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Maintaining and escaping feedback control in hierarchically organised tissue: a case study of the intestinal epithelium

11 Jun 2021-bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)-
TL;DR: In this article, a mathematical model of intestinal epithelium population dynamics is presented based on the current mechanistic understanding of the underlying biological processes, and conditions for stability and identify mechanisms that may lead to loss of homoeostasis.
Abstract: The intestinal epithelium is one of the fastest renewing tissues in mammals with an average turnover time of only a few days. It shows a remarkable degree of stability towards external perturbations such as physical injuries or radiation damage. Tissue renewal is driven by intestinal stem cells, and differentiated cells can de-differentiate if the stem cell niche is lost after tissue damage. However, self-renewal and regeneration require a tightly regulated balance to uphold tissue homoeostasis, and failure can lead to tissue extinction or to unbounded growth and cancerous lesions. Here, we present a mathematical model of intestinal epithelium population dynamics that is based on the current mechanistic understanding of the underlying biological processes. We derive conditions for stability and thereby identify mechanisms that may lead to loss of homoeostasis. A key results is the existence of specific thresholds in feedbacks after which unbounded growth occurs, and a subsequent convergence of the system to a stable ratio of stem to non-stem cells. A biologically interesting property of the model is that the number of differentiated cells at the steady-state can become invariant to changes in their apoptosis rate. Moreover, we compare alternative mechanisms for homeostasis with respect to their recovery dynamics after perturbation from steady-state. Finally, we show that de-differentiation enables the system to recover more gracefully after certain external perturbations, which however makes the system more prone to loosing homoeostasis.

Summary (1 min read)


  • Belgyógyászati Osztály és Angiológiai szakrendelés, Kistarcsa Bevezetés: A magas vérnyomásban szenvedők 14%-ánál fordulhat elő perifériás verőérbetegség, közülük 1–3% a krónikus kritikus végtagischaemiában szenvedők aránya.
  • A betegek életminősége az EQ-5D index alapján stádiumonként átlagosan 0,66; 0,35; 0,18, az EQ-5D értékek alacsonyabbak a korra illesztett átlaglakosság értékeinél, also known as Eredmények.
  • Fontaine szerinti osztályozás I. stádium: panaszmentesség, a betegség műszeres vizsgálattal állapítható meg II.
  • A kutatás célja a magyarországi Fontaine II–IV.
  • A teszteket 5%-os szignifi kanciaszint mellett végeztük.

A vizsgált populáció alapadatai

  • Stádiumú betegek elmúlt 12 hónapra jellemző egészségi állapotát és életminőségét (2. táblázat).
  • ***Az átkódolás során a mínusz tartományba eső értékeket 0-ra kódoltuk át.

Életminőség; EQ-5D dimenziók

  • Az EQ-5D index öt dimenziója és a Fontaine-stádiumok közötti kapcsolatot ábrázolja a 4. táblázat.
  • Táblázat Korrelációs mátrix az életminőség és betegséget jellemző változók között Elmúlt hétre jellemző alsó végtagi fájdalom EQ-5D VAS EQ-5D érték (0–1) Elmúlt hétre jellemző alsó végtagi fájdalom – –0,432* –0,683*.
  • Jelentős eltérés volt megfi gyelhető a Fontaine II.
  • A kockázati tényezők kutatásunkban nem mutatnak jelentős eltéréseket a stádiumokra osztott betegcsoportokban.
  • A keresztmetszeti felmérés módszertani korlátaival is számolnunk kell, ugyanis a keresztmetszeti felmérés pillanatképet ad a betegek adott időpontban érvényes életminőségéről.

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Maintaining and escaping feedback control in hierarchically1
organised tissue: a case study of the intestinal epithelium2
Matthias M. Fischer,
Hanspeter Herzel,
and Nils Bl¨uthgen
Institute for Theoretical Biology, Charit´e and
Humboldt Universit¨at zu Berlin, 10115 Berlin, Germany
(Dated: June 11, 2021)6
The intestinal epithelium is one of the fastest renewing tissues in mammals with
an average turnover time of only a few days. It shows a remarkable degree of stability
towards external perturbations such as physical injuries or radiation damage. Tissue
renewal is driven by intestinal stem cells, and differentiated cells can de-differentiate if
the stem cell niche is lost after tissue damage. However, self-renewal and regeneration
require a tightly regulated balance to uphold tissue homoeostasis, and failure can lead
to tissue extinction or to unbounded growth and cancerous lesions. Here, we present
a mathematical model of intestinal epithelium population dynamics that is based on
the current mechanistic understanding of the underlying biological processes. We
derive conditions for stability and thereby identify mechanisms that may lead to loss
of homoeostasis. A key results is the existence of specific thresholds in feedbacks after
which unbounded growth occurs, and a subsequent convergence of the system to a
stable ratio of stem to non-stem cells. A biologically interesting property of the model
is that the number of differentiated cells at the steady-state can become invariant
to changes in their apoptosis rate. Moreover, we compare alternative mechanisms
for homeostasis with respect to their recovery dynamics after perturbation from
steady-state. Finally, we show that de-differentiation enables the system to recover
more gracefully after certain external perturbations, which however makes the system
more prone to loosing homoeostasis.
Keywords: Cancer, Colon, Dedifferentiation, Intestinal epithelium, Regeneration, Tissue
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(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.
The copyright holder for this preprintthis version posted June 11, 2021. ; bioRxiv preprint

