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Journal ArticleDOI

Tuning Singlet Fission in π-Bridge-π Chromophores

TL;DR: Using transient absorption spectroscopy to investigate photophysics in pentacene dimers, it is found that homoconjugated dimer display desirable excited-state dynamics, with significantly reduced recombination rates as compared to conjugated dimers with similar singlet fission rates.
Abstract: We have designed a series of pentacene dimers separated by homoconjugated or nonconjugated bridges that exhibit fast and efficient intramolecular singlet exciton fission (iSF). These materials are distinctive among reported iSF compounds because they exist in the unexplored regime of close spatial proximity but weak electronic coupling between the singlet exciton and triplet pair states. Using transient absorption spectroscopy to investigate photophysics in these molecules, we find that homoconjugated dimers display desirable excited-state dynamics, with significantly reduced recombination rates as compared to conjugated dimers with similar singlet fission rates. In addition, unlike conjugated dimers, the time constants for singlet fission are relatively insensitive to the interplanar angle between chromophores, since rotation about σ bonds negligibly affects the orbital overlap within the π-bonding network. In the nonconjugated dimer, where the iSF occurs with a time constant >10 ns, comparable to the fluorescence lifetime, we used electron spin resonance spectroscopy to unequivocally establish the formation of triplet-triplet multiexcitons and uncoupled triplet excitons through singlet fission. Together, these studies enable us to articulate the role of the conjugation motif in iSF.

Summary (1 min read)

KEYWORDS: Singlet Fission; Homoconjugated Dimers; Non-Conjugated, Organic Electronics, Pentacene Dimers, Electron Spin Resonance.

  • ABSTRACT: We have designed a series of pentacene dimers separated by homoconjugated or non-conjugated bridges that exhibit fast and efficient intramolecular singlet exciton fission (iSF).the authors.
  • 31,32 Given the sensitivity of SF to structure, it remains unclear how through-bond interactions promote fast and efficient singlet fission, especially focusing on the most basic pentacene dimer model.
  • In homoconjugated dimers, the two pentacene chromophores are separated by a saturated sp3 carbon, thus the pentacenepentacene coupling and/or electron delocalization is expected to be weaker than in conjugated systems (such as BP1, Figure 1).
  • The authors postulate that this π-sigma-π bonding scheme will make the excited state dynamics much less sensitive to subtle variations in the geometry of the bridge as compared to analogous conjugated dimers.
  • 11 Complete details of their synthesis and characterization are given in the supporting information.


  • 11 From inspection, the authors clearly see that the electronic coupling between the chromophores is significantly affected by through-bond interactions; singlet fission in BP1, where pentacenes are connected through four sp2 hybridized carbons, has a time constant similar to homoconjugated dimers, where pentacene chromophores are separated by just one sp3 hybridized carbon.
  • The authors establish that singlet fission is operative, producing triplet pairs as opposed to free triplet generation by intersystem crossing, by correlating transient absorption and electron spin resonance studies (Figure 5).
  • Like other iSF dimers, transient absorption studies show that the triplet population decays biexponentially, indicating the presence of triplet pairs (TT) with an enhanced recombination rate (Figure 6) and a minority population of free triplets decay with the expected rate for an individual triplet.
  • The biexponential dynamics in the TA experiments were further probed by transient electronic spin resonance (tr-ESR) measurements.


  • Supporting Information The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website.
  • Experimental methods, including details of the transient absorption spectroscopy and photosensitization experiments, synthetic details, electron spin resonance experiments and characterization of compounds used in this study.
  • AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author * * *


  • L.M.C. acknowledges support from the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program (Award N00014-15-12532) and Cottrell Scholar Award.
  • This research used resources of the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, which is a U.S. DOE Office of Science Facility, at Brookhaven Na- tional Laboratory under Contract No. DE-SC0012704.
  • This work used the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment , which is supported by National Science Foundation grant number ACI-1548562.
  • MJYT acknowledges receipt of an ARENA Postdoctoral Fellowship and a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship.

