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Can you play Call of Duty Cold War on ps4 without Internet? 

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Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
22 Nov 2012
102 Citations
It frees players from the need to frequently upgrade their computers as they can now play games that are hosted on remote servers with a broadband Internet connection and a thin client.
This study will achieve that tens of thousands of people share the sense of force and enjoy the Internet games such as tug-of-war by stabilizing the whole system in spite of Internet communication delay.
By using this new technique, people can distribute continuous media information over the Internet without downloading it first, which means that you can play it while you downloading it.
End users would be able to play their favourite games connected over the Internet without having to worry about extensive hardware requirements.
Moving away from military analogy in general and Cold War deterrence in particular, will result in the identification and application of rules with a far better chance of keeping the Internet open and safer for all.
Online gaming was found to play a significant role in the development of internet addiction.
Prolonged Internet video game play may have multiple and complex effects on human cognition and brain development in both negative and positive ways.
In particular, it argues for the necessity to leave the ‘Digital Cold War’ rhetoric behind if the internationalisation and the globalisation of internet governance is to move to the next level.
In other words, while a cold war accepts the logic of conflict in the international system and between certain protagonists in particular, a cold peace reproduces the behavioural patterns of a cold war but suppresses acceptance of the logic of behaviour.
Indeed, I suggest that Call of Duty, while at the cutting edge of game design, imports and reinforces a conservative and even reactionary historiographic model into the emergent genre of digital history.

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