A tissue is said to be hierarchically organised if it consists of different cell types constituting
a characteristic hierarchical structure. Generally, two classes of cells can be distinguished:
Adult stem cells have an unlimited capacity of indefinite self-renewal, but also differentiate
and thus directly or indirectly give rise to differentiated cells which perform the designated
function of the tissue [
]. Additionally in cases of tissue damage and regeneration the
dedifferentiation of differentiated cells back into cycling stem cells has been observed, for
instance in case of the intestinal epithelium [
], the airway epithelium [
], and the kidney
epithelium [
]. In order to uphold the homoeostasis of such a tissue in the face of external
perturbations, a tight regulation of the stem cell compartment is required. In case of tissue
damage, stem cells need to increase proliferation according to tissue requirements; however
over-proliferation of the stem cell compartment must be avoided in order to prevent unlimited
growth [
]. Such a tight control seems to be maintained through specific feedback loops
exerted by differentiated cells onto the stem cell compartment regulating the size of the
latter [
]. In contrast, control of the dedifferentiation of differentiated cells seems to be
exerted by the stem cell compartment (see Tata et al.
, and Beumer and Clevers
as well as the references therein). Escaping one or multiple of these stability-conferring
control mechanisms may cause the tissue to loose homoeostasis and subsequently switch to a
behaviour of unbounded, malignant growth.27
The intestinal epithelium and the colon epithelium are prime examples of such hierarchically
organised tissues. Despite its single-layered, simple epithelial structure it is able to withstand
continuous mechanical, chemical and biological insults due to its specific tissue architecture
in combination with a high rate of cellular turnover [
]: Stem cells residing at the bottom
of the intestinal crypts cycle continuously approximately once per day and give rise to new
cells. These cells then mature while migrating upwards, until they terminally differentiate
and become part of the villi, eventually committing apoptosis and being shed off into the
intestinal lumen [
]. Control of the intestinal and the colon stem cell compartment is
realised via differentiated epithelial cells releasing Indian Hedgehog (Ihh), which stimulates
mesenchymal cells to release Bone Morphogentic Proteins (BMPs). These, in turn, interfere
with intracellular effects of WNT signalling and thus stimulate stem cell differentiation [
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.
The copyright holder for this preprintthis version posted June 11, 2021. ; bioRxiv preprint

Previous theoretical research on hierarchically organised tissues has often focussed on the
abstract case of arbitrary tissues: Rodriguez-Brenes et al.
considered arbitrary hierar-
chically organised tissues consisting of two compartments: a compartment of cycling and
differentiating stem cells, and a compartment of non-cycling differentiated cells committing
apoptosis at a fixed rate. They assumed that the differentiated cell compartment may exert
feedback onto the stem cells by both decreasing their rate of proliferation and by reducing
the probability of a stem cell division resulting in two daughter stem cells compared to the
probability of a division yielding two differentiated cells. They then studied the order in
which mutations in these feedbacks need to arise in a single new clone to enjoy a selective
advantage and spread throughout the system. Limiting their model to sigmoidal Hill-like
feedback functions, they then also fitted their model to a number of time-course data of the
overall population size of growing tissue from the literature. The same model was used in
Rodriguez-Brenes et al.
in order to reveal that during recovery from an injury significant
damped oscillations in the path back to the steady-state may occur, and that this oscillatory
behaviour is more pronounced when the stem cell load represents only a small fraction of the
entire cell population. Nonetheless, oscillations may still be avoided, however at the price of
slowing down the speed at which the system is able to recover after an injury. The same
model topology has also been studied by Sun and Komarova
using the framework of a
two-dimensional Markov process in order to obtain analytical solutions for the mean and
variance of the cell compartment sizes. Recently, Wodarz
has extended the model by also
taking into account the possibility of differentiated cells dedifferentiating into cycling stem
cells again. Assuming sigmoidal Hill-like feedback onto stem cell cycling rate and self-renewal
probability, he studied the effect of a linear and a sigmoidal dedifferentiation term, showing
how unbounded, cancerous tissue growth may arise as a consequence of escaping this feedback.
By means of numerical simulations, he also demonstrated how dedifferentiation may allow
for speedier regeneration dynamics after perturbations.66
More concrete theoretical studies have for example been carried out on the hematopoietic sys-
tem [
], the mammalian olfactory epithelium [
], or on the development, treatment
and recurrence of breast cancer [
]. In contrast, however, theoretical examinations on the
homoeostasis and dynamics of the intestinal and colon epithelium have been rare. A note-
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.
The copyright holder for this preprintthis version posted June 11, 2021. ; bioRxiv preprint

