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Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox: From concepts to applications

TL;DR: In this article, the authors examined the field of the EPR gedanken experiment, from the original paper of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, through to modern theoretical proposals of how to realize both the continuous-variable and discrete versions of EPR paradox.
Abstract: This Colloquium examines the field of the Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR) gedanken experiment, from the original paper of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, through to modern theoretical proposals of how to realize both the continuous-variable and discrete versions of the EPR paradox. The relationship with entanglement and Bell's theorem are analyzed, and the progress to date towards experimental confirmation of the EPR paradox is summarized, with a detailed treatment of the continuous-variable paradox in laser-based experiments. Practical techniques covered include continuous-wave parametric amplifier and optical fiber quantum soliton experiments. Current proposals for extending EPR experiments to massive-particle systems are discussed, including spin squeezing, atomic position entanglement, and quadrature entanglement in ultracold atoms. Finally, applications of this technology to quantum key distribution, quantum teleportation, and entanglement swapping are examined.

Summary (6 min read)


  • The EPR conclusion was based on the assumption of local realism, and thus the EPR argument pinpoints a contradiction between local realism and the completeness of quantum mechanics.
  • In the sense that the local realistic theory envisaged by them cannot exist, EPR were "wrong.".
  • It is not feasible to prepare the perfect correlations of the original EPR proposal.


  • Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen ͑1935͒ focused attention on the nonlocality of quantum mechanics by considering the case of two spatially separated quantum particles that have both maximally correlated momenta and maximally anticorrelated positions.
  • Presumably EPR had in mind to supplement quantum theory with a hidden variable theory, consistent with the "elements of reality" defined in their paper.
  • After Bohm ͑1952͒ demonstrated that a ͑nonlocal͒ hidden variable theory was feasible, subsequent work by Bell ͑1964͒ proved the impossibility of completing quantum mechanics with local hidden variable theories.
  • It reveals the necessity of either rejecting local realism or completing quantum mechanics ͑or both͒.


  • To recreate the precise gedanken proposal of EPR, one needs perfect correlations be-tween the positions of two separated particles, and also between their momenta.
  • In order to demonstrate the existence of EPR correlations for real experiments, one therefore needs to minimally extend the EPR argument, in particular their definition of local realism, to situations where there is less than perfect correlation.
  • This definition is the meaning of local realism in the text below.
  • As considered by Furry ͑1936͒ and Reid ͑1989͒, this allows the derivation of an inequality whose violation indicates the EPR paradox.
  • Like EPR, the authors assume causal separation of the observations and the validity of quantum mechanics.


  • The element of reality and hidden variable have similar meanings, except that the element of reality is a special hidden variable following from the EPR logic.
  • This indicates an inconsistency of local realism with the completeness of quantum mechanics.
  • The assumption that the state depicted by a particular pair x A , p A has an equivalent quantum description demands that the conditional probabilities satisfy the same relations as the probabilities for a quantum state.
  • One can in principle use any quantum uncertainty constraint ͑Cavalcanti and Reid, 2007͒.

B. Criteria for the discrete EPR paradox

  • The discrete variant of the EPR paradox was treated in Sec. III.
  • Conclusive experimental realization of this paradox needs to account for imperfect sources and detectors, just as in the continuous variable case.
  • Here the correlation is described in terms of Stokes operators for the polarization of the fields.
  • ͑1981͒ used two-channel analyzers to demonstrate a perfect spin-EPR correlation but were constrained by weak photon detection efficiency.
  • This is lower than the 58% threshold given above.

C. A practical linear-estimate criterion for EPR

  • Nevertheless, an inference variance, which is the variance of the conditional distribution, has been measured for twin beam intensity distributions by Zhang, Kasai, and Watanabe ͑2003͒, who achieved ⌬ inf 2 x = 0.62.
  • This was proposed by Reid ͑1989͒ as a practical procedure for measuring EPR correlations.
  • There is also an analogous optimum for the value of gЈ.
  • The linear approach thus gives the minimum possible ⌬ inf x in the Gaussian case.
  • This was first experimentally achieved by Ou, Pereira, Kimble, and Peng ͑1992͒.

D. Experimental criteria for demonstrating the paradox

  • The authors now summarize experimental criteria sufficient to realize the EPR paradox.
  • To achieve this, one must have two spatially separated subsystems at A and B. ͑1͒.
  • This point has been extensively discussed in literature on Bell's inequalities and is needed to justify the locality assumption, given that EPR assumed idealized instantaneous measurements.
  • The EPR correlation is demonstrated when the product of the average errors in the inferred results x est and p est for x ând p ˆat A falls below a bound determined by the corresponding Heisenberg uncertainty principle.


  • As a physically realizable example of the original continuous variable EPR proposal, suppose the two systems A and B are localized modes of the electromagnetic field, with frequencies A,B and boson operators a ˆand b ˆ, respectively.
  • As a result, these modes become correlated.
  • The parameter r is called the squeezing parameter.
  • The Schmidt decomposition, which is not unique, is a useful tool for identifying the pairs of EPR observables ͑Huang and Eberly, 1993; Ekert and Knight, 1995; Law et al., 2000͒.
  • Giovannetti et al. ͑2001͒ presented an exciting scheme for demonstrating the EPR paradox for massive objects using radiation pressure acting on an oscillating mirror.

B. Measurement techniques

  • Quadrature phase amplitudes can be measured using homodyne detection techniques developed for the detection of squeezed light fields.
  • In the experimental proposal of Drummond and Reid ͑1990͒, carried out by Ou, Pereira, Kimble, and Peng ͑1992͒, an intracavity nondegenerate downconversion scheme was used.
  • Single timedomain modes are obtained through spectral filtering of the photocurrent.
  • These behave effectively as described in the simple model given above, together with corrections for cavity detuning and nonlinearity that are negligible near resonance, and not too close to the critical threshold ͑Dechoum et al., 2004͒.
  • The field quadrature amplitudes are symbolized Y and X.

