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Generalized model learning for Reinforcement Learning on a humanoid robot

An algorithm, Reinforcement Learning with Decision Trees (RL-DT), that uses decision trees to learn the model by generalizing the relative effect of actions across states, and which is effective on an Aldebaran Nao humanoid robot scoring goals in a penalty kick scenario.
Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have long been promising methods for enabling an autonomous robot to improve its behavior on sequential decision-making tasks. The obvious enticement is that the robot should be able to improve its own behavior without the need for detailed step-by-step programming. However, for RL to reach its full potential, the algorithms must be sample efficient: they must learn competent behavior from very few real-world trials. From this perspective, model-based methods, which use experiential data more efficiently than model-free approaches, are appealing. But they often require exhaustive exploration to learn an accurate model of the domain. In this paper, we present an algorithm, Reinforcement Learning with Decision Trees (RL-DT), that uses decision trees to learn the model by generalizing the relative effect of actions across states. The agent explores the environment until it believes it has a reasonable policy. The combination of the learning approach with the targeted exploration policy enables fast learning of the model. We compare RL-DT against standard model-free and model-based learning methods, and demonstrate its effectiveness on an Aldebaran Nao humanoid robot scoring goals in a penalty kick scenario.

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In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2010),
Anchorage, Alaska, May 2010.
Generalized Model Learning for Reinforcement Learning on a
Humanoid Robot
Todd Hester, Michael Quinlan, and Peter Stone
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
Abstract Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have long
been promising methods for enabling an autonomous robot
to improve its behavior on sequential decision-making tasks.
The obvious enticement is that the robot should be able
to improve its own behavior without the need for detailed
step-by-step programming. However, for RL to reach its full
potential, the algorithms must be sample efficient: they must
learn competent behavior from very few real-world trials. From
this perspective, model-based methods, which use experiential
data more efficiently than model-free approaches, are appealing.
But they often require exhaustive exploration to learn an
accurate model of the domain. In this paper, we present an
algorithm, Reinforcement Learning with Decision Trees (RL-
DT), that uses decision trees to learn the model by generalizing
the relative effect of actions across states. The agent explores
the environment until it believes it has a reasonable policy.
The combination of the learning approach with the targeted
exploration policy enables fast learning of the model. We
compare RL-DT against standard model-free and model-based
learning methods, and demonstrate its effectiveness on an
Aldebaran Nao humanoid robot scoring goals in a penalty kick
As the tasks that we desire robots to perform become
more complex, and as robots become capable of operating
autonomously for longer periods of time, we will need to
move from hand-coded solutions to having r obots learn so-
lutions to problems on their own. Recently, various machine
learning techniques have been used to learn control policies
and optimize parameters on robots such as helicopters [1],
[2] and Sony Aibos [3], [4].
While there has been a great deal of progress in the
machine learning community on value-function-based re-
inforcement learning (RL) methods [5], most successful
learning on robots, including all of the above references,
has used policy search methods. In value-function-based
reinforcement learning, rather than learning a direct mapping
from states to actions, the agent learns an intermediate data
structure known as a value function that maps states (or
state-action pairs) to the expected long term reward. Value-
function-based learning methods are appealing because the
value-function has well-defined semantics that enable a
straightforward representation of the optimal policy, and
because of theoretical results guaranteeing the convergence
of certain methods to an optimal policy [6], [7].
Fig. 1. One of the penalty kicks during the semi-finals of RoboCup 2009.
Value-function methods can themselves be divided into
model-free algorithms, such as Q-LEARNING [6], that are
computationally cheap, but ignore the dynamics of the world,
thus requiring lots of experience; and model-based algo-
rithms, such as R-MAX [7], that learn an explicit domain
model and then use it to find the optimal actions via sim-
ulation in the model. Model-based reinforcement learning,
though computationally more intensive, gives the agent the
ability to perform directed exploration of the world so it can
learn an accurate model and learn an optimal policy from
limited experience.
Model-based methods are thus more appropriate for robot
learning, where trials are expensive due to the time involved
and/or the wear and tear on the robot. However, existing
model-based methods require detailed or exhaustive explo-
ration in order to build the model. In a complex domain,
such exploration can itself render the algorithm infeasible
from the perspective of sample complexity.
In this paper we describe a model-based RL algorithm,
Reinforcement Learning with Decision Trees ( RL-DT ) that
generalizes aggressively during model-learning so as to
further limit the number of trials needed for learning. We
apply RL-DT on a humanoid robot, the Aldebaran Nao, as it
learns to perform a challenging problem from the RoboCup
Standard Platform League (SPL): scoring on penalty kicks.
We compare RL-DT empirically to both Q-LEARNING and R-
MAX, demonstrating that it can successfully be used to learn

