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Journal ArticleDOI

Domains and Facets: Hierarchical Personality Assessment Using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory

01 Feb 1995-Journal of Personality Assessment (J Pers Assess)-Vol. 64, Iss: 1, pp 21-50
TL;DR: Conceptual issues in specifying facets of a domain and evidence on the validity of NEO-PI-R facet scales are described and the hierarchical interpretation of personality profiles is discussed.
Abstract: Personality traits are organized hierarchically, with narrow, specific traits combining to define broad, global factors. The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R; Costa & McCrae, 1992c) assesses personality at both levels, with six specific facet scales in each of five broad domains. This article describes conceptual issues in specifying facets of a domain and reports evidence on the validity of NEO-PI-R facet scales. Facet analysis-the interpretation of a scale in terms of the specific facets with which it correlates-is illustrated using alternative measures of the five-factor model and occupational scales. Finally, the hierarchical interpretation of personality profiles is discussed. Interpretation on the domain level yields a rapid understanding of the individual interpretation of specific facet scales gives a more detailed assessment.

Summary (4 min read)

Guidelines for Faceting Domains

  • Consider the set of attributes that together define the domain of N, such as chronic tendencies to feel tense, worried, irritable.
  • Hofstee, De Raad, and Goldberg (1992) , noting that many traits in the lexicon have appreciable loadings on two of the five basic factors, have suggested that facets can be identified by their location on the ten circumplexes formed by pairs of the five factors.
  • Each of these ways of identifying specific traits within the domain of N is reasonable, but the differences among them explain why there is so little consensus on lower level traits (Briggs, 1989) .
  • In fact, with only twelve elements in a set, there are 4,094 different proper, non-null subsets.
  • Even if there is an element of arbitrariness in the way in which a domain is subdivided, there are still good reasons to make distinctions.


  • Hclplcss ful specification of facets should provide more information than the undifferentiated global domain scale, and some specifications are more meaningful than others.
  • Both these goals are facilitated by factor analyses of items within the domain, because factor analysis identifies discrete clusters of covarying items.
  • Exhausting the domain would seem to be desirable: Just as the FFM is intended to be a comprehensive taxonomy of all personality traits, so each set of facets might aspire to be a comprehensive specification of the contents of a domain.
  • It is sometimes difficult to know the boundary between a domain of personality and its external correlates.
  • The MEO-PI-R N fwets of Anxiety, Angry Hostility, Depression, Self-Consn;iousness, Impulsiveness, and Vulnerability all hathe authors clear roots in the psychological literature (Costa & McCrae, 1980) .

A Complication: Overlapping Domains

  • The elegance of a purely hierarchical model of personality structure is marred by the fact that the domains themselves are not mutually exclusive.
  • This phenomenon is most clearly illustrated by the Interpersonal Circumplex (Leary, 1957; Wiggins, 19791 , a circular arrangement of traits around two orthogonal axes.
  • First, it violates the canon that facets should be of comparable breadth.
  • The lack of simple structure in the real world of personality traits complicates hierarchical models.
  • To increase precision, the authors provide formulas for estimating factor scores that take into account information from all facets.


  • The authors measure each domain as the sum of six facet scales.
  • Note that all facets load on the intended common factor, but that, in addition, all show modest to substantial loadings on their own specific factor.
  • Two judges (a psychologist and psychology graduate student), blind to the results in Table 2 , were each given a deck of 30 cards in random order, on each of which were printed the five CQS correlates of one of the NEO-PI-R scales, together with the observed correlation.
  • The first judge correctly identified 28 (93%) of the facets from their correlates; the: second judge identified 26 (87%) of the facets.
  • Individuals who wish to understand NEO-PI-R facet scales in more detail are invited to study the definitions, items, and adjective and scale correlates given in the Manual (Costa & McCrae, 199; !c) .


