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Proceedings ArticleDOI

Formal Verification of Smart Contracts: Short Paper

TL;DR: This paper outlines a framework to analyze and verify both the runtime safety and the functional correctness of Ethereum contracts by translation to F*, a functional programming language aimed at program verification.
Abstract: Ethereum is a framework for cryptocurrencies which uses blockchain technology to provide an open global computing platform, called the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). EVM executes bytecode on a simple stack machine. Programmers do not usually write EVM code; instead, they can program in a JavaScript-like language, called Solidity, that compiles to bytecode. Since the main purpose of EVM is to execute smart contracts that manage and transfer digital assets (called Ether), security is of paramount importance. However, writing secure smart contracts can be extremely difficult: due to the openness of Ethereum, both programs and pseudonymous users can call into the public methods of other programs, leading to potentially dangerous compositions of trusted and untrusted code. This risk was recently illustrated by an attack on TheDAO contract that exploited subtle details of the EVM semantics to transfer roughly $50M worth of Ether into the control of an attacker.In this paper, we outline a framework to analyze and verify both the runtime safety and the functional correctness of Ethereum contracts by translation to F*, a functional programming language aimed at program verification.

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Short Paper: Formal Verification of Smart Contracts
Karthikeyan Bhargavan
Antoine Delignat-Lavaud
edric Fournet
Anitha Gollamudi
Georges Gonthier
Nadim Kobeissi
Aseem Rastogi
Thomas Sibut-Pinote
Nikhil Swamy
Santiago Zanella-B
Microsoft Research
Harvard University
Ethereum is a cryptocurrency framework that uses blockchain
technology to provide an open distributed computing plat-
form, called the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). EVM
programs are written in bytecode which operates on a sim-
ple stack machine. Programmers do not usually write EVM
code; instead, they can program in a JavaScript-like lan-
guage called Solidity that compiles to bytecode. Since the
main application of EVM programs is as smart contracts that
manage and transfer digital assets, security is of paramount
importance. However, writing trustworthy smart contracts
can be extremely difficult due to the intricate semantics of
EVM and its openness: both programs and pseudonymous
users can call into the public methods of other programs.
This problem is best illustrated by the recent attack on
TheDAO contract, which allowed roughly $50M USD worth
of Ether to be transferred into the control of an attacker. Re-
covering the funds required a hard fork of the blockchain,
contrary to the code is law premise of the system. In this
paper, we outline a framework to analyze and verify both
the runtime safety and the functional correctness of Solidity
contracts in F
, a functional programming language aimed
at program verification.
Categories and Subject Descriptors F.3 [F.3.1 Specifying
and Verifying and Reasoning about Programs]
Keywords Ethereum, Solidity, EVM, smart contracts
1. Introduction
The blockchain technology, pioneered by Bitcoin [7] pro-
vides a globally-consistent append-only ledger that does not
rely on a central trusted authority. In Bitcoin, this ledger
records transactions of a virtual currency, which is created
by a process called mining. In the proof-of-work mining
scheme, each node of the network can earn the right to ap-
pend the next block of transactions to the ledger by finding
a formatted value (which includes all transactions to appear
in the block) whose SHA256 digest is below some difficulty
threshold. The system is designed to ensure that blocks are
mined at a constant rate: when too many blocks are submit-
ted too quickly, the difficulty increases, thus raising the com-
putational cost of mining.
Ethereum is similarly built on a blockchain based on
proof-of-work; however, its ledger is considerably more ex-
pressive than that of Bitcoin’s: it stores Turing-complete
programs in the form of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
bytecode, while transactions are construed as function calls
and can carry additional data in the form of arguments. Fur-
thermore, contracts may also use non-volatile storage and
log events, both of which are recorded in the ledger.
The initiator of a transaction pays a fee for its execution
measured in units of gas. The miner who manages to ap-
pend a block including the transaction gets to claim the fee
converted to Ether at a specified gas price. Some operations
are more expensive than others: for instance, writing to stor-
age and initiating a transaction is four orders of magnitude
more expensive than an arithmetic operation on stack val-
ues. Therefore, Ethereum can be thought of as a distributed
computing platform where anyone can run code by paying
for the associated gas charges.
The integrity of the system relies on the honesty of a
majority of miners: a miner may try to cheat by not running
the program, or running it incorrectly, but honest miners will
reject the block and fork the chain. Since the longest chain is
the one that is considered valid, miners are incentivized not
to cheat and to verify that others do as well, since their block
reward may be lost unless malicious miners can supply the
majority of new blocks to the network.
While Ethereum’s adoption has led to smart contracts
managing millions of dollars in currency, the security of
these contracts has become highly sensitive. For instance,
a variant of a well-documented reentrancy attack was re-
cently exploited in TheDAO [2], a contract that implements
a decentralized autonomous venture capital fund, leading to
the theft of more than $50M worth of Ether, and raising the
question of whether similar bugs could be found by static
analysis [6].
In this paper, we outline a framework to analyze and
formally verify Ethereum smart contracts using F
[9], a
functional programming language aimed at program verifi-
cation. Such contracts are generally written in Solidity [3],
1 2016/8/11

