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The Variability of Psychophysical Parameters Following Surface and Subdermal Stimulation: A Multiday Study in Amputees

TL;DR: The outcome of this study has implications for the choice of modality in delivering sensory feedback, though the significance of the quantified variability needs to be evaluated using usability tests with user feedback.
Abstract: Electrotactile stimulation has been suggested as a modality for providing sensory feedback in upper limb prostheses. This study investigates the multiday variability of subdermal and surface stimulation. Electrical stimulation was delivered using either surface or fine wire electrodes placed right under the skin in eight amputees for seven consecutive days. The variability of psychophysical measurements, including detection threshold (DT), pain threshold (PT), dynamic range (DR), just noticeable difference (JND), Weber fraction (WF) and quality of evoked sensations, was evaluated using the coefficient of variation (CoV). In addition, the systematic change in the mean of the parameters across days was assessed in both stimulation modalities. In the case of DT, PT, DR, and perceived intensity at 100 Hz, the CoV of surface stimulation was significantly smaller than that of subdermal stimulation. Only PT showed a significant systematic change in the mean value across days for both modalities. The outcome of this study has implications for the choice of modality in delivering sensory feedback, though the significance of the quantified variability needs to be evaluated using usability tests with user feedback.

Summary (3 min read)


  • Round 1.6 million people were living with limb amputation in the year 2005, and it has been estimated that 3.6 million people will be living with amputation in the United States of America by the year 2050 [1] .
  • For upper limb prosthetic users, the absence of sensory feedback impedes the efficient use of their prostheses, which can lead to user frustration and abandonment of the device [2] .
  • The feedback can be restored through invasive methods as well, i.e. by electrically stimulating peripheral nerves [10] .
  • The information about grasping force, slippage [12] , hand aperture [13] , finger flexion [14] , and elbow angle has been previously encoded and transmitted through sensory feedback [7] , [15] .
  • Subdermal stimulation can lead to substantially more compact feedback interfaces, since it is based on point electrodes (wire tip), and it can substantially decrease the required voltage and current consumption because skin impedance is bypassed.

A. Subjects

  • Subjects provided written informed consent and the study adhered to the Helsinki Declaration.
  • All subjects had undergone traumatic amputation of their dominant hand/arm.
  • None of the subjects abused cannabis, opioids or other drugs.
  • One subject was excluded from the study because a pain threshold could not be reached even with a current amplitude of 40 mA (the highest possible current to deliver) and at that high stimulation level, strong muscle twitches were evoked.

B. Experiment procedure

  • A single session was performed each day for seven consecutive days.
  • The psychophysical measurements were collected in the order of DT, PT, JND and sensation evaluation in each session.
  • All seven sessions were scheduled at the same time of the day.
  • The surface electrodes were disposed following each session.
  • This protocol was selected to mimic the real-life application in which the surface electrodes are reapplied with each donning and doffing, while the subdermal electrodes will be placed permanently.

C. Stimulation

  • A programmable stimulator (ISIS Neurostimulator, Inomed, Germany) was used to generate biphasic, rectangular, symmetric pulses with a pulse width of 200 μs.
  • The stimulator was controlled by a custom-made program implemented in LabVIEW version 2015 running on a laptop.
  • The subdermal wire electrodes were made of Teflon-coated stainless steel (A-M Systems, Carlsborg WA, diameter 50 µm), with 5-mm tip exposed [21] .
  • Each subject was checked to see if the stump of his forearm had enough normal skin (the skin without any visible scar and any abnormal sensation) for electrode placement.
  • The surface electrode was placed just next to the wire (Fig. 1 ).

D. Psychophysical measurements 1) Detection threshold and pain threshold

  • The smallest stimulus that can be detected by the subject is called DT.
  • This amplitude was then used as the initial amplitude in the staircase procedure.
  • During the staircase testing, a series of stimuli were delivered to the subjects with the amplitude that was adjusted adaptively based on subject responses.
  • If the subject detected the stimulus, the amplitude was increased, otherwise decreased (in steps of 0.03-0.05 mA for surface and 0.01-0.03 mA for subdermal stimulation).
  • The DT was computed as the average of the last seven reversals.

) Just noticeable difference

  • The smallest change in the stimulus amplitude that can be detected by a subject is called the JND.
  • The pairs of pulses were delivered until the subject reported that he could feel the difference in the intensity.
  • According to Weber's law, the WF should be approximately constant, and therefore, it can be used to estimate the JND for different baselines.
  • To describe the location of the perception, the subjects could select one of the three options, namely, 'local', 'radiation' and 'referred'.
  • Finally, the selection ratios (average scores of the 3 stimulation sequences) were used for data analysis for the sensation quality and sensation location of each item.

E. Data analysis

  • The coefficient of variation (CoV) was computed to evaluate the variability of DT, PT, WF, DR, intensity, and comfort across seven days.
  • Then, the parametric paired sample ttest was used to compare CoVs between the surface and subdermal stimulation if the data were normally distributed, otherwise, the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used.
  • The CoV values were expressed in percent.
  • In both cases, post hoc pairwise tests (Tukey's HSD criterion) were performed if a significant difference was detected across days.
  • Statistics were performed using IBM SPSS version 25 except the Skilling-Mack test, which was performed using Statext v3.0.

