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Time-Reversal and Super-Resolving Phase Measurements

TL;DR: The key insight is to use the inherent time-reversal symmetry of quantum mechanics: the theory shows that it is possible to measure, as opposed to prepare, entangled states, to demonstrate phase super-resolution in the absence of entangled states.
Abstract: We demonstrate phase super-resolution in the absence of entangled states. The key insight is to use the inherent time-reversal symmetry of quantum mechanics: our theory shows that it is possible to measure, as opposed to prepare, entangled states. Our approach is robust, requiring only photons that exhibit classical interference: we experimentally demonstrate high-visibility phase super-resolution with three, four, and six photons using a standard laser and photon counters. Our six-photon experiment demonstrates the best phase super-resolution yet reported with high visibility and resolution.
Figures (3)

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Time-Reversal and Super-Resolving Phase Measurements
K. J. Resch,
K. L. Pregnell,
R. Prevedel,
A. Gilchrist,
G. J. Pryde,
J. L. O’Brien,
and A. G. White
Department of Physics, University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia
Centre for Quantum Computer Technology, University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia
Institute for Quantum Computing and Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 Canada
Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College, London, SW7 2PG Unied Kingdom
Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Vienna, Vienna, A-1090 Austria
Centre for Quantum Dynamics & Centre for Quantum Computer Technology, School of Biomolecular and Physical Sciences,
Griffith University, Nathan, Brisbane, QLD 4111 Australia
H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory & Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol,
Bristol BS8 1UB United Kingdom
(Received 7 August 2006; published 31 May 2007; corrected 2 August 2007)
We demonstrate phase super-resolution in the absence of entangled states. The key insight is to use the
inherent time-reversal symmetry of quantum mechanics: our theory shows that it is possible to measure,as
opposed to prepare, entangled states. Our approach is robust, requiring only photons that exhibit classical
interference: we experimentally demonstrate high-visibility phase super-resolution with three, four, and
six photons using a standard laser and photon counters. Our six-photon experiment demonstrates the best
phase super-resolution yet reported with high visibility and resolution.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.223601 PACS numbers: 42.50.Dv, 03.67.a, 42.50.St
Common wisdom holds that entangled states are a nec-
essary resource for many protocols in quantum informa-
tion. An example is quantum metrology, which promises
superprecise measurement, surpassing that possible with
classical states of light and matter [1,2]. In the last 20 years
quantum metrology schemes have been proposed for im-
proved optical [38] and matter-wave [9] interferometry,
atomic spectroscopy [10], and lithography [1113]. The
entangled states in these schemes give rise to phase super-
resolution, where the interference oscillation occurs over a
phase N-times smaller than one cycle of classical light
[14,15] and phase supersensitivity, a reduction of phase
Many quantum metrology schemes are based on path-
entangled number states, e.g., the NOON-state [1], a two-
mode state with either N particles in one mode and 0 in the
other or vice-versa, jN0ij0Ni=
. A deterministic
optical source of path-entangled states is yet to be realized,
requiring optical nonlinearities many orders of magnitude
larger than those currently possible. However, entangled
states can be made nondeterministically using single-
photon sources, linear optics, and photon-resolving detec-
tors [16]: leading to a flurry of proposals to generate path-
entangled states [1721]. While phase super-resolution
with two photons has been demonstrated often since
1990 [2225], phase super-resolution was experimentally
demonstrated for 3-photon [14] and 4-photon [15] states
only recently. As efficient photon sources and photon-
number resolving detectors do not yet exist, all demonstra-
tions to date necessarily used multiphoton coincidence
postselection [26]. In this Letter we introduce a time-
reversal technique that eliminates the need for exotic
sources and detectors, achieving high-visibility phase
super-resolution with a standard laser and photon de-
Figure 1(a) depicts a method for probabilistically gen-
erating NOON states via linear optics and postselection.
Single-photon states are prepared in each of the N input
modes, j
, of a linear optical multiport
interferometer, U
[27]. With probability
, no pho-
tons are found in modes 3 to N, heralding the NOON state
in modes 1 and 2, jN0i
. A relative phase
shift, , between modes 1 and 2 introduces an N shift
between the terms in the statephase super-resolution.
Maximum fringe visibility will be achieved when the
system is measured in a state h
j which has equal over-
, with both compo-
nents of the NOON state. The probability of detecting a
final state h
after propagating
FIG. 1 (color online). Nondeterministic (a) preparation and
(b) measurement of NOON-states for phase super-resolution,
as described in the text. (i) Photon counting after a 50% beam
splitter to measure hNj
& h0j
. (ii) Coherent-state
detection, hj
& hj
, via a 50% beam splitter and two homo-
dyne detectors to measure amplitude and phase
(iii) and (iv) are the corresponding time-reversed processes.