a JavaScript-like language, and compiled down to bytecode
for the EVM. We consider the Solidity compiler as untrusted
and develop a language-based approach for verifying smart
contracts. Namely, we present two tools based on F
a tool to translate Solidity program to shallow-
embedded F
programs (Section 2).
a decompiler for EVM bytecode that produces
equivalent shallow-embedded F
programs that operate
on a simpler machine without stack (Section 3).
These tools enable three different forms of verification:
1. Given a Solidity program, we can use Solidity
to trans-
late it to F
and verify at the source level functional cor-
rectness specifications such as contract invariants, as well
as safety with respect to runtime errors.
2. Given an EVM bytecode, we can use EVM
to decompile
it and analyze low-level properties, such as bounds on the
amount of gas consumed by calls.
3. Given a Solidity program and allegedly functionally
equivalent EVM bytecode, we can verify their equiva-
lence by translating each into F
. Thus, we can check the
correctness of the output of the Solidity compiler on a
case-by-case basis using relational reasoning [1].
1.1 Architecture of the Framework
Verified- Transla t ion
Verified- Decompilation
Functional- Correctness
Figure 1. Overview of the architecture of our framework
Our smart contract verification framework is a two-
pronged approach (Figure 1) based on F
. F
comes with
a type system that includes dependent types and monadic
effects, which we apply to generate automated queries to
statically verify properties on EVM bytecode and Solidity
While it is clearly favorable to obtain both the Solidity
source code and EVM bytecode of a target smart contract,
we design our architecture with the assumption that the veri-
fier may only have the bytecode. At the moment of this writ-
ing, only 396 out of 112,802 contracts have their source code
available on Therefore we provide
separate tools for decompiling EVM bytecode (EVM
), and
analyzing Solidity source code (Solidity
hsolidityi ::= (hcontracti)*
hcontracti ::= contract @identifier { (hsti)*‘}
hsti ::= htypedef i | hstatedef i | hmethodi
htypedef i ::= struct @identifier { (htypei @identifier ;’)* }
htypei ::= uint | address | bool
| mapping ( htypei => htypei )
| @identifier
hstatedef i ::= htypei @identifier
hmethodi ::= function (@identifier)?‘() (hqualifieri)* {
(‘var (@identifier (‘= hexpressioni)? ,’)+)?
(hstatementi ;’)* }
hqualifieri ::= private | public | internal
| returns ( htypei (@identifier)? )
hstatementi ::= ε
| htypei @identifier (‘= hexpressioni)? (*decl*)
| if( hexpressioni ) hstatementi
(‘else hstatementi)?
| { (hstatementi ;’)* }
| return (hexpressioni)?
| throw
| hexpressioni
hexpressioni ::= hliterali
| hlhs expressioni ( (hexpressioni ,’)* )
| hexpressioni hbinopi hexpressioni
| hunopi hexpressioni
| hlhs expressioni = hexpressioni
| hlhs expressioni
hlhs expressioni ::=
| @identifier
| hlhs expressioni [ hlhs expressioni]
| hlhs expressioni . @identifier
hliterali ::= hfunctioni
| { ( @identifier : hexpressioni ,’)* }
| [ (hexpressioni ,’)* ]
| @number | @address | @boolean
hbinopi ::= + | - | * | / | %
| && | || | == | != | > | < | >= | <=
hunopi ::= + | - | !
Figure 2. Syntax of the translated Solidity subset
2. Translating Solidity to F
In the spirit of previous work on type-based analysis of
JavaScript programs [8], we advocate an approach where the
programmer can verify high-level goals of a contract using
. In this section, we present a tool to translate Solidity to
, and a simple automated analysis of extracted F
Solidity programs consist of a number of contract decla-
rations. Once compiled to EVM, contracts are installed us-
ing a special kind of account-creating transaction, which al-
locates an address to the contract. Unlike Bitcoin, where an
2 2016/8/11

