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Spatiotemporal aspects of silica buffering in restored tidal marshes

20 Oct 2008-Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science (Elsevier)-Vol. 80, Iss: 1, pp 42-52
TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigated the potential impact of recently installed new tidal areas along the Schelde estuary, located in former polder areas and characterized by so-called controlled reduced tidal regimes (CRT).
Abstract: Losses of pelagic diatom production resulting from silica limitation have not only been blamed for toxic algal blooms, but for the reduction in ability of coastal food webs to support higher trophic levels. Recent research has shown the importance of advective seepage water fluxes of dissolved silica (DSi) from freshwater marshes to pelagic waters during moments of riverine Si-limitation. In this study, we investigated the potential impact of recently installed new tidal areas along the Schelde estuary, located in former polder areas and characterized by so-called controlled reduced tidal regimes (CRT). Nine mass-balance studies were conducted in a newly constructed CRT in the freshwater Schelde estuary. During complete tidal cycles both DSi and amorphous silica (ASi) concentrations were monitored at the entrance culverts and in different habitats in the marsh. A swift DSi-delivery capacity was observed despite the shifted spatiotemporal frame of exchange processes compared to reference marshes. As silica-accumulating vegetation is not yet present, and difference with reference marshes' deliveries is surprisingly small, we indicate diatomaceous debris and phytoliths to be the main silica source. Although further research is necessary on the driving forces of the different processes involved, restoration of former agricultural areas under CRT-regime provide the potential to buffer silica in the estuary.

Summary (4 min read)

1. Introduction

  • Estuaries are biogeochemical hot-spots and are amongst the most productive ecosystems of the world (Costanza et al., 1993).
  • Within the estuarine ecosystem, fringing tidal marshes act as a biogeochemical filter, removing inorganic and organic substances from the floodwaters and changing substance speciation (e.g. Gribsholt et al., 2005).
  • Tidal freshwater marshes contain large amorphous silica stocks in marsh soils, built up through sedimentation of diatom shells and incorporation of silica in marsh vegetation (Struyf et al., 2005).
  • In the first implemented CRT, an intensive spatiotemporal sampling scheme was carried out during the first 16 months of development.

2.1. Study area

  • The Schelde estuary is one of the last European estuaries with a complete fresh- to saltwater tidal gradient, located in the Netherlands and Belgium.
  • The rotation system was abandoned in 2003.
  • During the two-year construction phase (2003–2005), crops were replaced by pioneer vegetation (mainly Epilobium hirsutum and Urtica dioica) (Fig. 1B).
  • Because site elevation is several metres under mean high water level, reconstruction of spring-neap tide flooding variation required the construction of separate inlet culvert and outlet culvert (Maris et al., 2007).
  • This results in a controlled reduced tidal area (CRT) with unique tidal features, such as a pronounced spring–neap variation and a prolonged stagnant phase (Fig. 3, for details see Cox et al., 2006; Maris et al., 2007).

2.2. Sampling

  • A total of 796 data points were obtained during the nine mass balance studies.
  • This intensity was necessary to explore the spatial patterns in the marsh; however this exhaustive scheme was not entirely repeated during all campaigns.
  • Samples were taken approximately 10 cm below the surface, and stored in dark incubators at 5 C for a maximum of 24 h. at typical neap (–), mean ($ $ $) and spring (–) tide outside and inside Lippenbroek CRT agnant phase, (220) start outstream ¼ stop stagnant phase and (580) stop outstream.
  • For each of the samples analysed for ASi (Table 2), three sub samples of 25 ml each were filtered over 0.45-mm filters, from a well-mixed total sample of 150 ml.
  • [ASi] (mg l 1) was then calculated by extrapolating the linear line through the three extraction points in a time-extracted silica plot (DeMaster, 1991).

2.3. Water and silica mass balances

  • All calculations and statistical analyses were performed in R (R, 2006).
  • Inlet and outlet culverts are the only exchange points with the river.
  • Flow velocity was measured acoustically (Sontek ‘‘Argonaut’’).
  • Water mass balances were calculated with an averaged discharge value throughout the water column for every 2 min, assuring accurate volume-weighing of concentration values during all tidal phases.
  • General patterns were not seriously influenced by this effect (Figs. 5 and 6).

3.1. Concentration profiles

  • DSi concentration profiles show different seasonal patterns (Fig. 4).
  • Instream phases (see Fig. 3) are marked by steep concentration changes, whilst the fluctuations during stagnant phase do not exceed 0.2 mg l 1.
  • Concentration profiles of ASi present a more variable pattern over a smaller concentration range (not shown).
  • And differences are generally lower for ASi compared to DSi, there is a general evolution of increase or status quo (May, July, September 2006 and October 2006, not shown) towards strong ASi decrease in ASi- concentration profiles during later tidal cycle (March and June 2007b, not shown), with the exception of June 2007a.

3.2. Mass balances

  • Calculated DSi mass balances indicate enrichment of exported water in summer months (July 2006 and June 2007, Fig. 5, upper left), but also in late autumn (October 2006) and during one spring campaign (March 2007).
  • Absolute numbers (Fig. 5 upper right) are lower due to small water mass at neap tide, while the opposite is true for the 2007 campaigns.
  • ASi mass balances confirm the transition from slight ASi delivery or status quo towards ASi caption by the marsh (Fig. 5, lower graphs).
  • Epresented as percent, (out(g) in(g))/in(g)) (left graphs); and in absolute numbers (kg alance, represented as percent in both directions.
  • Yet, despite large ASi retention in the March 2007b and June 2007a campaigns, DSi delivery can still be sufficient (Fig. 7, upper graphs) to provide the estuary with net silica (Fig. 6).

3.3. Ephemeral and diurnal aspects

  • Non-numerical variable classes, being ‘‘day/night’’ show opposite differences in March vs. June 2007 campaigns.
  • Variation of obtained numeric variables was maximized along two components (PCA correlation circle, see Section 2, Fig. 7).
  • Parallel vectors indicate high correlation along the two components, whilst squared vectors are not correlated.
  • Explicit Rsquared and p-values depend on the amount of variation explained by the components.
  • Percent DSi delivery was negatively correlated with the logarithm of riverine DSi concentration (R2 ¼ 0.6397, p-value 0.0096), and the logarithm of mean water depth (R2 ¼ 0.52, p-value 0.02), and not correlated with temperature of outstream water, percent ASi delivery, or riverine ASi concentrations.