C. Effects of loss and imperfect detectors

  • Crucial to the validity of the EPR experiment is the accurate calibration of the correlation relative to the vacuum limit.
  • In optical experiments, this limit is the vacuum noise level as defined within quantum theory.
  • To provide a simple but accurate model of detection inefficiencies, the authors consider an imaginary beam splitter ͑Fig. 3͒ placed before the photodetector at each location and A/B gives the fractional homodyne efficiency due to optical transmission, mode matching and photodetector losses at A and B, respectively.
  • Details of the modeling of the detection losses were also discussed by Ou, Pereira, and Kimble ͑1992͒.
  • Since the loss model is linear, the final state, although no longer pure, is Gaussian, Eq. ͑27͒.


  • The authors have understood a "demonstration of the EPR paradox" to be a procedure that closely follows the original EPR gedanken experiment.
  • Most generally, the EPR paradox is demonstrated when one can confirm the inconsistency between local realism and the completeness of quantum mechanics, since this was the underlying EPR objective.
  • The authors point out in this section that the inconsistency can be shown in more ways than one.
  • There are many uncertainty relations or constraints placed on the statistics of a quantum state, and for each such relation there is an EPR criterion.
  • This has been discussed for the case of entanglement by Gühne ͑2004͒, and for EPR by Cavalcanti and Reid ͑2007͒.

B. Symmetric EPR paradox

  • Where the authors violate the condition ͑5͒ for separability, to demonstrate entanglement, it is necessarily the case that the parameters for each localized system cannot be represented as a quantum state.
  • The demonstration of entanglement, for sufficient spatial separations, gives inconsistency of Bell's local realism with completeness of quantum mechanics, and the authors provide an explicit link between entanglement and the EPR paradox.

C. EPR as a special type of entanglement

  • While generalizations of the paradox have been presented, the authors propose to reserve the title "EPR paradox" for those experiments that minimally extend the original EPR argument, so that criteria given in Sec. IV are satisfied.
  • That an EPR paradox implies entanglement is most readily seen by noting that a separable ͑nonentangled͒ source, as given by Eq. ͑4͒, represents a local realistic description in which the localized systems A and B are described as quantum states ˆ.
  • This was first carried out experimentally by Ou, Pereira, Kimble, and Peng ͑1992͒.
  • Further criteria sufficient to prove entanglement for continuous variable measurements were presented by Simon ͑2000͒ and Duan et al. ͑2001͒, who adapted the positive partial transpose ͑PPT͒ criterion of Peres ͑1996͒.

A. Parametric oscillator experiments

  • The first continuous variable test of the EPR paradox was performed by Ou, Pereira, Kimble, and Peng ͑1992͒.
  • This is well above the 50% efficiency threshold required for EPR.
  • This issue, combined with the restricted detector separations used to date, means that a true causally separated EPR experiment is yet to be carried out, although this is certainly not impossible.
  • This proposal uses cavities which are single mode in the vicinity of each of the resonant frequencies, so modes must be spatially separated after output from the cavity.
  • These are in an approximate two-mode squeezed state, with the quadrature operators as given by Eq. ͑26͒.

B. Experimental results

  • In reality, the authors are restricted to the physically achievable case where losses do exist, and the high nonlinearities required for extremely high gains are difficult to obtain.
  • The pump field for each optical parametric amplifier was produced by frequency doubling an Nd:YAG laser to 532 nm.
  • These results were verified by calibrating the loss.
  • Dualbeam second-harmonic generation can also theoretically produce EPR correlations ͑Lim and Saffman, 2006͒.
  • The EPR paradox was tested for the actual position and momentum of single photons ͑Fedorov et al., 2004 , 2006; Guo and Guo, 2006͒ by Howell et al. ͑2004͒ to realize an experiment more in direct analogy with the original EPR paradox.


  • One solution is to place the nonlinear medium inside a cavity, as discussed above, and another one, which will be discussed in this section, is to use high power pump laser pulses.
  • Using such a source the effective interaction length can be dramatically shortened.
  • The high finesse cavity conditions can be relaxed or for extreme high peak power pulses, the use of a cavity can be completely avoided.
  • Broadband entanglement is of particular importance for the field of quantum information science, where, for example it allows for fast communication of quantum states by means of quantum teleportation ͑Sec. X͒.
  • This may also allow truly causal EPR experiments, which are yet to be carried out.

A. Optical fiber experiment

  • The first experimental realization of pulsed EPR entanglement, shown in Fig. 7 , was based on the approach of mixing two squeezed beams on a 50/ 50 beam splitter as outlined above for continuous wave light.
  • 1987; Rosenbluh and Shelby, 1991͒ along two orthogonal polarization axes of the same polarization maintaining fiber ͑Silberhorn et al., 2001͒.
  • ͑2006͔͒ to generate two spatially separated EPR modes possessing quantum correlations between the amplitude quadratures and the phase quadratures.
  • Which together with the Kerr effect enable soliton formation at a certain threshold pulse energy, thereby ensuring a constant peak power level of the pulses along the fiber.
  • This fact renders the verification procedure of proving EPR entanglement somewhat more difficult since standard homodyne detectors cannot be used.

B. Parametric amplifier experiment

  • An alternative approach, which does not involve GAWBS, is the use of pulsed downconversion.
  • The output of the parametric amplifier was then a pulsed two-mode squeezed vacuum state with a pulse duration of 150 fs and a repetition rate of 780 kHz.
  • Without correcting for detector inefficiencies the authors deduce that the EPR paradox was not demonstrated in this experiment since the product of the conditional variances amounts to 2 = 1.06.
  • In the experiment by Silberhorn et al. ͑2001͒, measurements were performed in the frequency domain similar to the previously discussed coutinuous wave experiments:.
  • The frequency bandwidth of the detection system was too small to resolve successive pulses, which arrived at the detector with a frequency of 163 MHz.


  • Experimental realizations of the paradox with massive particles are important, both due to their closeness in spirit with the original EPR proposal and because such massive entities could reasonably be considered more closely bound to the concept of local realism than fields.
  • Here the authors focus on experiments based on atomic ensembles, which have shown the most promise for tests of the EPR paradox.
  • These include the use of buffer gases ͑Phillips et al., 2001͒ and paraffin coatings ͑Julsgaard et al., 2001͒ in room temperature vapor cells to minimize collisions between atoms and the effect of wall collisions, respectively, and the use of cold atoms in magneto-optic traps ͑Geremia et al., 2004͒.
  • These techniques have led to long decoherence times of the order of 1 ms for the collective spin states.

