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Journal ArticleDOI

Monetary policy rules and macroeconomic stability: Evidence and some theory

01 Feb 2000-Quarterly Journal of Economics (Oxford University Press)-Vol. 115, Iss: 1, pp 147-180
TL;DR: In this article, the authors estimate a forward-looking monetary policy reaction function for the postwar United States economy, before and after Volcker's appointment as Fed Chairman in 1979, and compare some of the implications of the estimated rules for the equilibrium properties of ineation and output, using a simple macroeconomic model.
Abstract: We estimate a forward-looking monetary policy reaction function for the postwar United States economy, before and after Volcker’s appointment as Fed Chairman in 1979. Our results point to substantial differences in the estimated rule across periods. In particular, interest rate policy in the Volcker-Greenspan period appears to have been much more sensitive to changes in expected ineation than in the pre-Volcker period. We then compare some of the implications of the estimated rules for the equilibrium properties of ineation and output, using a simple macroeconomic model, and show that the Volcker-Greenspan rule is stabilizing.

Summary (1 min read)

L1 Lqwurgxfwlrq

  • Wkh nh| gl huhqfh lq wkh hvwlpdwhg srolf| uxohv dfurvv wlph lqyroyhv wkh uhvsrqvh wr h{shfwhg lq dwlrq1.
  • Zh qg +qrw vxusulvlqjo|, wkdw wkh Ihghudo Uhvhuyh zdv kljko| dffrpprgdwlyh lq wkh suh0Yrofnhu |hduv= Rq dyhudjh/ lw ohw uhdo vkruw whup lqwhuhvw udwhv ghfolqh dv dqwlflsdwhg lq dwlrq urvh1 Zkloh lw udlvhg qrplqdo udwhv/ lw w|slfdoo| glg vr e| ohvv wkdq wkh lqfuhdvh lq h{shfwhg lq dwlrq1.
  • Rq wkh rwkhu kdqg/ gxulqj wkh Yrofnhu0Juhhqvsdq hud wkh Ihghudo Uhvhuyh dgrswhg d surdfwlyh vwdqfh wrzdug frqwuroolqj lq dwlrq= lw v|vwhpdwlfdoo| udlvhg uhdo dv zhoo dv qrplqdo vkruw whup lqwhu0 hvw udwhv lq uhvsrqvh wr kljkhu h{shfwhg lq dwlrq1.

Zh vhw j wkh frh!flhqw ri uhodwlyh ulvn dyhuvlrq wr eh htxdo wr / dqg b wkh rxwsxw

  • Zh uvw h{soruh krz wkh hvwlpdwhg uxoh iru wkh suh0Yrofnhu hud rshqv xs wkh srvvlelolw| ri vhoi0ixo oolqj xfwxdwlrqv1.
  • Wkh jxuh uhsruwv wkh f|folfdo ehkdylru ri rxwsxw/ lq dwlrq dqg wkh qrplqdo lqwhu0 hvw udwh1 Qrwh wkdw shuvlvwhqw xfwxdwlrqv lq rxwsxw dqg lq dwlrq dulvh/ ghvslwh wkh devhqfh ri dq| ixqgdphqwdo vkrfnv671.

