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Journal ArticleDOI

L’emprise comme expérience. enquêtes pragmatiques et théories du pouvoir

TL;DR: In this article, a sociologie pragmatique a considere qu’elle ne pouvait rien enoncer sur les jeux de Pouvoir.
Abstract: Longtemps, la sociologie pragmatique a considere qu’elle ne pouvait rien enoncer sur les jeux de pouvoir. Une de ses regles de methode exigeait de s’en remettre aux acteurs eux-memes des lors qu’ils entreprennent de devoiler, au fil de polemiques et de proces, des figures du pouvoir ou de la domination. En s’appuyant sur de nombreux dossiers l’article montre comment inflechir l’enquete pragmatique pour apprehender autrement la critique des rapports de pouvoir, dont le degre de visibilite publique depend de la trajectoire suivie par des acteurs pris dans une logique de crise ou de conflit. Les ressorts principaux d’une emprise reussie et sur lesquels porte tout travail de deprise sont tour a tour exposes : imperatif de justification, entretien d’un besoin de reconnaissance, controle des instruments d’evaluation, production d’un echange inegal invisible.
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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper , a metatheoretical analysis of George Herbert Mead's theories of the self and the act to contemplate the incidence of processes encompassed by the latter upon the former is presented.
Abstract: The pragmatism of George Herbert Mead has been fundamental to the sociological understanding of the self. However, the complexity of his work is largely unrecognized in the discipline. This mainly affects the way in which Mead intertwined discursivity with the materiality of experience in his conception of human subjectivity. Through a metatheoretical analysis, the present article proposes a straightforward approximation between Mead’s theories of the self and the act to contemplate the incidence of processes encompassed by the latter upon the former. Based on this movement, and after a dialogue with Francis Chateauraynaud’s pragmatic sociology, the article suggests a new Meadian-inspired sociological alternative to the concept of self, attentive to its material dimension and centered on the concepts of outer and inner grasps. The current discussion about the ontological politics in the context of a new mastery of nature allows for an empirical exercise of the argument.
TL;DR: In this article , a set of initiatives of environmentalization/ecologization of agriculture and the agri-food system, contextualized in the Sierra Region of Rio de Janeiro, were analyzed from a diachronic perspective.
Abstract: This article seeks to analyze, from a diachronic perspective, a diversified set of initiatives of environmentalization/ecologization of agriculture and the agri-food system, contextualized in the Sierra Region of Rio de Janeiro, particularly in the municipalities of Petrópolis, Teresópolis and Nova Friburgo. The reflections presented here seek to establish a dialogue with an emerging field of studies, of an interdisciplinary nature, which takes as an object of investigation the processes of transition to sustainability. The research seeks to integrate a systemic approach to the study of practices and experiences of social actors, also incorporating contributions from Brazilian critical geography and French sociology. The work was based on a diverse set of methodologies including document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation. The results achieved highlight the effects generated by a heterogeneous set of territorial containments, which impose limits to the incorporation of sustainability principles into the agri-food system at territorial level. At the same time, they draw attention to the agency capacity demonstrated by social actors in the construction of collective and individual projects, enabling the emergence, over time, of a shared field of relations, interpretative frameworks, and controversies, described in this research as an ecology of projects .
Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper , a método da cartografia das controvérsias for the exame dessa política pública is presented.
Abstract: O Brasil é reconhecido por possuir um marco regulatório avançado em termos de defesa dos direitos da criança e do adolescente, porém os desafios cotidianos para colocá-lo em prática ainda são imensos. Diante disso, como compreender esse gap entre regulação e prática? Este artigo propõe responder essa questão ancorando-se numa perspectiva pragmatista de análise, com a utilização do método da cartografia das controvérsias para o exame dessa política pública. Trata-se de retraçar a trajetória do debate nas arenas públicas que a compõem historicamente, buscando analisá-lo a partir dos principais porta-vozes, argumentos, controvérsias e visões de mundo presentes no debate público. Os resultados evidenciam como a ação pública nesse campo se (re) configura, a partir de processos de disputa e de estabilização, nesses 30 anos, identificando seus avanços e limites. As conclusões do estudo contribuem para identificar os desafios dessa política pública e demonstram que esta ocorre na interconexão de níveis, de formas de regulação e de redes de atores, o que implica uma revisão dos métodos tradicionais adotados na análise de políticas públicas.
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18 Dec 2017
TL;DR: In this article, the authors analyse the processus de mise en politique del'adaptation au changement climatique sur les littoraux francais, a partir de deux cas d'etudecontrastes dans leur histoire, leurs politiques d’amenagement and leurs configurations sociales,mais traverses par des processus analogues d'attractivite and de vulnerabilite face auxsubmersions marines and a l’erosion cotiere.
Abstract: L’elevation des niveaux marins acceleree par le changement climatique fait l'objet d'uneattention soutenue au niveau international depuis les annees 1990. L’adaptation des littorauxau changement climatique est desormais en voie d’institutionnalisation de l’echelleinternationale jusqu’au niveau local. La these analyse les processus de mise en politique del’adaptation au changement climatique sur les littoraux francais, a partir de deux cas d’etudecontrastes dans leur histoire, leurs politiques d’amenagement et leurs configurations sociales,mais traverses par des processus analogues d’attractivite et de vulnerabilite face auxsubmersions marines et a l’erosion cotiere : la cote aquitaine et le littoral martiniquais.La these soutient que la mise en politique de l’adaptation au changement climatique en zonescotieres procede d’une gouvernance performative, definie comme un ensemble de dispositifset d’enonces visant a faire advenir des mesures d’adaptation en les mettant a l’epreuve dureel. La these propose de montrer qu’entre une planification par integration du changementclimatique dans les politiques littorales existantes (plan national d’adaptation, plans deprevention des risques littoraux…), et des formes d’experimentation de nouvelles optionsd’adaptation (relocalisation des biens et des activites ou repli strategique), emerge une« nouvelle gestion publique des risques » littoraux. Pour cette derniere, le concept de strategied’action publique rend compte de ces formes d’instrumentation qui visent a encadrer, arationaliser et a faire emerger de nouveaux referentiels gestionnaires (comme l’adaptation etla preparation) par de l’expertise scientifique et technique, par des procedures collaborativeset de la concertation citoyenne en vue d’une responsabilisation individuelle et collective desacteurs locaux.L’analyse des discours, des logiques d’acteurs et des instruments visant a legitimer une actionpublique guidee par l’anticipation et la preparation face aux risques et aux menaces, mobilisela sociologie de l’action publique, la sociologie des sciences et de l’expertise, et la sociologiepragmatique des problemes publics. Des enquetes par observation directe de situations denegociation et de concertation, par entretiens et par analyse de documents d’expertise et deplanification ont ete menees sur chaque terrain d’etude ; une enquete par questionnaire a eteconduite sur la commune de Lacanau afin d’apprehender l’experience des citoyens-usagersriverainsface a l’evolution et au recul du trait de cote.

