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Book ChapterDOI

Hedges: A Study In Meaning Criteria And The Logic Of Fuzzy Concepts

01 Jan 1973-Journal of Philosophical Logic (Kluwer Academic Publishers)-Vol. 2, Iss: 4, pp 458-508
TL;DR: Students of language, especially psychologists and linguistic philosophers, have long been attuned to the fact that natural language concepts have vague boundaries and fuzzy edges and that, consequently, natural language sentences will very often be neither true, nor false, nor nonsensical.
Abstract: Logicians have, by and large, engaged in the convenient fiction that sentences of natural languages (at least declarative sentences) are either true or false or, at worst, lack a truth value, or have a third value often interpreted as ‘nonsense’. And most contemporary linguists who have thought seriously about semantics, especially formal semantics, have largely shared this fiction, primarily for lack of a sensible alternative. Yet students of language, especially psychologists and linguistic philosophers, have long been attuned to the fact that natural language concepts have vague boundaries and fuzzy edges and that, consequently, natural language sentences will very often be neither true, nor false, nor nonsensical, but rather true to a certain extent and false to a certain extent, true in certain respects and false in other respects.

Summary (5 min read)

2. F u z z y LOGIC

  • That is, in most cases membership functions will assign values between zero and one to individuals on the basis of some property or properties of those individuals.
  • The finite number of perceived distinctions would then result from 'low level' perceptual factors, though perhaps the number of perceived distinctions and their distribution would depend on the shape of the underlying curve and various contextual 5'3" 5'5" 5'7" 5'9" 5'11" 6'1" 6'3" Height Fig. 3 . factors.


  • This can be seen clearly in Figure 5 , where both curves are given.
  • Then 'This wall is red or not red' will be true to degree 0.6, according to the given semantics.
  • Another fact about the fuzzy propositional logic given above is worth noting.
  • Suppose the authors have a one-place predicate TALL.

ITALL(j)I =#TALL (])

  • This raises the question of whether there are such things as statements which are necessarily true to a degree.
  • The one type of possible example that comes to mind is an arithmetic statement that contains an approximation.

3. H E D G E S

  • Let us begin with a hedge that looks superficially to be simple: sort of.
  • But above intermediate height the values for 'sort of tall' drop off sharply.
  • In fact, (6b) presupposes that Esther Williams is not literally a fish and asserts that she has certain other characteristic properties of a fish.
  • Yet in sentences with regular, such as (6b), ( 7b) and (Sb), the truth value of the sentences as a whole depends not upon the literal meaning of the predicates involved, but strictly upon their connotations!.
  • The distinction between {14a) and (14b) indicates that the authors must distinguish between those properties capable of conferring some degree of category membership and those properties which happen to be characteristic of category members, but do not confer category membership to any degree at all.


  • Let each predicate F be assigned two values, a vector value ][Fll and an absolute value [FI.
  • The authors define the k-tuple (#~1,--., #6~) as the vector value of the predicate F and call each element of the k-tuple a "meaning component'.
  • These will, when applied to the vector value of a predicate F, pick out the appropriate meaning components and form a new function, which itself will be a membership function for a fuzzy set.
  • So far, the authors have looked only at hedges whose truth conditions depend on vector values.
  • He does not intend those exact numbers to be taken seriously.


  • Whatever the shortcomings of the valuations in ( 6), I think there is something basically right about Zadeh's idea, and if there is, then there is a rather remarkable consequence: algebraic functions play a role in natural language semantics!.
  • Two possible ways of describing this were suggested above.
  • (1) Restrict fuzzy logic to some finite number of values.
  • Second, the number and location of the perceived values seem to depend on the shape of the curve.


  • Hedges have barely begun to be studied and I have discussed only a handful.
  • I have no doubt that the apparatus needed to handle the rest of them will have to be far more sophisticated.
  • Moreover I think that four types of criteria is far to few, though I have not done further investigation.