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Tuning Singlet Fission in Pi-Bridge-Pi Chromophores
E. Kumarasamy, M. Y. Sfeir
Submitted to the Journal of the American Chemical Society
September 2017
Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Brookhaven National Laboratory
U.S. Department of Energy
USDOE Office of Science (SC),
Basic Energy Sciences (SC-22)
Notice: This manuscript has been authored by employees of Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under
Contract No. DE- SC0012704 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The publisher by accepting the
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do so, for United States Government purposes.

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'Samuel'N.' Sanders,
'Murad'J.' Y.'Tayebjee,
Cavendish'Laboratory,'University'of'Cambridge,'J.J.'Thom s on 'A v en u e ,'Cambridge'CB3'0HE,'UK'
!"#$%!&$''We'have'designed'a'series'of'pentacene'dimers'separated'by'homoconjugated'or'non-conjugated' bridges'
that'e xhib it'fast'and'efficient'intr amolecular'singlet'exciton'fission'(iSF).'These'materials'are'distinctive' am ong'reported'
iSF'compou nds'b ecause'they'exist'in'the'unexplored'regime'of'close'spatial'proximity'but'weak'electronic'coupling'be-
tween'th e'singlet'exciton'and 'triplet'pair'states.'Using'transient'absorption'spe ctros cop y'to'investigate'p ho toph ysic s'in'
these'm olecu les,'we'fin d 'that'h o moconjuga te d 'dimers'display' d e si ra b le'excited'state'd y n a mics,'with'significantly'reduced'
recombination'rates'as'comp ared'to'conjugated'dimers'with'similar'singlet'fission'rates.'In'addition,'unlike'conjugated'
dimers,'the'time'constants' for'singlet' fission' are'relatively'insensitive'to' the'interplanar'angle'between'chromophores,'
dimer,'where'the'iSF' occurs'with'a'time'constant'>'10'ns,'comparable'to' the'fluorescenc e'lifetime,'we'used 'electron'spin'
resonance' spectroscopy' to' u neq uivocally' establish' the' formation' of' triplet-triplet' multiexcitons ' and' uncoupled' triplet'
namics'of'singlet'fission'(S F)'chromophores'with'idea l-
ized' properties' for' next-generation' optoelectronic' de-
vices' fuels' the ' developmen t' of' families' o f' new' materi-
lecular' singlet' fission' p o lymers' and' oligomers,' where'
chromophore-chromophore'interactions'occur'prima rily '
through' covalent' bonds.
' Several' different' bonding'
connectivity' schemes' have' been' demonstrated' to' acti-
vate' singlet' fission,' where' the' triplet' gene ration ' an d '
decay'kinetics'have'been' shown'to'be' highly' sensitive' to'
the' manner' in' which' neighboring' chromophores' are'
linked.' The' interaction' of' chromophores' in' iSF' com-
pounds'differs'significantly'from' the ' through-space' in-
teractions' prim a rily' fou n d' in'molecular' crystals,' w here'
the' through-sp ace' co upling ' betw een' th e' chromophore'
coupling'is'greatly'influenc ed 'by'the'morph o lo gy .
'For' instan ce,'multiexponential' sing let'fission'rates'are'
Given'the' sensitivity' of' SF' to' structure,' it' remains'
unclear' how' through-bond' interactions' promote' fast'
and' efficient' singlet' fission,' e sp e ci ally ' focusing' on' th e '
most' basic' pentacene' dimer' model.' To' date,' several'
groups' have' reported' that' conn ecting' two' pentacenes'
using' conjugated' bridges' can' b e' used' to' promote' effi-