45 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, actor-network theory is used to argue against the strength and limitations of empiricist accounts of problems and issues offered by actor network theory for environmental problems. But, the strength of actor network theories is questionable.
Abstract: This paper advances two arguments about environmental problems. First, it interrogates the strength and limitations of empiricist accounts of problems and issues offered by actor-network theory. Dr...

13 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors describe a fourth option, internal resistance, where citizens, while conserving appearances of loyalty, resituate themselves in the interaction through tactical moves that illustrate one of the main principles of Goffman's conception of the interaction order: focusing, mutuality, equality.
Abstract: The globally unfavourable assessment of state-generated forms of participation often extends to the citizens’ talk in itself. Today, it is the very idea that ordinary citizens are able to express themselves in a relevant and fruitful way during technical and tightly framed public discussions that seems to be called into question. How do citizens respond to the difficulty to express their ideas or concerns about their neighbourhood, in a forum where they have been invited to do so? What are their reactions to repeated failure to impact the discussions and the projects? ‘Exit’, ‘voice’ and ‘loyalty’ are three typical reactions to dissatisfaction. This paper will describe a fourth option, ‘internal resistance’. Following this option, citizens, while conserving appearances of loyalty, resituate themselves in the interaction through tactical moves that are found to each illustrate one of the main principles of Goffman's conception of the ‘interaction order’: focusing, mutuality, equality.

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors describe the monastere copte de Saint-Sam, a complexe de sept eglises, located in the quartier de chiffonniers du Muqattam in Egypt.
Abstract: Alors qu’on presente souvent les coptes cantonnes dans leur role de victimes de la violence islamiste, le monastere copte de Saint-Sam‘ān montre au contraire les capacites d’action et d’adaptation de la minorite chretienne. Le pretre Sam‘ān a construit au debut des annees 1990 un complexe de sept eglises, au cœur du quartier de chiffonniers du Muqattam qui attire de nombreux visiteurs egyptiens et etrangers. L’initiative s’inscrit dans differentes scenes et logiques d’action : le developpement urbain, la politique locale, et, surtout, la scene communautaire copte. Sam‘ān a exerce son office religieux dans un style que l’on peut qualifier de charismatique, caracterise notamment par des exorcismes publics. Il s’est egalement appuye sur la tradition pour mettre en valeur une vision regulierement denoncee par ses adversaires comme une derive protestante.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors apply sociological theories focusing on power and domination, with the twofold objective of advancing sociological research and bettering the understanding of the reality of anti-doping.
Abstract: We propose to apply sociological theories focusing on power and domination, with the twofold objective of advancing sociological research and bettering the understanding of the reality of anti-doping. Ethnographic studies conducted in eight countries have allowed us to compile heterogeneous data based on official documents from institutions, semi-structured interviews and observations in the field. Firstly, the study showed that NADOs had little decision-making power within WADA, besides giving feedback on the consultation processes. Secondly, decisions made by the latter were not always viewed positively, as they were seen as arbitrary and did not reflect NADOs’ opinions and priorities. Furthermore, WADA developed assessment procedures focused on NADOs’ activities and prioritizing short-term effects. As a result, we have perceived a decrease in the adoption of innovative solutions for local problems and the omission of several national realities due to the long chain of delegation existing between decision-making arenas and the implementation of procedures in the field. Finally, the study reveals the dissatisfaction or even disengagement that exists among NADO representatives. We argue that compliance has become the primary objective for some NADOs, which could result in prioritizing actions that are valued and recognised by WADA, thus hindering the development of anti-doping programs adapted to their local realities, or even evading anti-doping procedures.

5 citations