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Spatial concentration of crime is reduced when crime-free street segments are excluded from the crime distributions. The law of crime concentration is not a measurement artifact.
Second, it may be greater in states where crime, especially juvenile violent crime, is more prevalent.
Furthermore, whereas most states in the past seemed to have the capacity to keep organized crime under control, this is no longer so obviously the case.
When comparing states that changed their marijuana laws between 2010 and 2014 to states without any change, results indicate that any decrease in crime rate was not dependent upon changes in laws.
Crime statistics exhibit spatial dependence, and a state’s adoption of right-to-carry law may have external effects on its neighboring states.
These studies also suggest that focused police actions at specific locations do not necessarily result in crime displacement.
By comparing two states ('Lander'), it is shown that it is not so much the developments in crime that are essential.

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4 answers
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5 answers
Show-off behavior can be measured using various methods outlined in the provided contexts. One approach involves analyzing citation practices in scientific communication to determine if authors tend to cite recent literature to show off their knowledge or expertise. Another method involves utilizing a measuring device equipped with a laser transmitter and receiver to accurately record and display measurements, allowing for precise data collection. In a different context, show-off behavior is studied in the context of talent competitions, where individuals may choose to "show off" their abilities through costly signals, impacting the dynamics of competition. Additionally, show-off behavior has been observed in children, with studies comparing the frequency of showing-off behaviors in different cultural settings to understand its role in social interactions. Furthermore, systems and methods have been developed to measure show-through in printed documents, utilizing imaging devices and calculations based on scanned data.
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5 answers
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