A. Transfer of optical entanglement to atomic ensembles

  • Polzik ͑1999͒ showed that the optical entanglement generated by a parametric oscillator, as described in Sec. VII, could be transferred to the collective spin state of a pair of distant atomic ensembles.
  • In both cases, however, at least 50% loss was introduced due to spontaneous emission.
  • As discussed in Sec. V, the EPR paradox cannot be tested when symmetric losses exceed 50%.
  • The first experimental demonstration of quantum state transfer from the polarization state of an optical field to the collective spin state of an atomic ensemble was performed by Hald et al. ͑1999͒.
  • The extension of these results to pairs of spatially separated entangled ensembles has yet to be performed experimentally.

B. Conditional atom ensemble entanglement

  • The other approach to experimental demonstration of collective spin entanglement in atomic ensembles is to rely on conditioning measurements to prepare the state ͑Julsgaard et al., 2004; Chou et al., 2005͒.
  • This approach has the advantage of not requiring any nonclassical optical resources.
  • A subsequent experiment along these lines by Geremia et al. ͑2004͒ utilized control techniques to further enhance the generation of QND-based collective spin squeezing.
  • This conditioned the state of the atomic ensembles into a collective entangled state of the type required to test the EPR paradox.
  • The principle of the experiment by van der Wal et al. ͑2003͒ was the same.


  • A review of continuous variable quantum information protocols has been given by Braunstein and van Loock ͑2005͒.
  • The authors focus on three continuous variable quantum information protocols that utilize shared EPR entanglement between two parties.
  • They are entanglement-based quantum key distribution, quantum teleportation, and entanglement swapping.

A. Entanglement-based quantum key distribution

  • In quantum key distribution ͑QKD͒, a sender ͑Alice͒ wants to communicate with a receiver ͑Bob͒ in secrecy.
  • They achieve this by first cooperatively finding a method to generate a secret key that is uniquely shared between the two of them.
  • Figure 3 shows that the EPR paradox can be demonstrated when Alice and Bob get together to perform conditional variance measurements of the quadrature amplitudes of a pair of entangled beams.
  • Alice keeps one of the entangled beams and transmits the other to Bob.
  • Since the results of measurements between Alice and Bob are never perfectly identical, Alice and Bob are required to reconcile the results of their measurements.

B. Quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping

  • Figure 8 gives the schematic of the protocol.
  • A well-accepted measure of teleportation efficacy is the overlap of the wave function of the output state with the original input state.
  • Victor verifies the efficacy of entanglement swapping using conditional variance measurements of his entangled beam with Bob's teleportation output beam.
  • Measurements of fidelity have to be averaged over a significant region of the quadrature amplitude phase space before the suggested bounds are valid classical and no-cloning limits.


  • The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen gedanken experiment has been realized through a series of important developments, both theoretical and technological.
  • Experiments have measured violation of the inferred Heisenberg uncertainty principle, thus confirming EPR-entanglement.
  • A question often arising is the utility of such measurements, given that Bell inequality violations are a more powerful indication of the failure of local realism.
  • The beauty of the EPR approach is its simplicity, from both a theoretical and a practical point of view.

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Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox:
From concepts to applications
M. D. Reid and P. D. Drummond
ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics and Centre for Atom Optics and
Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Swinburne University of Technology, P.O. Box 218, Melbourne,
Victoria 3122 Australia
W. P. Bowen
School of Physical Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072,
E. G. Cavalcanti
Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland 4111, Australia
P. K. Lam and H. A. Bachor
ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics, Building 38, The Australian National
University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 0200, Australia
U. L. Andersen
Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Building 309, 2800 Lyngby,
G. Leuchs
Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light and Department of Physics, Universität
Erlangen-Nürnberg, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany
Published 10 December 2009
This Colloquium examines the field of the Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen EPR gedanken
experiment, from the original paper of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, through to modern theoretical
proposals of how to realize both the continuous-variable and discrete versions of the EPR paradox.
The relationship with entanglement and Bell’s theorem are analyzed, and the progress to date towards
experimental confirmation of the EPR paradox is summarized, with a detailed treatment of the
continuous-variable paradox in laser-based experiments. Practical techniques covered include
continuous-wave parametric amplifier and optical fiber quantum soliton experiments. Current
proposals for extending EPR experiments to massive-particle systems are discussed, including spin
squeezing, atomic position entanglement, and quadrature entanglement in ultracold atoms. Finally,
applications of this technology to quantum key distribution, quantum teleportation, and entanglement
swapping are examined.
DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.81.1727 PACS numbers: 03.65.Ud, 03.67.Bg, 03.75.Gg, 42.50.Xa
I. Introduction 1728
II. The Continuous Variable EPR Paradox 1729
A. The 1935 argument: EPR’s elements of reality 1729
B. Schrödinger’s response: entanglement and
separability 1730
III. Discrete Spin Variables and Bell’s Theorem 1731
A. The EPR-Bohm paradox: Early EPR experiments 1731
B. Bell’s theorem 1731
C. Experimental tests of Bell’s theorem 1732
IV. EPR Argument for Real Particles and Fields 1732
A. Inferred Heisenberg inequality: Continuous variable
case 1732
B. Criteria for the discrete EPR paradox 1734
C. A practical linear-estimate criterion for EPR 1734
D. Experimental criteria for demonstrating the paradox 1735
V. Theoretical Model for a Continuous Variable EPR
Experiment 1735
A. Two-mode squeezed states 1735
B. Measurement techniques 1736
C. Effects of loss and imperfect detectors 1737
VI. EPR, Entanglement, and Bell Criteria 1738
A. Steering 1738
B. Symmetric EPR paradox 1738
C. EPR as a special type of entanglement 1738
D. EPR and Bell’s nonlocality 1739
VII. Continuous-Wave EPR Experiments 1740
A. Parametric oscillator experiments 1740
B. Experimental results 1741
VIII. Pulsed EPR Experiments 1742
A. Optical fiber experiment 1742
B. Parametric amplifier experiment 1743
0034-6861/2009/814/172725 ©2009 The American Physical Society1727