3.4. Spatial aspects

  • Concentration profiles observed at other locations were not used for local mass balances, because water volumes and tidal phases were not measured separately for these locations.
  • Concentrations appear unchanged during stagnant phase (minute 150 until 250 after instream in Fig. 8), but an hourglass pattern appears during outstream, when concentrations from different locations diverge strongly (Minute 300; Fig. 8).
  • Typical retention habitat during the May 2006 campaign was the tidal pool (site 2 in Figs. 8 and 1C), whilst opposing behaviour is observed at the lower mudflat (site 3 in Figs. 8 and 1C).
  • The hourglass structure returns, albeit less complete, in the other spatially sampled campaigns in the summer and autumn with net DSi delivery (not shown).
  • A similar spatial sampling took place for ASi (Table 2).

4. Discussion

  • Numerous processes are involved in the silica exchange between tidal marsh and flooding water (Scheme 1).
  • In the following overview, these processes are described and linked to the obtained data.

4.1. Diffusive and advective transport

  • In several systems, the importance of advective ground water fluxes to the estuarine nutrient balance has been emphasized (i.e. Herrera-Silveira, 1998; Hays and Ullman, 2007; Niencheski et al., 2007).
  • As previously explained, the key process in silica buffering by tidal marshes is the swift replenishing of dissolved silica (DSi) in the flooding water during seepage (e.g. Struyf et al., 2006).
  • Other authors, however, have suggested the importance of bioturbation (Berner, 1980; Meile et al., 2005), resuspension (Mortimer et al., 1998), bioirrigation (Aller, 1965; Mortimer et al., 1998), advection and subsurface circulation patterns (Vanderborght et al., 1977) in diagenetic equations.
  • In fact, the end of overmarsh tide and start of seepage coincides with a sudden increase in DSi concentrations in outstream water for almost all campaigns.
  • The often observed decline in concentrations at the very end of the outstream phase is probably due to riverine water slowly entering the exit culvert.

4.2. Sedimentation and resuspension

  • Sedimentation and recycling of suspended particulate silica are key processes in the marine and lacustrine silica cycle (Treguer et al., 1995; Bidle and Azam, 2001).
  • In estuaries it has been shown that regeneration of silicic acid from particulate silica does not account for observed summer increases in silicic acid concentration (van Bennekom et al., 1974; Yamada and Delia, 1984).
  • DSi delivery occurred equally from location 4 during the initial Urticadominated period, over the period of gradual decay of the Urtica vegetation, towards a rather bare mudflat stage.
  • When discussing patterns of ASi delivery, it is necessary to emphasize that ASi concentrations are probably underestimated, as only surface samples were taken, and suspended solids concentrations are expected to be higher near the bottom.
  • Throughout the first summer small creeks developed, and vegetation and algal layers began to consolidate marsh soil while sedimentation and erosion zones became apparent, as in reference marshes.

4.3. Diatom die-back and frustule dissolution

  • PH, temperature, etc.) on the solubility of silicic acid have been well studied (Greenberg and Price, 1975; Hurd and Theyer, 1975; Kamatani and Riley, 1979), silicic acid is likely to be found at concentrations considerably below saturation in the water column and surface sediments of most estuaries (Yamada and Delia, 1984).
  • Not only does increased temperature directly boost silica efflux from sediments (Yamada and Delia, 1984),it also enhances efficiency of bacterial removal of the organic carbon matrix from diatoms, increasing the surface area of naked silica exposed to dissolution and fastening chemical dissolution rates (Bidle and Azam, 2001).
  • Also, the relationship could be magnified by temporal concurrence of low riverine DSi concentrations with periods of high temperature in summer.
  • This suggests that day delivery might be lower, due to uptake of DSi by autochthonous diatoms.
  • This diurnal aspect certainly deserves more attention.

4.4. Si uptake by diatoms

  • The DSi retention in the tidal marsh, until now not observed in important quantities (Struyf et al., 2006), may be the most striking difference of this study with earlier findings.
  • The cause is almost certainly diatom uptake.
  • In later campaigns benthic diatom populations were observed throughout the marsh (Jacobs, personal observation), as were decreasing DSi profiles during stagnant and bulk phase (not shown).
  • Settling of the sediments and very low depth compared to the pelagic optimizes light conditions and surface aeration.
  • The uptake process is dominant in spring, as low ambient DSi concentrations disadvantage production and promote relative export numbers in summer campaigns.

4.5. Interactions

  • In contrast to other systems where silica fluxes are studied, processes influencing silica cycling from tidal marshes are mostly separated in space and/or time (Scheme 2).
  • Specific tidal patterns in CRT’s influence the observed processes and their temporal distribution, most likely in favour of import processes (Scheme 2).
  • When DSi deliveries are compared with earlier measured reference tidal marshes, the difference is surprisingly small (Fig. 9).
  • The above-mentioned difference (Fig. 9) is mainly governed by two DSi-retention events, which are caused by DSi uptake by diatoms, a process that occurs throughout the marsh at stagnant phase and in the tidal pool throughout the whole tidal cycle.

4.6. Conclusions

  • The typical tidal features of CRT areas influence their silica cycling, both through increased potential for uptake of DSi and enhanced sedimentation of ASi during the stagnant phase and in tidal pools.
  • When DSi deliveries are compared with earlier measured reference tidal marshes, the difference is surprisingly small.
  • Export processes do not seem strongly limited by their decreased time budget.
  • This indicates that CRT areas are capable of fast build-up of Si-recycling capacity and swift DSi delivery at limitation events.
  • The authors main conclusion is that recently constructed CRTs along estuaries are capable of a silica buffering role comparable to older, reference tidal marshes.