this task, both in simulation and on a physical humanoid
robot. To the best of our knowledge, this first application
of RL-DT in a robotic setting is also the first example of
successful RL of any kind on the Nao.
We used reinforcement learning algorithms to train hu-
manoid robots to score penalty kick goals. This scenario
takes place in the domain of the RoboCup SPL. RoboCup
is an annual robot soccer competition with the goal of
developing an autonomous humanoid robot soccer team that
can defeat the world champion human team by 2050. Games
in the SPL are played between two teams of three Aldebaran
robots on a 6 by 4 meter field [8].
Games in the SPL use the V3 RoboCup version of the
Aldebaran Nao humanoid robot. The robot is 58 centimeters
tall and has 21 degrees of freedom. The robot has two
cameras in its head (only one can be used at a time).
Computation is performed on the robot using its AMD Geode
When an elimination game in the SPL ends in a tie score,
the winner is determined by best of five penalty kicks. In the
penalty kick, the defending robot starts in the middle of the
goal on the goal line, while the offensive robot starts at mid
field. The ball is placed on a white cross located 1.8 meters
from the goal. The robot has one minute to walk up to the
ball and score a goal.
Penalty kicks are critical to success in the SPL as many
of the teams are evenly matched and many games end in
a tie and are decided by penalty kicks. At RoboCup 2009
in Graz, Austria, 28 of the 64 games (43.75%) ended in a
tie, including all 8 games in the intermediate round and one
of the semi-final games (shown in Figure 1)
. In addition,
our team’s US Open Championship win came in penalty
kicks over the UPennalizers after a 1-1 tie in regulation. The
frequency of games ending in ties makes penalty kicks an
important aspect of the games.
Even though most teams employ a stationary goal keeper
for the kicks (as in Figure 1), teams rarely scored on penalty
kicks as lining up and aiming the ball past the keeper has
proved to be particularly difficult. Out of the 9 games that
were decided by penalty kicks (the rest were left as a draw),
only 3 had goals scored during the best of five penalty kicks.
In total, there were only 7 goals scored in 90 penalty kick
attempts, resulting in a low scoring percentage of 7.8%.
We adopted the standard Markov Decision Process (MDP)
formalism for this work [5]. An MDP consists of a set of
states S, a set of actions A, a reward function R(s, a), and a
transition function P (s
|s, a). In many domains, the discrete
state s is represented by a vector of n discrete state variables
s = hx
, x
, ..., x
i. In each state s S, the agent takes an
action a A. Upon taking this action, the agent receives a
Algorithm 1 RL-DT(RMax, s)
1: A Set of Actions
2: S Set of States
3: a A : visits(s, a) 0
4: loop
5: a argmax
Q(s, a
6: Execute a, obtain reward r, observe state s
7: Increment visits(s, a)
8: (P
, R
, CH) UPDATE-MODEL(s, a, r, s
, S, A)
, R
10: if CH then
, R
, S
, A, exp)
12: end if
13: s s
14: end loop
reward R(s, a) and reaches a new state s
. The new state s
is determined from the probability distribution P (s
|s, a).
The value Q
(s, a) of a given state-action pair (s, a) is
determined by solving the Bellman equation:
(s, a) = R(s, a) + γ
P (s
|s, a) max
, a
) (1)
where 0 < γ < 1 is the discount factor. The optimal value
function Q
can be found through value iteration by iterating
over the Bellman equations until convergence [5]. The goal
of the agent is to find the policy π mapping states to actions
that maximizes the expected discounted total reward over the
agent’s lifetime. The optimal policy π is then as follows:
π(s) = argmax
(s, a) (2)
Model-free methods update the value of an action towards
its true value when taking each action. In contrast, model-
based reinforcement learning methods l earn a model of the
domain by approximating its transition and reward functions
and then simulate actions inside their models. In this paper,
we compare a model-free method (Q-LEARNING [6]), and
two model-based methods (R-MAX [7] and RL-DT [9]) on
the task of scoring on a penalty kick.
Q-LEARNING is a typical model-free reinforcement learn-
ing method. In it, values are s tored for every state-action pair.
Upon taking an action, the value of the action is updated
closer to its true value through the Bellman equations. The
algorithm was run using ǫ-greedy exploration, where the
agent takes a random exploration action ǫ percent of the
time and takes the optimal action the rest of the time. In our
experiments, Q-LEARNING was run with the learning rate
α = 0.3, ǫ = 0.1, and the action values initialized to 0.
R-MAX is a representative model-based method that ex-
plores unknown states to learn its model quickly. It records
the number of visits to each state-action in the domain. State-
actions with more than M visits are considered known, while
ones with fewer visits are unknown and need to be explored.
The agent is driven to explore the unknown state-actions by
assuming they have the maximum reward in t he domain.
Once the model is completely learned, the algorithm can
determine the optimal policy through value i teration.

