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Imaging modes of atomic force microscopy for application in molecular and cell biology

TL;DR: The basic principles, advantages and limitations of the most common AFM bioimaging modes are reviewed, including the popular contact and dynamic modes, as well as recently developed modes such as multiparametric, molecular recognition, multifrequency and high-speed imaging.
Abstract: Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a powerful, multifunctional imaging platform that allows biological samples, from single molecules to living cells, to be visualized and manipulated. Soon after the instrument was invented, it was recognized that in order to maximize the opportunities of AFM imaging in biology, various technological developments would be required to address certain limitations of the method. This has led to the creation of a range of new imaging modes, which continue to push the capabilities of the technique today. Here, we review the basic principles, advantages and limitations of the most common AFM bioimaging modes, including the popular contact and dynamic modes, as well as recently developed modes such as multiparametric, molecular recognition, multifrequency and high-speed imaging. For each of these modes, we discuss recent experiments that highlight their unique capabilities.

Summary (3 min read)


  • The emergence of atomic force microscopy (AFM) 30 years ago 1 in the then fledgling field of nanotechnology 2 has opened new avenues in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine, and since then has continuously inspired researchers all over the world, as testified by more than 340,000 scientific articles in peer reviewed journals (web of science).
  • The key invention was to contour nonconductive surfaces much below the diffraction limit of light by controlling a conglomerate of forces acting between a tiny probe and the object.
  • This unique flexibility of AFM to image, probe and manipulate materials made it the most versatile toolkit in nanoscience and --technology, changed their perception of hard and soft matter and stimulated revolutionary discoveries and technologies 2 .
  • Major advances in high--resolution imaging have also been achieved in complementary methods including super resolution microscopy and cryo--electron microscopy, which significantly enrich the imaging toolbox now available to molecular and cell biology (Table 1 ).

Imaging native biological systems in liquid

  • The key breakthrough that led to biological AFM was the development of an optical detection system, followed by the design of a fluid chamber, enabling imaging in buffer solution and thus maintaining the native state of the biological system 4, 5 .
  • In close proximity to the sample surface, the interactions between tip and sample change both the cantilever amplitude and resonance frequency allowing them to be used as feedback parameters for contouring fragile biological samples 34, 35, 36 .
  • Applied to cellular systems contact and dynamic mode AFM reveal topographs below the resolution limit of conventional light microscopy.
  • An elegant approach for imaging living cells and circumventing tip contamination problems is scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM), which scans a nanopipette over the sample while measuring the ion current 47, 48, 49 .
  • The force applied to the AFM tip can simply be adjusted for mechanical manipulation, and the tip can be functionalized with chemical groups to manipulate specific sample regions.

From force--distance curves to multiparametric imaging

  • The question came up whether AFM can do more than just contouring a surface.
  • Approach FD curves can quantify the height, surface forces, mechanical deformation of the sample, or derive its elastic modulus and energy dissipation.
  • FD--based AFM thus opens the door to image complex biological systems and to simultaneously quantify and map their intrinsic physical properties, including elasticity and adhesion (Fig. 3d--e ).
  • Y,z), it is often a challenge to determine the exact contact point between tip and sample (zero separation), particularly when long--range surface forces, surface roughness and deformation of the soft biological sample play roles.
  • FD--based AFM also mapped the mechanical properties of heterogeneous lipid membranes 76 and correlated mechanical properties of human keratinocytes 77 and bacteria 78, 79 to their morphology and state.

Molecular recognition imaging

  • This approach requires tip--sample interactions to be known, which is facilitated by functionalizing AFM tips with specific chemical groups or ligands 88, 89 .
  • Using functionalized probes, FD--based AFM could detect and localize specific interactions of biological systems ranging from antibodies to living human cells 8, 63, 88, 89, 90, 93, 95 .
  • Applied to live bacteria and yeast, the main components of microbial cell walls have been localized and force probed, including peptidoglycans 46 , teichoic acids 100 , and cell adhesion proteins 83, 101 .
  • Therefore, before engaging functionalized tips, it is useful to characterize the sample with unmodified tips.
  • This method was used to map the binding sites of cadherins on vascular endothelial cells 105 .

