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Discovering explanatory models to identify relevant tweets on Zika

A classifier was built to detect Zika related tweets from Twitter with a 92% accuracy, and key features were identified that provide deeper insights on the content of tweets relevant to Zika.
Zika virus has caught the worlds attention, and has led people to share their opinions and concerns on social media like Twitter. Using text-based features, extracted with the help of Parts of Speech (POS) taggers and N-gram, a classifier was built to detect Zika related tweets from Twitter. With a simple logistic classifier, the system was successful in detecting Zika related tweets from Twitter with a 92% accuracy. Moreover, key features were identified that provide deeper insights on the content of tweets relevant to Zika. This system can be leveraged by domain experts to perform sentiment analysis, and understand the temporal and spatial spread of Zika.

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Discovering Explanatory Models to Identify Relevant Tweets on Discovering Explanatory Models to Identify Relevant Tweets on
Zika Zika
RoopTeja Muppalla
Wright State University - Main Campus
Michele Miller
Wright State University - Main Campus
Tanvi Banerjee
Wright State University - Main Campus
William L. Romine
Wright State University - Main Campus
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Muppalla, R., Miller, M., Banerjee, T., & Romine, W. L. (2017). Discovering Explanatory Models to Identify
Relevant Tweets on Zika. .
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Discovering Explanatory Models to Identify Relevant Tweets on Zika
Roopteja Muppalla
, Michele Miller
, Tanvi Banerjee
and William Romine
Abstract Zika virus has caught the worlds attention, and
has led people to share their opinions and concerns on social
media like Twitter. Using text-based features, extracted with
the help of Parts of Speech (POS) taggers and N-gram, a
classifier was built to detect Zika related tweets from Twitter.
With a simple logistic classifier, the system was successful in
detecting Zika related tweets from Twitter with a 92% accuracy.
Moreover, key features were identified that provide deeper
insights on the content of tweets relevant to Zika. This system
can be leveraged by domain experts to perform sentiment
analysis, and understand the temporal and spatial spread of
Zika has been around for decades but the current outbreak
that started in 2015 has sparked significant concern. This is
the first outbreak of Zika associated with microcephaly and
Guillain-Barre syndrome, so management is still an impor-
tant challenge [1]. The three ways to become infected with
the Zika virus are: (i) an infected mother passing the virus
to her fetus, (ii) being bitten by an infected Aedes mosquito,
and (iii) through sexual contact
. There are currently no
medications or vaccines to prevent or treat the Zika virus.
As of January 18, 2017, 4,900 Zika related cases had been
reported in the United States
. With the growing number of
cases, it is important for health officials to recognize Zika
virus hot spots and spread the necessary information to the
public in real time.
Public health organizations often depend on traditional
survey based methods to gather information about a disease
outbreak. Though these methods are useful, they take a long
time to recognize an outbreak. This is a major roadblock
when trying to detect the rapid spread of a disease. However,
social media can reduce this time lag while also allowing
for studying public opinions on health issues. People often
have health related conversations on social media and openly
discuss diseases. Platforms like Twitter make it easy to share
personal experiences so that people can empathize with each
other. In particular, public opinion mining has been studied in
the past for exploration of public views on important social
issues such as gender-based violence [2], as well as to mine
health related beliefs [3], [4]. Studies like the one about
a cholera outbreak after the earthquake in Haiti [5] have
demonstrated that Twitter data may represent a potential way
to track diseases faster in future events.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Wright State Univer-
sity Dayton, OH 45435, USA. roopteja,
Department of Biological Sciences, Wright State University, Dayton,
OH 45435, USA. miller.1232,
Since Twitter has become a common platform for discus-
sions about disease, researchers can have a greater under-
standing of the disease and can communicate and address
any issues in real time. This study finds the best features
which can be used to build a classifier to detect Zika related
tweets. A quicker detection of a disease through social media
can give more time to prepare the response team and contain
the disease spread. Such a system can provide health officials
a collective view of the public’s health and also detect any
future Zika outbreaks.
In this study, techniques from natural language processing
(NLP) were used in combination with machine learning
techniques to build models to classify Zika related tweets. In
particular, we used data science techniques to not only build
a strong classifier to identify relevant tweets on Zika, but
also extract features that best discriminate the two categories:
relevant and not relevant. The main focus of this study is a
shift from black box methods that achieve high classification
rates but cannot explain the results, to simpler and more
explanatory models that provide deeper insights into the
model performance. Through exploration of multiple models,
we gain a deeper understanding of the content of tweets
pertaining to Zika.
Multiple studies have used Twitter for exploration of pub-
lic health issues [6], [7], [8]. One study focused on the spread
of influenza from November 2008 to June 2010 and collected
300 million tweets [6]. Tweets were identified as relevant to
influenza based on their influenza corpus using a support
vector machine (SVM) based classifier. Pearson correlation
was used to compare estimated values and annotations. Their
method performed well in detecting influenza epidemics with
high correlation (0.89 correlation).
Alvaro et al. [7] obtained a random sample of tweets
over a 12 month period to analyse first-hand experience
with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or cognitive
enhancers. The ground truth consisted of 100 annotated
tweets for 15 categories which were then compared to crowd
sourced annotators by calculating Kappa values for each of
the categories. Using URLs, hashtags, and N-grams from the
tweets, Bayesian Generalized Linear Modeling was found to
be the best technique for interpretation. In this study, we
followed a similar approach in collecting and preparing the
data for the classifiers.
Recently, we performed an exploratory study using Zika
related tweets to determine what people were tweeting about
Zika [8]. Tweets were collected over a period of 2 months. A
two-stage classifier was used to find the Zika related tweets
and to further classify the tweets into subcategories. The