  • In its original sense, factor analysis is a technique for analyzing variables in terms of the underlying factors that account for their covariation with other variables.
  • If there are enough recognizable markers in an analysis, the procedure can be informative.
  • But it is also possible to reverse this process and interpret factors in terms of the facet loadings.
  • The authors might say, for example, that the Openness to Aesthetics and to Ideas are more central to the 0 factor in Table 1 than are Openness to Actions and to Values.
  • More generally, any scale can be understood by its correlates, and the 30 facets of the NEO-PI-R provide a broad representation of traits that can yield a detailed portrait of the construct being measured.

Adjective Measures of the FFM

  • The authors recently conducted a study in which peer raters of BLSA participants completed the NEO-PI-R and either Wiggins's (Trapnell & Wiggins, 1990) or Goldberg's (1990) measure of the FFM (Costa & McCrae, 1992a) .
  • At the factor level, there was substantial agreement: Correlations with NEO-PI-R factors ranged from .70 to .78 for Wiggins's Revised Interpersonal Adjective Scales-Big Five Version (IASR-BS), and from -45 to .77 for Goldberg's Transparent Trait Rating Form (TTRF) .
  • But a more detailed evaluation of convergence can be made by examining the correlations of the two instruments with the facets of the NEO-PI-R, shown in Table 3 .
  • Peer raters, in particular, may confuse the experience of anger (N) with its outward expression (low A).
  • Both the TTRF and the IASR-B5 have relatively narrow measures of Openness, corresponding chiefly to NEO-PI-R Openness to Ideas.


  • If researchers desire to use Neuroticism scales that are relatively independent of antagonism, then the Wiggins scale may be a better choice than the Goldberg scale.
  • If they believe that Extraversion should include warmth and positive emotions as well as assertiveness, Table 3 suggests they should choose the Goldberg scale over ~i ~~i n s ' s . ~.

The Hogan Personality Inventory

  • The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI; R. Hogan, 1986 ) offers yet another version of the FFM.
  • Facet analysis provides a much more detailed account of the nature of the correspondences and differences that can be helpful in interpreting HPI scales.
  • These are understandable correlates, especially when it is recalled that in early versions of the HPI, Ambition was measured by such Homogeneous Item Clusters (HICs) as Leadership, Competitive, and Mastery Motive.
  • Yet both 0 and Intellectance have been regarded as measures of the fifth factor discovered in lexical analyses, and Goldberg (1992) reported correlations of .46 and -39, respectively, between these two scales and his fifth factor, which he labeled Intellect.
  • Table 4 shows that in the HPI system, Positive Emotions is divided between Sociability and Likeability.

TABLE 4 Correlations of Hogan Personality Inventory Primary Scales With NEO-PI-R Facet Scales

  • Hogan Personulity Inventory Scale N E W -R Facet Scale ADJ SOC AMB ZNT LZK PRU Excitement Seeking, and low Openness to Actions.
  • Clearly, there is no one-to-one correspondence between Prudence and C.
  • The changes were not trivial: Correlations between the original and revised personality scales ranged from .62 for Ambition to .90 for Sociability.
  • For two scales, the changes take the HPI further from the conception of the FFM embodied in the NEO-PI-R. Second, Intellectance was subdivided into two scales, revised Intellectance and School Success.

Empirically-Based Occupational Scales

  • Facet analysis may be particularly useful in understanding criterion-keyed scales.
  • Table 5 reports correlations of NEO-PI-R facet scales with empiricallybased occupational scales from two instruments, the revised HPI and the CPI.
  • They are also consistently high in facets of 0 , suggesting that exceptional salespeople are original and inventive as well as being socially skilled.
  • The largest correlations are clearly with facets of N.
  • In order to evaluate scales empirically it is not sufficient to correlate them with a large number of scales; the scales must systematically tap the full range of personality traits.


