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Journal Article•DOI•

Evacuation Route Selection Based on Tree-Based Hazards Using Light Detection and Ranging and GIS

01 Apr 2006-Journal of Transportation Engineering-asce (American Society of Civil Engineers)-Vol. 132, Iss: 4, pp 312-320
TL;DR: A novel methodology for automating the tree threat identification process by using airborne laser altimetry data and a geographical information system (GIS) has the potential to be used for selecting the best possible evacuation routes based on tree hazards.
Abstract: Falling trees pose a great hazard to the safe and uninterrupted use of the road transportation system during storm events. The present process of manually identifying potentially hazardous trees is laborious and inefficient. This paper presents a novel methodology for automating the tree threat identification process by using airborne laser altimetry data and a geographical information system (GIS). This methodology has the potential to be used for selecting the best possible evacuation routes based on tree hazards. The proposed method harnesses the power of spatial analysis functionality provided by existing GIS software and high-quality, three-dimensional (3D) data obtained from an airborne laser scanning system. This paper highlights the benefits related to using: (1) Height calculation of tall objects; (2) identification of hazardous objects; and (3) object identification from irregular 3D light detection and ranging point data over the currently employed manual methods.

Summary (4 min read)


  • Wooded areas flank the primary and secondary road networks in many states.
  • Besides disrupting traffic flow, such incidents endanger the lives of drivers and emergency crews, hinder service restoration, and impede effect ive emergency response.
  • To avoid this, trees that may be a threat should be identified, and measures should be considered to prevent them from falling on overhead lines and thoroughfares.
  • A manual approach to such a problem is not viable, because of the time and resources necessary for the init ial assessment and the need for periodic updates.
  • In formation System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS), an automated hazard identification tool can be developed for the aforeme ntioned problem that is more economical, efficient, reliable, and safer than a manual approach.


  • Hurricanes, other strong winds, and ice storms cause tremendous damage across the United States (US) including flooding, wind-based destruction of property, and blockage of major road networks from fallen objects.
  • The blockage of roads due to fallen trees and utility lines during severe weather is a significant problem (Draper 2003).
  • The problem of tree-based hazards is well recognized, and each year millions of dollars are spent annually to identify and cut or trim such trees (Act 2003).
  • In most states, identificat ion of potentially hazardous tall objects has, to date, been done manually by road crews on an ad hoc basis.
  • Light Detection And Ranging , a recent advancement in RS technologies, offers the potential of automated and expeditious data collection , and GIS provides a means to analyze and process such data.

LiDAR and Its Characteristics

  • LiDAR is an active remote sensing technology that is used to collect topographic data (NOAA 2003).
  • The difference in time is measured from when a laser pulse is emitted from a sensor to when the target objects in the path of the laser reflect back the pulse.
  • The end product is accurate, geographically reg istered longitude, latitude, and elevation from the mean sea level (x, y, z) positions for every data point (Baltsavias 1999).
  • As it does not provide feature informat ion, clever and efficient algorithms are required for feature identification depending upon the desired application.

GIS and Its Characteristics

  • GIS can be defined as a computer-based tool set for collecting, storing, retriev ing, transforming, and displaying spatial data from a discipline-specific domain for a particular set of purposes (Burrough and McDonnell 1998).
  • The true strength of GIS lies not its ability to store and process data but in its spatial representation and spatial analysis (Rasdorf et al. 2000).
  • Spatial analysis involves examin ing the geographic patterns in data and observing relationships between geographical features.
  • GIS-T refers to the principles and applications of applying geographic information technologies to transportation problems (Miller and Shaw 2001).
  • For road safety hazard management, GIS can he lp to identify hazards posed by specific man-made or natural objects.


  • Because of budget restrictions, across the US there is no generalized, method to identify hazardous trees, despite the acknowledged expenses that they generate.
  • These operators are also asked to look for roadway hazards and to report them to the Highway Maintenance Supervisor.
  • A survey of 20% of the DOTs, focusing mainly on states with large tree growth and severe weather problems, established that most states were highly reactive in their approach and did not have the resources to do more than respond to calls from the public o r from maintenance workers, who happened to notice a potential hazard (Table 1).
  • Every 3 years, a computer program is used to randomly generate 3 segments (each 1/16 km in length) for a given section of highway, if it is less than 16.1 km long, in terms of its paving type and general characteristics.
  • An alternate approach to casual visual observation to manually identify the heights of the tree is to use a hypsometer.