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Pd | 4<<<
Iluvw gudiw= Pdufk 4<<:
Zh hvwlpdwh d iruzdug0orrnlqj prqhwdu| srolf| uhdfwlrq ixqfwlrq iru
wkh srvwzdu Xqlwhg Vwdwhv hfrqrp|/ ehiruh dqg diwhu Yrofnhu*v dssrlqwphqw
dv Ihg Fkdlupdq lq 4<:<1 Rxu uhvxowv srlqw wr vxevwdqwldo glhuhqfhv lq
wkh hvwlpdwhg uxoh dfurvv shulrgv1 Lq sduwlfxodu/ lqwhuhvw udwh srolf| lq
wkh Yrofnhu0Juhhqvsdq shulrg dsshduv wr kdyh ehhq pxfk pruh vhqvlwlyh
wr f k dq jhv l q h{shfwhg l q dw lrq wkdq lq wkh suh0Yrof n hu shul rg1 Zh wkhq
frpsduh vrph ri wk h lps olfdw lrq v ri w kh hvwl pdwhg uxohv iru w k h htxlo le ulx p
surshuwlhv ri lq dw lrq dqg r xw sx w/ xvlq j d vlpso h pdfurhfrq rpl f prg ho/
dqg vkr z wkdw wkh Yrof n hu0Juhhq vs dq u xo h l v vwdel ol}l qj 1
= prqhwd u| sro lf| ux ohv/ ex vl qhvv f|fohv/ Wd |or u uxo hv/ vxq vsrw
xfwxd wlr qv1
MHO Fod vv lfdwlrq Qxp ehuv
= H65/ H85
Zh wkdqn vhplqdu sduwlflsdqwv dw Xqlyhuvlwdw Srpshx I deud/ Qhz \run Xqly h uvl w |/ Ihghudo
Uhvhuyh Erdug/ Xqlyhuvlw | ri Pdu|od qg/ QE HU Vxp ph u Lqvwlwxwh/ X qly h uvl gh Wrxorxvh/ Edqn
ri Vsdlq/ Kduydug Xqlyhuvl w |/ Edqn ri Ph{l fr / Xqlyhuvlwdw gh Jlurqd/ dqg wkh Ih gh udo U hv h uy h
Edqnv ri D wo dq wd/ Qhz \run/ Ulfkprqg/ Gdo odv / dqg Sklodgh oskl d/ dv zhoo dv w z r dqrq |pr xv
uhihuhhv dqg wz r hglwruv iru xvh ixo fr pph q wv 1 Wrppdvr Prqdfho ol sur ylgh g ydoxdeoh uhvh duf k
dvvlvwdqfh1 Wkh vhfrqg dqg wklug dxwkruv duh j udwhixo wr wkh F1Y1 Vwd uu Fhq whu +Jd dqg Jhuwoh u,
dqg FUHL +Jdo ð, iru qdqfldo vxssruw1