address is the hash of the public key of an account, Ethereum
addresses can refer indistinguishably to a contract or a user
public key. Similarly, there is no distinction between trans-
actions and method calls: when sending Ether to a contract,
it will implicitly call the fallback function (the unnamed
method of the Solidity contract). In fact, compiled contracts
in the blockchain consist of a single entry point that de-
cides depending on the incoming transaction which method
code to invoke. The methods of a Solidity contract have
access to ambient global variables that contain information
about the contract (such as the balance in this.balance),
the transaction used to invoke the contract’s method (such
as the source address in msg.sender and the amount of
ether sent in msg.value), or the block in which the invo-
cation transaction is mined (such as the miner’s timestamp
in block.timestamp).
In this exploratory work, we consider a restricted subset
of Solidity, shown in Figure 2. Notably, the fragment we con-
sider does not include loops. The three main types of decla-
rations within a contract are type declarations, property dec-
larations and methods. Type declarations consist of C-like
structs and enums, and mappings (associative arrays imple-
mented as hash tables). Although properties and methods are
reminiscent of object oriented programming, it is somewhat
a confusing analogy: contracts are “instantiated” by the ac-
count creating transaction; this will allocate the properties
of the contract in the global storage and call the construc-
tor (the method with the same name as the contract). De-
spite the C++/Java-like access modifiers, all properties of a
contract are stored in the Ethereum ledger, and as such, the
internal state of all contracts is completely public. Methods
are compiled in EVM into a single function that runs when
a transaction is sent to the contract’s address. This transac-
tion handler matches the requested method signature with
the list of non-internal methods, and calls the relevant one.
If no match is found, a fallback handler is called instead (in
Solidity, this is the unnamed method).
2.1 Translation to F
We perform a shallow translation of Solidity to F
as fol-
1. contracts are translated to F
2. type declarations are translated to type declarations:
enums become sums of nullary data constructors, structs
become records, and mappings become F
3. all contract properties are packaged together within a
state record, where each property is a reference;
4. each method gets translated to a function, no defunction-
alization is required since Solidity is first-order only;
5. we rewrite if statements that have a continuation de-
pending on whether one branch ends in return or throw
(moving the continuation in the other branch) or not (we
then duplicate the continuation in each branch).
6. to translate assignments, we keep an environment of lo-
cal, state, and ambient global variable names: local vari-
able declarations and assignments are translated to let
bindings; globals are replaced with library calls; state
properties are replaced with update on the state type;
7. built-in method calls (e.g.address.send()) are re-
placed by library calls.
We show a minimalistic Solidity contract and its F
lation in Figure 3. The only type annotation added by the
translation is a custom Eth effect on the contract’s methods,
which we describe in Section 2.2. The Solidity library de-
fines the mapping type (a reference to a map) and the as-
sociated functions update map and lookup. Furthermore,
it defines the numeric types used in Solidity, which are un-
signed 256-bit by default.
2.2 An effect for detecting vulnerable patterns
The example in Figure 3 captures two major pitfalls of So-
lidity programming. First, many contracts fail to realize that
send and its variants are not guaranteed to succeed (send
returns a bool). This is highly surprising for Solidity pro-
grammers because all other runtime errors (such as run-
ning out of gas or call stack overflows) trigger an exception.
Such exceptions (including the ones triggered by throw) re-
vert all transactions and all changes to the contract’s prop-
erties. This is not the case of send: the programmer needs
to undo side effects manually when it returns false, e.g.
if(!addr.send(x)) throw.
The other problem illustrated in MyBank is reentrancy.
Since transactions are also method calls, calling send is a
transfer of program control. Consider the following mali-
cious contract:
contract Malicious {
uint balance;
MyBank bank = MyBank(0xdeadbeef8badf00d...);
function Malicious(){
balance = msg.value;
bank.Withdraw.value(0)(balance); // forwarding gas
function (){ // fallback function
It attacks the Withdraw method of MyBank by calling recur-
sively into it at the point where it does its send. The if
condition in the second Withdraw call is still satisfied (be-
cause the balances are updated after send, and there is no
check that it was successful). Even though the send in the
second call to Withdraw is guaranteed to fail (because un-
like method calls, send allocates only 2300 gas for the call),
it still corrupts the balance by decreasing twice, causing an
unsigned integer underflow. After corrupting the balance,
3 2016/8/11