PRL 98, 223601 (2007)
week ending
1 JUNE 2007
0031-9007=07=98(22)=223601(4) 223601-1 © 2007 The American Physical Society

through the multiport and phase shifter U
is P
1 cosN. This probabil-
ity exhibits phase super-resolution since the fringes com-
plete N oscillations over a single cycle of 2.
Probabilities in quantum mechanics are invariant under
time reversal [2830], i.e., if we swap the input and mea-
sured states and suitably time reverse the operation of the
multiport, as shown in Fig. 1(b), the probability is un-
changed, P jh
1 cosN.
In the time-reversed picture, the interferometer no longer
plays the role of probabilistic NOON-state generator, but
rather constitutes a probabilistic NOON-state detector:
since the probability, P, is invariant under time reversal,
phase super-resolution is also invariant. Experimentally,
detecting NOON states is much easier than creating them:
time reversing turns the difficult generation of N single
photons into straightforward detection of N photons in
coincidence, and turns the problematic detection of the
vacuum into vacuum inputs which are automatically avail-
able with perfect fidelity. Successful detection of a NOON
state is signaled by the coincident detection of a single pho-
ton at each output detector; this is the time reverse of the
coincident creation of a single photon at each input. This
time-reversal technique is a simple example of a more gen-
eral measurement technique introduced by Pregnell and
Pegg [30,31].
The theory implicitly assumes that all of the photons
have the same polarization, spectral, and transverse spa-
tial mode properties; i.e., they are indistinguishable. A sig-
nificant advantage of our approach is that it is robust: phase
super-resolution can occur even when the photons are dis-
tinguishable. Creating NOON states relies on nonclassical
interference [32] (interference between multiphoton am-
plitudes) which is unaffected by the degree of distinguish-
ability between the photons or photon arrival statistics. As
we will explain in more detail, phase super-resolution can
manifest through multiple classical interferences.
Experimentally, there is a trade-off between temporal
distinguishability and counting rate: photons become dis-
tinguishable as the coincidence-window time is increased
above the input light coherence time, but this increases the
counting rate. We run in the high counting rate limit to
achieve the best statistics, limited only by saturation effects
in our coincidence-counting electronics.
In our experiments the two bright inputs to the multiport,
modes 1 and 2, are the vertical and horizontal polarization
modes of the one spatial mode from a laser. We use an
attenuated He:Ne laser (Uniphase 1135P) and set the po-
larization with a half-wave plate (HWP) followed by a
quarter-wave plate (QWP) at an angle of 45
. Changing
the angle of the HWP by =4 changes the relative phase
between the modes by , while ensuring the vertical and
horizontal modes are the same amplitude. In classical
interferometry, this yields one oscillation for 0 <<2.
Multiports can be symmetric (every input mode is con-
verted into an equal superposition of N output modes [19])
or asymmetric (not every input satisfies this condition
[18]). Scaling up symmetric multiports beyond N 2
can be done either with a polynomial number of nested
standard interferometers [27], which would be arduous to
phase lock, or a single N N fused fiber, except that it is
not known how to control the large set of internal phases
[19]. Fortunately, symmetric multiports are not required
for phase super-resolution: an asymmetric multiport suffi-
ces for even N. Figure 2 shows our symmetric N 3, and
asymmetric N 4, 6 multiports (the N 4 multiport was
independently proposed in [33]): all designs are passively
stable and do not require active phase locking.
In Fig. 2(c) the output modes are sent to three pinhole
photon-counting detectors, D1–D3, where the small aper-
ture is a single-mode fiber without a coupling lens; in
Fig. 2(d) each output mode is first passed through a polar-
izing beam splitter and then detected. The singles rate is
the number of photons per second detected by an individ-
ual detector: for N 3 the maximum was 5 10
Hz; for
N 4, 6 the maximum singles rate was 1:3 10
Hz. The
N singles rates are recorded individually. For N 3, the
N-fold coincidence rate is measured using two Time-to-
Amplitude Converter/Single Channel Analyzer (TAC/
SCA) each with a 1:5 s coincidence window; for
N 4, 6 coincidence counting was performed using up to
FIG. 2 (color online). Ideal multiports, U
: (a) symmetric
3 3 and (b) asymmetric 4 4 (6 6), constructed from 2 2
beam splitters with reflectivities as shown [polarizing beamsplit-
ter (PBS)]. Laser is input to modes 1, 2, with no light to modes
36. In (a) the internal phase, , ensures each input transforms
to an equal superposition of the three outputs; in (b) polarization
rotations U
to U
set the phases of the singles fringes.
