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Journal ArticleDOI

Sbv regularity of entropy solutions for a class of genuinely nonlinear scalar balance laws with non-convex flux function

Roger Robyr1
01 Jun 2008-Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (World Scientific Publishing Company)-Vol. 05, Iss: 01, pp 449-475
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors studied the regularity of entropy solutions of nonlinear scalar balance laws with convex flux functions and showed that BV entropy solutions belong to SBVloc(Ω).
Abstract: In this work we study the regularity of entropy solutions of the genuinely nonlinear scalar balance laws We assume that the source term g ∈ C1(ℝ × ℝ × ℝ+), that the flux function f ∈ C2(ℝ × ℝ × ℝ+) and that {ui ∈ ℝ : fuu(ui,x,t) = 0} is at most countable for every fixed (x,t) ∈ Ω. Our main result, which is a unification of two proposed intermediate theorems, states that BV entropy solutions of such equations belong to SBVloc(Ω). Moreover, using the theory of generalized characteristics we prove that for entropy solutions of balance laws with convex flux function, there exists a constant C > 0 such that: where C can be chosen uniformly for (x + h,t), (x,t) in any compact subset of Ω.

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  • In this work the authors study the regularity of entropy solutions of the genuinely nonlinear scalar balance laws SBV regularity of entropy solutions for a class of genuinely nonlinear scalar balance laws with non-convex flux function.
  • In their proofs the authors will have to deal with one-dimensional fun tions of bounded variation, therefore they olle t here some useful properties.
  • The authors shall make use of these Theorems and in parti ular of the Norossing property of Theorem 3.3, to prove the SBVloc regularity of u(x, t).
  • In here the authors state the Theorem for genuine hara teristi be ause under an appropriate normalization, the notions of "sho k-free" and "genuine" are equivalent.
  • Two genuine hara teristi s may interse t only at their end points.
  • In this part of the paper the authors analyze the regularity of the entropy solutions of the onservation laws (1).
  • Moreover, u has a better stru ture than any 2-dimensional BV -fun tion.

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SBV regularity of entropy solutions for a lass
of genuinely nonlinear salar balane laws with
non-onvex ux funtion.
R.Robyr - UNI Zurih - Preprint
January 17, 2008
In this work we study the regularity of entropy solutions of the genuinely nonlinear
salar balane laws
u(x, t) + D
[f(u(x, t), x, t)] + g(u(x, t), x, t) = 0
in an op en set
We assume that the soure term
g C
(R × R × R
, that the ux funtion
(R × R × R
and that
R : f
, x, t) = 0}
is at most ountable for every
(x, t)
. Our main result, whih is a uniation of two prop osed intermediate
theorems, states that
entropy solutions of suh equations belong to
Moreover, using the theory of generalized harateristis we prove that for entropy
solutions of balane laws with onvex ux funtion, there exists a onstant
C > 0
suh that:
u([x + h]+, t) u(x, t) Ch, (h > 0)
an b e hosen uniformly for
(x + h, t), (x, t)
in any ompat subset of
1 Intro dution
In [2℄ the authors have shown that entropy solutions
u(x, t)
of salar onservation laws
u(x, t) + D
[f(u(x, t))] = 0
in an op en set
with lo ally uniformly onvex ux funtion
f C
> 0
, are funtions of
lo ally sp eial b ounded variation, i.e. the distributional derivative
has no Cantor
part. In the proof proposed by Ambrosio and De Lellis the go o d geometri struture
of the harateristis eld orrelated to the entropy solution play an imp ortant role and
allows to dene a geometri funtional whih jumps every time when a Cantor part of
the distributional derivative
Du(., t)
app ears in the solution. In partiular we reall here
two signiant prop erties of the harateristis: they are straight lines and two dierent