classifiers used the whole tweet to generate a set of features
whereas in this study, we extracted features based on natural
language techniques to build a simple model with a fewer
number of features.
While these different studies highlight the utility of us-
ing social media to monitor peoples thoughts regarding a
specific disease outbreak, they did not discuss the role of
features and their significance in classification. This study
focuses on extracting features using Part of Speech tagging
and N-gram techniques and identifying the set of features
through model selection which will improve the classification
results. Models which are simple and interpretable will help
researchers to quickly classify Zika related tweets to address
public concerns and misconceptions, similar to the research
done on other diseases [9], [10], [11].
Tweets were collected over a period of two months (a total
of 1,234,605 tweets) from Twitter based on the keywords
’zika’ and ’zika virus’ using a Twitter streaming application
program interface (API). Though the tweets contain the
word ’zika’, not all tweets were relevant to our study. For
example, tweet such as ’if you need me I’ll b contracting
the zika virus to avoid my ap test’ contains the word ’zika’
but it was used in the context of humor. But this study
was focused on bridging the gap between public and health
organizations in order to tackle the disease, so in our context
such tweets are considered irrelevant. This results in the need
to perform classification to remove such irrelevant tweets.
For this, we took a random sample of 1,467 tweets from
the dataset for analysis. This dataset was then annotated by
three microbiology and immunology experts as to whether
the tweets were relevant to Zika or not (1,137 tweets were
labeled relevant). Inter-rater reliability among the annotators
was found using Fleiss Kappa [12]. We calculated a Kappa
value of 0.71 which indicates substantial agreement among
the raters [13].
Once the data were collected, we needed features to help
the learning algorithms or classifiers predict whether or not
a tweet was relevant. A simple approach to extract features
from the text is using a bags-of-words model where each
word is considered a feature. But this results in a large
number of features, which makes the learning algorithm
difficult to process. Therefore, we made use of the following
two ways to extract features from tweets:
A. Parts of Speech (POS) Features
Features were extracted from the tweets with the help of
Stanford NLP POS tagger [14]. First, a feature vector with all
the 25 POS tags was created. Then the tool annotator iden-
tified the features in the tweet and the count of each feature
was recorded. For example, some of the features generated
by the POS tagger for the tweet, ’RT @nationalpost: Canada
confirms its first case of sexually transmitted Zika virus, in
Ontario’, are shown in Table 1. From these 25 POS features,
two features were excluded namely ’existential verbal’ and
’proper noun verbal’, as none of the tweets contained those
two features.
Tag (feature) Count
Sample from the
discourse marker 2 RT, :
at-mention (@) 1 @nationalpost
proper noun 2 Canada, Zika, Ontario
verb 2 confirms, transmitted
nominal and verb 1 its
punctuation 1 ,
adjective 1 first
pre- or post-position 2 of, in
common noun 2 case, viru
adverb 1 sexually
B. N-gram features
Features were extracted with the help of n-grams. N gram
[15] is a sequence of n words from a given text which is
treated as a single unit. As part of pre-processing, URLs,
hashtags, and stopwords were removed from the tweets as
these terms appear commonly in tweets and will not help
the classifier to learn and distinguish Zika related tweets. For
the tweet ’zika makes americans rethink travel’, the features
generated by n-grams are shown in Table 2.
N-gram Feature
Unigrams zika, makes, americans,
rethink, travel
Bi-gram zika makes, makes amer-
icans, americans rethink,
rethink travel
Several studies use the entire unigram corpus to investi-
gate text content in datasets such as tweets [8]. However,
this study was performed by taking the top 10 occurring
unigrams and bigrams in the dataset as the features for our
analysis after pre-processing. For every n-gram, the count
was increased if that selected unigram or bigram existed in
the tweet. For example, if a selected unigram like ’zika’ is
a feature and it occured 2 times in a tweet then the count of
the occurrences was recorded as (2). Higher n-grams were
not considered since the frequency of these was far less due
to the tweet length constraint of 140 characters
Using POS, selected unigram, and selected bigram fea-
tures, there were a total of 43 features. Examples of fea-
tures include: ’at mention’, ’birth defects’, ’cdc’, ’emoti-
con’, ’fight’, ’funding’, ’hashtag’, ’microcephaly’, ’pregnant

