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LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linear Equations and Sparse Least Squares

TL;DR: Numerical tests are described comparing I~QR with several other conjugate-gradient algorithms, indicating that I ~QR is the most reliable algorithm when A is ill-conditioned.
Abstract: An iterative method is given for solving Ax ~ffi b and minU Ax b 112, where the matrix A is large and sparse. The method is based on the bidiagonalization procedure of Golub and Kahan. It is analytically equivalent to the standard method of conjugate gradients, but possesses more favorable numerical properties. Reliable stopping criteria are derived, along with estimates of standard errors for x and the condition number of A. These are used in the FORTRAN implementation of the method, subroutine LSQR. Numerical tests are described comparing I~QR with several other conjugate-gradient algorithms, indicating that I~QR is the most reliable algorithm when A is ill-conditioned.

Summary (3 min read)

L i n e a r least squares: m i n i m i z e ][ A x -b 112

  • A typical application is to the large least-squares problems arising from analysis of variance (6.g., [12] ).
  • They are characterized by their need for only a few vectors of working storage and by their theoretical convergence within at most n iterations (if exact arithmetic could be performed).
  • These properties occur naturally in many applications.
  • In other cases it is often possible to divide the solution procedure into a direct and an iterative part, such that the iterative part has a better conditioned matrix for which CG-like methods will converge more quickly.
  • The FORTRAN implementation of LSQR [22] is designed for practical application.


  • In any event, eq. (2.2) holds to within machine precision.
  • Hence xk may be taken as the exact solution to a perturbed system and will solve the original system whenever 7/kflk+l is negligibly small.
  • The above arguments are not complete, but they provide at least some motivation for defining the sequence of vectors {Xk} according to (2.3) .
  • In particular, the method of conjugate gradients is known to be equivalent to using the Cholesky factorization Tk LkDk L~ and is reliable when B (and hence Tk) is positive definite, while algorithm SYMMLQ employs the orthogonal factorization Tk --/:k Q~ to retain stability for arbitrary symmetric B. (See [20] for further details of these methods.).

mioll[:l]X-[:]ll: ,2,,

  • When the Lanczos process is applied to this system, a certain structure appears in relations (2.1)-(2.3).
  • This observation forms the basis of algorithm LSQR.

3.1 Relationship Between the Bidiagonalizations

  • The principal connection between the two bidiagonalization procedures is that the matrices.
  • Vk are the same for each, and that the identity BTBk ffi RTRk (3.9) holds.
  • The rather surprising conclusion is that Rk must be identical to the matrix that would be obtained from the conventional QR faetorization of Bk.


  • In the presence of rounding errors, these identities will, of course, cease to hold.
  • They throw light on the advantages of algorithm LSQR over two earlier methods, LSCG and LSLQ, as discussed in Section 7.4.
  • The relationship between the orthonormal matrices Uh and Pk can be shown to be for some vector rk.
  • The vectors yk and tk+l could then be found from EQUATION [o] and only the most recent iterates need be saved.
  • The broad outline of algorithm LSQR is now complete.


  • For the purposes of estimating norms, the authors shall often assume that the orthogonality relations UkTUk =.
  • In actual computations these are rarely true, but the resulting estimates have proved to be remarkably reliable.
  • Clearly the product of sines in (5.2) decreases monotonically.

5.4 Standard Errors

  • This facility has not been implemented in LSQR and the authors have not investigated the accuracy of such approximations.
  • Clearly only a limited number of pairs (i, j) could be dealt with efficiently on large problems.


  • The user may therefore set ATOL and BTOL according to the accuracy of the data.
  • It can be seen that these perturbations are within their allowable bounds when the inequality of S 1 holds.
  • Hence, criterion S 1 is consistent with the ideas of backward rounding error analysis and with knowledge of data accuracy.
  • Since this argument does not depend on orthogonality, $1 can be used in any method for solving compatible linear systems.

6.2 Incompatible Systems

  • In their particular method it happens that Ekxk ffi 0, since (5.3) shows that x~ ffi Vkyk is theoretically orthogonal to ATrk.
  • This strengthens the case for using rule $2.

6.4 Singular Systems

  • For large enough k, and hence will lie very nearly in the null space of A.
  • The vector 2k may reveal to the user where certain unexpected dependencies exist.