bakward harateristis an ross only at
t = 0
(the so-alled no rossing prop erty). We
note also that for equations (1) we an take the well-known Oleinik estimate as entropy
riterion, i.e. a distributional solution
u(x, t)
of (1) is an entropy solution provided that:
u(x + z, t) u(x, t)
for a
C > 0
holds for all
t > 0
x, z R
z > 0
. In [2℄ the one-sided estimate (2) is used as
entropy riterion and it is used to get the pro of.
In this note we extend this regularity result to a bigger lass of hyp erb oli onservation
laws. At rst we again onsider salar onservation laws (1) but allowing the hange of
onvexity of the ux funtion
at a ountable set of p oints. One of the diulties in
dealing with these equations is that rarefation waves may app ear even for
t > 0
onsequently the no rossing prop erty used in [2℄ do es not hold. For instane, it is p ossible
to onstrut a Riemann problem where the ux funtion has two inetions p oints and
a sho k splits into two ontat disontinuities (see [11℄). As we will see the strategy of
the pro of is not as ompliated as one an exp et: using an appropriate overing of
and working lo ally we redue the problem to the onvex or onave ase. Thus, our rst
extension theorem states:
Theorem 1.1.
f C
be a ux funtion, suh that
R : f
) = 0}
is at
most ountable. Let
u BV (Ω)
be an entropy solution of the salar onservation law (1).
Then there exists a set
at most ountable suh that
τ R\S
the fol lowing holds:
u(., τ) SBV
:= {x R : (x, τ) }.
In the seond part of this pap er we fo us our attention on genuinely nonlinear salar
balane laws
u(x, t) + D
[f(u(x, t), x, t)] + g(u(x, t), x, t) = 0
where the soure term
b elongs to
(R × R × R
, the ux funtions
b elongs to
(R × R × R
(., x, t) > 0
for any xed
(x, t)
. Again the geometri struture
of the harateristis is not as easy as in the ase treated in [2℄: now the harateristis
are Lipshitz urves and in general are not straight lines. The dierent shap e of the
harateristis are due to the presene of the soure term and to the dep endene of
on the
p oints
(x, t)
. Fortunately, we an make use of the theory of generalized harateristis
intro dued by Dafermos (see [6℄,[7℄,[8℄) to analyze the b ehavior of the harateristis for
entropy solutions of (4). Imp ortant for our analysis is the no-rossing prop erty b etween
genuine harateristis. Thanks to this prop erty we an exp et to repro due the geometri
pro of prop osed in [2℄. All the denitions and propositions ab out the theory of generalized
harateristis, whih are helpful in our work, are listed in setion 3. Another problem, due
to the presene of the soure term and of the
(x, t)
dep endene, is that for equations (4)
the Oleinik estimate (2) stop to b e true. Moreover, the Oleinik estimate annot b e taken
as entropy riterion. What we an do, is to nd a suitable generalization of this estimate,
i.e. we will prove using the generalized harateristis that:

Theorem 1.2.
f C
(R × R × R
be a ux funtion suh that
(.) > 0
. Let
g C
(R × R × R
be a soure term and let
u L
be an entropy solution of the
balane law (4). In any xed ompat set
there exists a positive onstant
C > 0
suh that:
u([x + z]+, t) u(x, t) Cz, (z > 0).
for every
(x, t), (x + z, t) K
However, for balane laws it is imp ossible to reover a onstant of the form
C =
dep ends only on the time and on the seond derivative of
, estimate (5) is
suient to obtain all the regularity-results stated in this paper. The seond theorem on
regularity proposed is:
Theorem 1.3.
f C
(R × R × R
be a ux funtion suh that
(.) > 0
. Let
g C
(R × R × R
be a soure term and let
u L
be an entropy solution of the
balane law (4). Then there exists a set
at most ountable suh that
τ R\S
fol lowing holds:
u(., τ) SBV
:= {x R : (x, τ) }.
Combining the two Theorems on the
regularity we get a generalized Theorem,
whih says that also for balane laws with a ux funtion whih hanges onvexity at
most ountable many times, the entropy solution is a lo ally
funtion. Thus, as a
onsequene of Theorem 1.3 and 1.1 and of the sliing theory of
funtions, we state:
Theorem 1.4.
f C
(R × R × R
be a ux funtion, suh that
R : f
, x, t) = 0}
is at most ountable for any xed
(x, t)
. Let
g C
(R × R × R
be a soure term and let
u BV (Ω)
be an entropy solution of the balane law (4):
u(x, t) + D
[f(u(x, t), x, t)] + g(u(x, t), x, t) = 0
Then there exists a set
at most ountable suh that
τ R\S
the fol lowing holds:
u(., τ) SBV
:= {x R : (x, τ) }.
u(x, t) SBV
Salar onservation laws in one spae dimension and Hamilton-Jaobi equations in one
dimension are stritly onneted: entropy solutions orresp ond to visosity solutions (see
[9℄). Thus, at the end of the pap er using Theorem 1.3 we obtain also a regularity statement
for visosity solutions
of a lass of Hamilton-Jaobi equations: we prove that the gradient
of suh solutions belongs to