5.1. Dependence upon Context

  • The valuations for hedges given in Section 4 were independent of context.
  • But whether a given TV set is technically a piece of furniture will vary with the situation.
  • In fact, it would not be surprising to find that which criteria were considered primary and which secondary depended on context.
  • Take contexts where current sex is what matters, for example, job applications, sexual encounters, examinations for venereal disease, choice of rest room, etc.
  • In such situations, one could imagine that (2b) might be true and (2a) not.

5.2. Modifiers that Affect the Number of Criteria Considered

  • Under Zadeh's proposals for the definition of words like VERY and SORT OF, such modifiers affect only the absolute values of the predicates modified.
  • First, one can, for the f~ed number of criteria considered in judging mere similarity, require that the values assigned to the various criteria be closer.
  • B. Richard Nixon and Warren G. Harding are very similar.
  • Secondly, in judging the degree of truth of (2b) versus (2a), one may take fewer criteria into account.
  • These considerations show that an adequate account of the meanings of VERY and SORT OF cannot be given simply in terms of how they affect the absolute values of the predicates they modify; one must take into account the way they change the consideration of vector values.

5.3. Some Hedges Must Be Assigned Vector Values

  • In the treatment given in Section 4, all of the hedges were assigned only absolute values.
  • Given that Sam did not measure up according to the primary criteria, one might accurately say (la), though perhaps nothing stronger.
  • One of the things that VERY does, when applied to STRICTLY SPEAKING, is further restrict the number of categories considereal most important: this can be viewed as changing the weights assigned to various criteria at the upper end of the spectrum.
  • The same is true of LOOSELY SPEAK-ING, as expressions like VERY LOOSELY SPEAKING show.
  • Another thing suggested by these facts is that there may not be a strict division between primary and secondary criteria; rather there may be a continuum of weighted criteria, with different hedges picking out different cut-off points in different situations.

5.4. Perhaps Values ShouM Not Be Linearly Ordered, But only Partially Ordered

  • What these hedges seem to do is say there are certain criteria which, if given ~e a t weight, would make the statement true.
  • In some respects, Nixon has helped the country.
  • But very often, sentences without such hedges are meant to be taken in the same way.
  • The situation, of course, gets worse with VERY VERY TALL, VERY VERY VERY TALL, etc., since according to Zadeh's treatment, they all hit the value I at the same place as TALL.
  • The reason for the latter suggestion is that as one iterates occurrences of VERY the curve is not shifted further and further to the right, but rather reaches a point of diminishing returns.

5.6. Restrictions on the Occurrence of Modifiers

  • (1) Technically, I said that Harry was a bastard.
  • That is, TECHNICALLY in (1) seems to be cancelling the implicature that if you say something, you mean it.
  • Essentially, the sergeant did order the private to close the window.
  • Obviously hedges interact with felicity conditions for utterances and with rules of conversation.


  • The question as to what such primitives are in natural language is a fundamental question about the nature of the human mind.
  • The question has, of course, been raised innumerable times before, but to my knowledge the possibility that the primitives themselves might be fuzzy has not been discussed.

6.4. Semantics is Not Independent of Pragmatics

  • The study of the hedge REGULAR by Bolinger 1972 reveals that sentences with REGULAR assert connotations, not any aspect of literal meaning.
  • Since the truth conditions of sentences with REGULAR depend only on connotations, it follows that if connotations are part of pragmatics, then semantics is not independent of pragmatics.
  • Since connotations are closely tied to the real-world situation, it seems reasonable to maintain the traditional view that connotations are part of pragmatic information.

6.5. Algebraic Functions Play a Role in the Semantics of Certain Hedges

  • Hedges like SORT OF, RATHER, PRETTY, and VERY change distribution curves in a regular way.
  • Zadeh has proposed that such changes can be described by simple combinations of a small number of algebraic functions.
  • Whether or not Zadeh's proposals are correct in all detail, it seems like something of the sort is necessary.