  • The research described herein adopts a unique technique to identify and assess potentially hazardous tall objects: (a) buffer calculation, (b) elevation characterization, (c) shortest distance determination, and (d) feature identificat ion.
  • To achieve these four tasks, the proposed method employs a LiDAR dataset, a centerline GIS data set of the road network, and multi-spectral imagery.

Study Area, Data Characteristics and Software used

  • The area was selected primarily due to the availability of all the required data for the project: LiDAR data, centerline road data, and mult ispectral aerial imagery.
  • The bare -earth data are required to have a vertical RMSE of 20-cm for coastal counties and 25- cm for inland counties, computed after discarding the worst 5% of the checkpoints to account for un -cleaned artifacts (NCFPM 2003).
  • The centerline road data were collected and produced by NCDOT.
  • The projection is NAD83, North Caro lina State Plane, and the original data units are in feet.
  • The fo llowing provided functions were employed: Buffer Pointdistance Table Query ing and Manipulation Identify.

Buffer Calculation

  • Airborne LiDAR systems are capable of producing extremely detailed informat ion of even small scanned areas (Baltsavias 1999), but to achieve a high level of detail requires substantial processing time.
  • An effective measure to counter such resource intensiveness, while not losing the desired level of detail, is to reduce the dataset size.
  • In order to select the relevant data points, a buffer zone can be created around the road network; should fringe lane data be available, instead of centerline data, an even more accurate evaluation is possible.
  • Only points that lie within the defined buffer zone are selected.
  • The criterion for a 120m buffer zone was based on the assumption that the maximum height of any tree is 60m; this parameter is easily changed to reflect local vegetative growth patterns.

Comparative Elevation Calculation

  • Once a buffer zone is established, the LiDAR points within the buffer zone need to be analyzed.
  • One dataset represents a reflective surface elevation model [also known as Digital Surface Model (DSM)], which contains elevation data from the ground, as well as from vegetation, tree canopy, and other features such as buildings.
  • The other dataset represents “bare earth” ground points, which excludes additions to the terrain.
  • Height informat ion above bare ground surface is important to determine the potential hazard posed by any tall object within the buffer zone.
  • The height column is the elevation difference for LiDAR points 0001-0004, whereas the distance column reflects the respective shortest distance value to their nearest road segments.

Shortest Distance Calculation

  • After the height calculation is completed, the shortest distances between the LiDAR points (within the buffer zone) and their adjoining road are calculated by subtracting half the road distance from the centerline position location(Table 2).
  • GIS based applications can determine the shortest distance between a point feature and a line or polygon feature.
  • ArcInfo TM from ESRI is used to perform the shortest-distance calculations.
  • The distance between the LiDAR point and its adjoining road centerline is stored as attribute data for the corresponding LiDAR point (Table 2).

Vulnerability Analysis

  • The objective of the vulnerability analysis determines those LiDAR points that represent potentially hazardous trees.
  • If the elevation of any LiDAR point represents a height that is greater than its calculated, shortest distance to the adjacent road, the object representing the corresponding point may pose a threat to the road, should the tall object fall perpendicular to the road.
  • Li, then object = hazard Table 3 shows that in this data subset only points A and D are at elevation values greater than their shortest distance values.
  • The analysis is relatively complicated as it would have to be repeatedly done for every section, where a tree is present.
  • Thus, the relatively simple approach presented here can be considered more economical.

Risk Assessment Prioritization

  • Hazard identification is the first step to risk assessment prioritization.
  • The percentage of the road pavement that might be impacted should actually be considered the sweep over which the tree may fa ll (eqn 4) [Figure 5b] subtracted by the non-pavement portion (eqn 4) to assess the full area of vulnerable pavement (eqn 5).
  • The traffic volume could be considered, and whe ther or not alternate routes exist could be incorporated as part of the evaluation process.
  • In order to identify the shape and dimension of objects, an algorithm is required.
  • The approach uses buffering to group LiDAR points belonging to a hazard area.


