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The Ecology of Individuals: Incidence and Implications of Individual Specialization

TL;DR: The collection of case studies suggests that individual specialization is a widespread but underappreciated phenomenon that poses many important but unanswered questions.
Abstract: Most empirical and theoretical studies of resource use and population dynamics treat conspecific individuals as ecologically equivalent. This simplification is only justified if interindividual niche variation is rare, weak, or has a trivial effect on ecological processes. This article reviews the incidence, degree, causes, and implications of individual-level niche variation to challenge these simplifications. Evidence for individual specialization is available for 93 species dis- tributed across a broad range of taxonomic groups. Although few studies have quantified the degree to which individuals are specialized relative to their population, between-individual variation can some- times comprise the majority of the population's niche width. The degree of individual specialization varies widely among species and among populations, reflecting a diverse array of physiological, be- havioral, and ecological mechanisms that can generate intrapopu- lation variation. Finally, individual specialization has potentially im- portant ecological, evolutionary, and conservation implications. Theory suggests that niche variation facilitates frequency-dependent interactions that can profoundly affect the population's stability, the amount of intraspecific competition, fitness-function shapes, and the population's capacity to diversify and speciate rapidly. Our collection of case studies suggests that individual specialization is a widespread but underappreciated phenomenon that poses many important but unanswered questions.

Summary (3 min read)

Submitted August 6, 2001; Accepted June 11, 2002; Electronically published December 11, 2002

  • Most empirical and theoretical studies of resource use and population dynamics treat conspecific individuals as ecologically equivalent, also known as abstract.
  • The degree of individual specialization varies widely among species and among populations, reflecting a diverse array of physiological, behavioral, and ecological mechanisms that can generate intrapopulation variation.
  • This omission persisted despite a welldeveloped literature on niche width variation, originating with Van Valen’s (1965) niche variation hypothesis.

2 The American Naturalist

  • Hypothesis and its supporting theory, it is perhaps not surprising that interindividual variation has been ignored in many ecological studies.
  • Two sources of skepticism seem particularly common.
  • The within-individual component (WIC) is the average variance of resources found within individuals’ diets, while the between-individual component (BIC) is the variation among individuals, such that .
  • Individual specialization is one of many factors contributing to intrapopulation niche variation.
  • Where examples cited in this review overlap with Smith and Skulason’s (1996), either it reflects their feeling that the case in question is not composed of discrete morphs (e.g., Werner and Sherry 1986) or the authors are referring to populations in which the variation is less discrete than those used for their review.

Incidence of Individual Specialization

  • The authors surveyed the literature for examples of individual specialization on resources, such as prey taxa, host plants, or oviposition sites, collecting a list of examples from 93 animal species (table 1).
  • All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (
  • Indices of the degree of individual specialization (Bolnick et al. 2002) such as WIC/TNW can uncover differences among species, among conspecific populations, and even among individuals within populations.

Temporal Consistency

  • Measures of resource-use variation such as WIC/TNW need to be interpreted with great care because they do not directly convey the timescale over which the niche variation was observed.
  • Resource competition and selection will operate very differently when interindividual variation is stochastic, temporary, or a permanent feature of the individuals in the population.
  • In the cabbage butterfly Pieris rapae (Lewis 1986), individuals specialize on a single flower species over the course of any given day because of a search image established during the first flower encounter of the day.
  • A wide range of methods are available for testing the temporal consistency of individual specialization.
  • Stable isotope ratios have been used to estimate the contribution of different prey to a predator’s diet (Vander Zanden et al. 2000).

Fundamental versus Realized Specialists

  • The word “specialization” has many connotations and so can engender confusion among researchers who use different definitions.
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  • Most diet data are discrete rather than continuous, in which case a Shannon-Weaver diversity index approximation to niche width is used (Roughgarden 1979, p. 510).
  • Conversely, individuals with heritable variation for resource preference may nevertheless use the same resource when options are limited or a shared high-value resource is available (Robinson and Wilson 1998), in which case they would be specialized in their fundamental but not their realized niches.

