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Can we remove background noise from video in Inshot? 

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Moreover, the resultant larger quantization noise in the background can be suppressed using an edge-preserving enhancement algorithm.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Ma Yi-de, Shi Fei, Li Lian 
01 Jan 2003
27 Citations
Not only can it remove the impulse noise effectively, but it also keeps the details of the images as much as possible.
This technique can remove the noise effectively by retaining image border and detail data clearly.
Hence, the the effect due to background noise can be reduced.
The proposed method can efficiently capture the foreground and eliminates the noise of background.
Simulation results show that the method can save the image detail better, restore the original image and remove noise.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
28 Jan 2007
15 Citations
It is desirable to extract film grain noise from the input video as a pre-processing step at the encoder and re-synthesize the film grain noise and add it back to the decoded video as a post-processing step at the decoder.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Jiahui Wang, Jingxin Hong 
28 Dec 2009
17 Citations
The new algorithm can not only remove mixed noise effectively, but also reserve image details.
Experimental results show that this method can effectively remove the image noise without blurring edges and highlight the characteristics of image edge at the same time.
Using motion and noise level estimates, a video denoising technique is established which is robust to various levels of noise corruption and various levels of motion.
Experimental results show that the proposed filter can well remove the impulse noise and preserve more details of original images.
The outcome of this research is clear recommendations that can be used in practise when suppressing noise artifacts exhibited in digital imagery and video.
The results demonstrate that the proposed method can suppress background noise more effectively than conventional methods.
Themethod is able to remove the noise component, while adapting itself to the local image structure.

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