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Furthermore, job satisfaction has significant impact towards employee performance.
Moreover, job satisfaction has a significant influence on employee performance.
Job satisfaction significantly  influences employee performance.
This implies that other factors may contribute to employee job satisfaction.
The findings revealed there are factors that significantly contribute to job satisfaction.

Related Questions

What are the methods to enhance job satisfaction?3 answersTo enhance job satisfaction, various methods can be employed. These include creating a supportive working environment, providing motivation, offering high pay and equal distribution of duties, implementing teacher development programs, fostering healthy interpersonal relationships, and ensuring effective leadership. Job design can also play a role in enhancing job satisfaction by incorporating elements such as job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment. Additionally, improving working conditions, increasing wages and benefits, providing training and development opportunities, rewarding employees, improving business culture and management style, reducing workload, and taking employee feedback into account are other strategies that can enhance job satisfaction. Furthermore, a service-oriented mode of nursing management has been found to enhance nurses' job satisfaction. Overall, understanding and addressing factors such as job stress, lack of communication, and pay can contribute to enhancing job satisfaction in the workplace.
How to improve employees satisfaction in a company?3 answersTo improve employee satisfaction in a company, several factors need to be considered. Firstly, it is important to understand the correlation between employee motivation and satisfaction, as a high degree of satisfaction and commitment to their job can greatly influence the success and profitability of the company. Secondly, factors such as salary management, work environment, and communication play a crucial role in determining employee satisfaction. Additionally, creating a positive company culture, providing immersive work environments, and offering training and career development programs can contribute to higher job satisfaction. It is also essential to address issues such as irregular work scheduling, pay, colleague cooperation, and career path, as these can negatively impact employee satisfaction. By implementing effective communication strategies, promoting team cooperation, offering competitive compensation, and providing opportunities for growth and development, companies can enhance employee satisfaction and ultimately improve overall performance and efficiency.
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9 answers
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How does organisational changes effect employees' mental health?
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Organisational changes have a significant impact on employees' mental health. Research indicates that exposure to various types of organisational changes, such as mergers, change in management, and employee lay-offs, is associated with a higher risk of psychotropic prescription among employees, leading to increased anxiety and lower job satisfaction. Additionally, during the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in working conditions and income loss have been linked to negative mental health outcomes, including burnout, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. However, supportive strategies implemented by managers, such as promoting mental health awareness and providing additional support, can help mitigate the adverse effects of organisational changes on employees' mental well-being. This highlights the importance of organizational support and proactive measures in safeguarding employees' mental health during times of change.
How long of service affects employees financial attitude?
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The length of service significantly influences employees' financial attitudes. Research indicates that longer-serving employees tend to exhibit more positive financial attitudes, potentially due to their accumulated job experience and stronger family financial backgrounds. Additionally, employees with longer service periods are more committed to their work, leading to higher job satisfaction and potentially better financial management practices. This commitment to work can result in reduced personal problems and increased productivity, ultimately impacting financial well-being. Therefore, the duration of service plays a crucial role in shaping employees' financial attitudes and behaviors, highlighting the importance of tenure in understanding and improving financial outcomes in the workplace.
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10 answers
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What are the key factors that influence the success of co-creation initiatives in enhancing employee engagement and motivation?
4 answers
Key factors influencing the success of co-creation initiatives in enhancing employee engagement and motivation include various aspects such as champion, commitment, empowerment, engagement, and strategic planning. Additionally, the ability of service firms to interact effectively, employees' motivation to co-create value with customers, and supervisor proactive personality play crucial roles in motivating frontline employees' value co-creation behaviors, ultimately enhancing engagement and motivation. Moreover, the effectiveness of employee co-creation activities in increasing positive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perceptions is moderated by self-construal, with individuals viewing themselves as interdependent showing increased CSR engagement and organizational engagement. These factors collectively contribute to the success of co-creation initiatives in fostering employee engagement and motivation.
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The concept of creative leadership in project management in Saudi Arabia has evolved significantly. Studies have highlighted the importance of creative leadership attributes such as empathy, clarity, and creativity in enhancing organizational culture and driving innovation. Research has shown that active leadership plays a crucial role in managing construction risks within big-size companies in Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the need for effective leadership to mitigate complexities in construction projects. Additionally, the influence of person-organization fit and turnover intention on creative behavior through psychological ownership has been studied among private-sector employees in Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the positive impact of psychological ownership on creative behavior. These findings underscore the growing recognition of creative leadership as a vital component in fostering innovation and success in project management contexts in Saudi Arabia.
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Middle managers' cognitive styles, such as creating, knowing, and planning, play a crucial role in organizational change success by influencing organizational performance through the organizational capacity for change (OCC). Additionally, middle managers' leadership styles, particularly transformational and instrumental leadership, directly impact strategy implementation effectiveness, with transformational leadership also indirectly affecting effectiveness through work team coordination. Furthermore, middle managers' resistance to digital transformation can be influenced by their values, with those high in tradition, conformity, security, and power values being more resistant, while those high in universalism, self-direction, and stimulation values are more open to change. Overall, understanding and aligning middle managers' cognitive styles, leadership approaches, and values are key factors in ensuring successful change implementation at the middle management level.