Perceptual Finiteness Depends on an Underlying Continuum of Values

  • Since people can perceive, for each category, only a finite number of gradations in any given context, one might be tempted to suggest that fuzzy logic be limited to a relatively small finite number of values.
  • But the study of hedges like SORT OF, VERY, PRETTY, and RATHER, whose effect seems to be characterizable at least in part by algebraic functions, indicates that the number and distribution of perceived values is a surface matter, determined by the shape of underlying continuous functions.
  • For this reason, it seems best not to restrict fuzzy logic to any fixed finite number of values.
  • Instead, it seems preferable to attempt to account for the perceptual phenomena by trying to fi~mare out how, in a perceptual model, the shape of underlying continuous functions determines the number and distribution of perceived values.

6.7. The Logic of Hedges Requires Serious Semantic Analysis for All Predicates

  • In a fuzzy predicate logic with hedges, the notion of a valuation is fundamentally more complex than the corresponding notion in other logics developed to date.
  • Nothing is said about whether it has to have wings or a beak, whether it typically flies, what its body structure is, how it reproduces, whether it has feathers, etc.
  • In a fuzzy predicate logic with hedges, all these matters must be taken into account in every valuation for the predicate BIRD.
  • The Kripke semantics for modal logics is based on the notion of a'possible world', that is, a complete and consistent assignment of truth values to every proposition, in other words, a classical (two-valued) valuation.
  • To get Zadeh values, take 1 -Scott's values.

V~(~P) iff not V~_~(P)

  • The point is to show how the connectives of fuzzy propositional logic can be defined in terms of the connectives of classical propositional logic and sequences of two-valued valuations.
  • The literature on many-valued logics contains extensions of their ' ~' to intermediate values, which are motivated on purely formal grounds.
  • But even if the authors restrict every sentence either to making complete sense or being complete nonsense, the supervaluation approach has a serious defect.
  • Or the authors could pick 0.5 as a designated value and say that they had a presupposition failure only when the value of P fell below 0.5, that is, when P was more false than true.
  • When the authors get down to (3f), however, the degree of truth of (3b) gets lower, and it makes less sense to say (a).

A F N T v i T N F F F F F T I T T T N F N N N [ T N N T F N T F T N F

  • There are certain general principles governing the determination of values in these systems.
  • If one (or both) of the component sentences has the highest value in the hierarchy, the conjunction has that value.
  • The authors keep principles I, II, and III and the hierarchies in (8).
  • The authors can now give directions for computing the values for Bochvar-style and Lukasiewicz-style conjunctions and disjunctions in fuzzy presuppositional logics.
  • (2) is an interesting curiosity, an intuitively obvious truth of Euclidean geometry which cannot be deduced from Euclid's postulates.

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UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley Previously Published Works
Hedges: A Study In Meaning Criteria And The Logic Of Fuzzy Concepts
Lakoff, George
Publication Date
Peer reviewed Powered by the California Digital Library
University of California

