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Open AccessProceedings ArticleDOI

Joint bilateral upsampling

It is demonstrated that in cases, such as those above, the available high resolution input image may be leveraged as a prior in the context of a joint bilateral upsampling procedure to produce a better high resolution solution.
Image analysis and enhancement tasks such as tone mapping, colorization, stereo depth, and photomontage, often require computing a solution (e.g., for exposure, chromaticity, disparity, labels) over the pixel grid. Computational and memory costs often require that a smaller solution be run over a downsampled image. Although general purpose upsampling methods can be used to interpolate the low resolution solution to the full resolution, these methods generally assume a smoothness prior for the interpolation. We demonstrate that in cases, such as those above, the available high resolution input image may be leveraged as a prior in the context of a joint bilateral upsampling procedure to produce a better high resolution solution. We show results for each of the applications above and compare them to traditional upsampling methods.

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Joint Bilateral Upsampling
Johannes Kopf
University of Konstanz
Michael F. Cohen
Microsoft Research
Dani Lischinski
The Hebrew University
Matt Uyttendaele
Microsoft Research
Image analysis and enhancement tasks such as tone mapping, col-
orization, stereo depth, and photomontage, often require computing
a solution (e.g., for exposure, chromaticity, disparity, labels) over
the pixel grid. Computational and memory costs often require that
a smaller solution be run over a downsampled image. Although
general purpose upsampling methods can be used to interpolate the
low resolution solution to the full resolution, these methods gener-
ally assume a smoothness prior for the interpolation.
We demonstrate that in cases, such as those above, the available
high resolution input image may be leveraged as a prior in the con-
text of a joint bilateral upsampling procedure to produce a better
high resolution solution. We show results for each of the applica-
tions above and compare them to traditional upsampling methods.
CR Categories: I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional
Graphics and Realism—Color, shading, shadowing, and texture
Keywords: bilateral filter, upsampling
1 Introduction
A variety of new image analysis and image processing methods,
both automatic and user guided, have recently been demonstrated
in the computer graphics and computer vision literature. These in-
clude stereo depth computations [Scharstein and Szeliski 2002],
image colorization [Levin et al. 2004; Yatziv and Sapiro 2006],
tone mapping of high dynamic range (HDR) images [Reinhard et al.
2005], and applica tions of minimal graph cuts to image composi-
tion [Agarwala et al. 2004]. All of these methodologies share a
common problem of finding a global solution: a piecewise smooth
function describing some value of interest (depth, chromaticity, ex-
posure, label, etc.) over the pixel grid of the input image.
Digital images continue to grow in size from one quarter million
pixel video frames to multi-Megapixel digital photos, to recent Gi-
gapixel images arising from specialized cameras [Flint 2007] and
from stitching multiple images into a panorama [Kopf et al. 2007].
Such high resolutions pose a difficult challenge for the methods
cited above, which typically require at least linear time and, more
importantly, linear space to compute a global solution. Thus, in
order to operate on such high resolution images, they must first
be downsampled to a lower resolution to make the computation
tractable. This is particularly essential for interactive applications.
Once a solution is available for the smaller downsampled image,
the question then becomes how to upsample the solution to the full
original resolution of the input image. Upsampling is a fundamen-
tal image processing operation, typically achieved by convolving
the low-resolution image with an interpolation kernel, and resam-
pling the result on a new (high-resolution) grid. Wolberg [1990]
provides a good survey of common interpolation kernels. Images
upsampled in this manner typically suffer from blurring of sharp
edges, because of the smoothness prior inherent in the linear inter-
polation filters.
However, for the applications cited above, additional information
is available in the form of the original high-resolution input image.
Ignoring this information and relying on the smoothness prior alone
is clearly not the best strategy. We propose to leverage the fact that
we have a high-resolution image in addition to the low-resolution
solution. In particular, we demonstrate that a joint bilateral upsam-
pling (JBU) operation can produce very good full resolution results
from solutions computed at very low resolutions. We show results
for stereo depth, image colorization, adaptive tone mapping, and
graph-cut based image composition.
2 Bilateral Filters
The bilateral filter is an edge-preserving filter, originally introduced
by Tomasi and Manduchi [1998]. It is related to broader class of
non-linear filters such as anisotropic diffusion and robust estimation
[Barash 2002; Durand and Dorsey 2002; Elad 2002]. The bilateral
filter uses both a spatial (or domain) filter kernel and a range filter
kernel evaluated on the data values themselves. More formally, for
some position p, the filtered result is:
f (||p q||) g(||I
||), (1)
where f is the spatial filter kernel, such as a Gaussian centered over
p, and g is the range filter kernel, centered at the image value at
p. is the spatial support of the kernel f , and k
is a normalizing
factor, the sum of the f · g filter weights. Edges are preserved since
the bilateral filter f · g takes on smaller values as the range distance
and/or the spatial distance increase.
Recently we have seen the introduction of joint (or cross) bilateral
filters in which the range filter is applied to a second guidance im-
I, for example, when trying to combine the high frequencies
from one image and the low frequencies from another [Petschnigg
et al. 2004; Eisemann and Durand 2004]. Thus,
f (||p q||) g(||
||). (2)
The only difference to (1) is that the range filter uses
I instead of I.
2.1 Previous Work
The bilateral filter has been used previously for various image pro-
cessing tasks. Durand and Dorsey [2002] applied the bilateral fil-
ter to HDR tone mapping and also described a fast approximation,
which was recently improved upon [Paris and Durand 2006; Weiss
Ramanath and Snyder [2003] used the bilateral filter in the context
of demosaicking to improve edge sensitivity. Their method is re-
stricted to Bayer patterns with a fixed small upsampling factor, and
does not use a guidance image as we do.
First publ. in: ACM Transactions on Graphics 26 (2007), 3, Article No. 96
Konstanzer Online-Publikations-System (KOPS)