L1 Lq wurg xfwlrq
Iurp wkh odwh 4<93v wkurxjk wkh hduo| 4<;3v/ wkh Xqlwhg Vwdwhv hfrqrp| h{shul0
hqfhg kljk dqg yrodwloh lq dwlrq dorqj zlwk vhyhudo vhy huh uhfhvvlrqv1 Vlqfh wkh hduo|
4<;3v/ krz hyhu/ lq dwlrq kdv uhpdlqhg vwhdglo| orz/ zkloh rxwsxw jurzwk kdv ehhq
uhodwlyho| vwdeoh1 Pdq| hfrqrplvwv flwh vxsso| vkrfnv 0 dqg rlo sulfh vkrfnv/ lq sduwlf0
xodu 0 dv wkh p dlq irufh xqghuo|lqj wkh lqvwdelolw| ri wkh hduolhu shulrg1 Lw lv xqolnho|/
krz hyhu/ wkdw vxsso| vkrfnv dorqh frxog dffrxqw iru wkh revhuyhg glhuhqfhv ehwzhhq
wkh wz r hudv1 Iru h{dpsoh/ zkloh mxpsv lq wkh sulfh ri rlo pljk w khos h{sodlq wudqvl0
wru| shulrgv ri vkdus lqfuhdvhv lq wkh jhqhudo sulfh ohyho/ lw lv qrw fohdu kr z wkh| dorqh
frxog h{sodlq shuvlvwhqw kljk lq dwlrq lq wkh devhqfh ri dq dffrpprgdwlqj prqhwdu|
Ixuwkhupruh/ dv Gh Orqj ^4<<:` dujxhv/ wkh rqvhw ri vxvwdlqhg kljk lq dwlrq
rffxuuhg sulru wr wkh rlo fulvlv hslvrghv1
Lq wklv sdshu zh h{soruh wkh uroh ri prqhwdu| srolf|1 Zh uvw ghprqvwudwh wkdw
wkhuh lv d vljqlfdqw glhuhqfh lq wkh zd| prqhwdu| srolf| z dv frqgxfwhg suh0 dqg
srvw04<:</ wkh |hdu S dxo Yrofnhu zdv dssrlq whg Fkdlupdq ri wkh Ihghudo Uhvhuyh
Erdug1 Zh wkhq jr rq wr dujxh wkdw wklv glhuhqfh frxog eh dq lpsruwdqw vrxufh
ri wkh vkliw lq pdfurhfrqrplf ehkdylru1 Lq vrph z d |v/ rxu vwru| vkrxog qrw eh
vxusulvlqj1 Pdq | hfrqrplvwv djuhh wkdw p rqhwdu| srolf| lq wkh Xqlwhg Vwdwhv kdv
ehhq uhodwlyho| zhoo pdqdjhg iurp wkh wlph S dxo Yrofnhu wrrn ry hu wkh khop/ wkurxjk
wkh fxuuhqw uhjlph ri Dodq Juhhqvsdq1 Lw lv dovr jhqhudoo| djuhhg wkdw prqhwdu|
srolf| zdv qrw vr z hoo pdqdjhg lq wkh iwhhq |hduv ru vr sulru wr Yrofnhu1
frqwulexwlrq ri rxu sdshu lv wr dgg suhflvlrq wr wklv frqy hqwlrqdo zlvgrp1
Zh lghqwli| krz prqhwdu| srolf| glhuhg ehiruh dqg diwhu Yrofnhu fdph wr r!fh
e | hvwlpdwlqj srolf| uxohv iru hdfk hud1 Vshflfdoo|/ z h hvwlpdwh d jhqhudo w|sh ri
uxoh wkdw wuhdwv wkh Ihghudo Ixqgv udwh dv wkh lqvwuxphqw ri prqhwdu| srolf|1 Wkh
Lq vhfwlrq LLL1G/ zh surylgh pruh ghwdlo rq wkh uroh ri rlo vkrfnv yhuvxv prqhwdu| srolf| dqg
dovr rq krz wkh prqhwdu| srolf| uxoh lq xhqfhv wkh hhfwv wkdw rlo vkrfnv kdyh rq wkh hfrqrp|1
Vhh/ h1j1/ wkh uhfhqw glvfxvvlrqv lq Iulhgpdq dqg Nxwwqhu ^4<<9` dqg Jhuwohu ^4<<9`1

