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Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) in construction: the old and the new

TL;DR: Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) has become a buzzword amid the global resurgence of prefabrication and construction industrialization as mentioned in this paper. But design for manufacturing and assembly is hardly new, as there are c...
Abstract: Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) has become a buzzword amid the global resurgence of prefabrication and construction industrialization. Some argued that DfMA is hardly new, as there are c...

Summary (1 min read)


  • Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) is an emerging approach in the global 31 architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) landscape.
  • In 2016, 33 Singapore’s Building and Construction Authority (BCA) issued an official guide facilitating 34 DfMA and its incorporation with Building Information Modeling (BIM).
  • Section 3 is an in-59 depth analysis of the DfMA research, while Section 4 compares DfMA with similar concepts 60 with a view to answering the key question of this study.


  • A multi-step research method consisting of brainstorming, literature review and in-depth 65 comparative analyses is adopted in this study.
  • Some guidelines are proposed in a 169 fragmented fashion without necessarily forming an organic whole, leading to a lack of 170 comprehensiveness, or “easy to use” throughout the building process.
  • 233 236 A few empirical studies have begun to investigate the implementation of DfMA, mainly 237 in offsite prefabrication and modular construction projects.
  • 400 Comparatively, DfMA principles work on improving ease of manufacturing and assembly from 401 the early stage of design (Lam et al., 2009).
  • Utilizing 596 production experiences in development, also known as Design for construction.

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Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) in construction: the old and 1
the new 2
Weisheng Lu
, Tan Tan
, Jinying Xu
, Jing Wang
, Ke Chen
, Shang Gao
, and Fan Xue
This is a copy of the peer-reviewed Accepted Manuscript of the paper:
Lu, W., Tan, T., Xu, J., Wang, J., Chen, K., Gao, S. & Xue, F. (2020). Design for
Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) in construction: The old and the new.
Architectural Engineering and Design Management, in press. Doi:
This document is available for personal and non-commercial use only, as permitted by
Taylor & Francis Group’s Architectural Engineering and Design Management. The final
version is available online:
Abstract 6
Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) has become a buzzword amid the global 7
resurgence of prefabrication and construction industrialization. Some argued that DfMA is 8
hardly new, as there are concepts such as buildability, lean construction, value management, 9
and integrated project delivery in place already. Others believe that DfMA is a new direction 10
to future construction. This paper aims to review the development of DfMA in manufacturing 11
and its status quo in construction, and clarify its similarities and differences to other concepts. 12
A multi-step research method is adopted in this study: First, an analytical framework is 13
generated; Secondly, a literature review is conducted on DfMA in general, and DfMA-like 14
concepts in the AEC industry; The third step is to compare DfMA with related concepts. This 15
study reveals that DfMA as a philosophy is hardly new in construction, and the empirical 16
implementation of many DfMA guidelines has begun in the AEC industry. The findings 17
suggested that DfMA is a new and mixed ‘cocktail’ of opportunities and challenges to 18
improve construction productivity with the advancement of construction materials, production 19
and assembly technologies, and ever-strengthened logistics and supply chain management. 20
This study sheds light on three research directions: DfMA implementation and guidance 21
strategies, DfMA frameworks and blueprints, and applications in cast in-situ or intermediate 22
prefabrication construction. Our research findings provide a synopsis of DfMA research and 23
development in construction. This paper can also serve as a point of departure for future 24
theoretical and empirical explorations. 25
Keywords: Design for manufacture and assembly; Construction Industrialization; 27
Prefabrication; Construction 28
Professor, Department of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, e-mail:
PhD Student, Corresponding Author, The Bartlett School of Construction & Project Management, University College
London, London, e-mail:
, Tel.: +44(0) 77 1614 8651;
PhD Candidate, Department of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, e-mail:
PhD Candidate, Department of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, e-mail:
Associate Professor, Department of Construction Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, e-mail:
Lecturer, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne, Australia, e-mail:;
Assistant Professor, Department of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, e-mail:

Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) is an emerging approach in the global 31
architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) landscape. In 2013, the Royal Institute of 32
British Architects (RIBA) published a Plan of Work for DfMA implementation. In 2016, 33
Singapore’s Building and Construction Authority (BCA) issued an official guide facilitating 34
DfMA and its incorporation with Building Information Modeling (BIM). In 2018, the UK 35
government’s Infrastructure and Projects Authority published a revised National Infrastructure 36
and Construction Pipeline detailing its preference for the Platform Method for Manufacturing 37
and Assembly Design. The report also publicized its use for prefabrication and other offsite 38
construction methods in public projects. The Hong Kong government’s 2018 document 39
Construction 2.0 also emphasises the importance of DfMA. In the research realm, the DfMA 40
literature is growing, while industry leaders such as O’Rourke (2013) and Balfour Beatty (2018) 41
consider DfMA to be the future of construction. 42
But is DfMA merely old wine in a new bottle? According to Boothroyd (2005), DfMA 43
evaluates and improves product design by considering the downstream processes of 44
manufacturing and assembly. Similar if not identical concepts have been introduced to improve 45
AEC productivity and efficiency. For example, buildability assesses designs from the 46
perspective of those who will manufacture and install components and carry out the 47
construction work (Lam and Wong, 2009); lean construction adapts the concept of lean 48
production/manufacturing to the AEC industry with a view to maximising value and 49
minimizing waste (Koskela, 1992; Alarcón, 1997). Value management (VM) focuses on the 50
early design stage and advocates achieving value for money by deliberating over functions and 51
costs (Kelly et al., 2004; Shen and Liu, 2004), with downstream manufacturing and assembly 52
within the critical scope of the exercise. 53
This paper aims to clarify the concept of DfMA in the AEC industry. First, we review 54
the literature on its history in the manufacturing industry and current DfMA developments in 55
construction. The research then goes on to compare DfMA with the concepts mentioned above 56
to find their similarities and differences. Based on the review and comparisons, this study 57
further provides prospects and challenges for DfMA. The remainder of the paper is organized 58
as follows. Section 2 is a detailed description of the research methodology. Section 3 is an in-59
depth analysis of the DfMA research, while Section 4 compares DfMA with similar concepts 60
with a view to answering the key question of this study. Section 5 articulates the prospects and 61
challenges of DfMA, while conclusions are presented in Section 6. 62
A multi-step research method consisting of brainstorming, literature review and in-depth 65
comparative analyses is adopted in this study. First, given the long history of DfMA 66
development, an analytical framework is required to demarcate a reasonable research boundary 67
and guide the analyses. Since DfMA has only recently been popularized in construction, this 68
research includes DfMA-like construction concepts (e.g., fabrication-aware design) to allow it 69
to be fully investigated. Brainstorming, as a creative training method, can find a set of practical 70
solutions through objective and continuous analysis of the issues discussed (Rawlinson, 2017). 71
To establish the analytical framework for this study, an hour-long brainstorming session was 72
held. Six researchers from different disciplines participated, all with at least six yearsresearch 73
experience in the AEC industry and two with around 10 yearsexperience in engaging with 74
construction prefabrication in China and Hong Kong. Taking into account the possible bias of 75
brainstorming, this step is only used to determine the scope of the discussion without having a 76
conclusive effect on the outcome of the discussion. As a result of the session, the scope of the 77
study was limited to seven broad DfMA-related categories: origins, definition, processes, 78

