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High confidence visual recognition of persons by a test of statistical independence

01 Nov 1993-IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE Computer Society)-Vol. 15, Iss: 11, pp 1148-1161
TL;DR: A method for rapid visual recognition of personal identity is described, based on the failure of a statistical test of independence, which implies a theoretical "cross-over" error rate of one in 131000 when a decision criterion is adopted that would equalize the false accept and false reject error rates.
Abstract: A method for rapid visual recognition of personal identity is described, based on the failure of a statistical test of independence. The most unique phenotypic feature visible in a person's face is the detailed texture of each eye's iris. The visible texture of a person's iris in a real-time video image is encoded into a compact sequence of multi-scale quadrature 2-D Gabor wavelet coefficients, whose most-significant bits comprise a 256-byte "iris code". Statistical decision theory generates identification decisions from Exclusive-OR comparisons of complete iris codes at the rate of 4000 per second, including calculation of decision confidence levels. The distributions observed empirically in such comparisons imply a theoretical "cross-over" error rate of one in 131000 when a decision criterion is adopted that would equalize the false accept and false reject error rates. In the typical recognition case, given the mean observed degree of iris code agreement, the decision confidence levels correspond formally to a conditional false accept probability of one in about 10/sup 31/. >

Summary (7 min read)


  • FFORTS to devise reliable mechanical means for bio-E metric personal identification have a long and colorful history.
  • Other biometric identifiers that have been adopted historically, ranging from cranial dimensions to digit length, as well as some of the numerous geometric facial measurements currently being tried, are described in [17] , [25] .
  • The present report resolves all of these questions affirmatively and describes a working system.

A. Operators for Locating an Iris

  • Iris analysis begins with reliable means for establishing whether an iris is visible in the video image, and then precisely locating its inner and outer boundaries (pupil and limbus).
  • The complete operator behaves in effect as a circular edge detector, blurred at a scale set by o, that searches iteratively for a maximum contour integral derivative with increasing radius at successively finer scales of analysis through the three parameter space of center coordinates and radius ( T O , yo, T ) defining the path of contour integration.
  • Then in the subsequent interior search for the pupillary boundary, the arc of contour integration ds in operator (1) is restricted to the upper 270" in order to avoid the corneal specular reflection that is usually superimposed in the lower 90" cone of the iris from the illuminator located below the video camera.
  • With o automatically tailored to the stage of search for both the pupil and limbus, and by making it correspondingly finer in successive iterations, the operator defined in (1) has proven to be virtually infallible in locating the visible inner and outer annular boundaries of irises.
  • Using multigrid search with gradient ascent over the image domain (z,g) for the center coordinates and initial radius of each series of contour integrals, and decimating both the incremental radius interval Ar and the angular sampling interval A8 in successively finer scales of search spanning four octaves, these iris locating operations become very efficient without loss of reliability.

B. Assessing Image Quality, Eyelid Occlusion, and Possibility of Artifice

  • The operators previously described for finding an iris also provide a good assessment of "eyeness," and of the autofocus performance of the video camera.
  • Excessive eyelid occlusion is alleviated in cooperating Subjects by providing live video feedback through the lens of the video camera into which the Subject's gaze is directed, by means of a miniature liquid-crystal TV monitor displaying the magnified image through a beamsplitter in the optical axis.
  • A further test for evidence that a living eye is present exploits the fact that pupillary diameter relative to iris diameter in a normal eye is constantly changing, even under steady illumination [ 11, [ 111.
  • Continuous involuntary oscillations in pupil size, termed hippus or pupillary unrest, arise from normal fluctuations in the activities of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the iris sphincter muscle [ 11.

C. Two-Dimensional Gabor Filters

  • An effective strategy for extracting both coherent and incoherent textural information from images, such as the detailed texture of an iris, is the computation of 2-D Gabor phasor coefficients.
  • This family of 2-D filters were originally proposed in 1980 by Daugman [8] as a framework for understanding the orientation-selective and spatial-frequency-selective receptive field properties of neurons in the brain's visual cortex, and as useful operators for practical image analysis problems.
  • Their mathematical properties were further elaborated by the author in 1985 [9], who pointed out that such 2-D quadrature phasor filters were conjointly optimal in providing the maximum possible resolution both for information about the orientation and spatial frequency content of local image structure ("what"), simultaneously with information about 2-D position ("where").
  • 2-D Gabor functions can form a complete self-similar wavelet expansion basis [lo], with the requirements of orthogonality and strictly compact support [20]-[21] relaxed, by appropriate parameterization for dilation, rotation, and translation.


  • EQUATION where the substituted variables (2': y') incorporate dilations of the wavelet in size by 2-", translations in position @, q), and rotations through angle 6': EQUATION ).
  • It is noteworthy [9] that as consequences of the similarity theorem, shift theorem, and modulation theorem of Fourier analysis, together with the rotation isomorphism of the Fourier transform, all of these effects of the generating function.

D. Doubly Dimensionless Projected Polar Coordinate System

  • Zones of analysis are established on the iris in a doubly dimensionless projected polar coordinate system.
  • Its purpose is to maintain reference to the same regions of iris tissue regardless both of pupillary constriction and overall iris image size, and hence regardless of distance to the eye and video zoom factor.
  • The homogeneous rubber sheet model assigns to each point in the iris, regardless of size and pupillary dilation, a pair of dimensionless real coordinates ( T , e) where T lies on the unit interval [0,1] and 0 is the usual angular quantity that is cyclic over [0,2a] .
  • The zones of analysis always exclude a region at the top of the iris where partial occlusion by the upper eyelid is common, and a 45" notch at the bottom where there is a corneal specular reflection from the filtered light source that illuminates the eye from below.
  • Rotation invariance to correct for head tilt and cyclovergence of the eye within its orbit is achieved in a subsequent stage of analysis of the iris code itself.


