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Physics-based electron device modelling and computer-aided MMIC design

TL;DR: In this article, the state of the art and future trends in physics-based electron device modelling for the computer-aided design of monolithic microwave ICs are provided. But the authors focus on the use of state-of-the-art physics-and analytical or numerical models for circuit analysis, with particular attention to the role of intermediate behavioral models in linking multidimensional device simulators with circuit analysis tools.
Abstract: On overview on the state of the art and future trends in physics-based electron device modelling for the computer-aided design of monolithic microwave ICs is provided. After a review of the main physics-based approaches to microwave modeling, special emphasis is placed on innovative developments relevant to circuit-oriented device performance assessment, such as efficient physics-based noise and parametric sensitivity analysis. The use of state-of-the-art physics-based analytical or numerical models for circuit analysis is discussed, with particular attention to the role of intermediate behavioral models in linking multidimensional device simulators with circuit analysis tools. Finally, the model requirements for yield-driven MMIC design are discussed, with the aim of pointing out the advantages of physics-based statistical device modeling; the possible use of computationally efficient approaches based on device sensitivity analysis for yield optimization is also considered. >

Summary (6 min read)


  • N THE traditional approach to the design of hybrid or I monolithic microwave IC's (MMIC's) the circuit is built around packaged or foundry devices which are modelled by behavioral electrical models (e.g., equivalent circuits), characterized through standard or on-chip measurements performed on manufactured prototypes.
  • Partial support has also been provided from the Italian National Research Council (CNR).
  • The above considerations suggest that PBDMs, traditionally a tool for device design only, should also play an important role in physics-based MMIC design.
  • In either case, however, the authors expect that, owing to the tight performance tolerances and to the low spread of the physical parameters, performance or yield optimization can be achieved by means of small variations in the physical parameters around the "standard" values of an initial performance-optimized design.
  • These remarks suggest that physics-based performance or yield optimization, up to now camed out through analytical models only, could also take advantage of more complex and potentially more accurate physical models run "off line" with respect to the circuit optimizer, when these are able to provide a good estimate of the device sensitivity.

A. Process Modelling

  • Process modelling is an important but critical step in MMIC CAD.
  • In fact, the practical characterization of the GaAS process requires extensive measurements on a specific set of technological facilities; the resulting data can be strongly process-dependent and have limited general validity.
  • An even more demanding task is the statistical characterization of the physical parameters deriving from a given process.
  • From the statistical data reported in [6] it can be inferred that improvements in technology have now made the standard deviation of the physical parameters (doping profiles, etch depths, and so on) reasonably low, i.e., of the order of less that 10% (see Table I1 in [6] ).
  • This is important in view of physics-based yield optimization, since whenever the technological uniformity is poor, realistic yield improvement is more dependent on progress in technology than on design centering.

B. An Overview on the Basic Semiconductor Device Models

  • Most available physics-based models for GaAs FET's are based on the drift-diffusion picture of camer transport, in which the carrier drift velocity U is a function of the local electric E field through the static field-velocity curve, and the diffusivity D follows the equilibrium Einstein relationship.
  • The fundamental semiclassical model for semiconductor transport is the Boltzmann equation [61] which directly yields the timeand space-dependent momentum distribution function of carriers in the phase space, and therefore provides full information on both low-and high-energy phenomena.
  • Drift-diffusion models can be finally considered as hydrodynamic models in which both the energy and the momentum equation are approximated with their steady-state, space-independent expressions.
  • For a more detailed discussion the reader can refer e.g., to [84] .
  • Finally, the large-signal analysis with periodic or arbitrary excitation, requires the differential system to be solved through time-stepping algorithms, since harmonic-balance analysis in the framework of numerical device simulation would be too computationally intensive.

C. Quasi-Two Dimensional and Analytical Physics-Based Models

  • Owing to their computational intensity, exact, multidimensional implementations of transport models cannot be directly included into circuit analysis and optimization algorithms; however, proper approximations enable greater computational efficiency in the analysis of specific devices.
  • In fact, the small-signal capacitance model is based on quasi-static approximations, and ad hoc assumptions must be introduced to estimate those small-signal elements which cannot be derived from dc current-voltage or charge-voltage characteristics (e.g., the intrinsic resistance R, or the gate delay 7).
  • From the standpoint of computational intensity, quasi-2D numerical models are typically one order of magnitude faster than full 2D models, which typically require a few minutes CPU per working point on a medium-size workstation.

D. Discussion

  • The above overview has outlined physical models of decreasing intrinsic complexity (from the Boltzmann equation down to drift-diffusion models) and then of decreasingly complex implementation (from 2D numerical models to quasi-2D and analytical models).
  • According to [ 1081 the main effects of non-stationary transport are: 1) the equivalent saturation velocity of the carriers increases due to spatial overshoot effects; 2) electron heating makes the electron diffusivity increase, which in turn leads to a widening of the conducting channel; 3) transient response is faster because of time overshoot effects.
  • This parameter is plotted in Fig. 3 versus the gate length; the continuous and dashed curves refer to semi-empirical approximations to U, , [90, 361, while all other data derive from comparisons between drift-diffusion and non-stationary dc results, as outlined in Table I .
  • Pseudo-physical (but, in fact, behavioral) microscopic parameters (like use) must in turn be characterized by jilting the model to other more accurate models, or to measured data.
  • Accurate parasitic modelling, in principle a straightforward task, may actually require a thorough knowledge of the device layout and CPU intensive multi-dimensional numerical tools; for specific structures, viable approximations are provided by analytical approaches.

