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Journal ArticleDOI


TL;DR: In this paper, Caulerpa lentillifera merupakan rumput laut hijau ying memiliki potensi besar namun kelimpahannya belum banyak dieksplorasi.
Abstract: Caulerpa lentillifera merupakan rumput laut hijau yang memiliki potensi besar namun kelimpahannya belum banyak dieksplorasi. Rumput laut tersebut tersebar pada beberapa wilayah perairan di Indonesia. Rumput laut diketahui memiliki kadar lemak yang rendah namun tersusun oleh poli asam lemak tidak jenuh. Ekstraksi lemak pada umumnya hanya menggunakan pelarut organik. Pada proses ekstraksi diperlukan perlakuan awal seperti enzyme assisted extraction untuk mendegradasi dinding sel dan meningkatkan akses pelarut masuk ke dalam sel. Penelitian dirancang untuk mengetahui kondisi optimum proses enzyme assisted extraction lemak rumput laut hijau segar C. lentillifera dengan menggunakan enzim selulase. Proses optimasi dilakukan menggunakan Response Surface Methodology (RSM) model Central Composite Design dengan 15 perlakuan. Perlakuan didapatkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel bebas, diantaranya konsentrasi enzim, suhu hidrolisis, dan waktu hidrolisis terhadap variabel terikat yaitu jumlah ekstrak lemak dan aktivitas antioksidan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan model 2FI dan Linier berturut-turut untuk variabel terikat jumlah lemak dan aktivitas antioksidan. Kondisi optimum yang diperoleh yaitu konsentrasi enzim sebesar 2%, suhu hidrolisis sebesar 30 °C, dan waktu hidrolisis selama 1 jam. Kondisi optimum tersebut kemudian dapat diverifikasi dengan diberikan perlakuan terpilih sebanyak 2 kali ulangan atau lebih hingga mendekati hasil prediksi. Asam lemak yang diperoleh setelah metilasi dan identifikasi dengan GC-MS yaitu asam palmitat dan asam laurat. Optimasi proses ekstraksi lemak memungkinkan potensi pemanfaatan lemak dari rumput laut segar C. lentillifera berdasarkan faktor yang memengaruhi.

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15 Nov 2016
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors used direct plating on CMC media to extract cellulolytic bacteria from cow's rumen fluid and determined the cellulase specific activity values of the bacterial isolates.
Abstract: Cellulose is the largest component of plant materials which is the most abundant organic compound in nature. The degradation of cellulose carried out by cellulase enzymes which is consisting of three components, i.e. , endoglucanase, exoglucanase, and β-glucosidase with glucose as the end product. Cellulase is very useful in industry and agriculture, such as paper, beer and brewing industries, for improving the quality of forages, organic material decomposer, and play an important role in the bioconversion of cellulose into various chemical commodities. The aims of this study was to get cellulolytic bacteria from cow’s rumen fluid which has high cellulolytic activity. Isolation of cellulolytic bacteria from cow’s rumen fluid were done by direct plating on CMC media. The cellulolytic activity values of the bacterial isolates were examined by determining cellulolytic index. The determination of cellulase activity were carried out by DNS method while the total protein contents by Lowry method. Identification of the bacteria isolates were done by observation of colony morphology, microscopic observation, and biochemical tests. Six potential cellulolytic bacterias were obtained in this study and all isolates identified as Bacillus . The highest cellulase specific activity shown by Fh-9 and Lo-8 isolates in 8 hours incubation. Keywords: cellulolytic bacteria, cellulose, cellulase.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
27 Dec 2019
TL;DR: Pengambilan data jenis Caulerpa sp mengunakan metode transek garis sepanjang 100 meter kearah laut dengan kuadran ukuran 10 x 10 m, sebanyak 3 kali sampling per stasiun.
Abstract: Jenis angur laut Caulerpa sp saat ini menjadi komoditas ekspor sebagai produk makanan, obat-obatan, dan kosmetik. Caulerpa sp memiliki sebaran yang cukup luas terutama pada kawasan beriklim tropis. Jenis Caulerpa sp juga dijumpai hingga perairan Natuna. Kepulauan Natuna merupakan suatu wilayah di utara dari Provinsi Kepulauan Riau dengan potensi lautnya menyimpan sumberdaya yang beragam, termasuk komunitas anggur laut Caulerpa sp . Culerva sp merupakan salah satu jenis tumbuhan laut yang memiliki nilai nutrien yang baik tertutama untuk kesehatan dan kosmetik, sehingga penelitian terkait dengan sebaran jenis dan komposisinya sebagai upaya awal untuk pengembangan budidaya perlu dilakukan. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama periode bulan Juli-September 2019. Sampling dilakukan pada 8 lokasi yang berbeda mulai dari kawasan Ranai Kota hingga Klarik. Pengambilan data jenis Caulerpa sp mengunakan metode transek garis sepanjang 100 meter kearah laut dengan kuadran ukuran 10 x 10 m, sebanyak 3 kali sampling per stasiun. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 3 spesies dari anggur laut Caulerpa sp yakni C . taxifolia, C . lentilifera , dan C . recemosa . komposisi tertinggi pada jenis C . taxifolia mencapai 53,7%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat keanekaragaman yang rendah, keseragaman tergolong tinggi, dan dominansi yang rendah. Hanya ada beberapa stasiun dengan tingkat dominansi yang tinggi yakni stasiun 2 dan stasiun 6 masing-masing di dominasi oleh jenis C . taxifolia dan jenis C . lentilifera.