Causes of Individual Specialization

  • The mechanisms that cause individual specialization vary widely among these examples.
  • To understand the causes of individual specialization, the authors first consider some determinants of an individual’s resource use and then discuss how these determinants vary among individuals.
  • In particular, the authors describe the role of trade-offs in constraining individual resource use so that different phenotypes do not use the same broad set of resources.

Determinants of an Individual’s Resource Use

  • To develop a mechanistic view of individual specialization, it is first necessary to understand why a particular individual uses a given set of resources, a problem often addressed by optimal foraging theory (Schoener 1971; Werner 1974) and related models.
  • An individual is expected to choose among the available range of resources to approximately maximize some benefit such as net energy income or reproductive success.
  • This net benefit depends on a variety of factors: the rate at which alternative resources are encountered, resource values (e.g., energy content of different prey), prey escape rates, handling times, and risks such as predation.
  • An individual’s rank preferences for alternative resources reflect a complex interaction between resource traits, resource abundance, and the individual’s phenotype.
  • These preferences then interact with prey availability, escape rates, environmental heterogeneity, and social interactions to mold the individual’s actual resource use.

Mechanisms of Interindividual Variation

  • Such trade-offs are known to occur in many aspects of foraging, including prey recognition, capture, and digestion.
  • Interindividual variation in resource use can reflect intrapopulation variation in a wide range of individual traits that determine resource-specific efficiency and preferences.
  • Depending on resource availability, individuals with similar fundamental niches may nevertheless be realized individual specialists because of a range of social and environmental factors, or individuals with different fundamental niches may nevertheless use the same resources.

Evolution of Individual Specialization

  • To begin their discussion of the evolutionary causes of individual specialization, the authors assume that populations of individual specialists are derived from more generalized ancestors through one of two pathways.
  • In the second pathway, a population with a broad niche is composed of generalist individuals that evolve to subdivide the resources more finely so that TNW is constant and WIC decreases (path B in fig.
  • If heterospecifics already use the novel resource, interspecific competition may nullify the selective benefit of niche expansion.
  • The authors propose two hypotheses as to why individuals might reduce their niche widths.

Consequences of Individual Specialization

  • In the introduction to this article, the authors noted that most niche studies overlook intraspecific niche variation.
  • Describing a species as the sum or the average of its parts can vastly simplify both empirical data collection and theoretical models.
  • The authors briefly discuss the ecological, evolutionary, and conservation implications of individual specialization.
  • Second, information on individual resource use is necessary if the authors are to make the transition from phenomenological models of population dynamics to mechanistic models in which the dynamics of a population are predicted from the properties of its components.
  • All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (

18 The American Naturalist

  • Different dynamical behavior because of the added capacity for frequency-dependent effects.
  • Stickleback exposure to parasites also varies with prey type (Reimchen and Nosil 2001b) as it does in other fish species (Curtis et al.
  • Similarly, high between-individual niche variation substantially reduces the number of conspecifics that a given individual will compete with (Van Valen 1965; Roughgarden 1972; Feinsinger and Swarm 1982; Polis 1984; Smith 1990; Holbrook and Schmitt 1992; Collins et al.
  • It is likely that many of these ecological consequences will be affected by the timescale over which individual specialization occurs.


  • In an article that measured the proportion within phenotype component (WIC/TNW) in five species of Anolis, Roughgarden (1974, p. 433) concluded that BIC “is not a large proportion, perhaps never a majority, of the total niche width, at least among adult male anolis lizards.”.
  • This conclusion received theoretical support from a model of character displacement that allowed WIC and BIC to evolve freely, indicating that “the within-individual component of the niche width will be much larger than the between-individual component” (Taper and Case 1985, p. 355).
  • In contrast to these statements, the large collection of case studies presented in this review indicates that individual specialization occurs in many populations distributed across a broad array of taxa.
  • All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (

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(e Ecology of Individuals: Incidence and
Implications of Individual Specialization
Daniel I. Bolnick
Richard Svanbäck
James A. Fordyce
Louie H. Yang
Jeremy M. Davis
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vol. 161, no. 1 the american naturalist january 2003
The Ecology of Individuals: Incidence and Implications
of Individual Specialization
Daniel I. Bolnick,
Richard Svanba¨ck,
James A. Fordyce,
Louie H. Yang,
Jeremy M. Davis,
C. Darrin Hulsey,
and Matthew L. Forister
1. Section of Evolution and Ecology, Center for Population
Biology, Storer Hall, University of California, Davis, California
2. Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umea˚
University, SE-901 87 Umea˚, Sweden
Submitted August 6, 2001; Accepted June 11, 2002;
Electronically published December 11, 2002
abstract: Most empirical and theoretical studies of resource use
and population dynamics treat conspecific individuals as ecologically
equivalent. This simplification is only justified if interindividualniche
variation is rare, weak, or has a trivial effect on ecological processes.
This article reviews the incidence, degree, causes, and implications
of individual-level niche variation to challenge these simplifications.
Evidence for individual specialization is available for 93 species dis-
tributed across a broad range of taxonomic groups. Although few
studies have quantified the degree to which individuals are specialized
relative to their population, between-individual variation can some-
times comprise the majority of the population’s niche width. The
degree of individual specialization varies widely among species and
among populations, reflecting a diverse array of physiological, be-
havioral, and ecological mechanisms that can generate intrapopu-
lation variation. Finally, individual specialization has potentially im-
portant ecological, evolutionary, and conservation implications.
Theory suggests that niche variation facilitates frequency-dependent
interactions that can profoundly affect the population’s stability, the
amount of intraspecific competition, fitness-function shapes, and the
population’s capacity to diversify and speciate rapidly. Our collection
of case studies suggests that individual specialization is a widespread
but underappreciated phenomenon that poses many important but
unanswered questions.
Keywords: individual specialization, adaptive variation, niche width,
resource partitioning, frequency dependence, niche variation hy-
pothesis, individual ecology.
* Corresponding author; e-mail:
Present address: Department of Limnology, Evolutionary Biology Centre,
Uppsala University, Norbyva¨gen 20, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden.
Am. Nat. 2003. Vol. 161, pp. 1–28. 2003 by The University of Chicago.
0003-0147/2003/16101-010277$15.00. All rights reserved.
Ecologists have long used niche theory to describe the
ecology of a species as a whole, treating conspecific in-
dividuals as ecologically equivalent. For example, most
models of intraspecific competition, predator-prey dynam-
ics, and food web structure assume that conspecific in-
dividuals are identical (but see Lomnicki 1988; DeAngelis
and Gross 1992). Similarly, the majority of articles on
measuring species’ niche width make no mention of the
fact that individuals of the same species may use different
resources (e.g., Hutchinson 1957; Colwell and Futuyma
1971; Pielou 1972; Abrams 1980; Feinsinger et al. 1981;
Linton et al. 1981). This omission persisted despite a well-
developed literature on niche width variation, originating
with Van Valen’s (1965) niche variation hypothesis. On
the basis of his observations of island and mainland bird
populations, Van Valen proposed that niche expansion in
the absence of interspecific competition was achieved by
increased between-individual variation in resource use.
The role of between-individual niche variation in niche
evolution was further supported by theoretical work by
Roughgarden (1972, 1974). The ensuing flurry of empirical
tests varied between supportive (Fretwell 1969; Rothstein
1973; Grant et al. 1976; Bernstein 1979), inconclusive
(Willson 1969), and negative (Soule´ and Stewart 1970;
Soule´ 1972; Patterson 1983; Diaz 1994). Other empirical
studies downplayed the importance of interindividual diet
variation. Analyzing diet data for five species of Anolis
lizards, Roughgarden (1974) showed that between-
individual variation was generally small, a conclusion that
subsequently received theoretical support (Taper and Case
1985). On reviewing this debate, Grant and Price (1981,
p. 797) concluded that “the status of the adaptive variation
hypothesis hangs in the balance, and it is in danger of
death through neglect as a result of confusion in the em-
pirical tests and theoretical inadequacies.” As predicted,
discussion of individual variation trailed off in the 1980s
but has revived recently with renewed interest in adaptive
radiation and ecological speciation (Mousseau et al. 2000;
Schluter 2000; Halama and Reznick 2001).
Given the contentious history of the niche variation
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2 The American Naturalist
Figure 1: A schematic diagram of how individuals can subdivide the
population’s niche (thick curve). The total niche width (TNW, black ar-