  • In December of 2003, two inspectors were sent to the study area to conduct visual hazard identificat ion assessments.
  • Because of tree density, cluster identification was not possible.
  • A reas with 1 or 2 trees were listed as hazardous as those with 6 or 8; further system refinement could include algorithms to identify how many hazardous items exist along a specified road length.
  • As such procedures become routine and the cost of technology decreases, this automated approach may eventua lly serve as a cost effective method by itself.
  • By integrating growth trends for local vegetation, the values for H i can be automatically augmented annually, thereby precluding the need for frequent flyovers for data collection.


  • An automated tree-hazard pred iction methodology that utilizes GIS and high quality remotely sensed data offers substantial advantages over existing manual process in terms of safety, speed, and efficiency.
  • This method avoids the extensive use of labor in surveying long lengths of highways.
  • Since the identification process is automated and computationally efficient, the process is many times faster than manual approach and can be achieved in a systematic and automated fashion.
  • Thus, the deployed method demonstrates the capability of 3D LiDAR data combined with GIS-based software to identify potentially hazardous tall objects adjacent to major roads.
  • Such a system can render substantial help to optimize evacuation route selection.

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Title Evacuation route selection based on tree-based hazards using LiDar and GIS
Authors(s) Laefer, Debra F.; Pradhan, Anu
Publication date 2006-04
Publication information Journal of Transportation Engineering, 132 (4): 312-320, Technical papers
Publisher American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE)
Link to online version
Item record/more information
Publisher's version (DOI) 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-947X(2006)132:4(312)
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Evacuation Route Selection Based on Tree-Based
Hazards Using LiDAR and GIS
Debra F. Laefer,
M. ASCE and Anu R. Pradhan
Falling trees pose a great hazard to the safe and uninterrupted use of the road transportation system, during storm
events. The present process of manually identifying potentially hazardous trees is laborious and inefficient. This
paper presents a novel methodology for automating the tree threat identification process by using airborne laser
altimetry data and a Geographical Information System (GIS). This methodology has the potential to be used for
selecting the best possible evacuation routes based on tree hazards. The proposed method harnesses the power of
spatial analysis functionality provided by existing GIS software and high-quality, three-dimensional (3D) data
obtained from an airborne laser scanning system. This paper highlights the benefits related to using (a) height
calculation of tall objects, (b) identification of hazardous objects, and (c) object identification from irregular 3D
Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) point data over the currently employed manual methods.
KEYWORDS: Geographic Information Systems, Roadside Hazards, Highway Maintenance, Trees,
Transportation Management, Highway Safety, Lasers, Evacuation
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University College Dublin, Earlsfort Terrace, Room 115, Dublin 2, Ireland. Email:
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, PH 119, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. Email:

Wooded areas flank the primary and secondary road networks in many states. During severe weather incidents,
fallen trees knock down power lines, endanger telephone lines, and block roadways. Besides disrupting traffic flow,
such incidents endanger the lives of drivers and emergency crews, hinder service restoration, and impede effective
emergency response. To avoid this, trees that may be a threat should be identified, and measures should be
considered to prevent them from falling on overhead lines and thoroughfares. Before preventive measures can be
considered, however, these trees must be identified. A manual approach to such a problem is not viable, because of
the time and resources necessary for the initial assessment and the need for periodic updates. New technologies offer
the possibility of automating such an identification process. With advances in Geographical Information System
(GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS), an automated hazard identification tool can be developed for the aforementioned
problem that is more economical, efficient, reliable, and safer than a manual approach. The ideal application of such
an evaluation is in the selection of the most reliable evacuation routes. The goal of this research is to describe the
development of such algorithms and the resources necessary to automate identification of trees that may endanger
transportation routes.
Hurricanes, other strong winds, and ice storms cause tremendous damage across the United States (US) including
flooding, wind-based destruction of property, and blockage of major road networks from fallen objects. The direct
cost of such incidents can be in the billions of dollars, as was the case with hurricane Floyd in 1999 in eastern North
Carolina ($5.45 billion in damage costs) [Herbert et al. 1997], as well as indirect costs for economic losses due to
closed businesses and lost productivity. The blockage of roads due to fallen trees and utility lines during severe
weather is a significant problem (Draper 2003). According to the North Carolina Division of Emergency
Management, after hurricane Isabel, Bertie County alone required tree debris removal from all roads in the county
except three, totaling 780 km of road from which 52,865 cubic meter or 43,245.27 kg of debris was removed, at a
cost of $1.6 million, over the course of 84 days (Canty 2004). Beyond economics, posing a great risk to motorists,
and interfering with utility service, roadway obstacles also disrupt traffic flow, and thus hamper evacuation and
rescue operations.