A. PT, DT, and DR

  • There was a significant difference (p ˂ 0.05) between the surface and subdermal stimulation in the CoVs of both DT and PT.
  • Therefore, both DT and PT were more variable in the case of subdermal stimulation.
  • There was a significant difference (p ˂ 0.05) between the surface and subdermal stimulation in the CoVs of the DR.
  • Therefore, DR was more variable across seven days in subdermal stimulation.


  • There was no significant difference between the surface (64.66 ± 45.52 %) and subdermal stimulation (37.90 ± 7.13 %), likely due to high variability of the CoVs across subjects in surface stimulation.
  • There was no significant change in the mean WF of both surface and subdermal stimulation across the seven days, which means that both surface and subdermal stimulation were stable across days (no systematic trends).

C. Evoked sensation 1) Quality of sensation and perceived location

  • The sensation quality and perceived location for surface and subdermal stimulation exhibited a similar degree of variability across the seven days (p > 0.05 for all).
  • As shown in Fig. 6 , the selection ratios of pressure, vibration, tingling and movement for surface stimulation seem to be higher than for subdermal stimulation, while there is an opposite trend for the selection ratios of pinprick and warm sensations.


  • Two aspects of the psychophysical measurements were explored, one is variability (CoV) and the other is the stability of the mean (systematic trend).
  • Therefore, the environment in the tissue around the electrode might have changed, thereby influencing the psychophysical measurements.
  • In fact, there was no re-insertion of the subdermal electrode during the seven days, as the re-insertion would be an additional source of variability.
  • It provides chronic placement with a simple procedure (needle insertion).
  • As demonstrated here, both subdermal and surface stimulation are stable (no systematic change) but the psychometric parameters of the subdermal stimulation exhibit more intrinsic variability.

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Citation for published version (APA):
Dong, J., Geng, B., Khan Niazi, I., Amjad, I., Dosen, S., Jensen, W., & Kamavuako, E. N. (2020). The Variability
of Psychophysical Parameters following Surface and Subdermal Stimulation: A Multiday Study in Amputees.
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering , 28(1), 174-180. [8918067].
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> TNSRE-2019-00349 <
Abstract—Electrotactile stimulation has been suggested as a
modality for providing sensory feedback in upper limb prostheses.
This study investigates the multiday variability of subdermal and
surface stimulation. Electrical stimulation was delivered using
either surface or fine wire electrodes placed right under the skin
in eight amputees for seven consecutive days. The variability of
psychophysical measurements, including detection threshold
(DT), pain threshold (PT), dynamic range (DR), just noticeable
difference (JND), Weber fraction (WF) and quality of evoked
sensations, was evaluated using the coefficient of variation (CoV).
In addition, the systematic change in the mean of the parameters
across days was assessed in both stimulation modalities. In the case
of DT, PT, DR, and perceived intensity at 100 Hz, the CoV of
surface stimulation was significantly smaller than that of
subdermal stimulation. Only PT showed a significant systematic
change in the mean value across days for both modalities. The
outcome of this study has implications for the choice of modality
in delivering sensory feedback, though the significance of the
quantified variability needs to be evaluated using usability tests
with user feedback.
Index Terms—Prostheses, surface electrotactile stimulation,
subdermal electrical stimulation, sensory feedback, sensation
round 1.6 million people were living with limb amputation
in the year 2005, and it has been estimated that 3.6 million
people will be living with amputation in the United States of
America by the year 2050 [1]. Currently, some of the
functionality of a lost arm can be replaced by a prosthesis. A
prosthesis is defined as an artificial device that replaces a
biological limb both functionally and morphologically. The
human hand has a highly complex structure that comprises
many degrees of freedom; the hand has remarkable capabilities
in performing dexterous and delicate movements. This is
possible due to the sophisticated closed-loop control integrating
This work was supported by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
Science The Danish Council for Independent Research | Technology and
Production Sciences under Grant 1337-00130.
Jian Dong is with the Department of Orthopedics, The Second Hospital of
Jilin University, Changchun 130041, China. He is now with SMI®, the
Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, 9220
Aalborg, Denmark (e-mail:
Bo Geng, Strahinja Dosen and Winnie Jensen are with SMI®, the
Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, 9220
Aalborg, Denmark.
efferent motor output and afferent sensory feedback.
Consequently, mimicking the structure and function of the
human hand using an artificial system is a very challenging
Even though advanced prosthetic hands that can partly
replicate the motor dexterity of a natural human hand are
available (e.g. DEKA Hand and iLimb), a continuing challenge
is to restore the sensory function of the hand. For upper limb
prosthetic users, the absence of sensory feedback impedes the
efficient use of their prostheses, which can lead to user
frustration and abandonment of the device [2]. The sensory
awareness, which is available with body-powered prostheses
due to a direct connection between the gripper and the user's
shoulder, does not exist in myo-electrically controlled systems
[3]. In this case, the users must rely primarily on the direct
observation of the device (visual feedback) [4] and secondarily,
on subtle clues such as the sounds of the motor and transmission
(intrinsic feedback) [5]. Therefore, restoring somatosensory
feedback to the prosthesis user can decrease visual attention and
improve control by providing explicit information about the
state of the device.
The somatosensory feedback can be provided using different
stimulation methods to elicit tactile sensations [6]. Current non-
invasive solutions are mostly based on delivering
electrocutaneous stimulation [7], or vibration [8] to the skin on
the residual limb. The residual limb can also be stimulated
mechanically (e.g. pushing the limb by using a force applicator,
squeezing the limb by a cuff, or by stretching the skin) [9]. The
feedback can be restored through invasive methods as well, i.e.
by electrically stimulating peripheral nerves [10]. In this case,
the aim of the stimulation is to activate the same neural
structures that have been used before the amputation, leading to
somatotopic feedback. The same result may be achieved using
non-invasive methods by delivering the stimulus to the
Imran Khan Niazi is with New Zealand College of Chiropractic, 1060
Auckland, New Zealand; SMI®, Department of Health Science and
Technology, 9220 Aalborg University, Denmark; Health and Rehabilitation
Research Institute, AUT University, 1142 Auckland, New Zealand.
Imran Amjad is with Riphah College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Riphah
International University, H-8/2 Islamabad, Pakistan.
Ernest Nlandu Kamavuako is with the Centre for Robotics Research,
Department of Informatics, King’s College London, WC2B 4BG London,
United Kingdom.
The Variability of Psychophysical Parameters
following Surface and Subdermal Stimulation:
A Multiday Study in Amputees
Jian Dong, Bo Geng, Imran Khan Niazi, Imran Amjad, Strahinja Dosen, IEEE Member, Winnie
Jensen and Ernest Nlandu Kamavuako, IEEE Member