row) is the variance of total resource use of all individuals (thin curves).
, where WIC (dotted arrow) is the average of in-TNW p WIC BIC
dividual niche widths, and BIC (gray arrow) is the variance in mean
resource use among individuals. A, In a population of generalist indi-
viduals, WIC is a large proportion of TNW; B, WIC/TNW is small in a
population of individual specialists. Although the idealized Gaussian
curves used here are a poor description of niche shapes for many real
organisms, they usefully convey the concept of between-individual var-
iation. Real populations are likely to contain both generalized and spe-
cialized individuals, unlike the schematic diagrams shown here. Bolnick
et al. (2002) describe alternative indices that do not rely on assumptions
about resource distribution shapes and that can identify variation in
individual niche widths.
Figure 2: Individual specialization is part of a continuum from where
the within-individual component equals the total niche width (on the
solid diagonal , ; WIC/ ) to where WICWIC p TNW BIC p 0 TNW p 1
is a small proportion of TNW (close to the X-axis). AD represent the
approximate position on the diagram of hypothetical populations with
(A) high WIC/TNW, (B) medium WIC/TNW, (C) low WIC/TNW, and
(D) high WIC/TNW but small total niche width. Schematic diagrams
represent the niche-use curves of two individuals from each of these four
hypothesis and its supporting theory, it is perhaps not
surprising that interindividual variation has been ignored
in many ecological studies. Two sources of skepticism seem
particularly common. First, many ecologists believe that
individual specialization is rare and/or weak (Case 1981;
Patterson 1983; Taper and Case 1985; Schoener 1986).
Second, even if interindividual variation is commonplace,
it may have a trivial impact on ecological processes so that
population averages are sufficient for understanding eco-
logical dynamics. The primary goal of this article is to
challenge both views by showing that individual special-
ization is widespread and that it can profoundly affect a
population’s ecological and evolutionary dynamics. In re-
viewing the incidence of interindividual niche variation,
we present a summary of available case studies and discuss
the range of mechanisms that can lead to individual
Defining Individual Specialization
Roughgarden (1972, 1974) provided a quantitative frame-
work for thinking about intrapopulation niche variation.
Consider an idealized niche distribution in which indi-
viduals from a population consume prey that can be de-
scribed by a single continuous variable such as prey length
(fig. 1). The total niche width (TNW) of the consumer
population is simply the variance in the size of all captured
prey and can be partitioned into two components. The
within-individual component (WIC) is the average vari-
ance of resources found within individuals’ diets, while
the between-individual component (BIC) is the variation
among individuals, such that . Inter-TNW p WIC BIC
individual variation is large when BIC is a large proportion
of TNW, such that WIC/TNW is small (fig. 2).
Intrapopulation niche variation can occur by subdivid-
ing the population’s niche in a number of different ways.
We often expect individuals of different age, sex, or ob-
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Individual Specialization 3
viously distinct morphology to have different niches, as
reflected in Schoener’s (1986, p. 119) statement that “for
the most part, the important between-phenotype variation
in populations occurs between sex and age classes.” Con-
sequently, a researcher might investigate niche variation
in a population by constructing a statistical model testing
the effects of sex, age, and morphology on diet, most likely
dividing age and morphology into discrete age classes and
arbitrary ranges of morphology (e.g., Roughgarden 1974).
If a morphological trait is polymorphic (bimodal), one
might reasonably choose to use categories corresponding
to each morphotype, in which case the ANOVA model
would look like the following:
diet p sex age class morph ,(1)
ii i ii
where the error term
is the residual diet variation not
attributed to these three a priori ways of classifying
We believe that a description of intrapopulation niche
variation is facilitated when we can communicate the dis-
tinction between variation caused by each effect of the
model. Terms are already available to describe the three
main effects, and “ecological sex dimorphism” (Shine
1989, 1991), “ontogenetic niche shift” (Keast 1977; Polis
1984), and “resource polymorphism” (Wimberger 1994;
Skulason and Smith 1995; Smith and Skulason 1996) have
all previously been reviewed. The goal of this review is to
demonstrate that there can also be important niche var-
iation within the residual error term (among individuals),
which also deserves a unique designation. We therefore
define an “individual specialist” as an individual whose
niche is substantially narrower than its population’s niche
for reasons not attributable to its sex, age, or discrete (a
priori) morphological group. The phrase “individual spe-
cialization” can designate either the overall predominance
of individual specialists in a population or the degree to
which individuals’ diets are restricted relative to their pop-