The problem of tree-based hazards is well recognized, and each year millions of dollars are spent annually to
identify and cut or trim such trees (Act 2003). In most states, identification of potentially hazardous tall objects has,
to date, been done manually by road crews on an ad hoc basis. The task is significant. In North Carolina (NC) alone,
there are 125,580 km of state maintained roads, not including 34,680 km of county and city roads (NC-DOT 2003)
covering an area of 136,523 km
(State Library of NC 2004). Across the US, the national interstate system alone is
comprised of 75,150 km of highway (FHWA 2003). As such, a manual approach to hazardous tree identification is
cost prohibitive as well as time-consuming, especially since the effort would require periodic updates because of tree
growth and road expansion. Thus, an automated process that is fast and potentially cost-effective, during initial
identification and later updating, is critically needed.
At the most elementary level, for an automated tool to be effective it should be able to (a) identify the roads of
interest, (b) locate tall objects, (c) calculate the heights of potentially hazardous objects along the roads, and (d)
compare the height of the object to its distance from the roadway. The success of such an automated tool depends on
both the quality of available data and a robust application that analyzes and processes the given data. As highly
detailed data must be collected along the entire length of road network, data gathering becomes the most time-
consuming and expensive part of the process. Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR), a recent advancement in RS
technologies, offers the potential of automated and expeditious data collection, and GIS provides a means to analyze
and process such data.
LiDAR and Its Characteristics
LiDAR is an active remote sensing technology that is used to collect topographic data (NOAA 2003). The data are
collected with aircraft-mounted lasers capable of recording elevation measurements at a rate of 5,000 to 50,000
pulses per second. The difference in time is measured from when a laser pulse is emitted from a sensor to when the
target objects in the path of the laser reflect back the pulse. Using the speed of light, these time measurements can be
converted into distance or range (Lim et al. 2001). The LiDAR instruments collect elevation data. To make these
data spatially relevant, the positions of the data points must be known. Thus, a high-precision global positioning
system (GPS) antenna, mounted on the aircraft, is used to determine the spatial positions of the data points. The end

product is accurate, geographically registered longitude, latitude, and elevation from the mean sea level (x, y, z)
positions for every data point (Baltsavias 1999). Latitude, longitude, and elevation are typically presented in a plane
co-ordinate system.
LiDAR is capable of providing both horizontal and vertical information at high spatial resolutions and vertical
accuracies. Airborne-based LiDAR data are accurate to +/-15 cm for vertical measurements and +/- 1.5 m (worst
case scenario) for horizontal distances (Flood 1999), although the system is marketed as having an accuracy of an
order of magnitude better in both directions (ALTM 2003). The extent of LiDAR point density is dependent on
flying height and system dependent factors such as platform velocity, sampling frequency, and field of view
(Axelsson 1999). The point density needs to be adjusted according to the application so that sufficient information is
harvested, while not collecting excessively detailed data. LiDAR technology has been used in many areas of
applications such as (a) generation for a variety of GIS/mapping related products, (b) forestry, (c) coastal
engineering, (d) flood plain mapping, (e) disaster response and damage assessment, and (f) urban modeling
(Airbornelasermapping 2003).
A current limitation of LiDAR is that it does not store any topological, shape, or size information of the
geographical features scanned. A LiDAR dataset is simply a collection of somewhat randomly distributed 3D points.
As it does not provide feature information, clever and efficient algorithms are required for feature identification
depending upon the desired application. Identification of tree hazards requires such an algorithm. LiDAR provides
only qualitative data, thus software capable of analysis is also required. GIS possesses such capabilities.
GIS and Its Characteristics
GIS can be defined as a computer-based tool set for collecting, storing, retrieving, transforming, and displaying
spatial data from a discipline-specific domain for a particular set of purposes (Burrough and McDonnell 1998).
Although computer aided design (CAD) software can perform similar functions, the true strength of GIS lies not its
ability to store and process data but in its spatial representation and spatial analysis (Rasdorf et al. 2000). Spatial
analysis involves examining the geographic patterns in data and observing relationships between geographical

