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Journal ArticleDOI

WSe2 Light-Emitting Tunneling Transistors with Enhanced Brightness at Room Temperature

TL;DR: It is shown that the EQE of WSe2 devices grows with temperature, with room temperature EQE reaching 5%, which is 250× more than the previous best performance of MoS2 and MoSe2 quantum wells in ambient conditions.
Abstract: Monolayers of molybdenum and tungsten dichalcogenides are direct bandgap semiconductors, which makes them promising for optoelectronic applications. In particular, van der Waals heterostructures consisting of monolayers of MoS2 sandwiched between atomically thin hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) and graphene electrodes allows one to obtain light emitting quantum wells (LEQWs) with low-temperature external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 1%. However, the EQE of MoS2- and MoSe2-based LEQWs shows behavior common for many other materials: it decreases fast from cryogenic conditions to room temperature, undermining their practical applications. Here we compare MoSe2 and WSe2 LEQWs. We show that the EQE of WSe2 devices grows with temperature, with room temperature EQE reaching 5%, which is 250× more than the previous best performance of MoS2 and MoSe2 quantum wells in ambient conditions. We attribute such different temperature dependences to the inverted sign of spin–orbit splitting of conduction band states in tungste...

Summary (2 min read)


  • Monolayers of molybdenum and tungsten dichalcogenides are direct bandgap semiconductors, which makes them promising for opto-electronic applications.
  • The main component of their stacked-layer van der Waals heterostructure LEQWs is a light- emitting monolayer of WSe2 encapsulated between thin (2-5 monolayers) hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) barriers with top and bottom transparent graphene electrodes for vertical current injection (Fig. 1).
  • As the temperature increases, the thermal activation increases the bright exciton population.
  • As a result, MoSe2 LEQW’s always show the opposite behavior with a notable decrease of light emission with increasing T. Electrical and optical measurements:.
  • Samples were mounted either in a liquid helium flow cryostat for temperature dependent measurements, or in an exchange-gas cryostat for measurements at T= 4.2 K.


  • Description of the device fabrication, Temperature dependent electroluminescence data for additional WSe2 LED’s, low temperature photoluminescence of MoSe2 LED’s, details of their quantum efficiency estimations and further discussion, also known as Supporting Information.
  • “This material is available free of charge via the Internet at”.


  • The authors declare no competing financial interest.
  • Supplementary Materials for WSeに light-emitting tunnelling transistors with enhanced brightness at room temperature.


  • Quantum well heterostructure devices are assembled by a multiple peel-lift Van der Waals assembly procedure which has been described in detail previously [1-3].
  • Estimation of the hBN tunnel barrier thickness is conducted using a combination of optical and atomic force microscopy measurements.
  • Devices were also fabricated onto distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) substrates which allow for the collection of 30% of the emitted light ;ミS ノW;Sゲ デラ マ┌Iエ HヴキェエデWヴ LEQWげゲ.
  • This step was found to be necessary due to poor adhesion of flakes to the DBR mirrors preventing direct exfoliation onto the mirror surfaces.
  • A, hBN crystal exfoliated onto an oxidized silicon wafer, dark field images are shown on the right; B, a graphene flake is peeled from an PMMA membrane onto the large hBN crystal; C, the graphene flake is then covered with the first hBN tunnel barrier which is again peeled from a PMMA membrane.

Additional devices and data

  • Temperature dependence of additional WSe2 LEDげゲ Figure S4.
  • Right: Atomic force microscopy reveals that the trapped contamination self-cleans into pockets leaving ~ ´マ ゲキ┣WS ;デラマキI;ノノ┞ aノ;デ ヴWェキラミゲく Inset: AFM step profile used to estimate the number of layers in one of the hBN tunnel barriers.
  • Temperature dependence of the photoluminescence for MoSe2 and WSe2 Figure S9 shows the temperature dependence of the photoluminescence integrated intensity for the MoSe2 (red) and WSe2 (blue) devices shown in figure 3D of the main text.
  • The total loss is defined as, 。 Э 。Lens。optic。system.
  • Taking into account that 1 pW of power corresponds to NЭPっエ`ЭンヱΑΑヴΑヶ ヮエラデラミゲが the authors arrive at a conversion coefficient between the number of integrated counts and the number of photons incident on the slit of the spectrometer per second leading to the system efficiency of 。system=4203/3177476 =1.32 x 10-3.

