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The study showed that it is possible to adopt an integrated learning module in the first year of medical course under a conventional curriculum.
This study indicates an enormous challenge and an urgent need to revamp and reform undergraduate medical education and change in medical curriculum with need instituting practical training at Directly Observed treatment Short Course (DOTS) centers in the curriculum of medical students in India.
The course offers a method of teaching acute care for medical undergraduates in an educationally sound, resource-efficient manner.
It can be observed that the students of both years of the medical course have common perceptions on the learning process in the field of primary care, showing the importance of this scenery for a differentiated medical education, above all for the construction of critical and reflexive professionals capable of learning how to learn with the reality they are facing.
A short course in EBM will significantly improve the skills and knowledge of undergraduate medical students.

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What are the main trends in the use of AI in educative research?
5 answers
The main trends in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational research include personalized learning, intelligent tutoring systems, natural language processing, gamification, and ethics. Additionally, AI is being utilized to evaluate educational performance in basic education, especially in developing countries, to better understand educational dynamics and detect patterns. Furthermore, AI is increasingly applied in simulation-based learning, focusing on virtual agents, affective computing, and assessments to enhance learning experiences. Moreover, bibliometric analysis reveals that AI in Education (AIED) research trends in the last decade encompass applications to students, engineering education, teaching methods, e-learning, education systems, and curriculum integration with AI, indicating the potential for revolutionizing the education system.
How debates in class improve critical thinking?
4 answers
Debates in class have been shown to significantly enhance critical thinking skills among students. By engaging in debates, students are required to analyze, evaluate, and construct arguments, thereby fostering their critical thinking abilities. Various studies have highlighted that debate activities not only improve students' language proficiency but also enhance their critical thinking skills by encouraging them to think critically about the subject matter at hand. Furthermore, the structured nature of debates, where students are assigned specific positions and theories to defend, helps them develop a deeper understanding of ethical theories and apply them to real-world dilemmas, thereby honing their critical thinking skills. Additionally, online group debate activities supported by argument maps have been found to gradually enhance students' overall depth of critical thinking, providing them with opportunities to express their thoughts and engage in meaningful exchanges.
What would be the outcome if the well-being of the students in the Philippines is low?
5 answers
If the well-being of students in the Philippines is low, various negative outcomes can be anticipated. Low well-being among students can lead to increased mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Additionally, it can result in higher dropout rates and poor academic performance. Financial stress has been shown to negatively impact students' well-being, especially when not buffered by external locus-of-hope. Factors such as age, gender, and socio-economic status have also been found to influence well-being among college students, with socio-economic levels significantly impacting overall well-being. Neglecting the mental health and well-being of Filipino children can lead to enduring mental health epidemics in the future. Therefore, addressing and improving student well-being is crucial to prevent these adverse consequences.
How can power imbalances affect children working in pairs?
5 answers
Power imbalances can significantly impact children working in pairs, as evidenced by various studies. Research shows that power differentials in mixed-gender teams can lead to unequal participation, with one gender dominating the interaction, potentially discouraging the other gender from engaging in engineering activities. Additionally, asymmetry in power dynamics within friendships, especially in boys' dyads, can result in lower friendship quality, affecting conflict resolution and validation, regardless of gender. Furthermore, experiments suggest that balanced power structures lead to more efficient outcomes in relationship-specific investments, highlighting the importance of equitable power distribution for optimal results. Understanding and addressing power imbalances are crucial for fostering harmonious collaborations and promoting positive outcomes in various contexts involving children working in pairs.
What current research is being done on AI in education?
5 answers
Current research on AI in education encompasses various aspects such as personalized learning systems, the necessity of AI implementation, the impact on students, and the development of educational robots. Studies explore the influence of demographics like age, gender, and field of study on AI utilization in classrooms. Frameworks for AI in education include social networking sites, chatbots, expert systems, machine learning, and virtual environments. The importance of AI in achieving educational goals is emphasized, highlighting the need for individualized, effective, and transformative education. Bibliometric analysis reveals AI's revolutionizing impact on education, offering personalized solutions and affecting students significantly. Educational robots with AI teaching functions and algorithms like KNN are developed to enhance AI education systems. These diverse research efforts aim to enhance learning experiences through AI technologies in educational settings.
Factors that affects a teacher's pedagogical practices in school?