E. Examples

  • In accordance with other case studies [44] , good agreement is found with measured dc data, although the substrate residual donor and acceptor concentrations had to be reverse-modelled so as to match the threshold voltage exactly.
  • The ac model had to include low-frequency dispersion effects due to substrate deep levels, without which the output conductance would have been underestimated by a factor 2.
  • The extemal parasitics were approximated on the basis of electromagnetic models and then further fitted on the S parameters.
  • The simulated and measured I-V curves for this device are shown in Fig. 5 .
  • The circuit is largely redundant, since some elements are actually negligible or can be merged; it has however been chosen be-cause it allows a physical estimate of all reactive parameters.


  • Noise analysis of semiconductor devices, however, can also be performed through 2D models, since the impedance-field method can, in principle, be implemented within the framework of a frequency-domain small-signal simulator.
  • Owing to the high number of discretization points in 2D, this direct strategy is practical only in one-dimensional structures [79] .
  • In [471, [481, [491 the evaluation of the impedance field is dealt with by means of an efficient technique akin to the so-called adjoint approach to the noise analysis of lumped networks [99].
  • The forcing term is the total small-signal current injected into each node.
  • According to a "brute force" approach, this equation is solved by placing a unit current source in each of the discretization nodes in turn (Fig. 8 ) and by evaluating each time the induced gate and drain potentials, which are by definition the scalar impedance field elements relative to each node.

non-reciprocal nature of the device model requires the introduction of an adjoint problem

  • Owing to the interreciprocity property of the adjoint impedance field .& 5 ) = Z(5, c), the impedance field can now be computed by solving two adjoint linear problems at each frequency, rather than as many as the discretization nodes, as required by the "brute force" approach.
  • A simple network analogy permits the adjoint problem to be directly obtained from the discretized direct problem, as discussed in greater detail in [49] .
  • Some examples of 2D noise simulation concerning a 0.6 pm recessed-gate GMMT foundry F20 device with a double.
  • The noise figure and optimum source impedance are shown as functions of frequency for the low-noise bias condition.


  • For the computationally efficient optimization of circuit performance and/or manufacturing yield, physics-based models should allow for the computation of the sensitivity SJ = Sp/Sy of the electrical characteristics y of the device with respect to its physical parameters @.
  • In the case of analytical PBDM's either incremental numerical approaches or direct analytical differentiation of the model equations (more efficient and accurate, but cumbersome to program) can be used.
  • In any case, the use of special-purpose techniques for device sensitivity analysis, which are analogous to those developed for circuit sensitivity analysis and will be outlined in the following, is preferable in terms of both numerical accuracy and computational efficiency.
  • To this aim, the system of timedomain nonlinear ordinary differential equations arising from the discretization of the PBDM will be denoted as F($, $) = 0, where $ are the model unknowns (e.g., the nodal charge densities and potentials), and $ is the time derivative of $.

respectively, the Fourier transforms of s ( t ) , $ (t), A$ ( t ) .

  • Equations ( 7) and (8) show that the variations in the dc and ac responses deriving from small variations in the physical parameters can be computed by solving two systems of linearized incremental equations.
  • Direct linking of PBDM's with circuit analysis algorithms is clearly attractive for physics-based MMIC design.
  • In a straightforward model implementation this involves an additional internal iterative loop within the non-linear analysis algorithm.

A. Nonlinear Equivalent Circuit Extraction from Numerical Physics-Based Models

  • Since numerical PBDM's can provide the same type of results as direct measurements on prototypes (i.e., dc characteristics plus bias-and frequency-dependent smallsignal S-parameters), the same measurement-oriented model extraction procedures can be adopted to extract nonlinear equivalent circuits from numerical PBDM's.
  • This can be done through well-known and validated model fitting procedures based on numerical optimization 1971, [ 101 ; alternatively, non-iterative analytical procedures [106], 1661 can be used.
  • Thus, noniterative parameter extraction procedures may be preferable for physics-based circuit design, where a reapeatable and reliable link between physical parameters and circuit performance is needed.
  • Alternatively, the nonlinearly controlled elements of the equivalent circuit can be directly estimated from the charge and potential DC distribution through a quasi-static approach 1881.

B. Mathematical Approaches to Nonlinear Behavioral Modelling of Electron Devices

  • New mathematical approaches 1391, [ 1001, 1331, [401 have been recently proposed for the behavioural non-linear modelling of electron devices.
  • The aim is to provide an accurate, technology-independent large-signal model which can be automatically and unambiguously derived from conventional measurements or numerical device simulations.
  • In particular, the Nonlinear Integral Model (NIM) proposed in [39] and [40] seems to be particularly convenient for the efficient linking between numerical PBDMs and HB circuit analysis.
  • Modifications are aimed at obtaining a mathematical formulation specially "oriented" to behavioral modeling of electron devices, even under strongly nonlinear operating conditions.
  • In fact, after describing in a voltagecontrolled form the electrical device response through a conventional Volterra series, algebraic manipulations [40] lead to the following integral series: P f , t -7,,)] and terms u(7) -u(t) instead of simply.

piu, = y[v,,

  • The main difference between (9) and the classical Volterra series lies in the presence, within the convolution integrals, of voltage-dependent kemels G'" '[u(t), r -7,, where Y[V,, w ] is the bias-voltage (V,) and frequencydependent (U) small-signal admittance matrix of the device.
  • The assumption of quasi-static charge distribution vs. applied voltage in electron devices, which has been successfully used in many device models, provides a qualitative explanation for this.
  • Simulations and experimental results [39], [40] have confirmed the good accuracy of this nonlinear integral model in the large-signal performance prediction of GaAS MESFET's.
  • Good agreement was found between the results provided by (lo), ( 12), (13) (using the dc characteristics Fdc and bias-dependent small-signal Y-parameters provided by a 2D PBDM), and those obtained through a time-domain largesignal 2D device simulation (see Figs. 3 to 6 in [40] ).