  • And although researchers and clinicians are familiar in general with the notion of scales and subscales, many users have limited experience in the interpretation of hierarchical personality profiles.
  • This arrangement is intended to suggest a particular strategy of interpretation:.
  • The authors would probably consider her a good candidate for psychotherapy: Analysis of personality at the domain level is only a starting place, but it is a very good starting place.

The Value of Domain Interpretations

  • It might be argued that the interpretation of domain scores is needless as well as occasionally misleading.
  • Case A came to therapy because of back and neck pain probably related to her very high Anxiety score.
  • One answer is that global traits have an explanatoiy power that specific traits lack (Funder, 1991) .
  • Facet scales are best at predicting the specific criteria at which they are aimed, but less than optimal at predicting other, albeit related criteria.
  • Personality inventories are useful precisely because they measure general and pervasive dispositions that influence a host of psychological and behavioral variables.


  • For decades psychologists have known that personality traits are hierarchically organized, with many narrow, specific traits clustering to define a smaller number of broad dimensions at a higher level of abstraction.
  • In developing the NEO-PI-R as a hierarchical measure of personality, the authors used a top-down strategy, beginning with the five well-established factors or domains-N, E, 0 , A, and C-and subdividing each into six more specific facet scales.
  • They should represent maximally distinct aspects of the domain, be roughly equivalent in breadth, and be conceptually rooted in the existing psychological literature.
  • Facet analysis may be particularly useful in interpreting empirically-keyed scales (such as the occupational scales of R. Hogan and Gough) , which often combine aspe:cts of several different dimensions.
  • In clinical practice, the interpretation of a hierarchical profile can facilitate understanding of the client.

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1995, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Domains and Facets: Hierarchical
Personality Assessment Using the
Personality Inventory
Gerontology Research Center
National Institute on Aging, NZH
Personality traits are organized hierarchically, with narrow, specific traits com-
bining to define broad, global factors. The Revised NEO Personality Inventory
(NEO-PI-R; Costa
McCrae, 1992c) assesses personality at bo1.h levels, with
six specific facet scales in each of five broad domains. This article describes
conceptual issues in specifying facets of a domain and reports evidence on the
validity of NEO-PI-R facet scales. Facet analysis-the interpretation of a scale
in terms of the specific facets with which it correlates-is illustrated using
alternative measures of the five-factor model and occupational scales. Finally,
the hierarchical interpretation of personality profiles is discussed. Interpreta-
tion on the domain level yields a rapid understanding of the individual; inter-
pretation of specific facet scales gives a more detailed assessment.
The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R; Costa
1992c) is a 240-item questionnaire designed to operationalize the five-factor
model of personality (FFM; Digman, 1990; McCrae
John, 1992). Over the
past decade, the FFM has become a dominant paradigm in personality psy-
chology, yet most attention has been focused on the
EIig Five factors them-
selves, to the neglect of the specific traits that define these factors. In this
article we emphasize the facet scales of the NEO-PI-R, discussing the logic
behind their development, the evidence of their discriminant validity, and
their utility in interpreting the nature of other personality scales. We also
address the complexities of interpreting profiles from an
instrument that
provides both a global and a detailed assessment of an individual's personal-
ity. The first part of the article may appeal chiefly to the personality theorist,

