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Convergence in Variance of Chebyshev Accelerated Gibbs Samplers

04 Feb 2014-SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)-Vol. 36, Iss: 1
TL;DR: An algorithm for the stochastic version of the second-order Chebyshev accelerated SSOR (symmetric successive overrelaxation) iteration is given and numerical examples of sampling from multivariate Gaussian distributions are provided to confirm that the desired convergence properties are achieved in finite precision.
Abstract: A stochastic version of a stationary linear iterative solver may be designed to converge in distribution to a probability distribution with a specified mean μ and covariance matrix A−1. A common example is Gibbs sampling applied to a multivariate Gaussian distribution which is a stochastic version of the Gauss-Seidel linear solver. The iteration operator that acts on the error in mean and covariance in the stochastic iteration is the same iteration operator that acts on the solution error in the linear solver, and thus both the stationary sampler and the stationary solver have the same error polynomial and geometric convergence rate. The polynomial acceleration techniques that are well known in numerical analysis for accelerating the linear solver may also be used to accelerate the stochastic iteration. We derive first-order and second-order Chebyshev polynomial acceleration for the stochastic iteration to accelerate convergence in the mean and covariance by mimicking the derivation for the linear solver. In particular, we show that the error polynomials are identical and hence so are the convergence rates. Thus, optimality of the Chebyshev accelerated solver implies optimality of the Chebyshev accelerated sampler. We give an algorithm for the stochastic version of the second-order Chebyshev accelerated SSOR (symmetric successive overrelaxation) iteration and provide numerical examples of sampling from multivariate Gaussian distributions to confirm that the desired convergence properties are achieved in finite precision.

Summary (1 min read)

1. Introduction. Iterations of the form (1.1)

  • What makes this correspondence important is that the convergence properties of the solver are inherited by the sampler (and vice versa), which means that acceleration techniques developed for the solver may be applied to the sampler.
  • The main purpose of this paper is to establish the equivalence of convergence in mean and covariance in the case of Chebyshev polynomial acceleration, without the assumption of the target distribution being Gaussian.

12). Along the horizontal axis are values of the ratio of the extreme eigenvalues of M

  • By recursion the authors prove the following statement.
  • Redistribution subject to SIAM license or copyright; see
  • Axelsson points out [1, Rem. 5.11] two deficiencies of the first-order Chebyshev iterative method as a solver:.
  • First, the number of steps p needs to be selected in advance, with the method not being optimal for any other number of steps.
  • The solution for iterative solvers, and hence for iterative samplers, is to develop the second-order methods, which have neither of these deficiencies.

5. Numerical examples sampling from Gaussians at different resolutions.

  • The following examples both use a cubic-element discretization of the cubic domain [0, 1] 3 , with trilinear interpolation from nodal values within each element.
  • The examples also both use R = 1/4, though they differ in the number of nodes (or elements) in each coordinate direction.

6. Discussion.

  • While performing this research the authors have recognized the debt they othey to (the late) Gene Golub, who pioneered first-and second-order Chebyshev acceleration for linear solvers [9] , which they have built upon.
  • The authors are pleased to demonstrate the connection between Gene's work and the sampling algorithms from statistics by publishing in this journal that Gene had wanted to remain titled the Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing [22] .