  • The possibility of performance optimization in the space of physical device parameters is a sufficient reason to justify the use of physics-based electron device models in MMIC design; however, more important reasons for the systematic use of PBDMs in MMIC design derive from requirements related to production yield.
  • Since any modification in the device structure implies a new statistical characterization, the possibilities of special-purpose tailoring of electron devices offered by the behavioural approach are very limited.
  • This can be a problem for yield-driven design, since in Monte Carlo analysis pseudo-random sets of parameter values with realistic distributions must be generated.
  • The limitations of the behavioural approach can be overcome; in fact, when a suitable PBDM provides a reliable deterministic link between physical and electrical device parameters, only the statistics of the former need to be experimentally characterized and numerically simulated.
  • Moreover, the results given in [ 141, where both a conventional equivalent circuit and a simple analytical MESFET model were statistically characterized, seem to confirm (apart from some discrepancy in the mean values) the basic validity and advantages of the physics-based approach to statistical device modeling.

A. Performance-and Yield-Driven MMIC Design Using Analytical Physics-Based Device Models

  • Analytical PBDM's, which are specially aimed at achieving an acceptable compromise between accuracy and computational efficiency, can be particularly convenient for physics-based performance-or yield-driven MMIC optimization, since this involves many circuit analyses with different values for the physical device parameters.
  • As far as yield-driven physics-based MMIC design is concerned, its feasibility has recently been demonstrated, at least in computational terms, through realistic examples of yield optimization using analytical PBDMs.
  • In the presence of rather tight acceptability specifications (gain between 9.8 and 1 1.7 dB), design centering gave a 28% increase in the estimated yield through adjustments in the nominal parameter values not greater than 5 %.
  • The need for only small parameter adjustments is certainly an advantage in view of computationally efficient design centering; however, it also suggests that requirements on the predictive accuracy of PBDM's should be accordingly severe (both in terms of nominal performance and parametric sensitivity) in order to make such small adjustments practically meaningful.

B. Computational Limits for Performanceor Yield-Driven MMIC Design Using Numerical Physics-Based Models

  • According to the above considerations and examples, performance-or yield-driven optimization of high-performance MMIC's may require a highly accurate modelling link between physical parameters and electrical char-acteristics of electron devices.
  • Computational effort (and possible strategies for its reduction) can be quite different when considering quasi-2D or fully-2D models on the one hand and performance or yield optimization on the other.
  • Yield optimization requires a large number of circuit analyses than performance optimization; moreover, fully 2D are at least one order of magnitude slower than quasi-2D PBDM's.
  • The initial nominal values 7 ; = 5(/3;) of the electrical device parameters correspond, through the physical link 5 defined by the PBDM, to the initial nominal values @: of physical parameters; Sz = S@/Sy is the associated parametric sensitivity matrix of the device.
  • In conclusion, by using the above outlined sensitivity-based approach and intermediate behavioral models for circuit analysis, yield optimization does not involve iterated evaluation of the PBDM, but only a single "off-line" numerical simulation (dc, small-signal ac and sensitivity analysis) for each different device structure used in MMIC implementation.


  • State-of-the-art and foreseeable trends in physics-based modelling approaches for microwave electron devices have been outlined with special emphasis on field-effect transistors which are, at present, the main active components for MMIC implementation.
  • In particular, accuracy limits and computational efficiency of the widely different physics-based device models now avaliable have been critically discussed by considering their potential impact on the development of advanced CAD tools for MMIC design.
  • Experimental and computational evidence in this area, although still quite limited, seems to confirm that device modelling approaches and computationally efficient numerical techniques for circuit performance and yield prediction have now reached a sufficient level of maturity to enable physics-based performance-and yielddriven design of realistic MMIC's.
  • Additional research and interaction with manufacturing environments providing extensive experimental characterization of technological processes and mass-produced devices and circuits is needed, before a reliable and fully validated CAD environment can be made available for process oriented, physics-based MMIC design.