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Spatiotemporal aspects of silica buffering in restored tidal marshes
Sander Jacobs
, Eric Struyf
, Tom Maris
, Patrick Meire
Department of Biology, Ecosystem Management Research Group, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Wilrijk, Antwerp, Belgium
GeoBiosphere Science Centre, Department of Geology, Lund University, So
lvegatan 12, 22362 Lund, Sweden
article info
Article history:
Received 23 January 2008
Accepted 8 July 2008
Available online 15 July 2008
tidal flats
nutrient cycles
Schelde estuary
Losses of pelagic diatom production resulting from silica limitation have not only been blamed for toxic
algal blooms, but for the reduction in ability of coastal food webs to support higher trophic levels.
Recent research has shown the importance of advective seepage water fluxes of dissolved silica (DSi)
from freshwater marshes to pelagic waters during moments of riverine Si-limitation. In this study, we
investigated the potential impact of recently installed new tidal areas along the Schelde estuary, located
in former polder areas and characterized by so-called controlled reduced tidal regimes (CRT). Nine
mass-balance studie s were conducted in a newly cons tructed CRT in the freshwater Schelde estuary.
During complete tidal cycles both DSi and amorphous silica (ASi) concentrations were monitored at the
entrance culverts and in different habitats in the marsh. A swift DSi-delivery capacity was observed
despite the shifted spatiotemporal frame of exchange processes compared to reference marshes. As
silica-accumulating vegetation is not yet present, and difference with reference marshes’ deliveries is
surprisingly small, we indicate diatomaceous debris and phytoliths to be the main silica source.
Although further research is necessary on the driving forces of the different processes involved,
restoration of former agricultural areas under CRT-regime provide the potential to buffer silica in the
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Estuaries are biogeochemical hot-spots and are amongst the
most productive ecosystems of the world (Costanza et al., 1993). As
the interface between terrestrial and coastal waters, they support
processes that are central to the planet’s functioning (Costanza
et al., 1997). Estuaries are characterized by steep chemical gradients
and complex dynamics, resulting in major transformations in the
amount, the chemical nature and the timing of material fluxes.
Eutrophication is one of the most important problems that
confronts these systems. Eutrophication phenomena in estuaries
are related to the balance between N, P and Si in river loading, and
are thus dependent on the interactions between human activity
and natural processes in the watershed, which ultimately deter-
mine the riverine nutrient delivery into the marine environment
(Officer and Ryther, 1980; Billen and Garnier, 1997; Lancelot et al.,
1997; Cugier et al., 2005). Eutrophication can cause anoxia, extreme
turbidity and even toxicity in coastal areas and lakes, mostly
provoked by shifts in plankton community following excessive
inputs of N and P compared to Si. Decreases in the availability of
silica relative to N and P in estuaries may result in a shift in the
phytoplanktonic community from a dominance of diatoms to other
phytoplankton forms as cyanobacteria or toxic dinoflagellate,
affecting zooplankton and fisheries (see also Chı
charo et al., 2006;
Wolanski et al., 2006). Losses of diatom production, resulting from
silica limitation, have not only been blamed for these toxic algal
blooms, but for the reduction in ability of coastal food webs to
support higher trophic levels (Treguer et al., 1995; Cugier et al.,
2005; Kimmerer, 2005). Estuarine and marine foodwebs are based
essentially on diatoms (Irigoien et al., 2002; Kimmerer, 2005).
Dissolved silica concentrations have since long been known to
control diatom populations (Wang and Evans, 1969), diatom
blooms (Tessenow, 1966; Schelske and Stoermer, 1971; Davis et al.,
1978), and seasonal succession in plankton communities (Kilham,
1971). In fact, the availability of dissolved silica (DSi) has been
shown to control diatom silica production rates, at least seasonally,
in every natural system examined to date (Nelson and Brzezinski,
1990; Nelson and Treguer, 1992; Brzezinski and Nelson, 1996;
Nelson and Dortch, 1996; Brzezinski et al., 1998; Bidle and Azam,
Within the estuarine ecosystem, fringing tidal marshes act as
a biogeochemical filter, removing inorganic and organic substances
from the floodwaters and changing substance speciation (e.g.
Gribsholt et al., 2005). The interaction between tidal marshes and
estuaries or coastal zones received much attention through
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Jacobs),
(E. Struyf).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
journal homepage:
0272-7714/$ see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80 (20 08) 42–52

