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Decimeter-level localization with a single WiFi access point

TL;DR: Chronos, a system that enables a single WiFi access point to localize clients to within tens of centimeters, demonstrates that Chronos's accuracy is comparable to state-of-the-art localization systems, which use four or five access points.
Abstract: We present Chronos, a system that enables a single WiFi access point to localize clients to within tens of centimeters. Such a system can bring indoor positioning to homes and small businesses which typically have a single access point. The key enabler underlying Chronos is a novel algorithm that can compute sub-nanosecond time-of-flight using commodity WiFi cards. By multiplying the time-of-flight with the speed of light, a MIMO access point computes the distance between each of its antennas and the client, hence localizing it. Our implementation on commodity WiFi cards demonstrates that Chronos's accuracy is comparable to state-of-the-art localization systems, which use four or five access points.

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This paper is included in the Proceedings of the
13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems
Design and Implementation (NSDI ’16).
March 1618, 2016 • Santa Clara, CA, USA
ISBN 978 -1-931971-29 - 4
Open access to the Proceedings of the
13th USENIX Symposium on
Networked Systems Design and
Implementation (NSDI ’16)
is sponsored by USENIX.
Decimeter-Level Localization with a
Single WiFi Access Point
Deepak Vasisht, MIT CSAIL; Swarun Kumar, Carnegie Mellon University;
Dina Katabi, MIT CSAIL

USENIX Association 13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’16) 165
Decimeter-Level Localization with a Single WiFi Access Point
Deepak Vasisht
, Swarun Kumar
, Dina Katabi
Abstract We present Chronos, a system that enables
a single WiFi access point to localize clients to within tens
of centimeters. Such a system can bring indoor position-
ing to homes and small businesses which typically have a
single access point.
The key enabler underlying Chronos is a novel algo-
rithm that can compute sub-nanosecond time-of-flight us-
ing commodity WiFi cards. By multiplying the time-of-
flight with the speed of light, a MIMO access point com-
putes the distance between each of its antennas and the
client, hence localizing it. Our implementation on com-
modity WiFi cards demonstrates that Chronos’s accu-
racy is comparable to state-of-the-art localization systems,
which use four or five access points.
Recent years have seen significant advances in indoor
positioning using wireless signals [48, 28]. State-of-the-
art systems have achieved an accuracy of tens of centime-
ters, even using commodity WiFi chipsets [30, 32, 18]. Ex-
isting proposals however target enterprise networks, where
multiple WiFi access points can combine their informa-
tion and cooperate together to locate a user. However, the
vast majority of homes and small businesses today have
a single WiFi access point. Consequently, this large con-
stituency of wireless networks has been left out of the ben-
efits of accurate indoor positioning.
Developing a technology that can locate users and ob-
jects using a single WiFi access point would enable a range
of important applications:
(i) Smart Home Occupancy: In particular, indoor posi-
tioning can play a crucial role in the smart home vi-
sion, where WiFi enabled home automation systems
like NEST are gaining increasing popularity [37]. Accu-
rate localization addresses a long-standing problem in
home automation: reliable occupancy detection [36, 6].
With WiFi-based localization, one can track the num-
ber of users per room using their phones or wearables,
and accordingly adapt heating and lighting. Knowing
the identity of these occupants can then help personalize
heating and lighting levels based on user preferences.
(ii) WiFi Geo-fencing: Beyond the home, indoor position-
ing can benefit small businesses that use a single access
point to offer free WiFi to attract customers. But with
increasingly congested networks, business owners seek
to restrict WiFi connectivity to their own customers,
given that 32% of users in the US admit to have ac-
cessed open WiFi networks outside the premises they
serve [47]. Yet securing these networks with passwords
is inconvenient, both to customers that connect to these
networks and the business owners who must frequently
change the passwords. Indoor positioning with a sin-
gle access point provides a natural solution to this prob-
lem because it can automatically authenticate customers
based on their location.
(iii) Device-to-device Location: More generally, enabling
two WiFi nodes to localize each other without addi-
tional infrastructure support has implications in areas
where WiFi networks may not exist altogether. Imagine
traveling with friends or family in countries where WiFi
is not as prevalent as in the US, yet still be able to find
each other in a mall, museum, or train station, without
the need to connect to a WiFi infrastructure.
Our goal is to design a system that enables a single
WiFi node (e.g., an access point) to localize another, with-
out support from additional infrastructure. Further, we
would like a design that works on commodity WiFi NICs
and does not require any additional sensors (cameras, ac-
celerometers, etc.).
As we design for the above goal, it helps to first ex-
amine why past systems need multiple access points. The
most direct approach to RF-based positioning estimates
the time-of-flight (i.e., propagation time) and multiplies it
by the speed of light to obtain the distance [23, 16]. How-
ever, past proposals for WiFi-based positioning cannot
measure the absolute time-of-flight. They measure only
differences in the time-of-flight across the receiver’s anten-
nas. Such time differences allow those systems to infer the
direction of the source with respect to the receiver, known
as the angle of arrival (AoA) [48]. But they don’t provide
the distance between the source and the receiver. Thus,
past work has to intersect the direction of the source from
multiple access points to localize it. In fact, past propos-
als typically use four or five access points to achieve tens
of centimeters accuracy [30, 32, 48, 50]. Even the few re-
cent proposals to localize using one WiFi access point [35,
53] require users to walk to multiple locations to emulate
the presence of multiple access points. They then intersect
signal measurements across these locations coupled with
accelerometer readings to infer the user’s trajectory.
There are however non-WiFi systems that can accu-
rately measure the absolute time-of-flight, and hence lo-
calize using a single receiver. Such systems use special-