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(Ha- Balance)
sics-Based Electron Device Modelling and
Circuit Analysis
Fabio Filicori, Giovanni Ghione, Member,
and Carlo
Naldi, Senior Member,
Abstract-The paper provides an overview on the state of the
art and future trends in physics-based electron device model-
ling for the computer-aided design of monolithic microwave
After a review of the main physics-based approaches to
microwave modelling, special emphasis is placed on innovative
developments relevant to circuit-oriented device performance
assessment, such as efficient physics-based noise and para-
metric sensitivity analysis. The use of state-of-the-art physics-
based analytical or numerical models for circuit analysis is dis-
cussed, with particular attention to the role of intermediate be-
havioural models in linking multidimensional device simulators
with circuit analysis tools. Finally, the model requirements for
design are discussed, with the aim of point-
ing out the advantages of physics-based statistical device
modelling; the possible use of computationally efficient ap-
proaches based on device sensitivity analysis for yield optimi-
zation is also considered.
N THE traditional approach to the design of hybrid or
monolithic microwave IC’s (MMIC’s) the circuit is
built around packaged or foundry devices which are
modelled by behavioral electrical models (e.g., equiva-
lent circuits), characterized through standard or on-chip
measurements performed on manufactured prototypes.
Circuit optimization is performed in the space of the elec-
trical or geometrical parameters of the passive elements.
Conversely, in the physics-based approach to MMIC de-
sign, optimization also involves the technological param-
the active devices. This requires that the active
devices be characterized through physical models, which
provide the link between the physical and process input
data and the electrical performances within the framework
an integrated CAD environment (see Fig.
main steps are:
Process modelling, relating the process parameters
(i.e., intrinsic semiconductor characteristics, control pa-
rameters for epitaxial or ion-implantation processes, ge-
ometry of photolithographic masks..
to the correspond-
ing physical parameters
(e.g., activated doping profile,
Manuscript received September
revised March
work was partially supported by EEC in the framework of the ESPRIT
COSMIC projects. Partial support has
provided from
the Italian National Research Council (CNR).
F. Filicori is with the Universita di Ferrara, Istituto di Ingegneria, Via
44100 Ferrara, Italy, and with the Centro di Studio fer
terazione Operatore-Calcolatone Facolta di Ingegneria, Viale Risorgi-
40136 Bologna, Italy.
G. Ghione and C.
Naldi are with the Dipartimento di Elettronica.
Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi
Torino. Italy.
IEEE Log Number
Device Modelling
analylii models
Electrical device
Functional flow chart for process, device and circuit modelling.
actual gate length, recessed gate depth, surface or sub-
strate state density..
which characterize the manufac-
tured semiconductor device.
Physics-based device modelling (PBDM), relating the
physical parameters
the electrical parameters
frequency-dependent S-parameters, dc characteristics, RF
transconductance, junction capacitances, noise parame-
of a given semiconductor device.
Circuit analysis finally providing the link between the
electrical device parameters
and the corresponding cir-
cuit performance
There are several reasons for adopting a physics-based
approach to MMIC design. In a performance-driven de-
sign, PBDMs allow the designer to tailor, at least up to a
certain extent, the active devices
as to further improve
the circuit response. However, the physics-based ap-
proach has special advantages in yield-driven MMIC de-
sign, where the electrical device parameters must be char-
acterized statistically. In fact, while the physical
parameters deriving from the manufacturing process are
either practically uncorrelated or subject to simple corre-
lations, the statistics
electrical device parameters are
affected by complex correlations introduced by the device
physics. The cumbersome and expensive characterization
many manufactured device prototypes can be avoided
1992 IEEE

if the statistics of the electrical parameters is derived, by
means of PBDM’s, from the physical parameters whose
experimental statistical characterization and Monte Carlo
simulation is easier.
In this perspective, the process and device physics-
based models menticned above should not only yield the
nominal (expected) values for the physical and electrical
device parameters, respectively, but also the self and joint
probability distributions of the deviations
tween actual and expected values. In the case of small
physical parameter changes the electrical parameters can
be statistically characterized through the first order ap-
is the device small-
change sensitivity.
The above considerations suggest that PBDMs, tradi-
tionally a tool for device design only, should also play an
important role in physics-based MMIC design. However,
while the computer algorithms for circuit analysis
[87], [77], [63], [38], [83], [98]
have now reached suffi-
cient maturity to enable MMIC optimization even on me-
dium-power workstations, the physical device models, on
which the accuracy and efficiency of performance predic-
tion ultimately depends, still involve considerable com-
putational problems.
In fact, a model able to provide complete device per-
formance prediction (dc characteristics, bias-dependent
small-signal ac parameters, large-signal response, noise,
temperature dependence) in terms of physical parameters
alone must be based on fundamental semiconductor equa-
tions. Unfortunately, even for the relatively simple drift-
diffusion model, accurate and general-purpose algorithms
for the solution of the PBDM equations require the nu-
merical treatment of sets of partial differential equations
over a two- or three-dimensional domain. As a conse-
quence, numerical physics-based models are computa-
tionally intensive and therefore unsuitable for direct in-
clusion into CAD tools for circuit analysis and
The implementation of physical models can be simpli-
fied and made more efficient (but possibly less accurate)
by taking advantage of the specific structure of microwave
FET’s; this leads to the so-called quasi-2D numerical or
analytical models. However, although recently proposed
numerical quasi-2D models can be used for simple large-
signal circuit analyses
only analytical models are
directly compatible with optimization-driven circuit anal-
ysis algorithms based on frequency-domain harmonic-
techniques. The use of numerical physics-
based device models for circuit analysis, as discussed in
Sec. V, is possible only through “off line” device simu-
lation and indirect linking with circuit analysis algorithms
by means of intermediate behavioral models.
Although the above remarks seem to suggest that only
analytical models are really suitable for physics-based
MMIC design, this cannot be considered a final conclu-
sion in view of the accuracy requirements posed by this
task. In fact, success in performing physics-based MMIC
design obviously depends on the accuracy achieved by the
physical models used to this aim. However, accuracy re-
quirements for PBDM’s are difficult to establish a priori,
and should be properly understood. While both fully 2D
and simplified models can be highly accurate in reproduc-
ing the electrical characteristics of a particular device, as
repeatedly shown in the literature, this goal is often
achieved by properly adjusting the values of some of the
physical input parameters around initial estimates (model
tuning). This procedure may ultimately turn the physical
model into an almost behavioral model, whose so-called
physical input parameters actually depend on the real
physical parameters; consequently, the excellent agree-
ment shown for a specific device does not guarantee that
the physical model is able to accurately reproduce the
variations in the electrical characteristics caused by vari-
ations in the physical input parameters. Simplified imple-
mentations of physical models are expected to suffer from
this limitation more than fully 2D numerical implemen-
As discussed in Sec. VI, physics-based performance
and above all yield optimization requires a model able not
only to accurately simulate the electrical behaviour of a
device, but also to closely reproduce the effect of small
variations of its physical parameters with respect to the
nominal values. This conclusion can be intuitively under-
stood when considering that physics-based MMIC opti-
mization normally starts from a circuit which has already
been performance-optimized around “standard” foundry
devices. Now, according to the more or less critical per-
formance requirements and to the maturity of the tech-
nology, several situations may arise. If the tolerance
ranges for circuit performance are not critical, further op-
timization is probably useless. The same can be said of
yield optimization if the technology is poor; in this case,
in fact, the spread in the physical parameters is
that little can be achieved by design centering, and yield
improvement becomes mainly a technological issue. On
the other hand, the design of high-performance circuits
using a mature technology offers good possibilities in
terms both of performance and yield physics-based opti-
mization. In either case, however, we expect that, owing
to the tight performance tolerances and to the low spread
the physical parameters, performance or yield optimi-
zation can be achieved by means of small variations in the
physical parameters around the “standard” values of an
initial performance-optimized design. This leads to the
conclusion that, in order to achieve a practically mean-
ingful design, the PBDM must provide a highly accurate
estimate of the device sensitivity to physical parameters
variations with respect to a nominal condition to which
the model has been somehow fitted.
These remarks suggest that physics-based performance
or yield optimization, up to now camed out through an-
alytical models only, could also take advantage of more
complex and potentially more accurate physical models
run “off line” with respect to the circuit optimizer, when

