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Agents subject to high rates of taxation on dividends tend to hold stocks with lower dividends and sell (buy) stocks that raise (lower) dividends.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
15 Citations
Most people - not just the public and the media, but also politicians, and even bureaucrats and the courts - seem to believe that the shareholders do, in fact, own corporations.
When politicians divest stocks, firms discontinue contributions to the politicians, lose future contracts, and perform poorly.
We find that left-wing voters and politicians are less likely to invest in stocks, controlling for income, wealth, education, and other relevant factors.
Political markets eventually sort out those politicians with significantly deviant policy preferences, potentially providing a solution to the last period problem and enabling politicians to make credible commitments.
It then proposes that, for non-executive directors to develop the attitudes and behaviors recommended by Roberts, McNulty and Stiles, it is important to require them own a significant amount of company stocks over a long period of time.
One may argue, however, that not all foreign stocks are available to a domestic investor.
A moderate left voter is 17-20% less likely to own stocks than a moderate right voter.
Similarly, when stock prices are far from the 52-week highs, they are willing to buy stocks instead of selling them.

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4 answers
The Flying Geese paradigm refers to a pattern of industrialization and economic development observed in East Asia, where one leading economy initiates industrialization, and others in the region follow suit, shifting their production structures accordingly. This concept is based on the idea that economies in the region progress by mimicking the advancements of the leading economy, moving towards more sophisticated industries over time. The paradigm has been linked to the developmental state model and the concept of regional industrial dynamism, highlighting a blend of market rationalism and protectionism in the region's economic growth. Furthermore, the impact of automation in high-income countries on foreign direct investment growth has been analyzed within the Flying Geese paradigm, indicating a complex relationship between technological advancements and international production shifts.
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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4 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
The most commonly used evaluation metrics for stock price prediction models in the finance industry include accuracy, mean squared error (MSE), RMSE, and R2 score. These metrics are crucial for assessing the performance and efficiency of various prediction algorithms. Studies have compared the performance of different models like Support Vector Machine (SVM), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Decision Tree, Random Forest, and XGBoost, using these metrics to determine the best approach for stock market predictions. While accuracy is a key metric for evaluating the efficiency of algorithms, mean squared error helps in understanding the prediction errors. Additionally, RMSE and R2 score are used to evaluate the models' efficiency, with lower values indicating higher accuracy and precision in predicting stock market returns.