uxoh fdoov iru dgmxvwphqw ri wkh Ixqgv udwh wr wkh jdsv ehwzhhq
lq d wlr q dq g
rx ws x w dqg wkh lu uhv shfwl y h wdujhw ohyhov1 Lw lv d y huvlrq ri wkh nlqg ri srolf| uxoh
wkdw hphujhv lq erwk srvlwl y h dq g qru pdwl y h dqdo|vhv ri fhqwudo edqn ehkdylru wkdw
kdy h dsshduhg lq uhfhqw olwhudwxuh1
D gl vwl q fwl y h ihdwx u h r i rxu vshfl fd wlr q lv wkd w
lw dvvxphv iruz dug0orrnlq j ehkd yl ru rq wkh sduw ri wkh fhqwudo edqn1
Wkh nh| glhuhqfh lq wkh hvwlpdwhg srolf| uxohv dfurvv wlph lqy royhv wkh uhvsrqvh
wr h{shfwhg lq dwlr q 1 Zh q g +qrw vxusulvlqjo|, wkdw wkh Ihghudo Uhvhuyh zdv kljko|
dffrpprgdwlyh lq wkh suh0Yrofn hu |hduv= Rq dy hudjh/ lw ohw uhdo vkruw whup lqwhuhvw
udwhv ghfolqh dv dqwlflsdwhg lq dwlrq urvh1 Zkloh lw udlvhg qrplqdo udwhv/ lw w|slfdoo|
glg vr e| ohvv wkdq wkh lqfuhdvh lq h{shfwhg l q dwl rq 1 Rq wkh rwkhu kdqg/ gxulqj
wkh Yrofnhu0Juhhqvsdq hud wkh Ihghudo Uhvhuyh dgrswhg d surdfwlyh vwdqfh wrzdug
frqwuroolqj lq dwlrq= lw v|vwhpdwlfdoo| udlvhg uhdo dv zhoo dv qrplqdo vkruw whup lq whu0
hvw ud whv lq uhv srq v h wr kljk h u h{shfwh g lq dwl rq 1 R x u uhvx owv wkx v ohqg txd qwl wdwl yh
vxssruw wr wkh srsxodu ylhz wkdw qrw xqwlo Yrofn hu wrrn r!fh glg frqwuroolqj lq dwlrq
ehfrph wkh rujdql}lqj irfxv ri prqhwdu| srolf|1
Wkh vhfrqg sduw ri wkh sdshu suhvhqwv d wkhruhwlfdo prgho ghvljqhg wr hvk rxw kr z
wkh revhuyhg fkdqjhv lq wkh srolf| uxoh frxog dffrxqw iru wkh fkdqjh lq pdfurhfrqrplf
shuirupdqfh1 Zh hp ehg srolf| uxohv ri wkh w|sh zh hvwlpdwh zlwklq d idluo| vwdqgdug
exvlqhvv f|foh prgho dqg wkhq dqdo|}h wkh g|qdplfv ri lq dwlrq dqg rxwsxw lq wkh
uhvxowlqj htxloleulxp1 Zh vkrz wkdw wkh hvwlpdwhg uxoh iru wkh suh0Yrofnhu shulrg
shuplwv juhdwhu pdfurhfrqrplf lqvwdelolw| wkdq grhv wkh Yrofnhu0Juhhqvsdq uxoh1 Lw
grhv vr lq wzr glvwlqfw uhvshfwv=
Iluvw/ wkh suh0Yrofnhu uxoh ohdy hv rshq wkh srvvlelolw| ri exuvwv ri lq dwlrq dqg
rxwsxw wkdw uhvxow iurp vhoi0ixooolqj fkdqjhv lq h{shfwdwlrqv1 Wkhvh vxqvsrw xfwx0
dwlrqv p d | dulvh xqghu wklv u xoh ehfdxvh lqglylgxdov +fruuhfwo|, dq wlflsdwh wkdw wkh
Ihghu d o U hv hu yh z l oo dffrp prgdwh d ulv h lq h{shfwh g lq d wlr q e | o hwwlq j vkruw whup
uhdo lq whuhvw udwhv ghfolqh +zklfk lq wxuq vwlp xodwhv wkh ulvh lq djjuhjdwh ghpdqg
Vhh Fodulgd/ Jdoð/ dqg Jhuwohu ^4< <<` iru d uhyl hz ri wkh uhfh q w olwhudwxuh rq prqhwdu| srolf |1