166 13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’16) USENIX Association
ized ultra wideband radios that span multiple GHz [5,
41]. Since time resolution is inversely related to the ra-
dio bandwidth, such devices can measure time-of-flight at
sub-nanosecond accuracy, and hence localize an object to
within tens of centimeters. In contrast, directly measuring
time with a 20MHz or 40MHz WiFi radio results in errors
of 7 to 15 meters [30].
Motivated by the above analysis, we investigated
whether a WiFi radio can emulate a wideband multi-GHz
radio, for the purpose of localization. Our investigation
led to Chronos, an indoor positioning system that enables
a pair of WiFi devices to localize each other. It runs on
commodity WiFi cards, and does not require any external
sensor (e.g., accelerometer, or camera). Chronos works by
making a WiFi card emulate a very wideband radio. In
particular, while each WiFi frequency band is only tens of
Megahertz wide, there are many such bands that together
span a very wide bandwidth. Chronos therefore transmits
packets on multiple WiFi bands and stitches their informa-
tion together to give the illusion of a wideband radio.
Yet, emulating a wideband radio using packets trans-
mitted on different frequency bands is not easy. Stitch-
ing measurements across such packets requires Chronos
to overcome three challenges:
Resolving Phase Offsets: First, to emulate a wideband
radio, Chronos needs to stitch channel state information
(CSI) captured by multiple packets, transmitted in dif-
ferent WiFi frequency bands, at different points in time.
However, the very act of hopping between WiFi frequency
bands introduces a random initial phase offset as the hard-
ware resets to each new frequency (i.e., PLL locking).
Chronos must therefore recover time-of-flight to perform
positioning despite these random phase offsets.
Eliminating Packet Detection Delay: Second, any mea-
surement of time-of-flight of a packet necessarily includes
the delay in detecting its presence. Different packets how-
ever experience different random detection delays. To
make matters worse, this packet detection delay is typi-
cally orders-of-magnitude higher than time-of-flight. For
indoor WiFi environments, time-of-flight is just a few
nanoseconds, while packet detection delay spans hundreds
of nanoseconds [38]. Chronos must tease apart the time-
of-flight from this detection delay.
Combating Multipath: Finally, in indoor environments,
signals do not experience a single time-of-flight, but a
time-of-flight spread. This is because RF signals in indoor
environments bounce off walls and furniture, and reach
the receiver along multiple paths. As a result, the receiver
obtains several copies of the signal, each having experi-
enced a different time-of-flight. To perform accurate lo-
calization, Chronos therefore must disentangle the time-
of-flight of the direct path from all the remaining paths.
The body of this paper explains how Chronos over-
comes these challenges, computes the absolute time-of-
flight, and enables localization using a single access point.
Summary of Results: We have implemented Chronos
and evaluated its performance on devices equipped with
Intel 5300 WiFi cards. Our results reveal the following:
Chronos computes the time-of-flight with a median er-
ror of 0.47 ns in line-of-sight and 0.69 ns in non-line-
of-sight settings. This corresponds to a median distance
error of 14.1 cm and 20.7 cm respectively.
Chronos enables a WiFi device (e.g., an AP) to localize
another with a median error of 65 cm in line-of-sight
and 98 cm in non-line-of-sight settings.
To demonstrate Chronos’s capabilities, we use it for three
Smart Home Occupancy: Chronos can be used to track
the number of occupants in different rooms of a home
using a single access point–akeyprimitive for smart
homes that adapt heating and lighting. Experiments
conducted in a 2-bedroom apartment with 4 occupants
show that Chronos maps residents in a home to the cor-
rect room they are in with an accuracy of 94.3%.
WiFi Geo-fencing: Chronos can be used by small busi-
nesses with a single access point to restrict WiFi con-
nectivity to customers within their facility. Experiments
in a coffee house reveal that Chronos achieves this to an
accuracy of 97%.
Personal Drone: Chronos’s ability to locate a pair of
user devices can directly benefit the navigation systems
of personal robots such as recreational drones. Chronos
enables personal drones that can maintain a safe dis-
tance from their user by tracking their owner’s handheld
device. Our experiments using an AscTec Quadrotor re-
veal that it maintains the required distance relative to a
user’s device with a root mean-squared error of 4.2 cm.
Contributions: To our knowledge, Chronos is the first
system that enables a node with a commercial WiFi card to
locate another at tens of centimeters accuracy without any
third party support, be it other WiFi nodes or external sen-
sors (e.g., accelerometers). Chronos also contributes the
first algorithm for measuring the absolute time-of-flight on
commercial WiFi cards at sub-nanosecond accuracy.
We briefly outline the organization of the rest of this
paper. Chronos localizes a pair of WiFi devices without
third party support by computing time of flight of sig-
nals between them. Sec. §3 describes our approach to
compute time-of-flight by stitching together information
across multiple WiFi frequency bands. It is followed by a
description of the challenges faced by Chronos and how it
addresses them. Specifically:
Eliminating Packet Detection Delay: First, Chronos
disentangles the time-of-flight from packet detection