> TNSRE-2019-00349 <
phantom map if it exists on the residual limb [11].
In general, the feedback information is transmitted by
relating a measured prosthesis variable to selected stimulation
parameters. For example, the magnitude of the grasping force
can be communicated using the magnitude or frequency of
stimulation. Therefore, the user needs to learn to relate the
stimulation parameters to the prosthesis state, and this requires
training. The information about grasping force, slippage [12],
hand aperture [13], finger flexion [14], and elbow angle has
been previously encoded and transmitted through sensory
feedback [7], [15].
The electrocutaneous stimulation is an attractive modality to
restore feedback and it has been investigated intensively in the
past [16]. The stimulation can be delivered using simple and
compact circuits and electrodes [17]. Therefore, the
electrotactile interface is convenient for providing multichannel
feedback and integration into a prosthetic socket. Furthermore,
since there are no moving mechanical parts, the stimulation
parameters can be changed fast and independently. This allows
eliciting rich and dynamic tactile sensations. Studies with able-
bodied subjects and amputees have shown that electrotactile
feedback can improve prosthesis control [18], [19].
Nevertheless, a disadvantage of electrocutaneous stimulation
delivered through surface electrodes is that it can produce
uncomfortable and even painful sensations. High voltage is
needed for the stimulation to overcome the skin impedance,
which can also vary depending on the conditions of the
electrode-skin interface. To increase the dynamic range,
between the sensation and pain threshold, larger electrodes are
required. Importantly, these drawbacks may be overcome by
placing the electrodes subdermally, as previously demonstrated
[20], [21]. Subdermal stimulation can lead to substantially more
compact feedback interfaces, since it is based on point
electrodes (wire tip), and it can substantially decrease the
required voltage and current consumption because skin
impedance is bypassed. As a step in this direction,
psychophysical measurements were conducted previously [21]
to evaluate and compare the properties of the surface and
subdermal stimulation.
Ideally, a feedback interface needs to produce stable and
repeatable sensations. This is even more important when using
subdermal stimulation since the electrodes are meant to stay
within the tissue for its lifetime, contrary to surface stimulation
where they will be reapplied with each donning and doffing of
the prosthesis. The short-term stability of subdermal
stimulation has been tested in our previous study for up to eight
hours [22]. However, long-term stability plays an important
role in achieving the long-lasting functional sensory feedback
and verifying its usability in clinical applications for amputees
[23], [24]. In general, the multiday variability of the commonly
used psychophysical measurements has received less attention
in the literature.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the
variability of psychophysical measurements over the course of
seven days when using subdermal versus surface stimulation in
upper-limb amputees. The psychophysical measurements that
were investigated systematically in the present study were
detection threshold (DT), pain threshold (PT), dynamic range
(DR), just noticeable difference (JND), Weber fraction (WF)
and the subjective quality of evoked sensations.
A. Subjects
Nine male upper-limb amputees (33.6 ± 12.9 years old, 13.7
± 11.1 years after amputation) were recruited from Railway
General Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan (Table I). Subjects
provided written informed consent and the study adhered to the
Helsinki Declaration. The ethical committee of Riphah
International University (N-ref# Riphah/
RCRS/REC/000121/20012016) approved the study protocol.
All subjects had undergone traumatic amputation of their
dominant hand/arm. None of the subjects abused cannabis,
opioids or other drugs. They had no record of previous
neurological, musculoskeletal or mental illnesses, lack of
ability to cooperate, fear of injections; and they were all
phantom pain-free. One subject was excluded from the study
because a pain threshold could not be reached even with a
current amplitude of 40 mA (the highest possible current to
deliver) and at that high stimulation level, strong muscle
twitches were evoked.
B. Experiment procedure
A single session was performed each day for seven
consecutive days. The psychophysical measurements were
collected in the order of DT, PT, JND and sensation evaluation
in each session. All seven sessions were scheduled at the same
time of the day. The subdermal electrode was disconnected
after each session and it remained under the skin for the
duration of the experiment. The insertion site and the wire were
wrapped with a medical bandage between different sessions, to
minimize displacement of the electrode during daily activities.
The surface electrodes were disposed following each session.
This protocol was selected to mimic the real-life application in
which the surface electrodes are reapplied with each donning
and doffing, while the subdermal electrodes will be placed
permanently. The common ground electrode was also removed
at the end of the session. The same common ground electrode
was reused for three or four sessions depending on the
stickiness and conductivity.
Years after
Amputation level
Cause of
Wrist disarticulation
Partial hand
Partial hand
Wrist disarticulation
Wrist disarticulation
Partial hand
Partial hand
All subjects were undergoing dominant side amputation.

