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Spatio-temporal nonrigid registration for ultrasound cardiac motion estimation

TL;DR: A new spatio-temporal elastic registration algorithm for motion reconstruction from a series of images to estimate displacement fields from two-dimensional ultrasound sequences of the heart, which uses a multiresolution optimization strategy to obtain a higher speed and robustness.
Abstract: We propose a new spatio-temporal elastic registration algorithm for motion reconstruction from a series of images. The specific application is to estimate displacement fields from two-dimensional ultrasound sequences of the heart. The basic idea is to find a spatio-temporal deformation field that effectively compensates for the motion by minimizing a difference with respect to a reference frame. The key feature of our method is the use of a semi-local spatio-temporal parametric model for the deformation using splines, and the reformulation of the registration task as a global optimization problem. The scale of the spline model controls the smoothness of the displacement field. Our algorithm uses a multiresolution optimization strategy to obtain a higher speed and robustness. We evaluated the accuracy of our algorithm using a synthetic sequence generated with an ultrasound simulation package, together with a realistic cardiac motion model. We compared our new global multiframe approach with a previous method based on pairwise registration of consecutive frames to demonstrate the benefits of introducing temporal consistency. Finally, we applied the algorithm to the regional analysis of the left ventricle. Displacement and strain parameters were evaluated showing significant differences between the normal and pathological segments, thereby illustrating the clinical applicability of our method.

Summary (3 min read)


  • The authors evaluated the accuracy of their algorithm using a synthetic sequence generated with an ultrasound simulation package, together with a realistic cardiac motion model.
  • The authors work concentrates on two-dimensional (2-D) echocardiography, as it is ubiquitous, and is the most widely used imaging method to assess cardiac function.
  • The authors propose using a nonrigid parametric motion estimation algorithm developed to overcome some of the underlying problems inherent to echocardiographic image tracking.

A. Problem Definition

  • Let us consider an image sequence with and , where is the intensity at time and position .
  • The goal is to find a dense displacement field over the whole sequence; to this end, the authors introduce the deformation function, , which represents the position at time of a point that was at position at time , i.e., the so-called Lagrangian representation.
  • In other words, the authors are using the first frame as a spatial reference, implying .

B. Consecutive Registration

  • This registration method is described in [37], and is based on the registration of consecutive pairs of images obtained from the sequence, using an algorithm derived from [38].
  • This approach calculates the interframe displacement fields .
  • The total deformation field, , is then obtained from the contribution of the partial fields.
  • Registration is performed twice, in the forward and backward directions, to minimize any error accumulation, and the mean of the two displacements is used as the final result.
  • The authors have also imposed a periodicity on the measurements, as the sequence encompasses a complete cycle.

C. Spatio-Temporal Registration

  • In contrast to the consecutive registration method, the new algorithm presented in this article works globally on all the images of the sequence simultaneously.
  • It searches for a spatio-temporal deformation field, , expressed by a parametric B-spline model.
  • The key features of the algorithm are the similarity criterion (Section II-D), and the spatio-temporal deformation model (Section II-F).
  • The upper part of Fig. 1 shows three images from the original sequence covering the entire cardiac cycle.

D. Optimization Criterion

  • The authors registration procedure seeks a minimum value, , for a criterion, , which is defined as the mean value obtained from the entire sequence of an image similarity criterion, (1) (2) where is the total number of images in the sequence, is the set of coordinates specifying the spatial region of interest, and is the corresponding number of pixels.
  • The authors chose to use the SSD criterion because of its simplicity, fast computation time, and smoothness of the resulting criterion space.
  • It is necessary to have a continuous version of to be able to calculate the warped sequence, , by interpolation, as well as to be able to evaluate the criterion derivatives.
  • The coefficients, , were obtained from the pixel values, , using filtering [39].
  • The spline model has the advantage of good accuracy, low computational complexity, and allows for the possibility of evaluating spatial derivatives analytically.

F. Spatio-Temporal Model

  • The deformation function, , is represented by a linear model, which is separable in time and space, with parameters, (4) where and define the set of spatial and temporal parameter indices.
  • Specifically, the authors used the following basis functions: (5) where and (6) The basis functions, , were placed on a uniform rectangular spatial grid, and the were placed at regularly spaced time intervals.
  • These parameters also control the rigidity of the solution.
  • In Section III-B2 the authors analyze the influence of the knot spacings in more detail.

G. Motion Field Constraints

  • The motion model of (5) can be further constrained by using a priori knowledge of the motion field.
  • This increases the robustness of the registration process by taking out superfluous degrees of freedom.
  • First, the authors know that the displacement at the reference frame must be zero.
  • It depicts the individual basis functions scaled using proper coefficients, as well as the overall trajectory .