cient' singlet' fission,' even' when'the' proximity'between'
the' pentacen es' is' significantly' decreased.
' For' ex-
ample,'when'the' bridge'shown' in'Figure'1' is' varied'from'
one' to' three' phenylene' units,' we' have' fo u n d' that' the'
'Similarly,'Zirzlmeier'et'al.' reported'
pentacene' dimers' that' wer e' connected' through' 6-
position' by' o-,' m-,' p-diethynylbenzene' spacers,' which'
revealed'that'throu gh-space'and'through-bond'interac-
tions' play' crucial' role' in' singlet' fiss ion ' and' triplet' re-
glet'fission'was'accompanied' by' faster'triplet'recombi-
'Further,'orthogonally'connected' dimers'report-
ed'by'Lukman'et'al.' resulted' in'ultrafast' singlet' fission'
and'w ere'particularly'sensitive'to'the' p olarity'of'the' m e-
' Recently,' Liu' et' al.' designed' tetracene' trimer'
through'linear'oligomeriza tion'which' resulted'in'greatly'
enhanced' iSF' yield ' (96%)' relative' to' a' sim ilar' dimer.'
This'SF' enhancement'was'attributed' to' singlet' exciton'
'These'studies'all'suggest'that'conjug a-
tion'plays'a'sign ifican t'ro le'in 'driving'singlet'fission'and '
triplet' recombination.' Such' con clusion' is' further' sup-
ported'by'the'fact'that'singlet'fission'is'slower'in 'twisted'
dimers' th at' lack' bridging' units,' where' conju g a tio n ' is'
the' comparison' between' differ en t' bridging' units.' In' the'
bottom' representations,' the' pentacenes' are' omitted' to'
hints'that'conjuga tion'may'not'be'strictly'necessary'for'
singlet' fission' in' pen ta ce ne -bridge-pentacene' chrom o-
phores.'A'recent'computational'study'sugg ests'that'sin-
glet' fission' occurs' by' a' direct' mechanism' in' bipenta-
cene,'in'contrast'to'the'charge 'transfer'me d ia te d '(step-
wise)' mechanism' widely' perceived' to' be' dominant' in'
intermole c u lar ' singlet' fission' of'crystalline'pentacene.
ultrafast'singlet'fission.'The'process'is' viable' through' an'
avoided' crossing,' when' resonance' between' the' singlet'
exciton' and' triplet' pair' states' is' rea ched ' through' a' vi-
brational' mode.' However,' the' u ltimate' limits ' o f' th is '
hypothesis'have'not'yet'been'tested,'i.e.,'it'is'unkno w n'
what'happens'in'the'excited' state' when' both'through-
space' and' throu gh-bond' interactions' are' extremely'
In'this'manuscript,'we'inves tigate 'how'homoconju-
gated'and' non-conjugated' bridging' units' affect'the' ex-
cited' state' dynamics' of' pentacene' dimers.'We' particu-
larly' foc u s' on' un d er sta tin g ' how' sin gle t' fission' an d ' tri-
plet' pair' recombination' behave' in' the' limit' of' weakly'
ed' dimers,' the' two' pentacene' chromophores' are' sepa-
rated' by' a' saturated' sp
' carbon,' thus' the' pentacene-
pentacene' coupling' and/or' electron' delocalization' is'
expected' to'be'weaker'than'in' co nju gate d'system s '(such'
as' "75,' Figure' 1).
' We' postulate' that' this' π-sigma-π'
bonding' scheme' will' make' the' excited' state' dynamics'
much'less'sensitive'to'sub tle'variations'in'the'geometry'
of'the'bridge'as' com pared' to' analogous'conjugated'di-
' Additionally,' th ese' systems' are' su ited' to' in tro-
duce' more' than' one* sp
' carbon' in' the' bridge' to' yield'
non-conjugated' dimers,' thus' allowing' us' to' probe' the'
limits'of'wea k 'co u p lin g 'in te ra ctions.'
zo[b]decacence' derivative' ( <" ;)
' and' the' spiro-
bi[cyclopenta[b]pentacene]' derivative' (#=0)' the' penta-
cenes' are' loc k ed ' in' a' rigid' fashion.' The' pentacen e s ' in'
<";4are'm ore'planar'than'in'#=0,'whe re 'th e'tw o 'chro-
mophores' are' nearly' orthogonal' to' each' other.' In' the'
units' are' connected' by' single' satura ted ' carbon,' giving'
the' pen tac ene s' some' freedom ' to' rotate' relative' to' on e'
another.'Finally,'we'use'a'bicyclooctane'spacer'("&? )'to'
mimic' the' distance' imposed' by' the' conju ga ted' phe-
nylene' spacer'in'"75,'which 'has'be e n 'previously'report-
The' UV-visible'ab sorption'spectra'of'the'dimers' are'
shown' in' Figure ' 2, ' and'are' plotted' alongside'the' spec-
trum'of'TIP S-pentacene'for'comparison.'In'all'cases'the'
dimer'spectra' are' qualitatively' similar ' to' the' m o n omer'
spectra,' allowin g'us'to' assign 'dimer'transitions'from'the'
650' nm ' corresponds' to' an' intra-monomer' HOMO' to'
LUMO' excitation' polarized' along' the' short-axis' of' the'
monomer,'and' is'slightly'red-shifted'in'#=0'(by'~12'nm),'
possibly'due' to' a' small'interaction'between' pi' systems'
The' intense' absorption' in' the' UV' around' 310' nm'
corresponds' to' a'long-axis'polarized' transition'and ' the'
weak'absorption'aroun d'440'nm'to'an' almost-forbid d en '