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2014 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. A124–A147
Abstract. A stoc hastic version of a stationary linear iterativ e solver may be designed to converge
in distribution to a probability distribution with a specified mean μ and covariance matrix A
A common example is Gibbs sampling applied to a multivariate Gaussian distribution which is a
stochastic version of the Gauss–Seidel linear solver. The iteration operator that acts on the error in
mean and covariance in the stochastic iteration is the same iteration operator that acts on the solution
error in the linear solver, and thus both the stationary sampler and the stationary solv er have the
same error polynomial and geometric convergence rate. The polynomial acceleration techniques that
are well known in numerical analysis for accelerating the linear solver may also be used to accelerate
the stochastic iteration. We derive first-order and second-order Chebyshev polynomial acceleration
for the stochastic iteration to accelerate convergence in the mean and covariance by mimicking the
derivation for the linear solver. In particular, we show that the error polynomials are identical and
hence so are the con vergence rates. Thus, optimality of the Chebyshev accelerated solver implies
optimality of the Chebyshev accelerated sampler. We give an algorithm for the stochastic version of
the second-order Cheb yshev accelerated SSOR (symmetric successive overrelaxation) iteration and
provide numerical examples of sampling from multivariate Gaussian distributions to confirm that
the desired convergence properties are achieved in finite precision.
Key words. Chebyshev polynomial acceleration, Gauss–Seidel, Gibbs sampling, geometric
convergence, linear solver, stochastic iteration, SSOR
AMS subject classifications. 65F10, 65B99, 62E17, 60G15, 60G60
DOI. 10.1137/120900940
1. Introduction. Iterations of the form
(1.1) x
= Gx
+ g, l =1, 2,...,
where G is a fixed iteration operator and g is a fixed vector, are commonplace in
numerical computation. For example, they occur in the stationary linear iterative
methods used to solve systems of linear equations [1, 10, 17, 23]. We often refer to the
associated algorithm as a solver. We consider these iterations, and also the related
stochastic iteration
(1.2) y
= Gy
+ g
,l=1, 2,...,
where now g
is a “noise” vector given by an independent draw from some fixed
probability distribution with finite variance. Just as the deterministic iteration (1.1)
can be designed to converge to the solution of a linear system that is too large or
complex to solve directly, the stochastic iteration (1.2) may be designed to converge
in distribution to a target distribution that is too high dimensional, or complex, to
sample from directly. Since the stochastic iteration may be used to generate samples
Submitted to the journal’s Methods and Algorithms for Scientific Computing section Decem-
ber 3, 2012; accepted for publication (in revised form) November 14, 2013; published electronically
February 4, 2014. This work was supported by the New Zealand Institute for Mathematics and its
Applications thematic programme on PDEs and Marsden contract UOO1015.
Department of Physics, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand (
Cent er for Biofilm Engineering and Department of Mathematical Sciences, Montana State Uni-
versit y, Bozeman, MT 59715 (
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from a desired target distribution, we often refer to the associated algorithm as a
sampler. An example is the conventional Gibbs sampling algorithm [21] applied to
sampling from a high-dimensional Gaussian distribution. In that case the iteration
operator G is identical to the iteration operator in the Gauss–Seidel iterative method
[5, 7].
Novel Gibbs samplers may be designed by considering matrix splittings other than
the Gauss–Seidel splitting [5]. Matrix splittings are considered further in section 2.
Interestingly, the deterministic and stochastic iterations converge under exactly the
same conditions, with a necessary and sufficient condition being that the spectral
radius of G be strictly less than 1, that is, ρ (G) < 1 [4, 26]. Convergence in both cases
is geometric, with the asymptotic average reduction factor given by ρ (G) (though this
is called the “convergence rate” in the statistics literature [19]).
A standard method of reducing the asymptotic average reduction factor is by
polynomial acceleration, particularly using Chebyshev polynomials [1, 6, 10, 23]. The
original formulation used a modified first-order iteration, as above, though the result-
ing algorithm is impractical due to numerical difficulties [1]. Practical implementa-
tions use a nonstationary second-order iteration that can give optimal reduction of
error at each iteration.
In this paper, we develop polynomial acceleration for the stochastic iteration.
In particular, we develop nonstationary first- and second-order iterations that give
optimal convergence in mean and variance to a desired target distribution. Since
convergence in mean is achieved by using exactly the linear iteration for solving a linear
system, polynomial acceleration of the mean is exactly as in the existing treatments.
Hence we focus on optimal convergence in variance that requires modification to the
noise term. Correspondingly, we focus throughout the development on sampling from
a target distribution that has zero mean and some finite covariance matrix, and hence
the noise distribution always has zero mean. Extension to target distributions with
nonzero mean is achieved simply by adding the deterministic iteration or, equivalently,
adding a fixed vector to the noise term.
We develop the sampling algorithms and demonstrate the equivalence to linear
solvers by investigating a sequence of linear iterative solvers, essentially following the
historical development in sophistication and speed, and show that exactly the same
ideas used to establish properties of the solver can be used to establish the equivalent
properties for a sampler. In particular, convergence of the solver implies convergence
of the sampler, and the convergence factors are identical, because they are given by
the same expression.
We follow the development and derivations of convergence, given in Axelsson [1],
for stationary and nonstationary (Chebyshev) first-order and second-order methods,
set out in sect. 5.2 (Stationary Iterative Methods) and sect. 5.3 (The Chebyshev It-
erative Method). We could have equally followed the excellent presentations of the
same methods in Golub and Van Loan [10] or Saad [23]. Our own work and compu-
tational implementation actually take a route that switches between the formalism
used in these three texts. By following here the route of a single exposition, we hope
to show how establishing convergence of the stochastic versions can be made very
The most straightforward application of the methods we develop is to sample from
a high-dimensional Gaussian distribution, defined by the mean vector μ and covariance
matrix A
. We present an example which shows the convergence of the Chebyshev
sampler in finite precision applied to a Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) with
a known sparse precision matrix corresponding to a Mat´ern-class covariance function