4 answers
Teachers' pedagogical practices in schools are influenced by various factors. Research indicates that teachers' mathematical beliefs, attitudes, and anxiety significantly impact their instructional practices in mathematics. Additionally, the modern educational landscape, shaped by liberalization, privatization, globalization, and digitalization, has shifted teaching strategies towards a focus on pedagogical aspects to enhance learning outcomes. Moreover, the relational dynamics between teachers and students play a crucial role in shaping teaching experiences and practices, highlighting the importance of understanding the lived experiences and relationality in teaching. Furthermore, obstacles faced by teachers in adopting efficient teaching practices include school factors, teaching factors, external influences, and non-teaching factors, emphasizing the multidimensional nature of quality teaching processes.
What are the potential challenges and barriers when engaging collaborative work or learning in math or precalculus?
5 answers
Engaging collaborative work or learning in mathematics or precalculus can face several challenges and barriers. Resistance from teachers preferring traditional expository teaching methods over cooperative learning can hinder implementation. Additionally, discrepancies between students' prior classroom experiences and the use of new collaborative technologies can pose challenges for teachers in facilitating mathematics learning effectively. Furthermore, in Indigenous environments, despite the alignment of collaborative learning with Indigenous ways of knowing, there are significant challenges in implementing collaborative learning environments due to various factors. Overcoming these challenges requires addressing issues such as teacher resistance, technological disparities, and cultural considerations to create successful collaborative math learning environments.
What are green schools? who started this concept?
4 answers
Green schools are educational institutions that promote environmentally friendly practices and instill eco-conscious behaviors in students and school communities. These schools integrate environmental aspects into their curriculum, maintain sustainable and safe school environments, and engage in activities like waste management and reducing single-use plastics. The concept of green schools, also known as the adiwiyata program in Indonesia, aims to develop students' environmental awareness and scientific literacy skills through hands-on experiences with nature and eco-friendly initiatives. Green schools emphasize the importance of protecting the environment, fostering a sense of responsibility towards nature, and promoting clean and healthy living behaviors among students. The Green School movement was initiated internationally and has been implemented in various countries to cultivate a culture of environmental stewardship within educational settings.
What is school clubs?
4 answers
School clubs are extracurricular activities organized by schools in collaboration with NGOs or civil society organizations to promote various aspects of education and personal development among students. These clubs aim to cultivate peace, enhance physical activity opportunities, strengthen humanistic education, prevent bullying, and develop positive attitudes among students. They have been successful in improving school retention rates, resolving conflicts non-violently, and creating a more peaceful and harmonious school environment. Despite their benefits, challenges such as the lack of diverse event operations, short-term competition-focused activities, and issues with personnel overload have been identified, highlighting areas for improvement in sustaining the positive impact of school clubs.
What are the current laws in place regarding the use of mother tongue in schools?
5 answers
Current laws regarding the use of mother tongue in schools vary globally. In South Africa, the Constitution, National Education Policy Act, and South African Schools Act emphasize the importance of mother-tongue education. The Philippines has implemented the Bilingual Education Policy, requiring the use of learners' native language in instruction from kindergarten to grade three, with a transition to Filipino and English in later grades. Additionally, there is a push for mother tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) in various countries to preserve indigenous languages and cultures. These laws aim to ensure that students have the opportunity to learn in their mother tongue, promoting cognitive and social development while preserving linguistic heritage.
How does coordination, communication, supervision, and teacher competency affect the quality of education in Smkn?
5 answers
Coordination, communication, supervision, and teacher competency play crucial roles in enhancing the quality of education in SMKN. Studies emphasize the significance of coaching programs like MGMP, Taftisy I'dad, and Kamisan in developing teacher competence. Additionally, effective communication and supervision by school leaders and the provision of guidance, motivation, and rewards by teachers contribute to improving educational quality. Furthermore, the management of educator development, including planning, organizing, and evaluating coaching activities, positively impacts professional competence and educational quality in maritime schools. Moreover, the study on teacher performance at SMPN 27 Bekasi City highlights the positive influence of pedagogic competence, motivation, and work environment on teacher performance, ultimately affecting the quality of education. Efforts to enhance teaching quality through academic supervision have shown improvements in both administrative and process aspects at SMK Negeri 2 Probolinggo City.