contract MyBank {
mapping (address uint) balances;
function Deposit() {
balances[msg.sender] += msg.value;
function Withdraw(uint amount) {
if(balances[msg.sender] amount) {
balances[msg.sender] = amount;
function Balance() constant returns(uint) {
return balances[msg.sender];
module MyBank
open Solidity
type state = { balances: mapping address uint; }
val store : state = {balances = ref empty map}
let deposit () : Eth unit =
update map store.balances msg.sender
(add (lookup store.balances msg.sender) msg.value)
let withdraw (amount:uint) : Eth unit =
if (ge (lookup store.balances msg.sender) amount) then
send msg.sender amount;
update map store.balances msg.sender
(sub (lookup store.balances msg.sender) amount)
let balance () : Eth uint =
lookup store.balances msg.sender
Figure 3. A simple bank contract in Solidity translated to F
the malicious contract can freely withdraw any remaining
funds in the bank.
Using the effect system of F
, we now show how to detect
some vulnerable patterns such as unchecked send results in
translated contracts. The base construction is a combined
exception and state monad (see [9] for details) with the
following signature:
EST (a:Type) = h0:heap // input heap
send failed:bool // send failure flag
Tot (option (a heap) // result and new heap, or exception
bool) // new failure flag
return (a:Type) (x:a) : EST a =
fun h0 b0 Some (x, h0), b0
bind (a:Type) (b:Type) (f:EST a) (g:a EST b) : EST b =
fun h0 b0
match f h0 b0 with
| None, b1 None, b1 // exception in f: no output heap
| Some (x, h1), b1 g x h1 b1 // run g, carry failure flag
The monad carries a send failure flag to record
whether or not a send() or external call may have failed
so far. It is possible to enforce several different styles based
on this monad; for instance, one may want to enforce that
a contract always throws when a send fails. As an example,
we defined the following effect based on EST:
effect Eth (a:Type) = EST a
(fun b0 not b0) // Start in non-failsure state
(fun h0 b0 r b1
// What to do when a send failed
b1 = (match r with | None True // exception
| Some ( , h1) no mods h0 h1)) // no writes
The standard library then defines the post-condition
of throw to fun h0 b0 r b1 b0=b1 is None r and the post-
condition of send to fun h0 b0 r b1 r == Some (b1, h0).
Simply by typechecking extracted methods in the Eth
effect, we can detect dangerous patterns such as the send()
followed by an unconditional write to the balances table
in MyBank. Note that the safety condition imposed by Eth
is not sufficient to prevent reentrency attacks, as there is no
guarantee that the state modifictions before and after send
preserve the functional invariant of the contract. Therefore,
this analysis is useful for detecting dangerous patterns and
enforcing a failure handling style, but it doesn’t replace a
manual F
proof that the contract is correct.
Evaluation Despite the limitations of our tool (in particu-
lar, it doesn’t support many syntactic features of Solidity),
we are able to translate and typecheck 46 out of the 396
contracts we collected on Out of
these, only a handful are valid in the Eth effect. This is a
clear sign that a large scale analysis of published contract is
likely to uncover widespread vulnerabilities; we leave such
analysis to future work.
3. Decompiling EVM Bytecode to F
In this section we present EVM
, a decompiler for EVM
bytecode that we use to analyze contracts for which the
Solidity source is unavailable (as is the case for the majority
of live contracts in the Ethereum blockchain), as well as
low-level properties of contracts. A third use case of the
decompiler that we do not further explore in this paper is to
use EVM
together with Solidity
to check the equivalence
between a Solidity program and the bytecode output by the
Solidity compiler, thus ensuring not only that the compiler
did not introduce bugs, but also that any properties verified at
the source level are preserved. This equivalence proof could
be done, for instance, using rF
[1] a version of F
relational refinement types.
4 2016/8/11