H. Multiresolution and Optimization Strategy

  • The solution to their registration problem is a deformation field, , that minimizes the criterion, .
  • This is found by using a multidimensional optimization algorithm acting on the parameters .
  • The projection onto the finer space was achieved using no approximations, thanks to the embedding properties of the underlying B-spline spaces.
  • To summarize, the optimization process proceeded in a coarse-to-fine fashion for both the image sequence and the motion field model.
  • The convergence speed depends on the number of parameters and the sequence size.


  • This section discusses evaluation experiments on simulated data.
  • The authors analyzed the benefits of the temporal model and the influence of the different algorithm parameters.
  • The use of simulated sequences allows us to quantify the accuracy of the reconstructed motion, which would not be possible to obtain with real data.
  • As the true cardiac motion was not available, the authors generated a realistic cardiac motion field.
  • The corresponding model was separable, and consisted of two components: an affine spatial component that simulated radial myocardial contraction or expansion, and a temporal component that modulated this movement in a realistic fashion throughout the cardiac cycle.

A. Simulated Sequences

  • The authors generated two different sets of simulated sequences using the model mentioned above.
  • The authors corrupted the deformed images using different levels of additive Gaussian noise.
  • Second, the authors generated a sequence using the FIELD II ultrasound simulation package [43], [44].
  • The authors designed the first frame of the scattering map using a real end-diastole image as a template.
  • The final image was calculated by summing the responses of all the scatterers, which were specified by their positions and amplitudes [45].

B. Experiments and Results

  • This section discusses a series of experiments carried out to evaluate the performance of the algorithm.
  • The authors used the same parameter settings for both algorithms: Fig. 6 shows the geometric error for different values of the knot spacing, for a fixed value of .
  • The projection error (“ideal” error) decreases with the step size, .

A. Data Description and Methodology

  • The authors now describe the use of their algorithm in a clinical setting.
  • This process is usually denoted as regional analysis.
  • The authors study quantified the function of the basal and mid segments for the inferior (2C view) and septal walls (4C view), a total of 48 segments.
  • The authors selected these segments as they were clearly visible in all the sequences.
  • The authors also checked that after applying the estimated displacement the segment contours were correctly repositioned in the remaining frames of the sequence, which indicated that the recovered displacement field was consistent with the real motion.

B. Results

  • Fig. 9 shows the displacement field at the end of systole (maximum contraction) for a patient with an anterior acute infarct in the apical 2C and 4C views.
  • Notice the difference in arrow lengths between the anterior wall (left image, left wall), classified as akinetic, and the basal inferior segment, classified as hypokinetic.
  • The change between the normal and the hypokinetic, and between the akinetic and the hypokinetic segments is not so well defined.
  • Table II shows the results of the second study that examined the displacement of all segments independently for healthy subjects and patients.
  • This effect confirms that the longitudinal displacement decreases from base to apex.


  • The authors presented a new, fully automatic procedure to compute cardiac motion from echocardiographic sequences using nonrigid registration techniques.
  • The authors method exploits the temporal coherence of the movement, and estimates the motion field by registering the sequence to a reference frame.
  • The key methodological contributions of the present work are as follows.
  • Displacement and strain values are consistent with those previously published and obtained with Doppler derived techniques [50]–[52], and Tagged MR data [53], [54].
  • This clinical validation should also consider whether the variability in the definition of long axis by the user has any influence on the results.