ulation. It is important to note that these definitions con-
cern the relative width of individual and population niches,
not their absolute values. Consequently, individual spe-
cialization is characterized not by a low WIC per se but
by a low WIC relative to TNW.
Individual specialization is one of many factors con-
tributing to intrapopulation niche variation. Although the
case studies collected here are restricted to examples of
individual specialization, much of our discussion of the
causes and consequences of individual specialization is also
pertinent to other forms of niche variation. However, there
are some good biological reasons to distinguish between
sex- or age-based variation and individual-level niche var-
iation. Ecological differences between males and females
can arise as side effects of sexual selection, breeding be-
havior (Magurran and Garcia 2000), or nutritional or en-
ergetic requirements associated with reproduction (Belov-
sky 1978), mechanisms that are potentially (but not
necessarily) different from those generating individual spe-
cialization. Similarly, age-based niche shifts may arise as
a necessary consequence of body-size changes and devel-
opment so that niche partitioning is an incidental by-
product of ontogeny.
In contrast, our distinction between polymorphism and
individual variation is primarily semantic. We follow Smith
and Skulason (1996, pp. 111–112) in defining a poly-
morphism as “discrete intraspecific morphs,” implying
that the morphological distribution has more than one
mode and that members of the population can generally
(though not necessarily always) be unambiguously as-
signed to a particular group. By taking this definition, we
are ensuring that the word “polymorphism” is not simply
synonymous with the term “variation.”
In reality, individual variation and polymorphism are
ends of a continuum of increasingly discrete variation. This
review focuses on the less discrete end of this continuum,
in which individuals cannot clearly be assigned to distinct
morphotypes because either morphological variation is
continuous or resource use variation is not clearly tied to
morphology. We do so because individual-level variation
has been neglected rather than because it is fundamentally
different from polymorphism. Where examples cited in
this review overlap with Smith and Skulason’s (1996), ei-
ther it reflects our feeling that the case in question is not
composed of discrete morphs (e.g., Werner and Sherry
1986) or we are referring to populations in which the
variation is less discrete than those used for their review.
Examples of the latter include three-spine sticklebacks Gas-
terosteus aculeatus and arctic char Salvelinus alpinus.In
each species, benthic/limnetic variation is continuous in
some populations (Amundsen 1995; Robinson 2000; D. I.
Bolnick, unpublished manuscript) and discrete in others
(Schluter and McPhail 1992; Skulason et al. 1993; Snor-
rason et al. 1994).
Incidence of Individual Specialization
We surveyed the literature for examples of individual spe-
cialization on resources, such as prey taxa, host plants, or
oviposition sites, collecting a list of examples from 93 an-
imal species (table 1). We excluded cases where ecologically
differentiated individuals could not be considered sym-
patric or where diet groups showed significant reproduc-
tive isolation, because such variation cannot be said to
occur within a population. We also omitted cases of
within-colony niche variation in eusocial insects (Heinrich
1976; Rissing 1981; Johnson 1986; Wells and Wells 1986;
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TL;DR: The existence of behavioral syndromes focuses the attention of behavioral ecologists on limited (less than optimal) behavioral plasticity and behavioral carryovers across situations, rather than on optimal plasticity in each isolated situation.
Abstract: Recent studies suggest that populations and species often exhibit behavioral syndromes; that is, suites of correlated behaviors across situations. An example is an aggression syndrome where some individuals are more aggressive, whereas others are less aggressive across a range of situations and contexts. The existence of behavioral syndromes focuses the attention of behavioral ecologists on limited (less than optimal) behavioral plasticity and behavioral carryovers across situations, rather than on optimal plasticity in each isolated situation. Behavioral syndromes can explain behaviors that appear strikingly non-adaptive in an isolated context (e.g. inappropriately high activity when predators are present, or excessive sexual cannibalism). Behavioral syndromes can also help to explain the maintenance of individual variation in behavioral types, a phenomenon that is ubiquitous, but often ignored. Recent studies suggest that the behavioral type of an individual, population or species can have important ecological and evolutionary implications, including major effects on species distributions, on the relative tendencies of species to be invasive or to respond well to environmental change, and on speciation rates. Although most studies of behavioral syndromes to date have focused on a few organisms, mainly in the laboratory, further work on other species, particularly in the field, should yield numerous new insights.