dq g lq d wlr q
Rq wkh rwkhu kdqg/ vhoi0ixooolqj xfwxdwlrqv fdqqrw rffxu xqghu wkh
hvwlpdwhg uxoh iru wkh Yrofn hu0Juhhqvsdq hud vlqfh/ zlwklq wklv uhjlph/ wkh Ihghudo
Uhvhuyh dgmxvwv lqwhuhvw udwhv vx!flhqwo| wr vwdelol}h dq| fkdqjhv lq h{shfwhg lq d0
wlrq1 Vhfrqg/ wkh suh0Yrofnhu uxoh lv ohvv hhfwlyh wkdq wkh Yrofnhu0Juhhqvsdq uxoh dw
plwljdwlqj wkh lpsdfw ri ixqgdphqwdo vkrfnv wr wkh hfrqrp|1 Wkdw lv/ kroglqj frq0
vwdqw wkh yrodwlolw| ri h{rjhqrxv ixqgdphqwdo vkrfnv/ wkh hfrqrp| h{klelwv juhdwhu
vwdelolw| xqghu wkh srvw04<:< uxoh wkdq xqghu d uxoh wkdw forvho| dssur{lpdwhv prq0
hwdu| srolf| suh04<:<1
Wkh sodq ri wkh sds hu lv dv iroorzv1 Vhfwlrq L L suhvhqwv rxu srolf| uxoh vshflfdwlrq/
dqg glvfxvvhv wkh hfrqrphwulf surfhgxuh xvhg wr hvwlpdwh lw1 Vhfwlrq LL L uhsruwv
hvwlpdwhv ri wklv uxoh iru glhuhqw vdpsoh shulrgv/ frqgxfwv d qxpehu ri urexvwqhvv
fkhfnv/ dqg lghqwlhv wkh pdlq glhuhqfhv lq wkh frh!flhqw hvwlpdwhv dfurvv shulrgv1
Vhfwlrq LY suhvhqwv wkh wkhruhwlfdo prgho= d +qrz, frqyhqwlrqdo Qhz Nh|qhvldq
iudphzrun zlwk prqh|/ prqrsrolvwlf frpshwlwlrq/ dqg vwlfn| sulfhv1 Zh wkhq suhvhqw
erwk d txdolwdwlyh dqg txdqwlwdwlyh dqdo|vlv ri wkh pr gho xqghu wkh suh0 dqg srvw :<
srolf| uxohv1 Vhfwlrq Y rhuv frqfoxglqj uhpdunv1 Khuh zh glvfxvv dq lpsruwdqw lvvxh
wkdw wkh sdshu udlvhv exw grhv qrw uhvroyh= zk| lq wkh suh0Yrofnhu shulrg wkh Ihghudo
Uhvhuyh dsshduhg wr sxuvxh d v|vwhpdwlf srolf| uxoh wkdw qrw rqo| dffrpprgdwhg
lq dwlrq/ exw glg vr lq d z d | wkdw zdv hqwluho| suhglfwdeoh e | wkh suly dwh vhfwru +dw
ohdvw zlwk wkh ehqhw ri klqgvljk w,1
Fkdul/ Fkulvwldqr dqg Hlfkhqedxp +4<<:, dovr vxjjhvw wkdw wkh lq dwlrq ri wkh 4<:3v pd| kdyh
pdlqo| ehhq gxh wr vhoi0ixoixoolqj ehkdylru1 Wkhlu dujxphqw h{sorlwv wkh lghd wkdw wkhuh pd| eh d
pxowlsolflw| ri htxloleuld lq uhsxwdwlrqdo prghov ri prqhwdu| srolf|1 Rxu dqdo|vlv lv edvhg vlpso|
rq wkh lpsolfdwlrqv ri wkh hvwlpdwhg klvwrulfdo srolf| uhdfwlrq ixqfwlrq1