women’, ’pronoun’, ’public health’, symptoms’, ’treatment’,
Using R
programming language, we created a simple
logistic model considering all 43 features. To estimate the
relative quality of the model containing all of these features
in relation to simpler models which contain subsets of
these features, we used Akaikes information criterion (AIC)
[16].This gave a value of 957.78 for the full model (All
Features in Table 4). Then we performed forward/backward
stepwise model selection where features were added one
at a time and tests whether the AIC will be improved
by removing a previously added feature at each step. This
process yielded a model with 27 features (Stepwise in Table
4) with an AIC value of 934.99.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to further
reduce the number of features and to test whether the
model with the reduced features gave us better results. After
performing PCA, a scree plot (Figure 1) was used to select
2 components [17]. Since there is a low correlation between
the individual features, it is highly unlikely for the features
to have high correlation with the principal components.
Therefore, a low cut off (0.2) was used to determine which
features were associated with the principal components as
shown in Table 3.
Fig. 1. Scree plot of factor eigenvalues.
Component 1 was comprised of topical features generated
by n-grams such as ’birth defects’, ’cdc’, ’microcephaly’,
whereas, component 2 was comprised of lexical features
generated by POS tagger such as ’adverb’, ’pronoun’, ’verb’.
These two components were able to explain a total of 16
features based on the cut off value of 0.2.
Feature Component 1:
Component 2:
adjective 0.01 -0.13
adverb -0.01 -0.33
birth defects -0.34 -0.10
causes microcephaly -0.43 -0.11
cdc -0.34 -0.08
fight 0.03 0.05
verb 0.11 -0.36
The model built using just these two principal components
had an AIC value of 1412.59. Therefore, a model (All-2-
PC) was built using the 2 components and the remaining
features that did not load onto these components. Similarly
another model (19-Stepwise-2-PC) was built using these 2
principal components and the remaining features present in
the Stepwise model that the two principal components did not
explain. Finally, the Stepwise model was chosen as the best
model based on the Akaike weights (w), which are used to
give the relative likelihood of existence among the models
within a probabilistic framework [18]. Based on this, we
observed that PCA did not help in improving the model.
Model AIC w
All 957.78 1.1E-5
Stepwise 934.99 0.99
PC 1412.59 0
19-Stepwise-2-PC 1035.50 0
All-2-PC 1009.03 0
We used the Stepwise logistic model to classify Zika
related tweets from the dataset. Table 5 shows the confusion
matrix, which gives the performance of the model in clas-
sifying the data. The results for this analysis (F measure of
0.92) were considerably better than the results generated by
multiple classifiers for the 1000 unigram features extracted
from the dataset through Weka [8], with F measures ranging
from 0.82 to 0.89. These results show that the Stepwise
model has more distinguishing features and is able to achieve
high accuracy even with a simple logistic model, as opposed
to more complex models such as SVMs, despite using
relatively few features as compared to our earlier study [8].
Relevant Not relevant
Relevant 1071(94%) 66(6%)
Not relevant 108(33%) 222(67%)
The Stepwise model contains topical features (as shown
in Table 6) such as ’microcephaly’, ’funding’, ’fight’, treat-
ment’, symptoms’, ’health’ (part of the top 12 n-grams),
which were able to classify Zika related tweets well. This
sheds light on topics people tweet the most regarding Zika.
We also observed that the Stepwise model contains 15 POS
tag features, indicating that lexical components were useful
in discriminating between the relevant and non-relevant
Along with the n-gram features and lexical features such
as ’hashtag’, ’at mention’, ’URL, we observe that most of
the tweets could potentially originate from a news source
or retweets of this information. For example, ’Health Tech
Forum’ retweeted the following message, ’CDCgov: The
best way to prevent #Zika is to prevent mosquito bites.