numerous exchange studies (e.g. Valiela et al., 2007; Spurrier and
Kjerfve, 1988; Whiting et al., 1989; Childers et al., 1993), with
emphasis on C, P and N. Dominant questions were whether
marshes were importing or exporting N, P, C or particulate matter,
often testing the ‘‘outwelling’’ hypothesis (e.g. Dame et al., 1986),
which states that a large part of the organic matter produced in the
intertidal marshes is not used in internal trophic chains but is
transported into the adjacent sea areas and increases their
productivity. Only a limited number of mass balance studies have
targeted freshwater tidal marshes (e.g. Childers and Day, 1988;
Gribsholt et al., 2005; Struyf et al., 200 6). The freshwater systems
are characterized by botanical properties resembling inland fresh-
water wetlands and by more direct contact with human-impacted
river water. These characteristics make freshwater tidal marshes
potentially important process interfaces. Struyf et al. (2006) have
shown the importance of advective seepage water fluxes of
dissolved silica (DSi) from freshwater marshes to pelagic waters
during moments of riverine Si-limitation. Tidal freshwater marshes
contain large amorphous silica stocks in marsh soils, built up
through sedimentation of diatom shells and incorporation of silica
in marsh vegetation (Struyf et al., 2005). Export is the result of
consequent dissolution of this amorphous silica (ASi) in marsh pore
water from litter and sediments, and advective export of marsh
pore- and puddle water between tidal flooding events (Struyf et al.,
2007a,b). Silica limitation of diatoms (Conley et al., 1993; Smayda
1997) and the consequent negative effects on food web structure
may be avoided. However, data are available only from few tidal
freshwater wetlands and conclusions are presently only applicable
on a local scale. Furthermore, a recent review stresses the need for
more research on silica cycling in wetlands, as it rivals their impact
on other biogeochemical cycles and, to date, this topic has not
received sufficient attention (Struyf and Conley, in press).
In this study, we investigated the potential impact of recently
installed new tidal areas along the Schelde estuary, located in
former polder areas and characterized by so-called controlled
reduced tidal regimes (CRTs) (Cox et al., 2006; Maris et al., 2007).
Along the Schelde estuary, more than 50% of marsh area will
eventually be located in such areas, and may result in international
application. This article focuses on the silica biogeochemistry
within these new systems and aims to explore spatiotemporal
patterns of deposition and dissolution in recently flooded formerly
agricultural polder areas. In the first implemented CRT, an intensive
spatiotemporal sampling scheme was carried out during the first
16 months of development. This research expands the growing
awareness that ecosystems and associated biogenically fixed
amorphous Si rather than geological weathering control silica
availability in the aquatic environment on a shorter, biological
timescale (Conley, 2002; Humborg et al., 2004; Derry et al., 2005).
2. Materials and methods
Nine mass-balance studies were conducted in a newly
constructed CRT in the freshwater Schelde estuary: on May 16, July
3, September 10 and 11 and October 10, 2006, and on March 20 and
21 and June 4 and 5, 2007. During nine complete tidal cycles both
DSi and ASi concentrations were monitored at the entrance culverts
as well as in different habitats in the marsh.
2.1. Study area
The Schelde estuary is one of the last European estuaries with
a complete fresh- to saltwater tidal gradient, located in the Neth-
erlands and Belgium. Maps and extensive descriptions of hydrology
and ecology can be found in several recent papers (Temmerman
et al., 2003; Meire et al., 2005; Van Damme et al., 2005; Soetaert
et al., 2004). The studied CRT area is a newly constructed inunda-
tion area, the ‘‘Lippenbroek’’ (surface approximately 80,000 m
situated at Moerzeke (51
N; 4
E). Maximal tidal
amplitude in the Schelde at this point is approximately 6 m. The
area was mostly used as cropland (rotation system with Zea mays
and Solanum tuberosum; the lower parts were planted with Populus
sp. trees or over-grown with Salix sp. trees (Fig. 1A). The rotation
system was abandoned in 2003.
During the two-year construction phase (2003–2005), crops
were replaced by pioneer vegetation (mainly Epilobium hirsutum
and Urtica dioica)(Fig. 1B). Part of the polder was devegetated due
to building construction work (Fig. 1B). Tidal inundation was initi-
ated in March 2006. Since the first inundation, vegetation has been
progressively replaced by flood-tolerant species (mainly Lythrum
salicaria, Lycopus europaeus and Phragmites australis)(Fig. 2).
Because site elevation is several metres under mean high water
level, reconstruction of spring-neap tide flooding variation required
the construction of separate inlet culvert and outlet culvert (Maris
et al., 2007). At the riverside, an inlet culvert permits flooding from
4.80 m TAW and higher, whilst a valved outlet culvert guarantees
one-way emptying from 1.5 m TAW and lower (TAW is the Belgian
Ordnance Level, which is approx. 2.3 m below mean sea level at the
Belgian coast). Consequently, only the top of the tidal cycle is
permitted to flood the polder surface. This results in a controlled
reduced tidal area (CRT) with unique tidal features, such as
a pronounced spring–neap variation and a prolonged stagnant
phase (Fig. 3, for details see Cox et al., 2006; Maris et al., 2007). The
marsh is surrounded by a dike at 8 m TAW. Because of the deep
artificial dike bases and thick riverine clay deposit in the CRT,
ground water fluxes were assumed to be small compared to
observed tidal surface water fluxes.
: drainage structures
: Salix wood
: Populus plantage
: bare ground
: pioneer vegetation
: sampling point
N 50m
: drainage structures
: Salix wood
: Populus plantage
: agricultural fields
: pre-building contours
: drainage structures
: Salix wood
: Populu
s plantage
: bare ground
: pioneer vegetation
Fig. 1. Schematic overview of study site before (A) and after building works (B). (C) Sampling locations in the CRT. Sampling intensity at locations is given in Tables 1 and 2.
S. Jacobs et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80 (2008) 42–52 43

2.2. Sampling
A total of 796 data points were obtained during the nine mass
balance studies. Surface water samples were collected at the
entrance and outlet culvert (1 in Fig. 1C) and in selected habitats
throughout the marsh (2–16 in Fig. 1C). Sampling covered the full
13 h of the tidal cycle for May, July and October 2006 campaigns,
and double cycles of one night (‘‘a’’ in text) plus day (‘‘b’’ in text) of
26 h for September 200 6 and March and June 2007 campaigns.
Sampling intensity was highest during the first campaign
(Tables 1 and 2). This intensity was necessary to explore the spatial
patterns in the marsh; however this exhaustive scheme was not
entirely repeated during all campaigns. The selection of habitats
during subsequent campaigns was based on maximal cover of
different habitat features. A selection of samples was analysed for
ASi (Table 2), also covering different habitat features.
Samples were taken approximately 10 cm below the surface,
and stored in dark incubators at 5
C for a maximum of 24 h.
Fig. 2. Vegetation development in devegetated zones. A and B (upper) show overview; C and D (lower) detail. A and C are taken in spring 2006 (1 month after first inundations),
B in summer 2006, and D in summer 2007.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Volume (m
Instream Stagnant Bulk outstream Seepage outstream
Fig. 3. Water mass balance during a typical tide in Lippenbroek. Inset illustrates tidal curves at typical neap (–), mean ($$$) and spring (–) tide outside and inside Lippenbroek CRT
(from Cox et al., 2006). Grey lines indicate (0) start instream, (110) stop instream ¼ start stagnant phase, (220) start outstream ¼ stop stagnant phase and (580) stop outstream.
Outstream consists of a bulk outstream (overmarsh tidal frame) and a seepage phase (here at approx. 340 min. Phase lines are indicated in relevant figures throughout the MS.
S. Jacobs et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80 (2008) 42–5244