  • An uncompressed code length of 256 bytes was chosen because this is roughly the capacity of the three-channel magnetic stripe affixed to the reverse side of the standard IS-7811 credit/debit card [3].
  • But this absolute code length only establishes an upper bound on the information capacity of an iris code, and it is important to know its actual inherent capacity.
  • It is then also important to know the "source entropy" associated with the typical human iris signal, which will be much less than the upper bound determined by the resolution of imaging, because of inherent correlations (especially radial) within the iris.
  • These reduced entropies directly influence the confidence levels associated with any decision strategy.
  • Such a test of statistical independence is passed almost certainly for two iris codes from different eyes, but the same test is failed almost certainly when the compared signatures originate from the same eye.

B. Commensurability of Iris Codes

  • A critical feature of this coding approach is the achievement of commensurability among iris codes, by mapping all irises into a representation having universal format and constant length, regardless of the apparent amount of iris detail.
  • It is not obvious mathematically how one would make objective decisions and compute confidence levels on a rigorous basis in such a situation.
  • This difficulty has hampered efforts to automate reliably the recognition of fingerprints.
  • Commensurability facilitates and objectifies the code comparison process, as well as the computation of confidence levels for each decision.
  • It thereby greatly increases both the speed and the reliability of iris recognition decisions.

D. Number of Independent Degrees-of-Freedom in an Iris Code

  • Such a code possesses far fewer than 2 048 independent binary degrees-of-freedom.
  • A given furrow or ciliary process tends to propagate across a significant radial distance in the iris, exerting its influence on several remote parts of the code, thus reducing their independence.
  • Finally, inherent correlations are introduced by the bandpass property of the 2-D Gabor filters, specifically by the finite bandwidth determined by parameters a, p, and w in (13).
  • Even though the peak response of the bandpass filter might be at a very high frequency, its passband introduces phase coherence that lingers for a greater number of cycles, the narrower its bandwidth.
  • The number of independent degrees-of-freedom typically remaining in an iris code after both of these sources of correlation have been factored in (those arising from the 2-D Gabor filters and those inherent within an iris), can be estimated by examining the distribution of Hamming distances computed across a population of unrelated iris codes.

Hamming Distances for Imposters

  • A theoretical plot of the probability density function associated with such a binomial process having N = 173 and p = 0.5 is also shown in Fig. 6 as a smooth curve, and it offers a good fit to the data.
  • In summary it appears that there exist the equivalent of about 173 independent binary degrees-offreedom typically remaining in a 2 048-bit iris code, once both the correlations introduced by the 2-D Gabor filters and those inherent in the iris have been factored in.
  • The problem of recognizing the signature of a given iris as belonging to a particular individual, either after exhaustive search through a large database or just by comparison with a single authentication template, can be formulated within the framework of statistical decision theory [22], [27].
  • This framework also resolves the critical problem of assigning a confidence level to any such recognition decision.
  • By this approach the authors can convert the problem of pattern recognition into a much more expedient task, which is the execution of a.

Solid curve is (22).

  • A. Nevman-Pearson Formalism of bits from different iris codes disagree.
  • The actual distribution of observed Hamming distances between codes for different irises is shown in Fig. 6 , which is generated from 2 064 complete comparisons between unrelated pairs of iris codes.
  • In the present application the four possible outcomes are termed Acceptance of Authentic (AA), Acceptance of Imposter (IA), Rejection of Authentic (AR), and Rejection of Imposter (IR).
  • The goal of the decision-making algorithm is to maximize the conditional probabilities of AA and IR, while minimizing the likelihoods of IA and AR.

B. Strategies and Decidability

  • It is clear that the four probabilities separate into two pairs that must sum to unity, and two pairs are governed by inequalities: would be reduced if their two means were farther apart, or if their variances were smaller, of both.
  • Of course, the two distributions in general will not be matched in form and variance, as was implied in Figure 7 for simplicity.
  • Such a decision strategy diagram, sometimes called a receiver operating characteristic or Neyman-Pearson curve, plots P(AA) from (23) against P(IA) from (25) as a locus of points.
  • Clearly, strategies that were excessively conservative or excessively liberal would correspond to sliding along the curve towards the two diagonal extremes.
  • This distance is monotonically related to the quantity d', for "detectability" or "decidability," defined as the difference between the means of the two distributions that were shown schematically in Fig. 7 divided by a conjoint measure of their standard deviations.

A. Database

  • The performance results reported here are based partly on a photographic database of eye images generously made available in 1989 by Ophthalmology Associates of Connecticut, which were digitized and then combined with further databases of images subsequently acquired directly with video cameras in Massachusetts and in Cambridgeshire, England.
  • Multiple images were always acquired from each person, ranging from 2 to 10 images of each eye over the time period (average 3.04 images per eye).
  • Images in RS-170, VHS (NTSC), and S-VHS (NTSC) formats were digitized by 480 x 640 monochrome 8-bit/pixel framegrabber boards in either Macintosh or (by SCSI interface) SUN sparcstation hosts.
  • Image resolution and iris size within the images varied due to both distance and video zoom factor, but the outer diameter of the iris was always greater than 60 pixels and was usually in the range of 100 pixels to 200 pixels.
  • Ethnic groups and nationalities represented in the combined databases included persons of Northern European, Mediterranean, Eastern European, Indian, Semitic, Afro-American, Hispanic-American, Japanese, and Chinese origin.