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Spatio-Temporal Nonrigid Registration for
Ultrasound Cardiac Motion Estimation
María J. Ledesma-Carbayo*, Member, IEEE, Jan Kybic, Member, IEEE, Manuel Desco,
Andrés Santos, Senior Member, IEEE, Michael Sühling, Student Member, IEEE, Patrick Hunziker, and
Michael Unser, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—We propose a new spatio-temporal elastic registration
algorithm for motion reconstruction from a series of images. The
specific application is to estimate displacement fields from two-di-
mensional ultrasound sequences of the heart. The basic idea is to
find a spatio-temporal deformation field that effectively compen-
sates for the motion by minimizing a difference with respect to
a reference frame. The key feature of our method is the use of a
semi-local spatio-temporal parametric model for the deformation
using splines, and the reformulation of the registration task as a
global optimization problem. The scale of the spline model con-
trols the smoothness of the displacement field. Our algorithm uses
a multiresolution optimization strategy to obtain a higher speed
and robustness.
We evaluated the accuracy of our algorithm using a synthetic
sequence generated with an ultrasound simulation package, to-
gether with a realistic cardiac motion model. We compared our
new global multiframe approach with a previous method based on
pairwise registration of consecutive frames to demonstrate the ben-
efits of introducing temporal consistency. Finally, we applied the al-
gorithm to the regional analysis of the left ventricle. Displacement
and strain parameters were evaluated showing significant differ-
ences between the normal and pathological segments, thereby il-
lustrating the clinical applicability of our method.
Index Terms—Cardiac motion, elastic registration, parametric
models, splines, temporal models.
HE ESTIMATION of cardiac motion constitutes an
important aid for the quantification of the elasticity and
contractility of the myocardium. Localized regions exhibiting
Manuscript received May 9, 2005; revised May 17, 2005. This work was sup-
ported in part by the Swiss Science Foundation, the Spanish Health Ministry
under Grant 3200-059517.99/1 (research project PI041495 and Red Temática
IM3 G03/185) and in part by the Czech Ministry of Education under Project
MSM6840770012. The Associate Editor responsible for coordination the re-
view of this paper and recommending its publication was M. Viergever.
indicates corresponding author.
*M. J. Ledesma-Carbayo is with ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
J. Kybic was with Biomedical Imaging Group, EPFL, Switzerland. He is now
with Center for Machine Perception, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech
Republic (e-mail:
M. Desco is with Medicina y Cirugía Experimental, Hospital G. U.
Gregorio Marañón, Dr. Esquerdo 46, E-28007 Madrid, Spain (e-mail:
A. Santos is with ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de
Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, E-28040 Madrid, Spain (e-mail: an-
M. Sühling and M. Unser are with the Biomedical Imaging Group, Swiss Fed-
eral Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
P. Hunziker is with the University Hospital Basel, CH-4031 Basel, Switzer-
land (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMI.2005.852050
movement abnormalities are indicative of the existence of
ischemic segments, which are caused by insufficient tissue
microcirculation. Currently, the reference modality for motion
estimation is tagged magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, which
allows us to obtain cardiac displacement fields and derived
parameters, such as the myocardial strain, with high accuracy
[1]–[4]. Most approaches using magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), single photon emission comuted tomography (SPECT),
and computed tomography (CT) are based on deformable and
mechanical models, and they require a presegmentation step
[2], [3], [5]–[7]. Other methods use energy-based registration
[4], [8], [9] and optical flow techniques [10] to compute the
displacement of the myocardium.
Sequence alignment and registration methods for motion de-
tection have been investigated in computervision[11]–[13].Reg-
istration methods have been used in cardiac imaging; they are
usually applied to data acquired at the same time point in the car-
diac cycle, with the aim of achieving either multimodal integra-
tion [14] or to compensate for small misalignments [15]. Image
registration has also been successfully applied for estimating car-
diac motion in tagged MR data [4], [6], [16]–[19]. Some of these
methods impose spline temporal models to assure temporal con-
sistency and better motion tracking [4], [11], [16], [17].
Our work concentrates on two-dimensional (2-D) echocar-
diography, as it is ubiquitous, and is the most widely used
imaging method to assess cardiac function. The techniques
proposed for cardiac motion recovery in other modalities
cannot be applied directly, because of the especific features of
echocardiographic data.
1) Thesignal-to-noiseratio(SNR)is relativelylow anddepen-
dent on the angle of incidence and depth. Signal dropouts
may appear because of “shadowing, even though the de-
velopment of recent image acquisition techniques, such as
second harmonic imaging, allow for better performance in
this respect.
2) The complex three-dimensional motion of the heart results
in a partially decorrelated speckle when 2-D sequences are
analyzed [20], [21], therefore making interframe relation
weaker. Similar effects are observed for out-of-plane mo-
tion, which may cause intracardiac structures (for example
papillary muscles or valve cordae) entering and leaving the
view plane, a limitation shared by other 2-D modalities.
Different approaches have been proposed for motion re-
covery from 2-D echocardiagraphic sequences. The most
popular is myocardial border segmentation using deformable
models [22]–[25]. Some of these methods try to overcome
0278-0062/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