guidelines, comparisons, prospects, and challenges. The analytic framework developed is 79
shown in Figure 1. 80
Figure 1 DfMA in construction: an analytic framework 83
Second, guided by this framework, a search was conducted for the relevant literature on 85
DfMA in general, as well as DfMA-like concepts in the AEC industry specifically, using the 86
bibliographic database Google Scholar. Keywords used in article selection included ‘design for 87
manufacture and assembly’, design for manufacture’, ‘design for assembly’, DfMA’, 88
‘fabrication-aware design’, ‘architectural geometry’,architectural design’, ‘construction’, 89
‘assembly’, ‘construction industry’, and ‘AEC’. These keywords were adopted to reflect usages 90
across research disciplines and countries. For example, architecture researchers prefer 91
fabrication’, while in engineering manufacture’ is used to describe the building production 92
process. Mathematicians try to use architectural geometry to bridge the gap between complex 93
architectural design and applicable construction. Year of publication was limited to the period 94
2009 to 2019 to capture the latest DfMA research and trends in AEC. A total of 1979 results 95
were generated from the initial search. Then, the strict filtered process was conducted to narrow 96
down the scope of target articles. Articles that included related key terms in the 97
title/summary/keyword were considered for review, and only journal articles were selected to 98
ensure that all retrieved articles could be analyzed by using the same analytical structure as their 99
research objectives and methods. A snowball technique (Lecy and Beatty, 2012) involving 100
checking the references of the selected papers was applied to find relevant papers that may not 101
have been included. Finally, 30 publications highly related to the DfMA in the construction 102
were derived for the analysis of DfMA definition and research trend. 103
The third step was to develop an in-depth understanding of DfMA by comparing it with 104
similar concepts, such as buildability, value management, lean construction and 105
prefabrication/Modular integrated Construction (MiC). The literature on these concepts was 106
extracted and reviewed for the comparative study which mainly focused on the connotations, 107
extensions, and applications of the concepts and DfMA and analyzed their similarities, 108
differences, and linkages. These comparisons were triangulated with the past experience of the 109
authors involved in BIM and offsite construction in Hong Kong, China, and the UK. 110
3.1 Historical development of DfMA 113
DfMA originated during World War II when Ford and Chrysler applied it as a principle in their 114
weapon production processes. At first, it was used in manufacturing industry. Formal 115
approaches to design for manufacture (DfM) and design for assembly (DfA) emerged in the 116

late 1960s and early 1970s, reflected in UK standards published in 1975 on the management of 117
design for economic production. The academic exploration of DfMA also began in the 1970s 118
with the practice and research of Boothroyd and Dewhurst. Since then, there has been much 119
development of DfMA within the manufacturing industry. 120
According to Boothroyd (2005), DfMA provides a methodology for evaluating and 121
improving product design by considering the downstream processes of manufacturing and 122
assembly. It thereby signifies a shift from traditional, sequential design thinking to a non-linear 123
methodology. The implementation of DfA and DfM has the potential to bring considerable 124
benefits, including reducing assembly and manufacturing costs, improving quality, and 125
shortening production time by simplifying products. But these are only considerations of 126
production efficiency. Due to the requirements of sustainability, some scholars have begun to 127
consider the consideration of disassembly and recycling during the design phase. Researchers 128
are beginning to focus on the design of the environment, recyclability, life cycle, etc. These 129
studies are sometimes referred to as Design for excellence (DfX) (Kuo et al., 2001). DfX is a 130
related methodology, where the ‘X’ refers to excellence in aspects including testability, 131
compliance, reliability, manufacturability, inspection (DfI), variability (DfV), and cost (DfC). 132
DfX in general aims to provide a standard philosophy, methodologies, and tools to optimize a 133
design (Gatenby and Foo, 1990; Kuo et al., 2001; Eastman, 2012). For example, DfX techniques 134
can improve quality, efficiency, productivity and design flexibility, and decrease life-cycle 135
costs using concurrent design concepts (Maskell 1991). DfX research emphasizes the 136
consideration of all design goals and related constraints in the early design stage (Kuo et al., 137
2001). Huang (2012) describes two streams of ‘X’, one with emphasis on a particular business 138
process and the other on a performance metric. DfA falls into the former since it focuses on the 139
assembly process while using multiple performance measures (inspectability, compatibility, 140
recyclability, serviceability, etc.). Design for modularity, on the other hand, is an example of 141
the latter since it looks into modularity across several business processes from manufacturing 142
to assembly, installation, distribution, and operation. DfMA falls into the business process 143
stream, while both the manufacturing and the assembly processes serve as focal issues. Since 144
the late 1990s, hundreds of papers have been published on the application of DfX in 145
manufacturing. However, this phenomenon has not happened in the construction industry. This 146
makes it difficult to find all the information needed to apply DfX in the construction industry. 147
3.2 DfMA processes and guidelines 149
Researchers such as Swift and Brown (2013), Bogue (2012), and Emmatty and Sarmah (2012) 150
have developed some guidelines for the application of DfMA, as shown in Table 1. It is a 151
systematic procedure that helps companies make the fullest use of manufacturing and assembly 152
processes, e.g., through emphasizing the ease of manufacture and assembly by minimizing the 153
number of parts (Kuo et al., 2001; Eastman, 2012; Bogue, 2012). DfMA aims to determine the 154
cost impact of those materials and processes, and finds the most efficient use of the component 155
design (Ashley, 1995). 156
Table 1. A non-exhaustive list of DfMA guidelines 158
Aim for mistake-proof design
Avoid unnecessary re-work, improve quality, and reduce time and
Design for ease of fabrication
Reduce time and costs by eliminating complex fixtures and tooling.
Design for simple part
orientation and handling
Reduce time and costs by avoiding non-value adding manual effort.
Design with predetermined
assembly techniques in mind
Reduce time and costs when assembling.