B. Imposters ' Humming Distances

  • The distribution of Hamming distances generated by 2 064 direct comparisons between painvise unrelated iris codes was seen previously in Fig. 6 .
  • The raw distribution was well described by a suitably fitted binomial model, whose effective number of implicit Bernoulli trials was appropriately reduced to factor out the residual correlations that exist among the bits within a given iris code.
  • Because of possible cyclovergence of the eye in its orbit as well as tilting of the head, all iris code comparisons must be performed over a range of relative orientations.
  • The comparison process then becomes a "best of 71' ' test of agreement, and this must be factored into the statistical decision theory that underlies this method of personal identification.
  • The distribution is biased toward a lower mean Hamming distance of 11 = 0.450, since only the best level of agreement after all seven rotations (i.e., the smallest Hamming distance) is kept and registered as the degree of match.

D. Equivalent Bernoulli Trials

  • The distributions of Hamming distances for 2,064 pairwise comparisons of "imposters" (summed across pairwise unrelated iris codes), and for 1208 pairwise comparisons of "authentics" accumulated separately, are shown together for comparison in Fig. 11 .
  • They are clearly well separated, with no empirical overlap and with no observations whatever falling in the region of 0.25 to 0.35 Hamming distance.
  • The authors have seen that on average, when comparing two iris codes obtained at different times from the same ("authentic") iris and making provision for possible headleye tilt, any pair of corresponding bits have a probability of 0.084 of not matching.
  • Needless to say, sufficiently many tosses could resolve the question about which type of coin it was with enormously high confidence.
  • The shapes of the two distributions shown in Figure 11 would have been expected using about 480 tosses of the p = 0.450 coin, and using about 40 tosses of the p = 0.084 coin, respectively, in each run of trials.

E. Decision Confidence Levels

  • The Bernoulli representation noted above for this pattern recognition task clarifies the calculation of confidence levels associated with any decision, including extrapolation of confidence levels into the region between the two distributions where no Hamming distances were observed empirically.
  • As specified in (23)-( 26), the conditional probabilities of personal identity or nonidentity given a particular observation can be calculated as the cumulative integrals under the two density distributions, taken from opposite directions up to whatever Hamming distance was observed.
  • Empirically, comparisons of iris codes computed from the available database of eye images produced no Hamming distances in the range of 0.25 to 0.35, so the use of any criterion in this range would produce 100% correct performance.
  • The means of the two distributions in Fig. 11 indicate typicality.
  • In the typical authentic comparison, which generates a Hamming distance of only 0.084, the confidence with which the Subject is accepted (given this observation) corresponds to a conditional false accept probability of one in.

F. Ergonomics, Robustness to Noise, and Imaging Factors

  • In many respects, the iris of the eye is inherently difficult to image at a comfortable "social" distance (e.g., several feet from a mounted video camera).
  • More critical even than these limitations of spatial resolution is the limitation of greyscale resolution, since without appropriate gain control of the video signal, many very darkly pigmented irises tend to be digitized flatly into only the lowest few states of an 8-bit A-to-D converter and thus reveal little structure.
  • All of these factors contribute to the observation that different images of the same eye at different times may generate iris codes that disagree in as many as 25% of their bits (the highest observed Hamming distance in Fig. 10 , for "authentics").
  • Thus, the hypothesis of independence can be strongly rejected over all but a narrow range of possible Hamming distances.
  • It is perhaps illuminating that at the "cross-over''.

G. Speed of Decision Making

  • The Bernoulli trial XOR formulation of the decision problem allows us to exploit the 32-bit architecture of a CPU for 16-fold parallelization.
  • As a result, on a RISC general-purpose CPU any "presenting" iris code can be compared exhaustively against a large database of stored codes in search of a match at the rate of about 4 000 per second.
  • The simple 74F86 integrated circuit contains four independent XOR gates that can be clocked at 80 megahertz.
  • Rather, here he only needs to present his eye to the camera, and his identity is rapidly and automatically determined without any further interaction, by exhaustive search through a database that might be extremely large.
  • As Shakespeare conveyed it much less mechanically in The Merchant of Venice (Act I, Scene l), in the tradition of conceiving the eyes as windows to the soul, "Sometimes from her eyes I did receive fair speechless messages.".


  • Aristotelian philosophy held that the ELSO< (%dos, distinguishing essence) of something resided in that quality which made it different from everything else.
  • When the authors need to know with certainty who an individual is, or whether he is who he claims to be, they normally rely either upon something that he uniquely possesses (such as a key or a card), something that he uniquely knows (such as a password or PIN), or a unique biological characteristic (such as his appearance).
  • Technologically the first two of these criteria have been the easiest to confirm automatically, but they are also the least reliable, since (in Aristotelian terms) they do not necessarily make this individual different from all others.
  • Today, the authors hold that the uniqueness of a person arises from the trio of his genetic genotype, its expression as phenotype, and the sum of his experiences.
  • It is hard to imagine one better suited than a protected, immutable, internal organ of the eye, that is readily visible externally and that reveals random morphogenesis of high statistical complexity.