The RL-DT algorithm (shown in Algorithm 1) is a novel
algorithm that incorporates generalization into its model
learning. In many domains, it is too expensive or time
consuming to exhaustively explore every state in the domain.
RL-DT was developed with the idea that by generalizing the
model to unseen states, the agent can avoid exploring some
states. Its two main features are that it uses decision trees to
generalize the effects of actions across states, and that it has
explicit exploration and exploitation modes. The algorithm is
described in detail below, and more pseudocode is available
in [9].
In a state s, the algorithm takes the action a with the
highest action-value, entering a new state s
and receiving
a reward r. Then the algorithm updates its models with
this new experience through the model learning approach
described below. The algorithm decides to explore or exploit
based on the value of its policy in the call to CHECK-
POLICY. Next, the algorithm re-computes the action-values
using value iteration if the model was changed. It then
continues executing actions until the end of the experiment
or episode.
The algorithm starts out with a poor model of the domain
and refines it over time as it explores. It uses a heuristic
to determine when it should explore. If the model predicts
that the agent can only reach states with rewards < 40% of
the maximum one-step reward in the domain (given to the
algorithm ahead of time) from any state, then the agent goes
into exploration mode, exploring the state-actions with the
fewest visits. If it predicts that it can reach state-actions with
better rewards, then it goes into exploitation mode, where it
takes what it believes is the optimal action at each step.
RL-DTs two modes allow it to explore intelligently early,
until it finds good rewards, and then exploit that reward.
It does not continue exploring after finding this reward,
meaning it explores less than R-MAX does. However, this
also means that it may stop exploring before it has found the
optimal policy. In many domains, it may be too expensive
to explore exhaustively and we may prefer that the agent
simply finds a reasonable policy quickly, rather than find an
optimal policy s lowly.
A distinguishing characteristic of RL-DT is the way in
which it learns models of the transition and reward functions.
RL-DT generalizes the transition and reward functions across
states to learn a model of the underlying MDP in as few
samples as possible. In many domains, the relative transition
effects of actions are similar across many states, making
it easier to generalize actions’ relative effects than their
absolute ones. For example, in many gridworld domains,
there is an EAST action that usually increases the agent’s
x variable by 1. It is easier to generalize that this relative
effect (x x + 1) occurs in many states than the absolute
effects (x 7). RL-DT takes advantage of this idea by using
supervised learning techniques to generalize the relative
effects of actions across states when learning its model. This
generalization allows it to make predictions about the effects
of actions even in states that it has not visited.
We treat the model learning as a supervised learning
problem, with the current state and action as the input, and
the relative change in state and the reward as the outputs
to be predicted. The agent learns models of the transition
and reward functions using decision trees. Decision trees
were used because they generalize well while still making
accurate predictions. The decision trees are an implementa-
tion of Quinlan’s C4.5 algorithm [10]. The C4.5 algorithm
repeatedly splits the dataset on one of the input variables
until the instances in each leaf of the tree cannot be split
anymore. It chooses the optimal split at each node of the
tree based on information gain. The state features used as
inputs to the decision trees are treated both as numerical and
categorical inputs, meaning both splits of the type x = 3 and
x > 3 are allowed.
A separate decision tree is built to predict the reward and
each of the n state variables. The first n trees each make
a prediction of the probabilities of the change in the state
feature P (x
|s, a), while the last tree predicts the average
reward R(s, a). The input to each tree is a vector containing
the n state features and action a: ha, s
, s
, ..., s
After all the trees are updated, they can be used to predict
the model of the domain. For a queried state vector s and
action a, each t ree makes predictions based on the leaf of
the tree that matches the input. The first n trees output
probabilities for the relative change, x
, of their particular
state features. This output P (x
|s, a) is the number of
occurrences of x
in the matching leaf of the tree divided by
the total number of experiences in that leaf. The predictions
P (x
|s, a) for the n state features are combined to create
a prediction of probabilities of the relative change of the
state s
= hx
, x
, ..., x
i. Assuming that each of the state
variables transition independently, the probability of the
change in state P (s
|s, a) is the product of the probabilities
of each of its n state features:
P (s
|s, a) = Π
P (x
|s, a) (3)
The relative change in the state, s
, is added to the current
state s
to get the next state s
. The last tree predicts reward
R(s, a) by outputting the average reward in the matching leaf
of the tree. The combination of the model of the transition
function and reward function make up a complete model of
the underlying MDP.
0 0
0 +1
Fig. 2. Example tree pre-
dicting the change in the x
variable in a gridworld.
Figure 2 shows an example of
a decision tree classifying the rela-
tive change in the x variable in the
gridworld shown in the figure. The
tree first splits on the action (if the
action was LEFT) and then splits on
the x and y variables. In some cases,
it can ignore large parts of the state
space. For example, when the action
is not left or right, the tree predicts
a change of 0 in the x variable. In
other cases, it makes a prediction
that is specific to a single state, such as when it predicts