LL1 W kh Ihghudo U hvhuy h*v S rolf| Uhd fwlrq Ixqfwlrq= D
Iruz dug O rrnlqj P rgho
D1 D Vlpsoh Iruzdug Orrnlqj Uxoh
Zh ehjlq zlwk d edvholqh vshflfdwlrq ri wkh srolf| uhdfwlrq ixqfwlrq1 Zh wdnh dv
wkh lqvwuxphqw ri prqhwdu| srolf| wkh Ihghudo Ixqgv udwh1 H{fhsw srvvleo| iru d eulhi
shulrg ri uhvhuyhv wdujhwlqj dw wkh vwduw ri wkh Yrofn hu hud/ wklv vhhpv d uhdvrqdeoh
fkrlfh +vhh/ h1j1/ Ehuqdqnh dqg Plkry ^4<<;`,1 Ixuwkhu/ Jrrgiulhqg ^4<<4` dujxhv wkdw
hyhq xqghu wkh shulrg ri r!fldo uhvhuyhv wdujhwlqj/ wkh Ihghudo U hvhuyh kdg lq plqg
dq lpsolflw wdujhw iru wkh Ixqgv udwh1
Wkh edvholqh srolf| uxoh zh frqvlghu wdnhv d vlpsoh irup1 Ohw
ghqrwh wkh wdujhw
udwh iru wkh qrplqdo Ihghudo Ixqgv udwh lq shulrg
1 Wkh wdujhw udwh hd
fk shulrg lv
d ixqfwl rq ri wkh jds v ehw zh hq h{shfwhg lq dwl rq dq g rxw sx w dqg wkhl u uhv shfwl yh
wdujhw ohyhov1 Vshflfdoo| / zh srvwxodwh wkh olqhdu htxdwlrq=
ghqrwhv wkh shufhqw f kdqjh lq wkh sulfh ohyho ehwz hhq shulrgv
+h{suhvvhg lq dqq xdo udwhv,1
lv wkh wdujhw iru lq
lv d phdvxuh ri wkh
dy hudjh rxwsxw jds ehwzhhq shulrg
/ zlwk wkh rxwsxw jds ehlqj ghqhg dv
wkh shufhq w ghyldwlrq ehwzhhq dfwxdo JGS dqg wkh fruuhvsrqglqj wdujhw1
lv wkh
h{shfwdwlrq rshudwru/ dqg
lv wkh lqirupdwlrq vhw dw wkh wlph wkh lqwhuhvw udwh lv
lv/ e| frqvwuxfwlrq/ wkh ghvluhg qrplqdo udwh zkhq erwk lq
dwlrq dqg rxwsxw
duh dw wkhlu wdujhw ohyhov1
Wkh srolf| uxoh jlyhq e| +4, kdv vrph dsshdo rq erwk wkhruhwlfdo dqg hpslulfdo
jurxqgv1 Dssur{lpdwh +dqg lq vrph fdvhv h{dfw, irupv ri wklv uxoh duh rswlpdo iru d
Wkh rz qdwxuh ri JGS irufh
v xv wr eh pruh suhflvh khuh=
lqfoxghv JGS jhqhudwhg ehwzhhq
wkh ehjlqqlqj ri shulrg
dqg wkh ehjlqqlqj ri shulrg
+l1h1/ lw lqfoxghv shulrgv +h1j1/ txduwhuv,
1 Lq rxu hpslulfdo zrun/ zh dffrxqw iru wkh idfw wkdw shulrg
JGS lv qrw
nqrzq dv ri wkh wlph wkh lqwhuhvw udwh lv vhw lq wkdw shulrg/ l1h1/
1 Wklv lv qrw wuxh lq rxu
wkhruhwlfdo prgho ri vhfwlrq LY/ zkhuh doo yduldeohv gdwhg lq shulrg
duh ghwhuplqhg vlpxowdqhrxvo|1

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In contrast to conventional wisdom, this paper showed that gains from commitment may emerge even if the central bank is not trying to inadvisedly push output above its natural level, and also considered the implications of frictions such as imperfect information.
Abstract: The paper reviews the recent literature on monetary policy rules. We exposit the monetary policy design problem within a simple baseline theoretical framework. We then consider the implications of adding various real world complications. Among other things, we show that the optimal policy implicitly incorporates inflation targeting. We also characterize the gains from making a credible commitment to fight inflation. In contrast to conventional wisdom, we show that gains from commitment may emerge even if the central bank is not trying to inadvisedly push output above its natural level. We also consider the implications of frictions such as imperfect information.

3,990 citations

Posted Content
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors developed and estimated a structural model of inflation that allows for a fraction of firms that use a backward looking rule to set prices, and they concluded that the New Keynesian Phillips curve provides a good first approximation to the dynamics of inflation.
Abstract: We develop and estimate a structural model of inflation that allows for a fraction of firms that use a backward looking rule to set prices. The model nests the purely forward looking New Keynesian Phillips curve as a particular case. We use measures of marginal cost as the relevant determinant of inflation, as the theory suggests, instead of an ad-hoc output gap. Real marginal costs are a significant and quantitatively important determinant of inflation. Backward looking price setting, while statistically significant, is not quantitatively important. Thus, we conclude that the New Keynesian Phillips curve provides a good first approximation to the dynamics of inflation.

2,644 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors developed and estimated a structural model of inflation that allows for a fraction of firms that use a backward-looking rule to set prices, and the model nests the purely forward-looking New Keynesian Phillips curve as a particular case.