Dissolved silica (DSi) was analysed on a Thermo IRIS ICP (Induc-
tively Coupled Plasmaspectrophotometer) (Iris
). For each of the
samples analysed for ASi (Table 2), three sub samples of 25 ml each
were filtered over 0.45-
m filters, from a well-mixed total sample
of 150 ml. After drying at 20
C, ASi was extracted from the filters in
solution at 80
C in a shaker bath. Sub samples were
taken at 60, 120 and 180 min. Blank extractions revealed insignifi-
cant DSi release from filters, recipients or chemicals. [ASi] (mg l
was then calculated by extrapolating the linear line through the
three extraction points in a time-extracted silica plot (DeMaster,
1991). This approach corrects for the additional release of Si from
mineral silicates. The ASi wet-alkaline extraction is prone to addi-
tional release of DSi from amorphous mineral silicates. Despite its
flaws, ASi wet-alkaline extraction is for the moment still the most
representative method to analyse for ASi (Saccone et al., 2007).
2.3. Water and silica mass balances
All calculations and statistical analyses were performed in R (R,
2006). Inlet and outlet culverts are the only exchange points with
the river. Their dimensions are exactly known. Flow velocity was
measured acoustically (Sontek ‘‘Argonaut’’). Water mass balances
were calculated with an averaged discharge value throughout the
water column for every 2 min, assuring accurate volume-weighing
of concentration values during all tidal phases. Measurements,
calibration and operation of the flowmeters were performed by
Flanders hydraulics research laboratory (W&L) experts. Concen-
tration profiles as well as nutrient discharges were calculated as
May 06
Jul 06
Sep 06a
Sep 06b
Oct 06
Mar 07a
Mar 07b
Jun 07a
Jun 07b
DSi-concentration (g.L
Fig. 4. DSi concentration profiles at in- and outstream location for all campaigns (tidal phases as in Fig. 3). Campaign month is indicated above each subpanel (dots are measured
concentrations, lines represent linear extrapolation).
Table 1
Sampling intensity of DSi samples at different locations (see Fig. 1C) and during
different campaigns
Location May
1 53 8 15 17 24 16 1 1 15 15 174
21623571112 55129
8 7 12 12 12 43
61010 12 5542
5108 12 30
388 12 28
1 7 21 21
4109 19
15 16 16
16 14 14
12 12 12
98 8
11 7 7
10 5 5
14 5 5
13 3 3
73 3
Total 179 95 84 40 84 16 11 25 25 559
Table 2
Selection of samples analysed for ASi at different locations (see Fig. 1C) and during
different campaigns
Location May
297712 5545
665 12 5533
84612 22
33 12 15
1 7 12 12
56 6
46 6
11 5 5
Total 35 45 15 18 60 8 6 25 25 237
S. Jacobs et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80 (2008) 42–52 45

linear interpolations (Becker et al., 1988). ASi concentrations were
measured on average 10 times (range 4–16) and DSi concentrations
19 times (8–53) along each tidal cycle at the culverts. Interpolation
provided 700 values/tidal cycle, for discharge (D)aswellas
concentrations. These values were used to calculate absolute mass
balance by cumulative summing of (D (m
) [Si] (mg l
)) along
the instream and outstream phase separately. Stagnant phase and
volumes entering through small leaks in the outstream culvert
were not taken into consideration.
Total mass balances were first calculated as percentages
(in)) in order to compare between different
tidal volumes, and then as absolute masses (
(in)). In
a conservative mass balance, it is assumed that there is no net
import or export of water. However, due to inter-tide variations,
stocking or surplus release of water volumes takes place. To
compare between tides, this conservative correction was calculated
as a percentage for each campaign, recalculated on the final mass
balance and shown as a range. However, general patterns were not
seriously influenced by this effect (Figs. 5 and 6).
Additional tidal features were measured in order to compare
between tides: average flooding height was calculated from total
volume of each entering tide and total surface of the study area, water
temperature was continuously monitored at culverts, and DSi and ASi
concentrations were monitored in adjacent river water. General
relationships between silica delivery and these tidal features were
explored through PCA and ANOVA analysis (Chevenet et al., 1994).
3. Results
3.1. Concentration profiles
DSi concentration profiles show different seasonal patterns
(Fig. 4). Instream phases (see Fig. 3) are marked by steep
concentration changes, whilst the fluctuations during stagnant
phase do not exceed 0.2 mg l
. Outstream concentration profiles
are highly variable and show increases, decreases or both: at
starting concentrations below 2 mg DSi l
, concentrations increase
with 125.0% and 126.6% (June 2007 in Fig. 4) or even with a factor 17
(July 2006 in Fig. 4) at final concentration. For instream concen-
trations higher than 2 mg l
, profiles show slight increases (10.5%
to 31.9%, May, September and October 2006 in Fig. 4). When
instream concentrations become higher than 6 mg l
, profiles
show a status quo or slight decrease (6%, March 2007 in Fig. 4)
towards final concentrations.
Concentration profiles of ASi present a more variable pattern
over a smaller concentration range (not shown). Although for
September 2006 and March 2007 only a limited number of samples
was analysed for ASi, and differences are generally lower for ASi
compared to DSi, there is a general evolution of increase or status
quo (May, July, September 2006 and October 2006, not shown)
towards strong ASi decrease in ASi- concentration profiles during
later tidal cycle (March and June 2007b, not shown), with the
exception of June 2007a.
3.2. Mass balances
Calculated DSi mass balances indicate enrichment of exported
water in summer months (July 2006 and June 2007, Fig. 5, upper
left), but also in late autumn (October 2006) and during one spring
campaign (March 2007). Although July 2006 shows spectacular
enrichment in percentage, absolute numbers (Fig. 5 upper right)
are lower due to small water mass at neap tide, while the opposite
is true for the 2007 campaigns. ASi mass balances confirm the
transition from slight ASi delivery or status quo towards ASi caption
by the marsh (Fig. 5, lower graphs).
May 06
Jul 06
Sep 06a
Sep 06b
Oct 06
Mar 07a
Mar 07b
Jun 07a
Jun 07b
relative ASi delivery (%)
May 06
Jul 06
Sep 06a
Sep 06b
Oct 06
Mar 07a
Mar 07b
Jun 07a
Jun 07b
absolute ASi delivery (kg)
May 06
Jul 06
Sep 06a
Sep 06b
Oct 06
Mar 07a
Mar 07b
Jun 07a
Jun 07b
relative DSi delivery (%)
May 06
Jul 06
Sep 06a
Sep 06b
Oct 06
Mar 07a
Mar 07b
Jun 07a
Jun 07b
absolute DSi delivery (kg)
Fig. 5. DSi (upper graphs) and ASi (lower graphs) mass balance of all campaigns. Balance is represented as percent, (out(g) in(g))/in(g)) (left graphs); and in absolute numbers (kg
delivered/retained) (right graphs). Error bars represent deviation from conservative mass balance, represented as percent in both directions.
S. Jacobs et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80 (2008) 42–5246