  • Several other conjugate-gradient methods are discussed here.
  • All except the first (CGLS) are stated using notation consistent with Sections 3-6 ih order to illustrate certain analytic identities.

Algorithm C G L S

  • Otherwise the method is clearly simple and economical.
  • The vectors v,+~ and d, in LSQR are proportional to si and p,, respectively.
  • Note that qi and s, just given can share the same workspace.
  • A FORTRAN implementation of CGLS has been given by Bj6rck and Elfving [3] .
  • This incorporates an acceleration technique in a way that requires minimal additional storage.

7.7 Storage and Work

  • All methods require one product Av and one product ATo each iteration.
  • This could dominate the work requirements in some applications.

8.1 Generation of Test Problems

  • It is clear that results obtained from them could be very misleading.
  • This possibility is discussed in Section 8.4.
  • In fairness, Chen [4] did not intend RRLS to be applied to compatible systems.
  • At first sight it may appear that the residual-reducing methods possess some advantage on least-squares problems.
  • This anomalous behavior cannot be guaranteed; for example, it did not occur on P(80, 40, 4, 6), as shown in obtain more accurate solutions in fewer iterations.


  • (1) The symmetric conjugate-gradient algorithm should be applied to the normal equations ATAx -AWb only if there is reason to believe that very few iterations will produce a satisfactory estimate of x. (2) The least-squares adaptation of symmetric CG will always be more reliable, at the expense of slightly more storage and work per iteration.
  • (This is the algorithm of Hestenes and Stiefel, described in Section 7.1 of this paper as algorithm CGLS.).

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LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linear
Equations and Sparse Least Squares
McGill University, Canada
Stanford University
An iterative method is given for solving
~ffi b and minU
- b 112, where the matrix A is large and
sparse. The method is based on the bidiagonalization procedure of Golub and Kahan. It is analytically
equivalent to the standard method of conjugate gradients, but possesses more favorable numerical
Reliable stopping criteria are derived, along with estimates of standard errors for x and the
condition number of A. These are used in the FORTRAN implementation of the method, subroutine
LSQR. Numerical tests are described comparing I~QR with several other conjugate-gradient algori-
thms, indicating that I~QR is the most reliable algorithm when A is ill-conditioned.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: G.1.2 [Numerical Analysis]:
ApprorJmation--least squares
G.1.3 [Numerical Analysis]: Numerical Linear
Algebra--linear systems (direct and
tterative methods); sparse and very large systems
General Terms: Algorithms
Additional Key Words and Phrases: analysis of variance
The Algorithm:
Sparse Linear Equations and Least Square Problems.
ACM Trans. Math.
8, 2 (June 1982).
A numerical method is presented here for computing a solution x to either of the
following problems:
Unsymmetric equations: solve
Ax ffi b
Linear least squares: minimize ][
- b 112
This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada Grant A8652, the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, the U.S.
Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-75-C-0267, National Science Foundation Grants
MCS 76-20019 and ENG 77-06761, and the Department of Energy under Contract DE.AC03-
76SF00326, PA No. DE-AT03-76ER72018.
Authors' addresses: C.C. Paige, School of Computer Science, McGill University, Montreal, P.Q.,
Canada H3C 3G1; M.A. Saunders, Department of Operations Research, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA 94305.
Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not
made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the
publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association
for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific
© 1982 ACM 0098-3500/82/0300-0043 $00.75
ACM Transactions on Mathematwal Software, Vol 8, No. 1, March 1982, Pages 43-71.

