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How Do the Global Stock Markets Influence One Another? Evidence from Finance Big Data and Granger Causality Directed Network

TL;DR: The Granger causality test is applied to build the Granger Causality Directed Network for 33 global major stock market indices and sheds new insights on the influences among global stock markets with implications for trading strategy design, global portfolio management, risk management, and markets regulation.
Abstract: The recent financial network analysis approach reveals that the topologies of financial markets have an important influence on market dynamics. However, the majority of existing Finance Big Data networks are built as undirected networks without information on the influence directions among prices. Rather than understanding the correlations, this research applies the Granger causality test to build the Granger Causality Directed Network for 33 global major stock market indices. The paper further analyzes how the markets influence one another by investigating the directed edges in the different filtered networks. The network topology that evolves in different market periods is analyzed via a sliding window approach and Finance Big Data visualization. By quantifying the influences of market indices, 33 global major stock markets from the Granger causality network are ranked in comparison with the result based on PageRank centrality algorithm. Results reveal that the ranking lists are similar in both ...

Summary (2 min read)


  • Financial markets, including stock markets, are extremely complicated systems in which participants are playing various roles with asymmetric access to information at different market levels.
  • The success and failure of financial markets have significant influences on the economies.
  • Recent financial crises and market crashes urge practitioners and scholars to reevaluate the markets and understand the fundamental dynamics that the traditional financial theories fail to reveal.
  • This financial network analysis approach benefits portfolio management, risk management, quantitative trading, and other financial practices by providing better understandings as well as visualizations of market dynamics.
  • The authors investigate the global stock markets comprising 33 market indices of major stock markets using Granger causal testing and lead/lag correlation to build directed networks and quantify the global markets dynamics.

Literature Review

  • Financial systems are typical complex systems with a large number of heterogeneous participants interacting with one another in nonlinear ways.
  • These achievements, compared to traditional economics and finance approaches, bring significant new insights into the understandings of the market structures and behaviors.
  • The global stock markets are not only important for the individual country but also entangled with significant influences with one another.
  • The authors focus on the global stock market network constructed from price information.
  • The contribution of the research is in providing findings of global stock market directed networks built from Granger causality information and lead/lag effects.

Whole Period

  • Using the return data over the whole period, the Granger causality test is conducted for all index pairs.
  • The total number of edges satisfying F>c is 727 of 1,089 possible directed edges.
  • Douti indicates how many other indices are granger caused by Ii , more precisely, dini ¼ ~ekij jk i and douti ¼ ~eikj jk i: (2) To quantify the influence for each vertex, the influence factor introduced in Caraiani [15] is adopted, in which a Granger causality network is constructed by using the GDP data.
  • The authors sort the rows in descending order according to the influence factor IFi .
  • For different regions, the authors average the values and present them in Table 2.


  • Causality networks or lead/lag networks in designing of trading strategies, one can use the leading asset as an indicator for the lagged asset.
  • The authors work contributes to the literature in multiple folds.
  • Third, through the directed edge information, the authors reveal that the U.S. stock markets are dominating the networks with the highest influences, whereas the Asian stock markets are the most influenced markets by other markets.
  • Finally, the authors observed a lead/lag effect in the global markets through directed networks.
  • Also, the authors should be aware that the causality revealed from the Granger causality tests is valid in the scope of the Granger causality test.

Sliding Windows

  • To investigate how influences among indices evolve in their study period between April 1, 2007, and June 11, 2015, sliding window approach is adopted.
  • In Figures 4(a) and 4(b), the authors present the averaged Granger causality networks with top 5 percent edges and 25 percent edges.
  • The United States is a key player, and Asian indices like N255 , HSI (Hong Kong), AORD , NZ50 (New Zealand), and KS11 have the highest in-degrees and are influenced by U.S. and European indices.
  • Because the Granger causality networks are directed, it is interesting to apply the PageRank algorithm from the graph theory to study the influences of each index.
  • By repeating this updating for enough time, the authors can get.

Sliding Windows With Edges of Top 5 Percent and 25 Percent,

  • Respectively the PageRank order of all vertices.
  • For their case, on the contrary, the influencing vertex has more out degrees and less in degrees, whereas the influenced vertex has more in degrees and less out degrees.
  • Therefore, the original version of PageRank is not suitable here.
  • In Table 4, the authors present the rankings of all indices in the descending order of PageRank centrality values compared with the averaged influence factor hIFii .
  • In the PageRank table, U.S. indices again dominate the top positions followed with Americas indices and Asian indices.