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Journal ArticleDOI
01 Jan 2013-Silicon
TL;DR: The seasonal and spatial variation of dissolved silica and biogenic silica in tidal marshes in the inner Elbe estuary was investigated in this paper, where seasonal sampling was conducted at three sites in the dyke foreland, the stretch of land between dyke and estuary.
Abstract: In this study the seasonal and spatial variation of dissolved silica (DSi) and biogenic silica (BSi) in tidal marshes in the inner Elbe estuary was investigated. Seasonal sampling was conducted at three sites in the dyke foreland—the stretch of land between dyke and estuary—of the Elbe estuary, Germany. To assess the potential DSi export from the dyke foreland geographic information systems were used to calculate the DSi flux. Mean annual seepage DSi concentrations increased along the salinity gradient from 270 μmol L − 1 to 380 μmol L − 1. BSi concentration of the soil showed the opposite trend decreasing from 15.8 to 4.8 mg g − 1. Temporal variations of DSi concentrations were lowest at the freshwater site. At the brackish and saline site DSi concentrations increased about 2-fold from March to November from 200 to 500 and from 300 to 550 μmol L − 1, respectively. In March a diurnal signal of DSi uptake by diatoms could be observed at the saline sampling site, highlighting the role of sampling time and irradiance for the DSi flux estimate. DSi concentrations were reduced by 18.6 % between sunrise and noon. The DSi export from the dyke foreland is significant and equals the riverine DSi input into the estuary during times of low DSi concentrations. Furthermore the marsh DSi fluxes surpass DSi fluxes from highly active weathering regions, as reported in the literature, which corroborates the importance of tidal marsh areas for the coastal silica cycle. Factors steering the seasonality of DSi export and differences between the sites (temperature, hydrology, salinity and plant uptake of DSi) are discussed.

13 citations

Additional excerpts

  • ...water marshes in the Scheldt estuary [44, 45]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors analyzed the long-term development of a backbarrier salt marsh in the northern German Wadden Sea and found that the sand barrier was breached during storm events in the early 1980s.
Abstract: Our study analyses the long-term development of a tidal backbarrier salt marsh in the northern German Wadden Sea. The focus lies on the development of the high-lying, inner, mature part of the salt marsh, which shows a striking history of changing sediment dynamics. The analysis of high-resolution old aerial photographs and sampled sediment cores suggests that the mature part of the marsh was shielded by a sand barrier from the open sea for decades. The supply with fine-grained sediments occurred from the marsh inlet through the tidal channels to the inner salt marsh. Radiometric dating (210Pb and 137Cs) reveals that the sedimentation pattern changed fundamentally around the early-mid 1980s when the sedimentation rates increased sharply. By analyzing the photographic evidence, we found that the sand barrier was breached during storm events in the early 1980s. As a result, coarse-grained sediments were brought directly through this overwash from the sea to the mature part of the salt marsh and increased the sedimentation rates. We show that the overwash and the channels created by these storm events built a direct connection to the sea and reduced the distance to the sediment source which promoted salt marsh growth and a supply with coarse-grained sediments. Consequently, the original sediment input from the tidal channels is found to play a minor role in the years following the breach event. The presented study showcases the morphological development of a mature marsh, which contradicts the commonly accepted paradigm of decreasing sedimentation rates with increasing age of the marsh. We argue that similar trends are likely to be observed in other backbarrier marshes, developing in the shelter of unstabilized sand barriers. It further highlights the question of how resilient these salt marshes are toward sea level rise and how extreme storm events interfere in determining the resilience of a mature salt marsh.

13 citations

Cites background from "Spatiotemporal aspects of silica bu..."

  • ...Salt marshes make an important contribution to global biodiversity (Doody, 2008; Schmidt et al., 2012) and play an important role in nutrient cycling and the removal of pollutants from coastal waters (Gribsholt et al., 2005; Struyf et al., 2006; Jacobs et al., 2008)....


  • ..., 2012) and play an important role in nutrient cycling and the removal of pollutants from coastal waters (Gribsholt et al., 2005; Struyf et al., 2006; Jacobs et al., 2008)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The controlled reduced tide system (CRT) is a new technique for restoring tidal marshes and is being tested in the Schelde estuary (Belgium). Biogeochemical processes within a CRT were hypothesized to support and improve several estuarine functions such as sediment trapping and nutrient burial as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: The controlled reduced tide system (CRT) is a new technique for restoring tidal marshes and is being tested in the Schelde estuary (Belgium). Biogeochemical processes within a CRT were hypothesized to support and improve several estuarine functions such as sediment trapping and nutrient burial. In 2006, the first pilot CRT was implemented in the freshwater zone of the estuary. Fifteen sediment physicochemical descriptors were intensively monitored over 3 years in the newly created CRT and in reference habitats from the adjacent estuary. Soil transformed rapidly in the CRT; in the most frequently flooded zones, the formation of a nutrient-rich estuarine sedimentary substrate contrasted with the estuarine sand flats where shear stress is sustained by coastal squeeze. The temporal dynamics of the sediment descriptors were investigated to identify key processes involved in the flooding of the CRT sediment. Although many processes were specific to the CRT, both reference and CRT sediment characteristics experienced similar long-term oscillations. However, despite such variations, successful CRT nutrient trapping and fine particles burial were demonstrated. This study proves that the CRT, in accordance with restoration goals, can restore ecological functions in impacted estuaries. In addition, the results highlight the complex timing of abiotic patterns in intertidal sediments.

7 citations

Cites background from "Spatiotemporal aspects of silica bu..."

  • ...The ASi accumulation is of importance as dissolved silica was shown to be released in high concentrations in interstitial water of this CRT (Jacobs et al. 2008)....


17 Dec 2010
TL;DR: In this article, a modele de selectivite trophique en milieu estuarien dans un ecosysteme benthique, le comportement selectif des rotiferes du periphyton de la Garonne (France) a ete analyse.
Abstract: La reponse de la communaute de crustaces zooplanctoniques de l'estuaire de l'Escaut a l'amelioration de la qualite de l'eau a ete etudiee (1996-2009). A partir de 2007, on observe un deplacement des calanoides de l'eau saumâtre vers l'eau douce, associee a une forte diminution des cyclopides en eau douce. Contrairement aux cyclopides et aux cladoceres, la distribution spatio-temporelle des calanoides a repondu positivement a une amelioration de la qualite de l'eau. Nos resultats suggerent un basculement du regime trophique d'Eurytemora affinis des organismes autotrophes vers des organismes heterotrophes. Enfin, en vue de tester un modele de selectivite trophique en milieu estuarien dans un ecosysteme benthique, le comportement selectif des rotiferes du periphyton de la Garonne (France) a ete analyse. Les resultats ont suggere une selection positive envers les cyanobacteries qui, en notre connaissance, a ete mise en evidence pour la premiere fois dans ce milieu.