> TNSRE-2019-00349 <
C. Stimulation
A programmable stimulator (ISIS Neurostimulator, Inomed,
Germany) was used to generate biphasic, rectangular,
symmetric pulses with a pulse width of 200 μs. The stimulator
was controlled by a custom-made program implemented in
LabVIEW version 2015 running on a laptop.
Commercially available surface electrodes (Ambu Neuroline
700, 20 mm 15 mm) and subdermal fine wire electrodes were
used to deliver the electrical stimulation. The subdermal wire
electrodes were made of Teflon-coated stainless steel (A-M
Systems, Carlsborg WA, diameter 50 µm), with 5-mm tip
exposed [21]. Each subject was checked to see if the stump of
his forearm had enough normal skin (the skin without any
visible scar and any abnormal sensation) for electrode
placement. The two stimulation electrodes were positioned on
the dorsal side of the proximal end of the stump. The subject
was seated on a chair with their stump exposed, and the skin of
the dorsal stump was shaved in the area of approximately 2 cm
3 cm. The skin location was cleaned with a 70% alcohol swab
and the wire was inserted subdermally using a 25-gauge
hypodermic needle. The rest of the wire electrode was fixed to
the skin by Fixomull® stretch tape to avoid any displacement.
The surface electrode was placed just next to the wire (Fig. 1).
The pre-gelled common ground electrode (PALS Platinum, 40
mm 64 mm, oval) was applied to the dorsal side of the upper
arm next to the elbow.
D. Psychophysical measurements
1) Detection threshold and pain threshold
The smallest stimulus that can be detected by the subject is
called DT. The DT was measured using a staircase method by
delivering single pulses with an inter-pulse interval of 2 s [25].
To initialize the staircase, an approximate DT was first
determined using the method of limits [26]. The subjects
received a series of pulses gradually increasing in steps of 0.3-
0.5 mA for surface and 0.1-0.3 mA for subdermal stimulation.
The steps were chosen randomly within the indicated range to
avoid any anticipation bias by the subjects [22]. The amputee
reported verbally when he first felt the stimulation. This
amplitude was then used as the initial amplitude in the staircase
procedure. During the staircase testing, a series of stimuli were
delivered to the subjects with the amplitude that was adjusted
adaptively based on subject responses. After each pulse, the
subject reported if he felt the stimulation. If the subject detected
the stimulus, the amplitude was increased, otherwise decreased
(in steps of 0.03-0.05 mA for surface and 0.01-0.03 mA for
subdermal stimulation). The amplitude changes from ‘increase’
to ‘decrease’ or vice versa was defined as a ‘reversal’. The
staircase procedure stopped after 10 reversals or after 30 stimuli
were delivered. The DT was computed as the average of the last
seven reversals.
The stimulus amplitude at which the subject starts to feel pain
is referred to as the PT. The PT was measured using the method
of limits [26] by delivering a single pulse with increasing
amplitude in steps of 0.3-0.5 mA for surface and 0.1-0.3 mA for
subdermal stimulation [22] and with an inter-pulse interval of 2
s. Three measurements were performed, and the PT was
determined as the average of those measurements.
The DR was calculated by dividing PT by DT. A larger DR
indicates that a wider range of electrical stimulation amplitudes
is tolerated by the subject and may also generate a wider range
of sensations (more room to operate).
2) Just noticeable difference
The smallest change in the stimulus amplitude that can be
detected by a subject is called the JND. The JND was
determined using the method of limits [26]. The amplitude of
the baseline stimulus was set at 3×DT in both surface and
subdermal stimulation. If this intensity was higher than the PT,
a lower amplitude of 2×DT or DT was used. Two stimuli
were delivered sequentially and there was a 2-s break between
the pulses. The first pulse was always set to the baseline
amplitude whereas the amplitude of the second pulse was
increased in steps of 0.01-0.11 mA for surface and 0.02-0.07
mA for subdermal. The pairs of pulses were delivered until the
subject reported that he could feel the difference in the intensity.
The difference was recorded as the JND. Finally, the procedure
was repeated three times and the average of the three JNDs was
used for data analysis.
The ratio between the JND and the baseline amplitude is
called WF [18]. The WF was calculated using equation as
where ΔI is JND and Δ is the baseline amplitude. According to
Weber’s law, the WF should be approximately constant, and
therefore, it can be used to estimate the JND for different
baselines. Hence, the WF characterizes the resolution of the
perceptual system.
3) Sensation evaluation
A computerized questionnaire was designed (Fig. 2) to
collect the subjective experience of the stimulation [13]. The
subjects were asked to report on the sensation quality, intensity,
comfort, and location. The questionnaire included 12 pre-
defined words that could be selected by the subject to describe
the quality. For the stimulus intensity, the subjects were asked
to indicate a number from a numerical rating scale (NRS),
where 0 represented no stimulation and 10 represented the
Fig. 1. Diagram of electrodes placement.