Lead/Lag Network

  • The authors study the importance of the effect of the lead/lag between stocks.
  • The authors have evidence that the markets are not perfectly efficient where impacts or signals spread over the market in an asynchronous way.
  • Some recent literatures study the lagged correlations to explore the lead/lag effect.
  • In Curme et al. [23], a lagged correlation network is constructed for the stock market with discussion of the topological properties, and the result reveals the growth in efficiency and instability.
  • In another study, the daily price data are used for NYSE market [30], in which the author points that the lead/lag effect will be much smaller in daily data but may not be negligible nonetheless.


  • Financial network analysis is an innovative method to quantitatively study the dynamics of financial markets.
  • As a Financial Big Data approach, it provides new tools to analyze and visualize the interrelationships of assets.
  • Different from the undirected financial network analysis, which omits the causal or influence direction, the directed financial network analysis can reveal how the information or influence is spreading among the assets.
  • The authors discussed the Granger causality network and time lead/lag network built using global indices.

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How Do the Global Stock Markets Influence One
Another? Evidence from Finance Big Data and
Granger Causality Directed Network
Yong Tang, Jason Jie Xiong, Yong Luo, and Yi-Cheng Zhang
ABSTRACT: The recent financial network analysis approach reveals that the topolo-
gies of financial markets have an important influence on market dynamics. However,
the majority of existing Finance Big Data networks are built as undirected networks
without information on the influence directions among prices. Rather than understand-
ing the correlations, this research applies the Granger causality test to build the
Granger Causality Directed Network for 33 global major stock market indices. The
paper further analyzes how the markets influence one another by investigating the
directed edges in the different filtered networks. The network topology that evolves in
different market periods is analyzed via a sliding window approach and Finance Big
Data visualization. By quantifying the influences of market indices, 33 global major
stock markets from the Granger causality network are ranked in comparison with the
result based on PageRank centrality algorithm. Results reveal that the ranking lists are
similar in both approaches where t he U.S. indices dominate the top position followed
by other American, European, and Asian indices. The lead-lag analysis reveals that
there is lag effects among the global indices. The result sheds new insights on the
influences among global stock markets with implications for trading strategy design,
global portfolio management, risk management, and markets regulation.
KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: Finance Big Data, Granger causality directed network,
global stock markets, financial network analysis, data visualization, trading strategy,
market regulation, risk management.
Financial markets, including stock markets, are extremely complicated sys-
tems in which participants are playing various roles with asymmetric access
to information at different market levels. The success and failure of financial
markets have significant influences on the economies. Recent financial
crises and market crashes urge practitioners and scholars to reevaluate the
markets and understand the fundamental dynamics that the traditional
financial theories fail to reveal. With the help of complex network theory,
it is possible to model and extract the network topological structures to
reveal hidden information and relationships among financial markets and
assets. This financial network analysis approach benefits portfolio manage-
ment, risk management, quantitative trading, and other financial practices
by providing better understandings as well as visualizations of market
Published in "International Journal of Electronic Commerce 23(1): 85–109, 2019"
which should be cited to refer to this work.

Financial market is considered an extremely complex system supported
by various information technology innovations, including automated trad-
ing [26], off-exchange trading [20], and crowd-based stock selection [36].
Although the information is critical in the financial markets [16, 46], recent
years have witnessed an emerging development of network science in
various financial markets [54]. From Information Systems perspective,
financial network analysis is an emerging method to analyze financial
risks [48], financial cycle [60], stock market perspective [49], and risk spil-
lover network [74]. However, based on current research of financial net-
works topologies, the networks are usually undirected graphs constructed
from correlations among the price time series. Due to the lack of capability
in revealing the information of mutual influences among the stocks, it is
challenging to answer questions such as how one stock is causal to another
stock, or which stock leads or lags to another stock. As correlation does not
imply causation, other methods are needed to construct directed networks
to catch the embedded causal relationships among the interinfluences of
stocks. The study provides new tools to traditional finance studies, adds
new insights to the undirected financial networks analysis research, and
further provides implementations to research and practices.
The economies around the world are influencing one another due to
globalization. It is thus essential to understand the dynamics of global
markets. In this paper, we investigate the global stock markets comprising
33 market indices of major stock markets using Granger causal testing and
lead/lag correlation to build directed networks and quantify the global
markets dynamics. Overall, there are three research questions:
Research Question 1: Do Granger causality and lead/lag exist significantly
in the global stock markets?
Research Question 2: What are the properties of those directed networks via
Finance Big Data visualization?
Research Question 3: How do the major market indices influence one
another and their importance in the network?
Literature Review
Financial systems are typical complex systems with a large number of
heterogeneous participants interacting with one another in nonlinear
ways. For global stock markets, it is essential to understand the interdepen-
dent relationships among the stocks. Using the price time series of a port-
folio, the price correlation matrix, which indicates how assets are interacting
with one another, can be built to further construct the correlation-based
asset networks [62]. With these networks, the applications of the network
analysis from complex network theory and random matrix theory could
extract hidden information embedded in the behaviors of assets. Significant
advancements have been made in the past few years focusing on these