Corollary 1.1
H(u, x, t) C
(R × R × R
be loal ly uniformly
onvex in
, i.e.
H > 0
. If
w W
is a visosity solution of
(x, t) + H(w
(x, t), x, t) = 0,
It would b e interesting to nd the same regularity for entropy
solutions of genuinely
nonlinear system of onservation laws in one spae dimension. We note that there are
analogies b etween the struture of the generalized harateristis of systems and the one
of the balane laws 4 of Theorem 1.4 prop osed in here: in b oth ases the harateristis
an interset at
t 6= 0
and in general they are not straight lines but Lipshitz urves,
whih are a.e. dierentiable. Although the geometry of the harateristis eld of these
two problems seems to b e similar, the ase of systems lo oks muh more diult. Another
op en question is the lo al
regularity for gradients of visosity solutions of uniformly
onvex Hamilton-Jaobi PDEs in higher spae dimensions. In [4℄ the authors have shown
that under strong regularity assumptions on the initial funtions
, the visosity solution
has a gradient
, whih b elongs to the lass
, i.e.
is a measure with no Cantor
part (in fat the regularity theory of [4℄ and [5℄ gives stronger onlusions).
2 Funtions with b ounded variation and sp eial fun-
tions of b ounded variation
It is well-known that in general we annot nd lassial smo oth solutions for equations (1)
and (4): sho ks app ear in nite time even for smo oth initial data
u(x, 0) = u
. In order
to study all the p ossible solutions with jump disontinuities, we take the spae of funtions
of b ounded variation
as working spae. We then ollet some denitions and theorems
ab out
Denition 2.1.
u L
; we say that
is a funtion of bounded variation in
if the distributional derivative of
, denoted by
, is representable by a nite Radon
measure on
. A funtion
u L
has loal ly bounded variation in
if for eah
open set
V ⊂⊂
is a funtion of bounded variation in
. We write
u BV (Ω)
u BV
In our pro ofs we will have to deal with one-dimensional funtions of b ounded variation,
therefore we ollet here some useful prop erties. Using the Radon-Niko dym Theorem we
split the Radon measure
into the absolute ontinuous part
(with resp et to
and the singular part
Du = D
u = Du (Ω\S)+Du S
S :=
x : lim

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TL;DR: In this paper, a viscosity solution u of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation was considered and it was shown that the Radon measure divd(t,⋅) can have Cantor part only for a countable number of tʼs in [0,T] where H is smooth and convex.

7 citations

Cites background from "Sbv regularity of entropy solutions..."

  • ...Therefore, this result can be seen as an extension of the one in [19]....


  • ...The theorem above can be seen as the multi-dimensional version of a result proven by Robyr in [19]....


01 Jan 2012
TL;DR: In this paper, the SBV regularity of the characteristic speed of the scalar hyperbolic conservation law and SBV-like regularity for the eigenvalue functions of the Jacobian matrix of flux function for general systems of conservation laws was shown.
Abstract: We prove the SBV regularity of the characteristic speed of the scalar hyperbolic conservation law and SBV-like regularity of the eigenvalue functions of the Jacobian matrix of flux function for general hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. More precisely, for the equation ut + f(u)x = 0, u : R + × R → ⊂ R N , we only assume that the flux f is a C 2 function in the scalar case (N = 1) and Jacobian matrix Df has distinct real eigenvalues in the system case (N ≥ 2). Using a modification of the main decay estimate in (8) and the localization method applied in (17), we show that for the scalar equation f ' (u) belongs to the SBV space, and for system of conservation laws the i-th component of Dxλi(u) has no Cantor part, where λi is the i-th eigenvalue of the matrix Df.