IX. Spin EPR and Atoms 1744
A. Transfer of optical entanglement to atomic
ensembles 1744
B. Conditional atom ensemble entanglement 1745
X. Application of EPR Entanglement 1745
A. Entanglement-based quantum key distribution 1745
B. Quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping 1746
XI. Outlook 1747
Acknowledgments 1748
References 1748
In 1935, Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen EPR origi-
nated the famous “EPR paradox” Einstein et al., 1935.
This argument concerns two spatially separated particles
which have both perfectly correlated positions and mo-
menta, as is predicted possible by quantum mechanics.
The EPR paper spurred investigations into the nonlocal-
ity of quantum mechanics, leading to a direct challenge
of the philosophies taken for granted by most physicists.
Furthermore, the EPR paradox brought into sharp focus
the concept of entanglement, now considered to be the
underpinning of quantum technology.
Despite its large significance, relatively little has been
done to directly realize the original EPR gedanken ex-
periment. Most published discussion has centred around
the testing of theorems by Bell 1964, whose work was
derived from that of EPR, but proposed more stringent
tests dealing with a different set of measurements. The
purpose of this Colloquium is to give a different per-
spective. We go back to EPR’s original paper, and ana-
lyze the current theoretical and experimental status and
implications of the EPR paradox itself, as an indepen-
dent body of work.
A paradox is “a seemingly absurd or self-
contradictory statement or proposition that may in fact
be true.”
The EPR conclusion was based on the as-
sumption of local realism, and thus the EPR argument
pinpoints a contradiction between local realism and the
completeness of quantum mechanics. The argument was
therefore termed a “paradox” by Schrödinger 1935b,
Bohm 1951, Bohm and Aharonov 1957, and Bell
1964. EPR took the prevailing view of their era that
local realism must be valid. They argued from this
premise that quantum mechanics must be incomplete.
With the insight later provided by Bell 1964, the EPR
argument is best viewed as the first demonstration of
problems arising from the premise of local realism.
The intention of EPR was to motivate the search for a
theory “better” than quantum mechanics. However,
EPR never questioned the correctness of quantum me-
chanics, only its completeness. They showed that if a set
of assumptions, which we now call local realism, is up-
held, then quantum mechanics must be incomplete. Ow-
ing to the subsequent work of Bell, we now know what
EPR did not know: local realism, the “realistic philoso-
phy of most working scientists” Clauser and Shimony,
1978, is itself in question. Thus, an experimental real-
ization of the EPR proposal provides a way to demon-
strate a type of entanglement inextricably connected
with quantum nonlocality.
In the sense that the local realistic theory envisaged
by them cannot exist, EPR were “wrong.” What EPR
did reveal in their paper, however, was an inconsistency
between local realism and the completeness of quantum
mechanics. Hence, we must abandon at least one of
these premises. Their analysis was clever, insightful, and
correct. The EPR paper therefore provides a way to dis-
tinguish quantum mechanics as a complete theory from
classical reality, in a quantitative sense.
The conclusions of the EPR argument can only be
drawn if certain correlations between the positions and
momenta of the particles can be confirmed experimen-
tally. The work of EPR, like that of Bell, requires experi-
mental demonstration, since it could be supposed that
the quantum states in question are not physically acces-
sible, or that quantum mechanics itself is wrong. It is not
feasible to prepare the perfect correlations of the origi-
nal EPR proposal. Instead, we show that the violation of
an inferred Heisenberg uncertainty principle—an “EPR
inequality”—is eminently practical. These EPR in-
equalities provide a way to test the incompatibility of
local realism, as generalized to a nondeterministic situa-
tion, with the completeness of quantum mechanics. Vio-
lating an EPR inequality is a demonstration of the EPR
In a nutshell, EPR experiments provide an important
complement to those proposed by Bell. While the con-
clusions of Bell’s theorem are stronger, the EPR ap-
proach is applicable to a greater variety of physical sys-
tems. Most Bell tests have been confined to single
photon counting measurements with discrete outcomes,
whereas recent EPR experiments have involved con-
tinuous variable outcomes and high detection efficien-
cies. This leads to possibilities for tests of quantum non-
locality in new regimes involving massive particles and
macroscopic systems. Significantly, new applications in
the field of quantum information are feasible.
In this Colloquium, we outline the theory of EPR’s
seminal paper, and also provide an overview of more
recent theoretical and experimental achievements. We
discuss the development of the EPR inequalities, and
how they can be applied to quantify the EPR paradox
for both spin and amplitude measurements. A limiting
factor for the early spin EPR experiments of Wu and
Shaknov 1950, Freedman and Clauser 1972, Aspect,
Grangier, and Roger 1981, and others was the low de-
tection efficiencies, which meant probabilities were sur-
mised using a postselected ensemble of counts. In con-
trast, the more recent EPR experiments report an
amplitude correlation measured over the whole en-
semble, to produce unconditionally, on demand, states
that give the entanglement of the EPR paradox. How-
ever, causal separation has not yet been achieved. We
explain the methodology and development of these ex-
Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2006,
Reid et al.: Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 4, October–December 2009