Cross sectional imaging

  • In summary a dual beam instrument (FEI Dual Beam Nova 600i) has been used for site specific preparation of cross sectional samples suitable for TEM analysis using the lift-out approach [Schaffer, M. et al.
  • Total power emitted within a polar angle for an emitting dipole placed on Si-SiO2 and on a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) as well as in free space.
  • The strap protects the region of interest during milling as well as providing mechanical stability to the cross sectional slice after its removal.
  • The fact that the cross sectional slice was precisely extracted from the chosen spot was confirmed for all devices by comparing the positions of identifiable features such as Au contacts and /or hydrocarbon bubbles, which are visible both in the SEM images of the original device and within TEM images of the prepared cross section.
  • Scanning transmission electron microscope imaging and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy analysis High resolution scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) imaging was performed using a probe side aberration-corrected FEI Titan G2 80-200 kV with an X-FEG electron source operated at 200kV.

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This is a repository copy of WSe2 Light-Emitting Tunneling Transistors with Enhanced
Brightness at Room Temperature.
White Rose Research Online URL for this paper:
Version: Accepted Version
Withers, F., Del Pozo-Zamudio, O., Schwarz, S. et al. (15 more authors) (2015) WSe2
Light-Emitting Tunneling Transistors with Enhanced Brightness at Room Temperature.
Nano Letters, 15 (12). pp. 8223-8228. ISSN 1530-6984
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light-emitting tunneling transistors with
enhanced brightness at room temperature
F. Withers
, O. Del Pozo-Zamudio
, S. Schwarz
, S. Dufferwiel
, P. M. Walker
, T.
,A. P. Rooney
, A. Gholinia
, C. R. Woods
, P. Blake
, S. J. Haigh
, K. Watanabe
, T.
, I. L. Aleiner
, A. K. Geim
, V. I. Fal’ko
, A. I. Tartakovskii
, K. S. Novoselov
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13
National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL,
3 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S3 7RH, UK
School of Materials, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
National Institute for Materials Science, 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba 305-0044, Japan
Physics Department, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, USA
Authors contributed equally
KEYWORDS: electroluminescence, photoluminescence, transition metal dichalcogenides,
tungsten diselenide, hexagonal boron nitride, graphene, van der Waals heterostructure.
Monolayers of molybdenum and tungsten dichalcogenides are direct bandgap semiconductors,
which makes them promising for opto-electronic applications. In particular, van der Waals
heterostructures consisting of monolayers of MoS
sandwiched between atomically thin
hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) and graphene electrodes allows one to obtain light emitting
quantum wells (LEQW’s) with low-temperature external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 1%.
However, the EQE of MoS
and MoSe
-based LEQW’s shows behavior common for many other
materials: it decreases fast from cryogenic conditions to room temperature, undermining their
practical applications. Here we compare MoSe
and WSe
LEQW’s. We show that the EQE of
devices grows with temperature, with room temperature EQE reaching 5%, which is
250x more than the previous best performance of MoS
and MoSe
quantum wells in ambient
conditions. We attribute such a different temperature dependences to the inverted sign of spin-