Multifrequency imaging

  • Besides topographic imaging AFM can map mechanical and functional properties of the biological sample.
  • Recently developed multifrequency AFM modes 37, 106 , which promise exciting possibilities to study biological systems are therefore discussed.
  • Bimodal AFM has also been used to image ferritin while separating short--range mechanical (≈0.5 nm) from long--range magnetic (≈5-1,000 nm) forces.
  • Initially, this AFM imaging mode has been applied to measure topography and viscoelastic properties of relatively large biological objects including viruses and cells (Fig. 4e ) 111, 112 .
  • Torsional harmonics allow the topograph of the sample and the time--varying forces to be recorded by integrating the higher harmonics of the torsional movement.

High--speed imaging: imaging biological processes in real time

  • Compared to fluorescence microscopy, AFM imaging is limited by its rather slow time resolution.
  • Therefore, to achieve high--speed using amplitude modulation AFM, the cantilever's response time τ = Q/(πf0) has to be shortened, with Q being the quality factor and f0 the first resonance frequency of the cantilever in water (Fig. 5a ).
  • This rotation is made possible by rotary propagation of three chemical states (empty, ATP--bound and ADP--bound states) and hence corresponding structural states over the β subunits.
  • How nucleoporins form a selective barrier facilitating this transport has been unclear.
  • The tip--scan HS--AFM developed very recently will thus significantly expand the applicability to study biological processes by AFM 133 .

Correlative imaging

  • Living cells present a high level of structural and functional complexity.
  • In such cases the full potential of AFM is achieved in combination with complementary microscopy techniques that can identify and correlate complex cellular structures of interest 9 .
  • Exciting applications range from single animal cells, to tissues microbial cells, and to their assemblies.
  • Such experiments allowed the furrow stiffening during cell division 65 to be observed, the adhesion of Dictyostelium discoideum to their substrate to be measured to molecular scale 138 , or to unravel whether cell adhesion or cortex tension determine cell sorting in the developing embryo 139 .
  • Recent examples include the localization of receptors on CHO cells and endothelial cells 144 , and the visualization of the peptidoglycan insertion into the cell wall of L. lactis 46 while mapping the distribution of single peptidoglycan molecules on the outermost cell surface using the AFM.


  • This year the authors are celebrating the 30 th birthday of AFM, which undoubtedly has revolutionized nanotechnology and now shows a considerable impact in life sciences.
  • In the past years many new AFM--imaging modalities have been introduced, which in principle can be readily applied to biological systems and thus will further extend the variety of information that can be quantified and structurally mapped while imaging complex biological systems.
  • It may be thus expected, that recently introduced ultrastable AFMs providing sub--pN force precision and high positional stability (< 0.03 Å) at extremely low lateral drift (≈ 5 pm min -1 ) 147, 148 , will guide the development of AFMs for new applications of biological significance.
  • Biological systems are rather complex and require the acquisition of a wealth of information to be understood.