44 C.C. Paige and M. A. Saunders
where A is a real matrix with m rows and n columns and b is a real vector. It will
usually be true that m _> n and rank(A) = n, but these conditions are not
essential. The method, to be called algorithm LSQR, is similar in style to the
well-known method of conjugate gradients (CG) as applied to the least-squares
problem [10]. The matrix A is used only to compute products of the form
ATu for various vectors v and u. Hence A will normally be large and sparse or will
be expressible as a product of matrices that are sparse or have special structure.
A typical application is to the large least-squares problems arising from analysis
of variance (6.g., [12]).
CG-like methods are iterative in nature. They are characterized by
for only a few vectors of working storage and by their theoretical convergence
within at most n iterations (if exact arithmetic could be performed). In practice
such methods may require far fewer or far more than n iterations to reach an
acceptable approximation to x. The methods are most useful when A is well
conditioned and has many nearly equal singular values. These properties occur
naturally in many applications. In other cases it is often possible to divide the
solution procedure into a direct and an iterative part, such that the iterative part
has a better conditioned matrix for which CG-like methods will converge more
quickly. Some such transformation methods are considered in [21].
Algorithm LSQR is based on the bidiagonalization procedure of Golub and
Kahan [9]. It generates a sequence of approximations {xk } such that the residual
rk [[2 decreases monotonically, where
rk = b - Axk.
Analytically, the
sequence (xh} is identical to the sequence generated by the standard CG algo-
rithm and by several other published algorithms. However, LSQR is shown by
example to be numerically more reliable in various circumstances than the other
methods considered.
The FORTRAN implementation of LSQR [22] is designed for practical appli-
cation. It incorporates reliable stopping criteria and provides the user with
computed estimates of the following quantities:
x, r = b - Ax, A
II r 112, It A II
standard errors for
and the condition number of A.
Matrices are denoted by A, B ..... vectors by v, w,..., and scalars by ~, fl,....
Two exceptions are c and s, which denote the significant components of an
elementary orthogonal matrix, such that c 2 + s 2 = 1. For a vector v, H v [[ always
denotes the Euclidean norm H v [[2
(vTv) 1/2.
For a matrix A, [[A [[ will usually
mean the Frobenius norm, HA
HF = (~a2) 1/2,
and the condition number for an
unsymmetric matrix A is defined by cond(A) = ]] A ]] II A + ]], where A + denotes the
pseudoinverse of A. The relative precision of floating-point arithmetic is e, the
smallest machine-representable number such that 1 + e > 1.
In this section we review the symmetric Lanczos process [13] and its use in
solving symmetric linear equations
Bx = b.
Algorithm LSQR is then derived by
applying the Lanczos process to a particular symmetric system. Although a more
direct development is given in Section 4, the present derivation may remain
useful for a future error analysis of LSQR, since many of the rounding error
properties of the Lanczos process are already known [18].
ACM Transactions on Mathematmal Software, Vol 8, No 1, March 1982.

LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linear Equattons and Sparse Least Squares 45
Given a symmetric matrix B and a starting vector
the Lanczos process is a
method for generating a sequence of vectors { v,) and scalars { a, ), (fli} such that
B is reduced to tridiagonal form. A reliable computational form of the method is
the following.
The Lanczos process
(reduction to tridiagonal form):
fll vl -- b,
w, = Bvt - fl, v,-~ ]
a, vTw'
I' i= 1, 2,..., (2.1)
Vt+l Wt ~ OltVt
where vo - 0 and each fl, _> 0 is chosen so that
II v, II
= 1
(i > 0).
The situation after
k steps is summarized by
BVk = Vk Tk + flk+lvk+le T
where Tk - tridiag(fl, a,, fl,+l) and Vk ~ [Vl, v2 ..... vk]. If there were no rounding
error we would have V T Vk = I, and the process would therefore terminate with
fl,+~ = 0 for some k ___ n. Some other stopping criterion is needed in practice, since
ilk+, is unlikely to be negligible for any k. In any event, eq. (2.2) holds to within
machine precision.
Now suppose we wish to solve the symmetric system
Bx = b.
Multiplying (2.2)
by an arbitrary k-vector yk, whose last element is ~/h, gives
BVkyk ~- Vk Tkyk +
Since Vk (fl~ el) = b by definition, it follows that ifyk and xk are defined
by the equations
Thyk = file1,
xk = Vkyk,
then we shall have
Bxk = b + ~lkflk+lVk+~
to working accuracy. Hence xk may be
taken as the exact solution to a perturbed system and will solve the original
system whenever 7/kflk+l is negligibly small.
The above arguments are not complete, but they provide at least some
motivation for defining the sequence of vectors
according to (2.3). It is now
possible to derive several iterative algorithms for solving
Bx = b,
each character-
ized by the manner in which
is eliminated from (2.3) (since it is usually not
practical to compute each
explicitly). In particular, the method of conjugate
gradients is known to be equivalent to using the Cholesky factorization Tk
LkDk L~ and is reliable when B (and hence Tk) is positive definite, while algorithm
SYMMLQ employs the orthogonal factorization Tk --/:k Q~ to retain stability for
arbitrary symmetric B. (See [20] for further details of these methods.)
2.1 The Least-Squares System
We now turn to a particular system that arises from the "damped least-squares"
mioll[:l]X-[:]ll: ,2,,
ACM Transactmns on Mathematmal Software, Vol. 8, No. 1, March 1982