orbit splitting of conduction band states
in tungsten and molybdenum
dichalcogenides, which makes the
lowest-energy exciton in WSe
Recently molybdenum and tungsten
(referred below as
and WX
(X= S,Se),
respectively) have attracted
considerable attention following the
discovery of the indirect-to-direct
bandgap transition
and the coupling
of the spin and valley degrees of
freedom in atomically thin layers
5, 6
Both in WX
and MoX
electrons and
holes form strongly bound excitons
which are stable at room temperature
10, 11
. Such properties are very attractive
for optoelectronic applications
including photovoltaics
and light
emitting diodes
10, 16-23
as well as optical
micro-cavity devices
24, 25
lasers and exciton-polariton
. Furthermore, a strong
spin-orbit interaction in these
compounds, has been predicted by
density functional theory
27, 28
: in WX
) the lowest energy states in the
conduction band and the highest energy
states in the valence band have the
opposite (same) spin orientations,
preventing (enabling) their
recombination with emission of a
photon (see Fig.1F). Thus, according to
the theoretically predicted spin-state
ordering, the lowest-energy excitonic
sub-band in WX
corresponds to dark
Figure 1. (A) Schematic of the device architecture.
(B) High resolution transmission electron
microscopy image of a cross-sectional slice of a
LEQW on a DBR substrate. (C) Band
alignment at high bias of a WSe
Schematic representation of the band structure of
. Red and blue arrows denote spin orientation.
(E) Current density vs bias voltage V
for the
presented devices. (F) 50x magnification
monochrome image of a WSe
LEQW device with
an applied bias of V
=2 V and current of 2 A taken
in ambient conditions with weak backlight
illumination. Red false color: Au contacts to bottom
graphene, Blue false color: Au contacts to top
graphene (Central white region corresponds to strong
electroluminescence) . See supplementary
information for fabrication details.

excitons, separated from the bright exciton sub-band by the energy combined from the electron
spin-orbit splitting
(of the order of 30-40 meV
) and electron-hole exchange interaction
energy. As we show here, such band-structure properties of WX
strongly impact on the LEQW
performance, leading to a significant enhancement of the room temperature EQE of the WSe
LEQW’s in the electroluminescence (EL) regime. This is in contrast to a more common behavior
observed in MoX
where the EL intensity falls by up to 100 times when the
temperature is varied from 6 to 300 K leading to significant reduction of the EQE.
Experimental procedure
The main component of our stacked-layer van der Waals heterostructure LEQWs is a light-
emitting monolayer of WSe
encapsulated between thin (2-5 monolayers) hexagonal boron
nitride (hBN) barriers with top and bottom transparent graphene electrodes for vertical current
injection (Fig. 1). The layer stacks in the van der Waals structure were manufactured using
multiple ‘peel/lift’ procedure
31, 32
in ambient conditions. The high quality of the samples is
confirmed by cross-sectional TEM measurements (Fig. 1B), which demonstrate micron scale
absence of contamination between the layers occurring as a result of the self-cleansing effect
32, 33
(see supplementary information for AFM and dark field optical microscopy of different devices).
We also fabricate similar LEQW structures comprising MoSe
monolayers. Optical properties of
the LEQW devices are studied using micro-photoluminescence (PL) at low bias voltages,
typically V
<1.8 V (or micro-electroluminescence (EL) measured at larger biases, typically
>1.8 V) with samples placed in a variable temperature cryostat (see Methods).
By applying a bias voltage, V
, between the two graphene electrodes we are able to pass a
tunnel current through the device (Fig. 1E), with the magnitude of the current determined by the
largest thickness of one of the hBN barriers. Fig.1E shows the current density (J) vs bias voltage
) for four devices having different hBN barrier thicknesses. At high bias we are able to
simultaneously inject electrons and holes into the transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) layer,
Fig. 1C, which is observed as a strong increase of the tunnel conductivity. The lifetime of the
injected carriers within the active region of the quantum well is expected to vary as 
is the probability of an electron tunneling a single layer of hBN and N is the number of hBN
atomic layers
(denoted L below). If the lifetime is long enough then excitons can form within
the TMDC and recombine radiatively (Fig.1F). For hBN thickness below 2 L a high proportion
of current will be created by direct carrier tunneling through the whole heterostructure leading to
a reduction of the current-to-light conversion efficiency. For thicker barriers the lifetime of the
carriers increases, leading to improved light emission efficiency. However, in this case the
maximum current density drops leading to dimmer LEQW’s. We find that 2-3 layers of hBN is
an optimal compromise between overall brightness and efficiency (eN
/I) of our devices.

