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The indication for treatment of pathological crying is therefore further strengthened.
Journal ArticleDOI
01 Sep 2002
8 Citations
It has been hypothesised that crying may have an impact on psychobiological processes in the crying individual himself facilitating the physiological and psychological recovery after distress (intrapersonal effects).
Lay opinion and extensive survey data indicate that crying is a cathartic behavior that serves to relieve distress and reduce arousal.
We anticipate variation across studies but hypothesize that salivary markers of inflammation will increase in response to acute stress.
This pilot investigation suggests that mood disorders increase the frequency of negative emotional crying, and may also alter the functions of this behavior.
Journal ArticleDOI
01 Sep 2002
8 Citations
A possible explanation is that crying may only have a positive effect on well-being when it induces positive effects from the social environment.
Furthermore, some recent studies suggest a positive effect of crying on health status in certain patient groups.
However, it is not the case that all aspects of crying will be increased; rather, that the “excessive” crying in colic is due specifically to prolonged bouts of otherwise normal crying.
Journal ArticleDOI
01 Sep 2002
8 Citations
This would imply that crying does not by definition lead to tension and/or emotional relief.

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What are the most common reasons why students choose to pursue certain courses in college?
5 answers
Students choose to pursue certain courses in college based on a variety of reasons. Research indicates that students are motivated by factors such as course content relevance to future careers, the potential for higher grades, popularity of professors, recommendations from peers. Additionally, students consider structural constraints, normative expectations, and individual motivations when selecting courses, with STEM courses often chosen for career development, social sciences for interest, and humanities for intellectual broadening. Intrinsic motivations like personal preferences heavily influence course selection, while extrinsic factors such as family tradition or course ease have less impact. Moreover, students in exercise and sport science degrees often choose courses due to their love of sport, desire to help others, and career prospects in physiotherapy or sport science. Motivation, including needs for power, affiliation, and achievement, plays a significant role in students' program choices.
What is the relationship between relationship satisfaction and differentiation of the self?
5 answers
Differentiation of self (DoS) plays a significant role in influencing relationship satisfaction. Research indicates that higher levels of DoS are associated with increased relationship satisfaction, as it positively correlates with satisfaction, relationship adjustment, forgiveness, and constructive responses like voice in conflict resolution. Moreover, DoS has been found to predict relationship satisfaction, mediating the relationship between attachment insecurity and satisfaction among lesbian and gay individuals. However, the mediating role of DoS between interpersonal trauma history and relationship satisfaction is inconclusive, as it was not supported when controlling for variables like number of children and relationship length. Overall, a well-developed DoS is crucial for fostering healthier and more satisfying relationships.
What are the potential negative consequences of neglecting emotional labor in the executive office for both leaders and organizations?
5 answers
Neglecting emotional labor in the executive office can have detrimental effects on both leaders and organizations. Failure to address emotional labor may lead to increased emotional exhaustion among employees, impacting individual well-being and organizational performance. Additionally, the absence of emotional labor support can result in higher risks of work-related physical and psychological health problems, such as headaches, muscular pain, fatigue, and depressive symptoms. For leaders specifically, neglecting emotional labor can lead to higher emotional exhaustion and lower job satisfaction, particularly when surface acting is prevalent. Furthermore, the underrepresentation of women in top leadership positions can be attributed to the costs associated with emotional labor, potentially deterring women from pursuing or retaining high-power roles. Overall, neglecting emotional labor can have cascading negative consequences on leaders' well-being, organizational trust, and overall performance.
How does the use of different languages affect human behavior and cognitive development?
5 answers
The use of different languages can significantly impact human behavior and cognitive development. Multilingual exposure in childhood has been linked to effects on executive functions (EFs), with distinctions between "hot" and "cool" EFs. Studies have shown that multilingual education enhances cognitive abilities, including problem-solving, attention, memory, and cognitive flexibility. Additionally, the Systems Framework of Bilingualism highlights how language behavior is influenced by individual, interpersonal, and ecological factors, with language use predicted by social networks and residential linguistic patterns. Research also indicates that bilingualism positively affects cognitive measures like working memory, visuo-spatial processing, and non-verbal reasoning, regardless of socio-economic status. Language development is intricately linked to cognitive abilities, impacting knowledge acquisition, memory, problem-solving, learning, and self-regulation.
Is encountering resistance a common challenge in change management and requires adaptive leadership strategies to navigate successfully?
5 answers
Encountering resistance is a prevalent challenge in change management. Resistance can stem from various factors such as fear of the unknown, lack of readiness, and ineffective leadership. To navigate successfully through resistance, adaptive leadership strategies are crucial. Effective leadership with a clear vision, strong support from senior management, and a culture valuing change and innovation are essential. Understanding the emotional and behavioral indicators of resistance, adapting communication styles, and leveraging individual strengths are key approaches to overcoming resistance. Leaders must inspire, communicate effectively, and support employees to ensure successful change implementation. By addressing resistance through adaptive leadership strategies, organizations can enhance their change management outcomes and facilitate smoother transitions.