these are able to provide a good estimate of the device
sensitivity. Such a possibility is offered by the efficient
sensitivity analysis techniques presented
Sec. IV.
Therefore, while the efforts towards achieving more and
more accurate analytical models are certainly worthwhile,
the use of the more computationally intensive numerical
PBDMs is possible for circuit analysis and yield optimi-
zation by the proper use of intermediate behavioural
modelling and device sensitivity analysis.
The paper is structured as follows. A comprehensive
review of the physics-based modelling of GaAs devices
for MMIC’s is presented in Sec. 11, with special emphasis
on MESFET’s. Section I11 covers a less conventional
topic, i.e., physics-based noise modelling, whose impor-
tance both in microwave device design and in physics-
based performanc prediction hardly needs to be stressed;
some recent developments introduced by the authors in
the domain of two-dimensional noise modelling of GaAs
FET’s are included. Section IV covers the problem of
device sensitivity
analysis and also includes
some new material recently developed by the authors.
Section V deals with the issue of physics-based circuit
analysis carried out either directly through analytical
PBDM’s or indirectly through intermediate behavioral
models consisting either of large-signal equivalent cir-
cuits or of black-box mathematical models, for which
some innovative developments are presented. Finally Sec.
VI is devoted to a discussion of physics-based MMIC per-
formance and yield optimization by means of state-of-the-
art analytical PBDMs, and also to some possible devel-
opments concerning yield optimization through “off line”
multidimensional numerical PBDM’s.
Process Modelling
Process modelling is an important but critical step in
MMIC CAD. In fact, the practical characterization of the
GaAS process requires extensive measurements on a spe-
cific set of technological facilities; the resulting data can
be strongly process-dependent and have limited general
validity. An even more demanding task is the statistical
characterization of the physical parameters deriving from
a given process.
these reasons, efforts toward a com-
prehensive GaAs process modelling are comparatively
rare; an excellent example is found in the work by Anholt
et al.
[6]. From the statistical data reported in
it can be inferred that improvements in technology
have now made the standard deviation of the physical pa-
rameters (doping profiles, etch depths, and
on) reason-
ably low, i.e., of the order of less that
(see Table I1
in [6]). This is important in view of physics-based yield
optimization, since whenever the technological uniform-
ity is poor, realistic yield improvement is more dependent
on progress in technology than on design centering. On
the other hand, a good process uniformity and repeatabil-
ity makes yield optimization through design centering
meaningful and worth doing.
the Basic Semiconductor Device
Most available physics-based models for GaAs FET’s
are based on the drift-diffusion picture of camer trans-
port, in which the carrier drift velocity
is a function of
the local electric
field through the static field-velocity
curve, and the diffusivity
follows the equilibrium Ein-
stein relationship. Since the device dimensions are typi-
cally much smaller than the operating wavelength, the
electric potential and the charge density can be related
through Poisson equation. For bipolar transport, the drift-
diffusion model reads:
is the electron density, p is the hole density,
the electric potential,
the electric field,
the ionized acceptor and donor densities,
the net
recombination rate. The model becomes slightly more
complex in heterostructure FETs, since space-dependent
bandgaps and semiconductor affinities must be allowed
The drift-diffusion model is already a heavy approxi-
mation when compared
other, more complete descrip-
tions of camer transport. Although quantum effects are
globally significant to the operation of many high-fre-
quency or optical devices, quantum models (i.e., the
Schrodinger equation in the effective mass approxima-
tion) can often be applied locally. A typical example is
provided by the high electron mobility transistor
(HEMT), in which carriers are mostly confined in a quan-
tized-system, the so-called two-dimensional electron gas
(2DEG). The sheet density of the
can be separately
characterized from a quantum standpoint and the resulting
model can be easily interfaced to non-quantum transport
transport models deal with camers as
classical particles, whose motion properties (effective
mass and interactions with lattice impurities, phonons,
etc.) derive from quantum models. The fundamental
semiclassical model for semiconductor transport is the
Boltzmann equation
[61] which directly yields the time-
and space-dependent
momentum distribution function
carriers in the phase space, and therefore provides full
information on both low- and high-energy phenomena.
The only technique currently able to cope with this model
without resorting to drastic approximations is the Mon-
tecarlo simulation method [61], [81], which is still too