Typical light-emission behavior of a WSe
LEQW at T = 4.2 K is shown in Fig. 2. PL bias-
dependence is shown in Fig. 2B where at zero bias we measure a spectrum shown in Fig. 2E
exhibiting several peaks. We use notation adopted in You et al
, and similarly observe neutral
exciton X
(1.725eV) and trion X
(1.69 eV) peaks as well as a number of additional features,
with the most pronounced peaks P
(1.669 eV) and P
(1.649 eV) and a band at photon energies
below 1.64 eV denoted P
. We would like to stress that, although features P
are always
present in all our samples, their relative intensity varies from device to device. We attribute the
low energy peaks to excitons localized on defects in the TMDC: This is in agreement with
theoretical prediction, that their intensity decays faster upon heating than the intensity of the
trion line
For biases |V
|>2V, we observe strong electroluminescence (EL). In Figs. 2A,C,D,F the peaks
in EL can be easily traced to the peaks in PL spectra, as only insignificant energy shifts of ~3
Figure 2. Contour maps of the EL spectra from a 5+/- 1L hBN- WSe
-3L hBN
LED at T=
4.2 K for negative (A) and positive (C) bias voltage. (B) PL contour map as a function of
, measured at an excitation power of 10 W and excitation energy of 1.95 eV. Current
density vs bias voltage for this device is shown in Fig. 1E (black curve) (E) PL spectrum at
=0V. (D), (F) Bias dependence of the EL for negative and positive polarities respectively
(Low bias spectra are presented more clearly in the supplementary materials).

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Journal ArticleDOI
29 Jul 2016-Science
TL;DR: Two-dimensional heterostructures with extended range of functionalities yields a range of possible applications, and spectrum reconstruction in graphene interacting with hBN allowed several groups to study the Hofstadter butterfly effect and topological currents in such a system.
Abstract: BACKGROUND Materials by design is an appealing idea that is very hard to realize in practice. Combining the best of different ingredients in one ultimate material is a task for which we currently have no general solution. However, we do have some successful examples to draw upon: Composite materials and III-V heterostructures have revolutionized many aspects of our lives. Still, we need a general strategy to solve the problem of mixing and matching crystals with different properties, creating combinations with predetermined attributes and functionalities. ADVANCES Two-dimensional (2D) materials offer a platform that allows creation of heterostructures with a variety of properties. One-atom-thick crystals now comprise a large family of these materials, collectively covering a very broad range of properties. The first material to be included was graphene, a zero-overlap semimetal. The family of 2D crystals has grown to includes metals (e.g., NbSe 2 ), semiconductors (e.g., MoS 2 ), and insulators [e.g., hexagonal boron nitride (hBN)]. Many of these materials are stable at ambient conditions, and we have come up with strategies for handling those that are not. Surprisingly, the properties of such 2D materials are often very different from those of their 3D counterparts. Furthermore, even the study of familiar phenomena (like superconductivity or ferromagnetism) in the 2D case, where there is no long-range order, raises many thought-provoking questions. A plethora of opportunities appear when we start to combine several 2D crystals in one vertical stack. Held together by van der Waals forces (the same forces that hold layered materials together), such heterostructures allow a far greater number of combinations than any traditional growth method. As the family of 2D crystals is expanding day by day, so too is the complexity of the heterostructures that could be created with atomic precision. When stacking different crystals together, the synergetic effects become very important. In the first-order approximation, charge redistribution might occur between the neighboring (and even more distant) crystals in the stack. Neighboring crystals can also induce structural changes in each other. Furthermore, such changes can be controlled by adjusting the relative orientation between the individual elements. Such heterostructures have already led to the observation of numerous exciting physical phenomena. Thus, spectrum reconstruction in graphene interacting with hBN allowed several groups to study the Hofstadter butterfly effect and topological currents in such a system. The possibility of positioning crystals in very close (but controlled) proximity to one another allows for the study of tunneling and drag effects. The use of semiconducting monolayers leads to the creation of optically active heterostructures. The extended range of functionalities of such heterostructures yields a range of possible applications. Now the highest-mobility graphene transistors are achieved by encapsulating graphene with hBN. Photovoltaic and light-emitting devices have been demonstrated by combining optically active semiconducting layers and graphene as transparent electrodes. OUTLOOK Currently, most 2D heterostructures are composed by direct stacking of individual monolayer flakes of different materials. Although this method allows ultimate flexibility, it is slow and cumbersome. Thus, techniques involving transfer of large-area crystals grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), direct growth of heterostructures by CVD or physical epitaxy, or one-step growth in solution are being developed. Currently, we are at the same level as we were with graphene 10 years ago: plenty of interesting science and unclear prospects for mass production. Given the fast progress of graphene technology over the past few years, we can expect similar advances in the production of the heterostructures, making the science and applications more achievable.