directions with many nontrivial empirical findings and applications to
market crisis study, portfolio optimization, risk management, and trading
strategy design. These achievements, compared to traditional economics
and finance approaches, bring significant new insights into the understand-
ings of the market structures and behaviors.
Many recent financial network analysis studies have been conducted on
a variety of stock markets around the world, such as Brazil [68], China [32],
South Korea [57], New Zealand [64], United States [61], Iran [52], Turkey
[22], Russia [71], Sweden [42], Germany [11], European markets [14], and
global markets [56]. The body of literature on correlation and network
studies of financial markets are growing. This shows a great practical
usages in both empirical studies and modeling the correlations and con-
nectedness based on price information, as discussed in Billio et al. [7] and
Podobnik et al. [63]. Besides the stock market, the real estate stock market is
studied in Wang and Xie [73], and foreign exchange markets were studied
in Fenn et al. [28] and Jang, Lee, and Chang [43]. As an extension of recent
advances of social sentiment studies in finance, Zhang et al. [77] propose a
stock price prediction method using the network structure properties with
social sentiments. In Farmer et al. [27], a vision to model the financial
markets and economic systems as coupled networks of agents are proposed
to combine the powers of both complex network theory and computational
multiple agent simulations. In a recent 2016 Science paper, Battiston et al. [4]
argue that concepts from complexity theory like networks are necessary and
have significant potentials to anticipate financial crises because the econo-
mies and financial systems are becoming highly connected [4]. The studies
of network structure and the related properties and the dynamics provide
new insights for financial market regulators for better policy decision
makings [ 3, 63, 67].
In financial network analysis, there has been some work on the relation-
ships between economic entities like countries, companies, and board direc-
tors. For example, Battiston and Catanzaro [3] find that the network of
board directors of big companies shows a small-world feature. Glattfelder
[33] and Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston [70] investigated the corporate
control relationships from the perspective of ownership networks extracted
from the shareholder data. Several papers research the international world
trade networks in which countries are vertices and the international
import/export of goods among countries are used to build edges [5, 45].
All these works, in macro levels, depict the relationships of large economic
entities, and the results are inspirational for macro trading. Furthermore, as
a method of Financial Big Data, financial network analysis provides tools
for revealing the topological structures of financial markets. To enhance the
capability of financial network analysis, it would be interesting to apply it
with other big data approaches using multiple sources of data, including
price data, stock profiles, financial filings, and sentiments in social media [1,
66]. In the research conducted by Boginski, Butenko, and Pardalos [
distribution of the financial market is studied, and the statistical
results show that the power law model is valid in financial networks. They