Fig. 3. The experimental setup in the Webots simulator, with the robot
learning to aim its kick past the keeper to score on penalty kicks.
a change of 0 for the action right when x is not 1 and y
equals 1.
Once the model has been updated, exact value iteration
with a discount factor γ = 0.99 is performed on the approx-
imate model to find a policy. If the agent is in exploration
mode, the least visited states are given a reward bonus to
drive the agent to explore them. Otherwise, the value iteration
calculates the optimal policy according to its learned model.
Our goal was to have the robot learn how to score penalty
goals against a typical stationary keeper. We set up the
experiments with the ball on the penalty mark 1.8 meters
from the goal as specified in the SPL penalty kick rules [8].
The robot was placed facing the goal with the center of its
feet 15 cm behind the penalty mark. In an actual penalty
kick, the robot starts at midfield, but here we are strictly
trying to learn to aim the kick and we assume the robot has
walked up to ball. The non-stationary keeper was placed in
a crouched position in the center of the goal. Every episode
began with this exact setup, shown in Figure 3.
For each episode, the agent started our normal kick engine,
standing on its right leg and looking down at the ball. The
learning algorithm then controlled the free left leg with three
available actions: MOVE-OUT, MOVE-IN, and KICK. The
robot’s state consisted of two state features: the x coordinate
of the ball in the robot’s camera image and the distance the
free foot was shifted out from the robot’s hip in millimeters,
demonstrated in Figure 4. Each feature was discretized: the
ball’s image coordinate was discretized into bins of two
pixels each, while the leg distance was discretized in 4
millimeter bins. The MOVE-OUT and MOVE-IN actions each
moved the leg 4 mm in or out from the robot’s body. The
agent received a reward of 1 for each action moving the leg
in or out and 20 if the action caused the robot to fall over
(by shifting its leg too far in either direction). When kicking,
the agent received a reward of +20 if it scored a goal, and
2 if it did not. The agent’s goal was to learn exactly how
far to shift its leg before kicking such that it would kick the
ball at an angle past the keeper.
Due to the difficulties and time involved in performing
Feature 1
Feature 2
Fig. 4. This robot is eager to learn! For the learning problem, the robot’s
state consisted of the x coordinate of the ball in the robot’s camera image
and the distance the robot’s foot was shifted out from its hip. The actions
available to the robot were to move the leg in, out, or kick.
learning experiments on the physical robot, we started by
performing experiments in the Webots simulator from Cy-
. Webots is a robotics simulator that uses the
Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) for physics simulation. It
simulates all the joints and sensors of the robot, including
the camera. After running experiments in the simulator, we
ran experiments on the physical robot to validate our results.
For the first experiment, the ball was always placed at the
same location relative to the robot. The ball was placed 30
mm left of the penalty mark, requiring the robot to shift its
leg out 3 or 4 times before kicking the ball to aim it past the
keeper. We ran each of the three learning algorithms for 30
trials over 100 episodes of the task. The cumulative reward
of the learning algorithms over 100 episodes is shown in
Figure 5. We show the cumulative reward plot to demonstrate
how quickly the algorithms learn and we analyze the quality
of their final policies below. RL-DT learned the task quickly,
having significantly (p < .0005) more reward per episode
than the other two algorithms from episode 5 to episode
34. At episode 35, R-MAX had also learned the task and its
performance was no longer significantly different than RL-