takes as input the bytecode of a contract as stored
in the blockchain and translates it into a representation in F
The decompiler performs a stack analysis to identify jump
destinations in the program and detect stack under- and over-
flows. The result is an equivalent F
program that, morally,
operates on a machine with infinite single-assignment regis-
ters which we translate as let bindings.
The EVM is a stack-based machine with a word size of
256 bits [10]. Bytecode programs have access to a word-
addressed non-volatile storage modeled as a word array, a
word-addressed volatile memory modeled as an array of
bytes, and an append-only non-readable event log. The in-
struction set includes the usual arithmetic and logic opera-
tions (e.g. ADD, XOR), stack and memory operations (e.g.
trol flow operations (e.g. JUMP, CALL, RETURN), instruc-
tions to inspect the environment and blockchain (e.g. BAL-
ANCE, TIMESTAMP), as well as specialized instructions
unique to EVM (e.g. SHA3, CREATE, SUICIDE). As a pe-
culiarity, the instruction JUMPDEST is used to mark valid
jump destinations in the code section of a contract, but be-
haves as a NOP at runtime. This is convenient for identifying
potential jump destinations during decompilation, as jump-
ing to an invalid address halts execution.
The static analysis done by EVM
marks stack cells as
either of 3 types: 1. Void for initialized cells, 2. Local for
results of operations, and 3. Constant for immediate argu-
ments of PUSH operations The analysis identifies jumpable
addresses and blocks, contiguous sections of code starting at
a jumpable address and ending in a halting or control flow
instruction (we treat branches of conditionals as indepen-
dent blocks). A block summary consists of the address of
its entry point, its final instruction, and a representation of
the initial and final stacks summarizing the block effects on
the stack. An entry point may be either the 0 address, an ad-
dress marked with JUMPDEST, an immediate argument of
a PUSH used in a jump, or a fall-through address of a con-
As a result of the static analysis, EVM
emits F
using variables bound in let bindings instead of stack cells.
Many instructions can be eliminated in this way; the analysis
keeps an accurate account of the offsets of instructions in
the remaining code. Because the instructions eliminated may
incur gas charges, we keep track of the fuel consumption by
instrumenting the code with calls to burn, a library function
whose sole effect is to accumulate gas charges. Figure 4
shows the F
code decompiled from the Balance method
of the MyBank contract in Fig. 3.
We wrote a reference cost model for bytcode operations
that can be used to prove bounds on the gas consumption of
contract methods. As an example, Fig. 5 shows a type anno-
tation for the entry point of the MyBank contract decompiled
to F
that proves that a method call to the Balance function
will consume at most 390 units of gas.
let x 29 = pow [0x02uy] [0xA0uy] in
let x 30 = sub x 29 [0x01uy] in
let x 31 = get caller () in
let x 32 = land x 31 x 30 in
burn 17 ( opcodes: SUB, CALLER, AND, PUSH1 00, SWAP1, DUP2 );
mstore [0x00uy] x 32;
burn 9 ( opcodes: PUSH1 20, DUP2, DUP2 );
mstore [0x20uy] [0x00uy];
burn 9 ( opcodes: PUSH1 40, SWAP1, SWAP2 );
let x 33 = sha3 [0x00uy] [0x40uy] in
let x 34 = sload x 33 in
burn 9 ( opcodes: PUSH1 60, SWAP1, DUP2 );
mstore [0x60uy] x 34;
loadLocal [0x60uy] [0x20uy] ( returned value )
Figure 4. Decompiled version of the Balance method of
the MyBank contract, instrumented with gas consumption.
val myBank: unit ST word
(requires (fun h sel h mem = 0 sel h gas = 0
nonZero (eqw
(div (get calldataload [0x00uy]) (pow [0x02uy] [0xE0uy]))
[0xF8uy; 0xF8uy; 0xA9uy; 0x12uy]))) // hash of Balance method
(ensures (fun h0 h1 sel h1 gas 390))
let myBank () =
burn 6 ( opcodes: PUSH1 60, PUSH1 40 );
mstore [0x40uy] [0x60uy];
let x 28 = eqw [0xF8uy; 0xF8uy; 0xA9uy; 0x12uy] x 3 in
burn 10 ( opcode JUMPI );
if nonZero x 28 then
begin ( offset: 165 )
// decompiled code of Balance method
Figure 5. A proof of a bound on the gas consumed by a call
to the Balance method of MyBank.
4. Conclusion
Our preliminary experiments in using F
to verify smart con-
tracts show that the type and effect system of F
is flexible
enough to express and prove non-trivial properties. In par-
allel, Luu et al. [6] used symbolic execution to detect flaws
in EVM bytecode programs, and an experimental Why3 [5]
formal verification backend is now available from the Solid-
ity web IDE [4].
The examples we considered are simple enough that we
did not have to write a full implementation of EVM byte-
code. We plan to complete a verified reference implementa-
tion and use it to verify that the output of the Solidity com-
piler is functionally equivalent to the sources.
We implemented EVM
and Solidity
in OCaml. It would
be interesting to implement and verify parts of these tools
using F
instead. For instance, we could prove that the stack
and control flow analysis done in EVM
is sound with re-
spect to a stack machine semantics.
5 2016/8/11