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High Confidence Visual Recognition
a Test
Statistical Independence
method for rapid visual recognition of personal
identity is described, based on the failure of a statistical test of
independence. The most unique phenotypic feature visible in a
person’s face is the detailed texture of each eye’s iris: An estimate
of its statistical complexity in a sample of the human population
reveals variation corresponding to several hundred independent
degrees-of-freedom. Morphogenetic randomness in the texture
expressed phenotypically in the iris trabecular meshwork ensures
that a test of statistical independence on two coded patterns
originating from different eyes is passed almost certainly, whereas
the same test is failed almost certainly when the compared codes
originate from the same eye. The visible texture of a person’s iris
in a real-time video image is encoded into a compact sequence
of multi-scale quadrature 2-D Gabor wavelet coefficients, whose
most-significant bits comprise a 256-byte “iris code.” Statistical
decision theory generates identification decisions from Exclusive-
comparisons of complete iris codes at the rate of
second, including calculation of decision confidence levels. The
distributions observed empirically in such comparisons imply
a theoretical “cross-over” error rate of one in
when a
decision criterion is adopted that would equalize the false accept
and false reject error rates. In the typical recognition case, given
the mean observed degree of iris code agreement, the decision
confidence levels correspond formally to a conditional false accept
probability of one in about
Image analysis, statistical pattern recognition,
biometric identification, statistical decision theory, 2-D Gabor
filters, wavelets, texture analysis, morphogenesis.
devise reliable mechanical means for bio-
metric personal identification have a long and colorful
history. In the Victorian era for example, inspired by the
birth of criminology and a desire
identify prisoners and
malefactors, Sir Francis Galton F.R.S.
proposed various
biometric indices for facial profiles which he represented
numerically. Seeking
improve on the system of French
physician Alphonse Bertillon for classifying convicts into
one of
categories, Galton devised a series of spring-
loaded “mechanical selectors” for facial measurements and
established an Anthropometric Laboratory at South Kensing-
ton [13]. Other biometric identifiers that have been adopted
historically, ranging from cranial dimensions
digit length, as
Manuscript received August
1992; revised December
1992. This
work was supported
part by
National Science Foundation Presidential
Investigator Award
1RI-8858819 and by research grants
Kodak Corporation. Recommended
acceptance by Editor-in-Chief
The author is with Faculty
Biology, Cambridge University, Downing
Cambridge CB2
Number 9212305.
well as some of the numerous geometric facial measurements
currently being tried, are described in
Today there is renewed interest in reliable, rapid, and
unintrusive means for automatically recognizing the identity
of persons. Security breaches in access
restricted areas at
airports are known
have contributed to terrorism; and credit
card fraud now costs six billion dollars annually
applications for high confidence personal identification include
passport control, bank automatic teller machines, protected
premises or assets, law enforcement, government in-
telligence, entitlement verification, birth certificates, licenses,
and any existing use of keys or cards. Some of the identifying
biometric features now under investigation for potential
include hand geometry, blood vessel patterns in the retina
or hand, fingerprints, voice-prints, and handwritten signature
dynamics. The critical attributes for any such measure are: the
number of degrees-of-freedom of variation in the chosen index
across the human population, since this determines uniqueness;
its immutability over time and its immunity
and the computational prospects for efficiently encoding and
reliably recognizing the identifying pattern.
The possibility that the iris of the eye might be used
kind of optical fingerprint for personal identification
was suggested originally by ophthalmologists [l], [12], [24],
who noted from clinical experience that every iris had a
highly detailed and unique texture, which remained unchanged
in clinical photographs spanning decades (contrary
occult diagnostic claims of “iridology”). Among the visible
features in an iris, some of which may be seen in the
close-up image of Fig.
are the trabecular meshwork of
connective tissue (pectinate ligament), collagenous stromal
fibres, ciliary processes, contraction furrows, crypts, a ser-
pentine vasculature, rings, corona, coloration, and freckles
[l], [ll], [12], [24]. The striated trabecular meshwork of
chromatophore and fibroblast cells creates the predominant
texture under visible light [24], but all of these sources of radial
and angular variation taken together constitute a distinctive
“fingerprint” that can be imaged at some distance from the
person. Further properties of the iris that enhance its suitability
for use in automatic identification include
its inherent
isolation and protection from the external environment, being
an internal organ of the eye, behind the cornea and the aqueous
the impossibility of surgically modifying it without
unacceptable risk
vision; and
its physiological response
to light, which provides a natural test against artifice.
property the iris shares with fingerprints is the random
morphogenesis of its minutiae. Because there is no genetic
1993 IEEE