the intrinsic complexity of the data by introducing a priori
knowledge by modeling a statistical representation of the pos-
sible motions and shapes [24], [25]. However these techniques
estimate the cardiac motion considering the myocardial borders
only; this can lead to inaccurate motion estimations when the
movement is parallel to the border. An additional problem is
that the borders are usually not well dened in echocardio-
graphic data. Another approach is to use optical ow methods
to compute local myocardial movements [26][31]. Specic
designs for echocardiographic data consider the Rayleigh
statistics of the signal in the process [29]. Both differential and
block matching techniques add mechanical, spatial or temporal
constraints to overcome the well-known aperture problem with
solutions adapted for echocardiography [26], [27], [30], [31].
The third approach with promising results is to obtain myocar-
dial motion and deformation using speckle tracking [32] and
elastographic techniques [33][35]. These methods are based
on the processing of the RF signal to obtain the displacement of
one or several consecutive lines of response, using correlation
and phase shift techniques.
In this paper, we propose using a nonrigid parametric motion
estimation algorithm developed to overcome some of the under-
lying problems inherent to echocardiographic image tracking.
Our approach is global, in the sense that it considers all the
frames in the sequence together, and that it tries to nd the most
globally plausible dense spatio-temporal motion eld. The de-
formation eld is represented using a parametric model based
on B-spline basis functions.
The algorithm does not require any preliminary segmenta-
tion, which would be particularly difcult in the case of car-
diac ultrasound images. The spatio-temporal parametric model
together with a multiresolution optimization strategy provide a
good framework for tracking both global shape and texture. The
multiresolution approach increases speed and tolerance to noise.
The underlying assumption for our approach is that the echo
signal is due to the presence of strong scatterers in the tissue
that produce large and bright speckles [36]. While these scat-
terers move in-plane, they produce a signal component with
stable and visible texture pattern whose displacement is directly
linked with the in-plane cardiac motion. On the other hand,
the out-of-plane movement of the scatterers produces a speckle
component decorrelated with time [20], [21]. Our algorithm is
designed to lock on the temporally coherent part of the signal,
while suppressing the second component as much as possible.
This is achieved by imposing temporal and spatial smoothness
constraints on the deformation eld.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we present
our method in detail, covering all the methodological aspects.
In Section III, we evaluate the algorithm using simulated se-
quences derived from a realistic cardiac motion model. In Sec-
tion IV, we present the results obtained from a clinical trial in
which regional cardiac analysis of the left ventricle was per-
formed in a population of patients and in healthy controls.
A. Problem Definition
Let us consider an image sequence
and , where is the
intensity at time
and position . Our goal is to nd a dense
displacement eld over the whole sequence; to this end, we
introduce the deformation function,
, which represents
the position at time
of a point that was at position at time
, i.e., the so-called Lagrangian representation. In other
words, we are using the rst frame as a spatial reference,
B. Consecutive Registration
This registration method is described in [37], and is based on
the registration of consecutive pairs of images obtained from the
sequence, using an algorithm derived from [38]. This approach
calculates the interframe displacement elds
. The total
deformation eld,
, is then obtained from the contribution
of the partial elds.
Registration is performed twice, in the forward and backward
directions, to minimize any error accumulation, and the mean
of the two displacements is used as the nal result. We have
also imposed a periodicity on the measurements, as the sequence
encompasses a complete cycle.
In the remainder of the paper, we shall denote this method as
consecutive elastic registration, or C-Reg.
C. Spatio-Temporal Registration
In contrast to the consecutive registration method, the
new algorithm presented in this article works globally on all
the images of the sequence simultaneously. It searches for
a spatio-temporal deformation eld,
, expressed by a
parametric B-spline model. By applying this eld to warp the
original sequence,
, we obtain a motion-corrected sequence,
, that should resemble the reference
frame as much as possible. In other words,
appear stationary. The key features of the algorithm are the
similarity criterion (Section II-D), and the spatio-temporal
deformation model (Section II-F).
Fig. 1 shows an example of the spatio-temporal registration
process and the results obtained. The upper part of Fig. 1 shows
three images from the original sequence covering the entire car-
diac cycle. The lower part shows the corresponding images from
the warped (i.e., motion-corrected) sequence.
D. Optimization Criterion
Our registration procedure seeks a minimum value,
, for a criterion, , which is dened
as the mean value obtained from the entire sequence of an
image similarity criterion,
is the total number of images in the sequence, is the
set of coordinates specifying the spatial region of interest, and
is the corresponding number of pixels. The image criterion,
, is the average of the square of the differences with respect

Fig. 1. The spatio-temporal registration process, showing the original sequence images (top), and the corresponding images in the warped sequence (bottom),
which tend to appear stationary.
to the reference image at time (and is equivalent to the
sum of squared differences, SSD).
We chose to use the SSD criterion because of its simplicity,
fast computation time, and smoothness of the resulting crite-
rion space. We extended this criterion to the temporal dimen-
sion, and observed that this criterion performed well, even in
the presence of noise and partially decorrelated speckle. We se-
lected the end-diastolic frame as the reference frame, because it
is easily identied in ultrasound sequences from the R-wave of
the electrocardiogram (ECG).
E. Interpolation
It is necessary to have a continuous version of
to be able
to calculate the warped sequence,
, by interpolation, as
well as to be able to evaluate the criterion derivatives. To this
end, we chose to represent
using a 2-D spline interpolation
where is the tensor product of centered uniform B-splines
of degree
. (Note, was used in all our experiments).
The coefcients,
, were obtained from the pixel values, ,
using ltering [39]. The spline model has the advantage of good
accuracy, low computational complexity, and allows for the pos-
sibility of evaluating spatial derivatives analytically.
F. Spatio-Temporal Model
The deformation function,
, is represented by a linear
model, which is separable in time and space, with parameters,
and dene the set of spatial and temporal
parameter indices. The parameter
denes the basis func-
tions in the spatial direction, and is responsible for the spatial
smoothness, and
are the time-axis basis functions that im-
pose the temporal coherence of the deformation. As shown in
[11], [38], and [40], B-splines constitute a good choice for the
spatial basis functions,
. We also used B-splines for the tem-
poral basis functions,
, [4], [11], [16], [17], because of their
computational simplicity, good approximation properties, and
implicit smoothness (minimum curvature property). We found
that temporal B-splines performed at least as well as harmonic
functions (as used in [1], [2], and [5]) in terms of registration ac-
curacy, with the advantage that the criterion minimization was
easier, thanks to their compact support [41]. Specically, we
used the following basis functions:

Fig. 2. The B-splines temporal model. The axial and longitudinal displacement of a point in the myocardium is de
ned by the temporal B-spline basis functions.
The individual scaled basis functions are shown, along with their sum, the total trajectory.
The basis functions, , were placed on a uniform rect-
angular spatial grid, and the
were placed at regularly
spaced time intervals. The scale parameters
(space) and
(time) govern the knot spacing and, therefore, the total number
of parameters. These parameters also control the rigidity of
the solution. Typically, we used quadratic B-splines,
, and cubic B-splines, ,as , with and .In
Section III-B2 we analyze the inuence of the knot spacings in
more detail. We found that, using cubic B-splines in the spatial
direction did not improve the accuracy signicantly and was
not worth the additional computational effort.
G. Motion Field Constraints
The motion model of (5) can be further constrained by using
a priori knowledge of the motion eld. This increases the ro-
bustness of the registration process by taking out superuous
degrees of freedom. First, we know that the displacement at
the reference frame
must be zero. This removes one
degree of freedom from our problem, and leads to a modied
basis function set that only generates displacements satisfying
this constraint
Similarly, if our sequence contains a full cycle, then we set
the reference frame to , and we impose , leading
to a cyclic set of basis functions dened by
Fig. 2 shows how these modied basis functions dene the
axial and longitudinal displacement for a point in the my-
ocardium. It depicts the individual basis functions scaled using
proper coefcients, as well as the overall trajectory
H. Multiresolution and Optimization Strategy
The solution to our registration problem is a deformation
, that minimizes the criterion, . This is found by
using a multidimensional optimization algorithm acting on the
. The required partial derivatives of can be
calculated explicitly
while the partial derivatives of
as given by (4) and
as in (3) are
We used a gradient descent method with an automatic
step-size update [38]. We applied a multiresolution optimiza-
tion strategy that ensured a robust and efcient approach.
A pyramid of progressively reduced versions of the original
sequence was created by tting the data using splines with
coarser levels of resolution (a spatio-temporal wavelet-like
pyramid) [42]. This pyramid was compatible with our sequence
model (3), and was optimal in the
-sense. We also used mul-
tiresolution for the motion model, beginning with a coarsely
dened deformation function,
, with a few parameters, ,
and then increasing the number of parameters until the nest
representation of the model was achieved. After converging at a
given level, the result was then used as an initial estimation for
the ensuing, ner level. The projection onto the ner space was
achieved using no approximations, thanks to the embedding
properties of the underlying B-spline spaces.
To summarize, the optimization process proceeded in a
coarse-to-ne fashion for both the image sequence and the mo-
tion eld model. The optimization stopped when the changes in
were below a given a priori threshold, . The convergence
speed depends on the number of parameters and the sequence
size. In a typical 350
230 image size, with 35 frames, and
, with 8 multiresolution levels and

Fig. 3. First and tenth frames of simulated sequences
(top) and
a threshold of , the current version of the algorithm
coded in Python needed about half an hour using a standard
PC (
iterations for each multiresolution level). We expect
a vefold-to-tenfold reduction in computation time when the
algorithm is completely recoded in C. We observed that the
algorithm always converged to a sensible solution.
This section discusses evaluation experiments on simulated
data. We analyzed the benets of the temporal model and the
inuence of the different algorithm parameters. The use of sim-
ulated sequences allows us to quantify the accuracy of the re-
constructed motion, which would not be possible to obtain with
real data.
As the true cardiac motion was not available, we generated
a realistic cardiac motion eld, as described in Appendix A.
The corresponding model was separable, and consisted of two
components: an afne spatial component that simulated radial
myocardial contraction or expansion, and a temporal component
that modulated this movement in a realistic fashion throughout
the cardiac cycle.
A. Simulated Sequences
We generated two different sets of simulated sequences using
the model mentioned above. The rst set was dened to explore
the behavior of the algorithm under controlled noise. To gen-
erate this rst set, we took one real, end-diastole apical view
image, and deformed it according to the motion model (12).
We corrupted the deformed images using different levels of ad-
ditive Gaussian noise. We generated three sequences with in-
creasing noise levels:
(noiseless), ( dB), and
( dB). Fig. 3 shows the rst and tenth frames of
and simulated sequences.
Second, we generated a sequence
using the FIELD II ul-
trasound simulation package [43], [44]. This package provides
an excellent framework to simulate ultrasound elds. It incor-
porates realistic transducer features, even though the latest ul-
trasound imaging acquisition technologies, such as second har-
monic imaging or fusion imaging, are not included.
The main purpose of generating this sequence was to include
more realistic ultrasonic features, while keeping known motion.
The simulation of the ultrasound eld was based on the compu-
tation of the spatial impulse response, including the excitation
scheme (dynamic focusing and apodization). The images were
generated from a map of independent scatterers with determined
positions and amplitudes [45]. To generate our test sequence,
we specied a typical cardiac transducer (3-MHz central fre-
quency, 64-element phased array with Hanning apodization for
both transmission and reception, and with single focus in trans-
mission and multiple focusing in reception mode).
The phantom scatterer amplitudes and positions were gener-
ated from a sequence of scattering strength maps. These maps
modeled the different densities and speed of sound in the dif-
ferent tissues [45]. We designed the rst frame of the scattering
map using a real end-diastole image as a template. The entire se-
quence of maps was then generated by deforming the rst map
according to the motion model (12). For each image, 200 000
scatterers were generated using random positions, simulating a
1-cm-thick slice of the heart. The amplitude of the scatterers fol-
lowed a Gaussian distribution that was determined by the scat-
tering map value at each position. The nal image was calcu-
lated by summing the responses of all the scatterers, which were
specied by their positions and amplitudes [45]. We used 128
scanning lines to dene the image sector, and the resultant image
size was 359
256 pixels. Alone, this process would generate
an unrealistically decorrelated sequence in time as we run inde-
pendent random processes for each frame to select the scatterer
positions. Therefore, we imposed some interframe correlation
through the introduction of stable scatterers in the myocardium.
These composed about 5% of the total number of scatterers in
the myocardium, and their position in the tissue did not change.
Therefore, the sequence,
, was weakly correlated in time,