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Book ChapterDOI
22 Apr 2017
TL;DR: This work analyses the security vulnerabilities of Ethereum smart contracts, providing a taxonomy of common programming pitfalls which may lead to vulnerabilities, and shows a series of attacks which exploit these vulnerabilities, allowing an adversary to steal money or cause other damage.
Abstract: Smart contracts are computer programs that can be correctly executed by a network of mutually distrusting nodes, without the need of an external trusted authority. Since smart contracts handle and transfer assets of considerable value, besides their correct execution it is also crucial that their implementation is secure against attacks which aim at stealing or tampering the assets. We study this problem in Ethereum, the most well-known and used framework for smart contracts so far. We analyse the security vulnerabilities of Ethereum smart contracts, providing a taxonomy of common programming pitfalls which may lead to vulnerabilities. We show a series of attacks which exploit these vulnerabilities, allowing an adversary to steal money or cause other damage.

988 citations

Posted Content
TL;DR: In this article, a taxonomy of common programming pitfalls which may lead to security vulnerabilities in Ethereum smart contracts is presented, and a series of attacks which exploit these vulnerabilities, allowing an adversary to steal money or cause other damage.
Abstract: Smart contracts are computer programs that can be correctly executed by a network of mutually distrusting nodes, without the need of an external trusted authority. Since smart contracts handle and transfer assets of considerable value, besides their correct execution it is also crucial that their implementation is secure against attacks which aim at stealing or tampering the assets. We study this problem in Ethereum, the most well-known and used framework for smart contracts so far. We analyse the security vulnerabilities of Ethereum smart contracts, providing a taxonomy of common programming pitfalls which may lead to vulnerabilities. We show a series of attacks which exploit these vulnerabilities, allowing an adversary to steal money or cause other damage.

700 citations

Proceedings ArticleDOI
15 Oct 2018
TL;DR: Securify as mentioned in this paper is a security analyzer for Ethereum smart contracts that is scalable, fully automated, and able to prove contract behaviors as safe/unsafe with respect to a given property.
Abstract: Permissionless blockchains allow the execution of arbitrary programs (called smart contracts), enabling mutually untrusted entities to interact without relying on trusted third parties. Despite their potential, repeated security concerns have shaken the trust in handling billions of USD by smart contracts. To address this problem, we present Securify, a security analyzer for Ethereum smart contracts that is scalable, fully automated, and able to prove contract behaviors as safe/unsafe with respect to a given property. Securify's analysis consists of two steps. First, it symbolically analyzes the contract's dependency graph to extract precise semantic information from the code. Then, it checks compliance and violation patterns that capture sufficient conditions for proving if a property holds or not. To enable extensibility, all patterns are specified in a designated domain-specific language. Securify is publicly released, it has analyzed >18K contracts submitted by its users, and is regularly used to conduct security audits by experts. We present an extensive evaluation of Securify over real-world Ethereum smart contracts and demonstrate that it can effectively prove the correctness of smart contracts and discover critical violations.

688 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The operating mechanism and mainstream platforms of blockchain-enabled smart contracts are introduced, and a research framework for smart contracts based on a novel six-layer architecture is proposed.
Abstract: In recent years, the rapid development of cryptocurrencies and their underlying blockchain technology has revived Szabo’s original idea of smart contracts, i.e., computer protocols that are designed to automatically facilitate, verify, and enforce the negotiation and implementation of digital contracts without central authorities. Smart contracts can find a wide spectrum of potential application scenarios in the digital economy and intelligent industries, including financial services, management, healthcare, and Internet of Things, among others, and also have been integrated into the mainstream blockchain-based development platforms, such as Ethereum and Hyperledger. However, smart contracts are still far from mature, and major technical challenges such as security and privacy issues are still awaiting further research efforts. For instance, the most notorious case might be “The DAO Attack” in June 2016, which led to more than $50 million Ether transferred into an adversary’s account. In this paper, we strive to present a systematic and comprehensive overview of blockchain-enabled smart contracts, aiming at stimulating further research toward this emerging research area. We first introduced the operating mechanism and mainstream platforms of blockchain-enabled smart contracts, and proposed a research framework for smart contracts based on a novel six-layer architecture. Second, both the technical and legal challenges, as well as the recent research progresses, are listed. Third, we presented several typical application scenarios. Toward the end, we discussed the future development trends of smart contracts. This paper is aimed at providing helpful guidance and reference for future research efforts.