7 citations

Additional excerpts

  • ...7), où l’entrée et la sortie d’eau sont contrôlées par des écluses, servent de support pour étudier l’effet écologique de tels aménagements (Cox et al., 2006; Jacobs et al., 2008; Jacobs et al., 2009)....


16 Jun 2009
TL;DR: Les concentrations en silice dissoute (DSi) and silice particulaire biogene (BSi) ont ete mesurees pendant une annee complete (en 2003) dans la zone tidale de la riviere Escaut and dans ses tributaires aux limites tidales as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: Les concentrations en silice dissoute (DSi) et silice particulaire biogene (BSi) ont ete mesurees pendant une annee complete (en 2003) dans la zone tidale de la riviere Escaut et dans ses tributaires aux limites tidales. Alors que la DSi est restee, dans les tributaires, a des concentrations elevees toute au long de l’annee, et que la BSi s’est maintenue a des concentrations faibles, la DSi a ete entierement consommee pendant l’ete dans la riviere tidale et les concentrations en BSi ont augmente. En comparant ces concentrations avec celles de la biomasse des diatomees et de la matiere en suspension, il a pu etre estime que la majeure partie de la BSi en ete etait associee aux diatomees vivantes. Des bilans de masse de la DSi et de ces deux fractions de BSi ont ete effectues sur differentes zones de la riviere tidale pendant la periode durant laquelle les diatomees se developpent (periode productive, Mai a Octobre). Ceci a permis l’estimation de la croissance et de la mortalite des diatomees, ainsi que de la sedimentation nette de la BSi durant cette periode : la moitie de la DSi apportee par les rivieres a ete transformee en BSi dans la riviere tidale, et la retention de la silice y a atteint un tiers des apports fluviaux en silice “totale” (TSi = DSi + BSi). Les flux annuels de silice ont aussi ete calcules pour replacer a une echelle annuelle les resultats obtenus pendant la periode productive : les retentions annuelles de DSi et la de TSi ne s eleverent respectivement qu’a 14 et 6 %.L’echantillonnage de l’estuaire a ete effectue sur l’ensemble du gradient de salinite au cours de 11 campagnes reparties sur trois ans (de 2003 a 2005). Du fait du melange des eaux douces et marines, les concentrations en DSi diminuerent toujours de l’amont vers l’aval, mais les profils etaient generalement convexes ou concaves. Ils ont ete interpretes en les comparant avec ceux obtenus a l’aide de la modelisation du transport conservatif. Les flux a l’embouchure ont aussi pu etre recalcules, ce qui a permis de quantifier la consommation ou le relargage de DSi au sein de l’estuaire : un maximum de consommation a ete observe au printemps, mais l’estuaire a ete une source nette de DSi d’aout a decembre. A l’echelle annuelle, 28 % des apports de DSi a l’estuaire ont ete consommes.La comparaison des profils de BSi avec ceux de la biomasse des diatomees et ceux de la matiere en suspension indiqua que la plupart de la BSi dans l’estuaire etait detritique (c’est-a-dire non associee aux diatomees vivantes). Ces resultats ont ete confirmes par des experiences d’incorporation de silice radioactive qui, bien que la methodologie soit completement differente, apporterent des resultats comparables. La dynamique complexe de la BSi a donc pu etre interpretee a l’aide de celle deja bien etudiee de la matiere en suspension dans l’estuaire de l’Escaut, et un bilan de masse de la BSi dans l’estuaire a pu etre etabli a partir d’un bilan pour la matiere en suspension obtenu de la litterature. En plus de la production de diatomees, l’estuaire a recu presque autant de BSi de la riviere tidale que de la zone cotiere. Ceci induisit que la retention de TSi dans l’estuaire (59 %) a ete plus importante que celle de la DSi.Au final, le systeme tidal de l’Escaut apparait comme un filtre important pour la silice : les retentions globales de DSi et TSi dans ce systeme s’eleverent respectivement a 39 et 61 %. La comparaison des dynamiques de la silice dans la riviere tidale et dans l’estuaire mit en evidence l’importance du role de l’estuaire. La consommation de DSi et la deposition de BSi par unite de surface etaient certes plus intenses dans la riviere tidale mais, a l’echelle de l’ecosysteme, les effets y furent limites du fait de sa faible surface comparee a celle de l’estuaire. L’une des observations les plus importantes de cette etude est celle de l’apport net de BSi a l’estuaire depuis la zone cotiere, ce qui induisit une importante retention estuarienne de la silice. Les differences importantes entre les retentions de DSi et de TSi mettent ainsi en evidence la necessite de prendre en compte la dynamique de la BSi dans l’etude de celle de la silice. De plus, l’importance de la BSi detritique implique que la dynamique de la BSi ne peut etre etudiee de part l’observation seule de celle des diatomees. Enfin, l’apport net de BSi vers l’estuaire a l’embouchure, ainsi que l’origine en grande partie marine des diatomees se developpant dans l’estuaire, soulignent l’importance de prendre en compte l’importance des echanges a l’embouchure pour le fonctionnement biogeochimique de la silice dans l’estuaire ; l’estuaire ne doit pas etre vu comme un simple filtre a sens unique des especes dissoutes et particulaires provenant uniquement des rivieres en amont.

6 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
15 May 1997-Nature
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors have estimated the current economic value of 17 ecosystem services for 16 biomes, based on published studies and a few original calculations, for the entire biosphere, the value (most of which is outside the market) is estimated to be in the range of US$16-54 trillion (10^(12)) per year, with an average of US $33 trillion per year.
Abstract: The services of ecological systems and the natural capital stocks that produce them are critical to the functioning of the Earth's life-support system. They contribute to human welfare, both directly and indirectly, and therefore represent part of the total economic value of the planet. We have estimated the current economic value of 17 ecosystem services for 16 biomes, based on published studies and a few original calculations. For the entire biosphere, the value (most of which is outside the market) is estimated to be in the range of US$16-54 trillion (10^(12)) per year, with an average of US$33 trillion per year. Because of the nature of the uncertainties, this must be considered a minimum estimate. Global gross national product total is around US$18 trillion per year.

18,139 citations

Additional excerpts

  • ...Estuaries are biogeochemical hot-spots and are amongst the most productive ecosystems of the world ( Costanza et al., 1993 )....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper provided a crude initial estimate of the value of ecosystem services to the economy using data from previous published studies and a few original calculations, and estimated the current economic value of 17 ecosystem services for 16 biomes.