3 citations

24 Dec 2016
TL;DR: In this article, the authors conducted a study to determine a good substrate for the growth of seedlings and produce content karotenoid Caulerpa racemosa maximum.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine a good substrate for the growth of seedlings and produce content karotenoid Caulerpa racemosa maximum. The result of this study is expected to be as a source of information about the cultivation of C. racemosa technology to be new jobs for coastal communities. This study was conducted in April-May 2013 in the Center for Brackish Water Aquaculture (BBAP) Takalar, South Galesong District, Takalar Regency. Supporting data including water quality parameters such as salinity, pH, temperature and DO. The measurements will be performed three times a day while the chemical water quality including Mg, NH4, NO3, and PO4, will be measured two times in a single measurement using each tool in the laboratory. The result shows that daily growth of lawi-lawi C. racemosa highest in the rubble while the lowest was obtained on sand substrates. Keywords: Growth, carotenoid, Caulerpa racemosa , substrate, container controlled.

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
30 Jul 2019
TL;DR: Pengkatalisis reaksi hidrolisis pati agar diperoleh efisiensi penggunaan enzim juga waktu pada proses desizing as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: Enzim alfa amilase merupakan kelompok enzim yang dapat digunakan dalam proses penghilangan kanji alam ( desizing ), enzim ini akan bertindak sebagai katalis dalam reaksi hidrolisis pati oleh air. Guna mengendalikan aktivitas enzim dalam proses desizing , maka perlu dipahami kemampuan enzim sebagai katalis untuk menghidrolisis pati dengan pengujian kinetika enzim. Pengujian kinetika enzim akan menghasilkan nilai Vmaks dan Km, Vmaks merupakan laju maksimum dari enzim persatuan menit sedangkan Km merupakan konstanta Michaelis Menten yang menggambarkan kesetimbangan disosiasi kompleks ES menjadi enzim dan substrat. Pengujian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan enzim α-amilase dalam mengkatalisis reaksi hidrolisa pati agar diperoleh efisiensi penggunaan enzim juga waktu pada proses desizing . Pengujian akan menggunakan metoda Fisher and Stein ( metoda DNS). Pengujian dilakukan pada pH 7 dan suhu kamar. Penentuan nilai laju maksimum dan nilai Km dilakukan dengan variasi substrat diukur menggunakan spektrofotometer pada panjang gelombang 540 nm. Nilai Km dan Vmaks yang diperoleh yaitu 8,874461 dan 0,53217 mg/menit. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa makin lama waktu yang digunakan maka makin besar kemampuan enzim tersebut dalam menghidrolisa kanji. Pada waktu 150% Vmaks mampu menghidrolisa kanji sebanyak 92,75362%.