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[12, 15]. This example allows efficient numerical calculation since operation by A has
reduced numerical cost.
Although we focus on the Gaussian in our numerical example, the accelerated
algorithms we give are more generally applicable to any distribution where the focus
is on the mean as a “best” estimate and the covariance as a measure of uncertainties,
with higher moments not of primary concern. This is typical in inferential methods
applied to solving inverse problems or in the growing field of uncertainty quantifica-
tion, where the mean and variance of the distribution over parameters or predicted
quantities are the primary summary statistics of interest.
1.1. Some links between sampling from distributions and solving sys-
tems of equations. Consider a probability distribution with probability density
function π(x) and the two tasks of drawing x π (x distributed as π)andcom-
puting x =argmaxπ (or solving −∇ log π = 0). We use the notation x
)todenotealln 1componentsofx other than x
and π (x
) to denote the univariate conditional distribution over x
on the (fixed) value of all other components.
The classical Gibbs sampler or “stochastic relaxation” (also known as Glauber
dynamics and the local heat bath algorithm) for generating a sample from π is an
iterative algorithm in which one sweep consists of updating each component in se-
quence by drawing from the conditional distribution for the component with all other
components fixed at the most recent value, as in Algorithm 1. Repeating this sweep
indefinitely produces distributions over iterates that are guaranteed to converge (ge-
ometrically) to π under mild conditions [11, ref. 84], [19], though distributions with
nonconnected support for which Algorithm 1 fails are easy to find [19].
Algorithm 1: One sweep of the componentwise Gibbs sampler targeting π(x)
for i =1,...,n do
sample z π (x
= z;
It is not hard to see a connection between the Gibbs sampler in Algorithm 1 and
the traditional Gauss–Seidel algorithm for maximizing π which consists of repeatedly
applying the sweep over componentwise solvers with all other components fixed at the
most recent value, as in Algorithm 2: Whereas the Gibbs sampler performs a compo-
nentwise conditional sampling, Gauss–Seidel performs componentwise optimization.
Algorithm 2: One sweep of Gauss–Seidel relaxation for maximizing π(x)
for i =1,...,n do
set z =argmax
π (x
= z;
In statistical physics, distributions often arise with the form
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where H(x) is an energy function (the Hamiltonian), β is inversely proportional to
temperature, and k is a normalizing constant. It is often noted that a sampling
algorithm may be used to minimize H(x) in the zero temperature limit, i.e., by taking
the limit β →∞. Then sampling degenerates to optimization since the distribution
is localized at the mode. In particular, Algorithm 1 reduces to Algorithm 2.
In this paper, we exploit an equivalence that operates at finite β to show how the
minimizer (or solver) may be adapted to become a sampling algorithm. For example,
in the simplest case that β =1andH is quadratic, i.e.,
Ax b
for some symmetric positive definite (precision matrix) A, π is Gaussian and the
Gauss–Seidel minimizer of H becomes the Gibbs sampler for π when coordinatewise
minimization is replaced by coordinatewise conditional sampling. One sweep of the
Gibbs sampler may be written in the matrix form (1.2) with
G = M
N and g
= M
, where c
Here M = L+ D and N = L
is a splitting of the (symmetric) precision matrix A in
which L is the strictly lower triangular part of A and D is the diagonal of A [11]. This
is the same splitting used to write the Gauss–Seidel algorithm for solving Ax = b in
matrix form (1.1), with g = M
b. What makes this correspondence important is that
the convergence properties of the solver are inherited by the sampler (and vice versa),
which means that acceleration techniques developed for the solver may be applied
to the sampler. The main purpose of this paper is to establish the equivalence of
convergence in mean and covariance in the case of Chebyshev polynomial acceleration,
without the assumption of the target distribution being Gaussian.
2. Matrix splitting and iteration operators. Consider the splitting
(2.1) A = M N,
where A is a symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrix and M is invertible. For
example, for the Gauss–Seidel iteration, M is set to the lower triangular part of
A (including the diagonal). We will often consider the case where the splitting is
symmetric, which means that M is symmetric, and hence so is N. We will utilize the
family of iteration operators
(2.2) G
I τM
parameterized by the relaxation parameter τ = 0. The natural iteration operator
induced by the splitting (2.1) is the case τ = 1, which we denote by G. The nonsta-
tionary iterative methods that we consider use a sequence of iteration operators with
parameters τ
, l =0, 1, 2,..., where l denotes iteration number. We will abbreviate
by G
, where possible, to avoid subscripts on subscripts.
The iteration operator G
may also be thought of as being induced by the splitting
A = M
M and N
= N +
1 τ
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In the remainder of this section we list some lemmas about iteration operators
that we will use. Throughout the rest of the paper, proofs to lemmas and some
theorems have been deferred to the appendix.
Lemma 2.1. The itera tion operators G
and G
commute, that is, G
= G
for all τ, κ.
Lemma 2.2. For a symmetric splitting, G
is symmetric.
The following lemma determines the variance of noise terms in sampling algo-
Lemma 2.3. A
= M
+ N
3. First-order iterative methods. We first consider iterative solvers of the
= b,
where A is a given SPD matrix, b is a given vector, and the solution we seek is denoted
by x
3.1. First-order stationary iterative solver. The first-order stationary iter-
ative solver uses the iteration
= x
= G
+ g
where r
= Ax
b for l =1, 2,..., the iteration operator G
is given by (2.2)
and g
= τM
b. In the remainder of this section, we derive the fixed point, error
polynomial, and average reduction factor for this iteration.
Lemma 3.1. The iteration in (3.1) has x
as its unique fixed point, i.e.,
(3.2) x
= G
+ g
= b.
Define the error at the lth iteration by
(3.3) e
= x
Subtract (3.2) from (3.1) to get the iteration for error
= x
= G
+ g
= G
= G
By recursion we prove the following theorem.
Theorem 3.2.
= G
I τM
= P
where P
is the (simple) mth-order polynomial P
(λ)=(1 τλ)
Note that P
(0) = 1 and P
(1) = 0. The convergence and convergence rate
of the stationary iterative solver follow from Theorem 3.2.
Axelsson [1, p. 176] gives the optimal relaxation parameter
+ λ
where λ
are the extreme (positive) eigenvalues of M
A, giving the average
reduction factor
(3.4) ρ
1 λ
Note that this implies that the iterative solver (3.1) converges for some value of τ.To
be more precise, as long as M
A has all positive eigenvalues, then λ
(0, 1),
which means that ρ
(0, 1) and the iteration is guaranteed to converge.
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  • ...Convergence in the variance is even faster after only k∗∗stat = k∗stat/2 iterations for stationary samplers, or after k∗∗Cheby = k∗Cheby/2, (10) iterations for Chebyshev accelerated samplers (Fox and Parker 2014)....


