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Journal ArticleDOI

Construction et validation préliminaire d’un outil francophone mesurant les conceptions épistémiques en lien avec les sciences

In this paper, le Questionnaire mesurant les Conceptions Epistemique en lien avec les Sciences (QCES) is presented, in which le besoin d'outils d’evaluation des conceptions epistemiques en lian avec the sciences is croissant, and pourtant il n’existe pas d'instrument psychometrique proprement valide en francais.
Eduquer les futurs citoyens a la science requiert de former les enseignants a la didactique et a l’epistemologie des sciences, de maniere a faire evoluer leurs conceptions sur la science, l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des sciences (conceptions epistemiques en lien avec les sciences). Ces conceptions sont objet du champ de recherche de l’epistemologie personnelle, d’origine nord-americaine, ou les publications sont majoritairement en langue anglaise. En France, le besoin d’outils d’evaluation des conceptions epistemiques en lien avec les sciences est croissant, et pourtant il n’existe pas d’instrument psychometrique proprement valide en francais. Ici nous rapportons la mise au point d’un tel outil, le Questionnaire mesurant les Conceptions Epistemique en lien avec les Sciences (QCES). Une analyse factorielle nous a permis d’identifier des sous-echelles de Likert, de consistance interne satisfaisante. Nous evaluons leur capacite a discriminer les conceptions epistemiques de differentes populations d’etudiants, et a mesurer leur evolution apres une formation a l’epistemologie et/ou la didactique des sciences. Nos resultats, conformes a nos hypotheses de depart, montrent une efficacite psychometrique du QCES.

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Journal ArticleDOI

Effects of beliefs about the nature of knowledge on comprehension.

TL;DR: This paper studied students' beliefs about the nature of knowledge and how these beliefs affect comprehension, and found that students' belief about knowledge can affect their understanding of the world and their ability to understand it.
Journal ArticleDOI

Improving Science Teachers' Conceptions of Nature of Science: A Critical Review of the Literature.

TL;DR: In this paper, the authors aimed to review and assess the effectiveness of the attempts undertaken to improve prospective and practising science teachers' conceptions of nature of science (NOS) by using science process-skills instruction or engagement in science-based inquiry activities.
Journal ArticleDOI

Dimensionality and Disciplinary Differences in Personal Epistemology.

TL;DR: Investigating the dimensionality of personal epistemology as hypothesized in a recent review of the literature and the nature of disciplinary differences suggests that there is an underlying dimensionality to epistemological theories that cuts across disciplinary domains, but that students, at least by the 1st year of college, discriminate as to how these theories differ by discipline.
Journal ArticleDOI

Relational Analysis of Personal Epistemology and Conceptions about Teaching and Learning.

TL;DR: In this paper, four epistemological belief and two teaching and learning conception dimensions were identified from a survey study of a sample of Hong Kong teacher education students and Pearson correlation analysis showed significant relations between Innate/Fixed Ability, Authority/Expert Knowledge and Certainty Knowledge with Traditional Conception and Learning Effort/Process with Constructivist Conception.
Journal ArticleDOI

Changes in epistemological beliefs in elementary science students

TL;DR: The authors examined how epistemological beliefs change over time and what role gender, ethnicity, SES, and achievement play in the development of epistemology. And they found that high achieving children had less sophisticated beliefs in comparison to low achieving children.