USENIX Association 13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’16) 167
 
Figure 1: WiFi Bands: Depicts WiFi bands at 2.4 GHz and
5 GHz. Note that some of these frequencies (e.g. 5.5-5.7 GHz)
are DFS bands in the U.S. that many 802.11h compatible
802.11n radios like Intel 5300 support.
delay, since the latter has no connection to the distance
between transmitter and receiver (See Sec. §4).
Combating Multipath: Second, Chronos separates the
time-of-flight of the direct path of the wireless signal
from that of all the remaining paths (See Sec. §5).
Resolving Phase Offsets: Finally, Chronos removes
arbitrary phase offsets that are introduced as the WiFi
receiver hops between frequency bands (See Sec. §6).
In this section, we describe how Chronos measures ac-
curate time-of-flight of signals between a pair of WiFi
devices without third party support. For clarity, the rest
of this section assumes signals propagate from the trans-
mitter to a receiver along a single path with no detection
delay or phase offsets. We address challenges stemming
from packet detection delay, multipath and phase offsets
in §4, §5 and §6 respectively.
Chronos’s approach is based on the following observa-
tion: Conceptually, if our receiver had a very wide band-
width, it could readily measure time-of-flight from a single
receiving device at a fine-grained resolution (since time
and bandwidth are inversely related). Unfortunately, to-
day’s WiFi devices do not have such wide bandwidth. But
there is another opportunity: WiFi devices are known to
span multiple frequency bands scattered around 2.4 GHz
and 5 GHz. Combined, these bands span almost one GHz
of bandwidth. By making a transmitter and receiver hop
between these different frequency bands, we can gather
many different measurements of the wireless channel. We
can then “stitch together” these measurements to compute
the time-of-flight, as if we had a very wideband radio.
However, our method for stitching time measurements
across WiFi frequency bands must account for the fact that
many WiFi bands are non-contiguous, unequally spaced,
and even multiple GHz apart (Fig. 1). Chronos overcomes
these issues by exploiting the relation between the time-of-
flight and the phase of wireless channels. Specifically, we
know from basic electromagnetics that as a signal prop-
agates in time, it accumulates a corresponding phase de-
pending on its frequency. The higher the frequency of the
signal, the faster the phase accumulates. To illustrate, let
us consider a transmitter sending a signal to its receiver.
Then we can write the wireless channel h as [42]:
h = ae
j2πf τ
, (1)
where a is the signal magnitude, f is the frequency and τ
is the time-of-flight. The phase of this channel depends on
time-of-flight as:
h = 2πf τ mod 2π (2)
Notice that the above equation depends directly on the sig-
nal’s time-of-flight and hence, we can use it to measure the
time-of-flight τ as:
τ =
The above equation gives us the time-of-flight modulo
1/f . Hence, for a WiFi frequency of 2.4 GHz, we can only
obtain the time-of-flight modulo 0.4 nanoseconds. Said
differently, transmitters with times-of-flight 0.1 ns, 0.5 ns,
0.9 ns, 1.3 ns, etc. all produce identical phase in the wire-
less channel. In terms of physical distances, this means
transmitters at distances separated by multiples of 12 cm
(e.g., 3 cm, 15 cm, 27 cm, 39 cm, etc.) all result in the
same channel phase. Consequently, there is no way to dis-
tinguish between these transmitters using their phase on a
single frequency band.
Indeed, this is precisely why Chronos needs to hop be-
tween multiple frequency bands {f
, ..., f
} and measure
the corresponding wireless channels {h
, ..., h
}. The re-
sult is a system of equations, one per frequency, that mea-
sure the time-of-flight modulo different values:
i ∈{1, 2, ..., n} τ =
Notice that the above set of equations has the form of
the well-known Chinese remainder theorem [45]. Such
equations can be readily solved using standard modular
arithmetic algorithms, even amidst noise [14] and have
been used in prior work, in the context of range estima-
tion ([44, 43]).
The theorem states that solutions to these
equations are unique modulo a much larger quantity the
Least Common Multiple (LCM) of {1/f
, ...,1/f
To illustrate how the above system of equations works,
consider a source at 0.6 m whose time-of-flight is 2 ns.
Say the receiver measures the channel phases from this
source on five candidate WiFi frequency bands as shown
in Fig. 2. We note that a measurement on each of these
channels produces a unique equation for τ, like in Eqn. 4.
Each equation has multiple solutions, depicted as colored
vertical lines in Fig. 2. However, only the correct solution
of τ will satisfy all equations. Hence, by picking the so-
lution satisfying the most number of equations (i.e., the τ
with most number of aligned lines in Fig. 2), we can re-
cover the true time-of-flight of 2 ns.
Note that our solution based on the Chinese remain-
der theorem makes no assumptions on whether the set
Algorithm 1 in §5 provides a more general version of Chronos’s
algorithm to do this while accounting for noise and multipath