Durand et al. [2005] mention using a bilateral filter to up-sample
the shading results of a ray tracer. However, no details are given in
the paper and no other applications are explored.
Sawhney et al. [2001] upsample stereoscopic images where one
view has higher resolution than the other. Their method estimates
an alignment mapping, and then uses warping and fill-in from
neighboring movie frames to upsample the low-resolution image.
3 Joint Bilateral Upsampling
In contrast to general purpose image upsampling, in the problems
that we are interested in, additional information is available to us in
the form of the original high-resolution input image. Given a high
resolution image,
I, and a low resolution solution, S, computed for
a downsampled version of the image, we propose a simple method
that applies a joint bilateral filter to upsample the solution.
The idea is to apply a spatial filter (typically a truncated Gaussian)
to the low resolution solution S, while a similar range filter is jointly
applied on the full resolution image
I. Let p and q denote (integer)
coordinates of pixels in
I, and p
and q
denote the corresponding
(possibly fractional) coordinates in the low resolution solution S.
The upsampled solution
S is then obtained as:
f (||p
||) g(||
||) (3)
This is almost identical to eq. (2) with the exceptions that we are
constructing a high resolution solution as opposed to an image, and
operate at two different resolutions simultaneously.
Note, that q
takes only integer coordinates in the low resolution
solution. Therefore the guidance image is only sparsely sampled,
and the performance does not depend on the upsampling factor (see
Section 5).
4 Applications
In this section we demonstrate the usefulness of the joint bilateral
upsampling operation for a variety of applications.
Tone Mapping: With the increasing popularity and utility of High
Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging [Reinhard et al. 2005], there is a
need for tone mapping methods to display HDR images on ordinary
devices. A variety of such methods have been proposed over the
years (see [Reinhard et al. 2005] for an extensive survey). Some
of these methods produce high-quality results, but require solving a
very large system of linear equations [Fattal et al. 2002; Lischinski
et al. 2006]. Although these systems are sparse and may be solved
efficiently using multi-resolution solvers [Szeliski 2006], handling
today’s multi-megapixel images remains a challenge: once the data
exceeds the available physical memory, iteratively sweeping over
the data results in thrashing.
We apply the joint bilateral upsampling filter as follows. Let I
be the low-resolution HDR image, and T (I) the tone mapped im-
age produced by some tone mapping operator. The correspond-
ing low-resolution solution is then defined as the pixelwise quotient
S = T (I)/I. In other words, the solution is an exposure map, which
states the amount of exposure correction to be applied at each pixel.
Such exposure maps are generally smooth but may have disconti-
nuities along significant image edges [Lischinski et al. 2006]. Thus,
they are ideal candidates for our upsampling technique. Note that
the exposure map may have a single channel (if only the luminance
has been adjusted), or multiple channels (to support arbitrary tonal
manipulations). Figure 2 shows how applying an exposure map up-
sampled using our technique compares with a number of standard
upsampling methods. The joint bilateral upsampling yields results
that are visually and numerically closer to the ground truth.
Colorization: A similar linear system to those in the tone map-
ping methods cited above arises in the colorization and recoloring
method of Levin et al. [2004]. Thus, again, processing of very
large images is not tractable due to thrashing. This is also true for
the more recent colorization method of Yatziv and Sapiro [2006],
which does not solve a linear system, but nevertheless iteratively
sweeps over the data.
To upsample a low-resolution colorization result, we first convert it
into the YIQ color space (or to any other color space separating lu-
minance from chrominance), and then apply our upsampling tech-
nique to each of the two chrominance channels. Figure 3 shows the
result. As in the tone mapping example, one can see that the JBU
avoids having the chromaticity spill over edges in the image.
Stereo Depth: Stereo matching is a fundamental task in image anal-
ysis, whose goal is to determine the disparities between pairs of
corresponding pixels in two or more images. Many different ap-
proaches to stereo matching have been explored over the years (for
a comprehensive overview see [Scharstein and Szeliski 2002]). In
many of these methods an optimization problem of some sort is
solved, yielding a piecewise continuous disparity field over the en-
tire image.
Our technique can be used to upsample low resolution depth maps
with guidance from the high resolution photos. Depth maps also
have ideal properties for our technique. They are rather smooth, and
the discontinuities typically correspond with edges in the image.
Figure 4 shows the advantages of our technique in action.
Graph-cut based image operations: Several recent interactive im-
age editing techniques involve finding minimal cuts in graphs.
For example, the interactive digital photomontage [Agarwala et al.
2004] system uses graph-cut optimization [Boykov et al. 2001] to
compute the least objectionable seams when fusing together several
pre-aligned photographs. The result of the optimization is a label
map, indicating for each pixel in the composite which photograph
it originates from.
We tested our joint bilateral upsampling technique with an image
stitching application. Here, the user constrains a number of pix-
els to come from a certain input image. The stitching algorithm
then computes a label map, which assigns a label to each of the
remaining unconstrained pixels, such that the resulting seams are
least conspicuous.
This application differs fundamentally from the previous ones, be-
cause here we have a quantized solution (a discrete number of la-
bels), rather than a continuous one. Furthermore, in this case there
are multiple full resolution images.
We apply our technique in the following way: suppose we want to
compute the label for a pixel. Each low-resolution solution pixel
with a non-zero bilateral weight votes for it’s label. The winning
label is the one that has aggregated the highest total weight. Figure
5 demonstrates our technique for this application.
5 Performance and Accuracy
The complexity of the joint bilateral upsampling operation is
) where N is the output image size and r is the domain filter
radius. The performance is proportional to the output size and not to
the upsampling factor, because the domain filter is always applied
to the low resolution solution. For all results we have used a 5×5
Gaussian, which is very fast but still has enough spatial support to
pull solution values from some distance. Our implementation takes
approximately 2 seconds per megapixel of output.