1 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The effect and interaction of fertilizers and different bottom substrates on the growth of C. lentillifera was determined to determine the dosage of fertilizer and substrates that can provide the best growth of the plant.
Abstract: Produksi rumput laut jenis Caulerpa tergolong masih rendah, sebab sampai saat ini produksi Caulerpa masih mengandalkan hasil dari alam sehingga bergantung pada musim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan interaksi dosis pupuk dengan substrat dasar yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan C. lentillifera serta untuk mengetahui dosis pupuk dan substrat yang dapat memberikan pertumbuhan terbaik bagi C. lentillifera . Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen, menggunakan analisa Faktorial dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Faktor yang digunakan terdiri dari faktor A: dosis pupuk dalam media perendaman terdiri dari 4 taraf: A1: 0 ml, A2: 1,5 ml, A3: 2,5 ml dan A4: 3,5 ml, dan faktor B (substrat dasar) terdiri dari 2 taraf: B1: lumpur berpasir dan B2: pecahan karang mati. Sehingga didapat 8 kombinasi perlakuan, masing-masing diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Berat awal rumput laut yang digunakan adalah 25±0,12 g. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah laju pertumbuhan spesifik dan parameter kualitas air. Data laju pertumbuhan spesifik dianalisis menggunakan dua taraf ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa dosis pupuk dan substrat dasar yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh dan interaksi yang sangat nyata (F hitung > F tabel (5% dan 1%) ) terhadap laju pertumbuhan spesifik C. lentillifera . Perlakuan A1B1 (0 ml, lumpur berpasir) memberikan pertumbuhan terbaik dibandingkan perlakuan yang lain, dengan laju pertumbuhan spesifik = 3,65±0,17 %/hari. Parameter kualitas air yang terukur selama pemeliharaan berada dalam kisaran yang sesuai untuk kehidupan C. lentillifera . Caulerpa seaweed production is still low, because until now the production of Caulerpa still relies on the natural harvest of that depends on the season. This study aims to determine the effect and interaction of fertilizers and different bottom substrates on the growth of C. lentillifera as well as to determine the dosage of fertilizers and substrates that can provide the best growth of C. lentillifera. This research was done experimentally, using a factorial analysis with a completely randomized design. Factors used consisted of factors: A: dose of fertilizer WIR 4 levels: A1: 0 ml, A2: 1.5 ml, A3: 2.5 ml and A4: 3.5 ml, and factor B (substrate) consisted of two levels: B1: sandy mud and B2: fragmented of dead coral. Therefore there were 8 treatment combinations, each was repeated 3 times. Initial weight of seaweed used was 25±0.12 g. The data collected were specific growth rate and water quality parameters. The data of specific growth rate was analyzed using two levels ANOVA and followed by Duncan’s test. The ANOVA result shows that different dosage and different bottom substrates highly significantly by (F count > F table (5% and 1%) ) affected and interaction the specific growth rate of C. lentillifera. Treatment A1B1 (0 ml, sandy mud) gives the best result compared with another treatments, with specific growth rate = 3.65±0.17 %/day. The Water quality parameters were still in the proper range for C.lentillifera life.

1 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In vitro antioxidant activities of three selected Indian brown seaweeds (Sargassum marginatum, Padina tetrastomatica and Turbinaria conoides) were investigated as discussed by the authors.

373 citations

"OPTIMASI SELULASE PADA ENZYME ASSIS..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Ekstrak diklorometan dari rumput laut cokelat Padina tetrastomatica (Chandini et al., 2008) memiliki aktivitas antioksidan mencapai 14,23% dengan metode DPPH, sedangkan rumput laut merah Euchema kappaphycus hanya mencapai 6,41% (Ganesan et al., 2008)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In vitro antioxidant activities of methanol extracts of all the three seaweeds exhibited dose dependency; and increased with increasing concentration of the extract.

