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Journal ArticleDOI

Quantization resolution and limit cycling in digitally controlled PWM converters

20 Mar 2003-IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (IEEE)-Vol. 18, Iss: 1, pp 301-308
TL;DR: In this paper, the presence of steady-state limit cycles in digitally controlled PWM converters is discussed, and conditions on the control law and quantization resolution for their elimination are suggested.
Abstract: This paper discusses the presence of steady-state limit cycles in digitally controlled pulse-width modulation (PWM) converters, and suggests conditions on the control law and the quantization resolution for their elimination. It then introduces single-phase and multi-phase controlled digital dither as a means of increasing the effective resolution of digital PWM (DPWM) modules, allowing for the use of low resolution DPWM units in high regulation accuracy applications. Bounds on the number of bits of dither that can be used in a particular converter are derived. Finally, experimental results confirming the theoretical analysis are presented.

Summary (2 min read)

1 Introduction

  • The emergence of persistent budget deficits and rising public debt levels in industrialised countries has triggered a large amount of research into causes and possible solutions.
  • In response to the emergence of a deficit bias, some have argued in favour of formal restraints on fiscal policy.
  • This paper tests whether the often estimated impact of fiscal rules on budgetary outcomes is mainly driven by voter preferences.
  • Results for OLS regressions and vector decompositions are presented in Section 5 and Section 6 respectively.

2 Review of the literature

  • A number of empirical studies address the question of whether or not fiscal rules have empirical effects on the budget balance and the level of public debt.
  • Several studies carried out in the mid-nineties for the United States find that the presence and/or strength of fiscal rules are associated with faster policy initiatives to reduce unexpected deficits (Poterba, 1994; Alt and Lowry, 1994) or lower budget deficits overall (Bohn and Inman, 1996; Alesina and Bayoumi, 1996).
  • The main idea of these authors is to use the cantonal outcome of federal votes on fiscal matters to construct measures of preferences.
  • Dafflon and Pujol (2001) consider the average of the outcome of this ranking across the entire period, and use this as a time invariant index of fiscal conservatism.

3 Empirical strategy

  • Suppose that the true model of budget balances is given by bit = αfrit + γvpit + εit (1) This model abstracts from an intercept term and from other control variables for the clarity of the exposition.
  • Because of the lack of a clear interpretation for this measure of fiscal preferences, the authors propose a second and alternative way of controlling for voter preferences in budget deficit regressions relying instead on econometric technique.
  • Female enfranchisement was introduced in different years across cantons: women were first given the right to vote in Neuchâtel and Vaud in 1959, and the last canton to grant women the vote was Appenzell I. Rh. in 1990 - all other 23 cantons introduced women’s suffrage between these dates.

4 Data

  • The sample covers twenty-five cantons over the period 1955 to 1999.
  • There are five cantons that have fiscal rules during their sample period: St Gallen, Fribourg, Solothurn, Appenzell A. Rh. and Graubünden6.
  • Tax-smoothing arguments (Barro, 1979) and Keynesian countercyclical fiscal policy prescriptions imply that budget deficits should co-vary negatively with economic conditions.
  • The authors therefore control for the rate of growth of real gross cantonal income (federal and international economic conditions will be captured through time fixed effects).

5 Observed fiscal preferences: OLS regressions

  • The authors first approach to control for voter preferences is to include the measure of cantonal fiscal preferences computed by Funk and Gathmann (2006) into an otherwise standard regression equation for budget balances.
  • The coefficient estimate is positive and statistically significant: the presence of a fiscal rule is correlated with stronger budget balances, other things equal.
  • Specifications (III) to (V) include many control variables while omitting voter preferences.
  • Overall, including the Funk-Gathmann measure of fiscal preferences in regressions of fiscal rules on budgetary outcomes, the authors find no evidence that voter preferences are driving the estimated qualitative impact of fiscal rules.
  • This amount is relatively large compared to the average budget deficit per capita of Swiss cantons which is equal to 121 Swiss francs (measured in 1993 prices).

6 Unobserved fiscal preferences: fixed-effects vector

  • The authors second approach relies on the assumption that voter preferences are constant over time, so that they can be captured through cross-section fixed effects.
  • The estimation results for Specification FE(I) show that the introduction of crosssection fixed effects decreases the size of the coefficient for fiscal rules, and makes it not significantly different from zero.
  • At first sight, therefore, the authors would conclude that fiscal rules are not causing budgetary outcomes.
  • This finding lends further support to the results obtained in the previous section.
  • It is therefore necessary to employ alternative techniques which are relatively more efficient when the empirical specification includes both cross-section fixed effects and variables that are almost time-invariant.