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Journal Article•DOI•
TL;DR: In this article, a literature review summarises findings from road safety research, identifying trends in tree and site factors that have been used to model single car crash frequency and severity, finding that the location of a tree (i.e. distance from the roadway) was a significant predictor of crash likelihood or severity.
Abstract: Roadside trees can help calm traffic, define roadways and reduce drivers’ stress. However, roadside trees are also one of the most common components of urban infrastructure involved in single-vehicle crashes. The aim of this review is to identify and summarise research findings on risk assessment for tree crashes and the effect of roadside vegetation on drivers’ psychology and behaviour. The literature was obtained by entering keywords into multiple search engines and tracking down references that were cited in articles that were on-point. This literature review summarises findings from road safety research, identifying trends in tree and site factors that have been used to model single car crash frequency and severity. In looking at 10 similar studies, 8 found that the location of a tree (i.e. distance from the roadway) was a significant predictor of crash likelihood or severity. Other recurring predictors of tree-related car crashes include time of day and roadway geometry (e.g. the presence of ...

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  • ...To the extent that trees have been evaluated as potential roadside hazards, research has often focused on tree failures that may impact passing vehicles on nearby roadways (Ellison, 2005; Laefer & Pradhan, 2006; Rooney, Ryan, Bloniarz, & Kane, 2005; Stewart et al., 2013)....


Journal Article•DOI•
TL;DR: The proposed voxel-based method for segmenting point clouds is the fastest and achieves the best mean scores among the methods tested, and some effective solutions are introduced for the noise units that do not have surface features.
Abstract: In 3D point cloud processing, the spatial continuity of points is convenient for segmenting point clouds obtained by 3D laser scanners, RGB-D cameras and LiDAR (light detection and ranging) systems in general. In real life, the surface features of both objects and structures give meaningful information enabling them to be identified and distinguished. Segmenting the points by using their local plane directions (normals), which are estimated by point neighborhoods, is a method that has been widely used in the literature. The angle difference between two nearby local normals allows for measurement of the continuity between the two planes. In real life, the surfaces of objects and structures are not simply planes. Surfaces can also be found in other forms, such as cylinders, smooth transitions and spheres. The proposed voxel-based method developed in this paper solves this problem by inspecting only the local curvatures with a new merging criteria and using a non-sequential region growing approach. The general prominent feature of the proposed method is that it mutually one-to-one pairs all of the adjoining boundary voxels between two adjacent segments to examine the curvatures of all of the pairwise connections. The proposed method uses only one parameter, except for the parameter of unit point group (voxel size), and it does not use a mid-level over-segmentation process, such as supervoxelization. The method checks the local surface curvatures using unit normals, which are close to the boundary between two growing adjacent segments. Another contribution of this paper is that some effective solutions are introduced for the noise units that do not have surface features. The method has been applied to one indoor and four outdoor datasets, and the visual and quantitative segmentation results have been presented. As quantitative measurements, the accuracy (based on the number of true segmented points over all points) and F1 score (based on the means of precision and recall values of the reference segments) are used. The results from testing over five datasets show that, according to both measurement techniques, the proposed method is the fastest and achieves the best mean scores among the methods tested.

18 citations

Proceedings Article•DOI•
08 Jul 2015
TL;DR: A comparative study of software libraries and new algorithms to optimise the processing of LiDAR data is presented and a new method to improve this process is proposed with experiments on large LiDar data.
Abstract: Laser scanning (also known as Light Detection And Ranging) has been widely applied in various application. As part of that, aerial laser scanning (ALS) has been used to collect topographic data points for a large area, which triggers to million points to be acquired. Furthermore, today, with integrating full wareform (FWF) technology during ALS data acquisition, all return information of laser pulse is stored. Thus, ALS data are to be massive and complexity since the FWF of each laser pulse can be stored up to 256 samples and density of ALS data is also increasing significantly. Processing LiDAR data demands heavy operations and the traditional approaches require significant hardware and running time. On the other hand, researchers have recently proposed parallel approaches for analysing LiDAR data. These approaches are normally based on parallel architecture of target systems such as multi-core processors, GPU, etc. However, there is still missing efficient approaches/tools supporting the analysis of LiDAR data due to the lack of a deep study on both library tools and algorithms used in processing this data. In this paper, we present a comparative study of software libraries and new algorithms to optimise the processing of LiDAR data. We also propose new method to improve this process with experiments on large LiDAR data. Finally, we discuss on a parallel solution of our approach where we integrate parallel computing in processing LiDAR data.