46 C.C. Paige and M. A. Saunders
where A and b are given data and ~ is an arbitrary real scalar. The solution of
(2.4) satisfies the symmetric (but indefinite) system
A r
where r is the residual vector
b -
When the Lanczos process is applied to this
system, a certain structure appears in relations (2.1)-(2.3). In particular, (2.1)
reduces to the procedure defined as Bidiag 1 in Section 3, while (2.3) can be
permuted after 2k + 1 iterations to the form
[' 1P +,l _-
Irk] ffi [ U~+I 0 lrt.+,l,
V,j L
is (k + 1) x k and lower bidiagonal. We see that y~ is the solution of
another damped least-squares problem,
minl][B;]yk-[fl~l][[2 ,
which can be solved reliably using orthogonal transformations. This observation
forms the basis of algorithm LSQR.
2.2 A Different Starting Vector
For completeness we note that a second least-squares algorithm can be derived
in an analogous way. Defining s =
we can write (2.5) as
A s
and apply the Lanczos process again, using the same matrix as before but with
the new starting vector shown. This time, (2.1) reduces to Bidiag 2 as defined in
Section 3, while (2.3) can be permuted to the form
-x IJLy J -O,e, '
x, V, JLyk j '
after 2k iterations, where Rk is k × k and upper bidiagonal. (The odd-numbered
systems are not useful because
is singular when ~ = 0.) We see that yk
satisfies the system
(RTRk + ~2I)yk
ffi 01el, (2.10)
which could easily be solved. However, (2.10) proves to be one form of the normal
equations associated with (2.7), and the algorithm it suggests for computing x
ACM Transactlov.s on Mathematical Software, VoL 8, No. 1, March 1982.

LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linear Equations and Sparse Least Squares 47
therefore has unsatisfactory numerical properties. We clarify this matter in
Section 7.4.
2.3 The Role of
The quantities generated by the Lanczos process from (2.5) and (2.8) are Bk, Uk+~,
Vk and
Rk, Pk, Vk,
respectively. These are all
independent of k,
which means
that they are the same as those generated when k ffi 0. We shall therefore assume
from now on that k ffi 0. A given k can be accommodated when solving (2.7), as
shown in [22]. Methods for actually choosing ?, are beyond the scope of this
The preceding use of the Lanczos process results in two forms of a bidiagonali-
zation procedure due to Golub and Kahan [9]. We state these forms as procedures
Bidiag 1 and 2, and then give some unexpected relationships between them.
Bidiag I
(starting vector b; reduction to lower bidiagonal form):
fllul = b, alvl = A Tul.
= Av, - a,u,
~, i ffi 1, 2 ..... (3.1)
0~+1V~+l = ATu~+I ~ flt+lVz
The scalars a, _> 0 and fl, _> 0 are chosen so that [[ u,[I -- [[
ffi 1. With the
Uk ~-
[Ul, U2, •.,
Uk], B2 012
Vk ~
[Vl, V2,
V, ], Bk -- [33 "'. '
'', ". Otk
is the rectangular matrix introduced in Section 2), the recurrence
relations (3.1) may be rewritten as
Uk+~(fl~e~) ffi b,
A Vk -~ Uk+lBk,
ATUk+I -~ VkB T + Olk+lVk+lek+l.
If exact arithmetic were used, then we would also have UT+~ Uk+~ ffi I and Vk k
= /, but, in any event, the previous equations hold to within machine precision.
Bidiag 2
(starting vector
reduction to upper bidiagonal form):
Oavl ffi ATb, p~pl ffi Avl.
O,+lV,+~ ffi ATp, -- p,v,
~, i ffi 1, 2 ..... (3.5)
p,+lp,+l = Av,+l -- 0,+1p,
ACM Transactions on Mathematmal Software, VoL 8, No 1, March 1982.