7 Concluding remarks

  • Fiscal indiscipline has been on the rise in industrial countries since the late 1970s, leading to increasing average levels of deficits and public debt levels.
  • The question is whether such rules work, and this question has triggered a large and growing research agenda.
  • The empirical literature finds relatively unambiguously that fiscal rules are associated with improved budget balances.
  • The authors propose two solutions to these issues and investigate whether voter preferences are ultimately what is driving budget balances and fiscal rules.
  • First, the authors add a new measure of fiscal preferences of the electorate in Swiss cantons constructed by Funk and Gathmann (2006) in an otherwise standard regression equation for budget balances.

A Data sources and definitions

  • Swiss Federal Finance Administration, electronic issue, also known as Nominal budget balances.
  • Dummy variable taking a unit value when a fiscal rule is in place, also known as Fiscal rules.
  • Own calculations based on data from the Swiss Federal Bureau for Statistics, electronic issue.
  • Dummy variable taking a unit value when the canton has a large city, also known as Large city.

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Quantization Resolution and Limit Cycling in
Digitally Controlled PWM Converters
Angel V. Peterchev, Student Member, IEEE, and Seth R. Sanders, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper discusses the presence of steady-state
limit cycles in digitally controlled pulse-width modulation (PWM)
converters, and suggests conditions on the control law and the
quantization resolution for their elimination. It then introduces
single-phase and multi-phase controlled digital dither as a means
of increasing the effective resolution of digital PWM (DPWM)
modules, allowing for the use of low resolution DPWM units in
high regulation accuracy applications. Bounds on the number
of bits of dither that can be used in a particular converter are
derived. Finally, experimental results confirming the theoretical
analysis are presented.
Index Terms—Analog-digital conversion, digital control, dither,
finite wordlength effects, power conversion, pulse-width modula-
tion, quantization, stability, voltage regulation.
IGITAL controllers for pulse-width modulation (PWM)
converters enjoy growing popularity due to their low
power, immunity to analog component variations, compatibility
with digital systems, and faster design process, as discussed
in [1] and the references therein. They have the potential to
implement sophisticated control schemes and to accurately
match duty cycles in interleaved converters. Their applications
include microprocessor voltage regulation modules (VRMs),
portable electronic devices, and audio amplifiers, among many
This paper discusses conditions for the elimination of limit
cycles, steady state oscillations at frequencies lower than the
switching frequency, in digitally controlled PWM converters, as
well as techniques for increasing the effective resolution of dig-
ital PWM (DPWM) modules. Section II gives an overview of
the structure of digital PWM controllers. Section III describes
limit cycles and presents conditions for their elimination. Sec-
tion IV introduces controlled digital dither as a technique that
effectively increases the resolution of the DPWM module, al-
lowing for the use of low resolution DPWM modules in applica-
tions requiring high regulation accuracy, such as VRMs. The use
of lowresolution DPWM modules in these applications, without
incurring limit cycles, can result in substantial powerand silicon
area savings. Section V presents results from a prototype con-
verter implementing the findings of this paper.
Manuscript received January 30, 2002; revised December 1, 2002. This work
was presented in part at the Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC),
Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 17–22, 2001. Recommended by Associate Editor
S. B. Leeb.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Com-
puter Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA (e-mail: pe-;
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2002.807092
A block diagram of a digitally controlled PWM buck con-
verter is shown in Fig. 1. The controller consists of an analog-to-
digital converter (ADC) which digitizes the regulated quantity
(e.g., the output voltage
), a DPWM module, and a dis-
crete-time control law. A discrete-time PID control law has the
is the duty cycle command at discrete time ,
is the error signal
is the state of an integrator
is the proportional gain, is the derivative gain,
is the integral gain. Variable represents the ref-
erence voltage,and
is the digital representation of .
All variables are normalized to the input voltage,
. Variable
is used as a feedforward term in (1). Note that by it-
self would give the correct duty cycle command for steady state
operation with constant load, if there were no load-dependent
voltage drop along the power train and no other nonidealities in
the output stage [2]. Design of digital PID control law is dis-
cussed in [3]–[5].
For the converter of Fig. 1, limit cycles refer to steady-state
oscillations of
and other system variables at frequencies
lower than the converter switching frequency
. Limit cy-
cles may result from the presence of signal amplitude quan-
tizers like the ADC and DPWM modules in the feedback loop.
Steady-state limit cycling may be undesirable if it leads to large,
unpredicted output voltage variations. Furthermore, since the
limit cycle amplitude and frequency are hard to predict, it is dif-
ficult to analyze and compensate for the resulting
and the electro-magnetic interference (EMI) produced by the
Let us consider a system with ADC resolution of
and DPWM resolution of
bits. For a buck converter, this
will correspond to voltage quantization of
steps for the ADC, and for the
0885-8993/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