Close-up image illustrating the trabecular meshwork and other fea-
a human iris.
penetrance in the expression of this organ beyond its anatom-
ical form, physiology, color and general appearance, the iris
texture itself is stochastic or possibly chaotic. Since its detailed
morphogenesis depends on initial conditions in the embryonic
mesoderm from which it develops
the phenotypic ex-
pression even of two irises with the same genetic genotype
(as in identical twins, or the pair possessed by one individual)
have uncorrelated minutiae. In these respects the uniqueness
of every iris parallels the uniqueness of every fingerprint,
common genotype or not. But the iris enjoys further practical
advantages over fingerprints and other biometrics for purposes
of automatic recognition, including
the ease of registering
its image at some distance from the Subject without physical
contact, unintrusively and perhaps inconspicuously; and
intrinsic polar geometry, which imparts a natural coordinate
system and an origin of coordinates.
Unknown until the present work was whether mathemat-
ically there were sufficient degrees-of-freedom, or forms of
variation in the iris among individuals, to impart
it the
same singularity as a conventional fingerprint. Also uncertain
was whether efficient algorithms could be developed to extract
a detailed iris description reliably from a live video image,
generate a compact code for the iris (of minuscule length
compared with image data size), and render a decision about
individual identity with high statistical confidence, all within
less than one
second of computation time on a general-
purpose microprocessor. The present report resolves all of
these questions affirmatively and describes a working system.
Operators for Locating
Iris analysis begins with reliable means for establishing
whether an iris is visible in the video image, and then precisely
locating its inner and outer boundaries (pupil and limbus).
Because of the felicitous circular geometry of the iris, these
tasks can be accomplished for a raw input image
integrodifferential operators that search over the image domain
for the maximum in the blurred partial derivative, with
increasing radius
of the normalized conto
integral of
along a circular arc
of radius
center coordinates
denotes convolution and
is a smoothii
function such as a Gaussian of scale
The complete operator
behaves in effect as a circular edge detector, blurred at a scale
set by
that searches iteratively for a maximum contour
integral derivative with increasing radius at successively finer
scales of analysis through the three parameter space of center
coordinates and radius
defining the path of contour
At first the blurring factor
is set for a coarse scale of
that only the very pronounced circular transition
from iris to (white) sclera is detected. Then after this strong
circular boundary
more precisely estimated, a second search
begins within the confined central interior of the located iris for
the fainter pupillary boundary, using a finer convolution scale
and a smaller search range defining the paths
contour integration. In the initial search for the outer bounds of
the iris, the angular arc of contour integration
is restricted
in range
two opposing
cones centered on the horizontal
meridian, since eyelids generally obscure the upper and lower
limbus of the iris. Then in the subsequent interior search for
the pupillary boundary, the arc of contour integration
is restricted
the upper
in order
the corneal specular reflection that is usually superimposed in
the lower
cone of the iris from the illuminator located
below the video camera. Taking the absolute value in
not required when the operator
used first to locate the outer
the iris, since the sclera is always lighter than
the iris and
the smoothed partial derivative with increasing
radius near the limbus
always positive. However, the pupil
not always darker than the iris, as in persons with normal
early cataract or significant back-scattered light from the lens
and vitreous humor; applying the absolute value in
the operator a good circular edge-finder regardless of such
polarity-reversing conditions. With
automatically tailored
the stage of search for both the pupil and limbus, and by
making it correspondingly finer in successive iterations, the
operator defined in
has proven to be virtually infallible
in locating the visible inner and outer annular boundaries of
For rapid discrete implementation of the integrodifferential
operator in
it is more efficient
interchange the order
of convolution and differentiation and
concatenate them,
before computing the discrete convolution of the resulting
operator with the discrete series of undersampled sums of
pixels along circular contours of increasing radius. Using the
finite difference approximation to the derivative for a discrete

series in
-- -
is a small increment in radius, and replacing the
convolution and contour integrals with sums, we can derive
through these manipulations an efficient discrete operator (see
at the bottom of the page) for finding the inner and outer
boundaries of an iris where
is the angular sampling interval
along the circular arcs, over which the summed
intensities represent the contour integrals expressed in
nonlinear enhancement of this operator makes it more
robust for detecting the inner boundary of the iris. Because
the circular edge that defines the pupillary boundary is often
very faint, especially in dark-eyed persons, it is advantageous
divide each term in the convolution summation over
by a further contour integral around a smaller radius
This divisor becomes very small and stable as the
of contour integration become well-
matched to the true location and size of the pupil, and this
helps the resulting sum
ratio terms (see
at the bottom
of the page)
achieve a distinctive maximum that reliably
locates the pupillary boundary. In essence, dividing by the
second contour integral exploits the fact that the interior of the
pupil is generally both homogeneous and dark. This creates a
suddenly very small divisor when the parameters
are optimal for the true pupil, thus producing a sharp maximum
in the overall search operator
Using multigrid search with gradient ascent over the image
for the center coordinates and initial radius
of each series of contour integrals, and decimating both the
incremental radius interval
and the angular sampling
in successively finer scales
search spanning four
octaves, these iris locating operations become very efficient
without loss of reliability. The total processing time on a
RISC-based CPU for iris detection and localization
pixel precision using such operators, starting from a
image, is about one-quarter of a second
msec) with
optimized integer code.
Assessing Image Quality, Eyelid Occlusion,
and Possibility
The operators previously described for finding an iris also
provide a good assessment of “eyeness,” and of the autofo-
cus performance of the video camera. The normally sharp
boundary at the limbus between the iris and the (white) sclera
generates a large positive circular edge; if a derivative larger
than a certain criterion is not detected by the searching operator
using the contour integral defined in
then this suggests
either that no eye is present, or that it
largely obscured
by eyelids, or that it is in poor focus or beyond resolution.
In practice the automatic identifying system that has been
built continues
grab image frames in rapid succession until
several frames in sequence confirm that an eye is present and
in focus, through large values being found by operator
and through large ratios of circular contour integrals being
found on either side of the putative limbus boundary. Exces-
sive eyelid occlusion
alleviated in cooperating Subjects by
providing live video feedback through the lens of the video
camera into which the Subject’s gaze is directed, by means of
a miniature liquid-crystal
monitor displaying the magnified
image through a beamsplitter in the optical axis.
further test for evidence that a living eye is present
exploits the fact that pupillary diameter relative
iris diameter
in a normal eye is constantly changing, even under steady
Continuous involuntary oscillations in
pupil size, termed hippus or pupillary unrest, arise from normal
fluctuations in the activities of both the sympathetic and
parasympathetic innervation of the iris sphincter muscle
These changes in pupil diameter relative to iris diameter over
a sequence of frames are detected by the discrete operators
respectively, in order
compute a “hippus
measure” defined as the coefficient of variation (standard
deviation divided by mean) for the fluctuating time series of
these diameter ratios. Together with the accompanying elastic
deformations in the iris texture itself arising either from normal
hippus or from a light-driven pupillomotor response, these
fluctuations could provide a test against artifice (such as a
fake iris painted
a contact lens) if necessary in highly
secure implementations of this system.
AT) -Go