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Delft University of Technology
Imaging modes of atomic force microscopy for application in molecular and cell biology
Dufrêne, Yves F.; Ando, Toshio; Garcia, Ricardo; Alsteens, David; Martinez-Martin, David; Engel, Andreas;
Gerber, Christoph; Müller, Daniel J.
Publication date
Document Version
Accepted author manuscript
Published in
Nature Nanotechnology
Citation (APA)
Dufrêne, Y. F., Ando, T., Garcia, R., Alsteens, D., Martinez-Martin, D., Engel, A., Gerber, C., & Müller, D. J.
(2017). Imaging modes of atomic force microscopy for application in molecular and cell biology.
(4), 295-307.
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Journal ArticleDOI
01 Jan 2019
TL;DR: The potential of combining AFM with complementary techniques, including optical microscopy and spectroscopy of mechanosensitive fluorescent constructs, super-resolution microscopy, the patch clamp technique and the use of microstructured and fluidic devices to characterize the 3D distribution of mechanical responses within biological systems and to track their morphology and functional state as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: Mechanobiology emerges at the crossroads of medicine, biology, biophysics and engineering and describes how the responses of proteins, cells, tissues and organs to mechanical cues contribute to development, differentiation, physiology and disease. The grand challenge in mechanobiology is to quantify how biological systems sense, transduce, respond and apply mechanical signals. Over the past three decades, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has emerged as a key platform enabling the simultaneous morphological and mechanical characterization of living biological systems. In this Review, we survey the basic principles, advantages and limitations of the most common AFM modalities used to map the dynamic mechanical properties of complex biological samples to their morphology. We discuss how mechanical properties can be directly linked to function, which has remained a poorly addressed issue. We outline the potential of combining AFM with complementary techniques, including optical microscopy and spectroscopy of mechanosensitive fluorescent constructs, super-resolution microscopy, the patch clamp technique and the use of microstructured and fluidic devices to characterize the 3D distribution of mechanical responses within biological systems and to track their morphology and functional state. Mechanobiology describes how biological systems respond to mechanical stimuli. This Review surveys basic principles, advantages and limitations of applying and combining atomic force microscopy-based modalities with complementary techniques to characterize the morphology, mechanical properties and functional response of complex biological systems to mechanical cues.

387 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
18 Jun 2020-ACS Nano
TL;DR: The technological challenges and opportunities of current bio/chemical sensors and analytical tools are reviewed by critically analyzing the bottlenecks which have hindered the implementation of advanced sensing technologies in pandemic diseases, and holistic insights into challenges associated with the quick translation of sensing technologies, policies, ethical issues, technology adoption are provided.
Abstract: Biosensors and nanoscale analytical tools have shown huge growth in literature in the past 20 years, with a large number of reports on the topic of 'ultrasensitive', 'cost-effective', and 'early detection' tools with a potential of 'mass-production' cited on the web of science Yet none of these tools are commercially available in the market or practically viable for mass production and use in pandemic diseases such as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) In this context, we review the technological challenges and opportunities of current bio/chemical sensors and analytical tools by critically analyzing the bottlenecks which have hindered the implementation of advanced sensing technologies in pandemic diseases We also describe in brief COVID-19 by comparing it with other pandemic strains such as that of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) for the identification of features that enable biosensing Moreover, we discuss visualization and characterization tools that can potentially be used not only for sensing applications but also to assist in speeding up the drug discovery and vaccine development process Furthermore, we discuss the emerging monitoring mechanism, namely wastewater-based epidemiology, for early warning of the outbreak, focusing on sensors for rapid and on-site analysis of SARS-CoV2 in sewage To conclude, we provide holistic insights into challenges associated with the quick translation of sensing technologies, policies, ethical issues, technology adoption, and an overall outlook of the role of the sensing technologies in pandemics