> TNSRE-2019-00349 <
maximum intensity. The stimulus comfort was reported using a
Likert-type scale, where one indicated very comfortable, four
neutral and seven very uncomfortable sensations. To describe
the location of the perception, the subjects could select one of
the three options, namely, 'local', 'radiation' and 'referred'.
'Local' represents that the sensation was just beneath the
electrodes. 'Radiation' indicates that the sensation radiated out
from the electrodes. 'Referred' represents that the sensation
appeared at the other part of the body. All the answers were
recorded on a computer via LabVIEW. The NRS and Likert
scale were implemented using sliders and therefore the subject
could indicate any number within the allowed range.
To evaluate the sensation quality, intensity, comfort, and
location (questionnaire contents), the stimulation was delivered
to the subjects in the form of 1-s pulse trains. The amplitude of
the pulse trains was set to 3×DT and the frequency at 20 Hz and
100 Hz. These frequencies were selected as a) they elicit
different sensations, 20 Hz elicits vibration and 100 Hz fused
tingling, and b) they are within the range typically used for
sensory feedback [27]. The amplitude of 1× DT or 2×DT was
used if 3×DT was over PT. Each frequency was delivered to the
subjects three times, and after each delivery, the subject was
asked to fill in the aforementioned questionnaire. The stimuli at
50 Hz and 80 Hz were used as oddballs and delivered 2 times
each. Twenty pulse trains (10 surface stimuli and 10 subdermal
stimuli) were delivered to the subjects and the order of
application of different frequencies was randomized. With
sensation quality and location, the score was recorded as 1 if the
specific word was selected; otherwise, the score was recorded
as 0. Finally, the selection ratios (average scores of the 3
stimulation sequences) were used for data analysis for the
sensation quality and sensation location of each item. With
intensity and comfort, the average value of the three stimulation
sequences was used for data analysis.
E. Data analysis
The coefficient of variation (CoV) was computed to evaluate
the variability of DT, PT, WF, DR, intensity, and comfort
across seven days. CoV was calculated as follows:
𝐶𝑜𝑉 =
𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛/𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛
× 100
Finally, 8 CoVs (8 subjects) were obtained as a measure of
within-subject variability across seven days for surface and
subdermal stimulation. Then, the parametric paired sample t-
test was used to compare CoVs between the surface and
subdermal stimulation if the data were normally distributed,
otherwise, the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test was
used. The CoV values were expressed in percent.
One-way repeated-measures ANOVA was applied to detect
if the psychometric parameters (DT, PT, DR, WF) changed
significantly across the seven days when the data were normally
distributed (Shapiro-Wilk test), otherwise, the Friedman test
was used. In both cases, post hoc pairwise tests (Tukey’s HSD
criterion) were performed if a significant difference was
detected across days.
Skilling-Mack test was used for difference detection across
the seven days in sensation quality, intensity, comfort, and
location data since this test can be used in any block design and
in the presence of missing data. Results are reported as mean ±
standard deviation (M ± SD). Statistics were performed using
IBM SPSS version 25 except the Skilling-Mack test, which was
performed using Statext v3.0. The statistical significance
threshold was set at p < 0.05.
A. PT, DT, and DR
The average CoVs of the DT and PT for surface and
subdermal stimulation are shown in Fig. 3. There was a
significant difference (p ˂ 0.05) between the surface and
subdermal stimulation in the CoVs of both DT and PT. The
CoVs for DT were 13.41 ± 5.11 % vs 22.30 ± 5.06 % and for
PT were 16.25 ± 6.93 % vs 20.00 ± 3.60 % in surface and
subdermal stimulation, respectively. Therefore, both DT and
PT were more variable in the case of subdermal stimulation.
There was no significant difference across seven days in the
mean DT of both surface and subdermal stimulation (Fig. 4 A
and B). However, the PT in surface and subdermal stimulation
increased across the seven-day period as shown in Fig. 4 C and
D. The regression fit lines were significantly different from zero
(p ˂ 0.05). The mean PT of surface stimulation changed
significantly across seven days, as detected by the Friedman test.
The post hoc tests revealed that the PT of the second (19.76 mA
± 4.59 mA) and third day (20.60 mA ± 4.43 mA) was
Fig. 3. The average (mean ± standard deviation) coefficient of variation (CoV
for detection threshold (DT) and pain threshold (PT)
across seven days for
subdermal (gray) and surface (black) stimulation. ⁎ p ˂ 0.05.
Fig. 2. Questionnaire for sensation evaluation.