4,851 citations

Cites background from "WSe2 Light-Emitting Tunneling Trans..."

  • ...Devices based on WSe2 are particularly efficient: Their quantum efficiency increases with increasing temperature and injection current, reaching 20%at room temperature (94)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors review the recent progress and challenges of 2D van der Waals interactions and offer a perspective on the exploration of 2DLM-based vdWHs for future application in electronics and optoelectronics.
Abstract: Two-dimensional layered materials (2DLMs) have been a central focus of materials research since the discovery of graphene just over a decade ago. Each layer in 2DLMs consists of a covalently bonded, dangling-bond-free lattice and is weakly bound to neighbouring layers by van der Waals interactions. This makes it feasible to isolate, mix and match highly disparate atomic layers to create a wide range of van der Waals heterostructures (vdWHs) without the constraints of lattice matching and processing compatibility. Exploiting the novel properties in these vdWHs with diverse layering of metals, semiconductors or insulators, new designs of electronic devices emerge, including tunnelling transistors, barristors and flexible electronics, as well as optoelectronic devices, including photodetectors, photovoltaics and light-emitting devices with unprecedented characteristics or unique functionalities. We review the recent progress and challenges, and offer our perspective on the exploration of 2DLM-based vdWHs for future application in electronics and optoelectronics. With a dangling-bond-free surface, two dimensional layered materials (2DLMs) can enable the creation of diverse van der Waals heterostructures (vdWHs) without the conventional constraint of lattice matching or process compatibility. This Review discusses the recent advances in exploring 2DLM vdWHs for future electronics and optoelectronics.

1,850 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors reviewed recent progress in understanding of the excitonic properties in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and future challenges are laid out.
Abstract: Atomically thin materials such as graphene and monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) exhibit remarkable physical properties resulting from their reduced dimensionality and crystal symmetry. The family of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides is an especially promising platform for fundamental studies of two-dimensional (2D) systems, with potential applications in optoelectronics and valleytronics due to their direct band gap in the monolayer limit and highly efficient light-matter coupling. A crystal lattice with broken inversion symmetry combined with strong spin-orbit interactions leads to a unique combination of the spin and valley degrees of freedom. In addition, the 2D character of the monolayers and weak dielectric screening from the environment yield a significant enhancement of the Coulomb interaction. The resulting formation of bound electron-hole pairs, or excitons, dominates the optical and spin properties of the material. Here recent progress in understanding of the excitonic properties in monolayer TMDs is reviewed and future challenges are laid out. Discussed are the consequences of the strong direct and exchange Coulomb interaction, exciton light-matter coupling, and influence of finite carrier and electron-hole pair densities on the exciton properties in TMDs. Finally, the impact on valley polarization is described and the tuning of the energies and polarization observed in applied electric and magnetic fields is summarized.

1,234 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This review of the challenges in the CVD growth of 2D materials highlights recent advances in the controlled growth of single crystal 2Dmaterials, with an emphasis on semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides.
Abstract: Two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted increasing research interest because of the abundant choice of materials with diverse and tunable electronic, optical, and chemical properties. Moreover, 2D material based heterostructures combining several individual 2D materials provide unique platforms to create an almost infinite number of materials and show exotic physical phenomena as well as new properties and applications. To achieve these high expectations, methods for the scalable preparation of 2D materials and 2D heterostructures of high quality and low cost must be developed. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a powerful method which may meet the above requirements, and has been extensively used to grow 2D materials and their heterostructures in recent years, despite several challenges remaining. In this review of the challenges in the CVD growth of 2D materials, we highlight recent advances in the controlled growth of single crystal 2D materials, with an emphasis on semiconducting transition meta...