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper attempts to give an overview of deformable registration methods, putting emphasis on the most recent advances in the domain, and provides an extensive account of registration techniques in a systematic manner.
Abstract: Deformable image registration is a fundamental task in medical image processing. Among its most important applications, one may cite: 1) multi-modality fusion, where information acquired by different imaging devices or protocols is fused to facilitate diagnosis and treatment planning; 2) longitudinal studies, where temporal structural or anatomical changes are investigated; and 3) population modeling and statistical atlases used to study normal anatomical variability. In this paper, we attempt to give an overview of deformable registration methods, putting emphasis on the most recent advances in the domain. Additional emphasis has been given to techniques applied to medical images. In order to study image registration methods in depth, their main components are identified and studied independently. The most recent techniques are presented in a systematic fashion. The contribution of this paper is to provide an extensive account of registration techniques in a systematic manner.

1,434 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper reviews ultrasound segmentation methods, in a broad sense, focusing on techniques developed for medical B-mode ultrasound images, and presents a classification of methodology in terms of use of prior information.
Abstract: This paper reviews ultrasound segmentation methods, in a broad sense, focusing on techniques developed for medical B-mode ultrasound images. First, we present a review of articles by clinical application to highlight the approaches that have been investigated and degree of validation that has been done in different clinical domains. Then, we present a classification of methodology in terms of use of prior information. We conclude by selecting ten papers which have presented original ideas that have demonstrated particular clinical usefulness or potential specific to the ultrasound segmentation problem

1,150 citations

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  • ...Gradient based level set algorithms have also been the most popular [14], [19], [21], [61], [62], [64], [65] and only few have used region information [38], [111], [134], [148], [214] or a combination of both [20], [22], [23], [170]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The aim of this paper is to be an introduction to the field, provide knowledge on the work that has been developed and to be a suitable reference for those who are looking for registration methods for a specific application.
Abstract: This paper presents a review of automated image registration methodologies that have been used in the medical field The aim of this paper is to be an introduction to the field, provide knowledge on the work that has been developed and to be a suitable reference for those who are looking for registration methods for a specific application The registration methodologies under review are classified into intensity or feature based The main steps of these methodologies, the common geometric transformations, the similarity measures and accuracy assessment techniques are introduced and described

689 citations

Cites background from "Spatio-temporal nonrigid registrati..."

  • ...Examples of spatiotemporal image registration of the heart can be found in Grau et al. (2007), Ledesma-Carbayo et al. (2005), Perperidis et al. (2005), Peyrat et al. (2010), and a solution for temporal plantar pressure image sequences registration is presented in Oliveira et al. (2011a)....


  • ...…(Shekhar et al. 2005), cervical (Staring et al. 2009), heart (Dey et al. 1999; Shekhar and Zagrodsky 2002; Rhode et al. 2003; Shekhar et al. 2004; Ledesma-Carbayo et al. 2005; Grau et al. 2007; Huang et al. 2009), pelvis (Hamilton et al. 1999; Shen 2004, 2007), wrist (Giessen et al. 2009),…...