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Posted ContentDOI
TL;DR: Electrotactile feedback was successful in rendering and/or augmenting most tactile sensations, eliciting perceptual processes, and improving performance in many scenarios, especially in those where the wearability/portability of the system is important.
Abstract: Haptic feedback is critical in a broad range of human-machine/computer-interaction applications. However, the high cost and low portability/wearability of haptic devices remains an unresolved issue, severely limiting the adoption of this otherwise promising technology. Electrotactile interfaces have the advantage of being more portable and wearable due to its reduced actuators’ size, as well as benefiting from lower power consumption and manufacturing cost. The usages of electrotactile feedback have been explored in human-computer interaction and human machine-interaction for facilitating hand-based interactions in applications such as prosthetics, virtual reality, robotic teleoperation, surface haptics, portable devices, and rehabilitation. This paper presents a systematic review and meta-analysis of electrotactile feedback systems for hand based interactions in the last decade. We categorize the different electrotactile systems according to their type of stimulation and implementation/application. We also present and discuss a quantitative congregation of the findings, so as to offer a high-level overview into the state-of-art and suggest future directions. Electrotactile feedback was successful in rendering and/or augmenting most tactile sensations, eliciting perceptual processes, and improving performance in many scenarios, especially in those where the wearability/portability of the system is important. However, knowledge gaps, technical drawbacks, and methodological limitations were detected, which should be addressed in future studies.

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper , the authors present a technological overview of electrotactile feedback, as well as a systematic review and meta-analysis of its applications for hand-based interactions and discuss over a quantitative congregation of the findings, to offer a high-level overview into the state-of-theart and suggest future directions.
Abstract: Haptic feedback is critical in a broad range of human-machine/computer-interaction applications. However, the high cost and low portability/wearability of haptic devices remain unresolved issues, severely limiting the adoption of this otherwise promising technology. Electrotactile interfaces have the advantage of being more portable and wearable due to their reduced actuators’ size, as well as their lower power consumption and manufacturing cost. The applications of electrotactile feedback have been explored in human-computer interaction and human-machine-interaction for facilitating hand-based interactions in applications, such as prosthetics, virtual reality, robotic teleoperation, surface haptics, portable devices, and rehabilitation. This article presents a technological overview of electrotactile feedback, as well a systematic review and meta-analysis of its applications for hand-based interactions. We discuss the different electrotactile systems according to the type of application. We also discuss over a quantitative congregation of the findings, to offer a high-level overview into the state-of-art and suggest future directions. Electrotactile feedback systems showed increased portability/wearability, and they were successful in rendering and/or augmenting most tactile sensations, eliciting perceptual processes, and improving performance in many scenarios. However, knowledge gaps (e.g., embodiment), technical (e.g., recurrent calibration, electrodes’ durability) and methodological (e.g., sample size) drawbacks were detected, which should be addressed in future studies.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article , a review on electrotactile perception and its applications is presented, where the methods and progress in various fields such as prostheses control, sensory substitution, sensory restoration and sensorimotor restoration.
Abstract: With the increased demands of human-machine interaction, haptic feedback is becoming increasingly critical. However, the high cost, large size and low efficiency of current haptic systems severely hinder further development. As a portable and efficient technology, cutaneous electrotactile stimulation has shown promising potential for these issues. This paper presents a review on and insight into cutaneous electrotactile perception and its applications. Research results on perceptual properties and evaluation methods have been summarized and discussed to understand the effects of electrotactile stimulation on humans. Electrotactile applications are presented in categories to understand the methods and progress in various fields such as prostheses control, sensory substitution, sensory restoration and sensorimotor restoration. State of the art has demonstrated the superiority of electrotactile feedback, its efficiency and its flexibility. However, the complex factors and the limitations of evaluation methods made it challenging for precise electrotactile control. Groundbreaking innovation in electrotactile theory is expected to overcome challenges such as precise perception control, information capacity increasing, comprehension burden reducing and implementation costs.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Electrotactile applications are presented in categories to understand the methods and progress in various fields such as prostheses control, sensory substitution, sensory restoration and sensorimotor restoration.
Abstract: With the increased demands of human-machine interaction, haptic feedback is becoming increasingly critical. However, the high cost, large size and low efficiency of current haptic systems severely hinder further development. As a portable and efficient technology, cutaneous electrotactile stimulation has shown promising potential for these issues. This paper presents a review on and insight into cutaneous electrotactile perception and its applications. Research results on perceptual properties and evaluation methods have been summarized and discussed to understand the effects of electrotactile stimulation on humans. Electrotactile applications are presented in categories to understand the methods and progress in various fields such as prostheses control, sensory substitution, sensory restoration and sensorimotor restoration. State of the art has demonstrated the superiority of electrotactile feedback, its efficiency and its flexibility. However, the complex factors and the limitations of evaluation methods made it challenging for precise electrotactile control. Groundbreaking innovation in electrotactile theory is expected to overcome challenges such as precise perception control, information capacity increasing, comprehension burden reducing and implementation costs.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
13 Aug 2020
TL;DR: A flexible, transversal intraneural tungsten:titanium electrode array for acute studies is introduced and it is shown that the stimulation of peripheral nerves with this electrode array is possible and that more than half of the electrode contacts can yield a stimulation selectivity index of 0.75 or higher at low stimulation currents.
Abstract: The development of hardware for neural interfacing remains a technical challenge. We introduce a flexible, transversal intraneural tungsten:titanium electrode array for acute studies. We characterize the electrochemical properties of this new combination of tungsten and titanium using cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. With an in-vivo rodent study, we show that the stimulation of peripheral nerves with this electrode array is possible and that more than half of the electrode contacts can yield a stimulation selectivity index of 0.75 or higher at low stimulation currents. This feasibility study paves the way for the development of future cost-effective and easy-to-fabricate neural interfacing electrodes for acute settings, which ultimately can inform the development of technologies that enable bi-directional communication with the human nervous system.