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  • ..., 2011), disaster management (Laefer and Pradhan, 2006; Corbane et al., 2011) and glaciology (Geist et al....


  • ...…Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote SensingSeptember 16, 2015 be used in fields such as hydrology (Hollaus et al., 2005), forestry (Hollaus et al., 2006; Yu et al., 2011), disaster management (Laefer and Pradhan, 2006; Corbane et al., 2011) and glaciology (Geist et al., 2003; Arnold et al., 2006)....


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Abstract: This paper presents a framework that is aimed at improving the performance of two existing ensemble methods (namely, AdaBoost and Bagging) for airborne light detection and ranging (LIDAR) c...

13 citations

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  • ...LIDAR data have been used for a wide range of civil and environmental engineering applications, such as transportation engineering, hydrologic modeling, flood prediction modeling, coastal monitoring, forest inventory, land use and land cover classification, and 3D visualization of cities (Aumann et al. 1991; Ma and Meyer 2005; Pasche et al. 2005; Laefer and Pradhan 2006; Cai et al. 2007; Sohn and Dowman 2007; Cai and Rasdorf 2008; Popescu and Zhao 2008; Zhao et al. 2009; Gong et al. 2012)....


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01 Jan 2001
TL;DR: The Third Edition of this bestselling textbook has been fully revised and updated to include the latest developments in the field and still retains its accessible format to appeal to a broad range of students.
Abstract: The Third Edition of this bestselling textbook has been fully revised and updated to include the latest developments in the field and still retains its accessible format to appeal to a broad range of students.Now divided into five clear sections the book investigates the unique, complex and difficult problems that are posed by geographic information and together they build into a holistic understanding of the key principles of GIS.This is the most current, authoritative and comprehensive treatment of the field, that goes from fundamental principles to the big picture of:GIS and the New World Ordersecurity, health and well-beingdigital differentiation in GIS consumptionthe core organizing role of GIS in Geographythe greening of GISgrand challenges of GISciencescience and explanationKey features:Four-colour throughoutAssociated website with free online resourcesTeachers manual available for lecturersA complete learning resource, with accompanying instructor links, free online lab resources and personal syllabiIncludes learning objectives and review boxes throughout each chapterNew in this edition:Completely revised with a new five part structure: Foundations; Principles; Techniques; Analysis; Management and PolicyAll new personality boxes of current GIS practitionersNew chapters on Distributed GIS, Map Production, Geovisualization, Modeling, and Managing GIS

2,246 citations

Journal Article•DOI•
TL;DR: An overview of basic relations and formulas concerning airborne laser scanning is given and a separate discussion is devoted to the accuracy of 3D positioning and the factors influencing it.
Abstract: An overview of basic relations and formulas concerning airborne laser scanning is given. They are divided into two main parts, the first treating lasers and laser ranging, and the second one referring to airborne laser scanning. A separate discussion is devoted to the accuracy of 3D positioning and the factors influencing it. Examples are given for most relations, using typical values for ALS and assuming an airplane platform. The relations refer mostly to pulse lasers, but CW lasers are also treated. Different scan patterns, especially parallel lines, are treated. Due to the complexity of the relations, some formulas represent approximations or are based on assumptions like constant flying speed, vertical scan, etc.

848 citations

Journal Article•DOI•
TL;DR: This paper presents some methods and algorithms concerning filtering for determining the ground surface, DEM, classification of buildings for 3D City Models and the detection of electrical power lines.
Abstract: Airborne laser scanning systems are opening new possibilities for surveys and documentation of difficult areas and objects, such as dense city areas, forest areas and electrical power lines. Laser scanner systems available on the market are presently in a fairly mature state of art while the processing of airborne laser scanner data still is in an early phase of development. To come from irregular 3D point clouds to useful representations and formats for an end-user requires continued research and development of methods and algorithms for interpretation and modelling. This paper presents some methods and algorithms concerning filtering for determining the ground surface, DEM, classification of buildings for 3D City Models and the detection of electrical power lines. The classification algorithms are based on the Minimum Description Length criterion. The use of reflectance data and multiple echoes from the laser scanner is examined and found to be useful in many applications.