Logicians have, by and large, engaged in the convenient fiction that sen-
tences of natural languages (at least declarative sentences) are either true
or false or, at worst, lack a truth value, or have a third value often inter-
preted as 'nonsense'. And most contemporary linguists who have thought
seriously about semantics, especially formal semantics, have largely
shared this fiction, primarily for lack of a sensible alternative. Yet students
of language, especially psychologists and linguistic philosophers, have
long been attuned to the fact that natural language concepts have vague
boundaries and fuzzy edges and that, consequently, natural language sen-
tences will very often be neither true, nor false, nor nonsensical, but rather
true to a certain extent and false to a certain extent, true in certain re-
spects and false in other respects.
It is common for logicians to give truth conditions for predicates in
terms of classical set theory. 'John is tall' (or 'TALL(j)') is defined to be
true just in case the individual denoted by 'John' (or 'j') is in the set of tall
men. Putting aside the problem that tallness is really a relative concept
(tallness for a pygmy and tallness for a basketball player are obviously
different) 1, suppose we fix a population relative to which we want to define
tallness. In contemporary America, how tall do you have to be to be tall?
5'8"? 5'9"? 5'10"? 5'11"? 6'? 6'2"? Obviously there is no single fixed an-
swer. How old do you have to be to be middle-aged? 35? 37? 39? 40? 42?
45? 50? Again the concept is fuzzy. Clearly any attempt to limit truth
conditions for natural language sentences to true, false and "nonsense'
will distort the natural language concepts by portraying them as having
sharply defined rather than fuzzily defined boundaries.
Work dealing with such questions has been done in psychology. To
take a recent example, Eleanor Rosch Heider (1971) took up the question
of whether people perceive category membership as a clearcut issue or a
matter of degree. For example, do people think of members of a given
Journal of Philosophical Logic
2 (1973) 458-508.
All Rights Reserved
Copyright 9
by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland

species as being simply birds or nonbirds, or do people consider them
birds to a certain degree? Heider's results consistently showed the latter.
She asked subjects to rank birds as to the degree of their birdiness, that is,
the degree to which they matched the ideal of a bird. If category mem-
bership were simply a yes-or-no matter, one would have expected the
subjects either to balk at the task or to produce random results. Instead,
a fairly well-defined hierarchy of 'birdiness' emerged.
(1) Birdiness hierarchy
chickens, ducks, geese
penguins, pelicans
Robins are typical of birds. Eagles, being predators, are less typical.
Chickens, ducks, and geese somewhat less so. Penguins and pelicans less
still. Bats hardly at all. And cows not at all.
A study of vegetableness yielded a similar hierarchical result:
(2) Vegetableness hierarchy
carrots, asparagus
Further experiments by Heider showed a distinction between central
members of a category and peripheral members. She surmised that if sub-
jects had to respond 'true' or 'false' to sentences of the form 'A (member)
is a (category)' - for example, 'A chicken is bird' - the response time would
be faster if the member was a central member (a good example of the
category) than if it was a peripheral member (a not very good example of
the category). On the assumption that central members are learned earlier
than peripheral members, she surmised that children would make more
errors on the peripheral members than would adults. (3) lists some of the
examples of central and peripheral category members that emerged from

the study:
(3) Category Central Members Peripheral Members
Toy ball, doll swing, skates
bird robin, sparrow chicken, duck
fruit peru, banana strawberry, prune
sickness cancer, measles rheumatism, tickets
metal copper, aluminum magnesium, platinum
crime rape, robbery treason, fraud
sport baseball, basketball fishing, diving
vehicle car, bus tank, carriage
body part arm, leg lips, skin
I think Heider's work shows dearly that category membership is not
simply a yes-or-no matter, but rather a matter of degree. Different people
may have different category rankings depending on their experience or
their knowledge or their beliefs, but the fact of hierarchical ranking seems
to me to be indisputable. Robins simply are more typical of birds than
chickens and chickens are more typical of birds than penguins, though
all are birds to some extent. Suppose now that instead of asking about
category membership we ask instead about the truth of sentences that
assert category membership. If an X is a member of a category Y only to
a certain degree, then the sentence 'An X is a Y' should be true only to
that degree, rather than being clearly true or false. My feeling is that this
is correct, as (4) indicates.
(4) Degree of truth (corresponding to degree of category membership)
a. A robin is a bird.
b. A chicken is a bird.
c. A penguin is a bird.
d. A bat is a bird.
e. A cow is a bird.
(less true than a)
(less true than b)
(false, or at least very far from true)
(absolutely false)
Most speakers I have checked with bear out this judgement, though some
seem to collapse the cases in (4a-c), and don't distinguish among them.
My guess is that they in general judge the truth of sentences like those in
(4) according to the truth of corresponding sentences like those in (5).
(5) a. A robin is more of a bird than anything else. (True)
b. A chicken is more of a bird than anything else. (True)