(c),(d) Experimental realizations of (a),(b). In (c) the indicated
HWP’s are set to 22.5
to form 1=2 beam splitters with the beam
displacers, the third is set to 17.6
so that 2=3 of the light
intensity takes the upper path; the angle of the tilted HWP sets
, its optic axis is at 0
. In (d), the beam splitter for modes 3, 4 is
a pellicle; for modes 5, 6 it is a microscope slide set at a small
angle of incidence, to avoid polarization effects. Reflectivities
are not ideal, rates are equalized with lossy coupling. U
to U
are realized using wave plates: the orientation and tilt of each
wave plate was adjusted so that one detector reaches an inter-
ference minimum every 22.5
for N 4; every 15
for N 6.
PRL 98, 223601 (2007)
week ending
1 JUNE 2007

3 TAC/SCAs and a quad logic unit. For N 4 (6) all pulse
length inputs to the quad were 1:5 s (5 s) as were the
coincidence windows on the TAC/SCA. In all cases, due to
a restricted number of recording channels, the singles were
measured immediately after a coincidence run. To avoid
saturation in the coincidence electronics, the mean number
of photons per coincidence window must be 1: for N
3, 4, and 6 it was up to 0.07, 0.15, and 0.48.
Figure 3 shows the coincidence and singles rates for the
N 3 symmetric, and the N 4, 6 asymmetric experi-
ments of Figs. 2(c) and 2(d). Figures 3(a)3(c) show the
three-, four-, and sixfold coincidence rates as a function of
the phase, , with three, four, and six distinct oscillations
within a single phase cycle. This is in contrast to the fringes
observed in the singles rates, Figs. 3(d) 3(f ), which un-
dergo only a single oscillation over the same range. This is
the experimental signature of phase super-resolution. We
emphasize that this was achieved without production of a
path-entangled state, which would have had the signature
of flat singles rates over an optical cycle [15,25].
As discussed above, time-reversed phase super-
resolution does not rely on nonclassical interference: the
coincidence rate is determined entirely by the product of
the singles rates. Consider an N N multiport set up so
that the detection probability in the k
output mode is P
1 cos 2k=N , where is a constant phase
offset. The N-fold coincidence probability is then simply
the product of the single-mode probabilities, i.e., P
1 cosN N; , which clearly exhibits N oscil-
lations per cycle, where is the offset. Applying this to
Figs. 3(a)3(c), we, respectively, fit a product of 3, 4, and 6
sinusoidal fringes, s
, where v
the visibility, and c
are amplitude and phase offsets,
of the ith fringe. The resulting fits in Figs. 3(a)3(c) are
very good, with reduced
of 1.6, 6, and 1.7, respectively.
(The high value in the N 4 case is most likely due to
observed amplitude instability of the D3 signal during the
course of the coincidence measurement.) The coincidence
fringes for all three experiments differ from a pure sinusoid
due to small variations in the underlying singles rates, and
become more pronounced for larger values of N. The solid
lines in Figs. 3(d)3(f) are the individual sinusoidal
fringes, s
, scaled by a constant factor that matches the
amplitude to the data but does not alter the visibility or
phase of each fringe. Again the agreement is very good.
The N 6 case matches the largest phase super-resolution
reported to date, obtained in an ion-trap system [34], but
has significantly better visibility.
Our results clearly show that path-entangled states are
not required for phase super-resolution [35]. Previous op-
tical demonstrations used nonclassical light sources, which
are notoriously dim, limiting the threefold and fourfold
coincidence rates to 5 Hz [14] and 0.1 Hz [15], respec-
tively. We significantly improve on this, achieving phase
super-resolution with a six-photon coincidence rate of
about 2.7 Hz (cf. 0.012 Hz in [36]); furthermore, owing
to the high-visibility singles and extremely stable construc-
tion of the multiports, our fringe patterns all exhibited high
visibility. Fitting a single sinusoid, and without any back-
ground subtraction, the fringe visibilities for the N 3,4,
and 6 cases are respectively 81 3%, 76 2%, and
90 2%well exceeding previously reported raw visi-
bilities of 42 3% for N 3 [14] and 61% for N 4
[15]. An alternative technique for realizing phase super-
resolution sums multiple occurrences of a fringe pattern
narrowed by nonlinear detection, either spatial [37]or
temporal [38]. This suffers from exceedingly low visibil-
ity: when the number of exposures equals the number
of fringes, V 2N!