7 citations

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  • ...[13] Suppose f ∈ C(2)(R) and |f (u)| > 0....


  • ...Using the modification of the main decay estimate in [7] and localization method applied in [13], we show that for the scalar equation f (u) belongs to SBV, and for system of conservation laws the scalar measure...


  • ...Following the same argument together with the analysis in [13], we can get a SBV regularity of the slope of characteristics for the scalar conservation law with general flux....


  • ...The results obtained are that, in addition to the BV bounds, the solution enjoys the strong regularity property that no Cantor part in the space derivative of u(t) appears out of a countable set of times [1, 7, 13]: the fact that the measure Dxu(t) has only absolutely continuous and jump part yields by definition that u(t) ∈ SBV....


  • ...2 is an extension of the results contained in [13] when the source is 0)....


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01 Jan 2012
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors show that the entropy condition is not sufficient as a selection criterion for unique solutions to the Cauchy problem for the isentropic compressible Euler equations.
Abstract: This thesis aims at shining some new light on the terra incognita of multi-dimensional hyperbolic systems of conservation laws by means of techniques whose application to this field is a brand new idea. In particular, our attention focuses on the isentropic compressible Euler equations of gas dynamics, the oldest but yet most prominent para- digm for this class of equations. The theory of the Cauchy problem for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in more than one space dimension is still in its dawning and has been facing some basic is- sues so far: do there exist weak solutions for any initial data? how to prove well-posedness for weak solutions? which is a good space for a well-posedness theory? are entropy inequalities good selection criteria for uniqueness? Inspired by these interesting questions, we obtained some new results here collected. First, we present a counterexample to the well-posedness of entropy solutions to the Cauchy problem for the multi-dimensional compressible Euler equations: in our construc- tion the entropy condition is not sufficient as a selection criterion for unique solutions. Furthermore, we show that such a non-uniqueness theorem holds also for some Lipschitz initial data in two space dimen- sions. Our results and constructions build upon the method of convex integration developed by De Lellis-Sz´kelyhidi for the incompressible e Euler equations and based on a revisited “h-principle”. Finally, we prove existence of weak solutions to the Cauchy problem for the isentropic compressible Euler equations in the particular case of regular initial density.

3 citations

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01 Jan 1941
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors present a theory for linear PDEs: Sobolev spaces Second-order elliptic equations Linear evolution equations, Hamilton-Jacobi equations and systems of conservation laws.
Abstract: Introduction Part I: Representation formulas for solutions: Four important linear partial differential equations Nonlinear first-order PDE Other ways to represent solutions Part II: Theory for linear partial differential equations: Sobolev spaces Second-order elliptic equations Linear evolution equations Part III: Theory for nonlinear partial differential equations: The calculus of variations Nonvariational techniques Hamilton-Jacobi equations Systems of conservation laws Appendices Bibliography Index.

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"Sbv regularity of entropy solutions..." refers background in this paper

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01 Jan 2000
TL;DR: The Mumford-Shah functional minimiser of free continuity problems as mentioned in this paper is a special function of the Mumfordshah functional and has been shown to be a function of free discontinuity set.
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03 Feb 2000
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors present a masterly exposition and an encyclopedic presentation of the theory of hyperbolic conservation laws, with a focus on balance laws with dissipative source, modeling relaxation phenomena.
Abstract: This is a masterly exposition and an encyclopedic presentation of the theory of hyperbolic conservation laws. It illustrates the essential role of continuum thermodynamics in providing motivation and direction for the development of the mathematical theory while also serving as the principal source of applications. The reader is expected to have a certain mathematical sophistication and to be familiar with (at least) the rudiments of analysis and the qualitative theory of partial differential equations, whereas prior exposure to continuum physics is not required. The target group of readers would consist of (a) experts in the mathematical theory of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws who wish to learn about the connection with classical physics; (b) specialists in continuum mechanics who may need analytical tools; (c) experts in numerical analysis who wish to learn the underlying mathematical theory; and (d) analysts and graduate students who seek introduction to the theory of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. This new edition places increased emphasis on hyperbolic systems of balance laws with dissipative source, modeling relaxation phenomena. It also presents an account of recent developments on the Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics. Furthermore, the presentation of a number of topics in the previous edition has been revised, expanded and brought up to date, and has been enriched with new applications to elasticity and differential geometry. The bibliography, also expanded and updated, now comprises close to two thousand titles. From the reviews of the 3rd edition: "This is the third edition of the famous book by C.M. Dafermos. His masterly written book is, surely, the most complete exposition in the subject." Evgeniy Panov, Zentralblatt MATH "A monumental book encompassing all aspects of the mathematical theory of hyperbolic conservation laws, widely recognized as the "Bible" on the subject." Philippe G. LeFloch, Math. Reviews

