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Journal ArticleDOI

Dispersive Fourier transformation for fast continuous single-shot measurements

Keisuke Goda, +1 more
- 01 Feb 2013 - 
- Vol. 7, Iss: 2, pp 102-112
In this paper, the authors cover the principle of dispersive Fourier transformation and its implementation in diverse applications, such as optical rogue waves and rare cancer cells in blood, as well as their application in real-time instrumentation and measurement.
It's challenging to measure non-repetitive events in real time in the field of instrumentation and measurement. Dispersive Fourier transformation is an emerging method that permits capture of rare events, such as optical rogue waves and rare cancer cells in blood. This Review article covers the principle of dispersive Fourier transformation and its implementation in diverse applications.

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Journal ArticleDOI

Optical soliton molecular complexes in a passively mode-locked fibre laser.

TL;DR: Stable soliton molecule complexes are demonstrated and the different bonds represented by the inter- and intra-molecular coupling are explored, showing the universality of these multi-soliton optical patterns.
Journal ArticleDOI

Coherence and shot-to-shot spectral fluctuations in noise-like ultrafast fiber lasers

TL;DR: The lack of phase coherence across the seemingly regular array of pulses is proved by measuring the degree of first-order coherence using a Young's-type interference experiment and proving the existence of spectral fluctuations that remain unresolved in conventional time-averaged ensemble measurements.
Journal ArticleDOI

Breathing dissipative solitons in mode-locked fiber lasers

TL;DR: Breathers introduce a new regime of mode locking into ultrafast lasers and may contribute to the design of advanced laser sources and open up new possibilities of generating breathers in various dissipative systems.
Journal ArticleDOI

Multimode nonlinear fiber optics, a spatiotemporal avenue

TL;DR: In this article, a perspective overview of the emerging field of nonlinear optics in multimode optical fibers is provided for the ultrafast light-activated control of temporal, spatial, and spectral degrees of freedom of intense, pulsed beams of light for a range of different technological applications.
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Nonlinear Fiber Optics

TL;DR: The field of nonlinear fiber optics has advanced enough that a whole book was devoted to it as discussed by the authors, which has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, and Russian languages, attesting to the worldwide activity in the field.
Journal ArticleDOI

Introduction to Fourier Optics

Joseph W. Goodman, +1 more
- 01 Apr 1969 - 
TL;DR: The second edition of this respected text considerably expands the original and reflects the tremendous advances made in the discipline since 1968 as discussed by the authors, with a special emphasis on applications to diffraction, imaging, optical data processing, and holography.

Introduction to Fourier optics

TL;DR: The second edition of this respected text considerably expands the original and reflects the tremendous advances made in the discipline since 1968 as discussed by the authors, with a special emphasis on applications to diffraction, imaging, optical data processing, and holography.
Journal ArticleDOI

Two-Photon Laser Scanning Fluorescence Microscopy

TL;DR: The fluorescence emission increased quadratically with the excitation intensity so that fluorescence and photo-bleaching were confined to the vicinity of the focal plane as expected for cooperative two-photon excitation.

Fiber-Optic Communication Systems

TL;DR: In this article, the authors present an overview of the main components of WDM lightwave communication systems, including the following: 1.1 Geometrical-Optics Description, 2.2 Wave Propagation, 3.3 Dispersion in Single-Mode Fibers, 4.4 Dispersion-Induced Limitations.
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