parking (micropayments) and finding emergent/intelligent solutions. Digitalization is also radically transforming the powertrains in electric vehicles (EVs). For example, in the battery domain, the batteries' architectures are optimizing the cables to the sensors and sensing point. Innovations like smart battery cells assembled in complex battery systems, with wireless communication between the smart cells and the central battery management system (BMS), enable ultra-high-speed interaction with the smart battery cell parameters. The article presents ECAS vehicles' evolution towards domain controller, zonal vehicle, and federated vehicle/edge/cloud-centric based on distributed intelligence at the vehicle and infrastructure level architectures and the role of AI techniques and methods to implement the different autonomous driving and optimization functions for sustainable green mobility.

11 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors investigated the impact of familiarity and complexity on the time to make an action decision during a takeover task in a highly automated driving scenario and found that the subjective complexity is a mediator variable between objective complexity/familiarity and the decision time.
Abstract: This paper shows, how objective complexity and familiarity impact the subjective complexity and the time to make an action decision during the takeover task in a highly automated driving scenario. In the next generation of highly automated driving the driver remains as fallback and has to take over the driving task whenever the system reaches a limit. It is thus highly important to develop an assistance system that supports the individual driver based on information about the drivers’ current cognitive state. The impact of familiarity and complexity (objective and subjective) on the time to make an action decision during a takeover is investigated. To produce replicable driving scenarios and manipulate the independent variables situation familiarity and objective complexity, a driving simulator is used. Results show that the familiarity with a traffic situation as well as the objective complexity of the environment significantly influence the subjective complexity and the time to make an action decision. Furthermore, it is shown that the subjective complexity is a mediator variable between objective complexity/familiarity and the time to make an action decision. Complexity and familiarity are thus important parameters that have to be considered in the development of highly automated driving systems. Based on the presented mediation effect, the opportunity of gathering the drivers’ subjective complexity and adapting cognitive assistance systems accordingly is opened up. The results of this study provide a solid basis that enables an individualization of the takeover by implementing useful cognitive modeling to individualize cognitive assistance systems for highly automated driving.

3 citations

Book ChapterDOI
26 May 2020
TL;DR: In this article, a differentiation between subjective and objective complexity is drawn and evaluated and compared to the resulting takeover quality in the development of highly automated driving, strong focus is laid on the takeover and the improvement of takeover quality.
Abstract: In the development of highly automated driving, strong focus is laid on the takeover and the improvement of takeover quality. Some research has shown that the complexity of a traffic situation has an influence on the takeover. However, different approaches towards complexity in driving exist and the topic has so far not been addressed sufficiently. In this study, a differentiation between subjective- and objective complexity is drawn. Their impact on eye movement patterns is evaluated and compared to the resulting takeover quality. Results of a driving simulator study show that objective and subjective complexity have an influence on several eye movement patterns. These eye movement patterns serve as an indicator of the resulting takeover quality. Furthermore, traces of the eye movement patterns are compared to predicted traces of the cognitive model for the takeover task. It can be shown that the cognitive model predicts visual traces in different traffic situations well. In order to support individual drivers during a takeover, it is thus important to consider complexity measurements in the development of cognitive assistance systems. Based on information about the environment and the cognitive model for the takeover task, a cognitive assistance system can be developed. In addition to that, eye tracking information further improves cognitive assistance systems.

1 citations

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TL;DR: The model demonstrates how cognitive architectures facilitate understanding of driver behavior in the context of general human abilities and constraints and how the driving domain benefits cognitive architectures by pushing model development toward more complex, realistic tasks.
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542 citations

"Cognitive systems in intelligent ve..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Active Control of Thought – Reflexive (hereafter ACT-R) is a computational model aimed to simulate the behaviour of a driver (Salvucci, 2006) following the second perspective....


  • ...…out inside the European co-funded project HOLIDES, whose main goal is to design adaptive cooperative systems, focussing on the optimization of the distribution of workloads between humans and machines, to compensate losses of capacities for instance in stress situations (


01 Jun 2005
TL;DR: In this article, a metaphor for highly automated vehicles called H-Metaphor is introduced, and a brief description of its application to human-machine interaction, automation and inter-vehicle interaction is given.
Abstract: Changes are coming to every element of transport, from the infrastructure, to the vehicles, to the way in which they are operated New technologies afford an opportunity, and create an obligation, to revisit the basic design Are we at the crossroads between manually controlled and automated transport? Starting with inspiration and a mental image of the result, design metaphors, like the desktop for PCs, may guide us towards more intuitively understood solutions and blaze new paths between manually controlled and fully automated solutions This paper sketches a metaphor for highly automated vehicles After general comments on vehicle automation, the H-Metaphor is introduced A brief description of its application to human-machine interaction, automation and inter-vehicle interaction follows Preliminary results of the development and assessment of a simple H-Mode implementation are presented

193 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper provides a survey of recent works on cognitive cars with a focus on driver-oriented intelligent vehicle motion control and discusses how to combine the two directions into a single integrated system to obtain safety and comfort while driving.
Abstract: This paper provides a survey of recent works on cognitive cars with a focus on driver-oriented intelligent vehicle motion control. The main objective here is to clarify the goals and guidelines for future development in the area of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADASs). Two major research directions are investigated and discussed in detail: (1) stimuli-decisions-actions, which focuses on the driver side, and (2) perception enhancement-action-suggestion-function-delegation, which emphasizes the ADAS side. This paper addresses the important achievements and major difficulties of each direction and discusses how to combine the two directions into a single integrated system to obtain safety and comfort while driving. Other related topics, including driver training and infrastructure design, are also studied.