the middle part to the researcher, and the last to the clinician interested in the
assessment of individuals.
In an article on the cross-cultural invariance of personality structure,
Paunonen, Jackson, Trzebinski, and Forsterling (1992) concluded that "If
one desires a broad overview of personality dimensions, we regard the
five-factor model as most promising, but if one's theoretical or pragmatic
requirements are for a more differentiated, detailed perspective, perhaps
other measurement models should be considered" (p. 455). The same senti-
ment has been expressed by many others (Briggs, 1989; Buss, 1989;
Gorsuch, 1988), all of whom noted the greater precision of
measurement, if narrower focus, of more specific traits.
What these critics of the FFM have failed to do, however, is to agree upon
which specific traits should be measured. Many alternative sets of primary
traits have been proposed, from the 16 factors of
Cattell to the 20 Murray
needs measured by Jackson's (1984) Personality Research Form. Although
most of these scales can be interpreted in terms of the FFM, they were
constructed without reference to it and do not represent a systematic carving
up of the five-factor space. In this article we describe an approach to the
assessment of traits at both general and specific levels explicitly guided by
the FFM: The domain-and-facet approach of the
The Logic of Domains and Facets
As Goldberg (1993) noted, there is a long tradition of identifying different
levels of specificity in personality trait assessment. Conceptually, this is
usually illustrated by the combination of discrete behaviors to form specific
traits, and the combination of groups of covarying traits to form broad
dimensions of personality. Factor analysts such as Guilford, Cattell, and
Eysenck all adopted such a hierarchical model, although Guilford and Cattell
emphasized the lower level traits and Eysenck the higher. In the usual factor
analytic approach, test items were factored, usually using oblique rotations,
and the obtained factor scores were then factored themselves to yield second
order factors. Third order factors were occasionally reported.
In practice, this bottom-up scheme presented several difficulties. Most
important was the specification of the initial pool of items. What should be
included? Even large item pools may omit important aspects of personality.
For example, McCrae, Costa, and Piedmont (1993) reported that there are
relatively few items in the California Psychological Inventory that measure
Agreeableness, and
Johnson, Butcher, Null, and
N. Johnson's (1984)

item factor analysis of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
McKinley, 1983) found no factors related lo Conscientiousness.
The lexical approach, in which the body of trait names in the natural
language has been adopted as an exhaustive enumeration of traits, has
proven to be the most fruitful guide to a comprehensive model of personal-
ity; it was in analyses based on trait terms that the FFM was first discovered.
But the lexical approach has distinct limitations as the basis of a hierarchical
model of personality, first because some specific traits are not well repre-
sented in the natural language (McCrae,
1990), and second because trait
terms are found at every level of breadth (John, Ha~mpson,
1991), from extremely narrow (e.g., sanctimonious, sedentary, sirupy) to
extremely broad
(e.g., kind, weak, able). Broad terms naturally covary with
many narrower terms, whereas narrower terms may inot covary with each
other. The result is that when representative lists of trait adjectives are
factored, the broader terms account for the lion's share of the covariance,
and only five broad factors typically emerge (Goldberg, 1990).
These problems are minimized by a top-down approach to hierarchical
assessment. In the program of research that lead to the development of the
NEO-PI-R, we began by looking for the broadest and most pervasive themes
that recurred in personality measures. Eysenck's Extraversion (E) and Nm-
had already been identified as the Big Two by Wiggins (1968),
and we proposed that Openness to Experience (0) also qualified as a major
dimension of personality (Costa
McCrae, 1978).
few years later we
recognized the need for Agreeableness (A) and Conscientiou~sness (C).
Rather than use the term factors, which might apply to any level in Ihe
hierarchy, we chose to call
E, 0, A, and C domains, a term defined as "a
sphere of concern or function" (Morris, 1976, p. 389). Intellectual curiosity,
need for variety, and aesthetic sensitivity all concerned some aspect of
experiencing the world, and thus belonged in the domain of
0. Although tlhis
terminology is somewhat unusual, it is not unparalleled: A.bout the same
time, and quite independently, Digman (1979) presented a paper entitled
"The Five Major Domains of Personality Variables: Analyses of Personality
Questionnaire Data in the Light of the Five Robust Factors ]Emerging from
Studies of Rated Characteristics."
We regarded domains as multifaceted collections of specific cognitive,
affective, and behavioral tendencies that might be grouped in many different
ways, and we used the term facet to designate
the lower level traits corre-
sponding to these groupings.' Our working metaphor was the mathematical
set, which could be divided into subsets by selecting different combinations
of elements.
usage should be distinguished from that of Guttman (1954), who used the term
refer to one of several conceptual factors that, when crossed, yielded a set of variables. A
well-known example is Guilford's (1967) structure of intellect model, which uses Operation,
Content, and Product as facets in Guttman's sense.