How do secondary traumatic stress and compassion fatigue affect frontline workers?
5 answers
Secondary traumatic stress and compassion fatigue significantly impact frontline workers in various healthcare and homelessness service settings. These workers often face high levels of distress due to exposure to traumatic incidents, leading to symptoms such as burnout, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and secondary traumatic stress. Factors like trauma exposure, maladaptive coping strategies, limited work experience, fear of infection transmission, and work engagement play crucial roles in predicting the occurrence of secondary traumatic stress and compassion fatigue among frontline workers. Resilience, compassion satisfaction, and perceived work pressure are identified as key predictors that can either mitigate or exacerbate the impact of these stressors. Implementing interventions to enhance resilience, coping skills, and psychological well-being is crucial to support frontline workers and improve the quality of care they provide.
What is the Impact of Beautification Filters to the self-esteem of Senior High Students?
5 answers
Beautification filters, such as those found on social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, have a significant impact on individuals' self-esteem. These filters can alter facial features in real-time, conforming to current beauty ideals, leading to a unique digital beautifying process. Studies show that the use of such filters can create discrepancies between one's actual self and the idealized self, affecting beauty standards and emotions negatively. Additionally, research indicates that adolescents' use of face filters is linked to acceptance of cosmetic surgery, particularly in terms of social motivations and considerations. Furthermore, the time spent on platforms like TikTok, where these filters are prevalent, correlates with filter usage, highlighting a complex relationship between filter use and self-image satisfaction.
Is religion related to death anxiety?
5 answers
Religion has been consistently linked to death anxiety in various studies. Research among Spanish psychiatric outpatients found that anxiety played a crucial role in the development of Death Distress, with a significant relation between Death Distress and Catholicism, mediated by the frequency of religious practice. Similarly, a study among Palestinian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed a negative correlation between death anxiety and religiosity, with religiosity significantly predicting death anxiety levels. Moreover, research on cardiovascular patients in Iran highlighted that religious attitudes and resilience were inversely correlated with death anxiety, suggesting that religious beliefs and coping mechanisms can reduce fear of death. Additionally, findings from a study on Turkish Muslim adults indicated that positive religious coping was negatively associated with fear of death, emphasizing the role of religious coping in mitigating death anxiety.
Does Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an effective method of psychotherapy?
4 answers
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has shown effectiveness in various psychopathologies, including trauma spectrum disorders. Studies have explored the acceptability and effectiveness of EMDR in treating patients with recurrent traumatic episodes, indicating significant reductions in symptoms and improved emotional regulation. Clinicians have reported positive outcomes and rapid results with EMDR, highlighting its advantages in therapy. EMDR is an integrative client-centered approach that desensitizes traumatic memories, provides cognitive restructuring, and reduces symptomatology, inviting a reexamination of therapy fundamentals. Additionally, EMDR has demonstrated promise in reducing Birth Trauma symptoms, with significant reductions in trauma scores observed post-treatment. Overall, EMDR therapy appears to be an effective method in psychotherapy, warranting further research and consideration for various psychological conditions.
Is a panic attack one of the most distressing symptoms that indicate a separation anxiety??
5 answers
Yes, a panic attack can be a distressing symptom associated with separation anxiety. Research suggests a significant relationship between separation anxiety and panic disorder, especially in cases with an earlier age of onset. Individuals with early-onset/severe panic disorder tend to exhibit higher levels of separation anxiety compared to those with late-onset/not severe panic disorder. Separation anxiety disorder (SepAD) is characterized by clinically significant distress upon separation from attachment figures, which can lead to panic attacks and other forms of psychopathology in adulthood. Childhood separation anxiety has been linked to an increased risk of developing panic disorder later in life, indicating a potential connection between separation anxiety and panic attacks. Therefore, panic attacks can indeed be a distressing symptom associated with separation anxiety, especially when considering the early onset and severity of the conditions.
What factors impact successful completion of MOOC courses?
4 answers
Various factors influence the successful completion of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Motivational factors such as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, availability of resources, instructor attractiveness, and demographic features like gender play crucial roles in MOOC completion rates. Additionally, elements like good-quality course videos, clear instructions, course delivery, and instructor feedback impact effective completion, while challenges like missed deadlines, difficult content, and language barriers contribute to dropout rates. Motivation, categorized into academic, social, course, personal, professional, and technological motives, significantly affects participants' retention in MOOCs, with academic motives being particularly influential. Understanding and addressing these factors are essential for improving MOOC completion rates and enhancing the overall learning experience.