Two-Dimensional Gabor Filters
effective strategy for extracting both coherent and inco-
herent textural information from images, such as the detailed
texture of an iris, is the computation of
Gabor phasor
coefficients. This family of
filters were originally proposed
by Daugman
as a framework for understanding the
orientation-selective and spatial-frequency-selective receptive
field properties of neurons in the brain's visual cortex, and
as useful operators for practical image analysis problems.
Their mathematical properties were further elaborated by
the author in
1985 [9],
who pointed out that such
quadrature phasor filters were conjointly optimal in providing
the maximum possible resolution both for information about
the orientation and spatial frequency content of local image
structure ("what"), simultaneously with information about
D position ("where"). The complex-valued family of
Gabor filters uniquely achieves the theoretical lower bound
for conjoint uncertainty over these four variables, as dictated
by an inescapable uncertainty principle
These properties are particularly useful for texture analysis
[2], [4]-[7], [lo], [14]-[16], [18], [23], [29]-[31]
because of
spectral specificity of texture as well as its variation
spatial position.
rapid method for obtaining
the required coefficients on these elementary functions for
the purpose
representing any image completely by its
Gabor Transform, despite the non-orthogonality of the
expansion basis, was given in
through the use of a
relaxation network.
large and growing literature now exists
on the efficient use of this nonorthogonal expansion basis and
its applications (e.g., [2],
[14], [23], [28]).
Two-dimensional Gabor filters over the image domain
have the functional form
specify position in the image,
effective width and length, and
specify modulation,
which has spatial frequency
and direction
further degree-of-freedom included
below but not captured above in
is the relative orientation
of the elliptic Gaussian envelope, which creates cross-terms
Fourier transform
of a 2-D Gabor
filter has exactly the same functional form, with parameters
just interchanged or inverted
The real part of one member of the
Gabor filter family,
centered at the origin
and with aspect ratio
is shown in Fig. 2, together with its
Gabor functions can form a complete self-similar
wavelet expansion basis
with the requirements
thogonality and strictly compact support
by appropriate parameterization for dilation, rotation, and
translation. If we take q(x,y) to be a chosen generic 2-
D Gabor wavelet, then we can generate from this member
The real part
a complete self-similar family of
wavelets through the
generating function
where the substituted variables
incorporate dilations of
the wavelet in size by
translations in position
rotations through angle
It is noteworthy
that as consequences of the similarity
theorem, shift theorem, and modulation theorem
analysis, together with the rotation isomorphism of the Fourier
transform, all of these effects of the generating function
applied to a
Gabor mother wavelet
y) in
order to generate a
Gabor daughter wavelet
have corresponding or reciprocal effects on its Fourier trans-
without any change in functional form. This
family of wavelet filters and their Fourier transforms is closed

under the transformation group of dilations, translations, ro-
tations, and convolutions
We will exploit these self-
similarity properties of
Gabor filters in analyzing iris
textures across multiple scales to construct identifying codes.
D. Doubly Dimensionless Projected Polar Coordinate System
Zones of analysis are established on the iris in a doubly
dimensionless projected polar coordinate system. Its purpose
is to maintain reference to the same regions of iris tissue
regardless both of pupillary constriction and overall iris image
size, and hence regardless of distance to the eye and video
zoom factor. This pseudo polar coordinate system is not
necessarily concentric, since for most eyes the pupil is not
central in the iris. (Typically the pupil is both nasal to,
and inferior to, the center of the iris
and it is not
unusual for its displacement to be as great as
stretching of the elastic trabecular meshwork of the iris from
constriction of the pupil is intrinsically modelled by the doubly
dimensionless projected coordinate system as the stretching
of a homogeneous rubber sheet, having the topology of an
annulus anchored along its outer perimeter, with tension
controlled by an off-centered interior ring of variable radius.
The homogeneous rubber sheet model assigns to each point
in the iris, regardless of size and pupillary dilation, a pair of
dimensionless real coordinates
lies on the unit
is the usual angular quantity that is cyclic
The remapping of the iris image
from raw
to the doubly dimensionless nonconcentric
polar coordinate system
can be represented as
are defined as linear combinations
of both the set of pupillary boundary points
around the circle that was found to maximize operator
the set of limbus boundary points along the outer perimeter of
the iris
bordering the sclera, that was found to
maximize operator
Demarcations of the zones of analysis specified in this
projected doubly dimensionless coordinate system, for two
sample close-up iris images, are illustrated in Figs.
These zones of analysis are assigned in the same format for all
eyes and are based on a fixed partitioning of the dimensionless
polar coordinate system, but of course for any given eye
their affine radial scaling depends on the actual pupillary
diameter (and possible offset) relative to the limbus boundary
as determined by operators
The zones of analysis
always exclude a region at the top of the iris where partial
occlusion by the upper eyelid is common, and a
notch at
the bottom where there is a corneal specular reflection from
the filtered light source that illuminates the eye from below.
Demarcated zones
analysis and illustration
a computed iris code.
Demarcated zones
analysis and illustration
a computed iris code.
(Illumination at an angle is desirable to deflect its specular
reflection from eye-glasses, which persons are not asked to
remove. The much greater curvature of the cornea compared
with that of spectacle lenses, however, prevents elimination
of the illuminator's first Purkinje reflection from the moist
lower front surface of the cornea or of contact lenses; this
necessitates the exclusion notch in the zones of analysis near
the 6-o'clock position.)
Rotation invariance to correct for head tilt and cyclover-
gence of the eye within its orbit is achieved in a subsequent
stage of analysis of the iris code itself. The overall recog-
nition scheme is thus invariant under the PoincarC group of
transformations of the iris image: planar translation, rotation
(due to cyclovergence and tilt of the head), and dilation (due
both to imaging distance and video zoom factor). Through the
doubly dimensionless coordinate system, the constructed iris
code is also invariant under the nonaffine elastic distortion (or
projected conic transformation) that arises from variable pupil

More filters
Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Comparisons with other multiresolution texture features using the Brodatz texture database indicate that the Gabor features provide the best pattern retrieval accuracy.
Abstract: Image content based retrieval is emerging as an important research area with application to digital libraries and multimedia databases. The focus of this paper is on the image processing aspects and in particular using texture information for browsing and retrieval of large image data. We propose the use of Gabor wavelet features for texture analysis and provide a comprehensive experimental evaluation. Comparisons with other multiresolution texture features using the Brodatz texture database indicate that the Gabor features provide the best pattern retrieval accuracy. An application to browsing large air photos is illustrated.