sitions' are' accompanied' by' vibrational' stretching' pro-
exhibit'a'splitting'of' the' 310'nm'absorption,'whereby' th e'
dipole' mom ents' along' the' long-axis' of' each' m onom er'
can' combine' in-phase' or' out-of-phase,' giving' two' dis-
the'mon om e rs' are'app roximately'90°'apart'(as'for'#=0)'
and'absent'if' the'long-axes'are'in' the'same'(as'for' "75).'
The'redshift'in' the'high-energy'features'in'"75'is'poten-
tially' due' to' greater' interactions' between ' the' chromo-
Although' changes' in' the' absorption' spectrum'
(where'presen t)'can 'in dica te'th e'e xten t'of'c hro m op ho re'
interaction,'th e'inte r-chromophore'coupling'responsible'
for' SF' is' not' available' fro m ' UV-vis' spectra,' since' the'
relevant'CT'and 'T T'states'(or'adiabatic'states'with'that'
character,' see' SI)' are' generally' dark' and' the' UV-vis'
spectrum'probes' the'adiabatic'electro nic'states,'not'lo-
calized/diabatic'states'from'whose' co upling 'SF'rates'can'
View along C
(z) axis
View perpendicular to C
(z) axis
102.+34 @64 $,='4 UV-Visible' absorption' spectra' with' TIPS-
pentacene'and'"75'inc lu d ed 'for'reference.'",**,A''Calcu-
lated'structures' using' density' functional'theory.'Hydrogens'
Singlet*Fission*in*Homoconjuga te d*Dimers.'
We'use' broadband'transient' absorption' spectrosco-
py' (TAS)' to' study' the' excited' state' dynamics' of' these'
molecules' in' dilut e' solution .' The' measure m e n ts ' are'
carried' ou t' in' a' standard' nearly' collinear' transmission'
geometry.' A ' 100' fs' pump' pulse' is' tu ned ' to' excite' a' vi-
transition'(~' 600 'nm)'and'a'supercontinuum 'white'light'
was' used' as' probe' (additional' details' in' the' SI).' Bo t h '
femto-' (mechanical' d elay)' and' nanosec ond ' (electronic'
delay)' broadband' probes' are' employed' in' conjunction'
with'this'same'pump' pulse'to' exte nd 'the'dynamic' r an g e'
of' measurem ent'from'100'fs' '100'µs.'Fig u r e'3 'sh o ws'the'
the' pe ntac ene ' dimers' with' a' fluence' of' ~25' µJ/cm
' in'
the' homoconjugated' pentacene' dimers' (<";B4 $1>,'
etries,' singlet' fission' rates' are'q uite' similar'amon g' the'
iSF' w it h'time 'constan ts'of'10'ps,' 50'ps'and'55'ps,' re sp ec-
tively.' Singlet' fission' is' assigned' following' the' widely'
accepted' criteria.
' Briefly,' the' singlet'
decay'is'assigned'by' corre lating'the'tim e'constants' a sso-
ciated' with' the' decay' of' prompt' fluorescence' (using'
photoluminescence' upconversion' techniques,' SI)' to'
features' in' th e ' tra n sie n t' a bs or p tion' spectra.' From' this,'
we' determine' that' the' photoexcited' singlet' exciton' is'
associated' with' photoinduced' absorption' bands' near'
~460'nm ' and' 520' nm,' and' find' that'the' singlet'decays'