Fig. 1. Block diagram of a digitally controlled PWM buck converter.
DPWM. Fig. 2(a)
illustrates qualitatively the behavior of
in steady state when the DPWM resolution is less than
the ADC resolution, and there is no DPWM level that maps
into the ADC bin corresponding to the reference voltage
(this ADC bin will be referred to as the zero-error bin). In
steady state, the controller will be attempting to drive
the zero-error bin, however due to the lack of a DPWM level
there, it will alternate between the DPWM levels around the
zero-error bin. This results in nonequilibrium behavior, such as
steady-state limit cycling.
The first step toward eliminating limit cycles is to ensure that
under all circumstances there is a DPWM level that maps into
the zero-error bin. This can be guaranteed if the resolution of
the DPWM module is finer than the resolution of the ADC. A
one-bit difference in the resolutions,
, seems
sufficient in most applications since it provides two DPWM
levels per one ADC level
Yet, even if the above condition is met, limit cycling may
still occur if the feedforward term is not perfect and the con-
trol law has no integral term
. In this case, the con-
troller relies on nonzero error signal
to drive toward
the zero-error bin. However, once
is in the zero-error bin,
the error signal becomes zero, and
droops back below the
zero-error bin. This sequence repeats over and over again, re-
sulting in steady-state limit cycling. This problem can be solved
by the inclusion of an integral term in the control law. After a
transient, the integrator will gradually converge to a value that
into the zero-error bin, where it will remain as long
, since a digital integrator is perfect [Fig. 2(b)]
An upper bound of unity is imposed on the integral gain, since
the digital integrator is intended to fine-tune the output voltage,
therefore it has to be able to adjust the duty cycle command by
steps as small as a least significant bit
In all simulations the data is sampled at the switching frequency, therefore
the switching ripple on
cannot be seen. For the discussions in this paper
the switching ripple is not of interest and its omission makes the plots clearer.
Fig. 2. Qualitative behavior of
with (a) DPWM resolution lower than the
ADC resolution and (b) DPWM resolution two times the ADC resolution and
with integral term included in control law.
Fig. 3(a) shows a simulation of the transient response of a dig-
itally controlled PWM converter. The resolution of the DPWM
bits, is higher than the resolution of the
bits, however steady-state limit cycling is ob-
served both before and after the load current step, since no in-
tegral term was used in the control law. On the other hand, in
Fig. 3(b) an integral term is added to the control law, and the
steady-state limit cycling is eliminated.
The two conditions suggested above are not sufficient for the
elimination of steady-state limit cycles, since the nonlinearity
of the quantizers in the feedback loop may still cause limit cy-
cling for high loop gains. Non-linear system analysis tools, such
as describing functions [5]–[7], can be used to determine the
maximum allowable loop gain not inducing limit cycles. The

Fig. 3. Simulation of a DPWM converter output voltage under a load current
transient with integral term: (a) not included and (b) included in control law.
b, and
feedback loop of the converter includes two quantizers—the
ADC and the DPWM—however in the present analysis we will
consider only the ADC nonlinearity, since it performs coarser
quantization if the DPWM resolution is made higher than that
of the ADC (as recommended above). The describing func-
tion of an ADC (a round-off quantizier) represents its effective
gain as a function of the input signal ac amplitude and dc bias.
When the control law contains an integral term, only limit cy-
cles that have zero dc component can be stable, because the
integrator drives the dc component of the error signal to the
zero-error bin. Since in steady state the dc bias is driven to
zero, and since the loop transmission,
, from the output
of the ADC to its input has a low-pass characteristic, the sinu-
soidal-input describing function of a round-off quantizer can be
used to analyze the stability of the system. The characteristic
of a round-off quantizer is plotted in Fig. 4(a), where
is the ADC input voltage, is the ADC quantization bin
size corresponding to one
, and is the quantized rep-
resentation of
. The corresponding describing function,
, is plotted in Fig. 4(b), where is the ac amplitude of
. From the plot it can be seen that the describing function
has a maximum value of about 1.3, corresponding to maximum
effective ADC gain. The control law (1), and hence
, can
then be designed to exclude limit cycles by ensuring that
Nyquist Criterion
holds for all nonzero finite signal amplitudes
and frequencies
. In practice, conventional loop design methods (e.g., Bode
plots) can be used, keeping in mind that the effective ADC gain
peaks somewhat above unity.
The precision with which a digital controller regulates
is determined by the resolution of the ADC. In particular,
can be regulated with a tolerance of one of the ADC.
Many present-day applications, such as microprocessor VRMs,
and DPWM modules with very high resolution. For example,
regulation resolution of 10 mV at
V corresponds
to ADC resolution of
V mV bits,
steady-state limit-cycling. For a converter switching frequency
MHz, such resolution would require a
GHz fast clock in a counter-comparator implementation of
the DPWM module, or
stages in a ring oscillator
implementation, resulting in high power dissipation or large
area [7], [9], [1]. Thus, it is beneficial to look for ways to use
low-resolution DPWM modules to achieve the desired high
One method which can increase the effective resolution of
a DPWM module is dithering. It amounts to adding high-fre-
quency periodic or random signals to a certain quantized signal,
which is later filtered to produce averaged dc levels with in-
creased resolution. Analog dither has been used to increase the
effective resolution of a DPWM module [10]. However, analog
dither is difficult to generate and control, it is sensitive to analog
component variations, and it can be mixed only with analog sig-
nals in the converter, and not with signals inside a digital con-
troller. On the other hand, digital dither generated inside the
controller is simpler to implement and control, is insensitive
to analog component variations, and can offer more flexibility.
Therefore, the use of digital dither to improve the resolution of
DPWM modules is discussed in the present section.
A. Single-Phase Dither
The idea behind digital dither is to vary the duty cycle by
over a few switching periods, so that the average duty
cycle has a value between two adjacent quantized duty cycle
levels. The averaging action is implemented by the output
filter. The dither concept is illustrated in Fig. 5. Let and
correspond to two adjacent quantized duty cycle levels put
out by the DPWM module,
. If the duty
cycle is made to alternate between
and every next