Consider modular designs
Reduce time and costs due to simplified design and assembly.
Consider design for
mechanized or automated
Improve assembly efficiency, quality and security.
Use standard and off-the-shelf
Reduce purchasing lead time and costs.
Use as similar materials as
Reduce time with fewer manufacture processes and simplified
Use as environmentally
friendly materials as possible
Reduce harm to the environment.
Minimize precast component
Reduce time and costs with simplified design, manufacture, and
Minimize connector types and
Reduce time and costs with simplified design, manufacture,
assembly, repair and maintenance.
Minimize the use of fragile
Reduce costs due to fewer part failures, and easier handling and
Do not over-specify tolerances
or surface finish
Reduce costs with easier manufacture.
Sources: Swift and Brown (2013); Bogue (2012); and Emmatty and Sarmah (2012) 159
However, current DfMA practices in construction still, by and large, follow DfMA 161
guidelines developed in a manufacturing context without sufficiently considering the 162
differences between construction and manufacturing. For example, DfMA procedures in 163
Boothroyd (2005) consider DfA and DfM but not the downstream logistics and supply chain 164
(LSC), which plays a critical role in offsite prefabrication construction. Some construction 165
DfMA guidelines proposed, e.g., Gbadamosi et al., (2019), Kim et al., (2016), and Banks et al. 166
(2018), originate more or less from manufacturing-oriented guidelines. While inspiring, some 167
of these guidelines are not necessarily a good fit with construction’s characteristics, leading to 168
an inability to improve manufacturing and assembly. Some guidelines are proposed in a 169
fragmented fashion without necessarily forming an organic whole, leading to a lack of 170
comprehensiveness, or “easy to use” throughout the building process. The RIBA, in recognizing 171
the potential of DfMA in construction, added an overlay of DfMA to its time-honored Plan of 172
Work. Following RIBA’s vision (2013, p. 24), much “soft-landing” work remains to implement 173
DfMA in construction. 174
Connecting general DfMA guidelines (Table 1) with the heterogeneities of the AEC 176
industry to develop DfMA examples could inspire and encourage practitioners. Our stakeholder 177
engagement with the industry has revealed that practitioners including clients, designers, 178
contractors, and suppliers do explore such examples from the perspective of their separate 179
companies. An industry-wide database of DfMA examples could increase its application. 180
Another observation from the literature analysis and industry engagement is that we need to 181
develop DfMA strategies operable in terms of scope, policy, procedure, and so on at company, 182
even industry, level. RIBA’s plan of work and various published DfMA blueprints are certainly 183
meaningful points of departure. To embrace DfMA, individual companies need to work with 184
researchers to devise such operable strategies. Frameworks and guidelines that can link general 185
guidelines with company-specific requirements are highly desired. 186
3.3 Cross-sectoral learning 188
When looking at the history of DfMA in construction, scholars often cite the pioneering 189
modernist architect Le Corbusier who, in his influential book Towards a New Architecture 190
(1923), advocated industrialization of construction and proposed the famous maxim, ‘A house 191
is a machine to live in.’ However, the popularity of DfMA in construction is a recent 192

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01 Jan 1988
TL;DR: In this paper, the evolution of the Toyota production system is discussed, starting from need, further development, Genealogy of the production system, and the true intention of the Ford system.
Abstract: * Starting from Need* Evolution of the Toyota Production System* Further Development* Genealogy of the Toyota Production System* The True Intention of the Ford System* Surviving the Low-Growth Period