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This review outlines advances made in understanding the relationship between aggregate structure and photophysics when vibronic coupling and intermolecular charge transfer are incorporated.
Abstract: The electronic excited states of molecular aggregates and their photophysical signatures have long fascinated spectroscopists and theoreticians alike since the advent of Frenkel exciton theory almost 90 years ago. The influence of molecular packing on basic optical probes like absorption and photoluminescence was originally worked out by Kasha for aggregates dominated by Coulombic intermolecular interactions, eventually leading to the classification of J- and H-aggregates. This review outlines advances made in understanding the relationship between aggregate structure and photophysics when vibronic coupling and intermolecular charge transfer are incorporated. An assortment of packing geometries is considered from the humble molecular dimer to more exotic structures including linear and bent aggregates, two-dimensional herringbone and “HJ” aggregates, and chiral aggregates. The interplay between long-range Coulomb coupling and short-range charge-transfer-mediated coupling strongly depends on the aggregate ...

865 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This report explores triplet exciton production via singlet fission in films of perylenediimides, a class of compounds with a long history of use as industrial dyes and pigments due to their photostability and finds a maximal triplet production yield of 178% with a fission rate of ∼245 ps despite the presence of an activation barrier.
Abstract: Due to its ability to offset thermalization losses in photoharvesting systems, singlet fission has become a topic of research interest. During singlet fission, a high energy spin-singlet state in an organic semiconductor divides its energy to form two lower energy spin-triplet excitations on neighboring chromophores. While key insights into mechanisms leading to singlet fission have been gained recently, developing photostable compounds that undergo quantitative singlet fission remains a key challenge. In this report, we explore triplet exciton production via singlet fission in films of perylenediimides, a class of compounds with a long history of use as industrial dyes and pigments due to their photostability. As singlet fission necessitates electron transfer between neighboring molecules, its rate and yield depend sensitively on their local arrangement. By adding different functional groups at their imide positions, we control how perylenediimides pack in the solid state. We find inducing a long axis di...

156 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A comparison of the excited-state properties of meta- and para-bis(ethynyltetracenyl)benzene dimers allows us to investigate the effects of electronic conjugation and coupling on singlet fission between the ethynygtetracene units within a dimer.
Abstract: Separation of triplet excitons produced by singlet fission is crucial for efficient application of singlet fission materials. While earlier works explored the first step of singlet fission, the formation of the correlated triplet pair state, the focus of recent studies has been on understanding the second step of singlet fission, the formation of independent triplets from the correlated pair state. We present the synthesis and excited-state dynamics of meta- and para-bis(ethynyltetracenyl)benzene dimers that are analogues to the ortho-bis(ethynyltetracenyl)benzene dimer reported by our groups previously. A comparison of the excited-state properties of these dimers allows us to investigate the effects of electronic conjugation and coupling on singlet fission between the ethynyltetracene units within a dimer. In the para isomer, in which the two chromophores are conjugated, the singlet exciton yields the correlated triplet pair state, from which the triplet excitons can decouple via molecular rotations. In ...

119 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the most desirable dye aggregate structures for a particular property on functional energy landscapes are identified. But, as discussed in this Perspective, such an approach can be pursued for dye aggregates, and in many cases already well-tailored dimers are sufficient to understand the influence of supramolecular organization on the functional properties of ground and photoexcited states.
Abstract: The past 20 years have witnessed a renaissance of dye chemistry, moving from traditional colorant research toward functional materials. Different from traditional colorant research, the properties of functional materials are governed extensively by intermolecular interactions, thereby entailing significant limitations to the classical approach based on molecular structure-molecular property (color, emission, redox properties, etc.) relationships for the respective dye molecules. However, as discussed in this Perspective, such an approach can be pursued for dye aggregates, and in many cases already well-tailored dimers are sufficient to understand the influence of supramolecular organization on the functional properties of ground and photoexcited states. Illustrative examples will be given for exciton coupling and charge-transfer coupling and how these properties relate to desirable functions such as fluorescence, symmetry-breaking charge separation, and singlet fission in molecular aggregates. While the progress in this research so far mostly originated from studies on well-defined folded and self-assembled structures composed of only two dye molecules, future work will have to advance toward larger oligomers of specific size and geometry. Furthermore, future experimental studies should be guided to a larger extent by theoretical predictions that may be supported by machine learning algorithms and new concepts from artificial intelligence. Beyond already pursued calculations of potential energy landscapes, we suggest the development of theoretical approaches that identify the most desirable dye aggregate structures for a particular property on functional energy landscapes.