computationally intensive to enable device design and op-
timization, let alone circuit-oriented CAD. From Boltz-
mann equation the so-called
models can be derived, whose unknowns are the
of the carrier distribution, which correspond to
the average parameters (average density, average energy,
average momentum, and
forth) of the carriers, consid-
ered collectively as a
carrier gas.
Hydrodynamic models
are sets of partial differential equations which express, in
divergence form, the conservation of the central moments
of the carrier distributions [18], [55]; in the case of uni-
polar transport, a widely accepted choice leads to a set of
three equations for each equivalent minimum of the con-
duction band, corresponding to a particle continuity equa-
tion (the current continuity equation), an energy transport
equation, and a (vector) momentum transport equation.
Several simplifications have been proposed to reduce
the computational complexity of the full hydrodynamic
model. Firstly, by approximately averaging the transport
equations of all the equivalent minima, the
single electron
transport model is obtained
which has been re-
cently exploited for multidimensional device simulation
[37]. However, further approximation are often intro-
duced, mainly to avoid the explicit solution of the mo-
mentum transport equation. By neglecting space and time
variations in the momentum equation one obtains the
energy transport models
(see e.g., [108]), which
can be further simplified by neglecting the kinetic vs. the
thermal electron energy
the carriers
see e.g., [29]), or the electron heat flow in the
energy transport equation
1081. Although the above ap-
proximations are meant to trade off accuracy for compu-
tational efficiency, the errors introduced thereby are dif-
ficult to control and the simplified hydrodynamic models
yield results which may be as different from each other as
from the drift-diffusion model [37]. Drift-diffusion models
can be finally considered as hydrodynamic models
which both the energy and the momentum equation are
approximated with their steady-state, space-independent
expressions. For a more detailed discussion the reader can
refer e.g., to [84].
The numerical treatment of hydrodynamic or drift-dif-
fusion device models requires discretization and solution
algorithms [103, 801. Discretization can be carried out
through finite-differences or finite-elements techniques by
means of special schemes, like the so-called Scharfetter-
Gummel scheme
1021. After discretization, the time-do-
main physical model becomes a large, sparse system
coupled ordinary non-linear differential equations whose
unknowns are, for instance, the charge density, average
energy and electric potential at the discretization nodes.
The solution step requires this system to be analyzed in
the several possible operating conditions of the device. In
dc problem
all time derivatives are set to zero and the
resulting nonlinear system is solved through Newton
linearization; in the
ac small-signal
problem, device anal-
ysis is better carried out in the frequency domain, by
means of numerical techniques analogous to those usually
adopted for small-signal circuit analysis. Finally, the
large-signal analysis
with periodic or arbitrary (transient)
excitation, requires the differential system to be solved
through time-stepping algorithms, since harmonic-bal-
ance analysis in the framework of numerical device sim-
ulation would be too computationally intensive. Thus,
large-signal multidimensional models have been mainly
exploited for transient simulation. For the purpose of
complete performance prediction, other less conventional
kinds of device analysis should also be considered, like
noise and parametric sensitivity analysis. These will be
separately discussed in Section I11 and
Quasi-Two Dimensional and Analytical Physics-
Based Models
Owing to their computational intensity, exact, multi-
dimensional implementations of transport models cannot
be directly included into circuit analysis and optimization
algorithms; however, proper approximations enable
greater computational efficiency in the analysis
devices. In particular, the cross-field structure of micro-
wave FET’s, in which the channel current and the gate
control mechanism are orthogonal (see Fig. 2), suggests
an approximate spatial decoupling which is exploited in
the so-called
implementations of transport
models. In most quasi-2D models the gate charge control
is treated according to a 1D quasi-equilibrium approxi-
mation along
while the analysis of channel current is
reduced to a 1D continuity equation along
The solution
of the two decoupled 1D models can either be numerical
or analytical; in its simplest form, the gate control model
is based on the depletion approximation and the channel
model is based on a two-zone (ohmic and velocity-satu-
rated) channel approximation (Fig. 2), which ultimately
reduces, for constant mobility, to Shockley’s JFET model.
According to the different possible levels of approxima-
tion made, several classes of models have been derived,
with widely different complexity and accuracy. Repre-
sentative examples are:
1. Quasi-2D energy-transport models [25],
1091, [88],
based on an approximate 1D version of the energy and
momentum transport equations; the charge control mech-
anism is either analytical or implicit. The computational
intensity is not negligible, since the 1D solution for the
transport model is performed numerically.
2. Quasi-2D models with numerical charge control and
two-zone channel approximation
1011, [91]. Such models
use an accurate quasi-equilibrium numerical model for
charge control
1011, [91], which can provide detailed in-
sight into the static behavior of substrate impurities and
traps. Since the charge control model can be separately
solved and the results stored as a look-up table, the com-
putational burden is limited.
Quasi-2D models with analytical charge control and
two-zone channel model. Since charge control is based on
the abrupt depletion approximation
under the gate
in the conducting channel), which is poor