2,138 citations

"Sbv regularity of entropy solutions..." refers background or methods in this paper

  • ...This change of strategy is also motivated by the fact that for system of conservation laws the Hopf–Lax does not exists, whereas there is a suitable concept of generalized characteristics (see [8])....


  • ...Moreover, we will restrict our analysis on good representative of solutions and then, under our initial hypothesis we follow the works of Dafermos [6–8] giving an introduction to the theory of generalized characteristics and recalling here some results, which we shall use in the sequel....


  • ...Fortunately, we can make use of the theory of generalized characteristics introduced by Dafermos (see [6–8]) to analyze the behavior of the characteristics for entropy solutions of (1....


  • ...In [8], the generalized characteristic of Theorem 3....


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TL;DR: By Luigi Ambrosio, Nicolo Fucso and Diego Pallara: 434 pp.
Abstract: By Luigi Ambrosio, Nicolo Fucso and Diego Pallara: 434 pp., £55.00, isbn 0-19-850254-1 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2000).

1,904 citations

01 Jan 2000
TL;DR: A self-contained introduction to the mathematical theory of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, with particular emphasis on the study of discontinuous solutions, characterized by the appearance of shock waves, is given in this paper.
Abstract: This book provides a self-contained introduction to the mathematical theory of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, with particular emphasis on the study of discontinuous solutions, characterized by the appearance of shock waves. This area has experienced substantial progress in very recent years thanks to the introduction of new techniques, in particular the front tracking algorithm and the semigroup approach. These techniques provide a solution to the long standing open problems of uniqueness and stability of entropy weak solutions. This monograph is the first to present a comprehensive account of these new, fundamental advances, mainly obtained by the author together with several collaborators. It also includes a detailed analysis of the stability and convergence of the front tracking algorithm. The book is addressed to graduate students as well as researchers. Both the elementary and the more advanced material are carefully explained, helping the reader's visual intuition with over 70 figures. A set of problems, with varying difficulty, is given at the end of each chapter. These exercises are designed to verify and expand a student's understanding of the concepts and techniques previously discussed. For researchers, this book will provide an indispensable reference for the state of the art, in the field of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. The last chapter contains a large, up to date list of references, preceded by extensive bibliographical notes.

912 citations

Frequently Asked Questions (1)
Q1. What are the contributions in this paper?