277 citations

01 Nov 2018
TL;DR: The potential of combining AFM with complementary techniques, including optical microscopy and spectroscopy of mechanosensitive fluorescent constructs, super-resolution microscopy, the patch clamp technique and the use of microstructured and fluidic devices to characterize the 3D distribution of mechanical responses within biological systems are outlined.
Abstract: Mechanobiology emerges at the crossroads of medicine, biology, biophysics and engineering and describes how the responses of proteins, cells, tissues and organs to mechanical cues contribute to development, differentiation, physiology and disease. The grand challenge in mechanobiology is to quantify how biological systems sense, transduce, respond and apply mechanical signals. Over the past three decades, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has emerged as a key platform enabling the simultaneous morphological and mechanical characterization of living biological systems. In this Review, we survey the basic principles, advantages and limitations of the most common AFM modalities used to map the dynamic mechanical properties of complex biological samples to their morphology. We discuss how mechanical properties can be directly linked to function, which has remained a poorly addressed issue. We outline the potential of combining AFM with complementary techniques, including optical microscopy and spectroscopy of mechanosensitive fluorescent constructs, super-resolution microscopy, the patch clamp technique and the use of microstructured and fluidic devices to characterize the 3D distribution of mechanical responses within biological systems and to track their morphology and functional state.Mechanobiology describes how biological systems respond to mechanical stimuli. This Review surveys basic principles, advantages and limitations of applying and combining atomic force microscopy-based modalities with complementary techniques to characterize the morphology, mechanical properties and functional response of complex biological systems to mechanical cues.Key pointsThe versatile functions of biological systems ranging from molecules, cells and cellular systems to living organisms are governed by their mechanical properties and ability to sense mechanical cues and respond to them.Atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based approaches provide multifunctional nanotools to measure a wide variety of mechanical properties of living systems and to apply to them well-defined mechanical cues.AFM allows us to apply and measure forces from the piconewton to the micronewton range on spatially defined areas with sizes ranging from the sub-nanometre to several tens of micrometres.Mechanical parameters characterized by AFM include force, pressure, tension, adhesion, friction, elasticity, viscosity and energy dissipation.The mechanical parameters of complex biological systems can be structurally mapped, with a spatial resolution ranging from millimetres to sub-nanometres and at kinetic ranges from hours to milliseconds.AFM can be combined with various complementary methods to characterize a multitude of mechanical, functional and morphological properties and responses of complex biological systems.

271 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles have been discussed and the potential challenges of using various inhibitors, endocytic markers and genetic approaches to study endocytosis.
Abstract: Nanoparticles (NPs) have attracted considerable attention in various fields, such as cosmetics, the food industry, material design, and nanomedicine. In particular, the fast-moving field of nanomedicine takes advantage of features of NPs for the detection and treatment of different types of cancer, fibrosis, inflammation, arthritis as well as neurodegenerative and gastrointestinal diseases. To this end, a detailed understanding of the NP uptake mechanisms by cells and intracellular localization is essential for safe and efficient therapeutic applications. In the first part of this review, we describe the several endocytic pathways involved in the internalization of NPs and we discuss the impact of the physicochemical properties of NPs on this process. In addition, the potential challenges of using various inhibitors, endocytic markers and genetic approaches to study endocytosis are addressed along with the principal (semi) quantification methods of NP uptake. The second part focuses on synthetic and bio-inspired substances, which can stimulate or decrease the cellular uptake of NPs. This approach could be interesting in nanomedicine where a high accumulation of drugs in the target cells is desirable and clearance by immune cells is to be avoided. This review contributes to an improved understanding of NP endocytic pathways and reveals potential substances, which can be used in nanomedicine to improve NP delivery.

252 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This review introduces the state-of-the-art force microscope-based methods to map at high-spatial resolution the elastic and viscoelastic properties of soft materials.
Abstract: Fast, high-resolution, non-destructive and quantitative characterization methods are needed to develop materials with tailored properties at the nanoscale or to understand the relationship between mechanical properties and cell physiology. This review introduces the state-of-the-art force microscope-based methods to map at high-spatial resolution the elastic and viscoelastic properties of soft materials. The experimental methods are explained in terms of the theories that enable the transformation of observables into material properties. Several applications in materials science, molecular biology and mechanobiology illustrate the scope, impact and potential of nanomechanical mapping methods.