2,592 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
21 Apr 1995-Science
TL;DR: The net inputs of silicic acid (dissolved silica) to the world ocean have been revised to 6.1 � 2.0 teramoles of silicon per year (1 teramole = 1012 moles).
Abstract: The net inputs of silicic acid (dissolved silica) to the world ocean have been revised to 6.1 +/- 2.0 teramoles of silicon per year (1 teramole = 10(12) moles). The major contribution (about 80 percent) comes from rivers, whose world average silicic acid concentration is 150 micromolar. These inputs are reasonably balanced by the net ouputs of biogenic silica of 7.1 +/- 1.8 teramoles of silicon per year in modern marine sediments. The gross production of biogenic silica (the transformation of dissolved silicate to particulate skeletal material) in surface waters was estimated to be 240 +/- 40 teramoles of silicon per year, and the preservation ratio (opal accumulation in sediment/gross production in surface waters) averages 3 percent. In the world ocean the residence time of silicon, relative to total biological uptake in surface waters, is about 400 years.

1,368 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the global rate of biogenic silica production in the ocean was estimated to be between 200 and 280 × 1012 mol Si yr−1, which is 30-50% lower than several previous estimates, due to new data indicating lower values for both the relative contribution of diatoms to primary productivity and their Si/C ratios.
Abstract: We estimate the global rate of biogenic silica production in the ocean to be between 200 and 280 × 1012 mol Si yr−1. The upper limit is derived from information on the primary productivity of the oceans, the relative contribution of diatoms to primary production and diatom Si/C ratios. The lower limit is derived independently using a multi-compartment model of nutrient transport and biogenic particle flux, and field data on the balance between silica production and dissolution in the upper ocean. Our upper limit is 30–50% lower than several previous estimates, due to new data indicating lower values for both the relative contribution of diatoms to primary productivity and their Si/C ratios. Globally, at least 50% of the silica produced by diatoms in the euphotic zone dissolves in the upper 100 m, resulting in an estimated export of 100–140 × 1012 mol Si yr−l to the deep ocean. Our estimates correspond to a global mean rate of biogenic silica production between 0.6 and 0.8 mol Si m−2 yr−1. Incubation experiments indicate that silica production rates exceed that mean by a factor of 3–12 in coastal areas and are 2–4 times less than the global average in the oligotrophic mid-ocean gyres. The mean silica production rate in waters overlying diatomaceous sediments (approximately 10–12% of the surface area of the oceans) is 0.7–1.2 mol Si m−2 yr−1. That rate is only slightly higher than the global average, indicating that the silica produced in those regions is only 10–25% of the global total. The estimated production of biogenic silica in surface waters of the mid-ocean gyres is approximately equal to that for all major areas of opal sediment accumulation combined. Regional comparison of silica production and accumulation rates suggests a strongly bimodal character in the efficiency of opal preservation in the sea. In waters overlying diatom-rich sediments 15–25% of the silica produced in the surface layer accumulates in the seabed, while virtually none of the silica produced in other areas is preserved. The global burial/production ratio of ˜ 3% is a composite of those two very different systems. The mechanisms leading to more efficient opal preservation in regions of silica accumulation are presently unknown, but they have no simple relationship to primary productivity. Regional differences in opal preservation appear to be controlled by factors such as low surface temperature, selective grazing and aggregate formation, which diminish the rate of silica dissolution in surface waters and/or accelerate its transport to the seafloor.

1,301 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the global rate of biogenic silica production in the ocean was estimated to be between 200 and 280 × 1012 mol Si yr−1, which is 30-50% lower than several previous estimates, due to new data indicating lower values for both the relative contribution of diatoms to primary productivity and their Si/C ratios.
Abstract: We estimate the global rate of biogenic silica production in the ocean to be between 200 and 280 × 1012 mol Si yr−1. The upper limit is derived from information on the primary productivity of the oceans, the relative contribution of diatoms to primary production and diatom Si/C ratios. The lower limit is derived independently using a multi-compartment model of nutrient transport and biogenic particle flux, and field data on the balance between silica production and dissolution in the upper ocean. Our upper limit is 30–50% lower than several previous estimates, due to new data indicating lower values for both the relative contribution of diatoms to primary productivity and their Si/C ratios. Globally, at least 50% of the silica produced by diatoms in the euphotic zone dissolves in the upper 100 m, resulting in an estimated export of 100–140 × 1012 mol Si yr−l to the deep ocean. Our estimates correspond to a global mean rate of biogenic silica production between 0.6 and 0.8 mol Si m−2 yr−1. Incubation experiments indicate that silica production rates exceed that mean by a factor of 3–12 in coastal areas and are 2–4 times less than the global average in the oligotrophic mid-ocean gyres. The mean silica production rate in waters overlying diatomaceous sediments (approximately 10–12% of the surface area of the oceans) is 0.7–1.2 mol Si m−2 yr−1. That rate is only slightly higher than the global average, indicating that the silica produced in those regions is only 10–25% of the global total. The estimated production of biogenic silica in surface waters of the mid-ocean gyres is approximately equal to that for all major areas of opal sediment accumulation combined. Regional comparison of silica production and accumulation rates suggests a strongly bimodal character in the efficiency of opal preservation in the sea. In waters overlying diatom-rich sediments 15–25% of the silica produced in the surface layer accumulates in the seabed, while virtually none of the silica produced in other areas is preserved. The global burial/production ratio of ˜ 3% is a composite of those two very different systems. The mechanisms leading to more efficient opal preservation in regions of silica accumulation are presently unknown, but they have no simple relationship to primary productivity. Regional differences in opal preservation appear to be controlled by factors such as low surface temperature, selective grazing and aggregate formation, which diminish the rate of silica dissolution in surface waters and/or accelerate its transport to the seafloor.

1,211 citations

Frequently Asked Questions (1)
Q1. What are the contributions mentioned in the paper "Spatiotemporal aspects of silica buffering in restored tidal marshes" ?

In this study, the authors investigated the potential impact of recently installed new tidal areas along the Schelde estuary, located in former polder areas and characterized by so-called controlled reduced tidal regimes ( CRT ). Although further research is necessary on the driving forces of the different processes involved, restoration of former agricultural areas under CRT-regime provide the potential to buffer silica in the estuary.