2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32
Tone Mapping
2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32
2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32
Depth from Stereo
2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32
Depth from Stereo
Figure 1: MSE error profiles for various applications and upsampling methods.
This is significantly faster than running the original algorithms on
the full resolution images. For example, the tone mapper took 80
seconds for a 3.1 megapixel image, while our upsampling took only
6 seconds to upsample a smaller solution which was computed
much faster. The colorization solver of Levin et al. [2004] was
even slower, and needed several minutes for a megapixel sized im-
age. As noted above, due to the memory issue we cannot run a very
high resolution solution so upsampling a low resolution solution is
our only way to approach such large images.
The JBU is strictly local with a very small memory footprint. Large
images can be computed in a single sweep, where only parts are
paged in at any time. We have successfully applied our method to
upsample tone mapping solutions for multi-gigapixel images [Kopf
et al. 2007].
In our experiments, we generally set the domain filter’s Gaussian σ
to 0.5 with 5×5 support. The range filter Gaussian σ
is strongly
application dependent. The following default values worked well
for the images we tried: colorization, stereo depth, and graph-cut
labelings used images with color values normalized to the [0, 1] in-
terval. σ
= 0.1 worked well on most images. The tone mapping
application works with unbounded luminance values. We found
that setting σ
to the standard deviation of the values has always
given good results.
Figure 1 shows MSE error profiles for the JBU compared to other
upsampling methods. To compute the errors, we computed a full
resolution solution (or simply used the full resolution color image
or depth map for colorization and stereo depth) as ground truth. We
then downsampled by factors of 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 in each direction.
Then, we performed upsampling using various methods and plotted
the difference from the ground truth. Our filter performed well at
all downsampling levels, and, as expected, the relative improvement
increased with each additional level of down sampling.
Not surprisingly, the MSE error increases with the upsampling fac-
tor. But in practice it often turns out that the application limits how
much one can downsample the problem. The results we show are
for solutions on quite tiny downsampled images. Since some of the
applications require some UI, you need enough image left to, for
example, scribble on the hints for tone mapping or colorization.
6 Conclusion
We have demonstrated the benefits of a joint bilateral upsampling
strategy when a high resolution prior is available to guide the inter-
polation from low to high resolution. The four a pplications we have
shown all improve relative to previous “blind” upsampling meth-
ods. We believe this strategy is applicable to a number of other do-
mains within and beyond image processing. For example, a global
illumination solution computed over a coarse simplified mesh can
be upsampled to a finer mesh. The domain filter’s kernel might
be measured in geodesic distance, while the range kernel would be
over the Gaussian Sphere (differences in normal). We look forward
to trying the joint bilateral upsampling on this and other problems
of interest in computer graphics.
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Upsampled Result Nearest Neighbor Bicubic Gaussian Joint Bilateral Ground Truth
Figure 2: Tone Mapping: The low resolution exposure map solution at left is at scale relative to the final upsampled result next to it. Detail
insets to the right show results from Nearest Neighbor, Gaussian Interpolation, Bicubic Interpolation, Joint Bilateral Upsampling, and ground
truth based on a full resolution solution. Note that JBU does not exhibit the blocking and halo artifacts of the other upsampling methods.
Figure 3: Colorization: The low resolution pseudo-colored chrominance solution is at left. Detail insets corresponding to four different
upsampling methods are shown on the right (with increased saturation). Note that the JBU result does not exhibit color spills.
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Figure 4: Stereo Depth: The low resolution depth map is shown at left. The top right row shows details from the upsampled maps using
different methods. Below each detail image is a corresponding 3d view from an offset camera using the upsampled depth map.
Nearest Neighbor
Gaussian Joint Bilateral
Figure 5: Graph Cut based Photomontage. Upper left: two original aligned images. Upper center: the downsampled images and the resulting
labeling solution. Upper right: a composite generated using the JBU-upsampled labeling solution. The label colors are superimposed over
the image. The bottom row shows a detail that highlights the advantages of using JBU over standard upsampling methods.
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Q1. What contributions have the authors mentioned in the paper "Joint bilateral upsampling" ?