363 citations

"OPTIMASI SELULASE PADA ENZYME ASSIS..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Ekstrak diklorometan dari rumput laut cokelat Padina tetrastomatica (Chandini et al., 2008) memiliki aktivitas antioksidan mencapai 14,23% dengan metode DPPH, sedangkan rumput laut merah Euchema kappaphycus hanya mencapai 6,41% (Ganesan et al., 2008)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The potential use of enzyme treatment as a tool to improve the extraction efficiency of bioactive compounds from seaweeds is discussed.

271 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The results demonstrate the technical feasibility of a vegetative plant oil production platform and provide for a step change in the bioenergy landscape, opening new prospects for sustainable food, high energy forage, biofuel and biomaterial applications.
Abstract: High biomass crops have recently attracted significant attention as an alternative platform for the renewable production of high energy storage lipids such as triacylglycerol (TAG). While TAG typically accumulates in seeds as storage compounds fuelling subsequent germination, levels in vegetative tissues are generally low. Here, we report the accumulation of more than 15% TAG (17.7% total lipids) by dry weight in Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) leaves by the co-expression of three genes involved in different aspects of TAG production without severely impacting plant development. These yields far exceed the levels found in wild-type leaf tissue as well as previously reported engineered TAG yields in vegetative tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana and N. tabacum. When translated to a high biomass crop, the current levels would translate to an oil yield per hectare that exceeds those of most cultivated oilseed crops. Confocal fluorescence microscopy and mass spectrometry imaging confirmed the accumulation of TAG within leaf mesophyll cells. In addition, we explored the applicability of several existing oil-processing methods using fresh leaf tissue. Our results demonstrate the technical feasibility of a vegetative plant oil production platform and provide for a step change in the bioenergy landscape, opening new prospects for sustainable food, high energy forage, biofuel and biomaterial applications.

266 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Marine macroalgae form a good, durable and virtually inexhaustible source for polyunsaturated fatty acids with an (n-6) FA: ( n-3) FA ratio of about 1.0.
Abstract: Background: In this study the efficacy of using marine macroalgae as a source for polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are associated with the prevention of inflammation, cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders, was investigated. Methods: The fatty acid (FA) composition in lipids from seven sea weed species from the North Sea (Ulva lactuca, Chondrus crispus, Laminaria hyperborea, Fucus serratus, Undaria pinnatifida, Palmaria palmata, Ascophyllum nodosum) and two from tropical seas (Caulerpa taxifolia, Sargassum natans) was determined using GCMS. Four independent replicates were taken from each seaweed species. Results: Omega-3 (n-3) and omega-6 (n-6) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), were in the concentration range of 2-14 mg/g dry matter (DM), while total lipid content ranged from 7-45 mg/g DM. The n-9 FAs of the selected seaweeds accounted for 3%-56% of total FAs, n-6 FAs for 3%-32% and n-3 FAs for 8%-63%. Red and brown seaweeds contain arachidonic (C20:4, n-6) and/or eicosapentaenoic acids (EPA, C20:5, n-3), the latter being an important “fish” FA, as major PUFAs while in green seaweeds these values are low and mainly C16 FAs were found. A unique observation is the presence of another typical “fish” fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6, n-3) at ≈ 1m g/g DM inS. natans. The n-6: n-3 ratio is in the range of 0.05-2.75 and in most cases below 1.0. Environmental effects on lipid-bound FA composition in seaweed species are discussed. Conclusion: Marine macroalgae form a good, durable and virtually inexhaustible source for polyunsaturated fatty acids with an (n-6) FA: (n-3) FA ratio of about 1.0. This ratio is recommended by the World Health Organization to be less than 10 in order to prevent inflammatory, cardiovascular and nervous system disorders. Some marine macroalgal species, like P. palmata, contain high proportions of the “fish fatty acid” eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5, n-3), while in S. natans also docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6, n-3) was detected.

226 citations