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01 Nov 2008
TL;DR: Numerical Optimization presents a comprehensive and up-to-date description of the most effective methods in continuous optimization, responding to the growing interest in optimization in engineering, science, and business by focusing on the methods that are best suited to practical problems.
Abstract: Numerical Optimization presents a comprehensive and up-to-date description of the most effective methods in continuous optimization. It responds to the growing interest in optimization in engineering, science, and business by focusing on the methods that are best suited to practical problems. For this new edition the book has been thoroughly updated throughout. There are new chapters on nonlinear interior methods and derivative-free methods for optimization, both of which are used widely in practice and the focus of much current research. Because of the emphasis on practical methods, as well as the extensive illustrations and exercises, the book is accessible to a wide audience. It can be used as a graduate text in engineering, operations research, mathematics, computer science, and business. It also serves as a handbook for researchers and practitioners in the field. The authors have strived to produce a text that is pleasant to read, informative, and rigorous - one that reveals both the beautiful nature of the discipline and its practical side.

17,420 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Basis Pursuit (BP) is a principle for decomposing a signal into an "optimal" superposition of dictionary elements, where optimal means having the smallest l1 norm of coefficients among all such decompositions.
Abstract: The time-frequency and time-scale communities have recently developed a large number of overcomplete waveform dictionaries --- stationary wavelets, wavelet packets, cosine packets, chirplets, and warplets, to name a few. Decomposition into overcomplete systems is not unique, and several methods for decomposition have been proposed, including the method of frames (MOF), Matching pursuit (MP), and, for special dictionaries, the best orthogonal basis (BOB). Basis Pursuit (BP) is a principle for decomposing a signal into an "optimal" superposition of dictionary elements, where optimal means having the smallest l1 norm of coefficients among all such decompositions. We give examples exhibiting several advantages over MOF, MP, and BOB, including better sparsity and superresolution. BP has interesting relations to ideas in areas as diverse as ill-posed problems, in abstract harmonic analysis, total variation denoising, and multiscale edge denoising. BP in highly overcomplete dictionaries leads to large-scale optimization problems. With signals of length 8192 and a wavelet packet dictionary, one gets an equivalent linear program of size 8192 by 212,992. Such problems can be attacked successfully only because of recent advances in linear programming by interior-point methods. We obtain reasonable success with a primal-dual logarithmic barrier method and conjugate-gradient solver.

9,950 citations

Cites methods from "LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linea..."

  • ...Similarly, the algorithms for Au and ATv can be used directly in conjugate-gradient methods such as LSQR [32, 33] for solving the least-squares problem (6.5)....


  • ...Similarly, the algorithms for Au and Av can be used directly in conjugate-gradient methods such as LSQR [32, 33] for solving the least-squares problem (6....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This work gives examples exhibiting several advantages over MOF, MP, and BOB, including better sparsity and superresolution, and obtains reasonable success with a primal-dual logarithmic barrier method and conjugate-gradient solver.
Abstract: The time-frequency and time-scale communities have recently developed a large number of overcomplete waveform dictionaries---stationary wavelets, wavelet packets, cosine packets, chirplets, and warplets, to name a few. Decomposition into overcomplete systems is not unique, and several methods for decomposition have been proposed, including the method of frames (MOF), matching pursuit (MP), and, for special dictionaries, the best orthogonal basis (BOB). Basis pursuit (BP) is a principle for decomposing a signal into an "optimal"' superposition of dictionary elements, where optimal means having the smallest l1 norm of coefficients among all such decompositions. We give examples exhibiting several advantages over MOF, MP, and BOB, including better sparsity and superresolution. BP has interesting relations to ideas in areas as diverse as ill-posed problems, abstract harmonic analysis, total variation denoising, and multiscale edge denoising. BP in highly overcomplete dictionaries leads to large-scale optimization problems. With signals of length 8192 and a wavelet packet dictionary, one gets an equivalent linear program of size 8192 by 212,992. Such problems can be attacked successfully only because of recent advances in linear and quadratic programming by interior-point methods. We obtain reasonable success with a primal-dual logarithmic barrier method and conjugate-gradient solver.

4,387 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
01 Mar 1996
TL;DR: A survey of the theory and applications of semidefinite programs and an introduction to primaldual interior-point methods for their solution are given.
Abstract: In semidefinite programming, one minimizes a linear function subject to the constraint that an affine combination of symmetric matrices is positive semidefinite. Such a constraint is nonlinear and nonsmooth, but convex, so semidefinite programs are convex optimization problems. Semidefinite programming unifies several standard problems (e.g., linear and quadratic programming) and finds many applications in engineering and combinatorial optimization. Although semidefinite programs are much more general than linear programs, they are not much harder to solve. Most interior-point methods for linear programming have been generalized to semidefinite programs. As in linear programming, these methods have polynomial worst-case complexity and perform very well in practice. This paper gives a survey of the theory and applications of semidefinite programs and an introduction to primaldual interior-point methods for their solution.