=2N!, for N 6 this predicts
V 0:2%.
Phase supersensitivity occurs when there is a reduction
of the phase uncertainty as compared to that possible with
classical resources. Unlike phase super-resolution, phase
supersensitivity cannot be determined solely from the
fringe pattern: careful accounting is needed to determine
the resource consumption required to achieve the measured
signal. For small variations in phase around a given value,
FIG. 3 (color online). (a)–(c) N-fold coincidence rates as a
function of phase, , respectively, exhibiting 3, 4, and 6 distinct
oscillations within a single phase cycle. The main source of
uncertainty is Poissonian statistics: error bars represent the
square root of the count rate. The solid line is a fit to a product
of N sinusoidal fringes, as explained in the text. (d)–(f) Corre-
sponding singles rates, each exhibiting only one oscillation per
phase cycle. Error bars are contained within the data points; solid
lines are the individual sinusoidal fringes obtained from (a)–(c).
In (d) D1 to D3 are, respectively, indicated by black, blue, and
red; in (e)–(f) D1 to D6 are indicated by black, gray, blue, cyan,
red, and pink. Ideally, the phase differences between adjacent
fringes is 2=N, we find: N 3, {122
}; N 4,
}; and N 6, {55
PRL 98, 223601 (2007)
week ending
1 JUNE 2007

the phase uncertainty is A=j
j, where A and A
are an observable and its associated uncertainty [3]. All
other things being equal, the slope in the denominator is
increased by phase super-resolution, reducing . Phase
supersensitivity is achieved when is less than the clas-
sical limit,
, where allows
for nonideal efficiency in using N
resources to estimate
. Phase super-resolution produces normalized fringes
of the form 1 V cosN=2, where V is the fringe visi-
bility, and the slope is dhAi=d
NV sinN. Beating
the classical limit requires V
> 4A
Consider A to be a projector with measurement outcomes
bounded by 0 and 1, the worst case is A 1=2, at the
point of minimum phase uncertainty, the above reduces to,
N>1: (1)
By this criterion, although several experiments have dem-
onstrated phase super-resolution, there has been no unam-
biguous demonstration of phase supersensitivity.
The best known preparation efficiency in nondetermin-
istic linear optical schemes is 2N!=N
[1719]. All
known single photonic schemes, including the one pre-
sented here, have an exponentially decreasing count rate
with increasing N: in the ideal limit, Eq. (1)gives
> 1, which is true only for N 2, 3. Using
single-photon sources and linear optics, phase supersensi-
tivity cannot be achieved in any described nondeterminis-
tic linear optical scheme for N 4 [39]. This argument is
based on comparing the phase estimation of a given NOON
scheme versus the straightforward classical scheme that
consumes the same amount of energy. Instead one might
consider only counting the resources which actually pass
through the phase shifter; this is clearly a less stringent
definition forphase super-resolution.This alternative makes
arguable sense when the goal is not to consume as little
energy as possible, but rather to subject the phase shifter
(such as a biological sample) to as little light as possible.
Under this definition, phase supersensitivity can, in prin-
ciple, be achieved for all N since in principle time-forward
schemes can be heralded with perfect efficiency [1719].
Phase super-resolution was recently observed for 4, 5,
and 6 ions with respective visibilities of 69:8 0:3%,
52:7 0:3%, and 41:9 0:4% [34]. A cannot be deter-
mined from the published data, but in the worst case,
Eq. (1) shows that phase supersensitivity was achieved if
the overall efficiencies were, respectively, 51:3 0:4%,
72:0 0:8%, and 95 2%.
We have used a time-reversal analysis to show that it is
not necessary to produce path-entangled states to achieve
phase super-resolution, nor to have nonclassical interfer-
ence. We derive the necessary conditions to claim phase
supersensitivity from phase super-resolution. Using a stan-
dard laser we obtain high-visibility and contrast phase
super-resolution of up to 6 oscillations per cycle in a six-
photon experiment: equivalent to using 105.5 nm in a
standard interferomentric setup. Inverting the roles of state
production and measurement is an application of a more
general time-reversal analysis technique [30,31]: given the
dramatic improvement demonstrated here, it remains an
interesting open question as to which other quantum tech-
nologies will benefit from this technique.
This work was supported by the Australian Research
Council and the DTO-funded U.S. ARO Contract
No. W911NF-05-0397. We thank T. Ralph, G. Milburn,
and H. Wiseman, D. Pegg, and P. Meredith for discussions.
After completion of this work, proposal [33] was demon-
strated experimentally for
N 4 [40].
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PRL 98, 223601 (2007)
week ending
1 JUNE 2007
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