589 citations

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01 Jan 2018
TL;DR: This work presents ZEUS—a framework to verify the correctness and validate the fairness of smart contracts, which leverages both abstract interpretation and symbolic model checking, along with the power of constrained horn clauses to quickly verify contracts for safety.
Abstract: A smart contract is hard to patch for bugs once it is deployed, irrespective of the money it holds. A recent bug caused losses worth around $50 million of cryptocurrency. We present ZEUS—a framework to verify the correctness and validate the fairness of smart contracts. We consider correctness as adherence to safe programming practices, while fairness is adherence to agreed upon higher-level business logic. ZEUS leverages both abstract interpretation and symbolic model checking, along with the power of constrained horn clauses to quickly verify contracts for safety. We have built a prototype of ZEUS for Ethereum and Fabric blockchain platforms, and evaluated it with over 22.4K smart contracts. Our evaluation indicates that about 94.6% of contracts (containing cryptocurrency worth more than $0.5 billion) are vulnerable. ZEUS is sound with zero false negatives and has a low false positive rate, with an order of magnitude improvement in analysis time as compared to prior art.

546 citations

Cites background from "Formal Verification of Smart Contra..."

  • ...Like prior art [54], a formal proof for soundness of the translation strategy is outside the scope of this work....


  • ...[54] propose a framework to formally verify smart contracts written in a subset of Solidity using F, which leaves out important constructs, such as loops....


  • ...[54] and Why3 [22], [50], which we have discussed earlier....


  • ...There is, however, little work that analyzes smart contracts for vulnerabilities [50], [54], [68]....


More filters
01 Jan 2013
TL;DR: Ethereum as mentioned in this paper is a transactional singleton machine with shared state, which can be seen as a simple application on a decentralised, but singleton, compute resource, and it provides a plurality of resources, each with a distinct state and operating code but able to interact through a message-passing framework with others.
Abstract: The blockchain paradigm when coupled with cryptographically-secured transactions has demonstrated its utility through a number of projects, not least Bitcoin. Each such project can be seen as a simple application on a decentralised, but singleton, compute resource. We can call this paradigm a transactional singleton machine with shared-state. Ethereum implements this paradigm in a generalised manner. Furthermore it provides a plurality of such resources, each with a distinct state and operating code but able to interact through a message-passing framework with others. We discuss its design, implementation issues, the opportunities it provides and the future hurdles we envisage.

2,755 citations

Proceedings ArticleDOI
24 Oct 2016
TL;DR: This paper investigates the security of running smart contracts based on Ethereum in an open distributed network like those of cryptocurrencies, and proposes ways to enhance the operational semantics of Ethereum to make contracts less vulnerable.
Abstract: Cryptocurrencies record transactions in a decentralized data structure called a blockchain. Two of the most popular cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum, support the feature to encode rules or scripts for processing transactions. This feature has evolved to give practical shape to the ideas of smart contracts, or full-fledged programs that are run on blockchains. Recently, Ethereum's smart contract system has seen steady adoption, supporting tens of thousands of contracts, holding millions dollars worth of virtual coins. In this paper, we investigate the security of running smart contracts based on Ethereum in an open distributed network like those of cryptocurrencies. We introduce several new security problems in which an adversary can manipulate smart contract execution to gain profit. These bugs suggest subtle gaps in the understanding of the distributed semantics of the underlying platform. As a refinement, we propose ways to enhance the operational semantics of Ethereum to make contracts less vulnerable. For developers writing contracts for the existing Ethereum system, we build a symbolic execution tool called Oyente to find potential security bugs. Among 19, 336 existing Ethereum contracts, Oyente flags 8, 833 of them as vulnerable, including the TheDAO bug which led to a 60 million US dollar loss in June 2016. We also discuss the severity of other attacks for several case studies which have source code available and confirm the attacks (which target only our accounts) in the main Ethereum network.

1,232 citations

"Formal Verification of Smart Contra..." refers background or methods in this paper

  • ...[6] use symbolic execution to detect flaws in EVM bytecode programs, and an experimental Why3 [5] formal verification backend is now available from the Solidity web IDE [4]....


  • ...Such attacks raise the question of whether similar bugs could be prevented by static analysis [6], before uploading contracts to Ethereum....