adopted [92]. While analytical 2D models [68] seem to
for rapidly varying (e.g., implanted) profiles, transition
functions have been introduced in an attempt to better ap-
[90]. Examples of early models allowing
for doping profiles
increasing generality
Gaussian, arbitrary) are those proposed by Puce1
Shur [105]. de Santis
and Higgins [56]; recent
refinements allow the treatment of complex velocity-field
curves [27]. State-of-the-art examples of MESFET models
are the GATES simulator
and the SIMTEC simulator
provides an empirical treatment of non-
stationary effects through a gate-length dependent satu-
ration velocity. Short-gate geometrical and non-stationary
effects were
introducted in [57].
Analytical 2D model. A fully 2D approximate ana-
lytical treatment of the drift-diffusion model was first sug-
gested in 1976 by Yamaguchi and Kodera
1171, who pro-
pose an accurate parametrized approximation of the
channel mobile charge, based on results from 2D simu-
lation. The potential is derived as the superposition of
Laplacian component (obtained through Fourier expan-
sion) and a Poissonian component (evaluated by neglect-
ing the potential curvature along the channel). From the
electric field and the approximate charge distribution the
current density can finally be obtained. Yamaguchi's
treatment was extended to buffered devices by Bonjour
[20]. In 1981 Madjar and Rosenbaum [76] proposed a
full large-signal analytical model obtained by integrating
a dc Yamaguchi-like model with the quasi-static capaci-
tance matrix derived from a self-consistent charge distri-
bution. A state-of-the-art example of an analytical 2D
model is the
large-signal MESFET simulator
developed by Trew
The classification attempted above is not exhaustive and
only aims at outlining some basic trends in quasi-2D FET
models have been omitted for brevity,
since the quantum effects included in the charge control
mechanism bring about further complexities and lead to
an impressive variety of possible analytical models (see
for an overview).
Analytical quasi-2D models are not always completely
suitable for describing state-of-the-art MESFET's, since
the two-zone channel approximation becomes unsatisfac-
tory in the presence
geometrical short-gate effects (i.e.,
is the gate length and
equivalent channel thickness); this leads to
poor esti-
the output resistance, unless special models are
satisfactory model for the dc characteristics,
some problems are still open in the modelling of dynamic
(small- or large-signal) behavior. In fact, the small-signal
capacitance model is based on quasi-static approxima-
tions, and
assumptions must be introduced to es-
timate those small-signal elements which cannot be de-
rived from dc current-voltage or charge-voltage
the intrinsic resistance
or the gate
Moreover, no physics-based description is avail-
able for the static or dynamic behavior of substrate and
surface trapping effects, which play an important role in
the low-frequency dispersion of the transconductance and
output conductance, although several empirical or pa-
rametrized models have been proposed
From the standpoint of computational intensity, quasi-
2D numerical models are typically one order of magni-
tude faster than full 2D models, which typically require a
few minutes CPU per working point on a medium-size
workstation. This, however, is not enough to directly in-
clude them in circuit simulators. On the other hand, an-
alytical PBDM's, while being slower than the behavioral
models to quasi-2D and analytical models). The choice of
ent the only physics-based models fast enough to be di-
rectly incorporated into circuit simulators.
The above overview has outlined physical models of
decreasing intrinsic complexity (from the Boltzmann
equation down to drift-diffusion models) and then of de-
creasingly complex implementation (from 2D numerical
models to quasi-2D and analytical models). The choice of
simpler model or implementation is often considered as
a way to trade off accuracy in favour of computational
efficiency, but,
matter of fact, several examples can
be found in literature of very good matching between ex-
tremely simple models and experiments; on the other
hand, complex models sometimes seem to yield predic-
tions which are quantitatively inaccurate when compared
to experiments.
In fact, most of the microscopic information provided
by complex models may be redundant or second-order in
modelling the operation of a particular device. For in-
stance, high-energy carrier distribution tails in MES-
accurately modelled by Boltzmann-Monte
Carlo models, are only relevant to the breakdown behav-
iour of the device. This leads to the rather obvious con-
clusion that only those features which are relevant to the
the device should be accurately modelled.
A first point is the need to include into the model non-
stationary transport effects. The inadequacy of the drift-
diffusion approximation to model submicron devices has
been discussed in several papers, see e.g., [108], [37]
among the most recent ones. According to
the main
effects of non-stationary transport are:
the equivalent
saturation velocity of the carriers increases due to spatial
overshoot effects; 2) electron heating makes the electron

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors investigated the impact of the high-field electron diffusivity model in GaAs on the simulated noise performances of metal semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFETs) on the basis of a comparison between the numerical simulation, carried out through a two-dimensional implementation of the impedance-field method, and the noise power and correlation spectra measured on a 06 mu m low-noise MESFLT.
Abstract: The paper investigates the impact of the high-field electron diffusivity model in GaAs on the simulated noise performances of metal semiconductor field-effect transistors (MESFETs) On the basis of a comparison between the numerical simulation, carried out through a two-dimensional implementation of the impedance-field method, and the noise power and correlation spectra measured on a 06 mu m low-noise MESFETs, it is shown that the intermediate and high-field behaviour of the diffusivity-field curve consistent with the experimental data is close to the one suggested in the study by de Murcia et al (1991), while other experimental or Monte Carlo data overestimate the diffusivity and therefore the noise

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the Monte Carlo method is applied to calculate the current and voltage noise in near micron n+nn+ InP diodes, and the results show that the time dependence of the current fluctuation correlation function exhibits damped oscillations at the transit-time and plasma frequencies.
Abstract: The Monte Carlo method is applied to calculate the current and voltage noise in near micron n+nn+ InP diodes. Quite different behavior of the correlation functions and spectral densities of fluctuating macroscopic quantities is observed under the voltage and current driven operations. Under the constant voltage operation the time dependence of the current fluctuation correlation function exhibits damped oscillations at the transit-time and plasma frequencies. This results in appearance of two spikes in the current noise spectrum at corresponding frequencies. The transit-time oscillations and the corresponding noise are shown to be caused by the spontaneous formation of electron accumulation layers due to the negative differential resistance connected with the combined action of the velocity overshoot and Gunn-effects. In the contrast, the voltage noise spectrum is found to have a regular Lorentzian shape under the constant current operation. The observed features of the current and voltage noise spectra are shown to be in a good agreement with the frequency dependence of the small-signal admittance and impedance of the diode.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the electronic noise and impedance field of submicron n+nn+ diode generators when loaded by an external resistance was investigated in the framework of a Monte Carlo and a hydrodynamic simulative approach.
Abstract: We investigate the electronic noise and impedance field of submicron n+nn+ diode generators when loaded by an external resistance in the framework of a Monte Carlo and a hydrodynamic simulative approach. We observe a long-time oscillation of the correlation function of the voltage drop fluctuations between the resistor terminals. The oscillations are in turn responsible for a peak in the noise power-spectrum which is caused by the spontaneous formation of electron accumulation layers. The drift of these layers through the n-region is monitored for biasing conditions above threshold for microwave generation. The frequency of the noise peak is shown to correspond to the highest generation frequency for the given load resistance. The noise power-spectra calculated for three different values of the load resistance are used to obtain the small-signal and noise characteristics of the intrinsic unloaded diode. The parallel hydrodynamic calculation of the diode impedance spectrum is found to compare well with the results obtained from the noise analysis of the Monte Carlo simulation.