3,949 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The main purpose of this paper is to advocate the use of the graph associated with Tikhonov regularization in the numerical treatment of discrete ill-posed problems, and to demonstrate several important relations between regularized solutions and the graph.
Abstract: When discrete ill-posed problems are analyzed and solved by various numerical regularization techniques, a very convenient way to display information about the regularized solution is to plot the norm or seminorm of the solution versus the norm of the residual vector. In particular, the graph associated with Tikhonov regularization plays a central role. The main purpose of this paper is to advocate the use of this graph in the numerical treatment of discrete ill-posed problems. The graph is characterized quantitatively, and several important relations between regularized solutions and the graph are derived. It is also demonstrated that several methods for choosing the regularization parameter are related to locating a characteristic L-shaped “corner” of the graph.

3,585 citations

Cites methods from "LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linea..."

  • ...If the Lanczos bidiagonalization process [3, ?20] is halted after q steps, and a least squares solution is computed on the basis of the (q + 1) x q bidiagonal matrix [34], then it can be shown that the associated L is the identity matrixwhile the associated filter factors are 1 -Rq(z/?), where Rq denotes the qth degree Ritz polynomial....


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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: An iterative algorithm is given for solving a system Ax=k of n linear equations in n unknowns and it is shown that this method is a special case of a very general method which also includes Gaussian elimination.
Abstract: An iterative algorithm is given for solving a system Ax=k of n linear equations in n unknowns. The solution is given in n steps. It is shown that this method is a special case of a very general method which also includes Gaussian elimination. These general algorithms are essentially algorithms for finding an n dimensional ellipsoid. Connections are made with the theory of orthogonal polynomials and continued fractions.

7,598 citations

"LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linea..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...An algorithm with better numerical properties is easily derived by a slight algebraic rearrangement, making use of the intermediate vector A p , [10]....


  • ...The method, to be called algorithm LSQR, is similar in style to the well-known method of conjugate gradients (CG) as applied to the least-squares problem [10]....


01 Jan 1965
TL;DR: Theoretical background Perturbation theory Error analysis Solution of linear algebraic equations Hermitian matrices Reduction of a general matrix to condensed form Eigenvalues of matrices of condensed forms The LR and QR algorithms Iterative methods Bibliography.
Abstract: Theoretical background Perturbation theory Error analysis Solution of linear algebraic equations Hermitian matrices Reduction of a general matrix to condensed form Eigenvalues of matrices of condensed forms The LR and QR algorithms Iterative methods Bibliography Index.

7,422 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a systematic method for finding the latent roots and principal axes of a matrix, without reducing the order of the matrix, has been proposed, which is characterized by a wide field of applicability and great accuracy, since the accumulation of rounding errors is avoided, through the process of minimized iterations.
Abstract: The present investigation designs a systematic method for finding the latent roots and the principal axes of a matrix, without reducing the order of the matrix. It is characterized by a wide field of applicability and great accuracy, since the accumulation of rounding errors is avoided, through the process of \"minimized iterations\". Moreover, the method leads to a well convergent successive approximation procedure by which the solution of integral equations of the Fredholm type and the solution of the eigenvalue problem of linear differential and integral operators may be accomplished.

3,947 citations

"LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linea..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...MOTIVATION VIA THE LANCZOS PROCESS In this section we review the symmetric Lanczos process [13] and its use in solving symmetric linear equations B x = b....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a numerically stable and fairly fast scheme is described to compute the unitary matrices U and V which transform a given matrix A into a diagonal form π = U^ * AV, thus exhibiting A's singular values on π's diagonal.
Abstract: A numerically stable and fairly fast scheme is described to compute the unitary matrices U and V which transform a given matrix A into a diagonal form $\Sigma = U^ * AV$, thus exhibiting A’s singular values on $\Sigma $’s diagonal. The scheme first transforms A to a bidiagonal matrix J, then diagonalizes J. The scheme described here is complicated but does not suffer from the computational difficulties which occasionally afflict some previously known methods. Some applications are mentioned, in particular the use of the pseudo-inverse $A^I = V\Sigma ^I U^* $ to solve least squares problems in a way which dampens spurious oscillation and cancellation.

1,683 citations