168 13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’16) USENIX Association
 
Figure 2: Measuring Time-of-Flight: Consider a wireless
transmitter at a distance of 0.6 m, i.e. a time-of-flight of 2 ns.
The phase of each WiFi channel results in multiple solutions,
depicted as colored lines, including 2 ns. However, the solution
that satisfies most equations, i.e. has the most number of aligned
colored lines is the true time-of-flight (2 ns).
of frequencies {f
, ..., f
} are equally separated or oth-
erwise. In fact, having unequally separated frequencies
makes them less likely to share common factors, boost-
ing the LCM. Thus, counter-intuitively, the scattered and
unequally-separated bands of WiFi (Fig. 1) are not a chal-
lenge, but an opportunity to resolve larger values of τ .
While the above provides a mathematical formulation
of our algorithm, we describe below important systems
considerations when dealing with commercial WiFi cards:
Chronos must ensure both the WiFi transmitter and re-
ceiver hop synchronously between multiple WiFi fre-
quency bands. Chronos achieves this using a frequency
band hopping protocol driven by the transmitter. Be-
fore switching frequency bands (every 2-3 ms in our
implementation), the transmitter issues a control packet
that advertises the frequency of the next band to hop
to. The receiver responds with an acknowledgment and
switches to the advertised frequency. Once the acknowl-
edgment is received, the transmitter switches frequency
bands as well. As a fail-safe, transmitters and receivers
revert to a default frequency band if they do not re-
ceive packets or acknowledgments from each other for
a given time-out duration on any band.
Our implementation of Chronos sweeps all WiFi bands
in 84 ms (12 times per second). This is within the chan-
nel coherence time of indoor environments [39] and can
empirically localize users at walking speeds ( §10.3).
Finally, we discuss and evaluate the implications of
Chronos’s protocol on data traffic in §9.3.
So far, we computed time-of-flight based on the chan-
nels h
, that signals experience when transmitted over the
air on different frequencies f
. In practice however, there
is a difference between the channel over the air, h
, and
the channel as measured by the receiver,
. Specifically,
the measured channel at the receiver,
, experiences a de-
lay in addition to time-of-flight: the delay in detecting the
presence of a packet. This delay occurs because WiFi re-
ceivers detect the presence of a packet based on the energy
of its first few time samples. The number of samples that
the receiver needs to cross its energy detection threshold
varies based on the power of the received signal, as well
as noise. While this variation may seem small, packet de-
tection delays are often an order-of-magnitude larger than
time-of-flight, particularly in indoor environments, where
time-of-flight is just a few tens of nanoseconds (See §9.1).
Hence, accounting for packet detection delay is crucial for
accurate time-of-flight and distance measurements.
Thus, our goal is to derive the true channel h
incorporates the time-of-flight alone) from the measured
(which incorporates both time-of-flight and
packet detection delay). To do this, we exploit the fact that
WiFi uses OFDM. Specifically, the bits of WiFi packets
are transmitted in the frequency domain on several small
frequency bins called OFDM subcarriers. This means that
the wireless channels
can be measured on each subcar-
rier. We then make the following claim:
LAIM 4.1. The measured channel at subcarrier-0
does not experience packet detection delay, i.e., it is iden-
tical in phase to the true channel at subcarrier 0.
To see why this claim holds, note that while time-of-
flight and packet detection delay appear very similar, they
occur at different stages of a signal’s lifetime. Specifically,
time-of-flight occurs while the signal is transmitted over
the air (i.e., in passband). In contrast, packet detection de-
lay stems from energy detection that occurs in digital pro-
cessing once the carrier frequency has been removed (in
baseband). Thus, time-of-flight and packet detection delay
affect the wireless OFDM channels in different ways.
To understand this difference, consider the WiFi fre-
quency band, i. Let
be the measured channel of OFDM
subcarrier k, at frequency f
experiences two phase
rotations in different stages of the signal’s lifetime:
A phase rotation in the air proportional to the over-the-
air frequency f
. From Eqn. 2 in §3, this phase value
for a frequency f
= 2πf
τ mod 2π,
where τ is the time-of-flight.
An additional phase rotation due to packet detection af-
ter the removal of the carrier frequency. This additional
phase rotation can be expressed as:
= 2π(f
where δ
is the packet detection delay.
Thus, the total measured channel phase at subcarrier k is:
) mod 2π (5)
τ 2π(f
) mod 2π (6)
Notice from the above equation that the second term
= 0 at k = 0. In other words, at