4 citations

Proceedings ArticleDOI
01 Oct 1995
TL;DR: Emphasis is given to recent advances in the state of the art: automated electromagnetic design, Space Mapping, Huber optimiation, integrated CAD environment and parallel computing.
Abstract: We review relevant concepts, formulations and algorithms for microwave circuit optimization. Emphasis is given to recent advances in the state of the art: automated electromagnetic design, Space Mapping, Huber optimiation, integrated CAD environment and parallel computing. An example of statistical optimization utilizing electromagnetic simulation illustrates our approach.

3 citations

Proceedings ArticleDOI
01 Oct 1995
TL;DR: In this article, a look-up-table based mathematical approach for the modeling of microwave active devices, the Nonlinear Integral Model, is applied for the prediction of intermodulation distortion (IMD) in GaAs MESFETs.
Abstract: A previously proposed look-up-table based mathematical approach for the modeling of microwave active devices, the Nonlinear Integral Model, is applied for the prediction of intermodulation distortion (IMD) in GaAs MESFETs. Theoretical considerations and experimental results show that the intermodulationcharacteristics of GaAs MESFETs can be predicted with excellent accuracy by using the proposed model together with suitable electron-device-oriented interpolation techniques, directly on the bases of conventional measuremerts (DC characteristics and bias/frequency dependent small-signal S-parameters).

3 citations

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01 Jan 1965
TL;DR: This chapter discusses the concept of a Random Variable, the meaning of Probability, and the axioms of probability in terms of Markov Chains and Queueing Theory.
Abstract: Part 1 Probability and Random Variables 1 The Meaning of Probability 2 The Axioms of Probability 3 Repeated Trials 4 The Concept of a Random Variable 5 Functions of One Random Variable 6 Two Random Variables 7 Sequences of Random Variables 8 Statistics Part 2 Stochastic Processes 9 General Concepts 10 Random Walk and Other Applications 11 Spectral Representation 12 Spectral Estimation 13 Mean Square Estimation 14 Entropy 15 Markov Chains 16 Markov Processes and Queueing Theory

13,886 citations

01 Jan 2002
TL;DR: In this paper, the meaning of probability and random variables are discussed, as well as the axioms of probability, and the concept of a random variable and repeated trials are discussed.
Abstract: Part 1 Probability and Random Variables 1 The Meaning of Probability 2 The Axioms of Probability 3 Repeated Trials 4 The Concept of a Random Variable 5 Functions of One Random Variable 6 Two Random Variables 7 Sequences of Random Variables 8 Statistics Part 2 Stochastic Processes 9 General Concepts 10 Random Walk and Other Applications 11 Spectral Representation 12 Spectral Estimation 13 Mean Square Estimation 14 Entropy 15 Markov Chains 16 Markov Processes and Queueing Theory

12,407 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
D.L. Scharfetter1, H.K. Gummel1
TL;DR: In this article, the authors presented theoretical calculations of the large-signal admittance and efficiency achievable in a silicon p-n-v-ns Read IMPATT diode.
Abstract: This paper presents theoretical calculations of the large-signal admittance and efficiency achievable in a silicon p-n-v-ns Read IMPATT diode. A simplified theory is employed to obtain a starting design. This design is then modified to achieve higher efficiency operation as specific device limitations are reached in large-signal (computer) operation. Self-consistent numerical solutions are obtained for equations describing carrier transport, carrier generation, and space-charge balance. The solutions describe the evolution in time of the diode and its associated resonant circuit. Detailed solutions are presented of the hole and electron concentrations, electric field, and terminal current and voltage at various points in time during a cycle of oscillation. Large-signal values of the diode's negative conductance, susceptance, average voltage, and power-generating efficiency are presented as a function of oscillation amplitude for a fixed average current density. For the structure studied, the largest microwave power-generating efficiency (18 percent at 9.6 GHz) has been obtained at a current density of 200 A/cm2, but efficiencies near 10 percent were obtained over a range of current density from 100 to 1000 A/cm2.

2,042 citations

01 Jan 1988
TL;DR: This classic text is an excellent resource and time-saver for engineers who need to tackle troublesome nonlinear components that remain in use despite recent advances in microwave technology.
Abstract: This classic text is an excellent resource and time-saver for engineers who need to tackle troublesome nonlinear components that remain in use despite recent advances in microwave technology. NONLINEAR MICROWAVE CIRCUITS offers detailed, technically substantial coverage of key methods for the analysis, design, and optimization of nonlinear microwave circuits. Using minimal mathematics, it integrates in-depth, "readable" coverage of the underlying theories that guide these methods. This book is replete with valuable "how to" information on a wide range of topics.

774 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors derived transport equations for particles, momentum, and energy of electrons in a semiconductor with two distinct valleys in the conduction band, such as GaAs.
Abstract: Transport equations are derived for particles, momentum, and energy of electrons in a semiconductor with two distinct valleys in the conduction band, such as GaAs. Care is taken to state and discuss the assumptions which are made in the derivation. The collision processes are expressed in terms of relaxation times. The accuracy is improved by considering these to depend on the average kinetic energy rather than the electron temperature. Other transport equations used in the literature are discussed, and shown to be incomplete and inaccurate in many cases. In particular, the usual assumption that the mobility and diffusion constant depend locally on the electric field strength is shown to be incorrect. Rather, these quantities should be taken as functions of the local average velocity of electrons in the lower valley.

765 citations