0 20 40 60 80 100
Cumulative Reward
Episode Number
Penalty Kick Learning with Standard Ball Location
Fig. 5. Cumulative reward of the learning agents on the penalty kick task
with a standard ball location. The final policies are analyzed in the text.
The optimal policy in this task was to shift the leg outward
4 times, so that the robot’s foot was 112 mm out from its
hip, and then kick. Kicking from this position would score
on 85% of its attempts, resulting in an average reward per
episode of 12.7. Kicking from 108 mm was a close second
best, as it scored 75% of the time, but took one fewer action
to get to the kicking position, resulting in an average reward
per episode of 11.5. RL-DT converged to one of these two
policies in 28 of the 30 trials, Q-LEARNING in 18 of the 30
trials, and R-MAX in all 30 trials.
Following the first experiment, we ran a second experiment
with the ball in a random location relative to the robot to
simulate the noisiness of the robot’s approach to the ball.
We first determined the range of ball locations where it was
possible to score from and then randomly placed the ball in
this region, which was between 0 and 34 mm or between 74
and 130 mm left of the penalty mark. In this experiment, the
robot needed to use the state feature about the ball’s location
in its camera image to determine how far it needed to shift
its leg to line up the ball properly to score a goal.
Plots of the average cumulative reward for the three
algorithms over 30 trials are shown in Figure 6. Here, it
was possible to score at many positions without shifting the
leg and Q-LEARNING performed well by quickly learning
to score consistently at these positions. While Q-LEARNING
performed well early, its final policy was not as good as that
of the other two algorithms. Figure 7 shows the percentage
of tries that each algorithm scored at each ball position
during the final 200 episodes. Q-LEARNING does very well
on the positions where there was no leg shift required, but
was unable to learn to score on more difficult positions,
such as when the ball was offset between 74 and 84 mm.
The two model-based methods performed more exploration
and learned to score from these positions. RL-DT explored
fast enough that it was able to accumulate enough reward
from its better policy to surpass the cumulative reward of
Q-LEARNING and it had a better policy than RMAX at the
end of the 1500 episodes.
Following these experiments, we ran one trial of RL-DT on
the physical robot (which is highlighted in the accompanying
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Cumulative Reward
Episode Number
Penalty Kick Learning with Random Ball Location
Fig. 6. Cumulative reward of the learning agents on the penalty kick task
with a random ball location.
Fig. 7. This graph shows the percentage of tries that each algorithm scored
at each ball position in the last 200 episodes. Note that the ball’s initial
position was never between 34 and 74 mm because these locations were
impossible to score from.
). In this case, we manually reset the robots and ball to
the correct positions between each episode, resulting in more
noise than in the simulator. The cumulative reward plot for
the one physical robot trial is shown in Figure 8 along with
the cumulative reward averaged over the 30 trials of RL-DT
in the simulator for comparison. The results the algorithm
achieves on the real robot are very similar to its performance
in the simulator, validating that these experiments do cross
over to the physical robot.
Next we ran the final learned policy from the simulator for
the standard ball location case on the real robot, to see how
well the policy transferred over. The learned policy from the
simulator was to shift the leg outward 4 times, so that the
robot’s foot was 112 mm out from its hip, and then kick.
On the real robot, this policy scored on 7 of 10 attempts. In
the simulator, this policy scored 85% of the time. However,
in the simulator, if the ball was moved 4 mm in either
direction, its s uccess rate dropped to 65% or 75%. Noise
in the placement of the real ball may have caused the lower
scoring percentage, as well as the fact that the ball does not