Posted Content
TL;DR: Oyente as discussed by the authors is a symbolic execution tool to find potential security bugs in the execution of smart contracts based on Ethereum in an open distributed network like those of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Abstract: Cryptocurrencies record transactions in a decentralized data structure called a blockchain. Two of the most popular cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum, support the feature to encode rules or scripts for processing transactions. This feature has evolved to give practical shape to the ideas of smart contracts, or full-fledged programs that are run on blockchains. Recently, Ethereum's smart contract system has seen steady adoption, supporting tens of thousands of contracts, holding millions dollars worth of virtual coins. In this paper, we investigate the security of running smart contracts based on Ethereum in an open distributed network like those of cryptocurrencies. We introduce several new security problems in which an adversary can manipulate smart contract execution to gain profit. These bugs suggest subtle gaps in the understanding of the distributed semantics of the underlying platform. As a refinement, we propose ways to enhance the operational semantics of Ethereum to make contracts less vulnerable. For developers writing contracts for the existing Ethereum system, we build a symbolic execution tool called Oyente to find potential security bugs. Among 19, 336 existing Ethereum contracts, Oyente flags 8, 833 of them as vulnerable, including the TheDAO bug which led to a 60 million US dollar loss in June 2016. We also discuss the severity of other attacks for several case studies which have source code available and confirm the attacks (which target only our accounts) in the main Ethereum network.

1,141 citations

Book ChapterDOI
16 Mar 2013
TL;DR: Why3, a tool for deductive program verification, and WhyML, its programming and specification language, are presented, a first-order language with polymorphic types, pattern matching, and inductive predicates.
Abstract: We present Why3, a tool for deductive program verification, and WhyML, its programming and specification language. WhyML is a first-order language with polymorphic types, pattern matching, and inductive predicates. Programs can make use of record types with mutable fields, type invariants, and ghost code. Verification conditions are discharged by Why3 with the help of various existing automated and interactive theorem provers. To keep verification conditions tractable and comprehensible, WhyML imposes a static control of aliases that obviates the use of a memory model. A user can write WhyML programs directly and get correct-by-construction OCaml programs via an automated extraction mechanism. WhyML is also used as an intermediate language for the verification of C, Java, or Ada programs. We demonstrate the benefits of Why3 and WhyML on non-trivial examples of program verification.

483 citations

"Formal Verification of Smart Contra..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...In parallel with this work, Luu et al. [6] use symbolic execution to detect flaws in EVM bytecode programs, and an experimental Why3 [5] formal verification backend is now available from the Solidity web IDE [4]....


  • ...[6] use symbolic execution to detect flaws in EVM bytecode programs, and an experimental Why3 [5] formal verification backend is now available from the Solidity web IDE [4]....


Proceedings ArticleDOI
11 Jan 2016
TL;DR: A new, completely redesigned, version of F*, a language that works both as a proof assistant as well as a general-purpose, verification-oriented, effectful programming language that confirms F*'s pay-as-you-go cost model.
Abstract: We present a new, completely redesigned, version of F*, a language that works both as a proof assistant as well as a general-purpose, verification-oriented, effectful programming language. In support of these complementary roles, F* is a dependently typed, higher-order, call-by-value language with _primitive_ effects including state, exceptions, divergence and IO. Although primitive, programmers choose the granularity at which to specify effects by equipping each effect with a monadic, predicate transformer semantics. F* uses this to efficiently compute weakest preconditions and discharges the resulting proof obligations using a combination of SMT solving and manual proofs. Isolated from the effects, the core of F* is a language of pure functions used to write specifications and proof terms---its consistency is maintained by a semantic termination check based on a well-founded order. We evaluate our design on more than 55,000 lines of F* we have authored in the last year, focusing on three main case studies. Showcasing its use as a general-purpose programming language, F* is programmed (but not verified) in F*, and bootstraps in both OCaml and F#. Our experience confirms F*'s pay-as-you-go cost model: writing idiomatic ML-like code with no finer specifications imposes no user burden. As a verification-oriented language, our most significant evaluation of F* is in verifying several key modules in an implementation of the TLS-1.2 protocol standard. For the modules we considered, we are able to prove more properties, with fewer annotations using F* than in a prior verified implementation of TLS-1.2. Finally, as a proof assistant, we discuss our use of F* in mechanizing the metatheory of a range of lambda calculi, starting from the simply typed lambda calculus to System F-omega and even micro-F*, a sizeable fragment of F* itself---these proofs make essential use of F*'s flexible combination of SMT automation and constructive proofs, enabling a tactic-free style of programming and proving at a relatively large scale.

285 citations

"Formal Verification of Smart Contra..." refers background or methods in this paper

  • ...The base construction is a combined exception and state monad (see [9] for details) with the following signature:...


  • ...In this paper, we outline a framework to analyze and formally verify Ethereum smart contracts using F [9], a functional programming language aimed at program verification....