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper aims to provide a detailed survey of different indoor localization techniques, such as angle of arrival (AoA), time of flight (ToF), return time ofFlight (RTOF), and received signal strength (RSS) based on technologies that have been proposed in the literature.
Abstract: Indoor localization has recently witnessed an increase in interest, due to the potential wide range of services it can provide by leveraging Internet of Things (IoT), and ubiquitous connectivity. Different techniques, wireless technologies and mechanisms have been proposed in the literature to provide indoor localization services in order to improve the services provided to the users. However, there is a lack of an up-to-date survey paper that incorporates some of the recently proposed accurate and reliable localization systems. In this paper, we aim to provide a detailed survey of different indoor localization techniques, such as angle of arrival (AoA), time of flight (ToF), return time of flight (RTOF), and received signal strength (RSS); based on technologies, such as WiFi, radio frequency identification device (RFID), ultra wideband (UWB), Bluetooth, and systems that have been proposed in the literature. This paper primarily discusses localization and positioning of human users and their devices. We highlight the strengths of the existing systems proposed in the literature. In contrast with the existing surveys, we also evaluate different systems from the perspective of energy efficiency, availability, cost, reception range, latency, scalability, and tracking accuracy. Rather than comparing the technologies or techniques, we compare the localization systems and summarize their working principle. We also discuss remaining challenges to accurate indoor localization.

1,447 citations

Proceedings ArticleDOI
18 Jun 2018
TL;DR: A deep neural network approach that parses wireless signals in the WiFi frequencies to estimate 2D poses through walls despite never trained on such scenarios, and shows that it is almost as accurate as the vision-based system used to train it.
Abstract: This paper demonstrates accurate human pose estimation through walls and occlusions. We leverage the fact that wireless signals in the WiFi frequencies traverse walls and reflect off the human body. We introduce a deep neural network approach that parses such radio signals to estimate 2D poses. Since humans cannot annotate radio signals, we use state-of-the-art vision model to provide cross-modal supervision. Specifically, during training the system uses synchronized wireless and visual inputs, extracts pose information from the visual stream, and uses it to guide the training process. Once trained, the network uses only the wireless signal for pose estimation. We show that, when tested on visible scenes, the radio-based system is almost as accurate as the vision-based system used to train it. Yet, unlike vision-based pose estimation, the radio-based system can estimate 2D poses through walls despite never trained on such scenarios. Demo videos are available at our website.

481 citations

Cites background from "Decimeter-level localization with a..."

  • ...For example, one can track a person using the WiFi signal from their cellphone [44, 24, 40]....


Proceedings ArticleDOI
07 Sep 2015
TL;DR: Splicer, a software-based system that derives high-resolution power delay profiles by splicing the CSI measurements from multiple WiFi frequency bands is presented and a set of key techniques to separate the mixed hardware errors from the collected CSI measurements are proposed.
Abstract: Power delay profiles characterize multipath channel features, which are widely used in motion- or localization-based applications. Recent studies show that the power delay profile may be derived from the CSI traces collected from commodity WiFi devices, but the performance is limited by two dominating factors. The resolution of the derived power delay profile is determined by the channel bandwidth, which is however limited on commodity WiFi. The collected CSI reflects the signal distortions due to both the channel attenuation and the hardware imperfection. A direct derivation of power delay profiles using raw CSI measures, as has been done in the literature, results in significant inaccuracy. In this paper, we present Splicer, a software-based system that derives high-resolution power delay profiles by splicing the CSI measurements from multiple WiFi frequency bands. We propose a set of key techniques to separate the mixed hardware errors from the collected CSI measurements. Splicer adapts its computations within stringent channel coherence time and thus can perform well in presence of mobility. Our experiments with commodity WiFi NICs show that Splicer substantially improves the accuracy in profiling multipath characteristics, reducing the errors of multipath distance estimation to be less than $2m$. Splicer can immediately benefit upper-layer applications. Our case study with recent single-AP localization achieves a median localization error of $0.95m$.

454 citations

Cites background from "Decimeter-level localization with a..."