worthy exception is Johnston et al.
, who have derived and studied a three-compartment
ODE model consisting of stem, transit-amplifying and terminally differentiated cells. They
assumed that the first two of these three compartments limit themself either via a negative
quadratic term (reminiscent of classical single-species population dynamic models which
assume logistic growth [
]) or via a negative saturating term. However, no mechanistic
justification of these models has been presented in the paper, possible also owing to the fact
that our mechanistic understanding of the biology of intestinal stem cells has been rather
limited until very recently [9].79
In this work, we set out to derive a model of intestinal and colon epithelial population
dynamics based on our current understanding of the involved underlying biological processes.
We use this model in order to answer some fundamental questions about maintaining and
losing the homoeostatic stability of this system: Both for the case without dedifferentiation
and for the case with dedifferentiation, we derive all possible ways the system can loose
stability and exhibit unbounded malignant growth. We prove analytically how allowing for
dedifferentiation opens up an additional way of losing stability and switching to unbounded
growth. For all cases of unbounded growth, we prove that under the biologically reasonable
assumption of saturating rate functions after some period of transient behaviour the system
will always converge to a stable ratio of cell types which we can calculate analytically. A
special focus is given to the study of the transient behaviour of the system while recovering
from different kinds of external perturbations. We examine how the shape of the feedback
functions shapes the system behaviour during recovery, and will compare how graceful and
efficient the colon model is able to recover from different kinds of external perturbations
compared to other imaginable model topologies throughout the entire model parameter
space. Finally, we show analytically and illustrate with numerical simulations how adding
dedifferentiation can tremendously speed up recovery and reduce frequency and duration of
oscillations, which especially applies to the case of perturbations of the stem cell compartment.
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.
The copyright holder for this preprintthis version posted June 11, 2021. ; bioRxiv preprint

A. Colon epithelium model100
Our main model consists of two cell compartments
, denoting stem cells, and
differentiated cells, respectively, following earlier approaches such as Rodriguez-Brenes et al.
. Stem cells cycle at a constant rate
β >
0, whereas differentiated cells are cell-cycle
arrested, but die with an apoptosis rate
ω >
0. Finally, stem cells differentiate with a rate
) that is a function of the size of the differentiated cell compartment. Overall, the model
is described by the following set of two coupled ordinary differential equations:106
= βS(t) δ(D)S(t)
= δ(D)S(t) ωD(t),
β, ω R
is a continuously differentiable and monotonically increasing function
. A sketch of the model is shown in Figure 1a. Note that at this model does not
include the possibility of dedifferentiation, and we will extend this later.109
At this point, the structural similarity between our model and the classical Lotka-Volterra
model of predator-prey dynamics [
] may also be pointed out. In particular, if
is a
linear function with an intercept of zero, i.e. if the basal stem cell differentiation rate in
the absence of differentiated cells is zero, then the models are mathematically identical. As
remarked by Peschel and Mende
, however, even such minor qualitative changes to the
Lotka-Volterra model will affect its qualitative behaviour and cause the loss of its typical
harmonic oscillations and for instance the emergence of a limit cycle or a stable steady-state
B. Comparison of different model topologies119
Next, we generalise the previous model to the family of all models containing exactly one
explicit feedback loop from one compartment onto one rate parameter. Since we have
two compartments which could potentially be able to exert a feedback (stem cells
, and
differentiated cells
), and three rates which could potentially be affected by such a feedback
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.
The copyright holder for this preprintthis version posted June 11, 2021. ; bioRxiv preprint

