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Journal ArticleDOI

High-Resolution Inkjet Printing of All-Polymer Transistor Circuits

It is shown that the use of substrate surface energy patterning to direct the flow of water-based conducting polymer inkjet droplets enables high-resolution definition of practical channel lengths of 5 micrometers, and high mobilities were achieved.
Direct printing of functional electronic materials may provide a new route to low-cost fabrication of integrated circuits. However, to be useful it must allow continuous manufacturing of all circuit components by successive solution deposition and printing steps in the same environment. We demonstrate direct inkjet printing of complete transistor circuits, including via-hole interconnections based on solution-processed polymer conductors, insulators, and self-organizing semiconductors. We show that the use of substrate surface energy patterning to direct the flow of water-based conducting polymer inkjet droplets enables high-resolution definition of practical channel lengths of 5 micrometers. High mobilities of 0.02 square centimeters per volt second and on-off current switching ratios of 10 5 were achieved.

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Journal ArticleDOI

Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes for Large-Area Displays: Towards the Dawn of Commercialization.

TL;DR: A Progress Report, covering interdisciplinary aspects including material chemistry of quantum dots and charge-transporting layers, optimization and mechanism studies of prototype devices and processing techniques to produce large-area and high-resolution red-green-blue pixel arrays, identifies a few key challenges facing the development of active-matrix QLED displays.
Journal ArticleDOI

Influence of alkyl chain branching positions on the hole mobilities of polymer thin-film transistors.

TL;DR: Four polymers that contain alkyl chains branched at different positions on the polymer backbone are prepared and a polymer with 4-decyltetradecyl chains gives an impressive mobility of 3.62 cm(2) V(-1) s (-1) .
Journal ArticleDOI

Recent Advances in Semiconductor Performance and Printing Processes for Organic Transistor-Based Electronics

TL;DR: The past two years have been a time of dramatic growth in the field of organic and printable electronics as discussed by the authors, and this review summarizes the most recent advances in the design, application, and understandability of these technologies.
Journal ArticleDOI

Organic semiconductor crystals

TL;DR: This review provides a comprehensive overview of the molecular packing, morphology and charge transport features of organic semiconductor crystals, the control of crystallization for achieving high quality crystals and the device physics in the three main applications.

Optical systems fabricated by printing-based assembly

TL;DR: In this article, the authors describe a range of useful physical and mechanical properties including flexibility, shapeability, conformability, and stretchablity of printed optical devices and devices, such as light emitting devices, light collecting systems, light sensing systems and photovoltaic systems.
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Journal ArticleDOI

Two-dimensional charge transport in self-organized, high-mobility conjugated polymers

TL;DR: In this article, the authors used thin-film, field effect transistor structures to probe the transport properties of the ordered microcrystalline domains in the conjugated polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene), P3HT.
Journal ArticleDOI

Integrated Optoelectronic Devices Based on Conjugated Polymers

TL;DR: An all-polymer semiconductor integrated device is demonstrated with a high-mobility conjugated polymer field-effect transistor driving a polymer light-emitting diode (LED) of similar size, which represents a step toward all- polymer optoelectronic integrated circuits such as active-matrix polymer LED displays.
Journal ArticleDOI

Ultrahigh-Density Nanowire Arrays Grown in Self-Assembled Diblock Copolymer Templates

TL;DR: A simple, robust, chemical route to the fabrication of ultrahigh-density arrays of nanopores with high aspect ratios using the equilibrium self-assembled morphology of asymmetric diblock copolymers is shown.
Journal ArticleDOI

All-polymer field-effect transistor realized by printing techniques

TL;DR: A field-effect transistor has been fabricated from polymer materials by printing techniques, which shows high current output, and opens the way for large-area, low-cost plastic electronics.
Journal ArticleDOI

A soluble and air-stable organic semiconductor with high electron mobility

TL;DR: A crystallographically engineered naphthalenetetracarboxylic diimide derivative is reported that allows us to fabricate solution-cast n-channel FETs with promising performance at ambient conditions and to produce a complementary inverter circuit whose active layers are deposited entirely from the liquid phase.
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