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El derecho y la (ir) reversibilidad limitada de los derechos sociales de los ciudadanos: las líneas rojas constitucionales a los recortes y la sostenibilidad social

01 Jan 2013-
About: The article was published on 2013-01-01 and is currently open access. It has received 6 citations till now.
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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors explain how active employment policies and cooperatives are perfectly suited to fulfil the mandates outlined in the 1978 Spanish Constitution in relation to the promotion of cooperatives (Article 129.2), and to policies oriented towards full employment (Article 40.1), which fall under the overall protection of social rights.
Abstract: This text explains how active employment policies and cooperatives are perfectly suited to fulfil the mandates outlined in the 1978 Spanish Constitution in relation to the promotion of cooperatives (Article 129.2), and to policies oriented towards full employment (Article 40.1), which fall under the overall protection of social rights. After analysing the provisions contained in these two articles, details are provided as to how the economic crisis and the strict balanced budget policies that ensued have also weakened the constitutional protection of social rights, with the adoption of regressive measures whose compatibility with the Constitution has been accepted by the Spanish Constitutional Court (despite divided opinions among the Court’s members). Finally, an analysis is conducted of the options available within the Spanish legal system to protect and encourage cooperative societies. It is then argued that cooperatives can be a very useful instrument to create employment, even within the most innovative and dynamic sectors of the economy. These sectors include, for example, the collaborative economy (which includes the digital economy), the ‘white economy’, the ‘green economy’ and the ‘circular economy’. Received : 01 October 2018 Accepted : 07 March 2019 Published online : 22 July 2019

40 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
08 Jul 2020
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss the importance of the right to protection against poverty and social exclusion, emphasizing the crucial role of Article 30 of the European Social Charter and the European Committee Social Rights case-law.
Abstract: espanolLa efectividad del derecho a la proteccion contra la pobreza y la exclusion social constituye la tarea mas excelsa del jurista, tendente a conseguir el objetivo ultimo de la Justicia y el respeto de la Dignidad Humana. Con tal premisa, en primer lugar, el autor defiende que tal derecho, por su caracter multifacetico, ilustra de manera paradigmatica el caracter indivisible de todos los derechos humanos. En segundo termino, el articulo analiza la progresiva consolidacion de los estandares internacionales (universales y europeos) en el ambito de la erradicacion de la pobreza y la exclusion social, poniendo el acento en el papel crucial del articulo 30 de la Carta Social Europea y de la jurisprudencia del Comite Europeo de Derechos Sociales. A continuacion, el autor somete a escrutinio el impacto de esos estandares en algunas experiencias nacionales, concretamente en Francia y Finlandia y, sobre todo, en el debate y situacion actual en Espana a la luz de la reciente introduccion del ingreso minimo vital. Finalmente, las conclusiones subrayan la importancia del derecho a la proteccion contra la pobreza y la exclusion social, un verdadero reto agravado por la crisis del COVID-19. EnglishThe effectiveness of the right to protection against poverty and social exclusion constitutes the jurist's highest task, as it aims at achieving the ultimate objective of Justice and respect for Human Dignity. With such a premise, the author first defends that such right, due to its multifaceted nature, paradigmatically illustrates the indivisible character of all human rights. Secondly, the paper analyzes the progressive consolidation of international (universal and European) standards in eradicating poverty and social exclusion, emphasizing the crucial role of Article 30 of the European Social Charter and the European Committee Social Rights’ case-law. Then, the author submits the impact of these standards on some national experiences to scrutiny. Special focus is placed on France and Finland and, above all, on the current debate and situation in Spain in light of the recent introduction of the minimum vital income. Finally, the conclusions underline the importance of the right to protection against povertyand social exclusion, a genuine challenge exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
01 Feb 2021
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors analyze the interpretive value and the effectiveness of the SDG in the Spanish constitutional system through illustrations of legislative, executive and judicial practice, as well as as many other multi-level constitutionalism challenges.
Abstract: espanolEl Derecho Constitucional, y especialmente el Constitucionalismo Social, no puede quedar al margen del analisis de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). En efecto, la Agenda 2030 constituye una Agenda de Constitucionalismo Global de naturaleza basicamente social. Desde esta perspectiva, los ODS integran una especie de Pilar Universal de Derechos Sociales y, como consecuencia, inspiran el modelo social europeo y la realizacion de los derechos sociales en el orden constitucional nacional. Con tales premisas, el autor somete a analisis el valor interpretativo y la efectividad de los ODS en el sistema constitucional espanol a traves de ilustraciones de la practica legislativa, ejecutiva y judicial. Sin embargo, como retos de constitucionalismo multinivel, los ODS conforman no solo una agenda para los poderes publicos, sino asimismo un compromiso para el conjunto de la ciudadania y del tercer sector, sin olvidar el compromiso de los demas actores de la sociedad, incluyendo la Academia. EnglishConstitutional Law, and Social Constitutionalism in particular, cannot avoid the analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Indeed, the 2030 Agenda constitutes an Agenda for Global Constitutionalism of an essentially social nature. From this perspective, the SDG integrate a kind of Universal Pillar of Social Rights and, as a result, inspire both the European social model and the realization of social rights in the national constitutional order. With these premises, the author analyzes the interpretive value and the effectiveness of the SDG in the Spanish constitutional system through illustrations of legislative, executive and judicial practice. However, as many other multi-level constitutionalism challenges, the SDG make up not only an agenda for the public authorities, but also a commitment for the whole citizenship and the third sector, without forgetting the commitment of the other relevant societal actors, including the academia.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
01 Aug 2021
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss the importance of good administration within the health sector, which implies the realization of rights previously acknowledged by the health laws and the strengthtening of the legal position of the patient.
Abstract: espanolEl ambito sanitario constituye uno de los sectores que presentan una mayor importancia para la ciudadania, como ha puesto en evidencia la actual crisis. por ello se deben producir avances que garanticen la adecuada gestion de este servicio publico. Desde hace tiempo se han venido reclamando cambios estructurales muchos de los cuales se pueden impulsar desde los principios de buen gobierno como desde una implantacion real y efectiva del derecho a una buena administracion. Desde la perspectiva del buen gobierno son necesarios unos mayores avances que garanticen aspectos como la equidad, la profesionalizacion de la toma de decisiones y la implantacion de codigos eticos de conducta. Por su parte, la buena administracion en el ambito sanitario implica la consecucion de derechos previamente reconocidos en las normas sanitarias y el refuerzo de la posicion juridica del paciente. EnglishHealth is one of the most important sectors for citizenship, as the ongoing crisis has shown, and accordingly some advances have to be introduced in order to ensure the adequeate managing of this public service. For some time now some structural changes have been called which many of them can be promoted both from the principle of good government and from a real and effective implementation of the right to good adminisration. From the perspective of the good government, some advances are necessary to ensure issues as equity, the profesionalization of the decision making process and the implantation of the ethic codes of conduct. For its part, good administration within the health sector implies the realization of rights previously acknowledged by the health laws and the strengthtening of the legal position of the patient. euskaraOsasunaren eremua sektorerik garrantzitsuenetako bat da herritarrentzat, oraingo krisiak agerian utzi duen bezala, eta horregatik, zerbitzu publiko hori egoki kudeatzea bermatzen duten aurrerapenak gertatu behar dira. Egiturazko aldaketak eskatu dira aspalditik, eta gobernu onaren printzipioetatik bultzatu ahal dira horietako asko, bai eta administrazio on baterako eskubidea benetan eta eraginkortasunez ezarriz ere. Gobernu onaren ikuspegitik aurrerapen handiagoak behar dira zenbait alderdi bermatzeko, hala nola ekitatea, erabakiak hartzeko prozesuaren profesionalizatzea eta jokabide-kode etikoen ezarpena. Eremu sanitarioko administrazio onak, berriz, arau sanitarioetan aurretiaz aitortutako eskubideak lortzea dakar, bai eta pazientearen egoera juridikoa indartzea ere.