treatment, symptoms, microcephaly, first, fight,
health, puerto rico, cdc, new, funding, health offi-
cials, white house
URL, hashtag, discourse marker, coordinating con-
junction, interjection, at mention, punctuation, com-
mon noun, determiner, emoticon, numeral, verb, verb
particle, existential, nominal possessive
URL, which is indeed tweeted by ’CDC’ through their
official Twitter handle. These lexical features could also help
researchers in analyzing public sentiment [19], [20] regarding
From this study, we were successfully able to not only im-
prove the performance of the relevance classifier as compared
to the state-of-the-art classifiers [8], but were also able to ex-
tract meaningful and explanatory features for classification,
as compared to the complete set of unigram features (1000
total) used for classification in our earlier study [8]. This
not only allows us to better analyze system performance,
but also improve the computation time and resources to
build a high accuracy, real-time classification system for
Zika-related tweets. For our next steps, we want to explore
explanatory features for the next stage of classification to
categorize the relevant tweets into sub-groups of treatment,
symptoms, transmission, and prevention. Future work will
also involve using sentiment-based features that can classify
public sentiment regarding a specific topic within the tweets.
Such a system will enable public health organizations to
employ real-time decision making for epidemics like Zika
and help address public concerns in a faster and more
efficient manner.
Banerjee and Muppalla would like to acknowledge funding
from NIH project 1K01LM012439-01. Romine and Miller
were partially supported by Department of Education I3
project U411C140081 and Institute of Educational Sciences
(IES) award R305A150364.
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Q1. How many tweets were collected from Twitter?

Tweets were collected over a period of two months (a total of 1,234,605 tweets) from Twitter based on the keywords ’zika’ and ’zika virus’ using a Twitter streaming application program interface (API). 

Component 1 was comprised of topical features generated by n-grams such as ’birth defects’, ’cdc’, ’microcephaly’, whereas, component 2 was comprised of lexical features generated by POS tagger such as ’adverb’, ’pronoun’, ’verb’. 

This study focuses on extracting features using Part of Speech tagging and N-gram techniques and identifying the set of features through model selection which will improve the classification results. 

As part of pre-processing, URLs, hashtags, and stopwords were removed from the tweets as these terms appear commonly in tweets and will not help the classifier to learn and distinguish Zika related tweets. 

The authors also observed that the Stepwise model contains 15 POS tag features, indicating that lexical components were useful in discriminating between the relevant and non-relevant tweets. 

From these 25 POS features,two features were excluded namely ’existential verbal’ and ’proper noun verbal’, as none of the tweets contained those two features. 

The ground truth consisted of 100 annotated tweets for 15 categories which were then compared to crowd sourced annotators by calculating Kappa values for each of the categories. 

the Stepwise model was chosen as the best model based on the Akaike weights (w), which are used to give the relative likelihood of existence among the models within a probabilistic framework [18]. 

From this study, the authors were successfully able to not only improve the performance of the relevance classifier as compared to the state-of-the-art classifiers [8], but were also able to extract meaningful and explanatory features for classification, as compared to the complete set of unigram features (1000 total) used for classification in their earlier study [8]. 

Since there is a low correlation between the individual features, it is highly unlikely for the features to have high correlation with the principal components. 

Theclassifiers used the whole tweet to generate a set of features whereas in this study, the authors extracted features based on natural language techniques to build a simple model with a fewer number of features.