periments, first performed by Ou, Pereira, Kimble, and
Peng 1992.
An experimental realization of the EPR proposal will
always imply entanglement, and we analyze the relation-
ship between entanglement, the EPR paradox, and
Bell’s theorem. In looking to the future, we review re-
cent experiments and proposals involving massive par-
ticles, ranging from room-temperature spin-squeezing
experiments to proposals for the EPR-entanglement of
quadratures of ultracold Bose-Einstein condensates. A
number of possible applications of these EPR experi-
ments have already been proposed, for example, in the
areas of quantum cryptography and quantum teleporta-
tion. Finally, we discuss these, with emphasis on those
applications that use the form of entanglement closely
associated with the EPR paradox.
Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen 1935 focused atten-
tion on the nonlocality of quantum mechanics by consid-
ering the case of two spatially separated quantum par-
ticles that have both maximally correlated momenta and
maximally anticorrelated positions. In their paper en-
titled Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physi-
cal Reality Be Considered Complete?,” they pointed out
an apparent inconsistency between such states and the
premise of local realism, arguing that this inconsistency
could only be resolved through a completion of quan-
tum mechanics. Presumably EPR had in mind to supple-
ment quantum theory with a hidden variable theory,
consistent with the “elements of reality” defined in their
After Bohm 1952 demonstrated that a nonlocal
hidden variable theory was feasible, subsequent work by
Bell 1964 proved the impossibility of completing quan-
tum mechanics with local hidden variable theories. This
resolves the paradox by pointing to a failure of local
realism itself—at least at the microscopic level. The
EPR argument nevertheless remains significant. It re-
veals the necessity of either rejecting local realism or
completing quantum mechanics or both.
A. The 1935 argument: EPR’s elements of reality
The EPR argument is based on the premises that are
now generally referred to as local realism quotes are
from the original paper:
“If, without disturbing a system, we can predict with
certainty the value of a physical quantity,” then
“there exists an element of physical reality corre-
sponding to this physical quantity.” The element of
reality represents the predetermined value for the
physical quantity.
The locality assumption postulates no action at a dis-
tance, so that measurements at a location B cannot
immediately “disturb” the system at a spatially sepa-
rated location A.
EPR treated the case of a nonfactorizable pure state
, which describes the results for measurements per-
formed on two spatially separated systems at A and B
Fig. 1. “Nonfactorizable” means entangled, that is, we
cannot express
as a simple product
are quantum states for the results of
measurements at A and B, respectively.
In the first part of their paper, EPR pointed out in a
general way the puzzling aspects of such entangled
states. The key issue is that one can expand
in terms
of more than one basis, which correspond to different
experimental settings, parametrized by
. Consider the
. 1
Here the eigenvalue x could be continuous or discrete.
The parameter setting
at the detector B is used to
define a particular orthogonal measurement basis
. On measurement at B, this projects out a wave
at A, the process called “reduction of
the wave packet.” The puzzling issue is that different
choices of measurements
at B will cause reduction of
the wave packet at A in more than one possible way.
EPR state that, “as a consequence of two different mea-
surements” at B, the “second system may be left in
states with two different wave functions.” Yet, “no real
change can take place in the second system in conse-
quence of anything that may be done to the first sys-
tem.” Schrödinger 1935b, 1936 studied this case as
well, referring to the apparent influence by B on the
remote system A as “steering.” Despite the apparently
acausal nature of state collapse Herbert, 1982, the lin-
earity or “no-cloning” property of quantum mechanics
rules out superluminal communication Dieks, 1982;
Wootters and Zurek, 1982.
The problem was crystallized by EPR with a specific
example, shown in Fig. 1. EPR considered two spatially
separated subsystems, at A and B, each with two observ-
ables x
and p
where x
and p
are noncommuting quan-
tum operators, with commutator x
The results of the measurements x
and p
are denoted x
and p, respectively, and we follow this convention
throughout the paper. We note that EPR assumed a con-
tinuous variable spectrum, but this is not crucial to the
concepts they raised. In our treatment we scale the ob-
servables so that C = i, for simplicity, which gives rise to
the Heisenberg uncertainty relation
FIG. 1. Color online The original EPR gedanken experi-
ment. Two particles move from a source S into spatially sepa-
rated regions A and B, and yet continue to have maximally
correlated positions and anticorrelated momenta. This means
one may make an instant prediction, with 100% accuracy, of
either the position or momentum of particle A by performing a
measurement at B.
Reid et al.: Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 4, October–December 2009

xp 1, 2
where x and p are the standard deviations in the re-
sults x and p, respectively.
EPR considered the quantum wave function
in a position representation
dp, 3
where x
is a constant implying spacelike separation.
Here the pairs x and p refer to the results for position
and momentum measurements at A, while x
and p
refer to position and momentum at B. We leave off the
superscript for system A, to emphasize the inherent
asymmetry that exists in the EPR argument, where one
system A is “steered” by the other B.
According to quantum mechanics, one can “predict
with certainty” that a measurement x
will give result
, if a measurement x
, with result x
, was already
performed at B. One may also predict with certainty the
result of measurement p
, for a different choice of mea-
surement at B. If the momentum at B is measured to be
p, then the result for p
is p. These predictions are made
“without disturbing the second system” at A, based on
the assumption, implicit in the original EPR paper, of
“locality.” The locality assumption can be strengthened
if the measurement events at A and B are causally sepa-
rated such that no signal can travel from one event to
the other, unless faster than the speed of light.
The remainder of the EPR argument may be summa-
rized as follows Clauser and Shimony, 1978. Assuming
local realism, one deduces that both the measurement
outcomes, for x and p at A, are predetermined. The per-
fect correlation of x with x
implies the existence of
an element of reality for the measurement x
. Similarly,
the correlation of p with p
implies an element of re-
ality for p
. Although not mentioned by EPR, it will
prove useful to mathematically represent the elements
of reality for x
and p
by the respective variables
, whose “possible values are the predicted results of
the measurement” Mermin, 1990.
To continue the argument, local realism implies the
existence of two elements of reality,
, that
simultaneously predetermine, with absolute definiteness,
the results for either measurement x or p at A. These
elements of reality for the localized subsystem A are not
themselves consistent with quantum mechanics. Simulta-
neous determinacy for both the position and momentum
is not possible for any quantum state. Hence, assuming
the validity of local realism, one concludes quantum me-
chanics to be incomplete. Bohr’s early reply Bohr, 1935
to EPR was essentially a defense of quantum mechanics
and a questioning of the relevance of local realism.
B. Schrödinger’s response: entanglement and separability
It was soon realized that the paradox was intimately
related to the structure of the wavefunction in quantum
mechanics, and the opposite ideas of entanglement and
separability. Schrödinger 1935a pointed out that the
EPR two-particle wave function in Eq. 3 was
verschränkten—which he later translated as entangled
Schrödinger, 1935b—i.e., not of the separable form
. Both he and Furry 1936 considered as a possible
resolution of the paradox that this entanglement de-
grades as the particles separate spatially, so that EPR
correlations would not be physically realizable. Experi-
ments considered in this Colloquium show this reso-
lution to be untenable microscopically, but the proposal
led to later theories which only modify quantum me-
chanics macroscopically Ghirardi et al., 1986; Bell, 1988;
Bassi and Ghirardi, 2003.
Quantum inseparability entanglement for a general
mixed quantum state is defined as the failure of
, 4
where dP= 1 and
is the density operator.
is a discrete or continuous label for component states,
correspond to density operators that are re-
stricted to the Hilbert spaces A, B respectively.
The definition of inseparability extends beyond that of
the EPR situation, in that one considers a whole spec-
trum of measurement choices, parametrized by
those performed on system A, and by
for those per-
formed on B. We introduce the new notation x
to describe all measurements at A and B. Denoting
the eigenstates of x
by x
, we define P
and P
,= x
, which are the
localized probabilities for observing results x
and x
respectively. The separability condition 4 then implies
that joint probabilities Px
are given as
. 5
We note the restriction that, for example,
1, where
the variances of P
, for the choices
sponding to position x
and momentum p
, respectively.
The original EPR state of Eq. 3 is not separable.
The most precise signatures of entanglement rely on
entropic or more general information-theoretic mea-
sures. This can be seen in its simplest form when
is a
pure state so that Tr
=1. Under these conditions, it
follows that
is entangled if and only if the von Neu-
mann entropy measure of either reduced density matrix
is positive. Here the entropy is
defined as
Here we use entanglement in the simplest sense to mean a
state for a composite system which is nonseparable, so that Eq.
4 fails. The issues of the EPR paradox that make entangle-
ment interesting demand that the systems A and B can be
spatially separated, and these are the types of systems ad-
dressed here. The relation, between a quantum correlation and
entanglement, is discussed by Shore 2008.
Reid et al.: Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 4, October–December 2009