1 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
08 Jul 2020
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss the impact of the incorporation of the principles of stability and financial sustainability into the Spanish legal system has had on the local administration in the period 2011-2019.
Abstract: espanolLa entrada en vigor de la reforma del Art. 135 CE el 27 de Septiembre de 2011 en el marco de la aplicacion de los principios de estabilidad presupuestaria y sostenibilidad financiera establecidos a nivel comunitario se tradujo en la aprobacion de la Ley Organica 27/2012, de 27 de Abril de Estabilidad Presupuestaria y Sostenibilidad Financiera (LOEPSF) y la Ley 27/2013, de 27 de Diciembre, de Racionalizacion y Sostenibilidad de la Administracion Local (LRSAL) que vinieron a establecer medidas de disciplina fiscal y contencion del deficit de caracter severo en el ambito de las Administraciones Locales. Como consecuencia de su aplicacion, las entidades locales perdieron 57.073 empleados en el periodo 2008-2018, vieron alterado su regimen de participacion en los ingresos del Estado y de sus respectivas Comunidades Autonomas, al tiempo que su capacidad de materializar politicas publicas basadas en el despliegue de los derechos sociales en un contexto de recesion economica quedaron comprometidas. Conocer el impacto que la incorporacion de los principios de estabilidad y sostenibilidad financiera al ordenamiento juridico espanol ha tenido sobre la Administracion local en el periodo 2011-2019 es el objeto del presente articulo. EnglishThe approval of the reform of Article 135 of the spanishConstitution on 27 September 2011 in the framework of the implementation of the principles of budgetary stability and financial sustainability established at Community level resulted in the adoption of Organic Law 27/2012, April 27 on Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability (LOEPSF) and Law 27/2013 of December 27 on Local Government Rationalization and Sustainability (LRSAL) which established measures of fiscal discipline and severe deficit containment in the field of local governments. As a result of its implementation, the local governments lost 57,073 employees in the period 2008-2018, they altered their sharing regime in the State's income and their respective regions while their ability to realize public policies based on the deployment of social rights in a context of economic recession were compromised. Knowing the impact that the incorporation of the principles of stability and financial sustainability into the Spanish legal system has had on the local administration in the period 2011-2019 is the object of this article.