4,017 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Algorithms developed by the author for recognizing persons by their iris patterns have now been tested in many field and laboratory trials, producing no false matches in several million comparison tests.
Abstract: Algorithms developed by the author for recognizing persons by their iris patterns have now been tested in many field and laboratory trials, producing no false matches in several million comparison tests. The recognition principle is the failure of a test of statistical independence on iris phase structure encoded by multi-scale quadrature wavelets. The combinatorial complexity of this phase information across different persons spans about 249 degrees of freedom and generates a discrimination entropy of about 3.2 b/mm/sup 2/ over the iris, enabling real-time decisions about personal identity with extremely high confidence. The high confidence levels are important because they allow very large databases to be searched exhaustively (one-to-many "identification mode") without making false matches, despite so many chances. Biometrics that lack this property can only survive one-to-one ("verification") or few comparisons. The paper explains the iris recognition algorithms and presents results of 9.1 million comparisons among eye images from trials in Britain, the USA, Japan, and Korea.

2,829 citations

Cites methods from "High confidence visual recognition ..."

  • ...Altogether 2,048 such phase bits (256 bytes) are computed for each iris, but in a major improvement over the earlier ( Daugman 1993 ) algorithms, now an equal number of masking bits are also computed to signify whether any iris region is obscured by eyelids, contains any eyelash occlusions, specular reections, boundary artifacts of hard contact lenses, or poor signal-to-noise ratio and thus should be ignored in the demodulation code as ......


  • ...Algorithms described in ( Daugman 1993, 1994 ) for encoding and recognizing iris patterns have been the executable software used in all iris recognition systems so far deployed commercially or in tests, including those by British Telecom, US Sandia Labs, UK National Physical Lab, NBTC, Panasonic, LG, Oki, EyeTicket, IBM SchipholGroup, Joh.Enschede, IriScan, Iridian, and Sensar....


Proceedings ArticleDOI
10 Dec 2002
TL;DR: Algorithms developed by the author for recognizing persons by their iris patterns have now been tested in many field and laboratory trials, producing no false matches in several million comparison tests.
Abstract: The principle that underlies the recognition of persons by their iris patterns is the failure of a test of statistical independence on texture phase structure as encoded by multiscale quadrature wavelets. The combinatorial complexity of this phase information across different persons spans about 249 degrees of freedom and generates a discrimination entropy of about 3.2 bits/mm/sup 2/ over the iris, enabling real-time decisions about personal identity with extremely high confidence. Algorithms first described by the author in 1993 have now been tested in several independent field trials and are becoming widely licensed. This presentation reviews how the algorithms work and presents the results of 9.1 million comparisons among different eye images acquired in trials in Britain, the USA, Korea, and Japan.

2,437 citations

Cites methods from "High confidence visual recognition ..."

  • ...Only phase information is used for recognizing irises because amplitude information is not very discriminating, and it depends upon extraneous factors such as imaging contrast, illumination, and camera gain....


  • ...The author’s algorithms [8]–[10] for encoding and recognizing iris patterns have been the executable software used in all iris recognition systems so far deployed commercially or in tests, including those by British Telecom, Sandia Labs, U.K. National Physical Lab, Panasonic, LG, Oki, EyeTicket, Sensar, Sarnoff, IBM, SchipholGroup, Siemens, Sagem, IriScan, and Iridian....


  • ...…have been the executable software used in all iris recognition systems so far deployed commercially or in tests, including those by British Telecom, Sandia Labs, U.K. National Physical Lab, Panasonic, LG, Oki, EyeTicket, Sensar, Sarnoff, IBM, SchipholGroup, Siemens, Sagem, IriScan, and Iridian....


Journal ArticleDOI
01 Sep 1997
TL;DR: This paper examines automated iris recognition as a biometrically based technology for personal identification and verification from the observation that the human iris provides a particularly interesting structure on which to base a technology for noninvasive biometric assessment.
Abstract: This paper examines automated iris recognition as a biometrically based technology for personal identification and verification. The motivation for this endeavor stems from the observation that the human iris provides a particularly interesting structure on which to base a technology for noninvasive biometric assessment. In particular the biomedical literature suggests that irises are as distinct as fingerprints or patterns of retinal blood vessels. Further, since the iris is an overt body, its appearance is amenable to remote examination with the aid of a machine vision system. The body of this paper details issues in the design and operation of such systems. For the sake of illustration, extant systems are described in some amount of detail.

2,046 citations

Cites background from "High confidence visual recognition ..."

  • ...It is a thin diaphragm stretching across the anterior portion of the eye and supported by the lens (see Fig....


  • ...Last, Section IV provides concluding observations....


  • ...Unlike the human face, however, the variability in appearance of any one iris might be well enough constrained to make possible an automated recognition system based on currently available machine vision technologies....