Guidelines for Faceting Domains
Consider the set of attributes that together define the domain of
such as
chronic tendencies to feel tense, worried, irritable. There are many possible
ways to group these attributes into what we might consider specific traits
(see Figure 1). We could treat them singly, recognizing for example the
difference between tension and apprehension, as Spielberger (1972) did; or
we might combine these two with other traits like
to form
a broader anxiety cluster that might be contrasted with depression and
hostility clusters, as Zuckerman and Lubin (1965) suggested.
Hofstee, De Raad, and
Goldberg (1992), noting that many traits in the
lexicon have appreciable loadings on two of the five basic factors, have
suggested that facets can be identified by their location on the ten cir-
cumplexes formed by pairs of the five factors. Traits such as
which are primarily located in the domain of
might be grouped
together because they share a secondary loading on low A.
Each of these ways of identifying specific traits within the domain of
reasonable, but the differences among them explain why there is so little
consensus on lower level traits (Briggs, 1989). In fact, with only twelve
elements in a set, there are 4,094 different proper,
non-null subsets. The
ways in which a domain as broad as
could be subdivided is virtually
This is not to say that the identification of specific facets is not useful.
Even if there is an element of arbitrariness in the way in which a domain is
subdivided, there are still good reasons to make distinctions. Any meaning-
An illustration of how traits in the domain of Neuroticism might be
grouped into facets. Overlapping groupings are less meaningful than mutually exclusive

ful specification of facets should provide more information than the undif-
ferentiated global domain scale, and some specifications are more meaning-
ful than others.
Perhaps most obviously, facets should represent the more closely coviury-
ing elements within the domain, not arbitrary combinalions of elements; and
they should be mutually exclusive, with each element in the domain assigned
to only a single facet, as shown in Figure 1. Both these goals are facilitated
by factor analyses of items within the domain, because factor analysis
identifies discrete clusters of covarying items. This kind of item factor
analysis was one of the steps in the
development of NEO-PI-R facets
(Costa, McCrae,
Dye, 1991).
Ideally, all facets should be of comparable scope and breadth in content.
It would make little sense to insist upon fine distinctions in some aspects of
personality while allowing only coarse distinctions elsewhere. Narrower
facets are desirable insofar as they measure specific traits
with great fidelity,
but if the full domain is to be covered, the number of narrow facets needed
might become unmanageable.
Exhausting the domain would seem to be desirable: Just as the FFM is
intended to be a comprehensive taxonomy of all personality traits, so each
set of facets might aspire to be
comprehensive specification of the contents
of a domain. But this requirement can be problematic. For example, hypo-
chondriasis has been regarded as
facet of M (Eysenck
Wilson, 1976), but
we deliberately omitted somatic complaints from the NEO-PI-R because we
wanted an uncontaminated measure of N to predict health complaints. It is
sometimes difficult to know the boundary between a domain of personality
and its external correlates.
Finally, the facets of each domain should be as consistent as possible with
existing psychological constructs. It is in combing the literature that
identify traits relevant to each domain, and, where empirically supportable,
it makes sense to retain these initial constructs. They are familiar to person-
ality psychologists, and their previous use suggests that they will have some
utility. The MEO-PI-R N fwets of Anxiety, Angry Hostility, Depression,
Self-Consn;iousness, Impulsiveness, and Vulnerability all hawe clear roots in
the psychological literature (Costa
McCrae, 1980).
Complication: Overlapping Domains
The elegance of a purely hierarchical model of personality structure is
marred by the fact that the domains themselves are not mutually exclusive.
That is to say, there are traits that appear to lie within two or more domains.
In the language of factor analysis, personality cannot be adequately
scribed by simple structure; some traits load on more tlhan one factor.
This phenomenon is most clearly illustrated by the Interpersonal Cir-
cumplex (Leary, 1957; Wiggins, 19791, a circular arrangement of traits