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  • ...Although ecologists have shown a renewed interest in the importance of individual variation within species [ 8 ], the role of behavioral syndromes in maintaining variation in behavioral types, and the possible role of within-species variation in behavioral type in enabling species to cope with human-induced rapid environmental change, remain unstudied....


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TL;DR: The ellipses are unbiased with respect to sample size, and their estimation via Bayesian inference allows robust comparison to be made among data sets comprising different sample sizes, which opens up more avenues for direct comparison of isotopic niches across communities.
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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A review of the literature reveals significant effects of genetic diversity on ecological processes such as primary productivity, population recovery from disturbance, interspecific competition, community structure, and fluxes of energy and nutrients.
Abstract: Understanding the ecological consequences of biodiversity is a fundamental challenge. Research on a key component of biodiversity, genetic diversity, has traditionally focused on its importance in evolutionary processes, but classical studies in evolutionary biology, agronomy and conservation biology indicate that genetic diversity might also have important ecological effects. Our review of the literature reveals significant effects of genetic diversity on ecological processes such as primary productivity, population recovery from disturbance, interspecific competition, community structure, and fluxes of energy and nutrients. Thus, genetic diversity can have important ecological consequences at the population, community and ecosystem levels, and in some cases the effects are comparable in magnitude to the effects of species diversity. However, it is not clear how widely these results apply in nature, as studies to date have been biased towards manipulations of plant clonal diversity, and little is known about the relative importance of genetic diversity vs. other factors that influence ecological processes of interest. Future studies should focus not only on documenting the presence of genetic diversity effects but also on identifying underlying mechanisms and predicting when such effects are likely to occur in nature.