  • ..., 2009), heart (Dey et al., 1999; Shekhar and Zagrodsky, 2002; Rhode et al., 2003; Shekhar et al., 2004; Ledesma-Carbayo et al., 2005; Grau et al., 2007; Huang et al., 2009), pelvis (Hamilton et al....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is suggested that high γ-band activity is impaired in neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and epilepsy, through establishing correlations between the modulation of oscillations in the 60-200 Hz frequency and specific cognitive functions.
Abstract: γ-band oscillations are thought to play a crucial role in information processing in cortical networks. In addition to oscillatory activity between 30 and 60 Hz, current evidence from electro- and magnetoencephalography (EEG/MEG) and local-field potentials (LFPs) has consistently shown oscillations >60 Hz (high γ-band) whose function and generating mechanisms are unclear. In the present paper, we summarize data that highlights the importance of high γ-band activity for cortical computations through establishing correlations between the modulation of oscillations in the 60-200 Hz frequency and specific cognitive functions. Moreover, we will suggest that high γ-band activity is impaired in neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and epilepsy. In the final part of the paper, we will review physiological mechanisms underlying the generation of high γ-band oscillations and discuss the functional implications of low vs. high γ-band activity patterns in cortical networks.

183 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Preliminary results on clinical data taken in vivo from three healthy volunteers and one patient with an apical aneurism confirmed these findings in a qualitative manner as the strain curves obtained with the proposed method have an amplitude and shape similar to what could be expected.
Abstract: Current ultrasound methods for measuring myocardial strain are often limited to measurements in one or two dimensions. Cardiac motion and deformation however are truly 3-D. With the introduction of matrix transducer technology, 3-D ultrasound imaging of the heart has become feasible but suffers from low temporal and spatial resolution, making 3-D strain estimation challenging. In this paper, it is shown that automatic intensity-based spatio-temporal elastic registration of currently available 3-D volumetric ultrasound data sets can be used to measure the full 3-D strain tensor. The method was validated using simulated 3-D ultrasound data sets of the left ventricle (LV). Three types of data sets were simulated: a normal and symmetric LV with different heart rates, a more realistic asymmetric normal LV and an infarcted LV. The absolute error in the estimated displacement was between 0.47 plusmn0.23 and 1.00 plusmn0.59 mm, depending on heart rate and amount of background noise. The absolute error on the estimated strain was 9%-21% for the radial strain and 1%-4% for the longitudinal and circumferential strains. No large differences were found between the different types of data sets. The shape of the strain curves was estimated properly and the position of the infarcts could be identified correctly. Preliminary results on clinical data taken in vivo from three healthy volunteers and one patient with an apical aneurism confirmed these findings in a qualitative manner as the strain curves obtained with the proposed method have an amplitude and shape similar to what could be expected.

167 citations

Cites methods from "Spatio-temporal nonrigid registrati..."

  • ...On the other hand, different image registration approaches have been applied to B-mode image sequences, such as the method of optical flow [11]–[13] or elastic registration between subsequent image frames [14]....


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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is the opinion that current technology justifies the clinical use of the quantitative two-dimensional methods described in this article and the routine reporting of left ventricular ejection fraction, diastolic volume, mass, and wall motion score.
Abstract: We have presented recommendations for the optimum acquisition of quantitative two-dimensional data in the current echocardiographic environment. It is likely that advances in imaging may enhance or supplement these approaches. For example, three-dimensional reconstruction methods may greatly augment the accuracy of volume determination if they become more efficient. The development of three-dimensional methods will depend in turn on vastly improved transthoracic resolution similar to that now obtainable by transesophageal echocardiography. Better resolution will also make the use of more direct methods of measuring myocardial mass practical. For example, if the epicardium were well resolved in the long-axis apical views, the myocardial shell volume could be measured directly by the biplane method of discs rather than extrapolating myocardial thickness from a single short-axis view. At present, it is our opinion that current technology justifies the clinical use of the quantitative two-dimensional methods described in this article. When technically feasible, and if resources permit, we recommend the routine reporting of left ventricular ejection fraction, diastolic volume, mass, and wall motion score.

8,255 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The results clearly indicate that the proposed nonrigid registration algorithm is much better able to recover the motion and deformation of the breast than rigid or affine registration algorithms.
Abstract: In this paper the authors present a new approach for the nonrigid registration of contrast-enhanced breast MRI. A hierarchical transformation model of the motion of the breast has been developed. The global motion of the breast is modeled by an affine transformation while the local breast motion is described by a free-form deformation (FFD) based on B-splines. Normalized mutual information is used as a voxel-based similarity measure which is insensitive to intensity changes as a result of the contrast enhancement. Registration is achieved by minimizing a cost function, which represents a combination of the cost associated with the smoothness of the transformation and the cost associated with the image similarity. The algorithm has been applied to the fully automated registration of three-dimensional (3-D) breast MRI in volunteers and patients. In particular, the authors have compared the results of the proposed nonrigid registration algorithm to those obtained using rigid and affine registration techniques. The results clearly indicate that the nonrigid registration algorithm is much better able to recover the motion and deformation of the breast than rigid or affine registration algorithms.