Fig. 4. Characteristic of: (a) a round-off quantizer and (b) the corresponding
describing function for sinusoidal signals with zero dc bias.
switching period, the average duty cycle over time will equal
. Thus, an intermediate
sub-bit level can be implemented by averaging over
two switching periods, resulting in an increase of the effective
DPWM resolution of 1 b. Using the same reasoning,
and levels can be implemented by averaging over
four switching periods (Fig. 6), which increases the effective
DPWM resolution by 2 b. Finally, it can be seen that by using
dither patterns spanning
switching periods, the effective
DPWM resolution can be increased by
is the hardware DPWM resolution, and
is the effective DPWM resolution.
B. Dither Patterns
Of course, the effective increase in DPWM resolution by
dithering does not come for free. The dithering of the duty
Fig. 5. Use of switching waveform dither to realize a
DPWM level
(1-b dither).
Fig. 6. Switching waveform dither patterns realizing
DPWM levels (2-b dither).
cycle creates an additional ac ripple at the output of the
filter, which is superimposed on the ripple from the converter
switching action. It is desirable to keep the amplitude of the
dither ripple low, in order to avoid poor output regulation,
EMI, and limit cycles (which may result from the interaction
between the dither ripple and the ADC). Thus it is beneficial to
select dither patterns that minimize the dither ripple.
For a dither sequence with a particular length (
cycles for
-bit dither) there may be a few different dither pat-
terns that average to the same dc level. For example, in Fig. 6
level can be implemented with two different
or .
The latter pattern has higher fundamental frequency, and thus
produces less output voltage ripple, due to the low-pass charac-
teristic of the output
Two sets of 3-b dither sequences are shown in Table I, with
“1” standing for the addition of an
to the duty cycle.
Table I(a) corresponds to a simple rectangular waveform dither
discussed in [11]. The generation of these patterns is very
systematic and thus easy to implement. On the other hand, the
dither sequences in Table I(b) were chosen with the aim of
minimizing their low frequency spectral content. Thus, when
filtered, they produce the lowest ripple for a given average duty
cycle. Notice that, while for the rectangular-waveform dither
the sequences producing lowest ripple are
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
and its complement, for the minimum-ripple dither the ripple
produced by any sequence does not exceed the ripple produced

by 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 and its complement. Therefore, the
minimum-ripple sequences have a clear advantage over the
rectangular-waveform sequences, with respect to dither ripple
Yet another dither generation approach is to use
lation, however it does not guarantee minimum-ripple patterns,
and further the dither spectral content is hard to predict.
modulation in power electronics applications is discussed, for
example, in [12] and [13].
C. Dither Generation Scheme
Fig. 7 shows a dither generation scheme that can produce
patterns of any shape, and can therefore implement minimum-
ripple dither such as the one in Table I(b). A look-up table stores
dither sequences, each b long, corresponding to the
sub-bit levels implemented with
-bit dither. The s
of the duty cycle command
select the dither sequence cor-
responding to the appropriate sub-bit level, while the
counter sweeps through this dither sequence. The dither pattern
is then added to the
sof to produce the duty cycle
which is sent to the hardware DPWM module.
D. Dither Ripple Size
In Section IV-A it was shown that the longer the dither pat-
terns used, the larger the effective DPWM resolution. However,
longer dither patterns can cause higher output ripple, since they
contain lower frequency components, and the
filter has less
attenuation at lower frequencies. This consideration puts a prac-
tical limit on the number of bits of dither that can be added to
increase the resolution of the DPWM module.
For the rectangular-waveform dither in Table I(a) some
simple mathematical analysis (see the Appendix) can give an
estimate of the maximum peak-to-peak ripple added to the
output voltage as a result of the dither
, and
, where is the fundamental frequency
of the dither
is the filter cutoff frequency, and is the zero
frequency associated with the output capacitor.
Once the amplitude of the dither is known, we can develop a
condition on howmanybits of dither,
, can be used in a certain
system, without inducing limit cycles (see the Appendix),
, and
3-B D
Fig. 7. Structure for adding arbitrary dither patterns to the duty cycle.
for , where
is the difference between the effective resolutions of the DPWM
and the ADC (in bits). For example, in Section III it was sug-
gested that making the resolution of the DPWM one bit higher
then that of the ADC adequately satisfies the condition to elimi-
nate steady-state limit cycling, hence
. The above equa-
tions can be used by starting with a guess for
, obtaining the
corresponding dither frequency from (10), and then using (11)
or (12), respectively, to obtain a bound on
. If the result is not
consistent with the initial guess for
, the procedure should be
repeated with a reduced value of
. On the other hand, if the
inequalities are satisfied, the value of
can be increased, and
the procedure can be repeated.