. 6
is a mixed state, one must turn to variational
measures like the entanglement of formation to obtain
necessary and sufficient conditions Bennett et al., 1996.
The entanglement of formation leads to the popular
concurrence measure for two qubits Wootters, 1998.A
necessary but not sufficient condition for entanglement
is the positive partial transpose criterion of Peres 1996.
A. The EPR-Bohm paradox: Early EPR experiments
As the continuous variable EPR proposal was not ex-
perimentally realizable at the time, much of the early
work relied on an adaptation of the EPR paradox to
spin measurements by Bohm 1951, as depicted in Fig.
Specifically, Bohm considered two spatially separated
spin-1/2 particles at A and B produced in an entangled
singlet state often referred to as the EPR-Bohm state or
the Bell state,
. 7
Here ±
are eigenstates of the spin operator J
, and
we use J
, J
, J
to define the spin components mea-
sured at location A. The spin eigenstates and measure-
ments at B are defined similarly. By considering differ-
ent quantization axes, one obtains different but
equivalent expansions of
in Eq. 1, just as EPR sug-
Bohm’s reasoning is based on the existence, for Eq.
7, of a maximum anticorrelation between not only J
and J
, but J
and J
, and also J
and J
. An assump-
tion of local realism would lead to the conclusion that
the three spin components of particle A were simulta-
neously predetermined, with absolute definiteness. Since
no such quantum description exists, this is the situation
of an EPR paradox. A simple explanation of the
discrete-variable EPR paradox has been presented by
Mermin 1990 in relation to the three-particle
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger correlation Greenberger
et al., 1989.
An early attempt to realize EPR-Bohm correlations
for discrete spin variables came from Bleuler and
Bradt 1948, who examined the gamma radiation emit-
ted from positron annihilation. These are spin-one par-
ticles which form an entangled singlet. Here correlations
were measured between the polarizations of emitted
photons, but with very inefficient Compton-scattering
polarizers and detectors, and no control of causal sepa-
ration. Several further experiments were performed
along similar lines Wu and Shaknov, 1950, as well as
with correlated protons Lamehi-Rachti and Mittig,
1976. While these are sometimes regarded as demon-
strating the EPR paradox Bohm and Aharonov, 1957,
the fact that they involved extremely inefficient detec-
tors, with postselection of coincidence counts, makes
this interpretation debatable.
B. Bell’s theorem
The EPR paper concludes by referring to theories
that might complete quantum mechanics: we have
left open the question of whether or not such a descrip-
tion exists. We believe, however, that such a theory is pos-
sible.” The seminal works of Bell 1964, 1988 and
Clauser et al. 1969 CHSH clarified this issue, to show
that this speculation was wrong. Bell showed that the
predictions of local hidden variable LHV theories dif-
fer from those of quantum mechanics, for the Bell state,
Eq. 7.
Bell-CHSH considered theories for two spatially sepa-
rated subsystems A and B. As with separable states,
Eqs. 4 and 5, it is assumed there exist parameters
that are shared between the subsystems and which de-
note localized—though not necessarily quantum—states
for each. Measurements can be performed on A and B,
and the measurement choice is parametrized by
respectively. Thus, for example,
may be chosen to be
either position and momentum, as in the original EPR
gedanken experiment, or an analyzer angle as in the
Bohm-EPR gedanken experiment. We denote the result
of the measurement labelled
at A as x
, and use simi-
lar notation for outcomes at B. The assumption of Bell’s
locality is that the probability Px
for x
depends on
, but is independent of
; and similarly for
. The local hidden variable assumption of Bell
and CHSH then implies the joint probability Px
to be
, 8
where P is the distribution for the . This assumption,
which we call Bell-CHSH local realism, differs from Eq.
5 for separability, in that the probabilities Px
do not arise from localized quantum states.
From the assumption Eq. 8 of LHV theories, Bell and
CHSH derived constraints, referred to as Bell’s inequali-
ties. They showed that quantum mechanics predicts a
FIG. 2. Color online The Bohm gedanken EPR experiment.
Two spin-
particles prepared in a singlet state move from the
source into spatially separated regions A and B, and give an-
ticorrelated outcomes for J
and J
, where
is x, y,orz.
Reid et al.: Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 4, October–December 2009

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors review and illustrate the theory and experiments with atomic ensembles that have demonstrated many-particle entanglement and quantum-enhanced metrology.
Abstract: Quantum technologies exploit entanglement to revolutionize computing, measurements, and communications. This has stimulated the research in different areas of physics to engineer and manipulate fragile many-particle entangled states. Progress has been particularly rapid for atoms. Thanks to the large and tunable nonlinearities and the well-developed techniques for trapping, controlling, and counting, many groundbreaking experiments have demonstrated the generation of entangled states of trapped ions, cold, and ultracold gases of neutral atoms. Moreover, atoms can strongly couple to external forces and fields, which makes them ideal for ultraprecise sensing and time keeping. All these factors call for generating nonclassical atomic states designed for phase estimation in atomic clocks and atom interferometers, exploiting many-body entanglement to increase the sensitivity of precision measurements. The goal of this article is to review and illustrate the theory and the experiments with atomic ensembles that have demonstrated many-particle entanglement and quantum-enhanced metrology.