893 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the synthesis, structure, properties, and applications of two-dimensional (2D) materials such as graphene, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), silicene, germanium, black phosphorus (BP), transition metal sulfides and so on.
Abstract: In recent years, two-dimensional atomic-level thickness crystal materials have attracted widespread interest such as graphene, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), silicene, germanium, black phosphorus (BP), transition metal sulfides and so on. These graphene-like two-dimensional (2D) materials have a lot of excellent characteristics such as high specific surface area and high Young's modulus, and many potential applications in diverse areas such as photo-electricity, catalysts, and transistors. In this review, we introduced the synthesis, structure, properties, and applications of graphene, h-BN, and their heterostructures, especially focused on their mechanical, optical, thermal, electric, and magnetic properties. Finally, we present the outlooks and perspectives for these types of excellent 2D materials and their potential applications.

491 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This work reviews the historical development of Transition metal dichalcogenides, methods for preparing atomically thin layers, their electronic and optical properties, and prospects for future advances in electronics and optoelectronics.
Abstract: Single-layer metal dichalcogenides are two-dimensional semiconductors that present strong potential for electronic and sensing applications complementary to that of graphene.

13,348 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The electronic properties of ultrathin crystals of molybdenum disulfide consisting of N=1,2,…,6 S-Mo-S monolayers have been investigated by optical spectroscopy and the effect of quantum confinement on the material's electronic structure is traced.
Abstract: The electronic properties of ultrathin crystals of molybdenum disulfide consisting of N=1,2,…,6 S-Mo-S monolayers have been investigated by optical spectroscopy Through characterization by absorption, photoluminescence, and photoconductivity spectroscopy, we trace the effect of quantum confinement on the material's electronic structure With decreasing thickness, the indirect band gap, which lies below the direct gap in the bulk material, shifts upwards in energy by more than 06 eV This leads to a crossover to a direct-gap material in the limit of the single monolayer Unlike the bulk material, the MoS₂ monolayer emits light strongly The freestanding monolayer exhibits an increase in luminescence quantum efficiency by more than a factor of 10⁴ compared with the bulk material

12,822 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: By using micromechanical cleavage, a variety of 2D crystals including single layers of boron nitride, graphite, several dichalcogenides, and complex oxides are prepared and studied.
Abstract: We report free-standing atomic crystals that are strictly 2D and can be viewed as individual atomic planes pulled out of bulk crystals or as unrolled single-wall nanotubes. By using micromechanical cleavage, we have prepared and studied a variety of 2D crystals including single layers of boron nitride, graphite, several dichalcogenides, and complex oxides. These atomically thin sheets (essentially gigantic 2D molecules unprotected from the immediate environment) are stable under ambient conditions, exhibit high crystal quality, and are continuous on a macroscopic scale.

10,586 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
25 Jul 2013-Nature
TL;DR: With steady improvement in fabrication techniques and using graphene’s springboard, van der Waals heterostructures should develop into a large field of their own.
Abstract: Fabrication techniques developed for graphene research allow the disassembly of many layered crystals (so-called van der Waals materials) into individual atomic planes and their reassembly into designer heterostructures, which reveal new properties and phenomena. Andre Geim and Irina Grigorieva offer a forward-looking review of the potential of layering two-dimensional materials into novel heterostructures held together by weak van der Waals interactions. Dozens of these one-atom- or one-molecule-thick crystals are known. Graphene has already been well studied but others, such as monolayers of hexagonal boron nitride, MoS2, WSe2, graphane, fluorographene, mica and silicene are attracting increasing interest. There are many other monolayers yet to be examined of course, and the possibility of combining graphene with other crystals adds even further options, offering exciting new opportunities for scientific exploration and technological innovation. Research on graphene and other two-dimensional atomic crystals is intense and is likely to remain one of the leading topics in condensed matter physics and materials science for many years. Looking beyond this field, isolated atomic planes can also be reassembled into designer heterostructures made layer by layer in a precisely chosen sequence. The first, already remarkably complex, such heterostructures (often referred to as ‘van der Waals’) have recently been fabricated and investigated, revealing unusual properties and new phenomena. Here we review this emerging research area and identify possible future directions. With steady improvement in fabrication techniques and using graphene’s springboard, van der Waals heterostructures should develop into a large field of their own.