c. A penguin is more of a bird than anything else. (True)
d. A bat is more of a bird than anything else. (False)
e. A cow is more of a bird than anything else. (False)
That is, some speakers seem to turn relative judgments of category mem-
bership into absolute judgments by assigning the member in question to
the category in which it has the highest degree of membership. As we
shall see below, speakers who judge the sentences in (4) to have a pattern
like those in (5) do make the distinctions shown in (4), but then collapse
them to the pattern in (5).
2. Fuzzy LOGIC
Although the phenomena discussed above are beyond the bounds of clas-
sical set theory and the logics based on it, there is a well-developed set
theory capable of dealing with degrees of set membership, namely, fuzzy
set theory as developed by Zadeh (1965). The central idea is basically
simple: Instead of just being in the set or not, an individual is in the set
to a certain degree, say some real number between zero and one.
(1) Zadeh's Fuzzy Sets
In a universe of discourse X = {x}, a fuzzy set A is a set of
ordered pairs {(x, #a(x))}, where pa(x) is understood as the degree of
membership of x in A. PA(X) is usually taken to have values in the real
interval [0, 1 ], though the values can also be taken to be members of any
distributive complemented lattice.
Union: /~auB = max(~ua, PB).
~tA, = 1 -- IrA
Intersection: /~A,B = rnin (/z a,/~B)
Subset: A ~ B iff /~n(x) ~<
for all x in X.
A fuzzy relation R" is a fuzzy subset of XL
In most of the cases of fuzzy sets that we will be interested in, the
membership function is not primitive. That is, in most cases membership
functions will assign values between zero and one to individuals on the
basis of some property or properties of those individuals. Take tallness
for example. How
one is considered to be depends upon what one's
is (plus various contextual factors) - and height is given in terms of

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TL;DR: Much of what constitutes the core of scientific knowledge may be regarded as a reservoir of concepts and techniques which can be drawn upon to construct mathematical models of various types of systems and thereby yield quantitative information concerning their behavior.

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Journal ArticleDOI
01 Jan 1973
TL;DR: By relying on the use of linguistic variables and fuzzy algorithms, the approach provides an approximate and yet effective means of describing the behavior of systems which are too complex or too ill-defined to admit of precise mathematical analysis.
Abstract: The approach described in this paper represents a substantive departure from the conventional quantitative techniques of system analysis. It has three main distinguishing features: 1) use of so-called ``linguistic'' variables in place of or in addition to numerical variables; 2) characterization of simple relations between variables by fuzzy conditional statements; and 3) characterization of complex relations by fuzzy algorithms. A linguistic variable is defined as a variable whose values are sentences in a natural or artificial language. Thus, if tall, not tall, very tall, very very tall, etc. are values of height, then height is a linguistic variable. Fuzzy conditional statements are expressions of the form IF A THEN B, where A and B have fuzzy meaning, e.g., IF x is small THEN y is large, where small and large are viewed as labels of fuzzy sets. A fuzzy algorithm is an ordered sequence of instructions which may contain fuzzy assignment and conditional statements, e.g., x = very small, IF x is small THEN Y is large. The execution of such instructions is governed by the compositional rule of inference and the rule of the preponderant alternative. By relying on the use of linguistic variables and fuzzy algorithms, the approach provides an approximate and yet effective means of describing the behavior of systems which are too complex or too ill-defined to admit of precise mathematical analysis.

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TL;DR: In this paper, the authors define basic objects as those categories which carry the most information, possess the highest category cue validity, and are the most differentiated from one another, and thus the most distinctive from each other.