831 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
06 Aug 2010-Science
TL;DR: This demonstration of entanglement in an angular basis establishes that angles are genuine quantum observables and can therefore be considered a resource for quantum information processing, capable of secure, high-dimension, key distribution.
Abstract: Entanglement of the properties of two separated particles constitutes a fundamental signature of quantum mechanics and is a key resource for quantum information science. We demonstrate strong Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen correlations between the angular position and orbital angular momentum of two photons created by the nonlinear optical process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion. The discrete nature of orbital angular momentum and the continuous but periodic nature of angular position give rise to a special sort of entanglement between these two variables. The resulting correlations are found to be an order of magnitude stronger than those allowed by the uncertainty principle for independent (nonentangled) particles. Our results suggest that angular position and orbital angular momentum may find important applications in quantum information science.

538 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, it was shown that entanglement is necessary for steering, but steering can be achieved, as has now been demonstrated experimentally, with states that cannot violate a Bell inequality and therefore non-locality.
Abstract: Erwin Schrodinger introduced in 1935 the concept of ‘steering’, which generalizes the famed Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox. Steering sits in between quantum entanglement and non-locality — that is, entanglement is necessary for steering, but steering can be achieved, as has now been demonstrated experimentally, with states that cannot violate a Bell inequality (and therefore non-locality).

387 citations

01 Sep 2010
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors present an excellent introduction for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, familiarizing readers with the basic concepts and formalism as well as the most recent advances in quantum optics.
Abstract: Covering a number of important subjects in quantum optics, this textbook is an excellent introduction for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, familiarizing readers with the basic concepts and formalism as well as the most recent advances. The first part of the textbook covers the semi-classical approach where matter is quantized, but light is not. It describes significant phenomena in quantum optics, including the principles of lasers. The second part is devoted to the full quantum description of light and its interaction with matter, covering topics such as spontaneous emission, and classical and non-classical states of light. An overview of photon entanglement and applications to quantum information is also given. In the third part, non-linear optics and laser cooling of atoms are presented, where using both approaches allows for a comprehensive description. Each chapter describes basic concepts in detail, and more specific concepts and phenomena are presented in 'complements'.

351 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The theory of quantum steering is reviewed in this article, where the basic concepts of steering and local hidden state models are presented and their relation to entanglement and Bell nonlocality is explained.
Abstract: Quantum correlations between two parties are essential for the argument of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen in favour of the incompleteness of quantum mechanics. Schr\"odinger noted that an essential point is the fact that one party can influence the wave function of the other party by performing suitable measurements. He called this phenomenon quantum steering and studied its properties, but only in the last years this kind of quantum correlation attracted significant interest in quantum information theory. In this paper the theory of quantum steering is reviewed. First, the basic concepts of steering and local hidden state models are presented and their relation to entanglement and Bell nonlocality is explained. Then various criteria for characterizing steerability and structural results on the phenomenon are described. A detailed discussion is given on the connections between steering and incompatibility of quantum measurements. Finally, applications of steering in quantum information processing and further related topics are reviewed.

327 citations

Cites background from "Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-R..."

  • ...Steering inequalities based on uncertainty relations have been proposed already long before the formal definition of steerability in the context of the EPR argument (Reid, 1989; Reid et al., 2009)....


  • ...First, a review on the quantitative aspects of the EPR argument can be found in (Reid et al., 2009)....


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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Consideration of the problem of making predictions concerning a system on the basis of measurements made on another system that had previously interacted with it leads to the result that one is led to conclude that the description of reality as given by a wave function is not complete.
Abstract: In a complete theory there is an element corresponding to each element of reality. A sufficient condition for the reality of a physical quantity is the possibility of predicting it with certainty, without disturbing the system. In quantum mechanics in the case of two physical quantities described by non-commuting operators, the knowledge of one precludes the knowledge of the other. Then either (1) the description of reality given by the wave function in quantum mechanics is not complete or (2) these two quantities cannot have simultaneous reality. Consideration of the problem of making predictions concerning a system on the basis of measurements made on another system that had previously interacted with it leads to the result that if (1) is false then (2) is also false. One is thus led to conclude that the description of reality as given by a wave function is not complete.

13,778 citations

"Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-R..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Outlook 22A knowledgments 22Referen es 23I. INTRODUCTIONIn 1935, Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) origi-nated the famous EPR paradox (Einstein et al. (1935))....


  • ...This isa demonstration of the EPR paradox in the manner pro-posed in Einstein et al. (1935)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: An unknown quantum state \ensuremath{\Vert}\ensure Math{\varphi}〉 can be disassembled into, then later reconstructed from, purely classical information and purely nonclassical Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlations.
Abstract: An unknown quantum state \ensuremath{\Vert}\ensuremath{\varphi}〉 can be disassembled into, then later reconstructed from, purely classical information and purely nonclassical Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlations. To do so the sender, ``Alice,'' and the receiver, ``Bob,'' must prearrange the sharing of an EPR-correlated pair of particles. Alice makes a joint measurement on her EPR particle and the unknown quantum system, and sends Bob the classical result of this measurement. Knowing this, Bob can convert the state of his EPR particle into an exact replica of the unknown state \ensuremath{\Vert}\ensuremath{\varphi}〉 which Alice destroyed.

11,600 citations

"Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-R..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...This form of remote ommuni ation of quantuminformation using only entanglement and lassi al infor-mation was proposed by Bennett et al. (1993) for dis- rete variables....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, an explicit formula for the entanglement of formation of a pair of binary quantum objects (qubits) as a function of their density matrix was conjectured.
Abstract: The entanglement of a pure state of a pair of quantum systems is defined as the entropy of either member of the pair. The entanglement of formation of a mixed state $\ensuremath{\rho}$ is the minimum average entanglement of an ensemble of pure states that represents \ensuremath{\rho}. An earlier paper conjectured an explicit formula for the entanglement of formation of a pair of binary quantum objects (qubits) as a function of their density matrix, and proved the formula for special states. The present paper extends the proof to arbitrary states of this system and shows how to construct entanglement-minimizing decompositions.