767 citations

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  • ...The extent of LiDAR point den sity is dependent on fly ing height and system dependent factors such as platform velocity, sampling frequency, and field of view (Axelsson 1999)....


Journal Article•DOI•
TL;DR: Two new techniques for the determination of building models from laser altimetry data are presented, both of which work on the original laser scanner data points without the requirement of an interpolation to a regular grid.
Abstract: Two new techniques for the determination of building models from laser altimetry data are presented. Both techniques work on the original laser scanner data points without the requirement of an interpolation to a regular grid. Available ground plan information may be used, but is not required. Closed solutions for the determination of the parameters of a standard gable roof type building model based on invariant moments of 2 1r2-D point clouds are shown. In addition, the analysis of deviations between point cloud and model does allow for modelling asymmetries such as dorms on a gable roof. By intersecting planar faces nonparametric buildings with more complex roof types can also be modelled. The techniques were applied to a FLI-MAP laser scanner dataset covering an area of 500= 250 m 2 with a density of more than 5 pointsrm 2 . Within this region, all but one building could be modelled. An analysis of the variance of the parameters within a group of buildings indicates a precision in the range of 0.1-0.2 m. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

496 citations

Journal Article•DOI•
TL;DR: Two methods for data collection in urban environments are presented and the first combines multispectral imagery and laser altimeter data in an integrated classification for the extraction of buildings, trees and grass-covered areas.
Abstract: In this article, two methods for data collection in urban environments are presented. The first method combines multispectral imagery and laser altimeter data in an integrated classification for the extraction of buildings, trees and grass-covered areas. The second approach uses laser data and 2D ground plan information to obtain 3D reconstructions of buildings.

486 citations

Additional excerpts

  • ...For instance, to generate three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of buildings in urban areas, Haala and Brenner (1999) proposed the combination of multispectral imagery and laser altimeter data (LiDAR) in an integrated classification....


Frequently Asked Questions (10)
Q1. What are the contributions mentioned in the paper "Evacuation route selection based on tree-based hazards using lidar and gis" ?

This paper presents a novel methodology for automating the tree threat identification process by using airborne laser altimetry data and a Geographical Informat ion System ( GIS ). The proposed method harnesses the power of spatial analysis functionality provided by existing GIS software and high-quality, three-dimensional ( 3D ) data obtained from an airborne laser scanning system. This paper highlights the benefits related to using ( a ) height calculation of tall objects, ( b ) identification of hazardous objects, and ( c ) object identification from irregular 3D Light Detection And Ranging ( LiDAR ) point data over the currently employed manual methods. Th is methodology has the potential to be used for selecting the best possible evacuation routes based on tree hazards. 

other strong winds, and ice storms cause tremendous damage across the United States (US) including flooding, wind-based destruction of property, and blockage of major road networks from fallen objects. 

GIS can be defined as a computer-based tool set for collecting, storing, retriev ing, transforming, and displaying spatial data from a discipline-specific domain for a particular set of purposes (Burrough and McDonnell 1998). 

Airborne LiDAR systems are capable of producing extremely detailed informat ion of even small scanned areas (Baltsavias 1999), but to achieve a high level of detail requires substantial processing time. 

According to the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management, after hurricane Isabel, Bert ie County alone required tree debris removal from all roads in the county except three, totaling 780 km of road from which 52,865 cubic meter or 43,245.27 kg of debris was removed, at a cost of $1.6 million, over the course of 84 days (Canty 2004). 

The main objective of all of the aforementioned algorithms is to extract features, especially those related to geometry, from the LiDAR points. 

An effective measure to counter such resource intensiveness, while not losing the desired level of detail, is to reduce the dataset size. 

After the height calculation is completed, the shortest distances between the LiDAR points (within the buffer zone) and their adjoining road are calculated by subtracting half the road distance from the centerline position location(Table 2). 

Because of budget restrictions, across the US there is no generalized, method to identify hazardous trees, despite the acknowledged expenses that they generate. 

In this simple example, the number of data points was reduced by 83%, which decreased computation time by 67% compared to the time needed to process the non-buffered data.Â