In this work the authors study the regularity of entropy solutions of the genuinely nonlinear scalar balance laws Moreover, using the theory of generalized characteristics the authors prove that for entropy solutions of balance laws with convex flux function, there exists a constant C > 0 such that: where C can be chosen uniformly for ( x +h, t ), ( x, t ) in any compact subset of Ω. DOI: https: //doi. org/10. In this work the authors study the regularity of entropy solutions of the genuinely nonlinear s alar balan e laws Dtu ( x, t ) + Moreover, using the theory of generalized hara teristi s the authors prove that for entropy solutions of balan e laws with onvex ux fun tion, there exists a onstant C > 0 su h that: u ( [ x + h ] +, t ) − u ( x−, t ) ≤ Ch, ( h > 0 ) where C an be hosen uniformly for ( x + h, t ), ( x, t ) in any ompa t subset of Ω. 1 Introdu tion In [ 2℄ the authors have shown that entropy solutions u ( x, t ) of s alar onservation laws Dtu ( x, t ) +Dx [ f ( u ( x, t ) ) ] = 0 in an open set Ω ⊂ R ( 1 ) with lo ally uniformly onvex ux fun tion f ∈ C ( R ) and f ′′ > 0, are fun tions of lo ally spe ial bounded variation, i. e. the distributional derivative Du has no Cantor part. The authors note also that for equations ( 1 ) they an take the well-known Oleinik estimate as entropy riterion, i. e. a distributional solution u ( x, t ) of ( 1 ) is an entropy solution provided that: u ( x+ z, t ) − u ( x, t ) ≤ Then there exists a set S ⊂ R at most ountable su h that ∀τ ∈ R\\S the following holds: u (., τ ) ∈ SBVloc ( Ωτ ) with Ωτ: = { x ∈ R: ( x, τ ) ∈ Ω }. ( 3 ) In the se ond part of this paper the authors fo us their attention on genuinely nonlinear s alar balan e laws Dtu ( x, t ) +Dx [ f ( u ( x, t ), x, t ) ] + g ( u ( x, t ), x, t ) = 0 in Ω ⊂ R ( 4 ) where the sour e term g belongs to C ( R × R × R+ ), the ux fun tions f belongs to C ( R×R×R ) and fuu (., x, t ) > 0 for any xed ( x, t ) ∈ Ω. Fortunately, the authors an make use of the theory of generalized hara teristi s introdu ed by Dafermos ( see [ 6℄, [ 7℄, [ 8℄ ) to analyze the behavior of the hara teristi s for entropy solutions of ( 4 ). Thanks to this property the authors an expe t to reprodu e the geometri proof proposed in [ 2℄. What the authors an do, is to nd a suitable generalization of this estimate, i. e. they will prove using the generalized hara teristi s that: 2 Theorem 1. 2. Let f ∈ C ( R × R × R ) be a ux fun tion su h that fuu (. ) > However, for balan e laws it is impossible to re over a onstant of the form C = C̆/t, where C depends only on the time and on the se ond derivative of f, estimate ( 5 ) is su ient to obtain all the regularity-results stated in this paper. Then there exists a set S ⊂ R at most ountable su h that ∀τ ∈ R\\S the following holds: u (., τ ) ∈ SBVloc ( Ωτ ) with Ωτ: = { x ∈ R: ( x, τ ) ∈ Ω }. ( 6 ) Combining the two Theorems on the SBV regularity the authors get a generalized Theorem, whi h says that also for balan e laws with a ux fun tion whi h hanges onvexity at most ountable many times, the entropy solution is a lo ally SBV fun tion. Then there exists a set S ⊂ R at most ountable su h that ∀τ ∈ R\\S the following holds: u (., τ ) ∈ SBVloc ( Ωτ ) with Ωτ: = { x ∈ R: ( x, τ ) ∈ Ω }. ( 8 ) Moreover, u ( x, t ) ∈ SBVloc ( Ω ). Thus, at the end of the paper using Theorem 1. 3 the authors obtain also a regularity statement for vis osity solutions u of a lass of Hamilton-Ja obi equations: they prove that the gradient Du of su h solutions belongs to SBVloc ( Ω ). The authors note that there are analogies between the stru ture of the generalized hara teristi s of systems and the one of the balan e laws 4 of Theorem 1. 4 proposed in here: in both ases the hara teristi s an interse t at t 6= 0 and in general they are not straight lines but Lips hitz urves, whi h are a. In [ 4℄ the authors have shown that under strong regularity assumptions on the initial fun tions u0, the vis osity solution u has a gradient De nition 2. 