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How can you create a healthy work culture that boosts productivity? 

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Findings – The data reveals that work-life culture has no direct effect on labor productivity but does have an indirect effect on it, through the availability of work-life programs.
The authors show that culture plays an important role in productivity gains across countries, contributing to the study of the effects of culture on economic development, and that culture can be empirically measured and linked to an activity that directly affects the economic growth – labor productivity.
The paper argues that organizational culture significantly influences employee performance and productivity in the dynamic emerging context.
Journal ArticleDOI
Gib Akin, David Hopelain 
74 Citations
From our study, we have concluded that productivity occurs when management, supervisors, and workers focus primarily on the work being done and on how things go right.
The information of this study shows there is a meaningful relation between organization’s culture and productivity.
A higher average productivity or a more inegalitarian dispersion of remunerations requires a more collectivist culture.
Practical implications Findings highlight the variability in how organizational culture affects employees across the work environment.
The study can also help Westerners appreciate culture differences and productivity challenges in this developing country.

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