8,162 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This observation shows that quantum confinement in layered d-electron materials like MoS(2), a prototypical metal dichalcogenide, provides new opportunities for engineering the electronic structure of matter at the nanoscale.
Abstract: Novel physical phenomena can emerge in low-dimensional nanomaterials. Bulk MoS2, a prototypical metal dichalcogenide, is an indirect bandgap semiconductor with negligible photoluminescence. When the MoS2 crystal is thinned to monolayer, however, a strong photoluminescence emerges, indicating an indirect to direct bandgap transition in this d-electron system. This observation shows that quantum confinement in layered d-electron materials like MoS2 provides new opportunities for engineering the electronic structure of matter at the nanoscale.

7,886 citations

Frequently Asked Questions (15)
Q1. What contributions have the authors mentioned in the paper "Wse2 light-emitting tunneling transistors with enhanced brightness at room temperature" ?

The authors show that the EQE of WSe2 devices grows with temperature, with room temperature EQE reaching 5 %, which is 250x more than the previous best performance of MoS2 and MoSe2 quantum wells in ambient conditions. 

A final gentle polish with Ga+ ions (at 5kV and50pA) was used to remove side damage and reduce the specimen thickness to 20-70nm. 

The strap protects the region of interest during milling as well as providing mechanical stability to the cross sectional slice after its removal. 

The quantum efficiency is defined as the number of photons emitted per number of injectedcarriers, Ne/i (N = number of emitted photons per second, e electron charge, The authoris the current passingthrough their collection area). 

the quantum well is completed by using a second hBN tunnel barrier to lift a WSe2 flake from a separate Si-SiO2 substrate, the second tunnel barrier together with the WSe2 layer are then peeled onto the hBN-Gr stack. 

Taking into account that 1 pW of power corresponds to NЭPっエ`ЭンヱΑΑヴΑヶ ヮエラデラミゲが the authors arrive at a conversion coefficient between the number of integrated counts and the number of photons incident on the slit of the spectrometer per second leading to the system efficiency of 。system=4203/3177476 =1.32 x 10-3. 

2. Temperature dependence of the Tunneling conductivityAll their LEQW devices display only a weak dependence of the tunnel current on increasing temperature, at most the tunnel current increases by a factor of 2 times in some samples. 

Typical I-Vb dependence for a LEQW device , showing only weak dependence on temperature B, ratio of the tunnel conductivity at a given temperature to that of T = 6 K showing onlya small increase from T = 6 K to T = 300 K taken at Vb = 2.8 V.3. 

As the temperature increases from 20 to 80 K, the EL intensity of the high energy peak X 0 increases by a factor of 2 and the X - peak grows by 1.5 times (see Fig. S8). 

Before removing the final edge supporting the milled slice and milling beneath it to free from the substrate, one end of the Pt strap slice was welded to a nano-manipulator needle ┌ゲキミェ a┌ヴデ 

Devices were also fabricated onto distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) substrates which allow for the collection of 30% of the emitted light ;ミS ノW;Sゲ デラ マ┌Iエ HヴキェエデWヴ LEQWげゲ. 

hBN crystal exfoliated onto an oxidized silicon wafer, dark field images are shown on the right; B, a graphene flake is peeled from an PMMA membrane onto the large hBN crystal; C, the graphene flake is then covered with the first hBN tunnel barrier which is again peeled from a PMMA membrane. 

The observed redistribution of the EL intensity clearly shows thermal-activation type behavior where the occupation of the low energy states decreases, while the population of the high energy states grows with temperature. 

that, eventually, at room T, the neutral exciton line dominates in PL and EL in the majority of LEQWs studied in this work (see also PL results on WSe2 monolayer films in Refs.[6, 7]). 

Supporting Information: Description of the device fabrication, Temperature dependent electroluminescence data for additional WSe2 LED’s, low temperature photoluminescence of MoSe2 LED’s, details of their quantum efficiency estimations and further discussion.