  • ...…data base entry; 2) choosing a representation of the aligned iris patterns that makes their distinctive patterns apparent; 3) evaluating the goodness of match between the newly acquired and data base representations; 4) deciding if the newly acquired data and the data base entry were derived…...


01 Jan 2001
TL;DR: In almost 600 pages of riveting detail, Ross Anderson warns us not to be seduced by the latest defensive technologies, never to underestimate human ingenuity, and always use common sense in defending valuables.
Abstract: Gigantically comprehensive and carefully researched, Security Engineering makes it clear just how difficult it is to protect information systems from corruption, eavesdropping, unauthorized use, and general malice. Better, Ross Anderson offers a lot of thoughts on how information can be made more secure (though probably not absolutely secure, at least not forever) with the help of both technologies and management strategies. His work makes fascinating reading and will no doubt inspire considerable doubt--fear is probably a better choice of words--in anyone with information to gather, protect, or make decisions about. Be aware: This is absolutely not a book solely about computers, with yet another explanation of Alice and Bob and how they exchange public keys in order to exchange messages in secret. Anderson explores, for example, the ingenious ways in which European truck drivers defeat their vehicles' speed-logging equipment. In another section, he shows how the end of the cold war brought on a decline in defenses against radio-frequency monitoring (radio frequencies can be used to determine, at a distance, what's going on in systems--bank teller machines, say), and how similar technology can be used to reverse-engineer the calculations that go on inside smart cards. In almost 600 pages of riveting detail, Anderson warns us not to be seduced by the latest defensive technologies, never to underestimate human ingenuity, and always use common sense in defending valuables. A terrific read for security professionals and general readers alike. --David Wall Topics covered: How some people go about protecting valuable things (particularly, but not exclusively, information) and how other people go about getting it anyway. Mostly, this takes the form of essays (about, for example, how the U.S. Air Force keeps its nukes out of the wrong hands) and stories (one of which tells of an art thief who defeated the latest technology by hiding in a closet). Sections deal with technologies, policies, psychology, and legal matters.

1,852 citations

More filters
Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This final installment of the paper considers the case where the signals or the messages or both are continuously variable, in contrast with the discrete nature assumed until now.
Abstract: In this final installment of the paper we consider the case where the signals or the messages or both are continuously variable, in contrast with the discrete nature assumed until now. To a considerable extent the continuous case can be obtained through a limiting process from the discrete case by dividing the continuum of messages and signals into a large but finite number of small regions and calculating the various parameters involved on a discrete basis. As the size of the regions is decreased these parameters in general approach as limits the proper values for the continuous case. There are, however, a few new effects that appear and also a general change of emphasis in the direction of specialization of the general results to particular cases.

65,425 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
01 Nov 1973
TL;DR: These results indicate that the easily computable textural features based on gray-tone spatial dependancies probably have a general applicability for a wide variety of image-classification applications.
Abstract: Texture is one of the important characteristics used in identifying objects or regions of interest in an image, whether the image be a photomicrograph, an aerial photograph, or a satellite image. This paper describes some easily computable textural features based on gray-tone spatial dependancies, and illustrates their application in category-identification tasks of three different kinds of image data: photomicrographs of five kinds of sandstones, 1:20 000 panchromatic aerial photographs of eight land-use categories, and Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) multispecial imagery containing seven land-use categories. We use two kinds of decision rules: one for which the decision regions are convex polyhedra (a piecewise linear decision rule), and one for which the decision regions are rectangular parallelpipeds (a min-max decision rule). In each experiment the data set was divided into two parts, a training set and a test set. Test set identification accuracy is 89 percent for the photomicrographs, 82 percent for the aerial photographic imagery, and 83 percent for the satellite imagery. These results indicate that the easily computable textural features probably have a general applicability for a wide variety of image-classification applications.

20,442 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, it is shown that the difference of information between the approximation of a signal at the resolutions 2/sup j+1/ and 2 /sup j/ (where j is an integer) can be extracted by decomposing this signal on a wavelet orthonormal basis of L/sup 2/(R/sup n/), the vector space of measurable, square-integrable n-dimensional functions.
Abstract: Multiresolution representations are effective for analyzing the information content of images. The properties of the operator which approximates a signal at a given resolution were studied. It is shown that the difference of information between the approximation of a signal at the resolutions 2/sup j+1/ and 2/sup j/ (where j is an integer) can be extracted by decomposing this signal on a wavelet orthonormal basis of L/sup 2/(R/sup n/), the vector space of measurable, square-integrable n-dimensional functions. In L/sup 2/(R), a wavelet orthonormal basis is a family of functions which is built by dilating and translating a unique function psi (x). This decomposition defines an orthogonal multiresolution representation called a wavelet representation. It is computed with a pyramidal algorithm based on convolutions with quadrature mirror filters. Wavelet representation lies between the spatial and Fourier domains. For images, the wavelet representation differentiates several spatial orientations. The application of this representation to data compression in image coding, texture discrimination and fractal analysis is discussed. >

20,028 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The Mathematical Theory of Communication (MTOC) as discussed by the authors was originally published as a paper on communication theory more than fifty years ago and has since gone through four hardcover and sixteen paperback printings.
Abstract: Scientific knowledge grows at a phenomenal pace--but few books have had as lasting an impact or played as important a role in our modern world as The Mathematical Theory of Communication, published originally as a paper on communication theory more than fifty years ago. Republished in book form shortly thereafter, it has since gone through four hardcover and sixteen paperback printings. It is a revolutionary work, astounding in its foresight and contemporaneity. The University of Illinois Press is pleased and honored to issue this commemorative reprinting of a classic.

15,525 citations