1,793 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a comprehensive literature review, coupled with a focus group study, were conducted to reveal factors hindering the development of high-rise modular buildings, and a questionnaire survey was implemented to quantify constraints.
Abstract: Off-site construction has been increasingly employed due to its advantages, for instance, improved quality control, reduced skills labour, faster construction time, decreased material wastage and safe working environment. As the most cutting-edge off-site construction, modular buildings have been utilised for residential building, student accommodation, and hotel projects. However, because of existing and underlying constraints, the adoption of modular buildings is still relatively low. To reveal factors hindering the development of high-rise modular buildings, a comprehensive literature review, coupled with a focus group study, were conducted. A questionnaire survey inquiring about all stakeholders was implemented to quantify constraints. The results were further examined according to a real-life case study. This paper manifested that “Lack of coordination and communication among stakeholders”, “Higher cost”, “Lack of government support”, “Lack of experience and expertise”, “Lack of building codes and standards”, “Poor supply chain integration”, and “Complexity of connection” are the top barriers curbing the uptake of modular buildings. The findings should provide a valuable reference for stakeholders adopting modular buildings, whilst mitigating risks amid modular construction. Future research is expected to exploit building information modelling and design for manufacture and assembly to alleviate these existing constraints and promote the performance of modular construction as well.

42 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors investigate the barriers preventing widespread adoption of DfMA in Australia and how digital construction will be a catalyst for improving use on commercial-scale projects and propose a framework for change that conceptualizes the "ecosystem" needed to support widespread adoption.
Abstract: Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) is an important part of the future of the construction industry due to the promise of speed of project delivery, quality control, worker safety, and waste minimization onsite via the purposeful design for manufacture and assembly offsite. However, the adoption of DfMA in Australia has been slow. This paper investigates the barriers prohibiting widespread uptake and how digital construction will be a catalyst for improving use on commercial-scale projects. A total of six leading experts were interviewed to elicit their opinions, and seven recent case studies of high-rise modular apartment and hotel buildings constructed by Hickory were cross-referenced as evidence of DfMA capability. The experts suggested that the reasons for slow adoption in Australia were community mindset, government regulations and incentives, planning and building codes, unionization and business politics, finance, and supply chain management. The case studies suggest that compatible building type and transportation distance are also factors. These barriers can be addressed by the clever integration of building information modelling tools with lean construction processes as part of a proposed strategy leading to smarter (more productive) and better (more sustainable) outcomes predicated on growth in digital construction practices. The paper concludes with a proposed framework for change that conceptualizes the ‘ecosystem’ needed to support widespread DfMA in the Australian context, including the paradigm shift from building to manufacturing/assembly, the displacement of workers from onsite to offsite activity, and the expansion of interdisciplinary design and construct collaboration.

25 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper , the capabilities of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) method with mass customisation are combined into a framework that enables customers to participate in the offsite construction configuration process.

23 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the capabilities of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) method with mass customisation are combined into a framework that enables customers to participate in the offsite construction configuration process.

23 citations

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03 Mar 2008
TL;DR: The Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a new approach to design, construction, and facility management in which a digital representation of the building process is used to facilitate the exchange and interoperability of information in digital format as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: Discover BIM: A better way to build better buildings. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a new approach to design, construction, and facility management in which a digital representation of the building process is used to facilitate the exchange and interoperability of information in digital format. BIM is beginning to change the way buildings look, the way they function, and the ways in which they are designed and built. BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners,Managers, Designers, Engineers, and Contractors provides an in-depth understanding of BIM technologies, the business and organizational issues associated with its implementation, and the profound advantages that effective use of BIM can provide to all members of a project team. The Handbook: Introduces Building Information Modeling and the technologies that support it Reviews BIM and its related technologies, in particular parametric and object-oriented modeling, its potential benefits, its costs, and needed infrastructure Explains how designing, constructing, and operating buildings with BIM differs from pursuing the same activities in the traditional way using drawings, whether paper or electronic Discusses the present and future influences of BIM on regulatory agencies; legal practice associated with the building industry; and manufacturers of building products Presents a rich set of BIM case studies and describes various BIM tools and technologies Shows how specific disciplines?owners, designers, contractors, and fabricators?can adopt and implement BIM in their companies Explores BIM's current and future impact on industry and society Painting a colorful and thorough picture of the state of the art in Building Information Modeling, the BIM Handbook guides readers to successful implementations, helping them to avoid needless frustration and costs and take full advantage of this paradigm-shifting approach to build better buildings, that consume fewer materials, and require less time, labor, and capital resources.