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  • ...If θ = 12 , then the proposal target and target distributions are the same, the MH accept/reject step is redundant, and we can use [11, 12, 13] to analyse and accelerate the AR(1) process (14)....


  • ...By including the effect of Metropolis-Hastings we extend earlier work by Fox and Parker, who used matrix splitting techniques to analyse the performance and improve efficiency of AR(1) processes for targeting Gaussian distributions....


  • ...[12] Fox, C. and Parker, A. Accelerated Gibbs sampling of normal distributions using matrix splittings and polynomials. not yet published....


  • ...If the proposal target and target distributions are Gaussian and identical then it follows from the theory in [11, 12, 13] that to construct an efficient AR(1) process we should try to satisfy the following conditions: 1....


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"Convergence in Variance of Chebyshe..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...A standard method of reducing the asymptotic average reduction factor is by polynomial acceleration, particularly using Chebyshev polynomials [1, 6, 10, 23]....


  • ...Analogous to the SSOR solver algorithms in [10, 23], the Chebyshev sampler implements sequential forward and backward sweeps of an SOR sampler [7, 20] (i....


  • ...Since a symmetric splitting is required, Chebyshev acceleration in a linear solver is commonly implemented with a symmetric successive overrelaxation (SSOR) splitting A = MSSOR−NSSOR, with algorithms to be found, for example, in [10, 23]....


  • ...For example, they occur in the stationary linear iterative methods used to solve systems of linear equations [1, 10, 17, 23]....


  • ...We could have equally followed the excellent presentations of the same methods in Golub and Van Loan [10] or Saad [23]....


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"Convergence in Variance of Chebyshe..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...A standard method of reducing the asymptotic average reduction factor is by polynomial acceleration, particularly using Chebyshev polynomials [1, 6, 10, 23]....


  • ...Analogous to the SSOR solver algorithms in [10, 23], the Chebyshev sampler implements sequential forward and backward sweeps of an SOR sampler [7, 20] (i....


  • ...Since a symmetric splitting is required, Chebyshev acceleration in a linear solver is commonly implemented with a symmetric successive overrelaxation (SSOR) splitting A = MSSOR−NSSOR, with algorithms to be found, for example, in [10, 23]....


  • ...For example, they occur in the stationary linear iterative methods used to solve systems of linear equations [1, 10, 17, 23]....


  • ...We could have equally followed the excellent presentations of the same methods in Golub and Van Loan [10] or Saad [23]....


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"Convergence in Variance of Chebyshe..." refers background in this paper

  • ...84], [19], though distributions with nonconnected support for which Algorithm 1 fails are easy to find [19]....


  • ...Convergence in both cases is geometric, with the asymptotic average reduction factor given by ρ (G) (though this is called the “convergence rate” in the statistics literature [19])....


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In particular, the authors show that the error polynomials are identical and hence so are the convergence rates. The authors give an algorithm for the stochastic version of the second-order Chebyshev accelerated SSOR ( symmetric successive overrelaxation ) iteration and provide numerical examples of sampling from multivariate Gaussian distributions to confirm that the desired convergence properties are achieved in finite precision.