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How do I become an entrepreneur with no experience? 

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This can have both positive and negative connotations for an entrepreneur, plus they face additional and distinctive challenges that mainstream entrepreneurs do not experience.
However, entrepreneurs with more than one start-up experience do not make more investments than entrepreneurs with one start-up experience.
We also find that the paradox of breadth is attenuated—the potential penalty of functional breadth and the corresponding need to develop narrow market experience are reduced—when the entrepreneur has alternate methods of signaling legitimacy, including high status and more-typical prior work experience.
On the other hand, the profitability tends to be low when the entrepreneur has only start-up, managerial and high-growth experience without an educational background.
The findings show that entrepreneurs with managerial experience, an effective entrepreneur in the family, unique knowledge, and whose employees have unique knowledge obtain higher mean scores in the general indicator of entrepreneurial success.
Based on the adult survey data of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor in Vietnam 2017/2018, the study find that having entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and experience and knowing an entrepreneur are positively associated with the individual’s perception of feasibility to start a new business; whereas, the fear of failure do not have a direct significant effect on it.
The findings are less clear in regards to the link between general education and the choice to become an entrepreneur.
Consequently, this paper improves the roadmap of entrepreneurship ecosystems by adding the innate skills and conceptualising four generic archetypes, the local entrepreneur, the global entrepreneur, the incremental entrepreneur, and the radical entrepreneur, based on the combination of short/long education and narrow/broad labour.

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