also reveal that network structures are stable over time intervals, and
parameters such as edge density increases in recent years indicate that
stocks are influencing one another in the U.S. stock market. In the research
conducted by Caldarelli et al. [13], the authors report that financial net-
works are extracted not only from stock prices but also from board director
and stock ownership. These results show scale-free properties. Chen et al.
[17] further discuss the relationship between the interindustry closeness
and returns industry in industrial level and the stock centrality and stock
returns in stock level. The global stock markets are not only important for
the individual country but also entangled with significant influences with
one another. The understanding of the dynamics of global stock markets is
essential to industrial practices as well as to the policymakers for a better
global economy [5, 25, 45]. In the traditional finance approaches, the
dynamics of global markets have been studied in various aspects, such as
effects of the herding [18, 37] driving factors, risk and predicting of market
returns [19, 29, 38], co-movement [31], interdependence, transmission
dynamics [50], correlation [35], and structure and performance of global
markets [6]. However, there is still a lack of study on the directed network
properties of global markets with focus on causality and lead/lag effects to
reflect the influencing relationships among global markets. It is interesting
to explore from new perspective and add new evidences to further verify
the effects, factors, predictions, and dynamics. Online Appendix provides a
summary of selected representative literatures in the logic of complex net-
work theory, financial network analysis, global stock market studies,
Granger and lead/lad, and applications.
In this study, we focus on the global stock market network constructed
from price information. The market indices are treated as the vertices,
whereas the relationships are translated as edges between stock markets.
The contribution of the research is in providing findings of global stock
market directed networks built from Granger causality information and
lead/lag effects. There is some relevant research that applies the Granger
causality tests in the study of network structures of financial markets. Using
the measurements of Granger causality networks based on monthly returns,
the study [7] shows that the financial institutional sectors (hedges funds,
banks, brokers, and insurance companies) interrelate, and banks represent
more important roles. The international business cycles are studied in
Caraiani [15] using Granger causality network approach. It reveals that
the United States plays important roles in subnetworks composed by G7
and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries.
Instead of using gross domestic product (GDP) data, we use all major global
stock markets indices data and focus on the dynamics of stock market
behavior. The Chinese stock market is studied using the cointegration
approach, and the structures are studied in Tu [69], where they apply the
Engle-Granger test to extract the subnetworks of Chinese stock market. The
study on the Granger causality networks of 20 developed markets is carried
out in Výrost, Lyócsa, and Baumöhl [72], and the survival ratio measure-
ment is used to study the stability. In Kenett et al. [47], a metacorrelation,

which is the correlation of the index return and the market mean correla-
tion, is proposed to study the components of the Dow Jones Industrial
Average (DJIA). Authors apply the Granger causality test to validate the
results and find that the index returns correlate with the mean correlations.
In Zheng et al. [78], a dynamic causality index is used to measure the
market shifts for the U.S. stock market as well.
Data Analysis and Discussion
Whole Period
Using the return data over the whole period, the Granger causality test is
conducted for all index pairs. Details of the research methodology of
Granger causality, ADF and Unit Root Test, and Data Setting Introduction
are presented in the online Appendix. The F -statistic and critical values are
calculated. Granger binary network is generated where vertices are indices
and the directed edges are weighted as 1 if F -statistic is larger than critical
values, as
1 if F>c;
0 otherwise;
where F is the F -statistic and c represents the critical value. If F>c ,aswe
described earlier, I
, that is, I
granger causes I
, then a directed edge
is established from I
to I
. Figure 1 plots the average correlation of each
sliding windows. In Figure 2, the granger network of 33 indices calculated
from the return data of the whole period is presented. The total number of
edges satisfying F>c is 727 of 1,089 possible directed edges. In other words,
the network has an edge density of 0.6676. For index I
, which is connected
by directed edges to other indices, we denote the in-degree as d
, out-
degree as d
, and total-degree as d
¼ d
þ d
. For a given index, d
indicates how many other indices granger cause I
. d
indicates how many
other indices are granger caused by I
, more precisely,
and d
: (2)
To quantify the influence for each vertex, the influence factor introduced
in Caraiani [15] is adopted, in which a Granger causality network is con-
structed by using the GDP data. Based on the granger network, the influ-
ence of each vertex (country) is measured as the relative influence factor (IF ):
: (3)
It shows that Granger causal network better predicts the fluctuations, and
the United States has the largest influence over other countries, which

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01 Jan 2001
TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigated the dynamic causal linkages among nine major international stock price indexes and found significant interdependencies between the established OECD and the Asian markets, and also the leadership of the US and UK markets over the short and long run.
Abstract: This paper investigates the dynamic causal linkages amongst nine major international stock price indexes. In order to gauge the causal transmission patterns we employ very recent methods of: (i) vector error-correction modeling and (ii) level VAR modeling with possibly integrated and cointegrated processes, advocated by: (i) Toda and Phillips (Econometrica, 61 (1993) 1367) and (ii) Toda and Yamamoto (J. Econometrics, 66 (1995) 225), respectively. The paper illustrates how such methods may be appropriately augmented in a compatible fashion to unearth previously unfounded linkage properties inherent amongst a system of stock price indexes. In particular, we demonstrate that previous research, by using ordinary difference VARs, ignored an important component of linkages displayed purely over the long run. This untapped evidence essentially provides robust and very useful information to international financial analysts and investors. At a substantive level, results of this study tend to support the contention offered by several studies in the literature of significant interdependencies between the established OECD and the Asian markets, and also the leadership of the US and UK markets over the short and long run. The levels VAR, however, illustrate the Japanese market's influence as an additional long run leader. Findings seem to be plausible given that these three markets (US, UK and Japan) have consistently contributed over 75% of global stock market capitalization over the major part of the sample under consideration. At a methodological level, this analysis also provides a primer for the wealth of applied financial econometric research focusing on dynamic causal inference which involve systems containing possibly integrated and cointegrated processes.