  • ...[6], [7], [8], [9], [10]—multipath channel dynamics can be unveiled from consecutive measures of the power delay profile, e....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This survey gives a comprehensive review of the signal processing techniques, algorithms, applications, and performance results of WiFi sensing with CSI, and presents three future WiFi sensing trends, i.e., integrating cross-layer network information, multi-device cooperation, and fusion of different sensors for enhancing existing WiFi sensing capabilities and enabling new WiFi sensing opportunities.
Abstract: With the high demand for wireless data traffic, WiFi networks have experienced very rapid growth, because they provide high throughput and are easy to deploy. Recently, Channel State Information (CSI) measured by WiFi networks is widely used for different sensing purposes. To get a better understanding of existing WiFi sensing technologies and future WiFi sensing trends, this survey gives a comprehensive review of the signal processing techniques, algorithms, applications, and performance results of WiFi sensing with CSI. Different WiFi sensing algorithms and signal processing techniques have their own advantages and limitations and are suitable for different WiFi sensing applications. The survey groups CSI-based WiFi sensing applications into three categories, detection, recognition, and estimation, depending on whether the outputs are binary/multi-class classifications or numerical values. With the development and deployment of new WiFi technologies, there will be more WiFi sensing opportunities wherein the targets may go beyond from humans to environments, animals, and objects. The survey highlights three challenges for WiFi sensing: robustness and generalization, privacy and security, and coexistence of WiFi sensing and networking. Finally, the survey presents three future WiFi sensing trends, i.e., integrating cross-layer network information, multi-device cooperation, and fusion of different sensors, for enhancing existing WiFi sensing capabilities and enabling new WiFi sensing opportunities.

383 citations

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  • ...Chronos [87] achieves decimeterlevel localization with a single WiFi AP....


  • ...Chronos [87] NR: Phase Offsets, PDD; SE: Multi-Path Separation, Multiple Frequency Bands M: PDP, ToF, Least Common Multiple, Quadratic Optimization Device-based Localization Median Distance Error: 14....


  • ...Signal Composition Composition of signals from multiple devices [35, 46, 57, 58, 60, 81, 84, 95, 103, 119, 127, 132], carrier frequencies [87, 123, 136], and so on....


  • ...Chronos [87] requires multiple frequency bands for decimeter-level localization using a single WiFi AP....


  • ...Device-Free Human Localization/Tracking: Position [36, 52, 69, 74, 76, 93, 109, 148], Orientation [89, 130], Motion [41, 43, 115, 130], Walking Direction [63, 115, 126, 136], Step/Gait [97, 126], Hand Drawing [84, 130, 131], Speed [137] Device-based Human Localization/Tracking [46, 87, 123, 131] Object Localization/Tracking [60, 109, 111]; Humidity Estimation [141] Breathing/Respiration Rate Estimation: Single Person [1, 58, 61, 95, 101, 138], Multiple Persons [95, 101]; Heart Rate Estimation [56, 80, 100] Human Counting: Static Humans [15, 119], Moving Humans [9, 29, 71, 91, 144], Human Queue Length [104, 105, 111]; WiFi Imaging [35, 42, 153, 154]...


Proceedings ArticleDOI
10 Jun 2018
TL;DR: Widar2.0 is presented, the first WiFi-based system that enables passive human localization and tracking using a single link on commodity off-the-shelf devices and achieves better or comparable performance to state-of- the-art localization systems.
Abstract: This paper presents Widar2.0, the first WiFi-based system that enables passive human localization and tracking using a single link on commodity off-the-shelf devices. Previous works based on either specialized or commercial hardware all require multiple links, preventing their wide adoption in scenarios like homes where typically only one single AP is installed. The key insight underlying Widar2.0 to circumvent the use of multiple links is to leverage multi-dimensional signal parameters from one single link. To this end, we build a unified model accounting for Angle-of-Arrival, Time-of-Flight, and Doppler shifts together and devise an efficient algorithm for their joint estimation. We then design a pipeline to translate the erroneous raw parameters into precise locations, which first finds parameters corresponding to the reflections of interests, then refines range estimates, and ultimately outputs target locations. Our implementation and evaluation on commodity WiFi devices demonstrate that Widar2.0 achieves better or comparable performance to state-of-the-art localization systems, which either use specialized hardwares or require 2 to 40 Wi-Fi links.

282 citations

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  • ...AoA [9, 12, 23, 24, 39], ToF [29, 37, 39, 40], using fine-grained channel state information [43]....


  • ...Since Wi-Fi transceivers are not synchronized, these works require irregular communication steps [29, 37] to splice multiple channel for accurate ToF estimation....


  • ...Fine-grained localization has been achieved with sub-meter accuracy and applicability in non-line-ofsight (NLOS) scenarios [13, 24, 29, 39]....


  • ...Chronos [29] further calculates accurate sub-nanosecond ToF by leveraging phase differences between subcarriers spanning multiple Wi-Fi channels....


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Proceedings ArticleDOI
26 Mar 2000
TL;DR: RADAR is presented, a radio-frequency (RF)-based system for locating and tracking users inside buildings that combines empirical measurements with signal propagation modeling to determine user location and thereby enable location-aware services and applications.
Abstract: The proliferation of mobile computing devices and local-area wireless networks has fostered a growing interest in location-aware systems and services. In this paper we present RADAR, a radio-frequency (RF)-based system for locating and tracking users inside buildings. RADAR operates by recording and processing signal strength information at multiple base stations positioned to provide overlapping coverage in the area of interest. It combines empirical measurements with signal propagation modeling to determine user location and thereby enable location-aware services and applications. We present experimental results that demonstrate the ability of RADAR to estimate user location with a high degree of accuracy.