6,999 citations

"Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-R..." refers background in this paper

  • ...The entanglement of formation leads to the popular on- urren e measure for two qubits (Wootters (1998))....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a theorem of Bell, proving that certain predictions of quantum mechanics are inconsistent with the entire family of local hidden-variable theories, is generalized so as to apply to realizable experiments.
Abstract: A theorem of Bell, proving that certain predictions of quantum mechanics are inconsistent with the entire family of local hidden-variable theories, is generalized so as to apply to realizable experiments. A proposed extension of the experiment of Kocher and Commins, on the polarization correlation of a pair of optical photons, will provide a decisive test between quantum mechanics and local hidden-variable theories.

6,887 citations

"Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-R..." refers background or methods in this paper

  • ...Further Bell and CHSH in-equalities (Clauser et al. (1969); Bell (1971); Clauser and Horne(1974)) were derived that allow for a sto hasti predetermin-ism, where lo al hidden variables give probabilisti predi tionsfor measurements....


  • ...Su h probability distributions are also impli it in theextensions by Clauser et al. (1969) and Bell (1988) ofBell's theorem to systems of less-than-ideal orrelation....


  • ...The seminal works of Bell (1964, 1988) and Clauser et al.(1969) (CHSH) lari ed this issue, to show that this spe -ulation was wrong....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the theory of measurements is to be understood from the point of view of a physical interpretation of the quantum theory in terms of hidden variables developed in a previous paper.
Abstract: In this paper, we shall show how the theory of measurements is to be understood from the point of view of a physical interpretation of the quantum theory in terms of hidden variables developed in a previous paper. We find that in principle, these \"hidden\" variables determine the precise results of each individual measurement process. In practice, however, in measurements that we now know how to carry out, the observing apparatus disturbs the observed system in an unpredictable and uncontrollable way, so that the uncertainty principle is obtained as a practical limitation on the possible precision of measurements. This limitation is not, however, inherent in the conceptual structure of our interpretation. We shall see, for example, that simultaneous measurements of position and momentum having unlimited precision would in principle be possible if, as suggested in the previous paper, the mathematical formulation of the quantum theory needs to be modined at very short distances in certain ways that are consistent with our interpretation but not with the usual interpretation. We give a simple explanation of the origin of quantum-mechanical correlations of distant objects in the hypothetical experiment of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, which was suggested by these authors as a criticism of the usual interpretation. Finally, we show that von Neumann's proof that quantum theory is not consistent with hidden variables does not apply to our interpretation, because the hidden variables contemplated here depend both on the state of the measuring apparatus and the observed system and therefore go beyond certain of von 1umann's assumptions. In two appendixes, we treat the problem oi the electromagnetic field in our interpretation and answer certain additional objections which have arisen in the attempt to give a precise description for an individual system at the quantum level.

5,110 citations

"Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-R..." refers background in this paper

  • ...After Bohm (1952) demonstrated that a (non-lo al)hidden-variable theory was feasible, subsequent work byBell (1964) proved the impossibility of ompleting quan-tum me hani s with lo al hidden variable theories....


Frequently Asked Questions (17)
Q1. What have the authors contributed in "Colloquium: the einstein-podolsky-rosen paradox: from concepts to applications" ?

This Colloquium examines the field of the Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen EPR gedanken experiment, from the original paper of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, through to modern theoretical proposals of how to realize both the continuous-variable and discrete versions of the EPR paradox. Current proposals for extending EPR experiments to massive-particle systems are discussed, including spin squeezing, atomic position entanglement, and quadrature entanglement in ultracold atoms. Finally, applications of this technology to quantum key distribution, quantum teleportation, and entanglement swapping are examined. 

In these steady-state continuous-wave experiments, however, the squeezing parameter r is time independent, and given by the inputoutput parametric gain G, such that G=e2r. 

Due to the high peak powers of the frequency doubled pulses as well as the particular choice of a highly nonlinear optical material KNBO3 , the use of a cavity was circumvented despite the fact that a very thin 100 m crystal was employed. 

Using fieldquadrature measurements and multiparticle states, it is likely that quantum theory and its alternatives can be tested for increasingly macroscopic systems Marshall et al., 2003 using the EPR paradox. 

A degenerate waveguide technique, together with a beam splitter, was recently used to demonstrate pulsed entanglement using a traveling-wave OPA Zhang et al., 2007 . 

One might expect that since spin-squeezed and entangled atomic ensembles contain a large number N of atoms, the decoherence rate of such systems would scale as N , where is the single-atom decay rate. 

a critical feature of these collective spin states is that excitation due to interaction with light is distributed symmetrically amongst all of the atoms. 

A well-accepted measure of teleportation efficacy is the overlap of the wave function of the output state with the original input state. 

Since the set of predicted distributions are the conditionals P x xB , one for each value of xB, the logical choice is to label the element of reality by the outcomes xB, but bearing in mind the set of predetermined results is not the set xB , but is the set of associated conditional distributions P x xB . 

For a Gaussian distribution of coherent states, with mean photon number n̄, the average fidelity using classical measure and regenerate strategies is limited to F n̄+1 / 2n̄+1 

The quantum noise properties were characterized at a specific Fourier component within a narrow frequency band, typically in the range 100–300 kHz. 

The first experimental realization of pulsed EPR entanglement, shown in Fig. 7, was based on the approach of mixing two squeezed beams on a 50/50 beam splitteras outlined above for continuous wave light. 

The symmetry of the entangled beams allowed one to infer from this number the degree of EPR violation, which was found to be 2=0.64±0.08. 

These techniques have significant potential for quantum information networks Duan et al., 2001 and are also capable of generating a collective entangled state of the form required to test the EPR paradox. 

The other approach to experimental demonstration of collective spin entanglement in atomic ensembles is to rely on conditioning measurements to prepare the state Julsgaard et al., 2004; Chou et al., 2005 . 

The optimum level of EPR paradox achieved to date was by Bowen, Schnabel, et al. 2003 using a pair of type The authoroptical parametric oscillators. 

The first experimental demonstration of quantum state transfer from the polarization state of an optical field to the collective spin state of an atomic ensemble was performed by Hald et al.