208 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The atomic force microscope as mentioned in this paper is a combination of the principles of the scanning tunneling microscope and the stylus profilometer, which was proposed as a method to measure forces as small as 10-18 N. As one application for this concept, they introduce a new type of microscope capable of investigating surfaces of insulators on an atomic scale.
Abstract: The scanning tunneling microscope is proposed as a method to measure forces as small as 10-18 N. As one application for this concept, we introduce a new type of microscope capable of investigating surfaces of insulators on an atomic scale. The atomic force microscope is a combination of the principles of the scanning tunneling microscope and the stylus profilometer. It incorporates a probe that does not damage the surface. Our preliminary results in air demonstrate a lateral resolution of 30 A and a vertical resolution less than 1 A.

12,344 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
01 Jan 2010-Science
TL;DR: The evidence for how this principle combines the potential for sphingolipid-cholesterol self-assembly with protein specificity to selectively focus membrane bioactivity is reviewed.
Abstract: Cell membranes display a tremendous complexity of lipids and proteins designed to perform the functions cells require. To coordinate these functions, the membrane is able to laterally segregate its constituents. This capability is based on dynamic liquid-liquid immiscibility and underlies the raft concept of membrane subcompartmentalization. Lipid rafts are fluctuating nanoscale assemblies of sphingolipid, cholesterol, and proteins that can be stabilized to coalesce, forming platforms that function in membrane signaling and trafficking. Here we review the evidence for how this principle combines the potential for sphingolipid-cholesterol self-assembly with protein specificity to selectively focus membrane bioactivity.

3,811 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The atomic force microscope (AFM) is not only used to image the topography of solid surfaces at high resolution but also to measure force-versus-distance curves as discussed by the authors, which provide valuable information on local material properties such as elasticity, hardness, Hamaker constant, adhesion and surface charge densities.

3,281 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a frequency modulation (FM) technique has been demonstrated which enhances the sensitivity of attractive mode force microscopy by an order of magnitude or more, which is made possible by operating in a moderate vacuum (<10−3 Torr).
Abstract: A new frequency modulation (FM) technique has been demonstrated which enhances the sensitivity of attractive mode force microscopy by an order of magnitude or more. Increased sensitivity is made possible by operating in a moderate vacuum (<10−3 Torr), which increases the Q of the vibrating cantilever. In the FM technique, the cantilever serves as the frequency determining element of an oscillator. Force gradients acting on the cantilever cause instantaneous frequency modulation of the oscillator output, which is demodulated with a FM detector. Unlike conventional ‘‘slope detection,’’ the FM technique offers increased sensitivity through increased Q without restricting system bandwidth. Experimental comparisons of FM detection in vacuum (Q∼50 000) versus slope detection in air (Q∼100) demonstrated an improvement of more than 10 times in sensitivity for a fixed bandwidth. This improvement is evident in images of magnetic transitions on a thin‐film CoPtCr magnetic disk. In the future, the increased sensitivi...

2,155 citations

01 Jan 2001
TL;DR: In this paper, a frequency modulation (FM) technique has been demonstrated which ennances the sensitivity of attractive mode force microscopy by an order of magnitude or more, which is made possible by operating in a moderate vacuum ( < 10 ’ Torr).
Abstract: A new frequency modulation (FM) technique has been demonstrated which ennances the sensitivity of attractive mode force microscopy by an order of magnitude or more. Increased sensitivity is made possible by operating in a moderate vacuum ( < 10 ’ Torr), which increases the Q of the vibrating cantilever. In the FM technique, the cantilever serves as the frequency determining element of an oscillator. Force gradients acting on the cantilever cause instantaneous frequency modulation of the oscillator output, which is demodulated with a FM detector. Unlike conventional “slope detection,” the FM technique offers increased sensitivity through increased Q without restricting system bandwidth. Experimental comparisons of FM detection in vacuum (Q50 000) versus slope detection in air (Q100) demonstrated an improvement of more than 10 times in sensitivity for a fixed bandwidth. This improvement is evident in images of magnetic transitions on a thin-film CoPtCr magnetic disk. In the future, the increased sensitivity offered by this technique should extend the range of problems accessible by force microscopy.

1,916 citations

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