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TL;DR: Digital Control Of Dynamic Systems This well-respected, market-leading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems with an emphasis on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude.
Abstract: Digital Control Of Dynamic Systems This well-respected, market-leading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems. The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems (3rd Edition): Franklin ... This well-respected, market-leading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems. The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems: Gene F. Franklin ... Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 2nd Edition. Gene F. Franklin, Stanford University. J. David Powell, Stanford University Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 2nd Edition Pearson This well-respected work discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems. The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude. MATLAB statements and problems are thoroughly and carefully integrated throughout the book to offer readers a complete design picture. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 3rd Edition ... Digital control of dynamic systems | Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, Michael L. Workman | download | B–OK. Download books for free. Find books Digital control of dynamic systems | Gene F. Franklin, J ... Abstract This well-respected work discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems. The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic... (PDF) Digital Control of Dynamic Systems Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison.pdf There is document Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison.pdfavailable here for reading and downloading. Use the download button below or simple online reader. The file extension PDFand ranks to the Documentscategory. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison.pdf Download ... Automatic control is the science that develops techniques to steer, guide, control dynamic systems. These systems are built by humans and must perform a specific task. Examples of such dynamic systems are found in biology, physics, robotics, finance, etc. Digital Control means that the control laws are implemented in a digital device, such as a microcontroller or a microprocessor. Introduction to Digital Control of Dynamic Systems And ... The discussions are clear, nomenclature is not hard to follow and there are plenty of worked examples. The book covers discretization effects and design by emulation (i.e. design of continuous-time control system followed by discretization before implementation) which are not to be found on every book on digital control. Customer reviews: Digital Control of Dynamic ... Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Digital Control of Dynamic Systems (3rd Edition) at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Customer reviews: Digital Control of Dynamic ... 1.1.2 Digital control Digital control systems employ a computer as a fundamental component in the controller. The computer typically receives a measurement of the controlled variable, also often receives the reference input, and produces its output using an algorithm. Introduction to Applied Digital Control From the Back Cover This well-respected, marketleading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems. The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems (3rd Edition) Test Bank `Among the advantages of digital logic for control are the increased flexibility `of the control programs and the decision-making or logic capability of digital `systems, which can be combined with the dynamic control function to meet `other system requirements. `The digital controls studied in this book are for closed-loop (feedback) Every day, eBookDaily adds three new free Kindle books to several different genres, such as Nonfiction, Business & Investing, Mystery & Thriller, Romance, Teens & Young Adult, Children's Books, and others.

902 citations

01 Jan 2006
TL;DR: This book presents the reader, whether an electrical engineering student in power electronics or a design engineer, a selection of power converter control problems and their basic digital solutions, based on the most widespread digital control techniques, to give a basic, introductory knowledge of thedigital control techniques applied to power converters.
Abstract: This book presents the reader, whether an electrical engineering student in power electronics or a design engineer, a selection of power converter control problems and their basic digital solutions, based on the most widespread digital control techniques. The presentation is primarily focused on different applications of the same power converter topology, the half-bridge voltage source inverter, considered both in its single- and three-phase implementation. This is chosen as the test case because, besides being simple and well known, it allows the discussion of a significant spectrum of the most frequently encountered digital control applications in power electronics, from digital pulse width modulation (DPWM) and space vector modulation (SVM), to inverter output current and voltage control, ending with the relatively more complex VSI applications related to the so called smart-grid scenario. This book aims to serve two purposes: (1) to give a basic, introductory knowledge of the digital control techniques applied to power converters; and (2) to raise the interest for discrete time control theory, stimulating new developments in its application to switching power converters.

537 citations

Cites background from "Quantization resolution and limit c..."