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Frequently Asked Questions (12)
Q1. What are the contributions mentioned in the paper "Generalized model learning for reinforcement learning on a humanoid robot" ?

In this paper, the authors present an algorithm, Reinforcement Learning with Decision Trees ( RLDT ), that uses decision trees to learn the model by generalizing the relative effect of actions across states. The authors compare RL-DT against standard model-free and model-based learning methods, and demonstrate its effectiveness on an Aldebaran Nao humanoid robot scoring goals in a penalty kick scenario. 

Its two main features are that it uses decision trees to generalize the effects of actions across states, and that it has explicit exploration and exploitation modes. 

The authors demonstrated that reinforcement learning, and specifically model-based reinforcement learning, can be successfully used to learn a task on a humanoid robot. 

In [13], the authors introduce an algorithm called RAM-RMAX, which is a modelbased algorithm where some part of the model is provided to the algorithm ahead of time. 

Penalty kicks are critical to success in the SPL as many of the teams are evenly matched and many games end in a tie and are decided by penalty kicks. 

The ball was placed 30 mm left of the penalty mark, requiring the robot to shift its leg out 3 or 4 times before kicking the ball to aim it past the keeper. 

The algorithm was run using ǫ-greedy exploration, where the agent takes a random exploration action ǫ percent of the time and takes the optimal action the rest of the time. 

Due to the difficulties and time involved in performinglearning experiments on the physical robot, the authors started by performing experiments in the Webots simulator from Cyberbotics 3. 

Out of the 9 games that were decided by penalty kicks (the rest were left as a draw), only 3 had goals scored during the best of five penalty kicks. 

3http://www.cyberbotics.comThe optimal policy in this task was to shift the leg outward 4 times, so that the robot’s foot was 112 mm out from its hip, and then kick. 

One of the methods that they mention for scaling up learning methods is to learn action models, which is similar to the models of transition effects of actions that RL-DT learns with its decision trees. 

Their approach differs from theirs by starting in an R-MAX-like exploration mode, which provides a more guided exploration approach than an ǫ-greedy policy.