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01 Jan 1999
TL;DR: The Big Five taxonomy as discussed by the authors is a taxonomy of personality dimensions derived from analyses of the natural language terms people use to describe themselves 3 and others, and it has been used for personality assessment.
Abstract: 2 Taxonomy is always a contentious issue because the world does not come to us in neat little packages (S. Personality has been conceptualized from a variety of theoretical perspectives, and at various levels of Each of these levels has made unique contributions to our understanding of individual differences in behavior and experience. However, the number of personality traits, and scales designed to measure them, escalated without an end in sight (Goldberg, 1971). Researchers, as well as practitioners in the field of personality assessment, were faced with a bewildering array of personality scales from which to choose, with little guidance and no overall rationale at hand. What made matters worse was that scales with the same name often measure concepts that are not the same, and scales with different names often measure concepts that are quite similar. Although diversity and scientific pluralism are useful, the systematic accumulation of findings and the communication among researchers became difficult amidst the Babel of concepts and scales. Many personality researchers had hoped that they might devise the structure that would transform the Babel into a community speaking a common language. However, such an integration was not to be achieved by any one researcher or by any one theoretical perspective. As Allport once put it, " each assessor has his own pet units and uses a pet battery of diagnostic devices " (1958, p. 258). What personality psychology needed was a descriptive model, or taxonomy, of its subject matter. One of the central goals of scientific taxonomies is the definition of overarching domains within which large numbers of specific instances can be understood in a simplified way. Thus, in personality psychology, a taxonomy would permit researchers to study specified domains of personality characteristics, rather than examining separately the thousands of particular attributes that make human beings individual and unique. Moreover, a generally accepted taxonomy would greatly facilitate the accumulation and communication of empirical findings by offering a standard vocabulary, or nomenclature. After decades of research, the field is approaching consensus on a general taxonomy of personality traits, the " Big Five " personality dimensions. These dimensions do not represent a particular theoretical perspective but were derived from analyses of the natural-language terms people use to describe themselves 3 and others. Rather than replacing all previous systems, the Big Five taxonomy serves an integrative function because it can represent the various and diverse systems of personality …

7,787 citations

01 Jan 2008

2,973 citations

Cites background from "Domains and Facets: Hierarchical Pe..."

  • ...In 1992, Costa and McCrae published the 240-item NEO Personality Inventory, Revised (NEO PI-R; Costa & McCrae, 1992) which permits differentiated measurement of each Big Five dimension in terms of six more specific facets per factor (Costa & McCrae, 1995)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, various misgivings about the FFA are delineated and implications of these problems are drawn.
Abstract: The 5-factor approach (FFA) to personality description has been represented as a comprehensive and compelling rubric for assessment. In this article, various misgivings about the FFA are delineated. The algorithmic method of factor analysis may not provide dimensions that are incisive. The "discovery" of the five factors may be influenced by unrecognized constraints on the variable sets analyzed. Lexical analyses are based on questionable conceptual and methodological assumptions, and have achieved uncertain results. The questionnaire version of the FFA has not demonstrated the special merits and sufficiencies of the five factors settled upon. Serious uncertainties have arisen in regard to the claimed 5-factor structure and the substantive meanings of the factors. Some implications of these problems are drawn.

1,551 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this validation study involving a sample of over 400 respondents, all HEXACO-PI scales showed high internal consistency reliabilities, conformed to the hypothesized six-factor structure, and showed adequate convergent validities with external variables.
Abstract: We introduce a personality inventory designed to measure six major dimensions of personality derived from lexical studies of personality structure. The HEXACO Personality Inventory (HEXACO-PI) consists of 24 facet-level personality trait scales that define the six personality factors named Honesty-Humility (H), Emotionality (E), Extraversion (X), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), and Openness to Experience (O). In this validation study involving a sample of over 400 respondents, all HEXACO-PI scales showed high internal consistency reliabilities, conformed to the hypothesized six-factor structure, and showed adequate convergent validities with external variables. The HEXACO factor space, and the rotations of factors within that space, are discussed with reference to J. S. Wiggins' work on the circumplex.