  • ...In power electronics and, more precisely, in the area of dc–dc converter applications, several fundamental papers on quantization resolution and limit cycling have been published, like, for example [4, 5] and others cited therein....


  • ...The simplified discussion above may be replaced by a more mathematically sound approach, which an interested reader can find in power electronics textbooks such as [4], [5], and [6]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The aim of this paper is to review the state-of-the-art of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technologies and their contribution to industrial control applications and two short case studies of Neural Network control systems designs targeting FPGAs are presented.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to review the state-of-the-art of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technologies and their contribution to industrial control applications. Authors start by addressing various research fields which can exploit the advantages of FPGAs. The features of these devices are then presented, followed by their corresponding design tools. To illustrate the benefits of using FPGAs in the case of complex control applications, a sensorless motor controller has been treated. This controller is based on the Extended Kalman Filter. Its development has been made according to a dedicated design methodology, which is also discussed. The use of FPGAs to implement artificial intelligence-based industrial controllers is then briefly reviewed. The final section presents two short case studies of Neural Network control systems designs targeting FPGAs.

476 citations

Cites background from "Quantization resolution and limit c..."

  • ...For such applications, the used switching frequency is equal or above 1MHz FPGA-based controllers are in this case mandatory [26]-[28]....


Proceedings ArticleDOI
24 May 2004
TL;DR: In this article, the authors discuss the impact of digital control in high-frequency switched-mode power supplies (SMPS), including point-of-load and isolated DC-DC converters, microprocessor power supplies, power factor correction rectifiers, electronic ballasts, etc., where high efficiency, static and dynamic regulation, low size and weight, as well as low controller complexity and cost are very important.
Abstract: In this paper, we discuss the impact of digital control in high-frequency switched-mode power supplies (SMPS), including point-of-load and isolated DC-DC converters, microprocessor power supplies, power-factor-correction rectifiers, electronic ballasts, etc., where switching frequencies are typically in the hundreds of kHz to MHz range, and where high efficiency, static and dynamic regulation, low size and weight, as well as low controller complexity and cost are very important. To meet these application requirements, a digital SMPS controller may include fast, small analog-to-digital converters, hardware-accelerated programmable compensators, programmable digital modulators with very fine time resolution, and a standard microcontroller core to perform programming, monitoring and other system interface tasks. Based on recent advances in circuit and control techniques, together with rapid advances in digital VLSI technology, we conclude that high-performance digital controller solutions are both feasible and practical, leading to much enhanced system integration and performance gains. Examples of experimentally demonstrated results are presented, together with pointers to areas of current and future research and development.

474 citations

29 Mar 2002
TL;DR: In this paper, a highly phased power regulation (converter) system with an improved control feature is provided, where a controller, such as a digital signal processor or microprocessor, receives digital information from a plurality of power conversion blocks and transmits control commands in response to the information.
Abstract: A highly phased power regulation (converter) system having an improved control feature is provided. A controller, such as a digital signal processor or microprocessor, receives digital information from a plurality of power conversion blocks and transmits control commands in response to the information. The controller is able to change the mode of operation of the system and/or re-phase the power blocks to accommodate a dynamic load requirement, occasions of high transient response or detection of a fault. A compensation block within the controller is used to regulate the output voltage and provide stability to the system. In one embodiment, the controller is implemented as a PID compensator controller. In another embodiment, a microprocessor is able to receive feedback on its own operation thus providing enabling the controller to anticipate and predict conditions by analyzing precursor data.

459 citations

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01 Jan 1980
TL;DR: This well-respected, market-leading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems and thoroughly integrates MATLAB statements and problems to offer readers a complete design picture.
Abstract: From the Publisher: This well-respected, market-leading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude Both classical and modern control methods are described and applied to illustrative examples The strengths and limitations of each method are explored to help the reader develop solid designs with the least effort Two new chapters have been added to the third edition offering a review of feedback control systems and an overview of digital control systems Updated to be fully compatible with MATLAB versions 4 and 5, the text thoroughly integrates MATLAB statements and problems to offer readers a complete design picture The new edition contains up-to-date material on state-space design and twice as many end-of-chapter problems to give students more opportunities to practice the material