2 citations

Cites background from "The Variability of Psychophysical P..."

  • ...DELIVERING sensory feedback for prosthesis users has attracted a significant level of scientific and clinical interest [1]–[5]....


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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The proposed flexible electrotactile stimulation system is convenient for practical applications and can be used to implement sensory perception training and/or closed-loop control of myoelectric prostheses, providing grasping force and proprioceptive feedback.
Abstract: Objective. The aim of the present work was to develop and test a flexible electrotactile stimulation system to provide real-time feedback to the prosthesis user. The system requirements were to accommodate the capabilities of advanced multi-DOF myoelectric hand prostheses and transmit the feedback variables (proprioception and force) using intuitive coding, with high resolution and after minimal training. Approach. We developed a fully-programmable and integrated electrotactile interface supporting time and space distributed stimulation over custom designed flexible array electrodes. The system implements low-level access to individual stimulation channels as well as a set of high-level mapping functions translating the state of a multi-DoF prosthesis (aperture, grasping force, wrist rotation) into a set of predefined dynamic stimulation profiles. The system was evaluated using discrimination tests employing spatial and frequency coding (10 able-bodied subjects) and dynamic patterns (10 able-bodied and 6 amputee subjects). The outcome measure was the success rate (SR) in discrimination. Main results. The more practical electrode with the common anode configuration performed similarly to the more usual concentric arrangement. The subjects could discriminate six spatial and four frequency levels with SR >90% after a few minutes of training, whereas the performance significantly deteriorated for more levels. The dynamic patterns were intuitive for the subjects, although amputees showed lower SR than able-bodied individuals (86% ± 10% versus 99% ± 3%). Significance. The tests demonstrated that the system was easy to setup and apply. The design and resolution of the multipad electrode was evaluated. Importantly, the novel dynamic patterns, which were successfully tested, can be superimposed to transmit multiple feedback variables intuitively and simultaneously. This is especially relevant for closing the loop in modern multifunction prostheses. Therefore, the proposed system is convenient for practical applications and can be used to implement sensory perception training and/or closed-loop control of myoelectric prostheses, providing grasping force and proprioceptive feedback.

77 citations

"The Variability of Psychophysical P..." refers background in this paper

  • ...The stimulation can be delivered using simple and compact circuits and electrodes [17]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Despite a large number of publications reporting the results of this research, certain basic questions still remain unanswered.
Abstract: When electrical current is passed through the body by means of electrodes applied to the skin, sensory nerves can be stimulated. This results in sensations that vary from barely perceivable to highly unpleasant. Such electrocutaneous stimulation of sensory nerves has been studied by engineers, neurologists, physiologists and psychologists, who have investigated the interrelationship between the physical parameters of the electrical stimulus and the psychological effect that it evokes, have used electrical stimulation to study the nervous system and its pathologies and have tried to use cutaneous stimulation as a communication medium. Despite a large number of publications reporting the results of this research, certain basic questions still remain unanswered.