1. Let u ∈ L1 ( Ω ) ; the authors say that u is a fun tion of bounded variation in Ω if the distributional derivative of u, denoted by Du, is representable by a nite Radon measure on Ω. A fun tion u ∈ Lloc ( Ω ) has lo ally bounded variation in Ω if for ea h open set V ⊂⊂ Ω, u is a fun tion of bounded variation in V. The authors are now ready to re all ( see for instan e Theorem 3. 28 and Proposition 3. 92 of [ 1℄ ): Proposition 2. 1. Let u ∈ BV ( Ω ) and let Ω ⊂ R. Let A be the set of atoms of Du. Then: ( i ) Any good representative u is ontinuous in Ω\\A and has a jump dis ontinuity at any point of A. De nition 3. 1. The entropy solution u ( x, t ) of the equation ( 4 ) is a lo ally integrable fun tion whi h satis es the following properties: 1. For almost all t ∈ [ 0, ∞ ) the one-sided limits u ( x+, t ) and u ( x−, t ) exist for all x ∈ R. 2. u ( x, t ) solves the balan e equation ( 4 ) in the sense of distributions. ( 11 ) Throughout the paper the authors shall denote the entropy solution by u ( x, t ) and they shall write u ( x+, t ) and u ( x−, t ) for the one-sided limits of u (., t ) ( also denoted by u and uL ). Moreover, the authors will restri t their analysis on good representative of solutions and then, under their initial hypothesis they follow the works of Dafermos ( [ 6℄, [ 7℄, [ 8℄ ) giving an introdu tion to the theory of generalized hara teristi s and re alling here some results, whi h they shall use in the sequel. The authors shall make use of these Theorems and in parti ular of the Norossing property of Theorem 3. 3, to prove the SBVloc regularity of u ( x, t ). The hara teristi s χ−, χ+: [ 0, τ ] → R are genuine and are the solutions of the ODEs ( 14 ) with the following initial onditions: χ− ( τ ) = y, v− ( τ ) = u ( y−, τ ) and χ+ ( τ ) = y, v+ ( τ ) = u ( y+, τ ). In this part of the paper the authors analyze the regularity of the entropy solutions of the onservation laws ( 1 ). The authors re all that in [ 2℄ the ux fun tion f ∈ C was sele ted to be stri tly onvex and it was proved that entropy solutions are lo ally SBV. Then there exists a set S ⊂ R at most ountable su h that ∀τ ∈ R\\S the following holds: u (., τ ) ∈ SBVloc ( Ωτ ) with Ωτ: = { x ∈ R: ( x, τ ) ∈ Ω }. ( 15 ) Sin e the arguments are quite standard, the authors propose only a sket h of the proof of the above Lemma: Proof. If f ′′ < 0, i. e. the ux fun tion is stri tly on ave and the authors may prove the lemma dire tly using the onvex ase. In parti ular by the onvex ase and the de nition of ũ, there exists S̃ = S ⊂ R at most ountable su h that ∀τ ∈ R\\S̃ the following holds: ũ (., τ ) ∈ SBVloc ( Ω̃τ ) with Ω̃τ: = { x ∈ R: ( x, τ ) ∈ Ω̃ }. ( 17 ) 8 4. 2 Proof of Theorem 1. 1 Step 1: Preliminary remarks. For this two sets the authors state: Claim 4. 1. For any τ they have that |D xuτ | ( Cτ ) = 0. Proof. For every τ one has |D xuτ | ( Cτ ) = |D c xuτ | ( Jτ ∪ Fτ ) ≤ |D c xuτ | ( Jτ ) + |D c xuτ | ( Fτ ). ( 19 ) Observe that for all τ the Cantor part is zero on the jump sets Jτ, sin e by ( 10 ): D xuτ = Dxuτ ( S\\Jτ ) ⇒ D c xuτ ( Jτ ) = 0 ⇒ |D c xuτ | ( Jτ ) = 0. ( 20 ) Using the se ond statement of Proposition 2. 1, the authors show that even the se ond term of inequality ( 19 ) vanishes. This on ludes the proof of the laim, i. e. |D xuτ | ( Cτ ) = 0. 9 The authors on lude with: De nition 2. 2. Let u ∈ BV ( Ω ), then u is a spe ial fun tion of bounded variation and they write u ∈ SBV ( Ω ) if Du = 0, i. e. if the Cantor part is zero. Furthermore, ( χ (. ), v (. ) ) satisfy the lassi al hara teristi equations { χ̇ ( t ) = fu ( v ( t ), χ ( t ), t ) v̇ ( t ) = −fx ( v ( t ), χ ( t ), t ) − g ( v ( t ), χ ( t ), t ) ( 14 ) on ( a, b ). Furthermore, if u ( y+, τ ) < u ( y−, τ ), then u ( χ ( t ) +, t ) < u ( χ ( t ) −, t ) for all t ∈ [ τ, ∞ ).