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01 Jan 1973
TL;DR: In this article, the internal structure of perceptual and semantic categories has been investigated in the context of the development of children's understanding of criterial attributes and hierarchies of super ordination, finding consistent evidence that children do not categorize or define words by the same principles of abstraction used by adults.
Abstract: Publisher Summary This chapter focuses on the internal structure of perceptual and semantic categories. The semantic categories of natural languages are made to appear quite similar to such artificial concepts when they are treated as bundles of discrete features that clearly differentiate the category from all others and that determine the selection restrictions of category labels used in sentences. The concept of internal structure has implications for several areas of research, among them child development. Studies of the development of word meaning have tended to focus on the child's understanding of criterial attributes and hierarchies of super ordination; such studies have found consistent evidence that children do not categorize or define words by the same principles of abstraction used by adults. Internal structure also has implications for cross-cultural research. It has been argued that psychological categories have internal structure, that is, instances of categories differ in the degree to which they are like the focal examples of the category; that the nature of the structure of the perceptual categories of color and form is determined by perceptually salient natural prototypes; and that non-perceptual semantic categories also have internal structure that affects the way they are processed.

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Journal ArticleDOI
01 Apr 1969-Synthese
TL;DR: This paper examines problems of vagueness, ambiguity, and ambivalence by suggesting a method for constructing and studying models of the way the authors use words, called a 'logic of inexact concepts'.
Abstract: The 'hard' sciences, such as physics and chemistry, construct exact mathematical models of empirical phenomena, and then use these models to make predictions. Certain aspects of reality always escape such models, and we look hopefully to future refinements. But sometimes there is an elusive fuzziness, a readjustment to context, or an effect of observer upon observed. These phenomena are particularly indigenous to natural language, and are common in the 'soft' sciences, such as biology and psychology. This paper examines problems of f i t zz iness , i.e., vagueness, ambiguity, and ambivalence. Although the theory is called a 'logic of inexact concepts', we do not endorse belief in some Platonic ideal 'concepts' or logic embodying their essence. Rather we suggest a method for constructing and studying models of the way we use words; and we use the word 'concept' metaphorically in discussing meaning. 'Exact concepts' are the sort envisaged in pure mathematics, while 'inexact concepts' are rampant in everyday life. This distinction is complicated by the fact that whenever a human being interacts with mathematics, it becomes part of his ordinary experience, and therefore subject to inexactness. Ordinary logic is much used in mathematics, but applications to everyday life have been criticized because our normal language habits seem so different. Various modifications of orthodox logic have been suggested as remedies, particularly omission of the Law of the Excluded Middle. Ordinary logic represents exact concepts syntactically: that is a concept is given a name (such as 'man') which becomes an object for manipulation in a formal language. Aristotelian logic and the predicate calculus are both such systems, in which rules are given to distinguish valid from

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TL;DR: In this paper, the authors define a language, L, as a fuzzy relation from a set of terms, T = x, to a universe of discourse, U = y, and define a fuzzy set, M(x), in U whose membership function is given by @m"M" ("x")(y) =@m"L(x,y).

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TL;DR: This paper shall prove theorems about some systems of sentential calculus, by making use of results established elsewhere regarding closure algebras' and Brouwerian albegras, and the Lewis system and the Heyting system.
Abstract: In this paper we shall prove theorems about some systems of sentential calculus, by making use of results we have established elsewhere regarding closure algebras and Brouwerian albegras. We shall be concerned mostly with the Lewis system and the Heyting system. Some of the results here are new (in particular, Theorems 2.4, 3.1, 3.9, 3.10, 4.5, and 4.6); others have been stated without proof in the literature (in particular, Theorems 2.1, 2.2, 4.4, 5.2, and 5.3).The proofs to be given here will be found to be mostly very simple; generally speaking, they amount to drawing conclusions from the theorems established in McKinsey and Tarski [10] and [11]. We have thought it might be worth while, however, to publish these rather elementary consequences of our previous work—so as to make them readily available to those whose main interest lies in sentential calculus rather than in topology or algebra.

386 citations