5,490 citations

Additional excerpts

  • ...As shown in [11], [38], and [40], B-splines constitute a good choice for the spatial basis functions, ....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: An automatic subpixel registration algorithm that minimizes the mean square intensity difference between a reference and a test data set, which can be either images (two-dimensional) or volumes (three-dimensional).
Abstract: We present an automatic subpixel registration algorithm that minimizes the mean square intensity difference between a reference and a test data set, which can be either images (two-dimensional) or volumes (three-dimensional). It uses an explicit spline representation of the images in conjunction with spline processing, and is based on a coarse-to-fine iterative strategy (pyramid approach). The minimization is performed according to a new variation (ML*) of the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm for nonlinear least-square optimization. The geometric deformation model is a global three-dimensional (3-D) affine transformation that can be optionally restricted to rigid-body motion (rotation and translation), combined with isometric scaling. It also includes an optional adjustment of image contrast differences. We obtain excellent results for the registration of intramodality positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. We conclude that the multiresolution refinement strategy is more robust than a comparable single-stage method, being less likely to be trapped into a false local optimum. In addition, our improved version of the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm is faster.

2,801 citations

"Spatio-temporal nonrigid registrati..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...We measured the accuracy of the motion estimation using a warping index [46], which was defined as the mean geometric error in pixels between the true and the recovered deformation, defined as , where is the region of interest, the myocardium in our case, is...


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A method for simulation of pulsed pressure fields from arbitrarily shaped, apodized and excited ultrasound transducers is suggested, which relies on the Tupholme-Stepanishen method for calculating pulsing pressure fields and can also handle the continuous wave and pulse-echo case.
Abstract: A method for simulation of pulsed pressure fields from arbitrarily shaped, apodized and excited ultrasound transducers is suggested. It relies on the Tupholme-Stepanishen method for calculating pulsed pressure fields, and can also handle the continuous wave and pulse-echo case. The field is calculated by dividing the surface into small rectangles and then Summing their response. A fast calculation is obtained by using the far-field approximation. Examples of the accuracy of the approach and actual calculation times are given. >

2,340 citations

"Spatio-temporal nonrigid registrati..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...Second, we generated a sequence using the FIELD II ultrasound simulation package [43], [44]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is concluded that the patient's skin should be abraded to reduce impedance, and measurements should be avoided in the first 10 min after electrode placement, to allow satisfactory images.
Abstract: A computer simulation is used to investigate the relationship between skin impedance and image artefacts in electrical impedance tomography. Sets of electrode impedance are generated with a pseudo-random distribution and used to introduce errors in boundary voltage measurements. To simplify the analysis, the non-idealities in the current injection circuit are replaced by a fixed common-mode error term. The boundary voltages are reconstructed into images and inspected. Where the simulated skin impedance remains constant between measurements, large impedances (> 2k omega) do not cause significant degradation of the image. Where the skin impedances 'drift' between measurements, a drift of 5% from a starting impedance of 100 omega is sufficient to cause significant image distortion. If the skin impedances vary randomly between measurements, they have to be less than 10 omega to allow satisfactory images. Skin impedances are typically 100-200 omega at 50 kHz on unprepared skin. These values are sufficient to cause image distortion if they drift over time. It is concluded that the patient's skin should be abraded to reduce impedance, and measurements should be avoided in the first 10 min after electrode placement.

1,976 citations

"Spatio-temporal nonrigid registrati..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...Second, we generated a sequence using the FIELD II ultrasound simulation package [ 43 ], [44]....


Frequently Asked Questions (9)
Q1. What have the authors contributed in "Spatio-temporal nonrigid registration for ultrasound cardiac motion estimation" ?

The authors propose a new spatio-temporal elastic registration algorithm for motion reconstruction from a series of images. The authors compared their new global multiframe approach with a previous method based on pairwise registration of consecutive frames to demonstrate the benefits of introducing temporal consistency. 

This preliminary clinical evaluation encourages further research on the use of the proposed method to derive quantitative parameters to indicate the presence of ischemic disease. Potential applications include motion estimation from other cardiac imaging modalities, cardiac sequence segmentation guided by registration, and coding/compression of movement components. 

When noise is present, the optimum values should be chosen as a compromise between the approximation error, which is dominant for coarser grids, and the lack of regularization for fine grids, which increases the effect of noise. 

The authors also used B-splines for the temporal basis functions, , [4], [11], [16], [17], because of their computational simplicity, good approximation properties, and implicit smoothness (minimum curvature property). 

The authors found that temporal B-splines performed at least as well as harmonic functions (as used in [1], [2], and [5]) in terms of registration accuracy, with the advantage that the criterion minimization was easier, thanks to their compact support [41]. 

because of the small number of cases and the large number of categories, the authors did not obtain enough data to perform a meaningful statistical study. 

Their method exploits the temporal coherence of the movement, and estimates the motion field by registering the sequence to a reference frame. 

The projection onto the finer space was achieved using no approximations, thanks to the embedding properties of the underlying B-spline spaces. 

The authors found that, using cubic B-splines in the spatial direction did not improve the accuracy significantly and was not worth the additional computational effort.