269 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The objective of this paper was to show the current landscape of finance dealing with big data, and to show how big data influences different financial sectors, more specifically, its impact on financial markets, financial institutions, and the relationship with internet finance, financial management, internet credit service companies, fraud detection, risk analysis, financial application management, and so on.
Abstract: Big data is one of the most recent business and technical issues in the age of technology. Hundreds of millions of events occur every day. The financial field is deeply involved in the calculation of big data events. As a result, hundreds of millions of financial transactions occur in the financial world each day. Therefore, financial practitioners and analysts consider it an emerging issue of the data management and analytics of different financial products and services. Also, big data has significant impacts on financial products and services. Therefore, identifying the financial issues where big data has a significant influence is also an important issue to explore with the influences. Based on these concepts, the objective of this paper was to show the current landscape of finance dealing with big data, and also to show how big data influences different financial sectors, more specifically, its impact on financial markets, financial institutions, and the relationship with internet finance, financial management, internet credit service companies, fraud detection, risk analysis, financial application management, and so on. The connection between big data and financial-related components will be revealed in an exploratory literature review of secondary data sources. Since big data in the financial field is an extremely new concept, future research directions will be pointed out at the end of this study.

88 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
01 Oct 2020
TL;DR: It is the purpose to find competitive advantages in terms of the extent to which big data brings visible benefits, also pointing out the challenges that a company may face in this field, such as cases of customers’ data security or customer satisfaction processes.
Abstract: One of the latest innovations in business and technology is the use of big data, as daily data are generated by billions of events. The big data issue is now considered in the accountants and finance professionals’ field as one of the most important sources for the analysis of financial products and services. This study is very innovative, with our research aiming to identify the opportunities, challenges, and implications of big data in the finance area. It is our purpose to find competitive advantages in terms of the extent to which big data brings visible benefits, also pointing out the challenges that a company may face in this field, such as cases of customers’ data security or customer satisfaction processes. The identification of this kind of dynamics allows us to draw conclusions on the advantages of big data based on these analyses and big data’s deep impact on finance. In particular, big data is now commonly used by financial institutions and banks for analytical purposes in financial market contexts. We conducted an exploratory survey of the existing literature to highlight such connections. In the last part of our study, we also propose directions for future research.

32 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article , the authors investigated how corporate environmental sustainability affects sundry parts of a company's performance, such as economic, social, technological, and organizational factors, on Corporate Environment Sustainability.

13 citations

Posted Content
TL;DR: This paper analyzes the global banking network via the method of Random Matrix Theory on a cross border lending network and shows that while the connectivity between different parts of the network has risen and the profile of transactions has diversified, the role of hubs remains important in the weighted perspective.
Abstract: Since 2008, the network analysis of financial systems is one of the most important subjects in economics. In this paper, we have used the complexity approach and Random Matrix Theory (RMT) for analyzing the global banking network. By applying this method on a cross border lending network, it is shown that the network has been denser and the connectivity between peripheral nodes and the central section has risen. Also, by considering the collective behavior of the system and comparing it with the shuffled one, we can see that this network obtains a specific structure. By using the inverse participation ratio concept, we can see that after 2000, the participation of different modes to the network has increased and tends to the market mode of the system. Although no important change in the total market share of trading occurs, through the passage of time, the contribution of some countries in the network structure has increased. The technique proposed in the paper can be useful for analyzing different types of interaction networks between countries.