114 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This Minireview describes recent advances using pentacene dimers for the investigation of iSF, where the dimeric structure, and in particular the spacer, allows for controlling and tuning the distance, geometric relationship, and electronic coupling between the two pentacenes moieties.
Abstract: Singlet fission (SF) involves the spontaneous splitting of a photoexcited singlet state into a pair of triplets, and it holds great promise toward the realization of more efficient solar cells. Although the process of SF has been known since the 1960s, debate regarding the underlying mechanism continues to this day, especially for molecular materials. A number of different chromophores have been synthesized and studied in order to better understand the process of SF. These previous reports have established that pentacene and its derivatives are especially well-suited for the study of SF, since the energetic requirement E(S1 )≥2E(T1 ) is fulfilled rendering the process exothermic and unidirectional. Dimeric pentacene derivatives, in which individual pentacene chromophores are tethered by a "spacer", have emerged as the system of choice toward exploring the mechanism of intramolecular singlet fission (iSF). The dimeric structure, and in particular the spacer, allows for controlling and tuning the distance, geometric relationship, and electronic coupling between the two pentacene moieties. This Minireview describes recent advances using pentacene dimers for the investigation of iSF.

106 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the maximum power conversion efficiency for conversion of solar radiation to electrical power or to a flux of chemical free energy for the case of hydrogen production from water photoelectrolysis was calculated.
Abstract: We calculate the maximum power conversion efficiency for conversion of solar radiation to electrical power or to a flux of chemical free energy for the case of hydrogen production from water photoelectrolysis. We consider several types of ideal absorbers where absorption of one photon can produce more than one electron-hole pair that are based on semiconductor quantum dots with efficient multiple exciton generation (MEG) or molecules that undergo efficient singlet fission (SF). Using a detailed balance model with 1 sun AM1.5G illumination, we find that for single gap photovoltaic (PV) devices the maximum efficiency increases from 33.7% for cells with no carrier multiplication to 44.4% for cells with carrier multiplication. We also find that the maximum efficiency of an ideal two gap tandem PV device increases from 45.7% to 47.7% when carrier multiplication absorbers are used in the top and bottom cells. For an ideal water electrolysis two gap tandem device, the maximum conversion efficiency is 46.0% using...

1,363 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The current state of the development of molecular structure design rules, based on first-principles theoretical considerations, is described along with initial examples of implementation.
Abstract: A survey is provided of recent progress in the understanding of singlet fission, a spin-allowed process in which a singlet excited molecule shares its energy with a ground-state neighbor to produce two triplet excited molecules. It has been observed to occur in single-crystal, polycrystalline, and amorphous solids, on timescales from 80 fs to 25 ps, producing triplet yields as high as 200%. Photovoltaic devices using the effect have shown external quantum efficiencies in excess of 100%. Almost all the efficient materials are alternant hydrocarbons of the acene series or their simple derivatives, and it is argued that a wider structural variety would be desirable. The current state of the development of molecular structure design rules, based on first-principles theoretical considerations, is described along with initial examples of implementation.

849 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A triplet yield of 200% and triplet formation rates approaching the diffusion limit in solutions of bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl (TIPS) pentacene are reported, and a transient bound excimer intermediate is observed, formed by the collision of one photoexcited and one ground-state TIPS-pentacene molecule.
Abstract: Solution-based studies of singlet exciton fission have provided valuable insight to this spin-allowed process in organic chromophores, whereby a photogenerated spin-singlet exciton splits into two spin-triplet excitons on separate molecules. Here we review the most significant experimental contributions made regarding fission in solution, in both intra- and intermolecular systems. Intramolecular fission allows a clearer examination of the molecular excited states involved in triplet formation, and the ability to control inter-chromophore structure offers a route to directly investigate the role of molecular coupling. In diffusional, intermolecular systems the conformational freedom and slower timescales of fission reveal the nature of intermediate states.