8,667 citations

01 Jan 1992
TL;DR: In this paper, the origins of GPS are discussed and the development of global surveying techniques are discussed. But the authors focus on the use of global positioning techniques and do not address the issues of accuracy and access of GPS data.
Abstract: 1 Introduction- 11 The origins of surveying- 12 Development of global surveying techniques- 121 Optical global triangulation- 122 Electromagnetic global trilateration- 13 History of the Global Positioning System- 131 Navigating with GPS- 132 Surveying with GPS- 2 Overview of GPS- 21 Basic concept- 22 Space segment- 221 Constellation- 222 Satellites- 223 Operational capabilities- 224 Denial of accuracy and access- 23 Control segment- 231 Master control station- 232 Monitor stations- 233 Ground control stations- 24 User segment- 241 User categories- 242 Receiver types- 243 Information services- 3 Reference systems- 31 Introduction- 32 Coordinate systems- 321 Definitions- 322 Transformations- 33 Time systems- 331 Definitions- 332 Conversions- 333 Calendar- 4 Satellite orbits- 41 Introduction- 42 Orbit description- 421 Keplerian motion- 422 Perturbed motion- 423 Disturbing accelerations- 43 Orbit determination- 431 Keplerian orbit- 432 Perturbed orbit- 44 Orbit dissemination- 441 Tracking networks- 442 Ephemerides- 5 Satellite signal- 51 Signal structure- 511 Physical fundamentals- 512 Components of the signal- 52 Signal processing- 521 Receiver design- 522 Processing techniques- 6 Observables- 61 Data acquisition- 611 Code pseudoranges- 612 Phase pseudoranges- 613 Doppler data- 614 Biases and noise- 62 Data combinations- 621 Linear phase combinations- 622 Code pseudorange smoothing- 63 Atmospheric effects- 631 Phase and group velocity- 632 Ionospheric refraction- 633 Tropospheric refraction- 634 Atmospheric monitoring- 64 Relativistic effects- 641 Special relativity- 642 General relativity- 643 Relevant relativistic effects for GPS- 65 Antenna phase center offset and variation- 66 Multipath- 661 General remarks- 662 Mathematical model- 663 Multipath reduction- 7 Surveying with GPS- 71 Introduction- 711 Terminology definitions- 712 Observation techniques- 713 Field equipment- 72 Planning a GPS survey- 721 General remarks- 722 Presurvey planning- 723 Field reconnaissance- 724 Monumentation- 725 Organizational design- 73 Surveying procedure- 731 Preobservation- 732 Observation- 733 Postobservation- 734 Ties to control monuments- 74 In situ data processing- 741 Data transfer- 742 Data processing- 743 Trouble shooting and quality control- 744 Datum transformations- 745 Computation of plane coordinates- 75 Survey report- 8 Mathematical models for positioning- 81 Point positioning- 811 Point positioning with code ranges- 812 Point positioning with carrier phases- 813 Point positioning with Doppler data- 82 Differential positioning- 821 Basic concept- 822 DGPS with code ranges- 823 DGPS with phase ranges- 83 Relative positioning- 831 Phase differences- 832 Correlations of the phase combinations- 833 Static relative positioning- 834 Kinematic relative positioning- 835 Pseudokinematic relative positioning- 9 Data processing- 91 Data preprocessing- 911 Data handling- 912 Cycle slip detection and repair- 92 Ambiguity resolution- 921 General aspects- 922 Basic approaches- 923 Search techniques- 924 Ambiguity validation- 93 Adjustment, filtering, and smoothing- 931 Least squares adjustment- 932 Kalman filtering- 933 Smoothing- 94 Adjustment of mathematical GPS models- 941 Linearization- 942 Linear model for point positioning with code ranges- 943 Linear model for point positioning with carrier phases- 944 Linear model for relative positioning- 95 Network adjustment- 951 Single baseline solution- 952 Multipoint solution- 953 Single baseline versus multipoint solution- 954 Least squares adjustment of baselines- 96 Dilution of precision- 97 Accuracy measures- 971 Introduction- 972 Chi-square distribution- 973 Specifications- 10 Transformation of GPS results- 101 Introduction- 102 Coordinate transformations- 1021 Cartesian coordinates and ellipsoidal coordinates- 1022 Global coordinates and local level coordinates- 1023 Ellipsoidal coordinates and plane coordinates- 1024 Height transformation- 103 Datum transformations- 1031 Three-dimensional transformation- 1032 Two-dimensional transformation- 1033 One-dimensional transformation- 104 Combining GPS and terrestrial data- 1041 Common coordinate system- 1042 Representation of measurement quantities- 11 Software modules- 111 Introduction- 112 Planning- 113 Data transfer- 114 Data processing- 115 Quality control- 116 Network computations- 117 Data base management- 118 Utilities- 119 Flexibility- 12 Applications of GPS- 121 General uses of GPS- 1211 Global uses- 1212 Regional uses- 1213 Local uses- 122 Attitude determination- 1221 Theoretical considerations- 1222 Practical considerations- 123 Airborne GPS for photo-control- 124 Interoperability of GPS- 1241 GPS and Inertial Navigation Systems- 1242 GPS and GLONASS- 1243 GPS and other sensors- 1244 GPS and the Federal Radionavigation Plan- 125 Installation of control networks- 1251 Passive control networks- 1252 Active control networks- 13 Future of GPS- 131 New application aspects- 132 GPS modernization- 1321 Future GPS satellites- 1322 Augmented signal structure- 133 GPS augmentation- 1331 Ground-based augmentation- 1332 Satellite-based augmentation- 134 GNSS- 1341 GNSS development- 1342 GNSS/Loran-C integration- 135 Hardware and software improvements- 1351 Hardware- 1352 Software- 136 Conclusion- References