1,525 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The Self-concept Clarity Scale (SCC) as discussed by the authors measures the extent to which selfbeliefs are clearly and confidently defined, internally consistent, and stable, and is associated with high Neuroticism, low SE, low Conscientiousness, low Agreeableness, chronic self-analysis, low internal state awareness, and a ruminative form of self-focused attention.
Abstract: Self-concept clarity (SCC) references a structural aspect oftbe self-concept: the extent to which selfbeliefs are clearly and confidently defined, internally consistent, and stable. This article reports the SCC Scale and examines (a) its correlations with self-esteem (SE), the Big Five dimensions, and self-focused attention (Study l ); (b) its criterion validity (Study 2); and (c) its cultural boundaries (Study 3 ). Low SCC was independently associated with high Neuroticism, low SE, low Conscientiousness, low Agreeableness, chronic self-analysis, low internal state awareness, and a ruminative form of self-focused attention. The SCC Scale predicted unique variance in 2 external criteria: the stability and consistency of self-descriptions. Consistent with theory on Eastern and Western selfconstruals, Japanese participants exhibited lower levels of SCC and lower correlations between SCC and SE than did Canadian participants.

1,453 citations

Cites methods from "Domains and Facets: Hierarchical Pe..."

  • ...For example, Costa and McCrae (1995) correlated self-ratings on the California Q-set (CQS; Block, 1961b) with facet scales of Neuroticism and found that the item "has a clearcut, consistent personality" was among the highest correlates of the anxiety, angry hostility, and impulsiveness facets of Neuroticism (see also McCrae & Costa, 1992)....


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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigated the relation of the Big Five personality dimensions (extraversion, emotional stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience) to three job performance criteria (job proficiency, training proficiency, and personnel data) for five occupational groups (professionals, police, managers, sales, and skilled/semi-skilled).
Abstract: This study investigated the relation of the “Big Five” personality dimensions (Extraversion, Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience) to three job performance criteria (job proficiency, training proficiency, and personnel data) for five occupational groups (professionals, police, managers, sales, and skilled/semi-skilled). Results indicated that one dimension of personality, Conscientiousness, showed consistent relations with all job performance criteria for all occupational groups. For the remaining personality dimensions, the estimated true score correlations varied by occupational group and criterion type. Extraversion was a valid predictor for two occupations involving social interaction, managers and sales (across criterion types). Also, both Openness to Experience and Extraversion were valid predictors of the training proficiency criterion (across occupations). Other personality dimensions were also found to be valid predictors for some occupations and some criterion types, but the magnitude of the estimated true score correlations was small (ρ < .10). Overall, the results illustrate the benefits of using the 5-factor model of personality to accumulate and communicate empirical findings. The findings have numerous implications for research and practice in personnel psychology, especially in the subfields of personnel selection, training and development, and performance appraisal.

8,018 citations

"Domains and Facets: Hierarchical Pe..." refers background in this paper

  • ...It is not surprising that C emerges as an important element in job performance; meta-analyses have identified C as a predictor of successful performance in a wide variety of occupations ( Barrick & Mount, 1991 )....