3,756 citations

01 Jan 1968
TL;DR: The theory of automatic control has been advanced in important ways during recent years, particularly with respect to stability and optimal control, but these theories do not, however, lay to rest all questions of importance to the control engineer.
Abstract: ABRAMSON Information theory and coding BATTIN Astronautical guidance BLACHMAN Noise and its effect on communication BREMER Superconductive devices BROXMEYER Inertial navigation systems GELB AND VANDER VELDE Multiple-input describing functions and nonlinear system design GILL Introduction to the theory of finite-state machines HANCOCK AND WINTZ Signal detection theory HUELSMAN Circuits, matrices, and linear vector spaces KELSO Radio ray propagation in the ionosphere MERRIAM Optimization theory and the design of feedback control systems MUUM Biological control systems analysis NEWCOMB Linear multiport synthesis PAPOULIS The fourier integral and its applications R. N. BRACEWELL) STEINBERG AND LEQUEUX (TRANSLATOR Radio astronomy WEEKS Antenna engineering PREFACE The theory of automatic control has been advanced in important ways during recent years, particularly with respect to stability and optimal control. These are significant contributions which appeal to many workers, including the writers, because they answer important questions and are both theoretically elegant and practically useful. These theories do not, however, lay to rest all questions of importance to the control engineer. The designer of the attitude control system for a space vehicle booster which, for simplicity, utilizes a rate-switched engine gimbal drive, must know the characteristics of the limit cycle oscillation that the system will sustain and must have some idea of how the system will respond to attitude commands while continuing to limit-cycle. The designer of a chemical process control system must be able to predict the transient oscillations the process may experience during start-up due to the limited magnitudes of important variables in the system. The designer of a radar antenna pointing system with limited torque capability must be able to predict the rms pointing error due to random wind disturbances on the antenna, and must understand how these random disturbances will influence the behavior of the system in its response to command inputs. But more important than just being able to evaluate how a given system will behave in a postulated situation is the fact that these control engineers must design their systems to meet specifications on important characteristics. Thus a complicated exact analytical tool, if one existed, would be of less value to the designer than an approximate tool which is simple enough in application to give insight into the trends in system behavior as a function of system parameter values or possible compensations, hence providing the basis for system design. As an analytical tool to answer questions such as these in a way …

1,244 citations

"Quantization resolution and limit c..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Non-linear system analysis tools, such as describing functions ([5], [6], [3]), can be used to determine the maximum allowable loop gain not inducing limit cycles....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Digital Control Of Dynamic Systems This well-respected, market-leading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems with an emphasis on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude.
Abstract: Digital Control Of Dynamic Systems This well-respected, market-leading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems. The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems (3rd Edition): Franklin ... This well-respected, market-leading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems. The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems: Gene F. Franklin ... Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 2nd Edition. Gene F. Franklin, Stanford University. J. David Powell, Stanford University Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 2nd Edition Pearson This well-respected work discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems. The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude. MATLAB statements and problems are thoroughly and carefully integrated throughout the book to offer readers a complete design picture. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 3rd Edition ... Digital control of dynamic systems | Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, Michael L. Workman | download | B–OK. Download books for free. Find books Digital control of dynamic systems | Gene F. Franklin, J ... Abstract This well-respected work discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems. The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic... (PDF) Digital Control of Dynamic Systems Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison.pdf There is document Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison.pdfavailable here for reading and downloading. Use the download button below or simple online reader. The file extension PDFand ranks to the Documentscategory. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison.pdf Download ... Automatic control is the science that develops techniques to steer, guide, control dynamic systems. These systems are built by humans and must perform a specific task. Examples of such dynamic systems are found in biology, physics, robotics, finance, etc. Digital Control means that the control laws are implemented in a digital device, such as a microcontroller or a microprocessor. Introduction to Digital Control of Dynamic Systems And ... The discussions are clear, nomenclature is not hard to follow and there are plenty of worked examples. The book covers discretization effects and design by emulation (i.e. design of continuous-time control system followed by discretization before implementation) which are not to be found on every book on digital control. Customer reviews: Digital Control of Dynamic ... Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Digital Control of Dynamic Systems (3rd Edition) at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Customer reviews: Digital Control of Dynamic ... 1.1.2 Digital control Digital control systems employ a computer as a fundamental component in the controller. The computer typically receives a measurement of the controlled variable, also often receives the reference input, and produces its output using an algorithm. Introduction to Applied Digital Control From the Back Cover This well-respected, marketleading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems. The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems (3rd Edition) Test Bank `Among the advantages of digital logic for control are the increased flexibility `of the control programs and the decision-making or logic capability of digital `systems, which can be combined with the dynamic control function to meet `other system requirements. `The digital controls studied in this book are for closed-loop (feedback) Every day, eBookDaily adds three new free Kindle books to several different genres, such as Nonfiction, Business & Investing, Mystery & Thriller, Romance, Teens & Young Adult, Children's Books, and others.

902 citations

"Quantization resolution and limit c..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Note that by itself would give the correct duty cycle command for steady state operation with constant load, if there were no load-dependent voltage drop along the power train and no other nonidealities in the output stage [2]....