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10 May 2022-bioRxiv
TL;DR: It is shown that dedifferentiation increases the likelihood of tumorigenenis and the speed of tumoural growth, both modulated by the proliferative potential of the non-stem cancer cells (NSCCs) and the existence of synergies between specific CSC- and NSCC-directed treatments which cause superadditive reductions of tumours growth.
Abstract: Differentiated cancer cells may regain stem cell characteristics; however, the effects of such a cellular dedifferentiation on tumoural growth and treatment are currently understudied. Thus, we here extend a mathematical model of cancer stem cell (CSC) driven tumour growth to also include dedifferentiation. We show that dedifferentiation increases the likelihood of tumorigenenis and the speed of tumoural growth, both modulated by the proliferative potential of the non-stem cancer cells (NSCCs). We demonstrate that dedifferentiation also may lead to treatment evasion, especially when a treatment solely targets CSCs. Conversely, targeting both CSCs and NSCCs in parallel is shown to be more robust to dedifferentiation. Despite dedifferentiation, perturbing CSC-related parameters continues to exert the largest relative effect on tumoural growth; however, we show the existence of synergies between specific CSC- and NSCC-directed treatments which cause superadditive reductions of tumoural growth. Overall, our study demonstrates various effects of dedifferentiation on growth and treatment of tumoural lesions, and we anticipate our results to be helpful in guiding future molecular and clinical research on limiting tumoural growth in vivo.
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TL;DR: A model for the genetic basis of colorectal neoplasia that includes the following salient features is presented, which may be applicable to other common epithelial neoplasms, in which tumors of varying stage are more difficult to study.

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Frequently Asked Questions (16)
Q1. What are the contributions mentioned in the paper "Maintaining and escaping feedback control in hierarchically organised tissue: a case study of the intestinal epithelium" ?

Here, the authors present a mathematical model of intestinal epithelium population dynamics that is based on the current mechanistic understanding of the underlying biological processes. Finally, the authors show that de-differentiation enables the system to recover more gracefully after certain external perturbations, which however makes the system more prone to loosing homoeostasis. 

If both the stem cell283 proliferation rate β and differentiation rate δ are unregulated and hence constant, the authors have284 dS(t)/dt = βS − δS, which for any non-trivial steady-state requires β = δ. 

Because the second term of D(t) grows without bounds, the authors may for sufficiently big values of214 t neglect the decaying first term of D(t). 

Because model 1 may show oscillations during its relaxation, an analytical calculation of720 its defects is theoretically possible, but leads to expressions too complicated to handle and721 meaningfully interpret. 

Because the differentiated cells are responsible for carrying out the designated function499 of a tissue [1], keeping their density as constant as possible is biologically desirable and500 thus grants systems with indirectly regulated stem cell compartments an advantage – even501 more so in tissues like the intestinal and colon epithelium which are constantly exposed to502 mechanical, chemical and biological insults [9].503504 

notice that δ0 > 0, δslope > 0 can be made arbitrarily small without ever losing stability and switching to unbounded growth; however, if δ0 exceeds β, the non-trivial steady-state becomes unfeasible and unstable, and the system will always converge to the trivial extinction steady-state (lower two panels). (e) A steeper feedback functions causes stronger and longer oscillations. 

For simplicity, the authors chose a piecewise linear function with a positive intercept230 δ0 > 0, denoting the basal differentiation rate of stem cells in the absence of any external231 cues. 

Two of them, namely those where the apoptosis rate of differentiated cells is491 controlled, cannot exhibit homoeostasis, showing that a mechanism controlling cycling stem492 cells is required for stability, be it in the form of controlling their proliferation rate, their493 differentiation rate, or potentially both. 

However in case of removing stem cells, the513 colon model very often performed significantly worse since removing stem cells will not514 affect stem cell cycling and stem cell differentiation rates in the colon epithelium model. 

The relationship between function slope and oscillatory behaviour of the system is a bio-266 logically interesting result, as it suggests that in order to keep the occurring oscillations in267 check, a smaller slope of the feedback function might be desirable. 

An interesting avenue for future research lies in the examination of healthy and tumoural56226intestinal epithelial tissue on the single-cell level in order to answer the question, whether563 the authors are indeed able to identify similar cellular subpopulation and differentiation gradients564 in both of them. 

This makes sense because removing509 stem cells from the colon epithelium model cells will cause stem cells to differentiate more510 slowly. 

A. Marciniak-Czochra, T. Stiehl, A. D. Ho, W. Jäger, and W. Wagner, Modeling of asymmetric644cell division in hematopoietic stem cells—regulation of self-renewal is essential for efficient645repopulation, Stem cells and development 18, 377 (2009).64629[25] 

The authors have shown both analytically and by526 exemplary numerical simulations how this enables the model to recover more gracefully from527 perturbations, especially those reducing the number of stem cells. 

By means of a Taylor expansion around the steady-state, the authors can also generalise this finding433 to arbitrary decreasing differentiable functions %.434435 Panel (b) of Figure 4 shows some exemplary numerical simulations of their colon epithe-436 lium model for the case of no dedifferentiation (first column), a linear dedifferentiation437 with %0 = 0.5, %slope = −0.01 (second column) and a faster linear dedifferentiation with438 %0 = 0.9, %slope = −0.01. 

Because the two models have different system parameters (β, δ0 vs. β0, δ) we374 cannot directly compare them pointwise in parameter space like the authors did before.