186 citations

"Cognitive systems in intelligent ve..." refers background in this paper

  • ...This principle of smart collaboration between humans and machines have been the focus of a number of theoretical studies, such as (Inagaki, 2008), (Flemisch, 2003), (Heide and Henning, 2006), (Li, 2012), in which full automation can be regarded as one extreme point of interaction spectrum....


31 Jul 2013
TL;DR: In this paper, a specific metaphor for the emerging field of highly automated vehicles, their interactions with human users and with other vehicles is described, and risks and opportunities to apply the metaphor to technical applications are discussed.
Abstract: Good design is not free of form. It does not necessarily happen through a mere sampling of technologies packaged together, through pure analysis, or just by following procedures. Good design begins with inspiration and a vision, a mental image of the end product, which can sometimes be described with a design metaphor. A successful example from the 20th century is the desktop metaphor, which took a real desktop as an orientation for the manipulation of electronic documents on a computer. Initially defined by Xerox, then refined by Apple and others, it could be found on almost every computer by the turn of the 20th century. This paper sketches a specific metaphor for the emerging field of highly automated vehicles, their interactions with human users and with other vehicles. In the introduction, general questions on vehicle automation are raised and related to the physical control of conventional vehicles and to the automation of some late 20th century vehicles. After some words on design metaphors, the H-Metaphor is introduced. More details of the metaphor's source are described and their application to human-machine interaction, automation and management of intelligent vehicles sketched. Finally, risks and opportunities to apply the metaphor to technical applications are discussed.

170 citations

"Cognitive systems in intelligent ve..." refers background in this paper

  • ...This principle of smart collaboration between humans and machines have been the focus of a number of theoretical studies, such as (Inagaki, 2008), (Flemisch, 2003), (Heide and Henning, 2006), (Li, 2012), in which full automation can be regarded as one extreme point of interaction spectrum....


Frequently Asked Questions (16)
Q1. What have the authors contributed in "Cognitive systems in intelligent vehicles a new frontier for autonomous driving" ?

This position paper introduces the concept of “ artificial co-pilot ” ( that is, a driver model ), with a focus on driver ’ s oriented cognitive cars, in order to illustrate a new approach for future intelligent vehicles, which overcomes the limitations of nowadays models. The core consists in adopting the human cognitive framework for vehicles, following an artificial intelligent approach to take decisions. This paper illustrates in details these concepts, as they are under development in the EU co-funded project HOLIDES. 

an MDPN model must have an associated reward function defined in terms of its places' markings and of transition firings; such reward function is used to compute the corresponding MDP reward to be optimized. 

the reward function for this MDPN model can be defined by combining the following transition reward:• if action Break is selected then it returns CostBreak; • else if action SendWarning is selected then it returns CostSendWarning else it returns 0; with the following marking reward: • if place Collision is marked then it returns CostCollision else it returns 0; with CostCollision ≫CostBreak ≥ CostSendWarning. 

In this paper the authors focus on sparse sampling techniques (Kearns et al., 1999), which do not need a complete description of the MDP, but that only require access to a generative model that can bequeried to generate, from an initial state, a smaller MDP that is still sufficient to compute a nearoptimal strategy. 

Instead the policy iteration algorithm (Howard, 1960) alternates between a value determination phase, in which the current policy is evaluated, and a policy improvement phase, in which an attempt is made to improve the currently computed policy. 

The new embodied view, aiming at reducing the relationship between the individual and the environment in the cycle perception-action, suggests that information needed to act on the environment are given by the context, without any intervention of high cognitive processes (as in (Da Lio, 2013)). 

Starting from ACT-R, but with the specific aim to improve safety control and to reduce the number and the impact of human errors in human-machine interaction, the Cognitive Architecture for Safety Critical Task Simulation (hereafter CASCaS) architecture has been developed. 

In this context, the integration of driver’s state classifier inside the co-pilot (driver state becomes an input in this case) is a crucial point for deciding the level of automation. 

3.3 The MDPN ModelThe MDPN model that the authors use to derive the MDP of their co-driver requires defining first a multiinterval discretization of all the continuous-valued measures collected by the sensors (i.e. frontal Long Range Radar, Lane Recognition Camera and rear Short Range Radar for the blind-spot areas). 

In this regard, a critical issue for the application of MDPs to realistic complex problems is scalability with respect to the MDP size: for MDPs with very large or infinite state space, these algorithms may be inapplicable, and approximate solution techniques are the only viable approach. 

It has been proved that the maximal (or minimal) reward and its associated optimal strategy for an MDP can be computed in polynomial time using linear programming techniques. 

This obtained reward function is hence able to assure that the system goal is to avoid collision minimizing the total number of actions Break and SendWarning. 

Obviously a crucial aspect of this technique is the definition of the generative model which, taking in input a state-action pair 𝑠, 𝑡 , must be able to randomly generate a next state s’ according to a transition probability Ps,a(⋅). 

POMDP can be used more efficiently to model systems where the agent cannot directly observe the complete underlying state. 

The next steps consist now in the preparation and execution of the experimental phase on the field with the demonstrator vehicle to collect real-time and on-line data for the tuning and the evaluation of the MDP co-pilot. 

An action component describing the possible actions (e.g. to break, to do no action, to send a warning) that the artificial driver can execute.