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Riset keperawatan dan teknik penulisan ilmiah

TL;DR: In this article, the authors membahas tentang riset keperawatan sebagai karya ilmiah, teknik penyusunan proposal penelitian, studi pendahuluan dalam RISet ke perawatan, merumuskan masalah dan tujuan riset KPCN.
Abstract: Buku ini membahas tentang riset keperawatan sebagai karya ilmiah, teknik penyusunan proposal penelitian, studi pendahuluan dalam riset keperawatan, merumuskan masalah dan tujuan riset keperawatan, metode penelitian keperawatan, struktur dan penyususnann karya ilmiha riset keperawatan, teknik penyajian dan analisis data, laporan penelitian
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01 Mar 2008
TL;DR: There is a relation between the satisfaction of nurse with Role of Nursing Supervisor in decision making in RSJD Dr. R.M. Soedjarwadi Klaten.
Abstract: Background : The result of attainment of performance is not quit of an applied by policy in a institution of is including also in this case hospital. Making of policy is an process which is ussul in every system. System policy maker in area treatment of RSJD Dr. RM. Soejarwadi Klaten structurally and formal is the Nursing Supervisor, arranging and controling activity of nurse in order to treatment duty execution. But that way policy which ought to be released by Nursing Supervisor isn’t applicable fully yet. The mentioned cause disappearance between nurse expectation with applied policy, cause many factor influencing to intake of policy. Target of this Research is : for knowing the relation between the satisfaction of nurse with role of Nursing Supervisor in decision making in RSJD Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi Klaten. Method Research : this research type is the non eksperimental with taken sampel cross sectional method in this research is all nurse which still active work and noted as officer in the RSJD Dr. RM Soedjarwadi Klaten ( total population) : 86 responder. Data analysis for the verification of hypothesis use chi-square with alpha 0,05. Result of Research: showing p-value equal to 0,011. The value is compared to smaller of alpha 0,05, thereby can be pulled by conclusion that hypothesizing zero refused and research hypothesizing ( Ha) accepted. Conclusion : " there is a relation between the satisfaction of nurse with Role of Nursing Supervisor in decision making in RSJD Dr. R.M. Soedjarwadi Klaten".
Journal ArticleDOI
14 Dec 2015
TL;DR: The higher the motivation, the better the behavior of the nurses perform operations according to standard infusion to prevent plebitis, and education and training on infusion therapy should be maintained so that the occurrence of nosocomial infections can be avoided.
Abstract: ABSTRAK Infeksi nosokomial merupakan infeksi silang yang terjadi akibat perpindahan mikroorganisme melalui petugas kesehatan dan alat yang dipergunakan saat melakukan tindakan. Plebitis merupakan inflamasi vena yang disebabkan baik oleh iritasi kimia maupun mekanik. Perilaku perawat dalam melakukan pemasangan infus yang tidak sesuai standart operasional dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya infeksi nosokomial plebitis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi motivasi dan perilaku perawat dalam pencegahan infeksi nosokomial plebitis pada saat pemasangan infus. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah analitik korelasional. Variabel dependen adalah motivasi dan variabel independen adalah perilaku perawat dalam pencegahan infeksi nosokomial plebitis. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi. Jumlah responden 30 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling. Hasil uji statistik Spearman Rank Test menunjukkan p=0.01(α<0.05) dan r=0.857, sehingga terdapat hubungan yang bersifat kuat antara motivasi dan perilaku perawat dalam pencegahan infeksi nosokomial di Ruang Bedah RS Adi Husada Undaan. Semakin tinggi motivasi akan semakin baik perilaku perawat melakukan pemasangan infus sesuai standart operasional untuk mencegah terjadinya plebitis. Kondisi ini harus dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan dengan pendidikan dan pelatihan mengenai terapi infus sehingga terjadinya infeksi nosokomial dapat dihindari. Kata kunci: motivasi, perilaku, pencegahan infeksi nosokomial ABSTRACT Nosocomial infections are infections that occur as a result of cross-transfer of microorganisms through health workers and tools used when performing the action. Plebitis is an inflammation of a vein caused by either chemical or mechanical irritants. The behavior of nurses in infusion incompatible operating standards could result plebitis nosocomial infection. This study aims to identify the motivations and behaviors of nurses in the prevention of nosocomial infection plebitis at the time of infusion. The study used analytic correlational design. The dependent variable was motivation and the independent variable was behavior of nurses in plebitis nosocomial infections prevention. Collecting data used questionnaires and observation. The number of respondents were 30 people. The sampling technique was used purposive sampling. Results of statistical test Spearman rank test showed that p=0.01 (α<0.05) and r=0.857 so there was a strong relationship between motivation and behavior of nurses in the prevention of nosocomial infection in a hospital operating room Adi Husada Undaan. The higher the motivation, the better the behavior of the nurses perform operations according to standard infusion to prevent plebitis. This condition should be maintained and enhanced by education and training on infusion therapy so that the occurrence of nosocomial infections can be avoided. Keywords: motivation, behavior, nosocomial infection preventions
Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Treatment with the method of horikosibagasi (thermal protection) is quite sufficient to increase body temperature in low birth weight infants although when compared with using an incubator, it takes longer time in reaching normal temperature.