  • ...Yet another dither generation approach is to use modulation, however it does not guarantee minimum-ripple patterns, and further the dither spectral content is hard to predict. modulation in power electronics applications is discussed, for example, in [12] and [13]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The architecture and IC implementation of a digital PWM (DPWM) generation module, using a ring-oscillator-multiplexer scheme, is discussed and experimental results from a prototype VRM and a partial controller IC implementation are presented.
Abstract: This paper develops the architecture of a digital PWM controller for application in multiphase voltage regulation modules (VRMs). In this context, passive current sharing and VRM transient response with nonzero controller delay are analyzed. A scheme for sensing a combination of the VRM output voltage and output current with a single low-resolution window analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is proposed. The architecture and IC implementation of a digital PWM (DPWM) generation module, using a ring-oscillator-multiplexer scheme, is discussed. Experimental results from a prototype VRM and a partial controller IC implementation are presented.

436 citations

Additional excerpts

  • ...For a converter switching frequency of fsw = 1MHz, such resolution would require a 2(10) fsw = 1GHz fast clock in a counter-comparator implementation of the DPWM module, or 2(10) = 1024 stages in a ring oscillator implementation, resulting in high power dissipation or large area ([8], [3], [4])....


Proceedings ArticleDOI
22 Jun 1997
TL;DR: The design of a pulse width modulated (PWM) controller for a milliwatt level DC-DC converter is presented, which delivers 5 mW at 1 V, while achieving an efficiency of 88%.
Abstract: Low voltage high-efficiency DC-DC conversion circuits are integral components of battery operated portable systems. This paper presents the design of a pulse width modulated (PWM) controller for a milliwatt level DC-DC converter. Low power control circuitry is constructed by utilizing a delay line based PWM generator and low-resolution feedback. A DC-DC converter has been fabricated which delivers 5 mW at 1 V, while achieving an efficiency of 88%. The PWM consumes only 10 /spl mu/W.

209 citations

"Quantization resolution and limit c..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...For a converter switching frequency of MHz, such resolution would require a GHz fast clock in a counter-comparator implementation of the DPWM module, or stages in a ring oscillator implementation, resulting in high power dissipation or large area [7], [9], [1]....


Frequently Asked Questions (17)
Q1. What is the describing function of a round-off quantizer?

Since in steady state the dc bias is driven to zero, and since the loop transmission, , from the output of the ADC to its input has a low-pass characteristic, the sinusoidal-input describing function of a round-off quantizer can be used to analyze the stability of the system. 

Non-linear system analysis tools, such as describing functions [5]–[7], can be used to determine the maximum allowable loop gain not inducing limit cycles. 

This paper discusses the presence of steady-state limit cycles in digitally controlled pulse-width modulation ( PWM ) converters, and suggests conditions on the control law and the quantization resolution for their elimination. 

This waveform can be used to study the worst case dither ripple. Once the amplitude of the dither is known, a condition on how many bits of dither,, can be used in a certain system can be developed. 

In a multi-phase converter, multiple single-phase power trains are connected to a common output capacitor and switched with the same duty cycle, but out of phase, which decreases the ripple in the output voltage and input current. 

N = N + 2.Multiphase dither can increase the dither frequency seen at the output node about times, thus reducing the resulting ripple, and allowing approximately more bits of DPWM resolution to be implemented with dither. 

A discrete-time PID control law has the form(1)where is the duty cycle command at discrete time , is the error signal(2)and is the state of an integrator(3)Further, is the proportional gain, is the derivative gain, and is the integral gain. 

1. The controller consists of an analog-todigital converter (ADC) which digitizes the regulated quantity (e.g., the output voltage ), a DPWM module, and a discrete-time control law. 

(5)An upper bound of unity is imposed on the integral gain, since the digital integrator is intended to fine-tune the output voltage, therefore it has to be able to adjust the duty cycle command by steps as small as a least significant bit .1In all simulations the data is sampled at the switching frequency, therefore the switching ripple on V cannot be seen. 

It then introduced single-phase and multi-phase controlled digital dither as a means of increasing the effective resolution of DPWM modules, allowing for the use of low resolution DPWM units in high regulation accuracy applications. 

The dithering of the dutycycle creates an additional ac ripple at the output of the filter, which is superimposed on the ripple from the converter switching action. 

In steady state, the controller will be attempting to drive to the zero-error bin, however due to the lack of a DPWM level there, it will alternate between the DPWM levels around the zero-error bin. 

Once the amplitude of the dither is known, a condition on how many bits of dither, , can be used in a certain system can be developed. 

The control law (1), and hence , can then be designed to exclude limit cycles by ensuring thatNyquist Criterion(6)holds for all nonzero finite signal amplitudes and frequencies . 

The two conditions suggested above are not sufficient for the elimination of steady-state limit cycles, since the nonlinearity of the quantizers in the feedback loop may still cause limit cycling for high loop gains. 

It should be noted that in this case the steady state ripple is only due to the multiphase switching and the dither, and it does not exceed a few millivolts. 

The first step toward eliminating limit cycles is to ensure that under all circumstances there is a DPWM level that maps into the zero-error bin.