2,514 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, monetary policy and the private sector behavior of the US economy are modeled as a time varying structural vector autoregression, where the sources of time variation are both the coefficients and the variance covariance matrix of the innovations.
Abstract: Monetary policy and the private sector behavior of the US economy are modeled as a time varying structural vector autoregression, where the sources of time variation are both the coefficients and the variance covariance matrix of the innovations. The paper develops a new, simple modeling strategy for the law of motion of the variance covariance matrix and proposes an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for the model likelihood/posterior numerical evaluation. The main empirical conclusions are: 1) both systematic and non-systematic monetary policy have changed during the last forty years. In particular, systematic responses of the interest rate to inflation and unemployment exhibit a trend toward a more aggressive behavior, despite remarkable oscillations; 2) this has had a negligible effect on the rest of the economy. The role played by exogenous non-policy shocks seems more important than interest rate policy in explaining the high inflation and unemployment episodes in recent US economic history.

1,737 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examined the relationship between credit spreads and economic activity, by constructing a credit spread index based on an extensive data set of prices of outstanding corporate bonds trading in the secondary market and found that the predictive content of credit spreads for economic activity is due primarily to movements in the excess bond premium.
Abstract: We re-examine the evidence on the relationship between credit spreads and economic activity, by constructing a credit spread index based on an extensive data set of prices of outstanding corporate bonds trading in the secondary market. Compared with the standard default-risk indicators, our credit spread index is a robust predictor of economic activity at both the short- and longer-term horizons. Using an empirical framework, we decompose the index into a predictable component that captures the available firm-specific information on expected defaults and a residual component—the excess bond premium—which we argue likely reflects variation in the price of default risk rather than variation in the risk of default. Our results indicate that the predictive content of credit spreads for economic activity is due primarily to movements in the excess bond premium. Innovations in the excess bond premium that are orthogonal to the current state of the economy are shown to lead to significant declines in economic activity and equity prices. We also show that a deterioration in the creditworthiness of broker-dealers—key financial intermediaries in the corporate cash market—causes an increase in the excess bond premium. These findings support the notion that a rise in the excess bond premium represents a reduction in the e!ective risk-bearing capacity of the financial sector and, as a result, a contraction in the supply of credit with significant adverse consequences for the macroeconomy.

1,585 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors developed a model of staggered prices along the lines of Phelps (1978) and Taylor (1979, 1980), but utilizing an analytically more tractable price-setting technology.

8,580 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In contrast to conventional wisdom, this paper showed that gains from commitment may emerge even if the central bank is not trying to inadvisedly push output above its natural level, and also considered the implications of frictions such as imperfect information.
Abstract: The paper reviews the recent literature on monetary policy rules. We exposit the monetary policy design problem within a simple baseline theoretical framework. We then consider the implications of adding various real world complications. Among other things, we show that the optimal policy implicitly incorporates inflation targeting. We also characterize the gains from making a credible commitment to fight inflation. In contrast to conventional wisdom, we show that gains from commitment may emerge even if the central bank is not trying to inadvisedly push output above its natural level. We also consider the implications of frictions such as imperfect information.

3,990 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors found that all but one of the U.S. recessions since World War II have been preceded, typically with a lag of around three-fourths of a year, by a dramatic increase in the price of crude petroleum.
Abstract: All but one of the U.S. recessions since World War II have been preceded, typically with a lag of around three-fourths of a year, by a dramatic increase in the price of crude petroleum. This does not mean that oil shocks caused these recessions. Evidence is presented, however, that even over the period 1948-72 this correlation is statistically significant and nonspurious, supporting the proposition that oil shocks were a contributing factor in at least some of the U.S. recessions prior to 1972. By extension, energy price increases may account for much of post-OPEC macroeconomic performance.

3,391 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, an explicit solution for an important subclass of the model Shiller refers to as the general linear difference model is given, together with the conditions for existence and uniqueness.
Abstract: IN HIS SURVEY ON RATIONAL EXPECTATIONS, R. Shiller indicates that the difficulty of obtaining explicit solutions for linear difference models under rational expectations may have hindered their use [14, p. 27]. The present paper attempts to remedy that problem by giving the explicit solution for an important subclass of the model Shiller refers to as the general linear difference model. Section 1 presents the form of the model for which the solution is derived and shows how particular models can be put in this form. Section 2 gives the solution together with the conditions for existence and uniqueness. 1. THE MODEL The model is given by (la), (lb), and (1c) as follows:

2,536 citations