Abstract: Background: Prevalence of birth clients with low birth weight tends to increase from year to year making the handling of infants with low birth weight needs an appropriate intervention including the treatment using the thermal protection step so that the babies can be saved. Objective: The goal of this research is to know and analyze the effectiveness of horikobagasi method (thermal protection) on the time and body temperature of the baby Methods: This study employed quantitative method with a quasi experiment using group pretest-posttest design with the statistic test of Mann Whitney .Population and sample of this research were forty baby born with body weight less than 2500 gram in general hospital of Semarang Indonesia during September until November 2016. Results: The research got p-value equal to 0.00 or
TL;DR: Achmad et al. as mentioned in this paper described factors that influence anxiety in patients' pre-operation and suggested that the hospital should concern with factors correlated with pre-surgical patients' anxiety and increase the quality of nursing care.
Abstract: A surgical procedure may induce psychological reactions in patients, including pre-surgical anxiety. Pre-surgical anxiety can influence the surgical process and patients’ health status after the surgery. Mild, moderate, and severe anxiety are some of the psychological responses to surgical procedures. Patients' anxiety before surgery is affected by internal and external factors. 30 respondents had the most anxiety levels of moderate preoperative patients, with 12 respondents (40%) and 18 respondents (60%) having surgical with mild preoperative anxiety levels. There were 25 respondents with less knowledge. There were 16 respondents (64%) with mild anxiety levels and 9 (36%) with moderate anxiety levels. 55 respondents with high family support, there were 48 respondents (87.3%) with moderate anxiety levels, there were 5 respondents (7.4%) with severe anxiety levels and 2 respondents (3.6%) with mild anxiety levels. The exact cause of anxiety is unknown, but it is thought to factor in experience, knowledge, and family support or RSUD Arifin Achmad, Riau Province. The study aims to describe factors that influence anxiety in patients’ pre-operation. The research instrument was a questionnaire through validity and reliability tests. Univariate and bivariate analyses were applied. The research instrument was a questionnaire through validity and reliability tests. The research showed no significant correlations between experiences, knowledge, and family support with the patients’ anxiety (p -value>0.05). It was suggested that the hospital should concern with factors correlated with pre-surgical patients' anxiety and increase the quality of nursing care.
Journal ArticleDOI
30 Sep 2022
TL;DR: Wibowo et al. as discussed by the authors showed that there are still many motorcycle drivers who do not use safety attributes, especially helmets to reduce the risk in the event of an accident.
Abstract: Helmets are a form of body protection worn on the head and are usually made of metal or other hard materials such as kevlar, resin fibers, or plastic. Helmets are usually used as head protection for various combat (military) activities, or civilian activities such as sports, mining, or driving. Helmets can provide additional protection of part of the head (depending on the structure) from falling or high-velocity objects. Motorcycle drivers on the highway have behaviors that tend to be more dangerous than other vehicle drivers. This can be seen that there are still many motorcycle drivers who do not use safety attributes, especially helmets to reduce the risk in the event of an accident. In addition to helmets, the attributes of driving equipment must also be considered to make driving safer and more comfortable. Such as using shoes, using a jacket and trousers and if necessary using a mask and gloves, which function to grip the motorcycle handlebars to make it more comfortable and steady (Wibowo, 2011). Severe head injuries account for the largest share of accidents experienced by motorcyclists. Types of head damage in the form of cracks in the cranium, injuries to the forehead or face, the back or sides of the head. This is where the SNI helmet performs its function in order to reduce the level of injury to the head. People's behavior to wear standard helmets is still low, many motorcycle riders still use helmets as they are (not meeting the standards), as well as many circulating non-standard helmets. The price of a standard helmet that is widely sold in the market is relatively expensive, so it is very burdensome for those who have mediocre income. Knowledge, and trust in people who think standard helmets are no different from normal helmets. Standard helmets are considered inconvenient and can reduce vision, especially at night, hot until the wearer sweats. Some of these helmet users just cover their heads so they are not ticketed by police officers. Keywords: Helm SNI, Counseling