1,412 citations

Cites background from "The Ecology of Individuals: Inciden..."

  • ...3Department of Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708,...


  • ...Second, there is a growing focus on the ecological effects of not just the mean value of a particular explanatory variable, but the variance around the mean within experimental or observational units (e.g. Bolnick et al. 2003; Clark et al. 2004; Inouye 2005)....


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01 Jan 1963

7,870 citations

01 Jan 2000
TL;DR: This chapter discusses the origins of ecological diversity and the ecological basis of speciation, as well as the progress of adaptive radiation and its role in ecology.
Abstract: 1. The origins of ecological diversity 2. Detecting adaptive radiation 3. The progress of adaptive radiation 4. The ecological theory of adaptive radiation 5. Divergent natural selection between environments 6. Divergence and species interactions 7. Ecological opportunity speciation 8. The ecological basis of speciation 9. Divergence along genetic lines of least resistance 10. The ecology of adaptive radiation

3,439 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Throughout, emphasis will be placed on strategic aspects of feeding rather than on what Holling (75) has called "tactics," and possible answers to the first problem may be given to the second problem.
Abstract: Natural history is replete with observations on feeding, yet only recently have investigators begun to treat feeding as a device whose performance­ as measured in net energy yield/feeding time or some other units assumed commensurate with fitness-may be maximized by natural selection (44, 1 13, 135, 156, 181) . The primary task of a theory of feeding strategies is to specify for a given animal that complex of behavior and morphology best suited to gather food energy in a particular environment. The task is one, therefore, of optimization, and like all optimization problems, it may be tri­ sected: 1. Choosing a currency: What is to be maximized or minimized? 2. Choosing the appropriate cost-benefit functions: What is the mathematical form of the set of expressions with the currency as the dependent variable? 3. Solving for the optimum: What computational technique best finds ex­ trema of the cost-benefit function? In this review, most of the following section is devoted to possible answers to the first problem. Then four key aspects of feeding strategies will be considered: (a) the optimal diet, (b) the optimal foraging space, (c) the optimal foraging period, and (d) the optimal foraging-group size. For each, possible cost-benefit formulations will be discussed and compared, and predictions derived from these will be matched with data from the literature on feeding. Because the third problem is an aspect of applied mathematics, it will be mostly ignored. Throughout, emphasis will be placed on strategic aspects of feeding rather than on what Holling (75) has called "tactics."

3,356 citations

"The Ecology of Individuals: Inciden..." refers background in this paper

  • ...To develop a mechanistic view of individual specialization, it is first necessary to understand why a particular individual uses a given set of resources, a problem often addressed by optimal foraging theory (Schoener 1971; Werner 1974) and related models....


  • ...Consider a case in which the optimal diet favors specialization on a single valuable prey type (Schoener 1971; Werner 1974)....


Journal Article

2,756 citations

"The Ecology of Individuals: Inciden..." refers background in this paper

  • ...The evolution of reproductive isolation (speciation) has long been thought to be restricted by sympatry and extensive gene flow (Mayr 1963)....


Journal ArticleDOI
02 Aug 1979-Nature
TL;DR: Consideration is given to the relation between the ecology and evolution of the transmission processes and the overall dynamics, and to the mechanisms that can produce cyclic patterns, or multiple stable states, in the levels of infection in the host population.
Abstract: If the host population is taken to be a dynamic variable (rather than constant, as conventionally assumed), a wider understanding of the population biology of infectious diseases emerges. In this first part of a two-part article, mathematical models are developed, shown to fit data from laboratory experiments, and used to explore the evolutionary relations among transmission parameters. In the second part of the article, to be published in next week's issue, the models are extended to include indirectly transmitted infections, and the general implications for infectious diseases are considered.

2,652 citations

Frequently Asked Questions (8)
Q1. What are the contributions mentioned in the paper "The ecology of individuals: incidence and implications of individual specialization" ?

This article reviews the incidence, degree, causes, and implications of individual-level niche variation to challenge these simplifications. Finally, individual specialization has potentially important ecological, evolutionary, and conservation implications. Theory suggests that niche variation facilitates frequency-dependent interactions that can profoundly affect the population ’ s stability, the amount of intraspecific competition, fitness-function shapes, and the population ’ s capacity to diversify and speciate rapidly. Their collection of case studies suggests that individual specialization is a widespread but underappreciated phenomenon that poses many important but unanswered questions. 

The possibility that reserves designed to maximize species diversity may tend to minimize intraspecific ecological diversity is also of some concern. Further empirical and theoretical analysis of individual specialization and other forms of intrapopulation niche variation will vastly improve their understanding of the complexity and evolution of ecological interactions. 

Determining the timescale over which niche variation persists is important because the temporal consistency of individual specialization will have implications for both evolution and ecology. 

Stable isotope ratios have been used to estimate the contribution of different prey to a predator’s diet (Vander Zanden et al. 2000). 

abstract: Most empirical and theoretical studies of resource use and population dynamics treat conspecific individuals as ecologically equivalent. 

Niche data can also be collected by cross-sectional sampling, such as the analysis of gut contents from a collection of specimens. 

These preferences then interact with prey availability, escape rates, environmental heterogeneity, and social interactions to mold the individual’s actual resource use. 

Generalist predators are likely to encounter a wider variety of parasite species because they consume a larger number of potential intermediate hosts.