  • ...It is not surprising that C emerges as an important element in job performance; meta-analyses have identified C as a predictor of successful performance in a wide variety of occupations (Barrick & Mount, 1991)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the auteur discute un modele a cinq facteurs de la personnalite qu'il confronte a d'autres systemes de the personNalite and don't les correlats des dimensions sont analyses.
Abstract: L'auteur discute un modele a cinq facteurs de la personnalite qu'il confronte a d'autres systemes de la personnalite et dont les correlats des dimensions sont analyses ainsi que les problemes methodologiques

6,111 citations

"Domains and Facets: Hierarchical Pe..." refers background in this paper

  • ...A number of alternative measures of the five factors have been offered, and despite differences in labels (Digman, 1990), there is empirical evidence of convergence among them at a global level (e.g., Briggs, 1992)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is argued that the five-factor model of personality should prove useful both for individual assessment and for the elucidation of a number of topics of interest to personality psychologists.
Abstract: The five-factor model of personality is a hierarchical organization of personality traits in terms of five basic dimensions: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience. Research using both natural language adjectives and theoretically based personality questionnaires supports the comprehensiveness of the model and its applicability across observers and cultures. This article summarizes the history of the model and its supporting evidence; discusses conceptions of the nature of the factors; and outlines an agenda for theorizing about the origins and operation of the factors. We argue that the model should prove useful both for individual assessment and for the elucidation of a number of topics of interest to personality psychologists.

5,838 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The generality of this 5-factor model is here demonstrated across unusually comprehensive sets of trait terms, which suggest their potential utility as Big-Five markers in future studies.
Abstract: In the 45 years since Cattell used English trait terms to begin the formulation of his "description of personality," a number of investigators have proposed an alternative structure based on 5 orthogonal factors. The generality of this 5-factor model is here demonstrated across unusually comprehensive sets of trait terms. In the first of 3 studies, 1,431 trait adjectives grouped into 75 clusters were analyzed; virtually identical structures emerged in 10 replications, each based on a different factor-analytic procedure. A 2nd study of 479 common terms grouped into 133 synonym clusters revealed the same structure in 2 samples of self-ratings and in 2 samples of peer ratings. None of the factors beyond the 5th generalized across the samples. In the 3rd study, analyses of 100 clusters derived from 339 trait terms suggest their potential utility as Big-Five markers in future studies.

5,621 citations

"Domains and Facets: Hierarchical Pe..." refers background in this paper

  • ...The result is that when representative lists of trait adjectives are factored, the broader terms account for the lion's share of the covariance, and only five broad factors typically emerge (Goldberg, 1990)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a set of 100 unipolar terms for personality traits was developed and compared with previously developed ones based on far larger sets of trait adjectives, as well as with the scales from the NEO and Hogan personality inventories.
Abstract: To satisfy the need in personality research for factorially univocal measures of each of the 5 domains that subsume most English-language terms for personality-traits, new sets of Big-Five factor markers were investigated. In studies of adjective-anchored bipolar rating scales, a transparent format was found to produce factor markers that were more univocal than the same scales administered in the traditional format. Nonetheless, even the transparent bipolar scales proved less robust as factor markers than did parallel sets of adjectives administered in unipolar format. A set of 100 unipolar terms proved to be highly robust across quite diverse samples of self and peer descriptions. These new markers were compared with previously developed ones based on far larger sets of trait adjectives, as well as with the scales from the NEO and Hogan personality inventories.

4,777 citations

"Domains and Facets: Hierarchical Pe..." refers background in this paper

  • ...~ Yet both 0 and Intellectance have been regarded as measures of the fifth factor discovered in lexical analyses, and Goldberg (1992) reported correlations of .46 and -39, respectively, between these two scales and his fifth factor, which he labeled Intellect....


  • ...Ideas, and a modest correlation with Openness to ,Aesthetics, but it is olherwise unrelated to facets of o.~ Yet both 0 and Intellectance have been regarded as measures of the fifth factor discovered in lexical analyses, and Goldberg (1992) reported correlations of .46 and -39, respectively, between these two scales and his fifth factor, which he labeled Intellect....


  • ...Hofstee, De Raad, and Goldberg (1992), noting that many traits in the lexicon have appreciable loadings on two of the five basic factors, have suggested that facets can be identified by their location on the ten circumplexes formed by pairs of the five factors....