12 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
04 Jun 1998-Nature
TL;DR: Simple models of networks that can be tuned through this middle ground: regular networks ‘rewired’ to introduce increasing amounts of disorder are explored, finding that these systems can be highly clustered, like regular lattices, yet have small characteristic path lengths, like random graphs.
Abstract: Networks of coupled dynamical systems have been used to model biological oscillators, Josephson junction arrays, excitable media, neural networks, spatial games, genetic control networks and many other self-organizing systems. Ordinarily, the connection topology is assumed to be either completely regular or completely random. But many biological, technological and social networks lie somewhere between these two extremes. Here we explore simple models of networks that can be tuned through this middle ground: regular networks 'rewired' to introduce increasing amounts of disorder. We find that these systems can be highly clustered, like regular lattices, yet have small characteristic path lengths, like random graphs. We call them 'small-world' networks, by analogy with the small-world phenomenon (popularly known as six degrees of separation. The neural network of the worm Caenorhabditis elegans, the power grid of the western United States, and the collaboration graph of film actors are shown to be small-world networks. Models of dynamical systems with small-world coupling display enhanced signal-propagation speed, computational power, and synchronizability. In particular, infectious diseases spread more easily in small-world networks than in regular lattices.

39,297 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
15 Oct 1999-Science
TL;DR: A model based on these two ingredients reproduces the observed stationary scale-free distributions, which indicates that the development of large networks is governed by robust self-organizing phenomena that go beyond the particulars of the individual systems.
Abstract: Systems as diverse as genetic networks or the World Wide Web are best described as networks with complex topology. A common property of many large networks is that the vertex connectivities follow a scale-free power-law distribution. This feature was found to be a consequence of two generic mechanisms: (i) networks expand continuously by the addition of new vertices, and (ii) new vertices attach preferentially to sites that are already well connected. A model based on these two ingredients reproduces the observed stationary scale-free distributions, which indicates that the development of large networks is governed by robust self-organizing phenomena that go beyond the particulars of the individual systems.

33,771 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The relationship between co-integration and error correction models, first suggested in Granger (1981), is here extended and used to develop estimation procedures, tests, and empirical examples.
Abstract: The relationship between co-integration and error correction models, first suggested in Granger (1981), is here extended and used to develop estimation procedures, tests, and empirical examples. If each element of a vector of time series x first achieves stationarity after differencing, but a linear combination a'x is already stationary, the time series x are said to be co-integrated with co-integrating vector a. There may be several such co-integrating vectors so that a becomes a matrix. Interpreting a'x,= 0 as a long run equilibrium, co-integration implies that deviations from equilibrium are stationary, with finite variance, even though the series themselves are nonstationary and have infinite variance. The paper presents a representation theorem based on Granger (1983), which connects the moving average, autoregressive, and error correction representations for co-integrated systems. A vector autoregression in differenced variables is incompatible with these representations. Estimation of these models is discussed and a simple but asymptotically efficient two-step estimator is proposed. Testing for co-integration combines the problems of unit root tests and tests with parameters unidentified under the null. Seven statistics are formulated and analyzed. The critical values of these statistics are calculated based on a Monte Carlo simulation. Using these critical values, the power properties of the tests are examined and one test procedure is recommended for application. In a series of examples it is found that consumption and income are co-integrated, wages and prices are not, short and long interest rates are, and nominal GNP is co-integrated with M2, but not M1, M3, or aggregate liquid assets.

27,170 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Developments in this field are reviewed, including such concepts as the small-world effect, degree distributions, clustering, network correlations, random graph models, models of network growth and preferential attachment, and dynamical processes taking place on networks.
Abstract: Inspired by empirical studies of networked systems such as the Internet, social networks, and biological networks, researchers have in recent years developed a variety of techniques and models to help us understand or predict the behavior of these systems. Here we review developments in this field, including such concepts as the small-world effect, degree distributions, clustering, network correlations, random graph models, models of network growth and preferential attachment, and dynamical processes taking place on networks.

17,647 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the cross spectrum between two variables can be decomposed into two parts, each relating to a single causal arm of a feedback situation, and measures of causal lag and causal strength can then be constructed.
Abstract: There occurs on some occasions a difficulty in deciding the direction of causality between two related variables and also whether or not feedback is occurring. Testable definitions of causality and feedback are proposed and illustrated by use of simple two-variable models. The important problem of apparent instantaneous causality is discussed and it is suggested that the problem often arises due to slowness in recording information or because a sufficiently wide class of possible causal variables has not been used. It can be shown that the cross spectrum between two variables can be decomposed into two parts, each relating to a single causal arm of a feedback situation. Measures of causal lag and causal strength can then be constructed. A generalisation of this result with the partial cross spectrum is suggested.

16,349 citations