3,815 citations

01 Jan 1988
TL;DR: In this paper, the evolution of the Toyota production system is discussed, starting from need, further development, Genealogy of the production system, and the true intention of the Ford system.
Abstract: * Starting from Need* Evolution of the Toyota Production System* Further Development* Genealogy of the Toyota Production System* The True Intention of the Ford System* Surviving the Low-Growth Period

1,793 citations

"Design for manufacture and assembly..." refers background in this paper

  • ...On the one hand, DfMA can help lean construction practices focus on reducing waste (Ohno, 1988), also known as ‘non-value adding’ activities in the lean context (Koskela, 1992)....


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578 citations

"Design for manufacture and assembly..." refers background in this paper

  • ...While construction materializes our built environment and is linked to cultural identity and civic pride (Pearce, 2003), it has long been criticized for e.g. its nuisance, poor quality (Baloi & Price, 2003), and recently, alleged low productivity (The Economist, 2017)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a feasibility analysis of prefabrication in construction activities is provided based on a questionnaire survey and a financial analysis is also investigated by a local case study, which shows that wastage generation can be reduced by up to 100% after adopting prefabrics, in which up to 84.7% can be saved.

489 citations

01 Jul 1991
TL;DR: This book discusses world class manufacturing and the need for new Performance Measures, as well as alternative Cost and Management Accounting Techniques, and describes the development of the New Performance Measures.
Abstract: xi Foreword xv Preface xix List of Illustrations Chapter One: World Class Manufacturing and the Need for New Performance Measures Chapter Two: Characteristics of the New Performance Measures Chapter Three: Shortcomings of Traditional Management Accounting Chapter Four: Measurement of Delivery Performance and Customer Service Chapter Five: Measurement of Process Time Chapter Six: Measurement of Production Flexibility Chapter Seven: Measurement of Quality Performance Chapter Eight: Financial Measures Chapter Nine: Measuring Social Issues Chapter Ten: Establishing Performance Targets Chapter Eleven: Producting the New Performance Measures Chapter Twelve: Alternative Cost and Management Accounting Techniques References About the Author Index

430 citations

"Design for manufacture and assembly..." refers background in this paper

  • ...For example, DfX techniques can improve quality, efficiency, productivity and design flexibility, and decrease lifecycle costs using concurrent design concepts (Maskell, 1991)....


Frequently Asked Questions (8)
Q1. What are the contributions in this paper?

This paper aims to review the development of DfMA in manufacturing 11 and its status quo in construction, and clarify its similarities and differences to other concepts. 12 A multi-step research method is adopted in this study: First, an analytical framework is 13 generated ; Secondly, a literature review is conducted on DfMA in general, and DfMA-like 14 concepts in the AEC industry ; This 15 study reveals that DfMA as a philosophy is hardly new in construction, and the empirical 16 implementation of many DfMA guidelines has begun in the AEC industry. 20 This study sheds light on three research directions: DfMA implementation and guidance 21 strategies, DfMA frameworks and blueprints, and applications in cast in-situ or intermediate 22 prefabrication construction. This paper can also serve as a point of departure for future 24 theoretical and empirical explorations. The findings 17 suggested that DfMA is a new and mixed ‘ cocktail ’ of opportunities and challenges to 18 improve construction productivity with the advancement of construction materials, production 19 and assembly technologies, and ever-strengthened logistics and supply chain management. 

Due to the requirements of sustainability, some scholars have begun to 127 consider the consideration of disassembly and recycling during the design phase. 

The popularity of DfMA will increase with increasing demand for more integrated 454 methods of project delivery and value creation. 

Six researchers from different disciplines participated, all with at least six years’ research 73 experience in the AEC industry and two with around 10 years’ experience in engaging with 74 construction prefabrication in China and Hong Kong. 

A snowball technique (Lecy and Beatty, 2012) involving 100 checking the references of the selected papers was applied to find relevant papers that may not 101 have been included. 

509 Many features of AEC, e.g., bespoke requirements, ‘one-off’ endeavors, contextual 510 embeddedness, and prolonged manufacturing and assembly lines seem to have stifled the 511 widespread application of DfMA. 

Guidelines and standards are important for stakeholders, especially those with 484 less experience, to govern its procedures of DfMA applications. 

This document is available for personal and non-commercial use only, as permitted by Taylor & Francis Group’s Architectural Engineering and Design Management.