1,975 citations

Proceedings ArticleDOI
06 Jun 2005
TL;DR: The Horus system identifies different causes for the wireless channel variations and addresses them and uses location-clustering techniques to reduce the computational requirements of the algorithm and the lightweight Horus algorithm helps in supporting a larger number of users by running the algorithm at the clients.
Abstract: We present the design and implementation of the Horus WLAN location determination system. The design of the Horus system aims at satisfying two goals: high accuracy and low computational requirements. The Horus system identifies different causes for the wireless channel variations and addresses them to achieve its high accuracy. It uses location-clustering techniques to reduce the computational requirements of the algorithm. The lightweight Horus algorithm helps in supporting a larger number of users by running the algorithm at the clients.We discuss the different components of the Horus system and its implementation under two different operating systems and evaluate the performance of the Horus system on two testbeds. Our results show that the Horus system achieves its goal. It has an error of less than 0.6 meter on the average and its computational requirements are more than an order of magnitude better than other WLAN location determination systems. Moreover, the techniques developed in the context of the Horus system are general and can be applied to other WLAN location determination systems to enhance their accuracy. We also report lessons learned from experimenting with the Horus system and provide directions for future work.

1,631 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
22 Jan 2011
TL;DR: The measurement setup comprises the customized versions of Intel's close-source firmware and open-source iwlwifi wireless driver, userspace tools to enable these measurements, access point functionality for controlling both ends of the link, and Matlab scripts for data analysis.
Abstract: We are pleased to announce the release of a tool that records detailed measurements of the wireless channel along with received 802.11 packet traces. It runs on a commodity 802.11n NIC, and records Channel State Information (CSI) based on the 802.11 standard. Unlike Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) values, which merely capture the total power received at the listener, the CSI contains information about the channel between sender and receiver at the level of individual data subcarriers, for each pair of transmit and receive antennas.Our toolkit uses the Intel WiFi Link 5300 wireless NIC with 3 antennas. It works on up-to-date Linux operating systems: in our testbed we use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS with the 2.6.36 kernel. The measurement setup comprises our customized versions of Intel's close-source firmware and open-source iwlwifi wireless driver, userspace tools to enable these measurements, access point functionality for controlling both ends of the link, and Matlab (or Octave) scripts for data analysis. We are releasing the binary of the modified firmware, and the source code to all the other components.

1,354 citations

Proceedings ArticleDOI
17 Aug 2015
TL;DR: SpotFi only uses information that is already exposed by WiFi chips and does not require any hardware or firmware changes, yet achieves the same accuracy as state-of-the-art localization systems.
Abstract: This paper presents the design and implementation of SpotFi, an accurate indoor localization system that can be deployed on commodity WiFi infrastructure. SpotFi only uses information that is already exposed by WiFi chips and does not require any hardware or firmware changes, yet achieves the same accuracy as state-of-the-art localization systems. SpotFi makes two key technical contributions. First, SpotFi incorporates super-resolution algorithms that can accurately compute the angle of arrival (AoA) of multipath components even when the access point (AP) has only three antennas. Second, it incorporates novel filtering and estimation techniques to identify AoA of direct path between the localization target and AP by assigning values for each path depending on how likely the particular path is the direct path. Our experiments in a multipath rich indoor environment show that SpotFi achieves a median accuracy of 40 cm and is robust to indoor hindrances such as obstacles and multipath.

1,159 citations

"Decimeter-level localization with a..." refers background or result in this paper

  • ...…Point Presented By: Bashima Islam Indoor Localization Smart Home Occupancy Geo Fencing Device to Device Location 10/3/17 2 Previous Work 10 cm Accuracy Commodity Chipset & Sensors Multiple Access Point Goal Single WiFi Access Point Commodity Chipset Only (No Sensors) Decimeter Level…...


  • ...Our results reveal the following: • Chronos computes the time-of-flight with a median error of 0.47 ns in line-of-sight and 0.69 ns in non-lineof-sight settings....