The authors demonstrate that in cases, such as those above, the available high resolution input image may be leveraged as a prior in the context of a joint bilateral upsampling procedure to produce a better high resolution solution. The authors show results for each of the applications above and compare them to traditional upsampling methods. 

To compute the errors, the authors computed a full resolution solution (or simply used the full resolution color image or depth map for colorization and stereo depth) as ground truth. 

The performance is proportional to the output size and not to the upsampling factor, because the domain filter is always applied to the low resolution solution. 

More formally, for some position p, the filtered result is:Jp = 1 kp ∑ q∈Ω Iq f (||p−q||) g(||Ip − Iq||), (1)where f is the spatial filter kernel, such as a Gaussian centered over p, and g is the range filter kernel, centered at the image value at p. 

Their method estimates an alignment mapping, and then uses warping and fill-in from neighboring movie frames to upsample the low-resolution image. 

Such high resolutions pose a difficult challenge for the methods cited above, which typically require at least linear time and, more importantly, linear space to compute a global solution. 

Given a high resolution image, Ĩ, and a low resolution solution, S, computed for a downsampled version of the image, the authors propose a simple method that applies a joint bilateral filter to upsample the solution. 

Their filter performed well at all downsampling levels, and, as expected, the relative improvement increased with each additional level of down sampling. 

Stereo Depth: Stereo matching is a fundamental task in image analysis, whose goal is to determine the disparities between pairs of corresponding pixels in two or more images. 

Since some of the applications require some UI, you need enough image left to, for example, scribble on the hints for tone mapping or colorization. 

Images upsampled in this manner typically suffer from blurring of sharp edges, because of the smoothness prior inherent in the linear interpolation filters.