73 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
06 Jun 2017
TL;DR: Important insights are provided into the feedback and feedforward processes in prosthesis control, contributing to the better understanding of the role and design of feedback in prosthetic systems.
Abstract: Human motor control relies on a combination of feedback and feedforward strategies. The aim of this study was to longitudinally investigate artificial somatosensory feedback and feedforward control in the context of grasping with myoelectric prosthesis. Nine amputee subjects performed routine grasping trials, with the aim to produce four levels of force during four blocks of 60 trials across five days. The electrotactile force feedback was provided in the second and third block using multipad electrode and spatial coding. The first baseline and last validation block (open-loop control) evaluated the effects of long- (across sessions) and short-term (within session) learning, respectively. The outcome measures were the absolute error between the generated and target force, and the number of force saturations. The results demonstrated that the electrotactile feedback improved the performance both within and across sessions. In the validation block, the performance did not significantly decrease and the quality of open-loop control (baseline) improved across days, converging to the performance characterizing closed-loop control. This paper provides important insights into the feedback and feedforward processes in prosthesis control, contributing to the better understanding of the role and design of feedback in prosthetic systems.

66 citations

"The Variability of Psychophysical P..." refers background in this paper

  • ...The ratio between the JND and the baseline amplitude is called WF [18]....


  • ...Studies with able-bodied subjects and amputees have shown that electrotactile feedback can improve prosthesis control [18], [19]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: SF was better than NF in general, but the practical issues such as the limited area of stumps could constrain the use of SF, and thus the 3C/SF modality was a good compromise.
Abstract: Transcutaneous electrical stimulation can provide amputees with tactile feedback for better manipulating an advanced prosthesis. In general, there are two ways to transfer the stimulus to the skin: somatotopical feedback (SF) that stimulates the phantom digit somatotopy on the stump and non-somatotopical feedback (NF) that stimulates other positions on the human body. To investigate the difference between SF and NF, electrotactile experiments were conducted on seven amputees. Electrical stimulation was applied via a complete phantom map to the residual limb (SF) and to the upper arm (NF) separately. The behavior results of discrimination accuracy and response time were used to examine: 1) performance differences between SF and NF for discriminating position, type and strength of tactile feedback; 2) performance differences between SF and NF for one channel (1C), three channels (3C), and five channels (5C). NASA-TLX standardized testing was used to determine differences in mental workload between SF and NF. The grand-averaged discrimination accuracy for SF was 6% higher than NF, and the average response time for SF was 600 ms faster than NF. SF is better than NF for position, type, strength, and the overall modality regarding both accuracy and response time except for 1C modality (p<0.001). Among the six modalities of stimulation channels, performance of 1C/SF was the best, which was similar to that of 1C/NF and 3C/SF; performance of 3C/NF was similar to that of 5C/SF; performance of 5C/NF was the worst. NASA-TLX scores indicated that mental workload increased as the number of stimulation channels increased. We quantified the difference between SF and NF, and the influence of different number of stimulation channels. SF was better than NF in general, but the practical issues such as the limited area of stumps could constrain the use of SF. We found that more channels increased the amount and richness of information to the amputee while fewer channels resulted in higher performance, and thus the 3C/SF modality was a good compromise. Based on this study, we provide possible solutions to the practical problems involving the implementation of tactile feedback for amputees. These results are expected to promote the application of SF and NF tactile feedback for amputees in the future.

48 citations

"The Variability of Psychophysical P..." refers background in this paper

  • ...lus to the phantom map if it exists on the residual limb [11]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The obtained results confirmed that using the feedback improved the accuracy and precision of the force control, suggesting that electrotactile feedback can be used for learning and training of myoelectric control.
Abstract: Aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of electrotactile feedback in closed loop training of force control during the routine grasping task. The feedback was provided using an array electrode and a simple six-level spatial coding, and the experiment was conducted in three amputee subjects. The psychometric tests confirmed that the subjects could perceive and interpret the electrotactile feedback with a high success rate. The subjects performed the routine grasping task comprising 4 blocks of 60 grasping trials. In each trial, the subjects employed feedforward control to close the hand and produce the desired grasping force (four levels). First (baseline) and the last (validation) session were performed in open loop, while the second and the third session (training) included electrotactile feedback. The obtained results confirmed that using the feedback improved the accuracy and precision of the force control. In addition, the subjects performed significantly better in the validation vs. baseline session, therefore suggesting that electrotactile feedback can be used for learning and training of myoelectric control.

47 citations

"The Variability of Psychophysical P..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Current non-invasive solutions are mostly based on delivering electrocutaneous stimulation [7], or vibration [8] to the skin on the residual limb....


Frequently Asked Questions (2)
Q1. What are the contributions in this paper?

This study investigates the multiday variability of subdermal and surface stimulation. The outcome of this study has implications for the choice of modality in delivering sensory feedback, though the significance of the quantified variability needs to be evaluated using usability tests with user feedback. 

Hence, the present study provides important information for future clinical applications of this approach.