431 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This work lays the foundation for tailoring molecular properties like solubility and energy level alignment while maintaining the high fission yield required for photovoltaic applications.
Abstract: Exciton fission is a process that occurs in certain organic materials whereby one singlet exciton splits into two independent triplets. In photovoltaic devices these two triplet excitons can each generate an electron, producing quantum yields per photon of >100% and potentially enabling single-junction power efficiencies above 40%. Here, we measure fission dynamics using ultrafast photoinduced absorption and present a first-principles expression that successfully reproduces the fission rate in materials with vastly different structures. Fission is non-adiabatic and Marcus-like in weakly interacting systems, becoming adiabatic and coupling-independent at larger interaction strengths. In neat films, we demonstrate fission yields near unity even when monomers are separated by >5 A. For efficient solar cells, however, we show that fission must outcompete charge generation from the singlet exciton. This work lays the foundation for tailoring molecular properties like solubility and energy level alignment while maintaining the high fission yield required for photovoltaic applications.

403 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is demonstrated that the proximity and sufficient coupling through bond or space in pentacene dimers is enough to induce intramolecular SF where two triplets are generated on one molecule.
Abstract: Singlet fission (SF) has the potential to supersede the traditional solar energy conversion scheme by means of boosting the photon-to-current conversion efficiencies beyond the 30% Shockley–Queisser limit. Here, we show unambiguous and compelling evidence for unprecedented intramolecular SF within regioisomeric pentacene dimers in room-temperature solutions, with observed triplet quantum yields reaching as high as 156 ± 5%. Whereas previous studies have shown that the collision of a photoexcited chromophore with a ground-state chromophore can give rise to SF, here we demonstrate that the proximity and sufficient coupling through bond or space in pentacene dimers is enough to induce intramolecular SF where two triplets are generated on one molecule.

337 citations

Frequently Asked Questions (14)
Q1. What are the contributions in "Tuning singlet fission in pi-bridge-pi chromophores" ?

A recent computational study suggests that singlet fission occurs by a direct mechanism in bipentacene, in contrast to the charge transfer mediated ( stepwise ) mechanism widely perceived to be dominant in intermolecular singlet fission of crystalline pentacene. One of the key predictions from this study was that very weak chromophore-chromophore coupling could permit ultrafast singlet fission. In this manuscript, the authors investigate how homoconjugated and non-conjugated bridging units affect the excited state dynamics of pentacene dimers. The chromophores shown in Figure 1 were designed as follows: Finally, the authors use a bicyclooctane spacer ( BCO ) to mimic the distance imposed by the conjugated phenylene spacer in BP1, which has been previously reported. The redshift in the high-energy features in BP1 is potentially due to greater interactions between the chromophores through a conjugated linker. 

One of the key predictions from this study was that very weak chromophore-chromophore coupling could permit ultrafast singlet fission. 

The redshift in the high-energy features in BP1 is potentially due to greater interactions between the chromophores through a conjugated linker. 

In the solid-state, through-bond singlet fission can be complemented by through-space singlet fission, adding an additional SF channel. 

While it has been observed in twisted dimers that reducing the coupling between pentacene chromophores preferentially extends the triplet pair lifetime,35 this is the first family of materials with fast rates of iSF, and drastically different rates of triplet pair recombination. 

A recent computational study suggests that singlet fission occurs by a direct mechanism in bipentacene, in contrast to the charge transfer mediated (stepwise) mechanism widely perceived to be dominant in intermolecular singlet fission of crystalline pentacene. 

12,33 Recently, Liu et al. designed tetracene trimer through linear oligomerization which resulted in greatly enhanced iSF yield (96%) relative to a similar dimer. 

Despite the faster time constants for triplet pair generation as compared to conjugated BP1, triplet pair recombination is > 10 times slower in EBD. 

These materials are distinctive among reported iSF compounds because they exist in the unexplored regime of close spatial proximity but weak electronic coupling between the singlet exciton and triplet pair states. 

Such conclusion is further supported by the fact that singlet fission is slower in twisted dimers that lack bridging units, where conjugation is decreased due to reduced overlap of the pi orbitals. 

orthogonally connected dimers reported by Lukman et al. resulted in ultrafast singlet fission and were particularly sensitive to the polarity of the medium. 

This allows us to quantify the yields using kinetic arguments, since the only significant competing relaxation process is a 12.3 ns radiative decay. 

These biexponential decay dynamics have also been observed in other systems11,14,39,40 and do not change as a function of concentration or other experimental parameters. 

The absorption/emission structure is indicative of the selective population of T0, as is expected for triplets generated by fission.